Showing Posts For Profanity.6829:

[pvp] Missing Build - Missing components

in Elementalist

Posted by: Profanity.6829


When in pvp zone / heart of the mist I keep geeting the message “Missing Build – Missing components” whenever I join a match. It’s kittening annoying. I have my build completely filled out incl. runes and sigils.

(Don’t know if this has to do with anything, but when I open the build interface, the “default builds – click to select a build” is always flashing. I have already tried the 2 pre-builds there and adapting these, but that wont help)

[PvP] My epic fight in pvp today...

in Revenant

Posted by: Profanity.6829


I lost because there were crates nearby…

Leveling as Herald --> epileptic attacks

in Revenant

Posted by: Profanity.6829


So here i am, already 1 3rd in my Herald track, and i thought, lets start using my cool new Elite specialisation already. So far I have only unlocked my shield, the heal, and not much else. But i didn’t care, i just wanted the cool Herald feel, and support my buddies.

Soon enough, after 3 minutes of playing, iI was laying on the floor dooling and shaking because some develloper thought it was a good idea, to keep those empty utility skill blinking INDEFINATELY.

The never ending blinking every 2 seconds in the bottom-right corner just make me want to dig my eyes out with a spoon, it is extremely unnerving and make the Herald impossible for me until i have a ability for every utility slot…

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Thx! (that will take a while…)

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


How did you guys get this new reaper hood

(And could Arenanet finaly bring the Hood of Grenth thing back on TP, sjeesh…)

[PvP] Celestial Herald build?

in Revenant

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Thanks for linking. Won’t be able to test Herald myself for a while. What can you tell me about this builds survival vs damage?

[PvP] Celestial Herald build?

in Revenant

Posted by: Profanity.6829



I’ve been hearing people talking about a supposedly OP Celestial Herald build for pvp. Not that I care for any OP’ness but i prefer a celestial playstyle over being a all-or-nothing glass canon. However, I can’t find this build anywhere. I tried intothemists, metabattle, official forums, reddit, google…

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Revert Maim The Disillusioned

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


I’m gonna keep theory crafting but the only hard counter i can see right now are diamond skin eles and thats only in a 1v1 situation.

Use Rampagers (900 power, 900 condi, 1200 crit), Your condi DMG will still really good.

open with your mindwhack shatter, and they’re not that hard to kill….

Revert Maim The Disillusioned

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


@work atm, could someone please tell what has been nerfed for MtD?

Last night (~12 hours ago) i played a Rampagers, condi build with
Deceptive Evasion
And the trait line with blind on every shatter (and thus an extra confusion)

A single clone (or just 1 self-) shatter gave
-2 torment
-2 confusion
-1 blind.

When shatering 3 clones things get crazy really fast…

(Why Rampagers with power you might ask? Mostly to get ele’s below 90%. Don’t have much trouble with them then, my condi dmg till remains high)

(edited by Profanity.6829)

Speculation on new Skill Type for Elite Spec

in Thief

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Has anyone thought of a staff? Fighting style wise fighting with a staff could be simular to that of a spear / polearm… I would really be exited about that imo
(Pls ignore how this ended :p)

Lorewise a staff fingthing light armored person is more a monk class, and that is quite a bit different than a thief, but still im hoping for it!

That would require new animations. Otherwise it would be a wooden hammer and that’ll look stupid.

True, but since this is an expension we will pay for you should be able to expect them to put a little effort in instead of leaving stuff as it is, because it’s the easy way to go… :P

Speculation on new Skill Type for Elite Spec

in Thief

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Has anyone thought of a staff? Fighting style wise fighting with a staff could be simular to that of a spear / polearm… I would really be exited about that imo
(Pls ignore how this ended :p)

Lorewise a staff fingthing light armored person is more a monk class, and that is quite a bit different than a thief, but still im hoping for it!

Combine shield with what exactly?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Warrior has a bow too.

I get what youre saying and I know I sound like a troll but all your complaints are solved by using a warrior or a ranger.

Pointsless reply… i dont want to be those classes… Mesmer has 1 good 2H Direct ranged weapon (GS) and 1 good 2H ranged condi weapon (Staff). They need to fill a ranged MH direct damage slot. That has nothing to do with >insert other class here<, because mesmer CAN perform a ranged direct damage roles, and it should be able to because of light armor. I just think its poor/lazy design that this is only enabled through 2H weapons.
Now they add a new OH wich we already have enough options for.

If you want to range as a mesmer we have a greatsword and an offhand pistol that goes well with phantasm builds.

okay great idea, so what do i put in my main hand that fits the RANGED direct damage from GS and Pistol?

I think what you really want to say is ‘im sad because i didntget a main hand pistol’ which is fair enough. But why dont we just make 1 topic for everyone to complain about not getting a pistol, instead of ten.

The pistol was an example, we need have ranged MH direct damage role to fill… Could be any weapon…

If I understood correctly, the shield won’t have direct dmg abilities nor damaging conditions so wouldn’t that mean scepter and sword are equally viable…. Pick the MH which goes along with your build

True the shield abilities look promising and usefull, but it’s think its not what we need the most…

(edited by Profanity.6829)

Combine shield with what exactly?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


This is mesmer. Dont play like a warrior and youll be fine. Further to max your shatter damage you need to be dodging in and out of melee range anyway.

If you want mesmer to play like a warrior then play a warrior.

Erhmm, this is kind off the whole point of my post :

I’m not really fond of hugging people in melee with my light armor (and mostly zerker gear), and i like some other optoin as conditions as my ONLY ranged option for MH…

I dont want to be in melee range… I want to do direct damage from range.

And i also dont want to be forced in close range schatter builds. This profession has so much other (non shatter reliant) potetial then just that… Condition clone spam build… Power phantasm build… Etc… Dont push me to close range with a sword to blow myself up along with my trusty Clones.

Giving us for example a ranged direct damage pistol, gives us so much more more pvp build variaty, that this profession could really use…

(edited by Profanity.6829)

Combine shield with what exactly?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


So we get a shield with cool skills… so what the hell do we put in MH? A ranged condition weapon or a melee direct damage weapon?

I’m not really fond of hugging people in melee with my light armor (and mostly zerker gear), and i like some other optoin as conditions as my ONLY ranged option for MH…

We already have so many OH options:
-Sword (Direct damage/ Melee)
-Pistol (Direct damage/ Ranged)
-Focus (Direct damage/ ranged (sort of))
-Torch (Condi damage/ Ranged)

Why on earth did we get kittening FIFTH OH-weapon with only 2 MH-weapons? Where is my frigg’n ranged direct damage MH-weapon! Devs even playing Mesmer?

HoT PvP (Ranked) request

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Dear people of ArenaNet. I have only 1 request for this expansion.

Please take the Daily >profession< win reward out of ranked. I’m so sick of losing because i get grouped with 2 heartseeker-spam-thieves.

(Some goes for the other professions obviously)

Thank you.

(edited by Profanity.6829)

WvW tournament 2015?

in WvW

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Hi guys,

Im a bit of a WvW newby here, but i see alot of players with these cool WvW weapons that you can buy for WvW Tournament claim tickets

I really like to participate to save up for these weapons, altho im really confused when. I understand this Tournament is a temp thing, and that the last was “fall 2014”.

When will a new one start?

I couldn’t find much about it on wiki.

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


How would that work if you had, say, a sword/torch/focus in your off-hand? :P

Then you summon an illusionary Ranger that spams longbow 2 ^^

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


too much hype in this thread…

all in good fun i’m sure but don’t bother getting too serious about it. If this actually is a proper full expansion that actually brings things like new weapons or skills then they are probably well past the point of finalized and firmly locked in the pipe line.

Obviously this expac is just speculation. I’m just trying to learn what people like to see added to this class (given or not). Purely for the purpose of entertaining, not with the intention to sharpen my pitchfork, lighten my torch, and to run to the devs office

For mesmer I’m hoping so much for an main hand pistol! Wouldn’t it be awesome as Mesmer to dualwield 2 awesome pistols? Abilities could be something like:

#2: Abimbo style 2,5 sec channeled cast, shooting with both pistols, knocking the target back on 1st hit.

Are you implying by this that they should add in a weapon combo mechanic similar to the Thief profession? :P

Hehehe, well i think class mechanics should stay unique, but it could be a Dual-wiel animation, just foor the looks of it (and needless to say because of awesomeness)

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


I just want to shoot unicorns and have pretty purple butterfly graphics too…is that so much to ask for Anet? Come on, just look at Dreamer and tell me that it doesn’t look like a mesmer shouldn’t be using it???

This would actually be an awesome animation for both pistols

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Altho it isn’t official that Heart of Thorns is an expansion, but what if it is, i’m hoping so much that they they will add 1 or 2 professions. In addition, new weapon combo’s for existing professions.

For mesmer I’m hoping so much for an main hand pistol! Wouldn’t it be awesome as Mesmer to dualwield 2 awesome pistols? Abilities could be something like:

#1: Shoot your target, applying a 1 second cripple on your 2nd chain shot, applying a 1 second chill on your 3nd chain shot,1 sec cast.
#2: Abimbo style 2,5 sec channeled cast, shooting with both pistols, knocking the target back on 1st hit.
#3: Fade in steatlh for 3 sec, replacing yourself with a phantasm that rips 1 boon from target
(all numbers and cooldowns balanced ofc)

And im just WILDLY brainstorming here, not looking for anythink overpowered :P

If they would ever add weapons to classes, what would you like to see on your mesmer?

[sPvP PU Condi illusionary Elasticity]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Since no-one has an aswer on this, I was able to test this, and its awesome!

IE + staff clones is so much fun! Not to mention the massive torments and confusions from scepter.

Some ele’s (that aoe my clones) and some engines are tough to handle, but most profession-build combinations are easy to handle with this build, so much fun.

Though i might look for a more challeging alternative without PU… However, if you like condition PvP, you should try this for casual sPvP and tPvP.

[sPvP PU Condi illusionary Elasticity]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829



Title sais it all basically. I’m coming back to check things out after a few weeks/months. So i kinda missed out on what happened with the most recent patch. I saw somewere that they finally fixxed IE for Staff clones? Does this mean a PU IE Condi build could work now? Making all those awesome clones bleed the crowd up… Sounds fun.

I haven’t gotten the time to test things for myself yet..

I know PU is considered newbytrait, but i just like the playstyle. I read that now additional (not as usefull) boons are added, so basically this was nerfed? Am i getting this right?

Combining this with the added torment on scepter 1, this all seems like a good buff for the PU Staff Scepter/Torch build… On paper at least. What did you guys experience so far. This is what i had in mind:

(it’s probably not the greatest build, as it lacks condi removal, but it’s mostly for lols and giggles in simple sPvP)

Sigil of paralyzation

in Warrior

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Sigil of paralyzation not working? In sPvP/mists, the hammer tooltip doesnt update, and when tested, the duration doesnt seem longer :S

Thief has no balance.

in Thief

Posted by: Profanity.6829


I agree on this, i try various build in pvp:

With a full dps burst build: I do “okay burst”, but opposing classes always have some counter button, making them survive, and me dead in 1 knockdown, fear, w/e… I still hardly kill anything with these builds because of easy counter moves and becauseof failing stealth. This only works for when i open on targets half dead, and i still end up “winning” with 30-50% hp left 0.o’

In a condi (slightly bunker) p/d build: i can sometimes kill foes through bleeds, confusion and torment, but if my target is resillient to condi’s im screwed…

What i just dont uinderstand is why thief stealth is so penalized. Mesmer als get the revealed debuf, howeven stealth feels so much more relieable on my mesmer…

Pvp weapons after leaving mists?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Profanity.6829


howcome when i get out of heart of the mists (spvp) i still have my pvp weapons equiped in in the normal world. Am i supposed to manually switch every time i go in and out of pvp?

Illusionary Elasticity: Disappointed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


So is it me or is Illusionary Elastisity STILL not working for staff clones? When will they fix it?

I’ve been waiten weeks for this patch so i could try this condition IE build… -.-

April 15t patch not live on April 15th?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Like the title sais… :S Just logged in, looks like no patch…

+1 sec stealth not i.c.w. combofield?

in Thief

Posted by: Profanity.6829



New Thief here

Is it me of doesn’t the perk +1 sec stealth (forgot the name) work with D/P (smokebomb + hartseeker)?

It does work for the more “direct” stealth abilities…

Just dinged 80, best way to exotic?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Profanity.6829


If you transmutate a skin onto an item, you will have both skins after the 15th, the actual visable skin, and the underlying original skin.

That’s what i thought too, so theres no reason not to buy it?

To buy what .. and what reason ?

You won’t have all skins automatically, to get the skins in your wardrobe you must of course actually own the skin.

The Corrupted Orrian set, (shoulders to start with).

The stats arent right for me, so i want to transmute this to my current exotic gear.

So if i do this now, will i have both skins at april 15th?

(edited by Profanity.6829)

Just dinged 80, best way to exotic?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Profanity.6829


If you transmutate a skin onto an item, you will have both skins after the 15th, the actual visable skin, and the underlying original skin.

That’s what i thought too, so theres no reason not to buy it?

Just dinged 80, best way to exotic?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Profanity.6829


I was wrong :S I DONT understand why i should wait buying skins/ gear for looks… :S

- what if i buy my soper awesome Corrupted Orrian set NOW, from what i understand it will be available as a skin after april 15th right?

(does this count if the original item was deleted, for example through transmutation?) Please help me out here, cus i have the tokens ready and i want it so bad

Just dinged 80, best way to exotic?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Thanks everyone, this was very helpfull, especially:

1) WvW, definately the easiest and fastest way! (altho it can sometimes take a while before you can actually “hook-up” with the farm-train. For some reason not all trains seem to be willing to share their position :S)

2) Karma vendors in Orr. Wow this zone is a nightmare, and it takes some research to find out which different rabid pieces you need to get from which temple, and how to even get there, let alone it being contested. But definately worth it if you have leftover Karma.

I’m now almost full exotic this way…

I made 1 big nooby mistake tho. As a condition PU mesmer, i bought an acsended amulet for (i think) 30 Laurels, only to find out after: these come with defensive and offensive slots -.- I obviously wanted the offencive one, but guess which one i bought ^^. Tried making a ingame ticket/bug report, but im not sure anyone can help me with this

Last but not least: what is a good way to get skins? With all my combined exotics i kinda look like a circusclown. I’ll wait till April 15th before actually buying them, thx for the tip! But how and where to get cool looking sets?
You can also use normal gear with stats as a skin with those transmute stone (or something) right?

Just dinged 80, best way to exotic?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Thank you all, this is VERY helpfull!! Ill be looking is to this 1st thing when i get home tonight.

(Then what is the point of people doing train (in human startzone) all day?)

Just dinged 80, best way to exotic?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Profanity.6829



Like the title sais, whats the best way to exotic gear (except Black Market, my recources are limited). Im looking for rabid gear, exotic or better, i’ve tried:

- doing Cad… (something) Manor, got 43 tokens in 1 run, took me whole evening and it was very boring. I need approx +1000 for a complete set? This will take a very long time.
- I tried doing a “Train” in the human starting zone for 1 evering, all i got was greens end some prof. materials (don’t have a prof. yet). Why is everybode doing this? I don’t really see the point yet :S
-I also did maybe 2 hours of WvW (i just followed some train). That got me over 400 honor badges. The WvW gear vendor has some nice exotic Rabid gear, can this be used outside of WvW? And if i got ~400 badges in 1 evening, i should be able to get this set in a decent amount of time..

What are your experiences? Pls. help a newbie out

I also have a ton of karma, not sure what to do with it ^^

M. of Misd. and rune of perplexity?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Oh wow, and there so expensive, when will it be fixxed?

When thief, engi and warrior are done exploiting it. So probably never.

How do these classes exploit runes that give 0 bonus

So then what should i take for wvw and pve as a condi/confusion mesmer?

M. of Misd. and rune of perplexity?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Oh wow, and there so expensive, when will it be fixxed?

M. of Misd. and rune of perplexity?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Do master of misdirection and rune of perplexity stack?

It doesnt show in the tooltip, tooltip only showes the master of misdirection bonus.

Staff clone fixes: new builds on the horizon?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


The staff clones’ WoC are bouncing now!
But…their bounces are not affected by IE. This could be working as intended…

Staff clone WoC have always bounced once, like your own with IE untraited.

Note most of the bug fixes are slated for the “feature” build, which is forthcoming (see Tyler’s comments in the bug thread).

Correct, it did already bounce once.

So when can we expect this “feature” build? (The other topic is such a wall-of-tekst, i couldn’t find it)

Staff clone fixes: new builds on the horizon?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


And i just tried it again… Now an actual patch was installed, so my hopes were up!

AND…… still not working! Clones still don’t get the extra bounce. It’s not in the notes either…. None of fixxes from the link in the 1st post seem to have been done according to the patchnotes:

Staff clone fixes: new builds on the horizon?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Just tested this, clones still don’t get the extra bounce. If it does, it will be huge!

(want to try it out in an PU 0 20 30 0 20 build)

When will the patch hit? Or didn’t this make the patch?

[Newbie question] Longer conditions?

in Engineer

Posted by: Profanity.6829



Im new to GW2 and new to it’s engineer-profession.

I saw this pvp movie of an engineer with a rifle, using his “2” skill (root) on a NPC in a pvp-map. It lasted like 5 seconds or so :S

Seems really powerfull, but mine is baseline only 2 sec. I tried getting it up by going to “the mists” to get scaled to max, then i got it to 2,5 sec by using the trait that gives you 30% condition duration.
But i cant get it up higher. I also didn’t see any contition-lengthening sigils at the vendor.

How did that player get the duration up so high, and do improved condition upgrades also count for the knock-down of a rifles “4” skill?

Like i said, i’m really new to this game so i could be missing something or misunderstanding stuff.

Mesmer Dual Swords PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Thank you all for your replies!

And thank you Osicat for your topic with builds and personal message. Couldn’t reply because your inbox is full (your so popular :P)

Mesmer Dual Swords PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829



First off, i’m really new to this game and i’ve only got 2 lvl 10’s ^^. I have done a good few hours of pvp on my warrior tho. I have absolutely no knowledge of WvW or WvWvW or whatever.

Recently started a mesmer, i really like the style with the clones, preferebly as a melee with double swords. When using double swords i really feel like a clomplete and cool looking melee class, and that’s exactly what i like tyo play.

- It has a great looking, high damage blurred frenzy
- Great mobilty with a clone and cool looking teleport with illusionary leap
- Nice defence + clone on #4 skill
- Nice damage on your #5 skill

Only level 5 here so i chose my Decoy, as another cool defence + clone creator. Makes me feel like a decent survivor when overpulling

I was just wondering, (keep in mind my complete lack of knowledge about its traits and such), can double sword be good for pvp or WvW? Because it’s really the style i like to play… Altho i thought i read somewere that it is way too squishy I havent even seen the traits yet