Showing Posts For Mastermind.3169:

How to know what is what?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Thank you all, got it now <3

How to know what is what?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Charged crystals spawn during the event for them. They spawn around the map, lots of locations, not always in every location though. They kinda look like floating sky crystals, bigger than the crystals that give you the abilities, and floating unlike sky crystals.

There are a couple spawns up by the sky docks waypoint, so I usually will pop up there grakittenun down the lightning portion to the event guy and hand it in.

Unsure on something, ask in map chat, ask in say chat, ask on the forums. Lots of people around willing to help.

Thank you very much <3

How to know what is what?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Where in the game or on any wiki can I find info on what the difference things are in the events of this game? Like what a charged crystal are and what I can do to find those? And everything else too ofcourse, the events means nothing if you need to spend 4 weeks just trying to figure out weird riddlenames for things that makes no sense. Is there ingame characters to ask where to find certain things the other NPCs asks for?

Is this really what you wanted from an MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Equal pvp feels essential for pvp or it can never be competetive, but equal pve just destroys immersion. In spite of these things I do not really get why this is even discussed before the gamebreaking bugs are fixed so that everyone can play it and get people to come back to the game.

Same Bots Day After Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


They wait a few weeks so that they can gather and sell enough gold first, so that they can afford new accounts after the ban hammer has struck.

Wealth Distribution

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


ANet decides what gems are worth by how much gems are injected into the market, now that most of the sales-income from the game is spent they need the prices to go up to make the few people left playing buy more gems.

World designers deserve a medal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


World record for most invisible walls.

Magic find; additive of multiplicative?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


As I’ve figured from all the countless other posts of this matter is seems it doesnt make alot of difference, ie. a guess, but it probably changes base chance. 140% extra chance where base chance is for example 0.1% would mean 0.24% chance. A really high amount of observations are needed to see the difference.

It would be interesting to get some real info though.

Leveling is just to fast!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


… In about an hour! …

An hour per level seems quite right if you mix it up.. 80 hours per character, times 5 slots.

Has Guild Wars 2 been worth your $60.00?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


The amount of free time wasted because of bugs, which is way more than the amount of time of actual play for fun, would probably end up in the negative alot. And that my char doesn’t get completes for dungeons like the other guys it is running with, which makes it impossible to be allowed to play explorables… Best not to think about it and only play chars below level 30 or something.

Should I feel bad about spending real mony on gems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


See gemstore as “instead-of-monthly-cost” and you know you can buy for around €8/$12 a month without feeling bad about it, whatever you get from it.

One Word - Endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


It would be nice with some kind of coop-content for more than 5 people though.

Commander in PvE = A problem

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Feels like they must have thought of this and will change it when there’s enough commanders. We can just wait and see.

Why is the camera so focused on the floor???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Tried resizing the window to 4:3 aspect, and yes, it feels just right. Maybe its time to get that old CRT from the cellar.. =)

I haven't gotten a gold sale letter in a week.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Got one yesterday, reported, deleted
Still have one in my inbox though Couldn’t delete it as the fool put 1c on it and I wasn’t ABOUT to accept it

I believe the 1c disappears after reporting them? If not I am mistaken, but thought this happened to a few coppers in my mail.

It didnt for me a couple weeks ago, I just accepted it and deleted as theres a limit to how much mail you may have. Accepting ingame mails can hardly be an offense no matter who sent it.

I haven't gotten a gold sale letter in a week.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


It is really noticable how much less goldsellers there are now by just looking at the chat. Much better than my expectations. Nice work indeed! =)

I've come to dislike waypoints.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169



I also don’t like waypoints and I think a system where you automatically travel through the land on some sort of vehicle or mount is better but most of the younger players are not willing to wait 2+ minutes to go from point A to point B.

The dragon or event is usually dead or gone by then.

Which of these 2 Elites does more damage, and by how much?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Your own math says that Hounds of Balthazar does more damage if they stay alive for the duration, by how much I do not know as I do not know how far it is between their attacks.

If it’s the same, let’s say 10 attacks (500dmg avg including crits) in 30 seconds plus one leap per dog.. that’s 5k dmg + 22.5k burning dmg (is that per dog?) = 27.5k dmg or 50k dmg depending on my parenthesis-question.

The wolf does with the same math 6k + 18k dmg = 24k dmg.

Edit: Forgot the leap and charge, 1.6k more dmg for the hounds in this case.

Q.Qers and why they feel the need to stick around and insult/attack people who like the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


I think most people telling what they feel is wrong is because they want it to be better. Everybody does not find bugs and such fun. Some do not care though, and some people, like the OP, even try their best to talk down on their fellow players. It’s ok though, you’re angry at people that are disappointed.

Allways 3-4 levels behind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


I think it is mostly hard for the first 20 levels, then it is not much extra things needed between storyquests. Like my last character, a thief, completed both human and forest (whatever that race is called) lvl 1-15 zones and did most DE’s there and was only lvl 12 when finished. I know of no dungeon at that level either.

Legendary weapons no longer an option for most players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


They could have a city lottery instead, one person a week winning a legendary. The ticket can cost like 5g, and the rest of us can call it the idiot-tax.

How to get to English General Discussion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


You must delete cookies for this site and login again. (Restart browser before too if you have ie, firefox, safari or chrome.)

Age of GW2 Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


I’m 37 and want some things in this game to be fixed and/or changed, I enjoy it though.

Why this game has no dungeon finder?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


LFG systems works, they do not ruin communities, WoW’s LFG system failed because the dungeon, badge & loot-system failed.

Helping players form groups will never be bad.

Lack of any real loot is a huge problem for this game!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


I feel it is good that there is no sure way to make lots of ingame currency, but the waypoint-moneysink should be re-thought about a bit, always ending up in the minus for doing stuff does not feel good.

Why is the camera so focused on the floor???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


There will not be an option to change FOV in the future according to Jon Peters, because it hurts their artistical pride and it weighs alot heavier than what their customers feels about their game.

Source external link:

Why dont i want to play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


It is a an extremely tedious game with lots of annoyances like clipscenes and longwinded talking npc’s. You need to overcome that to enjoy it.

The game starts at lvl 30 for PvE as you get your ace up the sleeve in the form of the elite skill, and traits are starting to form a nice bonus and you are allowed to do your first dungeon.

It’s a looong road to 80 though, so patience is like 90% of this game.

Keys for Black Lion Chests

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


You get more keys in the beginning for you to get to know how it works, then you get more boxes instead so that you feel you have to pay some money if you liked opening the boxes. It works the same in all pay2win games.

Was letting everyone be ranged AND melee a bad decision?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Was letting everyone be ranged AND melee a bad decision?


Hammers are too small

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


My hammer look like a small shovel with jewelry on it and I do not think it is intended.

how much gold did you have at 60?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


I had like 10 silver when I hit 60 because of crafting, but wanting the book I held off crafting and got the book around lvl 63.

GW2: Thank you.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Cool and cute, and I agree to many parts. ^^

Gold Buyers - Lets deal with the cause in addition to the effect.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


I guess noone would have been commander yet without them, except for the few with very generous guildmembers.

Interested in learning about FoV?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


94 degrees would be perfect from how I am sitting and my screen, I now always set my games to that except consoll-like games that are capped to 65 or 75.

Is Being "Tanky" Useless?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


I believe that being tanky or healy is not useless as there are no dps-meters yet.

Losing interest? Try this!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169



…Why Im bored is that you dont get rewards for aynthing besides explorer dungeons…

I cant even do explorer dungeons because my character do not get completes from storymode. =)

Master Weaponsmiths now sell their goods for coin instead of karma, as was originally intended.... What the ???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Sparkle bombs? I want one!

Losing interest? Try this!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169



… I think that in a world with YouTube, free image hosting, and all that, anyone has the ability to gather evidence in support, or against something…

It just not the way it works, the usual guy will not spend 40+ hours a week gathering evidence that a game does not work. They will simply stop playing the game if it does not work.

After that a few people that lost all there friends ingame, maybe sitting in a guild with 300 members and everyone offline at peak hours, will enter the forum and tell people they do not like that the game is broken. And then they will stop playing too. Then maybe get banned or warned by the moderators for not starting their post with “I love this game so much but…”.

Losing interest? Try this!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


As to point 4, most people do not want to be held accountable for the bugs of this game and do not bother telling anyone about them in this forum. They just follow your number 1 and stop playing.

Guild Wars 2 is fun.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


I am still waiting for some progress-breaking bugs to be resolved, then I will probably be back online too.

Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Well maybe Taylor Swift plays guild wars 2 and named her charr Taylor Swiftclaw you never know…

Haha, I would like to see that!

Tower Down bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


I had to do that quest 8 times, one of those times was because of a server restart though.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


8.3 is a high score for sure by so many users, swtor that suffered about the same problems and also only was fun in low levels got 5.7. Something must have been done right, or it just takes a bit longer reaching lvl 80 than reaching lvl 50.. who knows?


in Suggestions

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Yes, it would be more fun if gw was made openworld instead. Maybe in gw3?

This method has some advantages over the traditional open world model. In WoW for example, if I am correct, when the server is full, you’re queued. In the GW2 model, as each zone is separate, it can “balance” between all those zones, so although you may get punted to an overflow, it will be brief and you’ll be back playing with people in no time.



in Suggestions

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Yes, it would be more fun if gw was made openworld instead. Maybe in gw3?

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Logged in 14:59 CET, immediately got 4 gold-seller-mails all of them containing easy filterwords and patterns.

Waited 3 minutes, noticed that for once you could go 3 minutes without chat being flooded by goldsellers, never happened before during any time of day.

I logged out 15:02 CET because I knew that everything was still broken and there was nothing to do until they release bugfixes, and support still has not responded to my tickets.

Bots in Guild Wars 2 [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


So true, one days work by one person normally moderating this forum would totally annihilate the botters. 2 weeks work would make them think twice about purchasing another gw2 copy. A few handpicked days per month after that would keep it very very low.

…yes, definitely, just one day and one person would totally be able to annihilate all the bots rollseyes.
Let alone that it is not the community managers’ job to ferret out bugs and botters.

You do realize we have quite a handful of worlds, each of whom houses a massive map with way more than a dozen “popular botting spots” (at least according to this article) ?

And believe it or not, but most of those botters you see have likely NOT bought a copy of this game. What did you think they hack accounts for?

Yes, in an 8 hour day one person would definitely find about 50 accounts per server that was botting and or trying to sell gold for money if they would spend a few minutes on each (Goldselling is 98% of all chat on my server for example, by about 20 or so bots). And for hacking (which isn’t hacks anyways, just people using the same credentials when buying gold or black market cdkeys and the like), the sooner they ban the accounts the sooner the owner of the accounts becomes aware of what has happened.

But this is not likely at all to happen, because Anet earns nothing from stopping this, except some bandwidth on their forums. They will probably keep posting once a week or so that they, sometime in the future, will try to stop it, but state that it is impossible to read the goldselling peoples messages in chat or watching character behaviour or even just plain asking them.

Bots in Guild Wars 2 [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


I would love to hear ANets plans to stop this nonsense. I remember back in the day while I was playing Tibia, that Gamemasters were actively hunting botters. A player could simply report the botter ingame and 5 minutes later a Gamemaster would show up, and quickly decide if the player was a botter. Also with every single update they implemented safety features that rendered all AI scirpts.

Tibia was run by a small company and had few Gamemasters at the time, yet they managed to keep the game clean for years and years. I’m sure that a company like ANet will be able to do atleast the same or even better.

Oooh and maybe we should just spam there facebook/twitter/whatever crap currently is “hot”, with the question what they will do about this situation.

So true, one days work by one person normally moderating this forum would totally annihilate the botters. 2 weeks work would make them think twice about purchasing another gw2 copy. A few handpicked days per month after that would keep it very very low.

Player Happiness Investigation: The Results

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Cool info, thanks. =)

Bots in Guild Wars 2 [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


Happy playerbase = loyal players = more players spending time ingame = more players willing to buy gold
Unhappy playerbase = losing players = bad reviews = say byebye to your company.

So why would Anet not want a happy playerbase?

Say hi to Guild Wars 3..