Showing Posts For Moakist.5268:

Change Email Associated With GW 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Okay it’s been almost 2 months. I need to change the email associated with my GW 2 account. This is the only game left I have that I am unable to do this for. Could we please get the option to do this? You want us to have safe and secure accounts, but we can’t change our email login.

Nothing is wrong with my login. I can play, patch just fine. Call it a preventative request.


The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Let's Start the Karma DR Dialogue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Jon – Thanks for your reply…finally. At least know we know that it is a “harsh” system and that there are bugs still with this system. Much of the frustration for many of us (I Believe) is because we had no real idea if the system was functioning as intended.

No news is not always good news and silence is usually deafening. I realize you’re all busy people, but taking a few moments to just say, it’s sporked, we know and we’re working on it would go a long way in avoiding the kinds of threads we’ve seen over the past two weeks.


The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Why does the game only let me play for 20 minutes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


My point is this. You would think, Anet would say something. They have explained how the system works – to a degree – but when so many people are saying, no it’s not – you would think ANet would say look your full of crap or gee, maybe something is amiss.

I am happy to record 2 hours of uninterrupted video and toss it on Vimeo – I don’t think Youtube will allow anything over 10 minutes – which is why you’re not seeing unedited versions.

My only gripe in doing this is that Fraps saves files that are HUGE – we’re talking huge huge files – 2 hours worth is going to be one large file. If anyone knows of a recording service where the file size is decent, let me know and I will do this today.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Why does the game only let me play for 20 minutes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Replying and quoting now seems to be bugged.

Just because a player isn’t being affected by DR doesn’t mean that their is not a bug in the system. Everytime ANet “fixes” DR, we find out that there’s still bugs affecting players.

There are pleanty of examples on these boards, as well as lengthy videos, spreadsheets and screenshots over on the Reddit Boards (where you may get downvoted but you won’t have your post deleted).

My personal experience is logging in. Hitting three DIFFERENT events, maybe killing a few things as I’m running down the road and then bam, being hit with DR – and not on one character – on my entire account.

There is way too much griping on the boards, and too many bugs still floating around for me to think well gee, this is all made up. It’s not perception, it’s happening.

The outcry is because ANet is being completely silent on the matter.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Why does the game only let me play for 20 minutes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


This is just snide. To infer that we’re “playing wrong” or to quote Steve Jobs, that we’re “holding the phone wrong” is unhelpful and disrespectful. These changes, intentional or not, came after nearly a month of the game being launched with no warning and no explanation and WITH continued silence from ANet. It’s pretty bad when you can’t get clarity from the company who championed the idea that this was going to be a “different” non -traditional MMO.

They never hidden their politic of “no farming”, I actually got interested in GW2 by reading info around for long time before it got released and “no farming here” was a common message to read around.

If people just can’t drop their WoW / EQ / Korean grinder blinders and still want to spend their days farming, then they:

1) Are botting.
2) Are as unintelligent as a bot.

1 – is pretty obvious and if this is like EvE Online forums, many times it’s the botters themselves who complain about these restrictions on the forums.

2 – is less obvious. If you don’t want to be detected to be a bot, then don’t dumb play like one. Play between two regions, walk around a bit, just don’t camp the same spot.

It’s not like you have medical prescription to have farmed full legendary sets for all your alts by the end of this month, nor you can blame losing in PvP to inferior gear anyway.

Yes it sucks to be forced into a certain gameplay, but hey, this is a theme park game after all. If you want freedom, EvE and Darkfall are there for you. Istaria if you are a PvE only guy is amazing, I am subbed since 2003.

Boy, you’re a real treat.

I’m not talking about farming. I’m talking about doing 3 events and then having your entire account capped. You think I’m remotely interested in grinding or farming?

I could care less how long you were “subbed” for. It doesn’t make your opinion law nor does it get you the right to dictate how others should play or be penalized.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Why does the game only let me play for 20 minutes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Two Golden Hints at How to become immune to DR:

1) Stop playing your 1 button mashing, insta-gibbing class.
2) Reroll condition specced Elementalist. Here you go, complete immunity from DR.

This is just snide. To infer that we’re “playing wrong” or to quote Steve Jobs, that we’re “holding the phone wrong” is unhelpful and disrespectful. These changes, intentional or not, came after nearly a month of the game being launched with no warning and no explanation and WITH continued silence from ANet. It’s pretty bad when you can’t get clarity from the company who championed the idea that this was going to be a “different” non -traditional MMO.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Let's Start the Karma DR Dialogue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I have not logged in – in over a week because of these questions. I get that ANet probably doesn’t want to “go there” because it would be giving information to the people running the bots, but I’m sorry – you can’t attempt to damage control this by ignoring people who actually play the game.

I was willing to live with certain bits of the game – knowing that they would work on them over time. The game was playable. But the DR Code, bug – whatever we’re calling it, has made it pointless for me to spend time in this game.

You can’t cap Karma like this and keep vendor karma rates as high as they are and expect people to sit by and take it. You can’t make a crafting system that takes a large amount of resources and then cap people’s accounts after less than an hour of “normal” or “typical” gameplay.

Why do I want to play a game that gets me nothing but porous bone 22 hours out of the day?

I’m not even talking about farming! I’m talking about playing…the…game and having my time essentially limited because of introduced code meant to affect botters.

It has never just affected botters.

The silence, really is deafening.

Each day I come back here, read the boards and then go play something else…this after I’ve invested money the game, the upgrade and gems.

I can’t recall any other “F2P” game that caps rewards, items, resources like this one does…but if this is how it’s going to be for the longterm please let us know.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Camera Bug 10/2/2012 Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Starts at the 30 sec mark. Since this is a bug it probaby belongs here.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Camera Bug Introduced With 10/2/2012 Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Starts around 30 sec Mark

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


That current 8.3 is quite a drop from where it was a couple weeks ago.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

My "taking a break" thread ez read.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I switched games for now simply because of the 20 minute no more loot for you code that is a plague upon the heads of people who actually play the game.

I keep waiting for ANet to come clean and say gee maybe it’s not quite working as intended or at least admit they acknowledge it’s a hardship.

I don’t think it’s fair however for other to say, well you missed all this stuff. If I recall, this game was to be played our way – I am seeing now that’s not quite the case.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Anyone Else Really Enjoying Dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Not really. The camera issue is still an issue.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


This thread doesn’t tell us if the code is working as is intended? You know, when we don’t stay in an area for very long, do not farm and are just doing an event on our way to a personal story circle, and all we get is porous bone…

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Personal story: Ships of the Line

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moakist.5268


The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Personal story: Ships of the Line

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moakist.5268


The devs said you get to wait another week for a resolution.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

AntiBot, Anti Farm, DR Code...thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I don’t farm. To be honest I have no idea, even at level 80 what on earth I should be doing. I’ve done AC once and CM twice since launch.

On my 80 I work through Orr to get to where my next story line quest is. I do not linger in one area for very long. If I see an event I do it and then I move on.

My loot rewards for doing this are now porous bone.

Please tell me this is not by design and please tell me if this is the solution for fixing the bots that are still all over the place.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Orr, Bots and Bleh

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I really don’t know where the topic is headed. Is it towards GW2 Botters? or Orr area hatred? If its the hatred, count me in.

When I first entered the area, there was no way point discovered. Thus I had to fight around 5 risen to get to a small entry point near Lone Post way point near the beach. Even with my level 80 thief, there was no way I could’ve killed them all alone since I was all alone in the entire section. I finally entered a civilized section with other players in it, by which time I’ve died around six times with the closest way point all the way across Fort Trinity.

The above is like taking candy from a baby when compared to the Cursed Shore section. It was a pure nightmare to even walk on the road. Each time, I would get pulled, crippled and a lot more to an entire bunch of risen. Plus, the risen has a movement speed of an athlete on crack. Plus, the density of the mobs along with the respawn time is pure hell. On top of all this, the lag is purely unbearable.

All I’ve done in the entire three maps of Orr is to find a way point to Arah to do it at some later point. After which I just left the entire place for good. I’ve just one friend whom I play with and there is no way in hell that I’m stepping foot in the Orr area without him.

It’s both Orr’s “design” and the botters which continue to persist in that area day after day with no action taken. It screws up events – I see them as two issues but intertwined. Take the botters away and then you can get some events done but it doesn’t still deal with the fact that Orr is not for the “casual gamer” like GW 2 was advertised to.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

With so many bugs? Why the anti-farm code?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Also, define what an area constitutes? How big of an area are we talking about?

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

With so many bugs? Why the anti-farm code?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


What’s the anti farm code you’re talking about? The dungeon thing they did?

If you’re killing the same mobs in the same area for about 20-30 minutes you will receive 0 loot drops of any kind.

So…they force you to move on thinking that the mat drops to level – say tailoring, for example…are adequate? Do they realise they are not adequate?

Golly, I’ve never heard of such a thing. Even in wow you were encouraged to farm mats…what’s the big deal?

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

With so many bugs? Why the anti-farm code?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


What’s the anti farm code you’re talking about? The dungeon thing they did?

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Ships of the Line: Cannot Progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I agree – another week? Hotfix it for cying out loud…

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

This content has been temporarily disabled bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moakist.5268


See attached picture of bug.


The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Orr, Bots and Bleh

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Just what the forums need, another bot post.

When it’s your forum you may choose the content.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Orr, Bots and Bleh

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I’m going to start off with the, I’ve been playing MMO’s since 1999 – the Asheron’s Call Beta. Like many people here, if there was an MMO – I’ve played it. Some I stayed with longer than others…but regardless many of us here have been around the block a time or two.

When GW2 was being “advertised” a long long time ago, it was being marketed to the casual gamer. My girlfriend is one of those casual gamers…she played WoW – but didn’t really raid. After getting her toon to 43 in Gw 2 she had enough. Honestly she had enough when she died on the Queensdale “tutorial boss.” She leaned over and said, that was supposed to be fun?

Orr is an absolute joke. The progression to Orr is really no better. If the new MMO dynamic is pack an area full of meatshields – I’ll pass. It’s not new, it’s not inventive and it certainly doesn’t push the MMO Genre forward in a positive way. PS, it’s not “fun” at least not for me to work through an area this way…and because I know how to read map chat….not fun for a lot of people.

Has anyone sat in Orr or any of the areas over that way and just sat and read the map chat? Do the developers? What little interest I had in my “personal story” has faded into oblivion because it’s not fun having to fight every ten yards to try and get accross the map to where the green circle of hope is.

By and large we’ve been encouraged, by this game, to level solo. Yes you encounter people during events on the way to 80 – but it’s a rare occasion when you “need” to group with people to get to a certain area. Even with a large group the spawn times even for non event mobs are too high. Hear that? Too high. Too fast. Too much. Not fun.

I think Orr looks neat…but I’m not really able to enjoy that visual aspect of the game because it’s probably the most frustrating area of any MMO I’ve ever played. Dear Gods stay out of the water. Don’t even go out there. Trust me.

Is this now what is expected of us at this late stage of the game? Because if this is the design moving forward, let me know now so I can further lower my expectations.

Bots are making many events unplayable. To have a swarm of bots instantly teleport to event mobs and take them all down, screws a lot of people out of 1.) Fun, 2.) Rewards and progression. It’s been what…three weeks now? Same bots, same areas…and it doesn’t “appear” that much progress has been made.

Seriously, am I the only one who feels this way? I’m not a game developer…I don’t really know what the fix is or even if Orr needs one…I just know that until something changes I can’t envision myself playing that area.


The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


you don’t have to immediately go to orr you know…
I’ve just turned level 80 now, and i am now just starting Straights of Devastation.

Go do some other zone, or go to wvw to level, or do some dungeons.

On the advice of people here I did go to another zone. I was just following my story line and leveling as it led me to each area.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Thanks, I’ll try that

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Stuck at 71..again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


My first toon was an ele – took him to 71 and hit the fort trinity area…

Second toon is a ranger – took him to 71 and hit the fort trinity area…

I am tired. Of. Risen.

I get it, they’re supposed to be brick walls…but going out into the water to try and get to events (which in two days I haven’t seen another person trying to do) is an act in futility and frustration. After enjoying the game up to this point, all I see now are swarms of Risen arranged in a way to make your life hell as you try to progress through the area. You can’t move 10 yards without Risen being all over you.

Anyone else as frustrated as I am at this stage of the game? Honestly I can’t imagine another 9 levels of this.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I will sell my firstborn for a linux client.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Nightly Restarts and Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I’m so tired and frustrated with my pets…having to spam F2 has gotten really old, they seem to attack whatever they want when they want, they stand idle in places that cause mahem…bleh

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I wish I knew where to spend tokens…the lack of direction in this game can be overwhelming at times.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Changing email with GW 2 Account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I would also like to know how to do this. I have just enabled Google 2-Step Authentication on my Gmail account and would like to change my email to that email address.

At Anets recommendation I did just that. Made a gmail account only to find out it’s useless because I can’t change my email.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Changing email with GW 2 Account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moakist.5268


this option is temporary OFF because of hackig wave. When all will be ok they will turn it on with confirmation feture (i hope)

If that is the case, it makes no sense when Anet keeps telling us to change our emails and make certain we have secured our accounts. So now, apparently, we have to wait to be hacked, then wait 5 days to get our accounts back and still not be able to change the email address.

I really am at a loss. This is no way to help people secure and protect their accounts. You’d think at the very least we would have authenticators by now.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

How do I change my email within GW 2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Moakist.5268


So when they tell us to take precautions – apparently they don’t really want us to? They want us to wait until we’re hacked and then wait another 5 days for a ticket?


The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Changing email with GW 2 Account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I have followed the instructions on the wiki – and there is NO option to change the email address associated with my GW 2 account…

I have not been hacked but with the state of affairs I’m not taking any chances.

How on Earth do you accomplish changing the email associated with your account? I’m going around in circles and it’s maddening.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

How do I change my email within GW 2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I made a different email account – I have never been hacked…but with everything going on I’m not taking any chances.

I logged into my account online and see NO option to change the email address associated with my GW2 account.

Anyone know where I’m supposed to do it if it’s not under “my account?”

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Dungeons are teamplay based live with it :)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Moakist.5268


PUGs are how most people are going to get a group. Deal with it.

PUGs can spend 5 minutes into coordination and skill synergy organization.

Deal with it.

speed runners have no room here! go back to wow easy-goal achievers!

Ah, the classic “go back to wow casual noobz!” argument.

You must feel so proud.

Ah, the classic “I run out of arguments” argument.

No, my argument was not go back to WOW. It was PUGs can also organize. Bad PUGs won’t but PUGs who struggles to succeed will and will get through the run.

I don’t know….let’s break it down this way – and I apologize for the WoW parallel, I’m just trying to put this in context.

Story Mode – Heroics – Puggable
Exploration Mode: Heroic Raids

If we can at least agree on that… then certainly we can agree that even in WoW the average player even in a decently organized pug is not going to get through a Heroic/Exploration mode. This is why WoW came out with a Raid Finder which was for the average Joe with less than stellar rewards…but which felt good to the casual player.

I’m not at all suggesting that GW 2 needs to go in that direction. I’m merely saying Pugs for the average player in Exploration modes…highly unlikely.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Dungeons are teamplay based live with it :)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Moakist.5268


So much whiiiiiiiiiiining. I feel like I’m in trade chat.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

First time in AC Story Mode and a ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Moakist.5268


It was the chest from the previous event there. There are no chests at the very end of any dungeon.

Thanks for the info, I had no idea.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

First time in AC Story Mode and a ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I have a couple toons…71 ele and a 62 Ranger – rolled the dice last night and went with a pick up group. I hadn’t gone before because of the overflow bugs etc.

I guess it was fun…things were moving so fast I wished I’d had more time to look at the surroundings…visually it looked pretty cool.

Boss fights (to me) were easier than killing off mobs throughout the dungeon.

Anyway…rewards. My Ranger 61 at the time nabbed 65k in experience…and was rewarded with a level 26 helm.

Considering the dungeon is rated for 30’s…I thought the helm reward was a bit..odd. But I noticed the gold chest on the last boss didn’t open…is that by design? Did we fail to do or complete something or was it the chest from the previous event that is in that area?

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Aggro Problems after patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I agree with Knote. However, if they’re going to do that they need to fix pets attacking on the move, else say goodbye to a bunch of DPS.


The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Short Bow Stealth Nerf?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Your continued posts here only serve to keep the thread active. If the devs posted over there ever, I would deem it appropriate.

General discussion encompasses everything. You should probably look that up if your unfamiliar and lose your attiude.

With the 30 seconds it has taken me to explain words, their meanings and the appropriateness of their relative placements on the boards I thank you for ensuring I don’t get that time back.

Spoiler: You’re not a moderator. Duh.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Short Bow Stealth Nerf?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Folks are claiming a 15% dmg reduction.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Short Bow Stealth Nerf?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moakist.5268


It’s not a QQ question, it’s a simple question. Can we get some kind of confirmation that this is real as is being reported over on the Ranger forums?

If it is real, I’m curious why changes to professions (similar to the dungeon changes) appear to be left out of the patch notes.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

What's the point of the Jaguar?

in Ranger

Posted by: Moakist.5268


So you can have it break aggro and get mobbed by the 6 monsters it had pulled without your permission.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Pets Got Stupid

in Ranger

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Pets are generally screwed up at the moment. Their seems to be no method to their madness. They run off, attack crap you haven’t told them to, run too far ahead of you. It has gotten to the point where I just stow them away while I’m running from one area to the next.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Aggro Problems after patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Kite well and kite often.

But no, it’s not your imagination. I had to switch off bear to something else.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Ranger Short Bow Stealth Nerf ??

in Ranger

Posted by: Moakist.5268


“If” this turns out to be the case, I’ll be pretty amused. It will mean that SB is going to be brought into line with the Longbow which is by far the worst weapon we have access to.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Is this by design?

in Ranger

Posted by: Moakist.5268


When in combat with mobs I noticed my auto shoot would stop, usually for no apparent reason…then I noticed that it was happening when my pet was being dazed/stunned by a mob no matter how close or far away I was from their combat.

Is a stun on my pet supposed to stop my auto attack? It is super annoying.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Moakist.5268



I suspect that, unfortunately, ArenaNet will dismiss most of the negative feedback as a knee jerk to losing the “easy” rewards

I hope they do, cause that’s exactly what this thread is full of.

I agree. These are the same people who have a gimme gimme attitude and once they’ve played for 6 weeks will complain that’s theres nothing to do.

As far as I’m concerned they can go back and do their 900 dailies in wow – or run heroics where badges are still capped.

I’m amazed that people think you should get badge gear in this game in a week. It’s really sad.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Moakist.5268


So much weeping and gnashing of teeth. The game is what…three weeks old? If you think this is the first and only nerf you’re in for a shock.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing