(edited by Nozome.7853)
Showing Posts For Nozome.7853:
I would prefer some level of clipping.
I just made the light for my mesmer and I’m super sad about it , I had seen pictures of floating backpacks but i didnt realise that also my EQUIPPED shield would float from my hand…. Its not only the backpacks… the biggest issues are with the weapons , everything looks silly and out of place
Some people are already not using the sigil. You can easily achieve 100% boon duration with runes , commanders gear and a few platinum dubloons.
Reapers are still godlike , the Jagged Horrors nerf isnt as big in fractals. You can still play with Rise.
Hey guys, I was wondering what kind of build is "meta"for fractals and also what varients are you running.
I couldn’t really find a fractal only build because most guides have raids in mind.
Good stuff , I have no clue how you can get ported so far away just by a trait bug.
Was really fun the first 2 games that I tried to play. Fun = I raged and cursed a lot.
Thanks Anet for making us change traits just to be able to res like eveybody else.
The target audience of the raids loved them and Anet said it was a huge success.
The next raid should be harder , after all people are getting better and better every week by playing the first raid. Just think back to when spirit vale first got out. It was a mess , people were calling it super hard etc. But after a few months of playing the raid, people got the hang of everything and when wing 3 got out , people were calling it super easy and were disappointed.
Xera super annoying atm. She is twice as hard.
After 50% when we landed on the middle platform she ALWAYS ignored the tank.
Mesmer is still a quickness alacrity bot. And most people expect you to tank also.
Chronotank at this point is arguably the hardest class to raid with. I would suggest to start raiding again with your ele and maybe swap to mesmer after you learn the fights.
Judging of how succesful raids were , we should see the next raid in ~6 months or so.
Don’ t get the wrong impression about raids , the majority likes them and its just a vocal minority that started crying about raids when they realised legendary armor is comming soon.
Did KC yesterday and sometimes the Orb would not move at all. It was really buggy in general.
We went out and refreshed the instance and it was a little bit better after.
Why do people act so entitled for rewards in content they don’t want to play? Content specific rewards are neccessary to populate content.
No. They aren’t. They are needed only to populate content that would be underpopulated otherwise – so, one that is generally disliked.
Like open world metaevents and world bosses?
I really doubt people do most of those for content-specfic rewards. Because, you know, only few of them even have those.
There are few exceptions, of course, but they are just that – exceptions.I think the logical conclusion from “a 4 person squad beats VG” is VG isn’t as difficult as we thought it was.
Just as the logical conclusion from “Usain Bolt managed to run 100 m in 9.58s” would be “hey, running it at below 10s wasn’t that hard after all”?
All humans are different and some have advantages on a genetics level.
In gw2 everyone is equal.
Your argument makes no sense.
Raids should remain with one mode. The percentage of players wanting a harder mode is really low , and having an easier mode makes no sense. How much easier should they be? VG was killed by 4 people!!!
I would be really happy if mesmer could do something else besides beeing a quickness/alacrity bot in raids.
If it was indeed the second try , then the raidleader was just really kittenty.
In my raid group we have one thief he brings good dps and cc , and we have been running with him for months now.
Just wait for the next patch , maybe they will split skills in PvE-PvP and some proffessions will become better on PvE wihout beeing broken on PvP.
Why do you need it? Is this one of your mental problems?
If yes , I’m so sorry to hear about it. We can maybe start a petition so Anet will send you the Legendary Insights.
Oh true , but you are avoiding the fact that in WotLK they added a harder mode in raiding , not an easier one.
There was 10 and 25man normal and hardcore modes.
People here are suddently begging for easier modes just so they can do the legendary armor :^)
(edited by Nozome.7853)
Maybe raiding isn’t for you.
If I was in the same situation as you , I would stop trying to raid and also I would stop beeing so desperate about the rewards associated with raiding…
If you pay thousands of gold to buy runs for LI , shouldnt you meet the requirements to easily join a pug? Or are you getting kicked after a few tries?
As a former WoW player I believe that they should NEVER make different levels of difficulty. We’ve seen how it turned out for WoW and it sucked.
By sucked you mean most successful expansion in WoW history? Yeah, right.
Most successful expansion in WoW history? You mean WoD or MoP ? Because they are two of the worst expansions.Or do you mean the end of Cata?
As a former WoW player I believe that they should NEVER make different levels of difficulty. We’ve seen how it turned out for WoW and it sucked.
Lockouts go against the very nature of the game , so thats a big no no.
I just hope that the next raid is going to be just a little bit more challenging. Currently raids are considered “average” and many people call the “easy”. As the hardest game mode it should be a bit higher in terms of difficulty.
You only need 25 LI per piece. Its not that much actually. And im sure not everyone is going to like every skin. So you can craft whatever you like the most .
So pretty much one legendary piece per 3 weeks, that doesnt sound so bad.
Starting to raid may look hard , but it actually isnt so bad. Its the only place in the PvE mode that requires you to be skilled in your proffesion. Having a legendary reward behind that sounds good enough.
Doing Migraine with the exit message CONSTANTLY popping and having members accidentaly clicking “close” … not “yes”… but close and getting teleported out…
This is next level hardcore content..
Just fix (remove) it already , you are getting teleported out regardless of what you click…
This is more than annoying and has no real reason to exist.
(edited by Nozome.7853)
agreed… make it a boon too
Making it a boon is a buff to the group , so thats a big nono from Anet.
I didn’t get far enough to dive into the mechanics or alacrity. Did these new nerfs just bone me completely? Do I jump ship? New char? I was really looking forward to chrono and had just gotten bored of shatter but it looks like the smoke cleared from the battlefield and that’s all that’s left.
Do you play PvP? If so, yeah, jump ship.
Do you raid PvE? If so, discuss it with your raid group.
Do you play WvW? Probably should jump ship, but not necessarily.
If you are not in a raid group just jump ship.
Bug fixes…
“When each player in a raid enters combat, their boon prioritization will be locked in based on the composition of the subgroup they are currently in. That prioritization will not change until the player has left combat, even if their subgroup composition changes while they are in combat”
Thats an interesting thing to add along with the “Fixed a client crash” notes.
I don’t even…
For all of us , it would be common sense to change the CDs on wells etc now that alacrity has been nerfed ( after all , the whole trait line’s theme is alacrity).
BUT , did any of you maybe think that the existing CDs on wells are random? zero tests whatsoever , just put a random number , maybe look if it is too kittened ~thats it.
I personally started to believe that they don’t test and they don’t theorycraft , just throw a bunch of stuff and w/e happens.
I mean , why else would they lower the cooldown of Corrupt Boon from 40s to 15s?
Scepter buffs mate , haven’t been happier in my life
“We don’t even know all of the changes yet”
~best quote in mesmer forum 2016
I agree that I was expecting more damage modifiers to a broad range of skills, CD tweaks… that sort of thing. Just making bad traits marginally less bad is not a balance patch.
Everyone was praying for that , but anet managed to deliver once again.
Be still my beating heart! Condi Mesmers are fixed! You read it here first!
Mesmer is fixed!! anet style
They should have mentioned the QoL change instead of the scepter “buff”.
Kitten you anet
Mesmer still #1 in jumping puzzles.
Easy change : Kill portals and enable fly zones in every JP
We all knew it was coming …
The real problem , is that some people here tried to encourage others that the patch won’t be as bad , or that we don’t know everything yet , so people were expecting some changes in a good direction for pve at least (everyone agreed that mesmer would die in pvp)
the 5 man kills will die most likely today, they are based on exploiting that broken chronomancer well, same as most ‘speed kills’ (yes all VG records are meaningless after this patch as you can’t reproduce them anymore)
Doesn’t change the fact that the OP had 3 months to do a braindead easy boss and still couldn’t
top kek
Please try and respect other players , its their group and they make the rules .
And please stop using the “it’s just for fun” excuse . Its lame and offensive for some people that get their share of “fun” by giving their best at something and succeeding.
Make your own raid group or join a guild , don’t complain in the forums because you couldn’t be part of someone else’s group.
Why does Anet hate the idea of having 2 mesmers in the raid? They even hate having one ..
“Alacrity caused too much overall damage increase. Basically you had a mesmer or you had 66% damage loss. We DIDN’T WANT to reduce the amount of alacrity as you can just bring MORE MESMERS to bridge the gap. "
They way the dev phrased that is just like saying they hate mesmers.
But atleast the fate of the mesmer is on the hands of people that didn’t even finsish grade school , top mathz karl
And yet you don’t know all of the changes incoming. GG
SCEPTER , 5%!!!!!!!
and you think they have some serious changes incoming when they talk about scepter 5% buff on a stream?
Gl hf
Yeap , nothing changes , just that mesmer will not be a viable choice for pvp and most likely for pve ( was a support dps with very bad dps , now with the “support” nerf… gl hf )
Relax guys , you still have a few days to enjoy mesmer , after that we can all reroll in peace
Nah , Anet has proved countless times that they don’t care , so the obvious answer is “go find another profession to play” , because there is no way that that are “balancing” anything..
I have never met someone that tries to push the 100% out of their character and refuse to craft the best gear available.
I always assume that people who refuse to craft ascended don’t really know how to min/max (and so far i stand confirmed in every encounter i had).
In general , you shouldn’t be raiding if you are refusing to play your best.
I decided to start playing gw2 after a long time . I am getting constantly the error that the game client looses connection to the server .
I recently moved to a dorm and i can say that my internet isn’t the best but I didn’t have any problems with any game so far .
Just wanted to ask , is this my the servers fault and it will fix itself or its also my internets fault? Cause today its unplayable , i cant intercat with anything , constant errors and crazy lag