Showing Posts For Moose Rooster.4927:

Lost Shores event disconnect solution? [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

Does any of this apply for people who got Hurricaned?

Thief Perma-Stealth Video

in WvW

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

Listen, stealth IS the main feature of a thief. If you were to take that away from them, they are just a really weak warrior with tiny little swords. Would you like your clones taken away from you? Grenade spam? Hundred blades? You see what I am saying here? Every class has their signature moves/mechanics, and though you might not like or agree with them, that doesn’t mean ANet should hold your hand and remove it from the game.

Assassins from GW1 (which the thief is based on btw) did not have stealth and were very good at at taking out players. Additionally, I don’t see how adding stealth to the assassin adds to the strategic depth or complexity of the class. I vote that Anet forgets that they ever created the thief and just bring back the assassin.

Because change is bad, right? Good thing that ANet isn’t a democracy that takes its votes from users.

Stealth is not the main feature of Thieves, that is just stupid to say. The main feature the F1 ability for thieves, the class mechanic of thieves, is Steal. That’s why Mesmers have stealth as well, and other classes can utilize stealth. Don’t be a silly. And who is saying to remove it, I think everyone aside from the care bears here is asking for a change to stealth so that it doesn’t add duration into long near 4 minute chains.

I guess I am against the person who responded to you then. I have no issues with initiative (I love it’s name) and I think it is a unique system that allows for interesting play.

I love that Anet didn’t keep the name Assassin, but it actually isn’t that much change considering one of the most popular Assassin builds was Dagger Spam, and one of the most popular Thief builds is Dagger Spam.

Different name same result, like eating mcdonalds or burger king everyday; you will still get fat.

In short, Stealth is the issue here, not thief, and stealth needs to be EDITED so that you can not perform long stealths, shall we say 5 seconds. If you can’t line up your back stab in 5 seconds, or move away from something in 5 seconds well oh well.

Make 5 seconds a max duration, and then throw in a time period before you can restealth, call it “found” or “seen.”

Back to work.

WvW Turtling - Intended or Not?

in WvW

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

Or raise or even get rid of the Aoe cap, which is MUCH easier for the coders since there isn’t even a collision detection function at all yet.

a THOUSAND times this. AoE should not be limited by the amount of people standing in one spot; Heal AoE’s as well.

Scouting and professions

in WvW

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

I saw a guardian who was working as a spotter for a treb wearing armor dyed various shades of green and hiding in some tall plants on a cliff. I was impressed by how many people just ran right past him.

But armor dye won’t matter because he will be w.e color that your team is, or rather that is what the enemy will see him as.

That’s just silly…

Ride The Lightning Stealth Nerf

in Elementalist

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

RTL looks like fixed to me, I didn’t get stuck anymore while rushing to an opponent.

The only other thing changed is the jump-distance that got shorter, but it has no rilevant importance except for perfoming some cool jumps.

That’s what I noticed, I clearly might be wrong.

No, I think you are right not wrong. The issues that some people had has been fixed, and I know why they changed the jump difference, just upset they did.

Ride The Lightning Stealth Nerf

in Elementalist

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

Well it was useful for some jump puzzles so I’ll miss that, but at least at my level of play I didn’t use gap jumping RTLs much. Although looking at these comments maybe I should have been. If this is a side effect of fixing its bugginess, I’m happy. Otherwise mildly disappointed.

In my opinion it wasn’t buggy at all, you just had to turn off the auto target/attack feature, as well as the melee block feature, which I didn’t have on anyway because I found that they slowed me down in pvp or in a lot of cases caused me to attack the wrong thing.

Ride The Lightning Stealth Nerf

in Elementalist

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927


No, that was the last reason I was playing one, the sheer amount of fun I had due to the ability.

There were many reasons I started playing an elementalist, many features I wanted to test out and see how they worked, but as I played I found that things like Powerful Aura were not designed for WvW play but instead designed for Dungeons. I found that a number of our skills either didn’t work or had the wrong tool tip and performed incorrectly. Our “melee” skills were unlike any other melee skill and only performed one ability, no cycling of abilities when casted to make your character feel more flushed out.

RTL is an ability that allowed the elementalist to go and see amazing things, it allowed for lots of fun and to switch up game play as you went, whether that means jumping off a tower and RTLing into someone else then updrafting them off, or just RTL away from a zerg by jumping cliff to cliff, it was an amazing skill.

I will try it out, see if I can find the old joy in RTL but I will always remember what I used to be able to do with it.

(edited by Moose Rooster.4927)

Ride The Lightning Stealth Nerf

in Elementalist

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

And, there goes my last bit of love for elementalist…

Trait: Powerful Aura

in Elementalist

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

It does transfer those boons, and when I say 5 I mean that, my guild and I have test this in a uniform stack to get the best results. It is a very interesting trait but it is not meant for WvW more of a dungeon Trait.

Free transfer - WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

Make it so you can transfer once a week, would see servers maintain and see wvw combat where people can’t switch because they are losing.

Every diehard warrior needs to watch this

in Warrior

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

Basically a guy in plate armor was invincible unless you could overwhelm him with numbers…. that is until guns improved. Then armor of that type became useless, worst than useless it slowed you down and made you an easy target.

crossbows, designed to puncture heavy plate and required very little skill to use.

Top 6 WvW Transfer servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

Any list that is made needs to get re made from week to week, and because of this it can’t be considered stable for the higher brackets… may work for the lower ones though.

Trait: Powerful Aura

in Elementalist

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

It’s about 5, wish it covered everyone, does not though. I have tried this in a bunch of different ways but just never plays how I want too.

This is probably because the most Auras you can have is 3 that you can activate whenever you feel like it dagger/dagger or dagger/focus with 20 point fire trait signets make fire aura/shield. But you don’t get earth the best one tied with shocking so it’s a bit of an annoyance.

Attunement Swapping is to Blame

in Elementalist

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

How I view this is more of a “I shouldn’t have to spec 20+ points in arcane to be an effective Elementalist,” and boy do I agree. There is so much switching that just seems to be switching for the sake of switching instead of switching for damage. Some of the videos of people are of them switching just because the attunement is off CD not because the abilities within the attunement they are switching are off CD.

Class suggestion : WindWalker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

Don’t you think it’s too soon to be talking about new classes when the bugs aren’t even fixed on the ones that do exist. Also this class seems to fit more to one of the areas that would exist in an expansion.

Top 6 WvW Transfer servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

I’d agree with SoS

Free transfer - WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

No, they are not destroying WvW with free transfers they are destroying WvW by letting people who transfer during the middle of the week participate in WvW during that cycle instead of being locked out.

Server loyalty reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

It’s an interesting idea, but honestly it is way toooooo long term. The people who are switching are there for the short term, they are there for the bang and to say they have always been on what ever FotW server they are on.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

I am fine with them all coming from the traditional mage archetype. But to say that something is not what it is simply to justify a reason, that seems lazy.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

Conjure Weapons does not = Conjurer? KAY

Use of Spells and elements does not = mage? KAY

Following these Rules, we must be able to apply it to other things…

Why no reduce falling damage trait?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

It is very odd that we don’t have anything for this considering we have 3 trait lines that could easily allow for it, and if it was attunement based that would be fine too.

I just want to not splatter… a slow fall would be dope but I don’t see that happening. Unless mist form made a slow fall for it’s duration?

Spawn camping - what counts?

in WvW

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

Actually most of the time when I hear it or even see it the opposing team has 10+ people at all three exits of the spawn waiting for people. Or like the thread i started yesterday they exploit/glich/hack what ever and actually have a group in the spawn standing near the way-point and vendors. Yesterday SoS had close to 20 people in DB spawn I took Screen Shots of them killing auctioneer guild banker karma merchants and crafting npcs. <DB BL> I dont know how they got in there they just appeared on the way-point and went to work. I applaud them for the damage they did before the Gaurds finally killed them all. However funny it was it should not have happened and none of the npcs works after that until after the servers when down for maint. It made most people irate but Im one to laugh and carry on.

I Don’t believe you straight up. At some point maybe but you can no longer get into the area where the NPCs are except for maybe in the main center borderland, the other 2 on borderlands will kick you out. They didn’t for a while, but now they do.