Showing Posts For MeneerZondervan.5943:

Mad King's Dungeon - He doesn't start talking

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


So we entered the dungeon from act 3 with 5 people in a party but The Mad King never started talking.
I will upload a video on youtube.
Is this already reported? Please fix this, I wasn’t able to do the dungeon yesterday and now also not today it seems.

Facing The Mad King Thorn alone?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


My game crashed, and there are spawning hundreds of minions on me.. this is impossible.

Sever Crash Thread [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


I’ve got the same problem.

Act 3 bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


When clicking that I want to enter it doens’t put me in.
Now I am disconnected due to a network error (that’s what it said) and I can’t log in.

Black Lion Trading Company not working (infinate spinning yellow circle)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


Might be a server-side failure. The trading company has been malfunctioning here too, I suggest just to wait a bit.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


I second this. There are only 2 Seperatists spawned (excluding DeLara).

Clocktower green wave not teleporting at top staircase

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


Guys this is absolutely serious!
Check out this video: on youtube
I tested this report and it actually works every single time.
Fix it, it allows you to stay in there and do crap…

[Video] Under the ground in Bloodtide Coast

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


For some reason I’ve managed to get under the ground in Bloodtide Coast (eastern side).
This glitch is reproducable.
You get stuck when you are down there and the only way to get out is to use a waypoint.
Why did I even go on the rocks?
I thought the waypoint (look at the minimap) was on these rocks, but finally found out they were below!

Video (youtube): Video

Clocktower green wave not teleporting at top staircase

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


Outstanding on creating that video, shows the exact proof.
This would be a ‘glitch’ since you are now able to open up the chests and even after that go back on top and jump in the window.

Account Password not changing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


Might be a (small) crash server-side.
I’ve experienced a lot of these issues, and not only on GW2.
Since you’ve created a whole brand new password and now GW2 doesn’t accept it anymore I suggest creating a new one. Then change your password to that and see if it works.

Serious Issue: Able to stand in green slime at CT Clock Tower

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


I know this actually is minor but it’s absolutely not supposed to happen. What if you wouldn’t be ported back at all and just be able to jump upwards and jump in the window? I didn’t try it …

Serious Issue: Able to stand in green slime at CT Clock Tower

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


I think this happend when 5 of us fell at the same time, while I turned facing backwards (opposite way you should run) and then holded my right mouse button and landed on a floating part inside the green slime.

Serious Issue: Able to stand in green slime at CT Clock Tower

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


For some reason I was able to be in the green slime at the Clock Tower Jumping Puzzle without being teleported back. I made a couple of screenshots.
I didn’t move because I thought I would be teleported back if I did.


PvP tab gone

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


You’ve got your answer ;-).
The PvP Panel now has it’s own tab, I’ve got to say it’s annoying there’s no (standard) hotkey for the tab.

Special Event Jumping Puzzle Solution

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


I definately vote a plus on this.
I’ve been busy with the jumping puzzle for a while and though I’m not saying it’s impossible, it’s just very hard.
I’m always getting a bit frustrated when there are a couple of charr blocking my sight and fall of the thing.
I definately approve for changing us all into the same skin.

I don’t approve the idea to remove the cut-scene and take you back to the start.
The origional concept is like this and I think it should stay this way.

Back button in Firefox yields random results.

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


When a page reloads using the ‘Back’ arrow: This is most likely caused by a script, try clicking the arrow multiple times. I’ve got this problems on many websites, I don’t think this is related to the GW2 forum.

Post preview not showing entire content

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


As mentioned in the title I (sometimes) can’t see my full content that I typed when previewing my post. This only occurs when using the ‘Quick-Reply’ form displaying on the bottom of a thread.
Look at the attachment for an example.

A: Don’t worry, once you post your message the full content will be delivered and correctly shown.

Link to attachment: Attachment
Note: Text shown in the attachment is not related to this post!


Posting Images - what am I doing wrong?

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


This is still very unhandy for just when you need to put that tiny picture in your post for some additional information, instead of having to scroll down for an attachment.
You can make a suggestion in this section of the forum and hope it’s seen by GW2 Staff.

Do your posts seem to disappear?

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


Your solution works here.
I hope this glitch is going to be removed (soon).

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


@Replect.3407: This issue is known, they are working on it. You should read this post regarding this issue.

I definately like this idea, would indeed be handy for Elementalists.
But it can also have a reason why there are no sets (for Elementalists).
It was intentional to make Elementalists unable to swap their weapons, so why would they make sets for it?
If we’ll have to go for full sets (armor & weapons):
I don’t use multiple armors on my character(s) so there’s, in this case, no need for sets.

(edited by MeneerZondervan.5943)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


No way on this, ever.
Waypoints are the way to go.

Karma - Account wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


I can’t really get to my conclusion on this.

“Karma is a form of non-tradeable currency that allows players to purchase useful and high-end items from certain NPCs. It is earned by participating in events, dungeons, and both monthly and daily achievements.
It is earned by doing events and dungeons, these can’t be done by all your characters at the same time. That’s why it should be character bound.
But you also gain it by completing daily and monthly achievements.
Daily and monthly achievements can be progressed and completed by any character! This is why karma should be account bound.

And what about ‘Jugs of Liquid Karma’ ?
You can simply put them on your bank and use them on another character.
This means you can use ‘Jugs of Liquid Karma’ account wide… Logic?

In my own personal opinion I think there is no reason making karma character bound since it’s ‘karma’ that you’ve earned by many possible reasons.
Just like the achievements that you earn; they’re not character bound like in WoW, but account bound (and it’s a big improvement!).

Let’s hope for a good answer from the staff.

(edited by MeneerZondervan.5943)

Bags that dont allow collectible deposits.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


I think this could be fairly handy, I see your point.

Heart of the Terebinth's model not showing

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


Good to know Jason King, I’ve seen this a lot more with other things too.
What I find so strange is that you can talk to some objects in the game, but not this tree itself. Why not?

Guild wars 2 sudden Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


For as far as I know this was a bug and it’s now fixed within a patch.
I’m not 100% sure of this!

Jewel Crafting Bug

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


You are indeed missing something.
Notice at your 2nd recipe item, you need more of those.
As far as I can see you have 1 and need 5.

Dye wont stick on certain items

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


I’ve had this problem during PBE.
Did you make sure you toggle ‘Dye Mode’ again after completing?
I’ve noticed it doesn’t save sometimes when you immediately close the (H) Hero Panel.

Condition duration not changing on skill icon (old annoying bug)

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


I doubt this is a bug, I think this should be moved to the suggestions section.
Anyways, I would like the icon’s time to be changed to the correct amount.
I’ve been noticing with every ability.

Thank god I wasn't streaming. Password showing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


@skulldrip.1374: Your account name is your email address and its not shown anywhere on Happyfeet.4607’s profile or elsewere.
I don’t understand your point: What’s so bad about covering his email?

Mad King's Tower Event

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


I’ve been having the same problem.
I second this.
May you also note: I think there are 2 platforms floating in eachother, I mean the 2 small ones at the point where you have to wait for a small amount of time.

Minor: Strong Swindler Pants showing gloves icon

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


Have you ever had a pants icon? I’ve never had it.

Minor: Strong Swindler Pants showing gloves icon

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


Played as: Human Thief LVL: 43
I noticed that Strong Swindler Pants doesn’t have the correct icon.
It shows the icon for Strong Swindler Gloves.
Yes this is minor, but even the minor issues should be fixed!


Blade of Avenger's Longsword not showing in preview window

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


This also occurs with the Hammer and Staff version of this weapon.
Reminder: When you preview Avenger’s Longsword, Avenger’s Hammer or Avenger’s Staff the blade of the sword, the metal of the hammer and de magical ball of the staff do not show.
This makes the weapons look pretty weird.

(edited by MeneerZondervan.5943)

Heart of the Terebinth's model not showing

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


I think that is completely possible Jink Bonestealer.9274
It does make it look a bit unprofessional, I would suggest making the tree talkable and/or making a real npc (with model) the vendor.

Blade of Avenger's Longsword not showing in preview window

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


The blade of the Avenger’s Longsword is not showing in the preview window, this makes the blade look just like a plant.
The blade also doesn’t show when opening the (H) Hero Panel.
When the Avenger’s Longsword is equipped the blade does show.
Screenshot was taken as a Male Sylvari.


Heart of the Terebinth's model not showing

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


While at Nemeton Grove , playing as a Sylvari, I noticed the model of Heart of the Terebinth wasn’t showing.
I am able to talk to Heart of the Terebinth and buy the Magical Fruit.
I tried to adjust my camera but the model simply never shows up.
