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Might not be needed but it is one of the main reasons why I went back to WoW as my main game.
Again I’m not saying it’s ‘needed’ at all some people like it the way it is and that’s fine. I like the game still think it’s pretty amazing but I simply need that ‘normal’ mmo type of raiding.
Guild Wars 1 was in fact ‘more fun’ simply because people could choose a class and not a mediocre middle of the road half breed that isn’t great at any one thing period. There is no such thing as a real ‘guardian’ in this game. You cna simply forgore all toughness and go full condition and kill things faster. Honestly makes no difference. That goes for healing too. We all know it. Self Dodge rules all.
I can guarantee you that with a proper tank, healer and dps spread the majority of dungeon issues would almost go away in an otherwise amazing game environment.
Honestly stop the forcing us into classes that do nothing to promote individuality. I don’t desire homologous characters.
You see ArenaNet, the ‘issue’ was never the trinity set-up – it was the game(s) it was running in.
The Dungeons are Not Difficult - They are Mechanically Flawed - Here's Why...
Posted by: Moophious.1735
I’ll just come out and say it – being that I doubt anyone on this forum is even close to me and dungeon kills on ‘another not named mmo’ same name Moophious@Hyjal I must say that while I like GW2’s dungeons they are in fact very sub-par in any coordination and exactly as the OP says they are and sorry to say the ONLY reason while I’m not playing.
I don’t mind the half-wing attempt at self healing out leveling but in dungeons it’s flatly absurd chaos. I don’t call it ‘fun’ or challenging.
But who cares the fanboys will try and tell us what fun really is…
Where are they?
I’ve seen my share of ridiculous posts but this one is right up there.
Perhaps ArenaNet should force real world players to play more ‘black’ humans for the many years of MMO slavery.
What worries me more is why there isn’t an option to create any Jewish toons……
… if I wanted to just play a game without feeling that my character is advancing and getting more powerful from nice drops/xp Id just play a polished and much more mechanically forgiving single player plate-former game.
Man that hit the spot
It’s like trying to fly with half a wing – it might get the job done say in gliding but it’s not the best way to get the job done.
Toughness/Valor builds are in reality half tanks and half healers – not really great and in fact a team doesn’t need either all they need is to dodge and heal themselves.
I find it chaotic and kinda boring honestly. There are no real roles and no real goals…
I think the majority of us can live with this arrangement but if you’re gonna do it but please don’t burn people in the process.
If someone purchases an unlock slot on an account for god’s sake leave it on the account. Don’t give people an excuse to ridicule you. This goes for anything done account wise through the cash shop.
Thanks NCsoft and ArenaNet for your understanding.
Your truly Moophious
I don’t know about the rest of you but I started GW1 in 2005 when there were stil tons of players looking for a party to do missions. It was amazingly fun for a long time at least for me.
I honestly believe the heroes killed that aspect – which was in fact the funnest part of the game- playing with a group of 8 players you didn’t even know. Honestly I’d still play it if there were people doing that.
I got holy lightbringer on my fire ele and loved every minute of it.
I want to state right off that I really really really love this game. I said the word ‘amazing’ so much leveling that all my guildies we’re making fun of me but I honestly and blown away at all the little details.
So the last thing that I want anyone especially ArenaNet to think that I am in anyway bashing the game for what it is now. It’s just I can’t help the way I feel. I’m simply being honest. I want to be able to log on and think I’m earning something more because of my time.
GW1 provided me with a couple of years worth of entertainment. I still have 10 characters and log on every now and then still. I don’t recall feeling really bored with the game until 2007 and when all those people in chat looking for a group morphed into a number 8 over their heads and running with their heros through all the content.
I never minded spec’ing a certain way to get a run done. That’s no different than most other games. But you all have to admit that everything is kinda generic in terms of trait choices. As an example, my guardian pretty much is geared all yellow/orange and wielding a shield with traits fully for support (Valor/Honor) yet other than some front end damage I don’t see it doing better for the group as a whole than going all condition based. Maybe it’s just me and my history healing and tanking in GW1 and WoW. My question is what’s wrong with being able to really tank or heal IF I choose to? Not all of us consider it bland to provide such in a dungeon. In GW one I played a mana battery on my Necro. I didn’t think that was boring I reveled in being able to provide my service for the group.
So again – I’m not bashing I’m simply stating how I feel. I absolutely love this game even if I’m not 100% satisfied all all respects and this is understandable of course.
ArenaNet I believe will listen to the majority and who knows if some of my ideas fall in that category. But remaining silent just isn’t what I’m about. I’m not going anywhere either – I gave up 5 years of another gaming history to be here because after all is said and done I’m still having more fun than sitting on my mount in some main city reading trade chat while not raiding.
Honestly. I’ve been 80 for a couple of weeks and have started going back to exploring, some dungeons and the GREAT jumping puzzles. But I find myself bored. I don’t feel like I’ve attained anything special and perhaps that’s the point?
If so I’m not liking the idea much. Why change things that we’re broke? I’m all for new ways of doing thing but some things don’t need any change in their basic structure.
Let’s take dungeons. People strive for things – like rewards not simply for ‘doing something’. That’s silly and everyone knows it. That’s like running the Indy 500 and not getting a prize just a pat on the back "good job feel good but sorry no prize for your time. Sorry that doesn’t cut it.
Going back trying to do Dynamic Events etc I find them not that interesting because those XP points just don’t mean the same when not leveling. That’s just the nature of the game I suppose but that still doesn’t stop one from feeling it’s generally a waste of time. At least scale my loot since I am level 80 and not 30 say. It costs me more to way-point there and back than any loot I’m attaining. I think the world is beautiful – please don’t make it sterile to max level. I like the scaling down I just don’t like making it worthless and kinda boring doing so.
5-mans work great with people who know what they’re doing – but how often is that the case when they’re brutal when you don’t? Or having to pug? As everyone knows not everyone is so endowed with knowledge and you can spend a lot of time being killed and the cost quickly drains you unless you gem/gold exchange.
I don’t believe 5-mans hold anything in any other game for end game PvE alone. If that other game based it on their 5 man dungeons they wouldn’t have much to talk about in comparison to GW2.
So other than exploring, crafting etc what exactly is there in GW2 even over GW1 in terms of so-called end-game content? I’m just see people saying there really isn’t any in the traditional sense and that this feeling is my fault. But you see I want MORE of this amazing game it’s just that there’s not much to do other than 5 mans and I don’t want to be boxed into those as my ‘only’ level 80 content worth doing as a real grouped encounter. I don’t care for WvW or pvp in general – I’m talking about PvE.
Honestly I think ArenaNet needs to think about missions. At least those were still pretty fun prior to heros at least as an alternative to only 5 content.
The less than stellar pro-reviews have really targeted endgame being an issue
Posted by: Moophious.1735
First off the game is amazing for what it is. The issue is what some people expect and I tend to agreee with them coming from both a GW1 and wow background.
In wow I am a healer and have been 7/7 H for a awhile. GW2 pretty much made me not want to log into the sterile world that I’ve known for sometime. But, and this is a big but, those 5-man dungeons won’t hold the PvE crowd coming from wow. In fact I have no interest in ‘pugging’ which 90% of the time means wiping and running out of funds unless I use the cash shop.
ArenaNet’s forced 5-man non trinity group environment is counter productive to having guilds that want to run bigger raids that aren’t WvW or pvp based scenarios. Hell even GW1 gave us 8-man content. This 5-man stuff won’t hold on long trust you me.
I don’t see self healing as something ‘good’ or productive except for leveling. You don’t feel anything special about any character you chose or how uses their talents here. Take my yellow/orange/shield equipped level 80 Guardian. Why all the toughness if I can simply go all condition and simply dodge and jump around like a moron? Honestly? That goes for every class.
Half a wing might be useful as a stabilizer but not as an actual flying wing. That’s what we have in these so-called half breed tanks and healers but I’m not impressed and it’s certainly not fixing something that was ‘broke’ i.e. the trinity.
I wish I could say that going back to areas where I had a lot of fun are still fun simply for ’fun’s sake’ but that isn’t true. Leveling you gained things – like XP that meant more and gear you could USE. I have yet to see any piece of gear I can use anywhere other than buying from the AH.
And I have been 80 for two weeks whereas my guildies just reach it.
Just wondered how long this was in the works? considering I’ve gone out and brought a PC when i am fully mac enabled.
Lack of comms on this is horrific considering you said you wouldn’t be supporting it.
And what about all those people who recently purchased a iphone4S a few weeks before the release of i5? Should they whine and complain too? Actually I can think of MANY similar QQs but here’s the thing – it’s a product – you’re not entitled and life goes on.
For Gods sake... I spend ages killing zombies with a gorrilion health, followed by useless people and it bugs out!!! Stop wasting my time!
Posted by: Moophious.1735
Why is it so hard to solve?
Just make it so that if you, the main character reaches the end point, it skips forward a story step, just skip it.
Stop trying to fix something you obviously have no clue how to fix and give a reasonable workaround.
What a class act. You sound like a 10 year old who didn’t get his candybar. Learn some respect kid.
Some of you are looking at Renewed Focus the wrong way.
Yeah, it’s not as showy as say Tornado, or Moa Morph, it’s not a Force Multiplyer like Time Warp or Battle Standard, but when you get down to low health, it can do something that no other elite can: give you time. It buys you 4 critical seconds to get more energy for dodging, to get skills to recharge to allow you to keep on fighting, to get conditions to end. You can use Virtues while you’re channeling it for extra Health, and since you’re invulnerable that’s an extra hit you can take when it ends. If you’ve got Inspired Virtues you’ll also get Regeneration & Protection which is more survivability.
Once it’s done, your passives come back so you can pop them again for more health, soaking another attack, possibly applying AoE Blind if you’ve got Blind Exposure.
Can the Guardian Elites in general be improved? Yeah, they’re not used nearly as often as the other classes’ elites, but Renewed Focus used at the right time they can save yourkitten in a way that no other elite can. Tome of Courage can save the party, but it is a bit more proactive. Tome of Wrath? I think that’s a bit more of a sPvP skill.
Sometimes you can’t tell when a boss is about to one-shot you so this slowly losing HP and pop a spell doesn’t always apply.
Each player, when targeting another player, should have the option of inspecting the targeted player’s gear.
Why? you can see my appearance, and if you want ot know where it came from, ask. I’ll tell you.
The only reason you want to see people’s gear is to judge them, and that kind of elitist attitude has no place here.
Really? You can’t tell what type of gear some guy has by looking at it in this game and I don’t know about you but if hes still in level 30 gear trying to run a level 80 dungeon I’d like to know that because it does effect the group.
Even in GW1 people would ‘link’ their specs if they wanted to get into a group run. In general it’s invasive and judgmental- but looking at one’s gear and or talents lets you know something more in depth otherwise you’d be guessing or relying on ‘trust’ which is simply silly.
Why not implement ‘true’ raiding and go all the way ArenaNet? Your base would certainly rise as the rest of this game already fulfills the casual player’s dreams.
But honestly the best times I ever had in GW was doing 8 man runs with real people mind you. Even if you made only 10man raids it isn’t hard to create for another expansion is it?
Open world raiding is not the same and not in any way teamwork – it’s a zergfest. That’s okay for what it does mind you.
This of course means you would need to look at true tanking and healing or at least have the possibility for fully talented lines to be more powerful in raids.
I was a healer and a tank in both World of Warcraft and GW1. I never found either boring and I believe a lot of other players feel the same. I’m not saying to go full board I’m just saying give a fully talented geared class the ability to play a certain role a little better than they do now. One shot my fully yellow/exotic full toughness and shield wielding geared level 80 guardian is one example.
I’m just saying ArenaNet – raiding of the kind that most of us KNOW and enjoy in this new beautiful world would simply ROCK.
I’m kinda surprised you guys haven’t . Being different doesn’t mean not having a blast does it? I’m certain there is a compromise somewhere.
(edited by Moophious.1735)
You’ve seen nothing dude, not a thing.
I’m fully geared, i mean, all my parts are exotic crafts, with the best gems, i have 3 sets of exotic weapons too, and i still get one shotI was in arah exploration mode this afternoun, juts like you, and we were trying the 3rd boss when you pick pick Illyria, that bigkitten frankenstein’s monster thingy, just after the labyrinth.
And boy, was it disapoiting, even if the boss eats just 1 add, just 1, the most ridiculous things one shots you, melee hits, poison, random AOEs that cover half the map, charge (you can survive this one, but you get stunned for 4 seconds and die by the next aoe <.<) etc etc …I had pretty much the same experience in every dungeon I did in exploration mode, the bosses are really basic, i mean you have to kill 1 add before it reaches the boss and don’t stand in the AOE, how hard can it be ? We’ve seen that in every single game, BUT, arenanet decided to remove tanks and healers, and punish the slightest mistakes by an instand death, everytime.
I’m personnaly done with PVE :
1) there is no fun involved in getting one shot by everything and running back from res pad 1 at a time to zerg the boss.
2) there is no REWARD, you are basicaly wiping in instances for nothing, exept some coins to buy skins .. well if you manage to collect 1200+ of them./whine off
Yeah it’s pretty stupid. I am also fully geared in yellow/exotic with full def and a shield (+90 toughness) every single item on my toon has toughness and it honestly seems to make little difference in dungeons.
Now it does seem to make a BIG difference running around high levels 80 open world areas so why doesn’t it matter in a 5 man? Honestly I don’t think a fully spec’d guardian such as myself should ever be ‘one shot’ if I start at full HP.
Because you’re right about one thing. Why even spec into toughness and talents when we should simply do what most others do – talent and gear into full dps and simply use dodge and self healing?
They need to add much support to fully talented toughness ‘tanks’ and ‘healers’
And last but certainly not least – please make an option to zoom OUT more. I know there must be a reason for you setting it the way you have so at least work on how to change it a bit.
I really liked being able to ‘observe’ games when doing nothing else.
I really liked personal trading but could live with at least the option to COD. Just because gold sellers tried to ruin it for us we shouldn’t be forced to only use the trading house if we want to sell the old fashioned way. For some people doing nothing but trading IS their game in Guild Wars.
You say you really haven’t removed tanking/healing per se just switched it up. Well I honestly think you should give the OPTION to those of us who enjoy giving a little more support than currently afforded in game. I am a guardian and fully spec’d into defense seems to be a complete waste when I could simply dodge’ & avoid like everyone else and kill mobs faster. Sure I can take a bit more damage up front but in the end it seems to defeat the purpose.
If a guardian wants to spend all his talents ‘healing’ let him.
If he wants to ‘tank’ let him simply make the tools more powerful while spec’d this way. There is nothing wrong if in the end it takes the team longer or whatever. Choice is good – boxed into a so-so half breed I’m not too certain about.
I cannot stress how impressed I am overall with the game. Honestly I left for that other MMO back in late 07 and have logged in GW every so often. Seriously it made me sad because the world became nothing but the number eight and no one ever looking for a group. Thanks for removing those heros – they were a good idea that imo ruined the game later on. We play to play with real people after all.
You game is truly beautiful – EPIC and I can even JUMP> and the movement is awesome.
I really looked forward to more guys – your friend in game
FoW was popular for a reason – it was fun. Running around in a high level area zerging is okay to an extent but it doesn’t compare to FoW styled encounters imo. It gets old much faster than these other options. Please consider making me feel like there is a rainbow at max level again.
I obtained the Holy Lightbringer early on my fire elemental (Searing Princess) and had a blast running those larger than 5-man groups doing things like Mallyx the Unyielding. It was great ‘end game’ fun content and those great ‘Tormented weapons’ made you feel like you really earned something on top of having a dedicated group of friends. Fun stuff and fun is always welcomed right? I don’t like being boxed into only doing a 5-man. I like the ‘option’ of doing more group runs other than WvW etc.
If anything you could make 8-man groups even more awesome – not remove them completely.
Other things -
I like being able to ‘target’ myself even IF there is no ‘practical’ reason doing do. Simple, stupid but true. I LIKE seeing myself an my title.
Hall of Monuments – I’m not going to blast you much about this but I would have hoped that those skins that I spent YEARS to unlock would be a little more ‘epic’ than your regular trash drops in GW2. Honestly I can’t even remove the skin without salvaging the items. Having generic armor skins for all that hard work is really disappointing to say the least guys. Things like the Crystalline Sword would have at least made me a little more content.
I liked being able to unlock the map and not having to pay to get somewhere simply for the fact of unlocking the point. I honestly have made myself broke meeting up with friends etc. At least bring it down into the copper range.
I liked that I couldn’t run into an area 10 levels below and think that I could simply avoid 99% of the mobs. Really I was running to level 70 areas 20 levels below. Mobs simply don’t chase you after a few dodges. Maybe it doesn’t matter since you can’t really do anything there anyways but you did KNOW that you couldn’t do it!
Being a ‘runner’ in game was FUN. It wasn’t the only way to get somewhere but I cannot tell you how many hours I spent doing it and having it done for me. Again incorporate a fun area for this in the future.
I really liked having a guild hall. Not having a ‘pad’ is sad – honestly. Why change something that’s not broken? It was cool then and is still cool now.
I liked the ping/FPS meter icon.
I really liked missions – even if they’re optional and dungeons or my personal story last mission doesn’t replace them. Future again to think about. I know it would keep me logged on more than at present.
Dear ArenaNet – as a long time player of GW1 (Millennial Dawn Xxx) I really believe that you guys care about our concerns so here are some concerns I have thus far -
Dungeon rewards:
We need more incentive to run/re-run ALL dungeons at max level. An example is spending hours to clear one dungeon (or trying too) and not receiving much compensate. We spend a lot on repairs that isn’t always made up from the drops obtained. Reward people for their time with pretty rare shinies- not only with stuff we can’t even use or want every so often. Vain? Sure but it at least feels like we have a chance at something other than endless wipes that we can’t afford.
Also, as level 80 I cannot use a level 30 helm when I am at level 80. Any weapons that drop are meaningless other than salvaging or trying to sell. If you scale us why not scale our personal drops to our level? Sure I could run only level 80 dungeons but that defeats the point of scaling and enjoying all the content doesn’t it? I WANT to run all explorer mode dungeons but don’t want to feel like the only reason is to obtain tears or simply the challenge (those are good too of course). You see I didn’t even complete a dungeon before hitting max level – mainly because it was bugged at the time and we couldn’t all zone in at the same time or instance.
Some Storymode mob HP is simply ridiculous. There is nothing gained by this and it isn’t a boss. Spending a full 5 minutes on one trash mob isn’t anyone’s idea of fun and it’s only challenge is removing their HP.
You did some things very well in GW1. Why take away things that kept the game and the people there in the first place?
Chests runs? FoW, UW and Epic Crystalline Swords only obtained at certain areas and a lot of work?
I just don’t understand how people are level 80 already, unless they are only playing 1 character and racing to the end like theirs some finish line to reach. I’ve got 6 characters that I’m leveling up currently, and my highest one is level 33. (That’s playing about 6 hours a day)
I’ve been level 80 for over a week although no one in my guild is even at level 70 yet and I wasn’t trying that hard at all.
Anybody else finding it very difficult to find an explorable dungeon group?
Posted by: Moophious.1735
One problem is that the main channel is only for the area you happen to be in. I’ve seen people spamming for it in Lion’s Arch but there certainly needs to be a server wide channel just like WoW has.
Of course some servers don’t have many 80s running around and for those who’ve tried some hard modes we know it actually takes good players and perhaps vent to make a good run not last 3+ hours.
I honestly love GW2 but that ending is pathetic. The lead up was pretty darn good but it feels like they ran out of time. I hope they fix it before more get there.
I honestly think it shouldn’t take 5 minutes to kill a single trash mob that isn’t a boss in story-mode. Please nerf the HP of the trash it’s really a waste of time and everyone I run with is complaining to which I agree.
Explorer-mode – I have a pretty good guardian in very good gear but I am troubled at the sheer amount of wipes needed to clear some ‘trash areas’. One example in CM cave area. I don’t mind learning or wiping but I do mind spending over 20 silver just to get to a boss.
Make wiping a little cheaper would yeah?