jportell, vash, osicat
Dear Anet,
Please make Mesmers easier for StickerHappy. He works hard and deserves to have easy kills.
Sincerely Naz
Got your back Bro. :P
Just give us back our flat +20% recharge for staff instead, please.
PU in combination with Torch Trait is disgusting. 58s of stealth:
Last time torch just barely is enough. But it is:
10s+6s+6s+6s+6s+6s+6s+6s+6s=58s of chain stealth…Pardon my ignorance, but what is the MI in the equation?
Mass Invis
If we work hard guys we can get them to gut all the new stuff!! Go team Self-Hate!!!
+1 knee-jerk balancing at its best.
Nothing better then baiting cleanses just to dump a ton of confusion/torment on people and watch them implode. Can’t run? Can’t use your skills? Can’t cleanse? How about you just stand still and die. The Best imo!
Going chrono/chaos/illusions, going to try to get away from DE, if just for a bit. Something like Getting away from dueling will be tough but I want to give it a try.
Edit: Also looking to try other rune sets, no more travelers please!
YAY! Another thread for people to talk trash about anything not power shatter!! We all have “Lockdown Chaos” to thank for this self serving thread to support lockdown builds. I cant wait to see the one he posts next week! Most of the mesmers who read these threads everyday play every build well, so idk why the hell we argue over this crap ad nauseam. I’m rank 80, I have over 4k on mez, I like to play Mtd in mid tier spvp,
ITS FUN <———————————
Remember having fun while playing? I’m not helseth which means I don’t give a kitten about top tier pvp, I have a 70 hour a week job. Tired of these negative threads that go nowhere. My point being that there is a small minority of people who reads these forums everyday. Meaning your just arguing with the same people over and over again. Mesmer is the only reason I play gw2, so it would be nice if the “leaders” of this profession could stop arguing over the same dumb crap. I don’t comment much and I apologize even for this but come on guys just go play and stay off the forums for a week or two, it will do you some good. Ill be taking my own advice on this as well :P.
CP PU MtD Trying to get away from DE
My baby, Marrcuus
Love it!
My fabulous Mesmer, pink/purple full glorious, full phantasm weapons with tormented torch, unicorn rainbow finisher. Sometimes I just want to kill people with an over the top pink/purple mez.
edit: Going to stop here, I have 7 lvl 80 mesmers atm all male, I’m a little OCD when it comes to mesmers.
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Anyone else notice that the clones were carrying offhands, sorry haven’t seen that in about a year. GG anet maybe you could have fixed that before the x-pac, like last year.
The F5 skill Continuum Split has a weakness, that will be taken advantage of: it returns you to the original position you cast it. That means for PvP, people will know exactly where you will you come back. Expect that spot to be cover in conditions on return, or someone waiting for you with a pull/push/interrupt. In such scenarios it will be a race to dodge off your spot and survive long enough to use your refreshed skills. Will be nice skill though if used right.
Stealth —> f5 --> dump your bar —> return --> repeat. Just like a WoW fire mage haha. Hurray originality!!!
IIRC Mirror Images usually spawn to the side of you and shift you a bit.[/quote]
Yup you shift slightly and 2 clones appear, you don’t hold your hand in the air. There is also no animation for shatters, you just shatter instantly. In the video she holds her hands up again to shatter, on top of it looking like there is a delay. Interesting to see what they decided to do.
Is anyone a little worried that shatter skills are not going to be instant anymore? I kind of want to assume it’s just for marketing purposes/ease of view but those videos do show an active finger pointing for shatters and for mirror images.
What are you talking about? They will stay instant.
Duckduck is right there is clearly a cast time on mirror and the shatter in the video.
They gave mesmers WoW mage abilitys, should be fun.
I’ll be on Saturday from midnight to 4am, available all day Sunday for anything mesmer related.
If I roam mtd shatter I’ll take w/e maybe prefer a ele. If I’m roaming power shatter, thief hands down, Insane burst dps > All.
edit: Let me put it this way, a competent thief and a competent mesmer together make an incredible roaming duo. High mobility, high burst, it will wreck small teams all day.
(edited by Nazer.7301)
Would be happy to duel you and your friend, I play 12-4am est. Would prefer not to duel in a power build though. I will run power shatter if wanted but if the thief gets to pick w/e build he wants then so should I.
edit: I have a custom arena if needed
Mastery panel is a bit confusing, especially the fact that you need to lvl the chosen mastery in order for it to work. Maybe not have that giant masterys panel at the bottom,
travelers are just a waste of rune slots.
I really disagree. At least for WvW roaming. Th ooc and in combat mobility is very strong. The stats are a waste, I agree, but the condition duration still is a benefit…
I agree with TyPin on this as well, if we are talking about WvW roaming. Travelers is a strong choice not a waste. Positioning and mobility are huge factors for any build. Most of the mesmers on this thread that are active roamers are saying the same thing. The exception being messiah whom I respect a lot due to the fact that he/she has been a huge supporter of MtD since it was 1 stack.
Ranger posting about nerfing stomps and op downstates… Going to go post on the ranger forums that mesmer ranged dps is to strong… Stay on your ledge and no one will stomp you ranger.
I use rabid, double doom/energy, travelers, 0/4/4/0/6 for non boon rip and 4/4/0/0/6 for more team spvp fighting. Tried all the other combos and I prefer these. As a side note I have been obsessed with Mtd since its arrival so I have a lot of hours on it, both wvw solo roam and spvp.
I have over 4k hours on my asura mez, all of my 10 toons are asura. Play whatever you enjoy, kitten the haters. If you lose to someone and blame their race plz /wrist. Remember its a game, we play to have fun. Asura are hilarious and FUN to play.
I already picked up the Mordrem shield skin in preparation, not for everyone but it goes with my tribal look.
I’m on Gates of Madness and prefer Maim condi shatter if solo. Even if I’m running solo I’ll tend to stay “near” other solo roamers. Thieves are not an issue with Maim imo, usually 0/4/4/0/6.
edit: this vid might help ya
(edited by Nazer.7301)
one miss 15/char
Available all day Sunday. Usually run sw/p, gs shatter, lots of dazes work best for me here. Most of the small groups don’t live long so having IP can help you tag quick.
Should have gotten it when it was out! Was a pain to forge so I hope they make it hard to get again. :P Happy Year year everyone.
Personally I run travelers in every game mode. I like not having to worry about swiftness, I like not having to use focus for swiftness. I use it with condi and power shatter. Is it the best for condi shatter? NO but I hate running slow so I use it anyways.
Idol? Well for me that is only osicat.
You must pray to the deception gods harder! Ive always had a love/hate with it, I try to pay attention to who I’m targeting before I use it. Silverwaste seems to be the worst, usually just prolongs my death however super effective in pvp.
Ya the ileap swap can be hard to land. Personally I like stealth/blink shatters, basically everything in the vash vid. Setups from stealth work quite well imo.
We have blink, decoy, other stealth, portal. IMO there is no need for defense gear, we are already built for it. Being able to judge when to step out of a situation and back in is key. If I get hit with a big condi splash -> blink out and go back in. In silverwaste I like to use IP, very useful to me in that zone, on demand invul,daze, I also like duelist in that zone for the same reason. If your taking the time to make ascended gear go with Zerk or Assassins. For me I’m solo 99% of the time so its zerk all day every day.
Edit: Specific to silverwaste I also run DE, standard shatter really. Silverwaste can be very situational as far as what I need. Boon removal is actually good here, however i swap for the GS cd most of the time. Planning your out is key for me here, always have an exit strategy. My blink is my mouse wheel, so I can double tap and be gone. I also like traited blink 1200 range is a life saver (really though it saves my life everyday) Anyway that is what I use and I’m out there everyday, hit me up!
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rabid full, 4/4/0/0/6 power= condi damage, healing is crap. Rabid for crits=bleeds. toughness>vitality>healing. I prefer travelers in every game mode.
we could do some dueling to see what build ya want. Anyone for some MtD dueling?
(edited by Nazer.7301)
Is #2 the tribal set, top looks that way, pants look different though.
This is tribal minus the head piece.
Looking at it again looks like leather straps on boobs, so no on tribal.
Zomg enough, both of you to your rooms. We are mesmers! Find some dam common ground.
Menders Purity is NOT mandatory for these builds, I have not run with a condi cleanse in over a year. If you have to have one just grab idisenchanter or null. IMO 4/4/0/0/6 is best for pvp because of the extra condi duration/power/aoe boon rip. If I’m feeling lazy I’ll run 0/4/4/0/6 with clone death traits but still no menders. Forgot about the mantra, just use it if you have to. IMO don’t build around menders!
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Knockback would be fun but ill take 1sec of stealth per illusion shattered.
I like to go full zerk if I’m solo and some assassins if I’m grouped.
That Lindsey Stirling song is amazing when playing. I would encourage everyone to try the men at work song suggested by Zadarh, don’t kill them just clone spam and invis, switch positions constantly. So much fun! TY Zadarh for that suggestion.
Lets not undervalue the benefit of that extra 300 on blink because its amazing. The manip CD brings blink down to 24secs which is also nice. I use AT a lot in pvp/wvw so I would be for this change being that I use both traits now.
Ok so after going over the list, its seems that those of us full time time mesmers listen to a crazy range of stuff. When I say “crazy range”, I mean insanely batkitten crazy range of obscure music.
Regarding the OP – what sigils are folks finding best? I’ve tried tormenting, but the single torment stack is a bit lackluster at best. Bursting seems nice, and obviously energy is always a plus for any shatter build. Any others working nicely for folks?
Ive been using energy/doom x2. I think someone else from the guild was using a bleed/crit, earth maybe, on there staff with energy x2 and doom
4/4/0/0/6 is not less damage, you get 20% condi duration and 200 power. Your opponents have no boons, there is that.