Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
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Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Stop liking what I don’t like!
Hahaha, this.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
- Acolyte of Dwayna, it fits the theme and overall look of a couple of my characters. They all have white, blue and gold dye schemes with eternity etc.
- Dungeoneer or any Champion Legionnaire/Illusionist etc titles. I admire them because they both show a lot of hard work went into them.
- A title for the achievement of owning 5 legendaries. Twice-told Legend you only need 2 of the same, why is that considered worthy of a title when owning 5 isn’t? That’s my biggest petty gripe with this game.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
- I will get really narky with any player who voices stupid obvious kitten in local chat “stack” “kill the mobs” “get on flower” and after yelling (read; caps) at them, I block them too.
- I try not to but I always secretly judge a players skill based on AP.
- I also compare my toons looks with others and preen based on the knowledge (in my deluded little world) that mine’s better.
- Anyone who complains about ‘gaudy’ legendaries, or how needlessly glitzy they are I immediately assume is jealous and run around like an obnoxious twit swinging eternity.
- Same for the black wings.
- I don’t even feel that bad about this list, despite it being silly and petty.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
I hate threads like these, even more so the people who throw around words like “p2w” without any actual understanding of their meaning. The guy who buys his legendary with real life money that he worked to earn is equal to the one who farms like crazy to craft his legendary in-game.
I have 8 legendaries and have crafted 9 (sold one) if I had the option hell yes I’d have bought them all straight off the tp.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Im hoping they at least nerf stairs and 45 degree angles if there is a feature patch.
I mean they are legit the most lethal PvE mob.
Aaaaand there goes the coffee I was drinking.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
I’m up to 19 alts, I think 3 were craft levelled, 2 purely map comp, 1 purely through through eotm and the rest were a mix. Map completion was actually really fun and I picked up a few things; my first of advice is to always always buy candied apples and sharpening stones (15% exp off apples and 10% off stones) the next would be to gather every node you come across and at least tag all events. This game grants you exp just by tripping over stuff so definitely take advantage of that. Sigils of speed are good for those early levels too when most classes don’t have access to their speed signets or traits.
Of course it’s a lot easier for veterans who’ve played the game for years now and know hearts like the back of their hand but I’ve found those tips do help people just starting out
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Hopefully something ridiculously over-the-top flamboyant, just because I get my nark on whenever someone complains the current weapons are all too effeminate.
On a serious note; legendaries that are just the opposites of the current ones in terms of aesthetics. Boring yes, but I lack imagine
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
In-lore it would make sense for Revenants to be level 80 but in-game wise I don’t see it going over well, besides like everyone else said, we’re all pretty well stocked on level up tomes.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Like others I’m going to instant level to 80 with tomes and I have enough scrolls of knowledge to fill in SP gaps if needed, I am going to hold off on giving her any skins though, got to check out the new ones HoT will bring!
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Transparent attempt to squeeze more money out of the player base.
-10/10 don’t want.
Honestly it’s like they just sit there and go “Hey, you know what would be funny?”
And stop treating new players like they can’t fill a bucket with water, using them as an excuse for idiotic decisions isn’t fair to them.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
My thief, a few makeover kits later and she turned out looking more like a fairy than anything. I’m happy with it though.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
I am new to GW2 and would welcome friends to quest with or whatever
lol thats my bad a girl messaged me last night and i assumed it was u but if it wasnt wud u like to play together?
Sure I would message you in game but I’m not sure how to do that? Tried to earlier through mail but it wouldn’t send.
In the chat box write /w then enter their name in the first small box, then right next to that is the other for the message you want to send them.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Because the most common underwater mobs are krait, and well, kitten krait.
Also there’s a myriad of issues involved with underwater combat. The most frustrating one I come across is being directly in front of a mob, spamming 1 like a guardian in a cursed shore event and for some vague arbitrary reason it doesn’t connect but the mob is free to wail on me.
That said underwater exploration is awesome and I love it, combat just mucks it up.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
That noise that incinerator makes, most pronounced on d/d eles in fire 1 skill.
It is nails down a god kitten chalk board awful.
Other than that, not many things I think need tweaking. I wouldn’t mind if Bifrost did get a more distinct aura (even though it already has been given a rework) but then again I’d be happy if it turned my ele into one big rainbow.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Just gonna quote Zero Punctuation here
“Hype is a device invented created by mean spirited marketing directors who never discovered the true meaning of Christmas”
Never, ever expect a game to live up to its hype. They’re just trying to sell you the product before you figure out everything that’s wrong with it.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
I told an in-game buddy that I was a bit upset I didn’t have any cake for my birthday and he mailed me a chocolate cake, cheap and not exactly top tier consumable but it still sits in my bank. Don’t think I’ll ever delete.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
I agree with the OP; show don’t tell, show don’t tell, holy crap don’t tell.
That’s all we get; Braham telling us how cool Eir is. It felt like the equivalent of someone telling a terrible joke and then insisting “It’s funnier if you were there”.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Not sure where this discussion is at I skimmed a bit but OP if you’re trying it on a mesmer (took me a few tries to get it as I relentlessly chased the achievements) there’s a few things I did that may help; I used a GS + s/s and my utilities were blink, null field and the mantra cleanse (swordsman on a lower cd than both duelist/warden + #4 skill is a cc, helpful for menders)
At the start of the fight I began in melee range, spawned an izerker, then a swordsman + timewarp and that chunked his health nicely and just evade the first hammer slam then move to the back of the room and keep eating away at him with your gs, range down fear totems as soon as they appear it’s an extra hassle you don’t need.
Then just swap into s/s for the menders, illusionary leap + swordsman + blurred frenzy will be a pretty quick kill then just focus on ranging the statue (easier if melee makes you uncertain) staying just at the back of the room and ranging let me kite the orbs much more easily just dodge rolling through them usually caused them to disappear (once they attacked). Occasionally swap into s/s to spawn a swordsman on him + your izerkers from GS will chip away at his health.
Sorry if this became a wall of text.
Ah also, you’re best off using zerker gear for this kinda fight. It’s not necessary but it can make things quicker.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Sometimes my net functions perfectly, others it’ll drop unexpected but immediately reconnect. Or it just won’t return.
You can imagine my parties frustration in the latter scenario when they’re kicked from Arah paths or indeed any dungeon. A lot of things need to be fixed about dungeons and this is one of them, but the problem is very few areas of the game receive any attention from Anet. Go the wvw forums, players there feel just as neglected, Pvp same story, dungeons etc… it makes me wonder what Anet are doing since core aspects of their game are being diligently ignored.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
I had a whole paragraph typed out then realized no one cares and deleted it. Bottom line, craft a legendary if you really want it just remember to have fun. Don’t want a legendary? That’s cool too do whatever the kitten makes you happy in game.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
The alpha crystal bug… the champion destroyer crab with the ability to walk through walls…
But don’t worry, there’s more stuff in the gem store!
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Everything about dungeons lately has become egregious to me but I can always trust the NPCs to pull their same buggy kitten.
I would love to personally fire all the Arah ones into the sun.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
I think a lot of the Guild Wars 2 community needs to get over this need for exclusivity, from what I can tell your main problem is that other people are going to have the same stuff as you. MMO. Massively multiplayer online. As my guild mate put it “Countless people across many servers have the same skin as you. You are not special.”
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Don’t bother with a ticket, all you get in reply is a “we’re working on it”.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
I’m armed with brownies and sheer determination it’s 2:30am, bring it.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Only just getting into fotm months ago first fotm ever I get the sword skin drop, sweet looking thing so I put it on my mesmer.
A week later, another low level fotm as a nub, sword skin drops again. Awesome. On it goes to my other mesmer (for wvw) a few days later I decide to delete her for the extra character slot as I wasn’t using her anyway, before I hit delete confirmation I remember her skins and go through the process of making them account bound. Delete her.
Pat myself on the back for being so savvy as to remember. Hop onto my ranger decides she needs a sweet sword, over to the bank for my fotm skin “Item soulbound to another character”
I’d make everything account bound but that stupid sword. I was too ashamed to address it so I let it sit there to remind myself to pay attention.
(Thank you April feature pack!)
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
What I’m saying is its the Mass Effect story.
Well if it ends like ME3 I’m picking the red pi- option.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
This comment.
You know, hindsight.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
I can understand being pretty annoyed that you go through all the trouble to craft not one but two legendaries of the same type, no doubt it has a certain prestige (and symmetry) to it, but at the end of the day it’s a game. I’ve crafted Bifrost and Eternity and soon bolt so I’m pretty overjoyed at being able to dual-wield Bolt.
Is your gaming experience and fun honestly going to be so terribly damaged because someone is dual wielding the legendaries you chose to make twice? It’s small compensation but you’ll have best in-game stats and changeable any time you choose, and if you’re really desperate to let people know you aren’t a scrub who made only one Incinerator (gasp!) just ping it so we can all bask in your glory. Sorry for being snide but having people try and revoke something that can improve your experience and in no way damage theirs is pretty aggravating (aimed at those against LW skins being available altogether).
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
If you have a mesmer get them to swap out their Warden’s Feedback trait and the warden should body block the trolls auto, did this path again and I think it worked though it was a messy fight so not sure.
Of course this may only work should the warden actually a) attack b) attack the right target, cough Anet cough.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
God, what am i lucky to have every dungeon behind me for that achievement, especially the TA up endboss is a dark nightmare i never want to play again. Though there are some players who claim it’s not a big problem at all – for me this beast is just a sick broken devil, still haunting me in sleep.
Team up with some experienced players if you want to get the achievment, but don’t expect to make it randomly with pugs.
I think you may have skipped or misread my post, I’m not complaining about the TA end boss at all, I have a group of regulars who I run with and acquired my DM title long ago (when Forward-Up was a required path which Anet seemed to have broken so badly they removed altogether) I’m saying there’s a well-known bug right before the last boss which allows you to make a cake walk out of the elite and champion mobs.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Not sure if there’s a topic on this (definitely has to be) but I skimmed the first page so that’ll do. Just got out of a dungeon train and I want to clear some things up just as a few context givers; the party I run with is experienced and well used to dungeons, we’re speedy and efficient and able to adapt to changes made in the dungeons by Anet but recently things have started getting on my nerves.
Crucible of Eternity; We were running into some lag and had a bit of an issue with the champion destroyer crab and a few things occurred to me, this champion is incredibly broken in two ways, its damage, its collision detection. I know destroyers are made of rock and stone but last I checked that didn’t mean they could walk through walls. We skip this champion because it’s not worth the pay off and honestly I would like to see the developers and testers of this game fighting the most frequently skipped mobs almost perfectly without any do-overs. Did Anet honestly expect us to fight that thing? Cause as far I can see it’s there to grief us and make sure we lose stacks.
Then with the Subject Alpha, I’m sure at one point or another an fgs has been dropped, someone’s been crystalled and then perma-dazed because the crystal is shattered before it appears.
Honor of the Waves; This one is the most recent but possibly the most egregious and lazy oversight I’ve ever seen in a game, the path 1 troll guarding the doors to the first legendary boss has recently been changed to the same one of the AC troll, this is fine by me, toughen a boss up, but holy hell don’t just copy + paste. It drops AC tokens for crying out loud, did anyone test this?
Twilight Arbor; I may get some flak for this but a running joke in our group occurs at the well known and loved pine cone tree in the Up path with the elite and champion mob, they flat out stand there and let you play whak-a-mole for the fights duration. So you’ll remove the spider WP in Arah path 2 but you won’t fix this?
No doubt a wall of text and I’ve tried to keep it mostly unbiased, if someone has an explanation to these changes I’m willing to change my tune. Or if they can direct me to another thread containing the same complaints that would be appreciated.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
(edited by MatthewCam.4391)
Muffin Of Steel – my favourite human character of them all, some people told me she looks a bit more mesmer than warrior, in a certain light.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Anonamuffin – because those T3 cultural boots for Sylvari are to die for, I made a thief. Honestly the only reason, I had to blow the dust off her for this.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Admiral Mc Muffin – I wanted an icey/blue to suit her home surroundings, also I was very uncreative. And wanted to use Jormags Breath on something.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Necroticmuffin – I cringe if I see lightly coloured necromancer, especially since Anet brought out seemingly so many weapon skins geared towards a necromancer look. So y’know, death and… stuff.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Lt Mc Muffin, ok hopefully I’ve stopped messing with her look, as long as Anet don’t bring out any more gem store armours… sigh.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Muffrow – the name an odd mash-up between a friends and mine, probably should invest in a name change kit.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Steamed Muffin – definitely had too much fun on her, especially designing her armours look and dyes
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Ziri The Small – just got her first birthday gift too
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Every time I see a mesmer use GS #5 in PvE, I wish there was friendly fire in this game …
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Running Arah gives decent gold and loot rewards that’s why people return to it, that being said I can understand the difficulty in running sequences in Arah as a mesmer due to our lack of mobility compared to eles, warriors and guards (generally a standard dungeon comp). Buying an entire new set of armor seems extreme, just knowing when and where to use your utilities can save you the expense.
Mass invis I’d recommend using for only huge mobs that will grief you, if you have a focus that can save you a lot of trouble by just simply yanking troublesome mobs out of the way (don’t bother with hunters they’ll have stability) veil I don’t find so useful due to a long cd and short duration take maybe decoy (as you can use the clone it creates for shatter invulnerability) blinks always a good one just use it when you’re in a trouble spot not just to get ahead, the third utility slot I sometimes take the mantra which grants stability in case I get knocked down or feedback which I throw into hunter and ele elite mobs to negate their damage.
Focus, offhand sword (for the block), pistol (its daze bounce), even a staff for its blink 2 skill which will actually blink you forward granted you target a mob behind you are all good to consider. Swiftness is also a big one just ask your party to stack it for you and it can save you a lot of trouble.
Generally running sequences are difficult until you become familiar with the path, knowing when and where to dodge plus what certain mobs will do and how to react to them is what makes a run smooth.
Sorry for the wall of text I find I can be a bit long-winded.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Don’t post much at all on these forums but I’m an avid lurker and I’d be willing to help out with these runs if you guys are ever short a person I’m not sure if my timezone would make it feasible (AU player) but still like to volunteer.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Time vs reward in dungeons is too imbalanced to consider a ‘legit’ run (which itself is subjective unless blatant exploitation happens, looking at the unofficial jumping puzzle of Arah). Though both sides need to stop discrediting the methods of the others on some belief that they are superior for x stated reasons.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
On skype with my friend as we do a dungeon and hearing his female guard squawk “RETREAT!” Is by far the most memorable. Also, Maggs particularly bad “Puts the boom in my caboomium” line makes me want to punt the little twit. Special mention to my female sylvaris enthusiastic “Can we do that again?” After a nightmarish dungeon path.
No we cannot.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Judging by AP is total crap. My usual dungeon group just recently started taking a new friend with us to help her earn gold and get started, she’s currently at 1,200 AP and is very skilled and quick to learn and makes the runs a total breeze. Pinging gear and build may be a better indicator but you have to take into account individual ability. Unfortunately no meter for that.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Lt Mc Muffin
Finally completed her look and hopefully won’t screw with the dyes any more
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
4 stacks? Why not 10?
Take my silk scraps off me.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
Try to organize a group to free it, my guild loves doing since even if it fails (which it’s prone to do) the bag farming is great, I make 100 in no time wearing MF, but no doubt it can be a pain when you just want obsidian shards and as it stands karma is still the faster way to acquire it. There’s a thread though that keeps regular updates of uncontested Balthazar temples.
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.