Showing Posts For Phantasmal.5631:

Legendary Armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


I’m just curious, what do you think would be the other way obtaining the legendary armor let’s say playing wvw?

Kill 1.000.000 players? Take SM 10.000 times? Do a specific reward track 5.000 times? (and that for each armor item.)

Since wvw-ers in general hate almost (if not) any form of PvE. What on Earth is the idea, that would make this legendary armor journey be in par with doing raids for several months and succeeding in it?

(Note: I’m not against the idea of obtaining the legendary armor and it’s precursor in other ways. But seriously, just by playing wvw and killing other players as usual, also depending on your server’s performance… I don’t know… That would bring up other problems aswel.)

I would tie it in with wvw reward tracks requirements. Most take 8 hours or more for one piece. Maybe 2 or 3 reward tracks, some pve story/scavenger hunt, and typical legendary may gathering would be ok and a great way to start. Just make it central to the game modes it belongs in.

Legendary Armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Once again people are missing the point of the argument being made. It has nothing to do with the skin applied to the raid items, and everything to do with the tier tied to the items. The point set forth is that there is no other way to obtain that tier of item via any other means, and that’s where the issue lies. Not with the raids having their own skins. By all means, they should absolutely have their own skin sets.

Most of the examples set forth are skins – wvw armor, chak weapons, aurics weapons, glorious armor. Yes, absolutely, specific skins for specific tasks. That’s as it should be. This is not the problem.

Even the legendary back piece offers two routes of acquisition (fractals or pvp). They are different skins tied to the specific means of acquisition, and that’s fine. That’s great actually. But that’s all people want – more acquisition options for that tier of item. They aren’t asking for it to be “easier.” They aren’t asking for it to be “handed” to them. They just want options.

^ This exactly. I don’t care if the skins are raid exclusive. I, however, want a way to get legendary armor (I don’t care if it’s ugly) via another route. Legendary weapons and Legendary armor have much more use for general players, hence why most MMORPG’s use armor and weapons as the most popular things to attain.

Raids being the only specific game mode to obtain legendary armor is hogwash. Way to alienate and chase off players ANET.

What they should do is implement it in WvW as well and release Legendary armors in raids at the same time it’s also obtainable in WvW. God knows that game mode could use much more loving.

(edited by Phantasmal.5631)

Has ANet Forgotten the Casual Gamers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Here is also a weird story, but I think pertains to the topic on hand.

We have two very respected officers in the guild. Let’s just call them Sylvia and Erik. Erik is involved with raids regularly and co-ordinates it. Sylvia on the other hand is a bit more casual and leads other events such as World events but loves to WvW. Both are patient, kind, and respectful except for one instance and that involved raiding.

We were running Sabetha for roughly an hour and a half. We were doing well and Sylvia made multiple mistakes throughout. She knew it and we all knew it. Erik was not happy and made a comment that was fairly benign, but Sylvia knew it was directed at her. She broke down in tears on teamspeak. We all felt super bad and Erik apologized. Unfortunately, the damage was done. Sylvia was afraid to talk to him and was super disappointed in letting us down. One could say that Sylvia should have grown thicker skin, but this instance temporarily hurt Sylvia to the point that she would rarely raid anymore and always without Erik leading it.

I do not want this to happen, but I have heard of similar stories. Yes, you can see this in all game modes, but I just wanted to put this out there.

Has ANet Forgotten the Casual Gamers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Bringing raids into the game changed the community and how people interact with one another – and not for the better.

A lot of people are waiting to see what they do next – whether they continue to develop content that divides the population or they get back to the inclusion and community that made this the best MMO – and among the best video games – ever.

For many, the direction they go with future raid design will determine whether or not this is the right game for the communities they have built. I know that sounds alarmist – and that is on purpose. The further down the road of us and them (or “hardcore and casual” or “raider and non raider”) they go, the worse this will get.

The exclusionary nature of raids has split the PVE community – and many guilds – in ways that simply are not good for the long term enjoyment of this game (or at least the game many of us bought 4 years ago).

I’m not saying the game will die – just that it is no longer being developed for the same audience that made the game a success – and that is sad.

Pretty much this. Thank you for posting.

I’m in a guild with over 250 people. A select few run the raids and even they hate the way the game is going with this direction. It really has pulled our guild somewhat apart as people feel excluded. It’s hard to co-ordinate 10 people every week at certain times due to work, commitments, or life in general.

Yes, I understand that a lot of things in the game require commitment, but this one makes it feel exclusionary. I do see that Anet is trying in all aspects to appeal to a player base, but this game mode is very unpopular – at least in the 5 guilds I am involved with.

I think a good method is introducing legendary armor in wvw – IE do triumphant armor reward tracks + other WvW things as a precursor. It requires time, but it also allows for people to commit something that they can immediately jump in. God knows that WvW has the worst rewards and badly needs more things.

That’s just my 2 cents and I know I’m meandering from the main focus now. While I appreciate the design and time they put in the raids, it is frustrating as a semi casual player to see that game mode being given the most attention and also having what will be the only current way to get legendary armor. Arenanet should be aware that legendary weapons and legendary armors are what players value the most in a vast majority of games and with raids being the only way to get legendary armors, it feels very isolating.

PvP Matchmaking Boycott?

in PvP

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


This season has been absolute garbage. I’ve never been so frustrated before. It is the worst I’ve ever seen. Total trash.

My Powercreep Experience Today

in PvP

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


I agree on certain points. I have not enjoyed this season compared to previous, including S1 bunkering. The huge amount of conditions being spammed is insane. It is not fun in the slightest. The conditions put out there are faster than a character can reasonably take, unless you have resistance.

At least in season 2, it did not feel this bad. I think it would be reasonable to decrease the condi damage or direct damage in general to where you don’t die in 1.5 seconds (boring as it is also dependent on your internet connection). If damage were to decrease, then certain amulets also need to get adjusted so that you can’t be so tanky that it takes 2 minutes to take you down.

Balancing is tough, but with the way S3 is going, it is not fun. It really feels limiting in the amount of builds you can play effectively.

Thanks for your post.

What its like fighting scrapper sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


This thread is GOLD! Best thread in ages. The Scott Sterling video is amaze ba11z!

Do you still hate the Desert BL after patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Pretty much what Tongku wrote. It takes way too long to get back in the mix. It’s too large of a map and verticality/gimmicky terrain bring nothing to the table.

Cloaking waters in SMC needs to go

in WvW

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


It needs to go. Culling and it just gives such a huge advantage.

[WvW] The State of Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


It’s totally possible. I played with Unlimited Scrapwork in GoM and he was wrecking people and surviving just fine. He was roaming similar to what seems like Luines is saying. I’ve also seen him go at or near the front as well. You should ask him his build.

Roaming servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


If you’re on NA, it is SoS. The only queue you’ll get is for EB.

2pips to legendary to 4th tier of diamond

in PvP

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


guys I really would like to share my experience with you, its just unbeleivable. you load in the screen adn we lose first mid fight, its so obvious. I dont know how the game works, does it calculate my MMR to carry when I was this close to legendary? but Im dropping further down, I really beleive if I dont fall asleep I will end up in tier 1 diamond

I solo queued on my other account to Legendary. I lost many a fight in mid the first skirmish. In fact, losing or not having mid is sometimes the best thing that can happen. Taking the 2 outers and then going back to mid or all 3 points has resulted in success.

This is where you see the difference in team members if they belong in their rankings. The good players know when to adapt. The bad ones make the wrong decision time and time again or continue running in mid by their lone wolf self and dying in 5 seconds or less. Losing mid does not make or break your match.

Another really common mistake you see in diamond is targeting the necro first in mid. The experienced team will only go for the necro if it’s really low hp or if they have downed the guardian or druid first. So many diamond games the druid resses the necro who is acting as bait and stalls the opponents so much due to their high health pool that the minute or two to take it down resulted in the rest of your team being down by 50% of their health pool and no skills remaining. Go after their glass players first or druid who keeps ressing.

(edited by Phantasmal.5631)

Was this season success?

in PvP

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


I would say this was a much better season. Season 1 had the bunker meta that got a bit stale. The bunker meta was much better than the 1 Second pvp burst that favored your connection. The change in meta allowed Australian players to participate and produced fights that allowed for an exchange of skill, rather than who has the faster connection.

Season 2 was nicer in the sense that it wasn’t pure bunker and 15 minute fights didn’t happen often. Yes MMR hell/heaven was there, but it was nice to get Winstreaks to offset garbage match ups so you could progress.

(edited by Phantasmal.5631)

I dont think I deserve to be in Diamond.

in PvP

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


I feel for ya SuperKorean. I got stuck in Diamond 6/7 for four days where there was a pretty significant skill variance. There would always be someone going into YOLO suicide missions that would die within 10 seconds. It would have been okay if they could actually hold for longer than the time it would take for them to respawn and hold 2 enemies attention, but to consistenly YOLO is crazy.

Legendary doesn’t get any better sometimes and in fact, feels worse. There’s always someone that would say rotate at all times when you have mid and mid is always contested and deserves to have someone sitting on it. That said person would also ditch a cap taken knowing full well that 3 of the enemies are coming within 3 seconds of when they leave. With you also sitting on the cap in mid or outer.

Everyone is like wtf is this person talking about and we have no mes ports there.

Legendary I tier 1 to 4 is like the awful Ruby players or awful diamond players who you have no clue as to how they made it there.

Legendary division II is better.

10k drinks [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


I would like to echo most everyone’s sentiments here. 10000 drinks is a totally mean spirited way for us to earn the brand new shoulders. Every guild I am in have stated their disappointment with how Anet is proceeding with these holidays. This is more than a lump of coal in our stockings for many of us with limited time and commitment.

This is simply a debacle of epic proportions for a community as wonderful as GW2. Even our die hards in the guilds I am in are mad at these obscene requirements. Please reduce the absurd amount of farming required to obtain the new shoulders. Thank you very much.

Shortbow improvements?

in Ranger

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


I hope some changes make it to HoT. I love the shortbow, but all it’s gotten are nerfs.

Shortbow improvements?

in Ranger

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


I am wondering if there will be an improvement on shortbows in HoT. It’s like no one uses shortbow anymore. The axe is much more preferred for condi damage due to the nerfing of the shortbow range and rate of fire. There are barely any traits that make the shortbow increase in effectiveness.

In all my time in PvE, WvW, and PvP (this is the only place I’ve seen shortbow users in place), there is literally no one using this weapon. Could we please get improvements to get some shortbow love? Oh, and the cooldowns for some of the skills are atrocious too.

Thanks for reading!

Invisible Infiltration - Anyone Complete

in Living World

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Can you guys have a mote that lets us do the rooms one by one? One second of lag means fail for this event. I’ve gotten so very close to finishing it (Golem, shield, and hit on vorrp) but was then detected. The timing is terrible if you have any sort of lag. This achievement is way too unforgiving. Please let us at least repeat a room we fail in, rather than repeating the WHOLE instance including the boring dialogue. Thanks.

CDI-Guilds- Raiding

in CDI

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


I just hope that when they do the raids that it allows for casual players to partake in it. I’m not saying go in with substandard gear, but someone with full exotics can be effective and useful in it. Some of us can no longer play for days on end and have real life obligations/jobs and do not want to effectively get excluded from Raid content.

I also hope that they allow for those in small guilds to be able to join in such an endeavor.

The rewards should be skins that are unique to that raid. BiS items should not be in these raids as the RNG in this game is one of the worst I’ve ever had in any game. Some people get everything and others, no matter how many tries, will get shafted. Alot of us are effectively playing for skins anyways.

One thing to make the raid interesting is to shift the dynamic from pure DPS and more towards a balanced party of conditions, healing, reflects, and maybe even pure burning damage to a component of the raid. Mix it up a little. Some parts of the boss phase can only get damaged with fire or poison, necessitating other classes from being excluded. Even one part of the boss requiring boons being turned into conditions or being nullified altogether. No one wants to see a composition of 15 warriors and one guardian. That is not a raid.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


- I hated how hard jumping with a charr was so difficult. I made every race except a charr and that took the 11th char slot until I had made one and kept it instead of deleting it. My friend called me a charrcist.

- In a PuG group way back when, the group was infuriated by a Bearbow ranger who kept spamming 4 repeatedly at really inopportune moments. Even after being told to not do it, said person kept doing it. I actually pressed 5 on my mesmer greatsword and did a knockback at a place I never should have and the poor Bearbow ranger got accused of pressing 4 and got immediately vote kicked when in actuality it was me that one time. I felt bad for the bearbow ranger, but didn’t fess up.

- It took 110 tries for me to get a molten jetpack in the dungeon. I hate RNG.

- I really miss the voiceover in Halloween Season 1 when there was a grandma who would tell the Trick or Treaters, “I have no candy to give.” I want to use that as a doorbell chime this Halloween.

(edited by Phantasmal.5631)

Game changing commander(s)

in WvW

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Jang Gun is one of the best commanders that can change things. Another one that I think no longer plays is Coolet. When Kaineng imploded, this guy would single handed keep Kaineng alive with his leadership. Other commanders would stand down and let him lead Kaineng from 20 PPT to 280+PPT. Simply amazing as a driver. I’ve ran with Jang Gun and he was great, but Coolet was on the same level.

Please Remove Map Completion from PvP Areas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


And to the person who doesn’t believe that I captured SM on ET, that is fine. You can believe whatever you want, but it did happen. Heck you can ask people on ET that SM does indeed get captured from time to time and is NOT an impossible feat like people make it out to be.

Sure SM does get captured from time to time, just not by my server. Unless you have a concrete plan on how just 1 player, with only 2 hours to play each day due to real life responsibilities, can change his entire server to be a WvW god, I suggest you stop giving such advice.

Well, WvW isn’t a 1 person mode is it? Neither is most dungeon paths. I gave decent advice. If you aren’t willing to listen to it or want to capture something that requires multiple people, you can continue to bang your head against that wall. Good luck!

Please Remove Map Completion from PvP Areas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Let’s be honest. The people complaining on here are truly here for Gift of Exploration for LEGENDARY item crafting with fairly easy WvW completion to get.

Try not to lump complaining into a pretty little box, so that you can dismiss it.

I think it’s poor design. If I ever make a legendary (or even if I don’t) will I still go into WvW and complete the maps if it hasn’t been changed? It’s likely that I will.

I can think something is poorly designed and still do it. But when I play past design that I don’t enjoy because there is no other option, it doesn’t exactly endear me to the game more. It just adds another building block to the choice in my mind that asks, “Do I leave?”

When I encounter design that is impressive and enjoyable, it adds a building block to the choice that asks, “Do I stay?”

It’s pretty simple; significant complaints over a long period of time means increased chance that I, as a customer, will leave. And it works the same way in reverse. I’m not saying I matter much as one customer, but I think you’ll find that when you break it down, that’s how it works for most people.

So, what is your intent in completing map world completion? Is it for the title, OCD in getting 100% map completion, or legendary, or simply because you can complain about it since you despise pvp altogether. Someone already posted that you don’t even need to kill anyone. Just press B and see if the POI you need got taken. Running dungeons requires more work than pressing B and checking.

On a side note, they really should require a PvP requirement for Legendary crafting. That would make it much more challenging because otherwise, if everything is PvE content 100%, why not just give everyone a legendary? The only hurdle would be RNG crafting a precursor and buying stuff off the TP. There is nothing legendary about that and it is the biggest hurdle to anyone wanting to craft it (precursors).

Precursor RNG annoys me to no end, guess what, I still have to force myself to earn enough gold to make one and RNG is much worse than checking to see if a POI is captured in WvW. RNG is the biggest hurdle to crafting Legendaries. I trudged through dungeons I didn’t want to do and I ended up liking it in the end. Was I forced to? Yes if I wanted a legendary. Was it a bad thing? Honestly, after doing it, no it wasn’t. I actually ended up liking it. It exposed me to something I was originally uncomfortable with and ended up growing to accept/like. Spending a couple of minutes/hours on any game mode is confusing and can be frustrating, but if you only spend minutes/few hours in it, it would be frustrating and confusing.

And to the person who doesn’t believe that I captured SM on ET, that is fine. You can believe whatever you want, but it did happen. Heck you can ask people on ET that SM does indeed get captured from time to time and is NOT an impossible feat like people make it out to be. Get some ingenuity and not lay around waiting for rain to drop on your mouth to quench your thirst. Be proactive and maybe spend some money buying siege to cap something.

(edited by Phantasmal.5631)

Please Remove Map Completion from PvP Areas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Here’s a tip. I was on the WORST NA server and you know what brought the SM capture over easy? I paid for 3 Omega golems and 2 Superior rams. It cost me 2g thanks to EoTM badges. I announced let’s take SM, I have Omega golems. I rallied over 20 people in Eredon Terrace. We got it in 5 minutes.

If you are on a higher population server it gets taken ALL the time. Go to Mos.millenium to see when things get captured. Check out leaderboards or mos.millenium. Eredon Terrace is DEAD last in wvw rankings and we manage to take SM a number of times, particularly on weekends and on Wednesdays. It isn’t difficult. Be proactive.

Yes it requires some planning. Yes it requires a bit of group work. But you know, what. So does dungeons.

@Drakath the map you are showing isn’t exactly the best showing since Tournaments are on. Yeah, there is a 99.99% you won’t get EB completion this week, but that’s thanks to tournament shuffling match-ups. I’m on one of those EB maps being all one color this week too 85% of the time. When season 3 is over or even next week, your match up will change. If you are on Europe, I don’t know how devoted the wvw population there is. In NA it’s pretty much a dead zone after the weekend unless you’re in T1. It does sound like Europeans take their WvW more hardcore than us North Americans.

(edited by Phantasmal.5631)

Please Remove Map Completion from PvP Areas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Let’s be honest. The people complaining on here are truly here for Gift of Exploration for LEGENDARY item crafting with fairly easy WvW completion to get. I’ve been on Eredon Terrace (The worst and consistently the LOWEST ranking NA server in WvW) where it has been difficult to get SM and I got it in 2 days. It wasn’t as terrible as this thread is making it out to be. Since it feels like the devs wanted to include PvE, WvW, let’s add PvP components to make it fair.

WvWers find dungeoneering a PITA and they paid the same as the PvE’rs to craft their legendary. PvPers have it the worst and still trudge through to get their legendary and I’m sure some of them don’t want to do PvE stuff or WvW stuff either and yet you don’t see them complaining.

Legendaries are there for a reason and exploring every Gw2 parts should be a requirement. If not then WvWers and PvPers need to get a way to avoid annoying parts like dungeons too. Heck, WvWers still don’t have the ascended/exotic backpacks that were discussed like a year ago.

I do 75% PvE and 25% WvW and basically 0% PvP and have had no issues with map completion. Yes, it took me slightly a bit more time to get since I was on Eredon Terrace, but you know what, I actually felt like I achieved something when I did it. It wasn’t boringly monotonous of “Let’s google this map and see where all the vistas, hearts, and POI is and follow the arrows they show to achieve this map completion the fastest.” If you want a legendary there should be a challenge besides the totally random RNG precursor requirement. But that’s my 2 cents.

Please Remove Map Completion from PvP Areas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


I’ve map completed WvW twice when I was mainly doing PvE in the worst populated server in Eredon Terrace. I had little to no difficulty. All I had to do was press B, look at what we had conquered and hopped to the WvW map. It was NO effort to do.

Press B every 30 mins or so and you will get map completion in no time. I’m sure WvWers have similar gripes in being forced to do PvE content like dungeons to earn their legendaries and map completing all the PvE maps.

What would have made EoTM better?

in WvW

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Make it drop way less badges and significantly reduce the WvW experience/karma experience points. It’s literally PvDoor and avoid the enemy zerg at all costs in its current form. It is currently the most exploited thing in game. You can forget about that Blix exploit. This is way worse in giving inflated WvW ranks, Level up, karma and loot rewards.

If this mode was supposed to help teach PvErs how to WvW then it has done the opposite. We have clueless commanders going in WvW leading zergs out and not sweeping immediately upon taking a keep and trying to run it as a karma train in WvW.

Which server to stack on for wvw tourny??

in WvW

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


I would actually vote for HoD. Even though there are like only 2 guilds left and the rest ragtag experienced WvWers who know where to place siege and man/use them. They are plenty helpful when I was there recently. I moved to CD with some friends and it is alright. Good turn out in the weekends with a huge dip the rest of the week until Thursday.

Kaineng and Eredon Terrace would also be a good one to bandwagon to since they have like such a small WvW presence and could use the morale.

saddest thing you've withness

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


People that stood on the pillars outside of the bank in old LA trying to impress people with their armor, legendaries, and/or commander tags. Sad AND pathetic.

Pretty much this. Add the consistent linking of their items for the next 2+ hours ad nauseum. I would spend hours sometimes crafting in LA and it would be the same 6 to 7 people doing that. Not that I should care since they are happy doing what they are doing (or seem to be). But after spending a ton of time crafting and seeing the same thing from the same people for hours at a time, I wondered if they did this every day. Often times these same people would also engage in the political talks that makes everyone turn off map chats. UGH!

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Thank you guys for working the weekend and doing this for the player base. It is much appreciated.

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Random acts of kindness at #OCCUPYSAB2014 for a fellow gamer in despair of the SAB news.


Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


EU players you are amazing! Keep up the SAB enthusiasm! Please Devs, bring back SAB. We do love you and the hard work you give us, but please we want our beloved SAB back! Thank you.

There’s a ton more people than in this picture, just highlighting the peaceful communal bonfire.


(edited by Phantasmal.5631)

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


There’s a second #OCCUPYSAB2014 overflow. It just keeps getting bigger.


(edited by Phantasmal.5631)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


#OccupySAB2014 in bobblehead format



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Protest is still going strong after 2 hours. A lot of people behind the pic too! WoW!
Thanks for the SAB or we Riot pic Alyssa!



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


There are people crying and SAB yellow charrs supporting #OCCUPYSAB2014


Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


OCCUPY SAB is getting larger by the minute!



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


MOAR MAYHEM at SAB! Even the gods are rioting as evidenced by ancient ascalonian tome FIRE!



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Burning RATA SUM!



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Pictures of the riot in progress .



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Occupy SAB 2014

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


This is the worst news for me. At this point, I would even take a Moto that just sells weapon recipes. T___T. I totally miss playing SAB.

300 gold for a tag color is too much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Would love the tags to be cheaper and as some people have suggested, add WvW Badges of HOnor. Lessen the karma train badges earned at EoTM and up the WvW badges earned since it is so small. EoTM is a karma train and/or leveling up train. No one dares defend and badges fall like rain. It’s PvDoor at it’s finest.

By including WvW badges, it at least adds some difficulty in earning it and requires time spent in EoTM or WvW. Let’s face it, what event in PvE actually needs different colored tags? Triple Trouble? Nope. Tequatl? Nope.

Dry Top? Possibly. It would make it easier to follow your desired commander since there are so many events there. If so, make it cost a TON of Geodes in PvE since Geodes drop way more and much faster than Badges of Honor in any form of WvW or EoTM.

SAB Time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Our opinions are just as valid as anyone elses on the forums. We want SAB BACK!!! It is content WE enjoy. Seeing how SAB is requested almost daily, it is a popular event. If they put it out with no rewards I am fine with it! I just want to play it again!

[Suggestion] Lazy players at World boss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Most world boss pre-events don’t scale, so if I get punished because I can’t get credit for a single grawl at the Maw pre-events, I’m going to be pretty unhappy.

Pretty much THIS! A lot of people attempt to do the pre-events. There maybe a couple that don’t, but for the most part the majority do try to participate. My current internet connection is not the greatest and I have a hard time tagging certain creatures. Hell, some of the champ mobs I can’t tag either (Ulgoth) and it’s not my dps value (Im in full zerk in PvE), it’s because my latency is terrible when there are a huge number of players in a given area.

WvW for map completion is just pure griefing.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


My suggestion to make both sides happy.

You currently get 2 Gifts of Exploration for Map Completion. Split Map Completion so there is now “Map Completion: Tyria” and “Map Completion: The Mists”. Completing map exploration for PvE gets you 1 Gift of Exploration. Completing map exploration for WvW gets you another 1 Gift of Exploration.

Problem solved. Those who don’t want to WvW for their Legendary don’t have to do so. Those who don’t want to PvE for their Legendary can stick to WvW/PvP.

I really like your suggestion! That would be amazing if it was implemented. Doing PvE map completion is SOOOOO boring. Like so boring. I have probably fallen asleep twice completing hearts on a map. WvW, while having only 4 maps can be challenging if you are on a server that doesn’t flip stuff consistently. Your suggestion would pacify a ton of people for gifts of exploration.

SAB, CP, Tower KEEP stuff permanent

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Bring back SAB. It was the best content released. Please do not make it permanent or it will lose its nostalgia.

When will Super Adventure Box [SAB] return?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


Please bring back SAB! It was one of the most interesting concepts GW2 has brought forth that MANY people enjoyed. Almost every day we have a post wondering when this is going to return.

It was such wonderful and challenging content. It wasn’t content that allowed you to press 1 and afk or stack against wall here and AOE there. Now that is boring. Please bring back SAB!

[Suggestion] Fashion Forward Increase

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


I would love to have “The Fabulous” title if there ever is one. That would be AMAZING!!

Give us back the SAB

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


I hope SAB is back. If not, could they at least have Moto sell the prints again? A number of us still have items to trade in.