(edited by Pyles.5301)
Showing Posts For Pyles.5301:
Sword / horn is great for mobility/travel but you may find the bleeds take a while to down mobs.
Alternatives you might try are:
- Axe/Axe – Is great AE and single target burst skill. Offer AE melee vulnerability skill, mobile whirlwind, with your second weapon set as Sword/Horn to retain ease of moving about.
- Greatsword is a great AE option for pve grinding. Alternative second weapon set as Axe/Horn which still has good AE damage + good single hit burst skill and still retains the warhorn mobility.
I would definately recommend trying out as many weapon combos as possible to understand whats available in each. The two above will work for what you list though.
Both weapon sets above benefit more from +power instead of +condition damage.
(edited by Pyles.5301)
^ Not true. Quite often spiders apply both poison and snare at the same time, it makes no difference the order they appear in the condition list on you (giving the impression which would be the first to go), the snare is always the first to be removed.
The only way to increase damage is to give up some minor areas of survival.
Ideas to increase dps on defensive setups:
1) Put exquisite crit damage gems in your 5 jewellry slots (3 if using Ascended rings). This is the best value gain of crit damage in the game in terms of how much of the minor stat you give up to get it. For these its 5 minor stat per 1% crit damage.
Beryl gems retains some defensiveness whilst adding the all important crit damage. Ideally go with rubies if you can bear to lose a little hp.
2) Adjusting spec to include 25pts in Arms (Many dps increases to be had throughout) and 10pts in Strength for Berserkers Power. This may not be easy given a defensive build but you will need to sacrifice something to gain that dps. This can be ~25% increase or more in dps. This option will most likely reduce your survival the most if you normally spec high in tactics and defense.
3) Runes: Using an offensive runeset to include crit damage, power or +damage. If you are feeling a little flimsy maybe try the Wurm set or Fighter. Imho aim for any of Scholar, Eagle, Ogre, Strength.
I dont think runes in terms of defensiveness make the difference in being killed or not being killed. However offensively i think they make a bigger difference between killing or not killing your opponent.
4) Ascended rings offer the second cheapest gain of crit damage in the game per minor stat given up, ~8.5 minor stat per crit dam %. Aim for the “Royals” ascended rings from the fractals for the defensive. If you can bear it, aim for the red ring and cristaline band. This is a big times spend as the right ring is luck in lvl 10+ or takes 10 days/dailies to buy the one you want.
5) Use weapon sharpening stones and some good food. These add 6% of your toughness into power. They stack with food. Good food options add +100power +70 precision or add a high chance to life steal on crit.
6) Get a bloodlust sigil for a weapon. Even if you swap it out with a preferable sigil once you have stacks. +250 power at max stacks.
Any/some of these will improve dps.
(edited by Pyles.5301)
Hoping they are the unlocked Black Lion Chest version. Being that the value is in the key.
Thanks heaps for the fixup.
I can confirm the normal pve rune set Superior Rune of the Pack is also still bugged. The 3rd set bonus incorrectly provides +50 healing power instead of providing +50 Power.
Since the build about a day ago “fixing bugs and exploits”, the mobs inside a couple of the fractals dungeons no longer create buff stacks from Bloodlust, Precision, Luck Sigils on death that previously did. We had reports in guild that the Blood (lifetap chance on crit) Sigils were also not working on these mobs. Bosses seems to trigger the above but not regular mobs.
The most prevalant was the Ascolonian Charr fractal. I dont think a single vet/normal mob generated a buff stack since the new patch. The bosses did. The loot drops from the mobs cleared were significantly lower aswell. Almost as if they were flagged as “minion” style mobs.
There was another fractal which had a similar issue to a lesser extent but my mind is mush on which.
I’m thinking they cant simply allow people back in after a DC as there is no additional difficulty level checking at all past the initial one on loading into Fractals Lobby.
If they did i suspect it would allow groups to skip multiple levels.
i.e. If the limitation was removed the game couldnt tell the difference between:
5x lvl 30 people load into Fractals, 1 DCs and relogs back in.
1x lvl 30+ person walking in to start it up and then inviting 4x lvl 1 people thereby skipping 30 levels.
Could be wrong but it would explain why its so hard to define and implement additional checking to ensure the same person who dc’d was the same person re-entering and/or if the re-entering person has the credentials to be there.
We have confirmed that we can provide everyone who did not have the opportunity to loot the chest with a reward for their participation. All affected players will receive a reward regardless of whether or not they have contacted Support. We’re working very hard on this, and you should have a reward in your in-game mail early next week.
I hope this alleviates your concerns.
Hi Mark, I dont mean to imply anything but the italics appear to be incredibly well chosen words. It appears the good folks at ANet have managed to circle a number of measurable criteria to identify those in and those out. Please can you ellaborate what those are to further alleviate concerns?
i.e. like one of the possible examples below
- Completed any event step, but no chest looted on account.
- Hit the Ancient Karka at all, but no chest looted on account.
- Completed the event, but no chest looted on account, time was within 2hrs of commencement of phase3.
etc, etc.
I never managed to see the Ancient Karka die due to several overflows crashing/disco, but did complete the prelim event. Best i ever got the AK down to in four hours of trying was ~20% life. Relogging back in to completed events.
I would be rather frustrated to discover after all the rewards go out to find i did not meet the criteria despite the best efforts to complete it.
(edited by Pyles.5301)
My highest is only level 39. I barely have any maps completed, yet I have more basic stones then I need.
I am not sure where you are going with the part about the store, the stones are very easy to get. Everything that happens in the game is not a reason to complain. If simple things make you want to rage it might be time for a break, might help you gain perspective again.
He’s not talking about the low level stones. He’s talking about the high level ones, and the items he’s using the stones on.
ok, in that case then yes if you are going to use those like crazy then you might have to buy more. It isn’t some sort of conspiracy. They give you free ones for peats sake.
Getting annoyed with complaint threads for the sake of complaint threads.
The basis for the thread was more about an item becoming unusable for upgrading after reskinning moreso than losing/wasting a transmutation stone.
However, the free “Basic Transmutation Stones” you get from completing zones work for items 1-79. To reskin a level 80 item you need to use “Fine Transmutation Stones” which are very rare from BL Chests or purchased from the BLTC for gems.
There was no “pitchforks” and “hanging posse” tone in the OP. Ideally it would be better put in the bugs forum, but its a reasonably important bug none the less.
I think of all the “complaints” you chose to complain about, i think you should have chosen one with more merit for criticism.
Probably doesnt help the muzzle flash is occurring a few inches below your gun aswell.
I too just equipped this after reading the “fixed” patch note from a while back. Both the 3pce and the 4pce are not functioning as they should.
3pce is incorrectly awarding +50 healing power instead of +50 power.
4pce is incorrectly triggering from being hit instead of hitting.
(edited by Pyles.5301)
Edit My below post will not help the OP as this is as per the above poster, a racial effect for Sylvari. My post applies to a closely related bug though **
Some armors have 1 less colour area to dye. Those which have the lower number of colors can till retain a colour not able to be changed. i.e Gloves with 1 colour, pants with 2, Boots with 1 etc.
I had some heavy gloves which had 1 colour, which were a very dark grey/blue. Yet the palms of the gloves were red. Turns out i had used red previously on a set of gloves which had 2 areas to colour.
Workaround: Find an armor piece with more areas to colour than your current, change to preferred colours, swap back the preffered piece.
(edited by Pyles.5301)
I used a masterwork axe on ancient sapling and got it ruined. I was level 80 when I got it from a story mission around lv 30-40. It is the equivalent to Steel Axe for me.
Hmm i’m out of ideas then. Perhaps i got the ori workable ones from a higher level zone completion reward (which again makes me scratch my head as they are normally lvl 72-78 exotic armors). All other situations i can think of would have the player scaled down in level when they got it.
Chest drops? /shrug
I think we can all agree though the lack of information on the tooltip makes them nearly pointless.
The masterwork (green) tools are level specific with respect to the level of the storymode quest you get them (i think they go +1 or 2 tiers above the area you got them in). They are far less effective than they appear from reading description.
If you get ruined ore from a mithril node while using a mithril mining pickmake sure you are not in combat as that will also give you ruined ore sometimes.
you only have a CHANCE of getting ruined ore if you are HIT right when you are mining. Most of the time it won’t happen – pretty much everytime i mine I’m in combat and this has only happened to me once or twice.
I’m fairly certain its not based on the level of story mode quest as i’m level 80 and still havnt completed the story (level 60ish quests atm). The Masterwork tools i’m getting are harvesting Ori just fine.
Unfortunately the problem with Masterwork tools is they are level locked to the level your character was when they were obtained.
i.e If you aquire some at level 2 you will only be able to mine copper nodes with them. If you obtained them @ level 70 you will most likely be limited to Mithril.
The really annoying part is that none of this is indicated on the tooltip of the tools. If you have kept them all along the way you will either have to test them each to know thier limits or scrap them so you know any new ones will be of use.
This is one of the reasons i preferred to go back and do the lower zones to complete once at 80 that way all of my tools were locked high enough to mine Ori.
I too am annoyed with this. I would have been at ~8 hours left in CD when now i am at 5 days CD.
The official comms stated November 1st when the action they took was inclusive of October 31st. There was no mention of retroactively applying this to existing CDs at the time.
Anyone who transferred on the 31st October at any point in the day will have been extended by ~5-6days.
So please Anet confirm if this is a bug and you will correct it. As above i too wish to rejoin my guildmates.
Yep this thread is getting huge with this problem. Gagging for an anet response for wai or to be fixed.
Thanks Linsey for the verify.
Please if you have a few moments comment on this thread https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Ori-nodes-not-showing-up-as-minable-Friend-showed-me-spawns-I-see-a-ruined-base-like-I-mined-it-but-I-haven-t-can-mine-2-out-of-5/page/4
Specifically this question from this post please:
I don’t even care about a detailed response… I don’t need reasons or explainations… All I’d like is one person with the little symbol next to their name to give me a one word yes or no answer to this question:
Is this an intended change?
If yes, we can all begrudgingly accept our fates, complain for a while, then get on with our lives. If no, we can all rest easy knowing it will be fixed…. Just a single word from the devs or someone at a.net.
Somebody posted Jormag's Breath of Ice sword recipe, can a player confirm?
in Crafting
Posted by: Pyles.5301
In the same realm but different type… Naegling doesnt appear to have a particle effect either. Ideally being in same sort of Mystic Forge family and requiring similar requirement should have a particle effect also.
Per title, i believe what is required to make Naegling is up to the level other weapons with effects far superior.
This has a great skin and a particle effect would top it off nicely.
Me aswell. Character stuck on login. All other toons login fine.
Different zone to the above. Frostgorge Sound.
Sorry all – i was having posting issues above. Wasnt a complete post and gave proxy errors.
Thank you for the testing is greatly appreciated. My thought on 100b were about correct and the situation i have with whirlpool was vastly more damage than that. 6k per tick. If you were reaching 3.4k on a crit using a dps spec and gear then they had a spec greater than that by ~60%+ and crit 9/10 hits. This combined with quickness would be something to behold.
There wasnt room with my downed skill spamming to get the extra 2x 6k hits in the one ss. They are on a 2nd.
I’ll send in my situation to the exploit team with the screenies.
(edited by Pyles.5301)
Emerald: Couple of items missing in your features and benefits breakdown.
- Did 30k during beta. Now does ~12-16k assuming many crits and all 8 attacks hit. Only enough to kill low hp targets. 30k is achievable using more attacks and skills.
- Max targets = 3
- Frontal cone damage.
- Damage ends on movement from warrior including turning.
- Can be avoided by walking/moving behind the warrior or out of the range. No endurance or other skills necessary.
- Skill is 8 swings. ~1.5-2k on crit a lot less on non crits.
-If it downs someone futher actions are required to kill them.
Whirpool: (some of these are questions to clarify my understanding and perception – please correct as necessary)
- is 360 degree pbAOE?
- hits more than 3 targets?
- hits faster than once per second? I took 10 hits for 53k and lasted ~5seconds
- while vulnerable caster is not rooted in place?
- skill does not end on movement?
- endurance (dodge) or a movement or avoidance skill is required to avoid damage.
- deals significantly larger hits. Verifiable hits for 6k. How much potentials for death comparison?
- If this downs someone do nothing and they are dead from the continuing damage.
- using your numbers, whirlpool is potentially 3-5 100b back to back for 15s multi target, AE with a pull. (30k/4s * 15s) 112k damage potential?! per target.
Bear in mind the 100b can of worms was opened by someone near the start of this thread.
My beef isnt that its not comparable or compares poorly or well with other skills.
My beef is should that level of damage in a short period of time be A) achieveable without exploitation if a) is yes, valid in the game currently with such potentially massive numbers.
Many classes ha
I’ve seen a warrior do 15k in 1 hit. Get over it. Whirlpool is easy to get out of range of. L2P issue. ie. If you’re following an ele into the water and they stop fleeing, you should know why. Any guardian who dies to an ele is just plain bad.
Katniss: Cool so you would be happy to have a warrior have a skill which pulled you in deal multiple attacks of 6k in a short time. If this skill did one hit of 15k as you described i would not have even started this thread. I have screen shots of the numbers i listed. Total of 53k. Do you have anything to back up that 15k warrior hit which wasnt an eviscerate hit from a beta weekend which has been nerfed since?
Are you also saying those ele’s above you who claim low damage elsewhere is a L2P issue aswell for them? Or are you two faced (ie hitting hard is L2P hitting soft is broken)?
P.S. the guardian didnt die. The warrior did.
Others: I have seen people quote numbers about 100blades of 20k etc in above posts and saying its equivalent. If 100b pulled you in and dealt more damage i would have sympathy. As it stand 100b is significantly easier to avoid and deals less damage per hit and less total damage.
There is no skill i know of in the game other than this which can reach the total damage achieved in such a short time FROM ONE SKILL and has a CC component.
Yes your other skills need improving. Yes some need a significant improvement. That does not mean that this skill is ok as is.
The difficulty was this was in quite shallow water just enough to submerge. So visibility due to camera angles and room to move was very small. I still couldnt tell you what the animation looked like in this case. This was in EB.
You can tell i dont do the ruins fight in capricorn map in spvp to recognise this attack. Might have to make an ele up to test out the range on this and its animation.
But still can someone tell me if the numbers i listed above could get there with spec/gearing? If so what gear/spec?
I would like to rule out the first “jump-to” conclusion before i email off the screenies to the anet people.
Is 53k from whirlpool possible using legitimate builds/gearing/skill combos?
10 hits in combat log from the lone elementalist, a guardian and me (warrior) were chasing.
2199, 5191, 5191, 5463, 5463, 6038, 6038, 6038, 6038, 6038
This was full health and downed health to dead within seconds.
(edited by Pyles.5301)
Could be a long shot but is it possible the shortcut you are using to start the game has “-repair” added to its command line?
I have a shortcut as such purposely when/if i have issues.
Launcher *freezes* immediately and can't be closed
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Pyles.5301
I have discovered what was causing this for me.
I had a faulty SATA port on my MB which my DVD was plugged into.
It appears the SATA controller was filling its underpants anytime it was needed to do anything, which is pretty much everytime anything happens.
I swapped it to a new port and everything again seems normal.
Legendary Weapon "Rodgort" won't craft despite accepting all 4 materials as valid.
Posted by: Pyles.5301
In the past for me for non legendary recipes, seeing the greyed out “forge” button while showing a new combination has meant i didnt have enough of one of the ingredients. It showed somewhere on screen an indicator like “4/5” or whatever you have vs whats needed.
Launcher *freezes* immediately and can't be closed
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Pyles.5301
I’m begining to wonder if this is hardware/driver related given how few people are suffering this problem as i now have another program which refuses to run and/or not responding to taskmanager kill requests.
I’m going to do a full OS reinstall tonight as its no longer just GW2.
I’ve ruled out virus/malware through some pretty intensive testing using multiple programs.
One thing which is probably nothing is at some stage i’ve allowed nVidia sata drivers to replace the win7 ones. Back running XP it hated the Intel SSD + nVidia sata driver combo.
Too many questions not enough answers and testing yet.
Keep repair costs. Costs are needed to prevent muppets launching themselves into crowds for no downside other than the walk back.
The system rewards sucess and punishes failure.
The learning curve is faster with this incentive.
I play a ranged dps + support spec. Rifle mainly (sometimes bow) + Sword/Horn.
Launcher *freezes* immediately and can't be closed
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Pyles.5301
Renaming local.dat, deleting the whole directory, running in Xp sp3 mode, run as admin all make zero difference.
Launcher *freezes* immediately and can't be closed
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Pyles.5301
This is now happening to me also. Cannot get past the initial launcher screen. Freezes and task manager cannot stop it. Only a computer restart will allow another attempt.