Showing Posts For Orionlight.1073:

Laidra and Mez insta death..

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Yes. Mirror on it’s own is ok.. Decoy on it’s own is ok. It just seems after I hit Decoy and while I am invis this happens. I was finally able to win the fight. It was just a pain to get around that bug to do it.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Laidra and Mez insta death..

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


If I use decoy and then hit my Mirror heal. I will die instantly. I thought it was only in the second phayse. But it also happened in the first. It has killed me three times tonight already. Can you please look into this? I would know if I hit one of her clones. No. I am all in the open I am invis and I pop the mirror heal and I die.

Please fix this and give me some tix! lol

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Sorry.. But about Glory..

in PvP

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


How do I buy stuff now that you no longer collect glory?

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

The Sheet Music Collection

in Community Creations

Posted by: Orionlight.1073



Star wars.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

This is what erks me..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Ok this is obviously not the most pressing issue in GW2. But I have spent a long time to get my Guardian to have a certain look. To be honest I want her to be a Angel type of character. Well the issue is I spent all this money on Celestial White dye for the armor. Ok fine, but the gear has different White colors in different lighting. In bright light it looks all white but in the dark they have different shades. And it really bothers me!

Here is a pic. Thanks!


In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Your best looking character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


My Mesmar!! And then my Guardian!


In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Free Trials..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


I am trying to recruit some WoW Friends to come over. Is there a way to a free trial? If Not could you guys make a trial say levels 1-10 free?

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

A Fininsher I can be proud of!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


I am all about wasting money for things I don’t need! I don’t NEED a new finisher. But I would gladly spend money on a finisher that looked like the American Flag.


I am sure other people would cough it up for a Flag of their choice.. So get to making Flags of people’s Countries!


In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Tower of nightmares progress lost.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


I have finished the tower numerous times on both alts. But today I go in and I do not have access to the 2nd and 3rd floor. This would not be too much of a issue but it is late so there are not that many people playing.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Relitivly new to Mesmar.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Ok.. where does one get Bizerker gear? All my gear I got from exploring dungeons..

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Relitivly new to Mesmar.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Hey thanks a lot..

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

PVP issues.. Can't join a room.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Never mind it works after that DL..

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

PVP issues.. Can't join a room.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Am I the only one that when looking threw the game browser that nothing shows up? There is no rooms to go to.. When I click “Play now” it says the room is full..


In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Relitivly new to Mesmar.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


As it says. I am sorta new.. I actually got this game the night it came out but took a break. Well now I am back. So I want to talk about my builds PVE & PVP. Go over it and ask for suggestions and comments. Thanks..

First PVE

I run a 10-20-20-0-20
It is a Clone Build. I like to get the clones out and do the DPS. The Weapons I run with are Sword/Pistol & Staff. I stack Power,Vitality,Toughness. I use “Superior Rune of Vampirism”. It stacks power and lots of self heals.. It procs a lot!

In Domination 10 points. I have III “Empowered illusions” selected. Illusions deal 15% more damage.
In Dueling 20 points. I have “Blade Training” and “Duelist Discipline”. That is for My sword and Pistol.
In Chaos 20 points. I have “illusionary Defense” & “Chaotic Dampening”. This is for when I have staff out. For more D and the ID is to reduce damage as well.
In Illusions 20 points. I have “Compounding Power” and “illusionary Elasticity”. CP is for more Dmg per illusion and IE was to help my DPS when the staff is out..

I like the build. I feel my DPS is strong and I do not feel too squishy. This Mesmar is a fun class to play and I am glad to call her my main. How ever I am well aware that I am no expert so this is why I am asking for help.


I am 20,20,10,10,10

Again I get the clones out and dodge and try to hide mesmerize as much as possible.
Weapons I use are Sword/pistol & Greatsword and sometimes staff. Runes I just go with the “Superior rune of the Mesmer.”

In Domination 20 points. I have III “Empowered illusions” & “Greatsword Training”.
In Dueling 20 points. I have “Blade Training” and “Duelist Discipline”.
In Chaos 10 points. I have “illusionary Defense”
In Inspiration 10 points. I have “Compounding Celerity”
In Illusions 10 points. I have “Compounding Power”

Again I feel that the DPS is lacking but it is good. I seem to stay alive. I don’t die often if at all. But I don’t tank damage. I avoid it. I do a lot of solo stuff. I will avoid some of the big battles to run and cap a unguarded node. Or DPS down a enemy trebuchet. Still I feel Like I contribute..

Anyhow. Any advice if any would be great. I would love to hear anything constructive! Thanks in Advance..


In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Joined too many parties recently.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


I just logged in and tried to do a dungeon and this is what it said. I have not been on all day.. How come this is happening? All I did was long on..


In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Angel wings..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Were are the backpacks? Can you buy them?

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Trouble searching..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


I believe there should be a little more help in searching for gear that you want.

A. If I am looking for armor there should be a option to search for the type of gear you need, as in Light, heavy, medium. It is one thing to look for a helm but to sift threw all the heavys when you need a light is time consuming.

Also the trinkets needs some help. I would love to look for a backpack but can’t seem to find a way to see them without sifting threw everything else.

Thanks in advance.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Angel wings..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


I see the people with the ghost wings all over the place but any chance for big Angel wings? Preferably ones you can change color? Make it a back pack or something.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

LF Guild of Night owls!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Hi I play late 10-5am-ish CST I am on the Jade quarry server.

I am looking for a fun guild that is into PVP and Dungeons.


In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

LF Guild - Jade Quarry

in Guilds

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Also on Jade LF Guild with a focus on PVP..

lvl 50 mes

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Help I made a mistake!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


I am in the Stronghold of ebonhawke at the tier1 weapon vendor. I saved and saved to get the sword. Well when I had the money/karma I on accident selected the scepter. Now I see there is no way to return the weapon to get the sword. There needs to be a way. can you help me out? I really want that sword.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Help I made a mistake!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


I am in the Stronghold of ebonhawke at the tier1 weapon vendor. I saved and saved to get the sword. Well when I had the money/karma I on accident selected the scepter. Now I see there is no way to return the weapon to get the sword. There needs to be a way. can you help me out? I really want that sword.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Help I made a mistake!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


I am in the Stronghold of ebonhawke at the tier1 weapon vendor. I saved and saved to get the sword. Well when I had the money/karma I on accident selected the scepter. Now I see there is no way to return the weapon to get the sword. There needs to be a way. can you help me out? I really want that sword.


In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Dungeons and Dungeon Reward System Overhaul Needed.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Making it harder will be stupid.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


No matter how wrong or how bad a change there will always be someone like this that “Loves the change”.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

CM story mode difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Yea CM is no longer fun. They broke it. CM was fine before. I don’t really understand the change..

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Dungeons no longer fun..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Yea I know you buffed CM and let me say this in the kindest way possible. But that was the stupidest thing you have done so far. It is not even fun. Spending 60c every 30 seconds is not my idea of a great time. If you have 3 80s and everyone is dead is 25 seconds i think something is wrong. Personally I can’t see any defense of this over buffing.

I also say that there needs to be a dungeon for lvl 10 and 20. I think leveling to 30 is too long of a time to get into one.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Why can't I PVP with my friends in the Battle Grounds?

in PvP

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


This is a great goal, Jon Peters. However, there are sub-groups of people that wouldn’t break PuG’s in SPvP. Think about these examples:

- Husband and Wife playing together — Wife doesn’t want to play AGAINST her husband! (This describes my wife, by the way)

- 2 friends playing together in the same room

- Casuals wanting to play together

I have busted my chops in WoW’s Arenas and BG’s to get good at PvP in MMO’s, and it definitely reflects in my GW2 skill. It makes total sense that you do not want me and 4 to 7 of my other friends that are as good as I am to get on vent and steamroll PuG’s hardcore a few nights a week. However, there is a middle ground.

Please allow at least 2 friends to “link” together so they will not be swapped to opposite teams. That would really shore up this problem for a lot of people. If we did get 2 “hardcores” linked together, that is not enough to STEAMROLL pugs all night long. It certainly makes things funner that they can play with a friend, just like everyone else.

Now, I edited this post, because I wanted to add this: Tournaments are not a good alternative for this, because competition and structure are more than millions of casual players that will be playing this game want. I know for myself, in my new role as a dad, I cannot play tournaments. The reason is that i can’t devote (or won’t) the time it will take to run through a tournament just so i can play with my friends and wife without the worry of getting switched to the opposing team.

You can’t make everyone happy, but you should consider my suggestion, because it appeals to a great variety of players, and will make a lot of people happy. Even if we’re playing with 4 of us together, just having the confidence that you can play with at least 1 friend/significant other no matter what is a great consolation.

I hope that somebody reads this and passes it along to devs.


In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Why can't I PVP with my friends in the Battle Grounds?

in PvP

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


MMO = Playing with friends, no?

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Why can't I PVP with my friends in WvW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


I want to que up with friends and do a few battle Grounds. Why wont it let us? It really needs to be fixed. Yes i know SPVP but we are just wanting to relax and have fun. This needs to be fixed!

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Why can't I PVP with my friends in the Battle Grounds?

in PvP

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


I want to que up with friends and do a few battle Grounds. Why wont it let us? It really needs to be fixed. Yes i know SPVP but we are just wanting to relax and have fun. This needs to be fixed!

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

PVPer LF PVP Guild on Jade Quarry.

in Guilds

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Hi there. As a 5 year vet of WoW i needed a change and I have really enjoyed my GW2 time. I am a PVPer but like PVE as well. I am looking for a active friendly guild that enjoys PVP and like to do things as a group..

ON Jade Quarry.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

So, yeah I'll say it. Any working DPS meter mods out?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


I would like it.. I see the negatives as well. Still personally I would like one.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Where is the balance of classes?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Guardians? I think there health is too low.. I have one. I liked it better in the Beta. My Mesmar is fine tho.. but the DMG is a little weak.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Game Screens-- Super Love

in Community Creations

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


My Toon is SO SMEXY!!!!


In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

PVPer LF PVP Guild on Jade Quarry.

in Guilds

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


Hi.. I have played this game from the early Betas. I never played GW1 but played WoW at a 2k to 2.2k arena level for about 5 years. Looking for a group of active players that are on TS or Vent and are cool.

Thanks. Delp.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1