Showing Posts For NekomimiMode.4296:

Showstopping bugs should be NUMBER 1 priority

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


I quit pretty much after Wintersday and started back up in the beginning of April because SAB looked pretty cool and there were finally meaningful nerfs in the pvp arena. Just slowly at first, the new dailies… then fractals again. It’s my third run since returning and I’m on the underwater fractal after a painful colossus fractal. Naturally the last one too. Lo and behold one of the fishermen is stuck in the cage and cannot be freed even though all the enemies are dead. Other two worked fine!

I’m just wondering why there are bugs like this still in the game? Is it really that hard to make scripts that don’t break? And if it is why is it so hard to not put in some sort of failsafe that prevents stuff like this from happening?

(edited by NekomimiMode.4296)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


What the WP change accomplishes

1) Less friendly PuGs and/or less pugs in general (why all the hate towards pugs?)
2) Groups finishing boss encounters while dead player remains dead being denied boss loot
3) Players less likely to help less experienced players in dungeons
4) Player mandated gear checking/title checking/ etc…

What good does this change accomplish?

1)Players with superiority complexes can feel better about themselves
2)I can’t really think of anything else…I simply don’t see the good in this

All in all this doesn’t really change things for groups that already had no issues with the dungeons. It doesn’t make it anymore challenging for them. What it does do is raises the barriers to entry for those who are new/less experienced/ and, or just well not as capable. How is that a good thing?

This. Congrats guys you finally convinced me to uninstall. Dungeons were pretty much the only thing I had fun with before and I didn’t play enough to really get together with a dedicated guild to play them due to having RL obligations. I liked fractals too, but the crashing ruined those… so now that’s fixed but I have to get through subject alpha in a pug with no reses since there ARE NO HARD RESES in this game? Oh yeah that’s going to be great. Not going to cause tons of rage or anything. I can’t wait for the xd response “dodge ftw”, people screw up sometimes, it happens. My favorite part is that I would be okay with this change if the game were more team oriented like GW1 where a good monk can deal with the faults of a bad player (short of frenzy+heal sig) and you can more solidly support others but you know, that’s not the case here. So now bad players flat out DIE and don’t get to play more challenging content because their detriment from being dead is massive, and new players have to face elitist hurdles. I still haven’t played Arah explore. Guess I never will get to now without a guild.

This game is one step forwards ten steps back every patch. No meaningful changes have been made to sPvP which has been dead for ages now. No meaningful changes have been made to WvW aside from orbs being removed when orbs should never have been in the game to begin with. Dungeons have tons of exploits some of which are just ridiculous (Cadecus’s Manor, I have no idea if they fixed getting on top of the map but I never want to go there again after that horrible experience) I’m waiting on the patch where Portal finally gets a recharge of 180-240 or is moved to the elite slot but Time Warp’s duration is increased to 60 seconds.

Warrior Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


Warrior is going to continue to be buffed guy. They really aren’t that good outside of PvE but it seems like a lot of people don’t understand that because they don’t play it and complain. Likely the same people who complain warriors roll their faces on the keys they’re so easy probably play ranger and practically afk at 1200 range because their best dps is an autoattack

Colossus Rumblus Needs A Nerf

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


AC is already by quite some margin the easiest dungeon in the game. No, I don’t think it needs a nerf.

Snowball Mayhem > sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


It had to be said. And this really says lots of things about the current state of spvp

baldifying hats

in Wintersday

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


This is the only thing that’s stopping me from buying outfits from the gem store It looks terrible… It was okay with the witch costume for Halloween, but not for these ones…

Is this ever going to be changed?

Thieves=No e-sport

in PvP

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


Healing surge is a pretty cool skill. Not to say it’s good or anything or even not bottom of the barrel of skills in the game. But it’s pretty cool.

NA spvp dead? :(

in PvP

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


There are two main problems that have driven people off.

1. Poor game balancing for the general public. ANet has made the decision to balance the game around the < 2% (RNG stat, but I doubt if it’s far off) of the player base who do paid tournaments regularly and now everyone is shocked that many from the other 98% are unhappy and have largely quit playing. Did you really think a bunch of newbs/noobs were going to take being told “L2P” by a dev without consequences? Worst design decision ever? I would say, it comes in second to making Frogloks a playable race.

2. Repetitive gameplay on one of the least fun game modes and worst designed maps I’ve seen in a game. sPvP consists of fighting over 3 capture points arranged in a V shape with forest critters, fighting over 3 capture points arranged in a V shape with sharks, fighting over 3 capture points arranged in a V shape with trebuchets, fighting over 3 capture points arranged in a… you get the point. The ‘stand in a circle as long as possible’ style of gameplay has resulted in some of the least entertaining gameplay in MMOs today with absurd bunker meta. At least part of this is on the players though. WAR scenarios were essentially stand in the circle and the game never devolved into max defense regen tanks standing on the flag for an entire SC.

I am going to have to agree with this post wholeheartedly.

And I’d like to add something regarding the ‘meta’: Defense should NEVER be > offense in game design, period. When you do you get games that FAIL. This is one of the many reasons Brink was considered one of the worst fps in recent history. Does Anet have any idea how frustrating it is to beat down on a guy and see his lifebar not move an inch? At least if you got destroyed by a per-nerf backstab assassin its over in a second and you respawn.

CoF Damage ninja increased?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


HOTW got a MAJOR nerf to path 1 too, the aldus midboss who wasn’t really hard but not exactly a complete pushover either now has constantly respawning adds including a 2 claymores an archer and a hammer guy. It took us 30 mins to kill him.

I’m not really sure what warranted this change but I guess they want even MORE people to run AC explore

How are Caltrops not broken?

in PvP

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


The more I play against this silly build the more I realize it’s the mode I hate, not the build.

Just give us old random arena for casual pvp Anet, I don’t want to have to deal with 1v1s of people capping points with builds designed to do nothing but stay on it forever. I guess this is the real reason for zergs, as I played a bit of 5v5 today and they still zerged even then, it was just easier to avoid.

How are Caltrops not broken?

in PvP

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


Have your ele or guardian or any class with strong condi removal stand on the point, there are MANY ways to cleanse conditions.

Yeah too bad it pulses every second and lasts for 14 lol okay. Oh and it triggers their healing sig so it regens them too like an attack.

I don’t know if death blossom thief is op or not but its super lame and boring to fight. It’s like anet keeps nerfing fotm and then players just come up with even more ways to make the game unfun.

So you killed another good farm possibility

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


Good now nerf AC explore cash rewards so people stop demanding all lvl 80 parties for a lvl 35 dungeon for their l33t ph4rm

Subdirector Blingg audio [Merged threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296




collosus fractal extremely buggy....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


Even better, when we got to the (presumably) final boss halfway thru the fight THE HAMMER DISAPPEARED, leaving us completely unable to finish and forced to return to lion’s arch… why… and the rewards for completing 1-2 fractals is really pitiful, I have no intention of putting serious time down until I know bugs are fixed.

I think this is intended. Because when we did the final boss the hammer despawned and after we downed the boss to a certain health level it appeared again, once we used it, it disappeared again and so on. Or did it disappear while the boss was invincible?

The boss was invincible at the time, the adds spawning and the final seal shield down when it disappeared. Seal was at ~40%. We obviously couldn’t budge it any further without the means to do so

collosus fractal extremely buggy....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


Had a party member who fell off on the wind thing and his body on tp’d back up on his client but not for us. All of us had to kill ourselves to get him back.

Even better, when we got to the (presumably) final boss halfway thru the fight THE HAMMER DISAPPEARED, leaving us completely unable to finish and forced to return to lion’s arch… why… and the rewards for completing 1-2 fractals is really pitiful, I have no intention of putting serious time down until I know bugs are fixed.

Server availability for refer a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


Tarnished Coast is still full a lot. Are servers going to be opened up a bit more for the weekend? Or… maybe… just maybe will we get guesting?! T_T

How to counter this thief build?

in WvW

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


Apparently culling is going to be fixed next patch. Apparently. I don’t know what’s taken so long seeing as you can still see the effects at their feet from stealth/unstealth….

Anyway, this will probably be the next flavor of the month after backstab’s nerfed which has pretty much been confirmed to be happening.

Necro , Ranger or Guard for Solo PvE...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296



I think Necro is the easiest of those 3 imo because minions, but they get a LOT of aggro from minions and they don’t let you leave combat while they fight, kind of annoying.

Guardian probably has it easiest moving around Orr with all that defensive stuff. By that I mean actually moving, as Orr is a CCfest where enemies will pull and stun and tons of annoying stuff QQ

I like Ranger for PvP, not so much for PvE so I can’t help you there unfortunately.

Either way I think you should hold off on making a permanent decision before the November patch comes out, it’s going to have a lot of changes to classes.

Disabling flood protection for WvW commanders

in Suggestions

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


The flood protection in general should be reworked, too often does it block legitimate messages.

Quickness in PvP needs to go.

in WvW

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


Jon said in one of his heart of the mist question sessions specifically that spike is supposed to counter defensive builds.

Also you guys get aegis a completely free ride that comes up every 45 seconds that protects you from an unexpected spike. I don’t understand what you’re complaining about.

Give us a wvw pvp rank similar to structured pvp

in WvW

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


WvW is team orientated and not meant to be a solo sport. All your suggestions revolve around rewards on a solo basis. Those who would care about a ranking system like that would never defend, never protect dolys, never care about building siege to protect a keep and would run from a fight unless they knew they were going to win. Sometimes going into a fight, knowing you won’t make it but providing a delay or distraction is vital in WvW.

Your suggestions would stop a lot of people from doing important stuff in there.

There is a ranking, a Server ranking because it’s Server vs Server vs Server.

I was solo defending yesterday… 2 glass warriors 1 sub-80 with rifle going around flipping our supplies in TC borderlands. I pointed it out repeatedly in chat but noone went so I had to go 2v1. Won some, lost some, but I learned a lot about the matchup.

It was funny cause one of them ragequit to switch to thief after, and then when I still got him he pulled on me. Honestly if people want to play PvE they should go play PvE….

The title for repairing walls that are being trebbed is far, far more damaging to the team. Wednesday or so some guy in Stonemist completely emptied the supply from like 500 just repairing a wall that was constantly under fire, completely ridiculous. Walls and doors shouldn’t come back up till they’ve been repaired a minimum imo.

11/9 Tarnished Coast/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


TC has an alliance?!?!?!

The overactive spam suppression has got to go

in Suggestions

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


I disagree, I don’t want to see “LFG blahblahblah” every 5 seconds just like I don’t want to see goldspammers. Both are equally annoying and spammy to me. IF you want to get a group use the LFG tool, and supplement it with the occasional lfg chat.

The LFG tool doesn’t work. Plain and simple. And like I said I was advertising at a VERY reasonable rate of once every 2 minutes, after my message had been pushed off chat log clearly.

The overactive spam suppression has got to go

in Suggestions

Posted by: NekomimiMode.4296


The chat block needs to seriously be rethought, it’s already a huge pain finding dungeon parties as it is at some times and this thing will start blocking you for messaging once every 2 minutes which is an extremely reasonable rate in a high active room where your message gets pushed off almost immediately.

The method for blocking people needs to seriously be rethought so that it only affects real spammers like the goldspammers taking up half their chat, not people trying to get things done.