Showing Posts For Pasha.2367:
Are you talking about ? Because if so there’s more to it than just the loot she drops. There are achievements that go along with finding her.
Not sure if you know this but you can get exotic items from token by running dungeons they are very fast and you can easily get exotic weapons in one day doing this. Also you should NEVER get level 80 exotic weapons at level 1-79 being a big part of the game so i think your time is off. Have you not completed any high level maps? You get an exotic weapon from them often.
The point is not that exotics aren’t available to acquire in other ways. The point is the drop rate is ridiculous. When multiple people have played thousands of hours across many max lvl characters and never seen an exotic or lodestone drop there is a problem.
900ish hours. No exotic drops. No lodestone drops. Had a rare drop today and that was so surprising I had to actually stop and look in my bag to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. That’s just sad really.
Yes, its the ‘button factor’. People can’t help themselves from pushing buttons. In video games this translates into an irrepressible need to click all the clickables even if you don’t know what they do. i.e. the guy who suddenly was holding a banner and didn’t know why. heh. Its human nature and won’t get better. Thus, I too vote for some kind of fix to this on the Dev’s end. I like the idea of having the banner on our backs as Mesket mentioned.
Fact remains, his character is sub par for the main “hero” in the story…
uh…. -you- are the main ‘hero’ in the story.
(edited by Pasha.2367)
I am never sure why people dislike his voice acting so much. He’s a necromancer who has been hanging out all by himself in a dead place for years and years. He has no social skills. He’s a scholar not a military general. He has confidence issues. Of course he isn’t going to sound like Rytlock. His personality and back story would make a stronger more impressive voice ill-fitted. He’s supposed to sound awkward. At least that has always been my take.
I love this thread. So nice after all the complaining.
I love Skritt. They are shiny. I want to play as one. Shiny shiny shiny!
I love the Tengu. The voice especially. I love that even with all the problems the game has I am still looking forward to being able to play them in the future. (i.e. I am still enjoying the game enough to be excited about what comes next)
I love being able to revive others.
I love some of the throw away lines you hear around the world. “Your face is funny, all squished and weird. – No, your face is funny. Its like a little raisin.” or “You found the bear’s den. Let’s celebrate with fighting.”
The crunchy/tinkling sound you make when you walk in the Brand makes me happy.
Sooooo creepy! Especially with the princess wand! Love it
It just takes a while to get into the flow of how GW2 combat works. My first few characters died constantly. After four months my most recent alt made it to lvl 18 before suffering her first (and only so far) death getting a skill point and that was only because I dodged behind a rock and got stuck. heh. So stick to it and you’ll eventually figure it out.
I am trying to figure out if this is one of those joke threads or if this player is for real.
Have you never played an MMO with a trading post or Auction House.
If you dont like the prices, dont buy the items, go get them yourself like they had to or the players that might of originally gone off and farmed them, crafted them etc etc.Bnning players for trying to make pixel money in a virtual economy is just NO! unless of course its is via the more shady bot side of things.. then by all means wield the ban hammer with fury… if I want to use my money to buy up all the copper ore on the BTC and resell it all for a profit, then that’s my decision and its certainly not an exploit!
Who do you determine to be at fault in a traders market.. the trader for trying to make a living through supply or the customer willing to pay the prices, thus driving the demand.????
Just NO!
The problem is the drop rates have been nerfed. It makes it so that just going out to get it yourself takes tremendously more effort if it is even possible at all. Its ridiculous. The Traders aren’t ‘making a living’ as you so nicely put it. They are price gouging the already poor for goods that are not readily available.
Playing the TP like it is a mini-game isn’t anything new. The difference is that drop rates have been nerfed into oblivion. It makes the difference between the wealth of the ‘working class’ hero and the ‘day-trader’ player laughable. Those players who don’t want to or don’t know how to manipulate the market are left toiling away in frustration for a mere pittance of what the TP players make simply logging in to check their sales.
WHERE is all the Agent Ihan support?! That man is the reason I joined the Order of Whispers!
This! And then Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw keeps me coming back with the alts.
Think of it this way… The Dream is like a religious cult that has brainwashed the saplings born to the Pale Tree. A religious cult is often viewed as harmful by others even when the members seem happy and may have chosen to be a part of it. While the Nightmare Court may have originally started out as an attempt to rescue those who were being brainwashed and put an end to the cult they have become corrupted by Zhaitan (as explained in the above post by Rhinzual) and become a cult themselves brainwashing their initiates in the completely opposing viewpoints. The Soundless and other Sylvari not born to the Pale Tree aren’t a part of either cult. They are the only Sylvari with true freedom. At least this is my take on things.
Beware the hurty thingies!
On a more serious note… Whether or not they thought it out very well they certainly intend for everyone to use it. If I wanted to do all this jump around, spin about, cartwheel in a circle, stand on my head business I would PvP more. Alas, gone are the good ol’ days of just standing there and smashing things in the face. Even my pretty magic user in her floofy skirts and bows has to roll around in the dirt in this game to survive.
Nature is both good and terrible. Nature is savage and wild and dangerous. It is also beautiful and peaceful. The children of the Pale Tree have had this very natural duality stripped from them by the human influence and Ventari’s tablet. The Dream, to me, has always seemed like a form of hive mind keeping the Dreamers in some kind of permanent bliss so they are more affable to being controlled. And SPOILERS to any who haven’t done all of the personal quests but there are Sylvari out there not born of the Pale Tree and thus not trapped in the Dream. The problem with the Nightmare Court is that however good their initial intention, i.e. freeing the Pale Tree from Ventari’s tablet, they have become corrupted by the Elder Dragons. Instead of seeking balance and what is natural they’ve gone too far in the direction of darkness.
Agent Ihan from the Order of Whispers in the personal human story quest before you choose an order. He’s hot in all kinds of ways. Though just judging on personality alone I loves me some Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw.
I agree that it used to work much better. I used it a lot in the first month or two. Now though I can’t tell you how many times I’ve autotargeted a full-health random mob minding his own business halfway across the screen instead of the almost dead one hitting me in the face.
Count me among the percent who cannot. I have trouble getting to some vistas even. I can’t do the regular jumping puzzles much less the amped up holiday ones.
I -think- that some of the moaning noises are supposed to be a human female yawning. But I totally agree that it often sounds like an adult film.
They are never going to change the RNG boxes if people keep buying them. That’s how they make their money. And to complain about how much you spent vs. how little you got in return is a lot like going to Vegas gambling all your money away and then complaining about how Casinos work.
Squee! Heard the pop sound today too. Must have now!
I, for one, have never quite understood the whole ‘achievement’ mentality. My friends and I have always jokingly referred to them as ‘nerd points’. I suppose its a generational thing and I’m too old to get it. Or maybe I just don’t need a number to tell me whether or not I’m having fun playing a game. That being said I do like some of the titles available. All my alts wear the Been There, Done That title.
I actually enjoy the ability to rez other players. I really like the way that was implemented. Plus it gives a few XP. Who can argue with that?
Hmm… I like the norn female voice.
Well, to each their own I guess. To me she has either no inflection at all or the wrong inflection for the dialogue. To me it sounds very much like she is reading from a script with no idea of the context to the lines. To me it sounds stilted and awkward and very unappealing. And that’s just in reference to the cut-scenes. I won’t even get into how annoying I find the noises she makes when getting hit or jumping what have you.
Since release I have wanted to play a Norn female. Their model is great. I like the cultural differences that make them unique from the humans. Yesterday for the third time I attempted to make a Norn female alt. I managed to finish the starting area and one heart reaching a whooping level two and a half before the voice acting became so unbearable that I had to call it quits again. Its a real disappointment to say the very least. I could really care less about Trahearne. I figured he’s been hanging out in Orr by himself for so long he has no social skills and that’s why he sounds that way. But to be unable to play a Norn female because she sounds just so awful? That’s unfortunate.
The way it’s set up now is far too anti-teamwork. It’s far too biased towards personal glory rather than doing what’s best for the team.
Agreed. Teamwork is worth nothing. With the achievements set up to be so individual why even bother having teams? Its frustrating to help your side to victory over and over and yet have no achievement to show for it. They might as well just make it a free-for-all.
awww. I was just doing a search to see if it made the pop noise like the toy soldier guns before I bought it. Now I’m sad too.
Ah, but you see David.4821 entered the game on day one at level 80 and equipped with full exotics with a clairvoyant sense of dungeon layouts. Not once was he ever a noob who tagged along with better players than himself who actually bothered to show him what to do. It’s people like him that make me wish for soloable/scalable dungeons.
please UN-‘fix’ this issue. while you’re at it preview in the TP would be extremely helpful.
I am sitting here now dead in Malchor’s Leap staring at the entire map I will have to cross because all of the waypoints are contested. No one is in the map to clear them. No one would bother to stop and clear them even if there were. I can put up with the huge aggro distance. I can abide the ridiculous respawn rate. I don’t even mind the hefty repair bills. But the waypoints need to be adjusted. It is way past ‘not fun anymore’.
“Jayne is a girl’s name.”
lvl 80 Engineer, 272 hours – 249 deaths
lvl 80 Mesmer, 202 hours – 105 deaths (I have not yet finished Orr with this one. I expect the death toll to rise. Also just started trying to complete the WvW map so dying more in there too.)
(edited by Pasha.2367)
I would appreciate if my dainty little mesmer wearing lace and bows didn’t have to carry around a staff that looks like some ettin yanked a branch off a tree and smacked some shiny rock on the top. I don’t want to wield a club.