Lyonrwar: Ranger 80 Lyonswrath: Mesmer 80
SoR :: Ethereal Guardians
Just leveled my 1st warrior to 80 and throughout leveling i used sword warhorn and longbow alot i love how that plays really. Im not sure as far as gear/build to work with. Iat im using warhorn i will need to spec into making sure that it removes conditions but other than that??? Do i still go all zerker?Or hybridize my gear? Trinks too? Weapons all zerker or since sword/longbow maybe rampagers? Should i use soldiers runes? Travelers runes?
Any help would be appreciated. As a note i hate using GS so please lets focus on Sword Warhorn and longbow
The new and improved Diadi
found it
Malyck was the sylvari
I remember reading sometime ago on the forums about a 2nd mother tree, and a sylvari from there. was in the storyline for the sylvari race i think….can anyone name that sylvari i cant remember
Just curious….how many of you got these unlocked? We started rush last week and they are awesome!! Tier 3 bounties could be more challenging though. My guildies enjoy trek but I don’t like it so much. What about you guys? How you feel about this new content?
Diadi officer of [EG] on SoR
Diadi updated look he is a sick guardian
We do causal WvW though, leave that to the rest of you guys
Great post Obsidian, and yes, SoR has a very meaningful background to its name unlike other servers, and because of that, community is very tight-knit, all guilds are like friends, we hop on other guild’s channels and chat with them, just like that. No pointing fingers or trash talking.
Notable WvW guilds you might consider joining are-
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Conquers In [WvW]
Caedas [CDS]
Fate [Fate]
Fraternity of Torment [FOT]
Potluck Massacre [PLUM]
Serenity Edge [TRE]
United Sanctum Alliance [USA]
Vigilance [VIG]
Coalition Of Revenge [CoR]
Tempest Wolves [TW]Sorry if I missed any :]
If you’re interested in joining Caedas, we are a very friendly, but hardcore WvW guild that focuses in organised missions and striking when unexpected. If you’re interested in joining, please message me and I’ll ask one of our officers to send an invite.
Hope to see new faces in SoR soon!
Dont forget Ethereal Guardians [EG] 380 active and fastest Tier 3 Mission Completion
but yea SoR rocks
Ty guys will definitely be fiddling around with all these ideas
Just finished leveling my memser….looking for a build using a rampagers armor set. Why? BC I have a fullset and don’t really wanna invest too much time into it, my guardian is my main and I’m good at that. This is just for fun and I don’t wanna suck terribly bad(but I don’t have to be Max/min either) so far I like using gs/staff but I’m not set on those really…I lvl’d to 64 then crafted the rest of the way and only used gear that I got through personal story or mob drops…
Any help will be appreciated thanks
1. Tengu, would make an awesome samurai or ninja type class
2. Skritt, playing a skritt engineer or thief would be kinda cool but my skritt would be a guardian (think junk/scrap metal pieced to together to make heavy armor)
3. Kodan, because I really wannna play the coca-cola bear
Diadi and his girlfriend…..too bad she is an NPC /sigh
been getting the error 7 code again….started last nite if i stay still and chat im fine but if i try to run or gather or anything i get dc’d pretty quick. in the morning (7amish) connectivity is pretty good but past two night i log in at liek 10pm EST and have a ton of problems. my gaming schedule is pretty consistent 7am-10am then 10pm-1am the past month has been really good but alot of problems the past two nights
This is Diadi just hit 80 a few days ago he is wearing a mix of Vigil armor and banded armor with a helm from somewhere i dont remember
colors are Iron Redemption and Matte
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: MylesTheLionGomez.1496
nevermind tried it a third time and got a msg that said a serious error had occured and sending notication to Anet and suggested to restart so i restarted and then download client lauched normal and is updating files so we good thanks
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: MylesTheLionGomez.1496
Sent the invite a friend to my gf, she downloaded game client and handled the email stuff but when she laucher the client its black say 100% downloaded but no where to login
noll and canach Scantum of rall and no one know where tyrro is
Weapons i like are GS and they Mace/Shield combo
my guardian just hit lvl 60 and i was wondering if anyone had a good build using these to weapons
right now still new the the guardian currently my traits are
10/5/10/10/10 with 5 extra i havent placed anywhere lol
i have no clue what im doing with is guy and i finally decided that i like the GS and Mace/Shield combo so now i need a build to reflect it and that i can grow into as i hit level 80
thanks in advance
yea sylvari medium armor sucks….or maybe is all adventurer class armor idk the only one that looked semi okay on my sylvari male ranger was the order of the whispers armor…i got the lyssa armor set now and i look like a puffy space cowboy and it sucks….
Ponzu what armor is that?
error code 7 started happening to me again after this latest build
no guild wars 1 account
playinng on the Scantum of rall server
playing all day any day (well i use too)
Indianapolis, IN USA
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: MylesTheLionGomez.1496
Ok i thought we were done with this code…..beening playing since early release was and this code was a problem for a longtime…then game patched and was fine have had a problems in idk how long but its been along time….
after last nites build i cant seem to stay logged on for more than 5 mins
i also did all the old fixes i tried before
drivers check
ports check
netsch something something restart check and double check
SO WTF……..anyone else having problems after last night build? oh on a side note game crashed last nite and i sent error report
Got a question about the runes
(1) 25 Pre
(2)10% Cond. Dur.
(3)50 Pre
(4)Heal Skill Boon
(5)90 Pre
(6)Cond. Removal plus all boons
More runes equal more bonuses, i get that but the Precision 25, 50, 90 is that separate? Is max precision i get is 165 or is max precision 90?
thanks guys helps a bunch
lol my spider was peter parker for a long time
my shark is jaws
my bear is PWR RNGR
my idk what it is bear/wolf hybrid thing (artoroch??) is now offically Stupid Tower in honor of the mad kind clock tower
sometimes my pets name is No Bots Here and Ni Hao
(edited by Moderator)
i have a full set of order of the whispers rare gear
but where does one find these lvl 80 exotics? there are vendors? or are those the dungeon token ones?
all my weapons are still all greens like lvl 77 or 78
i use sb/lb and axe/horn
i dont care about skins right now, and i use a power/precision/crit build
i dont really care for the legendaries….so where should i go to upgrade?
do i spend gold or karma or run dungeons? and what end game sigils are u guys using?
Yea Mara on Sanctum of Rall for sure…..I rack up the kills when I follow em around….
The other night we ran a dungeon, Me, Mouzz, Lydia, and i cant for the life of me remember the other two but it was pretty good group with a few more runs together we will be able to hammer through any dungeon no problem…seeya guys tonight
Bummed I’m not gonna be on all today but I will seeya guys tomorrow! We do instance! A lot of them!!
Thanks man looks like guardian is the way to go
I’m not a fan of light armor plus I hear the cant directly with the sword :-(
Wheres the fun if my little guy can’t slam on someone with a weapon larger than him lol does your guardian do good damage?
I have a desire to have a heavily armoured tiny room for sure asura fits the bill but idk if I should roll a warrior or a guardian. I know I definitely want a great sword think it be cool…I’ve only 1 toon a sylvari hunter….so asura and warrior vs guardians guide me plz and thanks
Make sure you check out the facebook too…..
Awe shucks I just did that out of the goodness of my heart
Lyonrwar here! I was lost with a guild….no friends to play with, now I have a guild Archon! We play together! Now I have friends!
Jk naw really though glad to be part of the team glad we are continually doing guild buffs helps a bunch looking forward to seeing u guys later this evening
Okay so last night was my first night that i played with NO DC’s!!! It was awesome!!! Didnt lag either! I literal just farmed events and got like 4 or 5 lvls in a 3 hour period. Played 10pm-1am EST no problems the only thing kinda noticeable is that after i long in it takes like 30-45 seconds after i login for my character to screen to pop up but after that no issues
Gonna play several at several times today(morning, middle of the day, and tonight) to check if this keeps up
heading to login wish me luck
I use the cave spider love the skill it as and I use the arctodus for when I need a tanking type pet have no issues with both when I’m playing with others I go spider and we sit back and do damage when I’m alone I go arctodus and I can take like 5-6 mobs by myself
Tired it again this morning
When I started up the game it updated for like 5-7 minutes downing files or what not after I logged in played for 2 hours no DC issues then about I logged in later today played for an hour and 1/2 no issues got some instances done and events with other plays at least 10 of them….hoping to see what’s up tonight
Notes: last night after game was in playable I did that netsh winsock reset again and restarted my computer and reset my router but didn’t play went to bed jnstead
Hate to beat a dead horse but man!
been follow thing the thread
the other day i did the netsh winsock reset and that seemed to work for a day but the very next day bam ERROR CODE 7
tonight the game was pretty unplayable gave up after 45 minutes of me loggging back in after being kicked off every 30-45 secs
also reread thread to see if i missed trying anything….and naw if tried all the fixes everyone has offered
new update
just did the Netsh winstock reset and restart the computer too
check to see if my drivers are up to date(they are followed link on another post about drivers)
and no changes Error code 7:11:3:189:101
also Sanctum of Rall server
Been having this problem with error code 7:11:3:189:101 since head start
thought it was because high stress gaming being new and all but problem has presisted
been following the forum posts. so
Yes i opened the ports
Yes i checked the firewall
Yes i did the client 80 shortcut thing
All seemed to fix the problem, for at least an hour or 2 but next time i log on the Error Code is back and i have a terrible time with it from anywhere between 5 minutes to 30 minutes completely unplayable
Goes away comes back goes away comes back…very frustrating
Love it use it
Short bow to lay on conditions bleed/poison
Then long bow right way for vulnerability and burst damage
Lay on the hurt pew pew
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.