President -- ArenaNet
Hi all,
Today we hit an internal milestone: we locked down all content and feature development for Path of Fire. We now move the game to our staging servers and start final preparations for launch.
This expansion is all about content, and today’s milestone marks the completion of eighteen months of content creation. It’s been a labor of love for the team. We hope we’ve brought each story chapter, each open-world zone, and each mount up to the level of what you experienced in the demos last month.
Thanks to everyone who joined the demos and the stress tests. We used those tests to inform our final balance tweaks, and to squash some bizarre bugs that we could only reproduce under heavy load, like the one where Raptors would randomly show up in non-demo maps.
We’re in the home stretch. Eleven days to launch! We can’t wait to play Path of Fire with you!
This isn’t point|counterpoint style of debate in which we are trying to convince each other about which method is superior — everyone agrees (even ANet) that more armor sets more quickly would be great. The problem is that ANet tied themselves in knots years before by establishing some then-time-saving adjustments to armor design, race design, animations, and so on. The end result, which critics of the status quo need to accept is that armor takes a lot longer to design, render, QA, implement and maintain than any of us think is reasonable (9 months, according to Mike O’Brien).
Despite the fact that some outfits appear like armor that has been stitched together doesn’t make them armor. Outfits use a unique ‘rig’ compared to light, medium, and heavy — a simple copy|paste isn’t possible. There are all sorts of intermediate steps (some of which are outlined by Miku above). Starting with outfits doesn’t save all that much time.
There’s no “classification” of outfits that saves time, because outfits are a fourth armor class (well, fifth, since town clothes is probably still coded in the game as the original fourth).
Thus there’s no shortcut to the process that saves time — if there was, ANet would have discovered it long ago (because this situation probably annoys them more than it does us, since it’s their responsibility to get it right the first time) and even if they hadn’t, players have had years to offer advice like the above.
tl;dr yes, we’re all (even ANet) frustrated. That doesn’t mean that there’s a quick fix hiding out there — we either wait (as we have done) or ANet has to put other stuff aside to redesign the armor skin system (which, for all we know, they might be doing — they wouldn’t tell us until it was near-ready to ship).
It was specifically designed ONLY for the absolute top JP players, and yet now you require it of anyone.
Legendary items should have value, and this JP just increases that value.
Only if something you desire can only be obtained through crafting, for the most part. There are a few things that are profitable to craft, though. I imagine there is a guide for that, as well.
Good luck.
I would like this idea if they eliminated the problems some of the dungeon paths have.
Why does no one run SE p2? That’s not because reward/time sucks, that’s because the escort event bugs out half the time making you reset the path. Why does no one run Aetherpath? Of course I can speak solely for myself but the rewards/time are okay but it’s simply not fun. (Unskippable cutscenes, huge timegates, boring puzzles)
Other than that I like that more difficult paths (like HotW) would get a better reward than easier ones (like AC).
The Jade weapons have been removed from the normal interface of the Black Lion Weapon Specialist (the one you use to trade Black Lion Claim Tickets).
You can still get them via Dragon’s Jade claim tickets (which bring up a special dialogue from the Weapon Specialist) as well as buying them off the TP.
We don’t know for sure when they’ll return. They rarely announce anything like that in advance. It probably won’t be for a while though, as they were just removed a couple weeks ago IIRC.
As for the price increases, yes. That’s typically the way it happens. New weapon skins are 1 ticket a piece for a specific amount of time (usually a month) then they go up in price to a higher amount (usually 5, but sometimes higher or lower). They do occasionally drop in price as well though via various sales, for example the Halloween weapons dropped to 2 tickets during Halloween last month.
After your rotation you basically autoattack with the bomb kit for damage. Drop fire bomb, flame blast + detonate flame blast, keep autoattacking with bomb kit and then do your whole rotation again.
I dunno it depends on the encounter. If you’re stacking might with BoB as an opener, of course you could displace your boss and mess up your group’s cc rotation, but I’m sure you know that.. I’ve actually found that thumper turret is better for stacking might at the risk of loss of heals and trading your stun breaker for another finisher. It’s bad for sustained might gain because of the cooldowns though. If you have experimental turrets traited, you offer group protection if you decide to leave it out. To tell the truth, I use napalm for all the long setups for might stacking. There’s no delay on it like with bomb kit and the window is so huge for all your finisher rotations. You don’t really need flame aura since at best you’ll probably get 1 stack of might from a bosses attack, but jumpshot’s 2 hits are great vulnerability stacker. What’s really needed is knowing your party’s rolls. If you have eles on your team or others that stack group might and fury, you’d be better off with grenades for vuln stacking. If you decide to use healing turret instead for might and fury share from the runes you run, you also get 2 conditition cleanses for party out of it, perma regen and another blast finisher, but you run the risk of messing up fire fields that are on the ground with the turret’s overcharge water field. if you’re after personal might stacking, zerkers with strength sigil and the dry top roasted cactus dish will help you stack more sustained personal might. And I always assumed bomb kit hits were more damaging than hip shot to single targets, you can also sustain dps while you dodge due to the explosives line.
But yeah I’ve gotten up to 18-21 stacks of group might with BoB > Napalm > Flame Blast (~detonate, it’s tricky, you might want to have something targeted before you try if you use 3/4 ovehead cam like i do, otherwise you have to almost mash double-tap) deploy healing turret, deploy thumper turret, overcharge thumper, detonate thumper > rumble (stun break) > detonate healing turret > stow kit, double tap shield 4 > swap back to flamethrower and double tap flame blast again. That’s a lot of might if you decide to take along a shield, though the runes don’t have power so you’d be losing personal dps increase your party’s dps. Hopefully it’s worth the group benefit of 3 might stacks on heal and fury.
For hybrid vuln/might builds, I just do hgh with triple elixirs and grenades and condi duration food. You can add acidic elixirs to boon strip if you like. You can get up to 9 stacks of group might and 16 personal might just downing all elixirs and tossing them on your stacked group. this is before any crits with sigil of strength or procking sigil of battle. The might duration on these is pretty long, and if you equip trinkets with boon duration, you can get really high personal stacks and keep 25 stacks of vuln on boss at all times. You just would have to give up incendiary powder for enhanced performance, which is okay if you have party members that do burning better. This might be really great for soloing with carrion or (ideally) sinister gear.
now thats just stupid why would they even consider doing it that way your supposed to prep mantras before a fight not during the fight >_> thats like making an ele wait 10 seconds to use skills after switching attunments
Wait wait, so you make a build, argue about the effectiveness of the build when people say it’s terrible…yet, you haven’t actually tried it and don’t know how the healing trait works?
Catorii | Lustre Delacroix | Catorii Desmarais | Synalie
I really liked the new dungeon path, I had the luck to be with awesome guild party + voice chat and we did it. It was so fun, the dungeon was hard, with interesting bosses with great mechanics, very well designed, but everyone were good with their characters. So I hope that you ANET will do more content like this, but dont change the easy farmable dungeons ^^ The only thing that stops me doing this dungeon path again (since I’ve done the achievmets) is maybe the small prize, now its not worth 90 minutes, if you make it a little more rewarding maybe I’ll do it again and again, but that doesn’t mean to cut the rewards on all the other dugeons Soo, that’s what i think about the new dungeon path, I’m waiting for more stuff like this
Thats strange actually. Ive never seen a single group trying to kill that spider normally, but i guess now with CoF nerf, people do differents dungeons and start to learn the right methods. But yea if you are warrior i see no reason to not like stacking it just make it easier to DPS the boss.
I can duo it on my zerk Necromancer the way it’s supposed to be done.
Some people are just low-skilled.
Spider Queen can be solo’d, that doesn’t make soloing the most efficient way of beating her now does it?
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
Moral of the story is dont listen to idiots.
This is actually a good advice.
Have a nice day.
(edited by Molch.2078)
I really don’t think we should trivialize the class issues too much. It’s obviously coming from somewhere and it’s not just people being kittens for the sake of being kittens. While I would personally never deny somebody a slot based on their class there is no denying that there needs to be some serious rebalancing.
It’s just like Tequatl and Liadri …. they’re only under the illusion that it’s challenging because they don’t really have a firm grasp on what truly challening feels like. All they really know is Rote-Challenge.
A real challenge would require them to step away from the standard COE speedclear builds even AFTER they figured everything out.
I remember naxx in vanilla, cthun pre nerf, vashj prenerf and sunwell in wow. Bosses that took weeks to down at times.
I remember how happy we where in vanilla how it “only” took us 2 weeks of constant wiping on 4 horsemen, while it was meant to be hard.
These days people start moaning after their first wipe or failed pug run.
In other words, trying to use the in-game chat itself isn’t sufficient. Well done, designers! Need to figure out how to get Skype to work then, I guess…don’t like talking, but who cares?
Good Players don’t need to use chat or VoIP. Good Players can see/understand encounters during the encounter, and then adjust accordingly. This new TA path is a perfect example of that. And since its only 5 players, its not nearly as organized as the new Teq2.0 encounter.
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD
If you ever want to run a dungeon free of stacking, let me know in game or add me to your friends list.I HATE STACKING. I like a challenge and I NEVER skip kholer or any optional boss.
Just run Arah P1-P3. Kill all mobs, especially the ones right before the Lupi Room. That right there is like 3 hours of fun for you. Then throw in full clear of P4. and you set your whole day with just one dungeon! Oh and don’t use the plunger to blow up all the mobs in that one section, instead kill all those guys too. There’s your challenge.
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand
Stop being difficult if you are joining groups.
If you’re going to PUG, you really need to stop imposing on your “want to experience the game,” “play the way I want” unless you’re forming the group yourself and noting exactly that on your post.
For myself, and I suppose many others, we just want to finish this path as easily as possible. If stacking gets that done, I expect everyone to cooperate and help with stacking.
I’ve completed X path before, I’m done with running around like a headless chicken strategy. I just want this content done, get the rewards, say “thanks for the run!” and leave this random group of people I won’t remember after, and probably never see again.
AC has changed, the spider boss has changed. If the headless chicken strategy worked before, it definitely won’t work when 4 people expecting stack, and 1 person going range. The spider boss will kill the stack.
Everyone in the last group was willing to learn and try to figure out the mechanics, had a great deal of patience and perseverance and it made no difference. We still lost. After that, I don’t feel like ever going into Twilight Arbor again. And even if I did succeed, I’ll never want to do it ever again, so no point in trying to learn/remember it for later.
It’s just no good.
Ah. Don’t give up. The dungeon, although quite difficult, is still doable for most groups that are willing to learn. I have found that it helps greatly to have at least one person that has some experience in the party for tips and tricks and so that that others can follow their lead.
It looks like you were having trouble on the Slick/Sparki fight. That fight, although not trivial, is decently easy if you have one person properly kiting the ooze and the rest DPSing the bosses one at a time. It took my first group … too many tries to get past them. I lost many, many silver to repairs on my first run. But once you figure it out the first time, subsequent runs are much, much easier.
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer
There are many people around here that would not mind helping you out, myself included. I believe a few a bit further up offered as well.
It wouldn’t feel the same. I’d basically have to be carried. I hate that so much. I’d hate having to put “experienced only, want to see the story” and being an utter liability the whole time, as even one or two people messing up can reduce the whole teams effort to nothing.
Correction: only one offered any help..and they were from EU, so no dice. The others are just more “hardcore” jerks who come here just to put people like me down even further.
It’s not worth it at all to go back there, since from what I’ve read, we don’t even get any good story, just more pointless hints. Sigh.. Living Story is dead on arrival again.
Nah. It isn’t being carried. It’s going with a group that teaches as you go. Yesterday I ran with a group in which I was the only one that knew it. I described each encounter as we got to each. A couple hours later we successfully completed it with comparatively minimal issues.
In any decent group, so long as at least one person is willing to teach and the others willing to listen and learn then this dungeon is able to be completed.
So long as you let the others in a good group know that you don’t know it, they should be able to help you complete it so you carry your own weight and so you all can complete it successfully.
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer
Honestly, most people aren’t going to care what class you play as long as you play it well (e.g. for ranger, don’t sit at max range autoattacking with longbow). Try out all the classes, and if it turns out that one of the “hotter” classes is the class of your dreams, play it, and more power to you. But by no means force yourself to play a class you find boring or annoying just because some arbitrary stranger on the Internet said you should. You’ll only make yourself miserable and a poorer player in the end.
I was told many times to play a guardian instead of an ele at launch. I ignored them, and learned to play ele better than anyone else around me. I did things they said eles couldn’t do. I outlived every other class in dungeons and soloed down the bosses of several explorable paths while the rest of my party lay dead on the ground. I found uses and synergies for skills they said were useless, discovered a meta build independently months before anything was written about it.
Eventually, I did get curious and rolled a guardian. I hated it- how slow and dull and lifeless it was- and though I’ve brought myself to understand it somewhat more and found my own take on the class, it’s still my least favorite of my alts and usually collects dust while I play my eles.
I probably could have been a decent guardian, and there were some things it provided that I wish my ele had (party stability, for one). But I was extremely unmotivated to progress beyond “decent” to “great,” to the point that the entire game started feeling dull and I considered a hiatus. Only when I played ele again did I get my energy and love for GW2 back.
tl;dr play a class that you love, that excites you and makes you want to master it. For me, it’s ele. For my best friend, it’s warrior. For some other people, it’s guardian (I won’t claim that because I dislike a class, everyone should dislike it) or engi or mesmer or necro. If none of the classes light a fire, then at least play one that you enjoy enough to play well rather than half-heartedly spamming skills.
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread
This needs to be changed so the ooze becomes an ally creature when your doing it cause Ranger pets, Mesmer Illusions, and Necromancer minions target the ooze and kill it when there aren’t any elementals around.
However, Berzerker builds in zergs can be detrimental to your side because it makes it much easier for the enemy to rally off you.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
I have no more reason in playing this dungeon once i got all the achievements (and that took 3 runs). What is missing is the reward which the flame and frost dungeon has. There you could find a very cool jetpack skin, an exotic minipet, the tonic, exotic crafting components worth 4g and rare ones while here you can find an ugly monocle and the tonic that requires 50 charged lodestones to craft (doubtfully someone would waste those to look like a canoneer while the 5 minute transform sell for 70c).
The dungeon is short and hard and has the atmosphere, all done right but for the reward. Why do they not keep learning from the past? I ran the flame and frost dungeon about 50 times while this after 3 runs is dead for me. And don’t reply by saying the dungeon it’s fun so play it for that, because who would play the game if there wasn’t any reward in it? I doubt anyone would be playing.
Just wanted to express my gratitude for this new direction towards living story content that is actually HARD.
I just finished the new dungeon today, ran it with pug groups and it took like 10-15 tries across 3-4 groups. Funny thing is, I’m enjoying failing in this dungeon more then i enjoy completing most other dungeons. Why? Because every failure makes me learn something new about my class, my tactics or the mechanics of the game. It brings in a form of progression i guess, a good kind of progression, a progression of skill. If i could steamroll this (like most other content) it just feels like a hollow waste of time.
Bottomline: if it aint hard, there’s no incentive to improve and no reason to. And that is what makes things boring.
Btw, here’s a couple of tips for other Mesmers running AR:
- Golem boss beams and walls can be passed through with blink, portal and shatter invuln. You can also be the teams savior by ressing people through the beam since you can invuln yourself during the res cast. Or portal the team to the same side of the wall so the golems wont run back and forth (portal entre, blink, portal exeunt).
- You can block the final boss teleport shot by dodging directly away from her if you have the clone on dodge trait. This way she’ll waste her big attack on the clone.
You guys are missing the point…
Necromancers were easy pray for such a long time, now that we are equal no one knows how to fight us.
At the same time… because we had to fight harder for every victory we obtained, every single one of you necromancers has a higher skill level then their “equal” adversary…
We had to be more skilled then our opponents just to be able to stand our ground… We had to use skill to not get killed by a heart seeking spamming thief… or a faceroll bunker elementalist, or a “i do my combo you die” shatter mesmer…
Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.
Time for ALL the theorycrafting.