Showing Posts For Nukum.4502:

Won't Complete Install

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nukum.4502


After logging into the website and downloading the game, it starts the install and then closes the window and stops. I get the first login screen like it’s going to download the files and then after a few seconds it closes the screen and then nothing. It doesn’t appear to be hung, it’s more like the program just ended.

This is on a computer that has been running GW2 since launch. I built a new computer and scrubbed the old drives and then gave the computer to my daughter so she could game with me. It’s Win7 – 64bit, 6gig ram, HD4890 Video.

Anybody else had a problem like this? Did you find a resolution? Any thoughts?

Lowbie Advice / Behind on Crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


It’s pretty easy to max out items on the collectables tab of your bank, unfortunately 250 of many items is not anywhere near what you will need. Be ready to fill up your bank slots with overages of certain items. Specifically metals, cloths & wood.

In the case of cooking & jewel crafting, be prepared to purchase additional tabs for all the ‘crafted’ mats you have to create from those mats on the collectables tab.

Untrained Character Karma Purchases

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


I have a L80 Warrior with L400 Weapons/Hunter, rather than spending 40s to use a third craft, i created another character to learn Jewelcrafting/ArmorSmithing.

My main character has about 40k karma that i used to buy rare/exotic Armor recipes for my alt character, but i cant do this with jewelcrafter for some reason,is this a bug or the design?

Sounds more to me like the OP asked a question about why they couldn’t purchase Jewelcrafting karma recipes. Answer is that Jewelcrafting recipes aren’t shared with other crafts, like some recipes are (look at the bottom of the tool tip to see which are shared recipes). So you have to be a Jewelcrafter to purchase them.

Now if their lvl80 Main with 40K karma doesn’t have an extra 40 silver to spend and that’s why the alt, that’s a whole different issue and you could be right.

(edited by Nukum.4502)

Untrained Character Karma Purchases

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


You can also learn Jewelcrafting on your lvl 80 to buy the recipes with karma for your alt. You don’t actually need to do any Jewelry crafting, just learn the craft to purchase recipes.

What to salvage & what kit to use?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


I use the basic salvage kits simply because they come in larger stacks than crude kits.

Missing/Broken Skill Point NPCs [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Server: Yak’s Bend
Zone: Lornar’s Pass (False Lake)
Skill Challenge: None since there is nothing to click on or talk to. Just a map location next to the Jetsam Isle.

^ This is still not working

Rune of Holding

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


The sad part is that bags never go away. They can be handed down, sold or traded forever. So every bag ever made will stay in the game until someone discards it. This will have the long term consequence of devaluing bags to the point that the cost of the rune will be many times more than the bag will sell for.

It’s already happening at the lower 10 and 12 slot levels.

Color Coding

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Each color change indicates a lower crafting XP gain for each item crafted. I believe it’s orange, yellow, green, blue, white, gray. Orange is the max cxp and gray is zero cxp.

Can we get a collectibles tab for RARE crafting materials? What about dungeon tokens?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Agreed! It would be great to have a tab for rares, and get them out of my bags and into the bank where they belong.

Prevalence of bots.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nukum.4502


You can always try to kite an angry npc mob over to them and kill them that way!

Mobile authenticator

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nukum.4502


You should read todays blog on security. It talks about mobile authentication on the way.

Master Crafter - will work for tips!

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


He wouldn’t need to pay that if he had his different crafts on alts.

His screenshot indicates “Master Crafter”, which means lvl 400 in all 8 crafts on the same toon.

Runes and who can create what..

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


I wish there was a way to reverse engineer the drop runes and sigils. Once I have one from salvaging an item, it would be great if I could then purchase an engineering token and create the recipe be destroying the rune with the token. That recipe could be either account bound or soulbound once reverse engineered out of a salvaged rune/sigil.

Armorsmith lvl40 Heavy Armor??

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


All Embroidered Insignias unlock at the same time. There is no “second set”. The first set of Cotton Insignias make lvl 40 gear. I’m looking at the recipes right now in code and everything looks correct on my end.

Sorry Linsey, you are of course correct. I don’t know how I managed to skip over those first cotton insignias. Thanks for setting me straight.

Armorsmith lvl40 Heavy Armor??

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Has no one else discovered this error? I’m pretty sure the second set of embroidered wool insignias were supposed to make the lvl 40 armor and a simple mistake was made when laying out the increment table.

Why can't we craft aquabreather and back items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


It looks like you can craft aquabreathers?

I haven’t tried it myself. Have you tried it and it doesn’t work? If so, my apologies.

I have crafted several of these. They are low level and only for heavy armor with not all that helpful stats.

You can purchase the back pack from the guild armor vendor with your guild logo on it, but its pretty pricey!

What if the buy order is higher than the sell order ?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Never the twain shall meet. If there was a buy order for 5 silver when you listed your items for 4 silver, why didn’t you just sell? and vice versa. If there were items to purchase for 4 silver, why would you place a buy order for 5 silver.

In the unlikely event that this should occur, the TP doesn’t do auto buy/sale. When you place a buy order, another player has to make the selection to sell to you. And when you place a sale listing, another player has to make the selection to purchase said listing.

The TP will never automatically connect these two separate listings.

Armorsmith lvl40 Heavy Armor??

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Did something get lost in the translation? The Insignia’s of each type (Jute, Wool, Cotton, etc) come in two tiers. The armor you craft with them are 5 lvls apart. The first wool insignias are lvl 25, the next few are lvl 30. Then the next few embroidered wool insignias are lvl 35 and the last of the embroidered are . . . lvl 35 again?

The previous sets of Jute insignia armors were a mix of lvls 10, 15 &20. The next set of cotton insignias are lvl 45 and 50, embroidered cotton are lvl 55 and 60. Etc . . .

What happened to level 40 crafted heavy armor?

Crafting System: Early Impressions

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


LOL! plus one rep for the Butter Economy! Bring on the vendor!

Redeem code in the Black Lion Trading Co not working.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Look at the top of the forum page, hover your cursor over ‘Services’ and select support.

Remove Trading Post Vendors from cities

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nukum.4502


I agree with this. As well as allowing us to craft directly from our “collectibles”, rather than having to pull the mats into our bags.

You can craft from your collectibles now you just can’t use them for discovery right now unless its in your inventory.

Eh… no.

Hey DaveK, are you not able to craft directly out of your bank now? I’ve been doing it for several days. It works great except for discovery, then you have to actually have the items in your bags.

Do oiled sacks really hold junk? Why not consumables?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Invisible bags keep stuff from being compacted or showing up on the ‘sell’ list at a vendor

Can Sigils be crafted?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Weaponsmith can craft sigils

Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Be sure to fill out a support ticket with Anet. I wouldn’t depend on someone happening to read the right forum thread to get your issue resolved.

Slivers??...How do I use them?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


You should only need to be crafting lvl 100 for the Fragment, not the Sliver. That’s very odd. Are you sure you don’t already have the recipe down at the very bottom of the list?

Slivers??...How do I use them?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


I’ve made both of those runes using the Destroyer Sliver and Fragment through discovery panel. You know you have to actually have the mats in your bags for them to show up on the discovery panel right? You can craft production recipes from the bank, but discovery has to be from your bags.

Shortest Distance between Crafting and TP

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


The Grove. It’s all right together, bank TP, crafters

Food bonuses

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502



Water Breathers/Helmets

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Did these get overlooked in the crafting list? The only one I find is a lvl20 Heavy Armor recipe. I can’t believe there isn’t at least a matching light & medium version of the same single craftable helmet.

There ought to be water helmets for each level to match the other armor pieces.

Slivers??...How do I use them?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Different crafting disciplines can make different runes or sigils and don’t necessarily use all of the different type of Slivers. So even though there are 8 or 10 different Slivers, you may only be able to use 3 or 4 on each type of crafting.

Salvaging Soulbound Armor Upgrades

in Crafting

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Yes, I’ve found the same thing with items purchased from karma vendors. The clue to look for is if there is a vendor value at the bottom, you can salvage it. If no vendor value, no salvage.

Players are surprisingly helpful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Nope, not just you. I couldn’t agree more with what you said. Be interesting to see some months down the road if this social feeling still exists.

Where Can I Find A More Active World?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


BTW Bobobejumbo,
Comms is a reference to using a headset with microphone to communicate with other players voice to voice in real time using one of the popular programs, ie: Mumble, Teamspeak, Ventrilo, etc.

How to get to Traveler's Loft

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Would that be one of the doorways on either side of the way point? lol

how do I purchase the Digital Upgrade with my credit card?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


You can do a two step purchase. Where you use your credit card to purchase 2000 BLTC Gems, and them use those Gems in the BLTC store to purchase the upgrade.

How to get to Traveler's Loft

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Try the doorways on either side of the way point.

Does map completion loot scale?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Yes, loot scales with zone and level. The exception is completing the main cities. Because of how easy it is to complete them, the loot is minimal and doesn’t scale.

Is there a command to see all available emotes?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Being Excellent to Each Other - A How To

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


^ Well most anyway! lol

Please suggest me a simple profession to play

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Guardian. Easy to kill things and lasts long time!

Doing all starting zones a good idea?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


I did something similar. I did my home starter zone first, then jumped and did all the main cities. After that I did some of the other starter zones to get mats for crafting. It worked out well for me and let me see the other zones so that I might want to do them as home zones with alts.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Character specific

Will they ever implement name changes?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Title of the Forum says you’ll never get an answer from AN here.

Final Skill Point Norn

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Have you done the one under water in the lower right corner by the Jotuns?

Aquatic helm and rune set

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


I wish I knew how to test this. I’ve had the same question myself. There just aren’t any underwater target dummies to work with. Until AN opens up a forum where it’s not just “players helping players”, I’m not sure we’ll get an answer. Maybe someone has an idea how to properly test this?

Celebration hat now available!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Ummm, it’s been available since launch whenever the Gemstore has been online. I’ve got one for each of my alts!

how is the mailing limit on new accounts determined

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


I think it has to do with earning power. You can’t mail more than that character has earned from kills and quests. The more you play that toon, the more it earns and the more it can transfer. Or something along those lines.

how is the mailing limit on new accounts determined

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Well illgot, I’m afraid you’re never going to get an answer from AN until they open up more forums that allow asking the developers questions. This forum is “Players Helping Players”, ergo no AN answers.

That having been said, I believe it has to do with blocking gold sellers from opening accounts and immediately going to work sending large amounts of gold through the mail. I read somewhere that it is a limit for the account for 30 days. So hopefully after 30 days you will be able to freely mail back and forth to your mule.

Good armour/weapons for lvl 12 elementalist?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Right now is the best time to get armor and weapons off the TP. Because there are a lot of folks trying to level their crafting, lots of good low level items are listed at 1c over vendor level. For Elementalist I’d go after stuff with cond. damage stats.

Dual Daggers doesn’t double your damage, but each weapon does its damage in turn. It’s no different than if you had Dagger / Focus, or any of the combinations of main and off hand weapons.

Where are the rare/exotic aqua breathers?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nukum.4502


Is it in fact possible to craft any aqua breathers/helmets? If so, what, how and where do you get the recipes?

As an armorsmith, I’ve found just one karma recipe to make a low level one:

Maybe you only get that recipe when you hit 400 Armorsmith. I’ve tried those mats in the discovery page and nothing. I also can’t find that recipe anywhere.

Edit: I just realized you listed it as a karma recipe. So now I’ve got to find it!