Showing Posts For Ragnarawk.8697:
@Blood Red Arachnid:
There is nothing wrong with DPS being king. Doing damage is a highly popular role. But from an RPG perspective, there is a missing element to mitigate damage that should be present: resource management. Management of resources is a staple of RPGs that GW2 seemingly ignores. While players do have to manage their dodges to an extent, it is obviously not working as a mitigating factor. This is probably due to the high uptime of both dodges and full damage when correctly dodging. It’s probably not helping that it’s the sole relevant resource to manage, and common to all professions. Cool downs on skills don’t work either, especially with the effectiveness of auto-attack.
Without limiting all out damage with resource management, the game ends up being solely focused on mitigating damage through dps. Armor really isn’t about surviving longer, as it is about making whatever resource that keeps the character alive more effective, and last longer. Since active defense is common to all professions, and is the primary source of survival, armor becomes meaningless, and actually detrimental to group compositions.
I don’t know what the answer is on this one, and you may already be well aware of this missing game design element. If I could give any suggestion, it would be to look towards other “DPS is king” games, and try to integrate what works there into GW2. DDO comes to mind, actually. While it had it’s glaring flaws, it did succeed in having good class interaction and build diversity. All of that interaction and build diversity was completely dependant on a strict resource management scheme. Otherwise it would have been optimal for everyone to run a Warforged great-axe barbarian, with one Warforged sorcerer for buffing DPS.
With all sincerity I say “good luck!”.
Actually, that’s EXACTLY what the removal of the Suggestion sub-forum means. ArenaNet has stated as much.
Could you link me that statement please, must have overseen/read it. Thanks
I’m afraid you have overlooked this. Mods have stated that suggestions go in thier relevant sub-forums, and suggestions such as this go in GW2 discussion. I’m not able to find the thread where they said that atm, but I willing to bet you will see mods pop in from time to time confirming this.
Who else read the title of this thread and thought: “Good news everyone!” in the Professor’s voice?
I also support this idea. Good times.
(edited by Ragnarawk.8697)
There always seem to be suggestions as how to weight scores according to population, but I don’t think that will ever happen because it penalizes off-prime time players. The PPT system has to have a big tweak in order for the coverage wars and night capping issues to become diminished. If it hasn’t been said before in one way or another, I would be surprised, but my suggestion is this:
Only Keeps and SMC stay on PPT. Everything else doubles in point value for taking it, but does not tick. PPT values would have to be adjusted and hard capped. My suggestion would be 120 PPT maximum. Only your own Keeps and SMC would actually gain you PPT. Taking an enemy Keep provides a larger value for the cap, and denies PPT to the enemy, as well as limiting movement.
While this doesn’t solve the problem, it does diminish it to a degree. If a night train caps your whole BL, and holds SMC, they gain the points for capping objectives, but only tick 120 PPT more than your team for the duration they are held. If you flip everything back, you just regained the point differential. Of course, everything you just flipped back would be paper, but that’s the breaks.
Playing in both PUG and guild units, I have found that being vocal is the one of the keys to success. Players respond better to commanders who let the zerg know where the next target is, when they are skipping sentry, and what the general plan is for the zone. Don’t just move objective to objective. When you are successful in taking objectives while communicating, you will have better results giving commands in open field battles. That will give the PUGs a reason to follow you. The more players you have with you, the more likely you are to succeed. Success builds a good reputation, and the reputation will allow you to flexibility in the complexity of your commands. You won’t be able to get PUGs to properly set up a hammer train on the first day. Keeping them together under an unproven tag will be challenging enough.
That being said, here are some things I think help to establish your right to command:
1. Be in charge of siege. Throw all your siege yourself, at optimal positions. Let the zerg know that you will be throwing siege only. Always have superior siege on hand.
2. Control/ know your supply. Nothing will send a PUG running faster than seeing un-built rams at a gate while the zerg dps’ the door.
3. Don’t stack every 30 seconds. Save it for when you need it, not when you are moving unopposed to a camp or tower.
4. Be a teacher, but at the right times. If your zerg needs to practice might stacks, save it for after a victory, so morale is high. Parley that into a winning scenario where what you taught them is useful.
5. Keep positive. Saying “Get on my tag or we lose SM!” isn’t as effective as “On me, gonna wipe them in the Lord’s Room.” Or, “Hurry up or we lose Anz”, compared to “Throw swiftness, we will pin them on the gate!” (Side note: never blame your zerg for a wipe. Say they did pretty good, or the enemy got lucky.)
To be clear, all of this comes from a zergling’s perspective, not the commander’s. Learning the strategic and tactical maneuvers will improve with time and practice only, but getting a zerg to follow will actually give the chance to practice those skills. Having more numbers is a large tactical advantage, so getting the PUGs to pull together can be your best strategy for successful command. However, you can’t rely on being Cool Ranch alone to get them on tag.
My 2 cents, hope it helps.
I agree with this idea. I actually had a similar idea myself. I think that some things should remain PPT though, those things being EB keeps and SMC. That would encourage defense of key structures while reducing the effects of server stacking. In that system, the PPT for holding structures would halve, and the point value for taking a location would be double what it’s PPT was worth.
Glad to see this kind of thinking going on.
The problem is not the Zerg . Zerging can be done in a POSITIVE way . If.we are 50 people why not making this experience hardcore ? Something that you can’t get in dungeons with only 5 people . My point is : what’s the point of zerging if it’s boring because you don"t do anything . The most add a scaling system . More people = more mobs , harder mobs and more LOOT .
You guys are blind ? Don’t you want a challenging experience that you cant get elsewhere , even fractals lv 50+ could be easy compared to an event you can create with 50 people . Seriously stop being lazy , that’s why you are bored because it’saeasy nd boring as hel . As I said harder content is more fun because there’s a challenge and a risk and more loot if it’s completed . I’m honestly dissapointed by this wasted opportunity .
This is the reason you will not get support for your ideas. You insist that your value system for entertainment be substituted for everyone else’s. The average player does not want anything to be hardcore, and especially not everything to be hardcore. People enjoy playing the game at their skill level, otherwise they would be playing something truly skill based, instead of based in socializing and collecting. For most players, killing mobs is a means to an end, not the end in itself.
Any good game will provide opportunity for it’s players to find enjoyment at all skill levels, from low to high. PvP is for the highest skilled players, farming for the lowest. I know this will be shocking, but they should both be rewarded for playing according to the metric they are correlated with. The PvP player should be rewarded based on skill, the farmer based on time played. Everything in between is a hybrid of those two metrics.
It seems there are always players who insist that the game run according to their own style, and have reward based upon what they like to do, and what they are good at.
I know this much, I changed over to Ascii’s build (pretty much/ cheaper gear for now), and I have had much more efficient play. It’s at least a great place to start.
I’m going to go with 7/10 on GoM in Bronze. Best fights I have had in a long time last week, and our server is pulling together again to steamroll this week. All in all it’s been a good time.
I understand the problem that the OP has identified, but idea to solve it does nothing but give a greater advantage to veterans. The real block to new players joining WvW is information. While we can tell others to go to various out-of-game resources to learn about WvW, the majority will not. That is why I propose an in-game tutorial instance that launches upon a players first time into WvW.
This walk through instance would explain the PPT system, what the various structures are, and their importance. Tasks should be given to the new player to familiarize them with using the map, grabbing supply, building siege, repairing a wall, and joining the commander tag. All would lead up to a simulation of a typical camp capture into PvDoor paper tower experience, using NPCs as the friendly zerg. Along the way, the tutorial should give pro-tips that we all take for granted, like not taking supply during upgrades, and why PVT is good. At the end of the instance the player is rewarded with the 1st five WXP levels, 100 badges, and a choice of heavy, medium, or light Invader’s armor. They would then be transported to EB, already on their way to being a contributor.
I’ve found that there are actually a fair few decent players, more than enough to quickly fill out a pug, but the problem is that your group tends to fill up with bads more quickly than the goods can join. Not everything has to be uber speedclear minmax mode, but seriously, some pugs are just terrible it makes even the easiest dungeons a massive pain in the kitten , and once we’re in the dungeon it becomes much more of a hassle to kick and replace them midway. I propose we make gear and traitchecks a regular thing whenever we pug. Start requiring everyone to meet thresholds on:
1) Achievement points
2) Gear (probably just the weapon is good enough, if a ranger joins and pings a bow you know to kick)
3) Traits (tell them to list their trait spread, it’s usually pretty easy to tell if they’re screwy just from the point distribution)
4) UtilitiesNot only does this filter out the bads right from the get-go, it’ll also prevent them from complaining when they inevitably get kicked for not using banners/spirits/reflects/whatever. Seems like a win/win for everyone involved.
I have a great idea. Maybe Anet would let us actually link our achievements in chat. Also they might give us an add-on that would rate our gear numerically. I’m sure this would build a great community of gamers, and not spawn a hell-hole of condescending “pros”.
You know the saying: “Teach a man to fish and he eats for life, make him link his acheivement, and you save yourself five minutes of explaining fights.”
This is what they want… They are secretly trying to get you into spvp so you can support their “esport”
I have a bad feeling that this is actually the truth. I’m sure the intent with WvW was to be an introduction and training grounds for sPvP. Unfortunately for Anet, the opposite occurred. Many WvWer’s consider it to be the end-game, and ignore sPvP completely.
I believe they are tying to consolidate a hard core group of players into a few servers, in order to make structure and (supposed) balance in sPvP more appealing. They are hoping, that eventually the mantra will be “WvW is for n00bs and PvEers, go to sPvP if you want balance and competition.”
It’s too bad they can’t see that GvG is where the money is at for esport.
This seems like a good fit for me.
Usually being told what my build should be is a red flag, but I understand the need for it. I am always willing to tweak out a build, as long as the core idea/ function remains. As a well/staff Necro, that should not be an issue in WvW. In fact, I pretty much eat up new Necro info as fast as I can, and try out new build ideas frequently
My only concern is play times. I would hate to be on and have nobody to run with. The good news is: my necro practically lives in WvW land! So if I’m online, I’m in for grouping. I have a post in this forum listing my play times and such. If a recruiter wants to check it out, here is the link:
Looking forward to contacting you folks in-game.
Actually, for perma-death players, that is quite the achievement. A max level character is a treasured acquisition. Grats to you, and don’t die!
Out of curiosity Achilles, how is JQ? I have heard good things, but I have also heard bad things from the “no skill, spam 1” crowd.
Looking for a WvW oriented guild that I can grow with long term. I am mostly interested in a good level of activity during my play hours. Looking for a server that takes WvW seriously, and has inter-guild strategy. I love a good sense of humor and a generally accepting attitude, as these are traits of my own.
Willing to transfer.
Play times: (EST) (general overview)
Mon: 10am- 3pm
Tue: 9am – 2pm
Wed: 4pm-10pm
Thurs: 4pm-10pm
Fri: unscheduled
Sat: unscheduled
Sun: 3pm-11pm
My play times are 95% on the WvW maps. I currently run a well Necro, and tend to do pretty well running with the zerg. I do enjoy smaller 5-10 man groups, and am interested in experimenting with 5 man group compositions.
(edited by Ragnarawk.8697)
Those are control points. Stand in them to take control of an area. You will see a progress bar in the upper right of your screen.
Why can’t we have this? I feel like the only one who benefits from knowing my rank is the enemy players. Shouldn’t we be able to show off our WvW rank in public? Why not have access to your current WvW rank in your Hero panel, just like all the other titles?
NThat spells moon!
M O O N that spells my main man.
Ascended can make a difference in WvW builds. That’s the real endgame anyways!
Is your mail full? Little 10/10 in the top corner.
There are a lot pf players, including myself, that treat WvW as the endgame. You can do your dailies/ monthlies there, and progress towards ascended rings and amulet. One could also view saving up for, and learning the role to command, as progression as well. Some would say there is no skill level involved, but I highly disagree. There are plenty of situations that are not blob vs. blob where individual skill and teamwork decide the outcomes. I personally never run out of things to do, and spend gold on. Alting in WvW can be very rewarding, but expensive to keep a lowbie in the rare gear needed to not be a burden on your team. It’s also possible to experiment with different builds for different game play on the same character, which can lead to a a need to get more ascended. Hopefully, they add ways to get accessories and back pieces in WvW. As far as re-playability; it depends on what you like. I find it to be different every day, but some see it as the same old. But then again, how is that any different than other endgames?
Hopefully the ranking system gets a tweak, because being a part of your server rising in ranks is pretty rewarding intrinsically, and a good form of “meta-progression”.
I think simplicity is involved here. “Stack on me.” is an easy order to give and follow. Complex formations, counter-formations, and strategic troop movement are much harder to execute. Kudos to commanders that pull it off. How many times have you seen a flanking opportunity wasted in WvW? And that’s just basic stuff.
There are ways to punish the blob. There are ways to extend their “lines” and sap their numbers. I see tons of unexploited tactics all day. Anet has actually built in so much tactical advantages to be used that it’s amusing.
WvW reminds me of Ender’s Game. We are a bunch of Bonzo’s right now. The question is: What happens when Andrew Wiggins and Dragon Army show up?
I have to agree with the OP here. I see a trade off between skill-lag/ blob tactics, and less than 100% coverage. Anet should not have to punish or reward any type of tactics here. The game mode is determined by the players. I know of several players who do not engage in zerging, and find great enjoyment out of running havoc squads and camp capping.
That’s the other trade off: rewards. If you want to get a ton of kills, wxp, karma, and what-not, you will have to go where the greatest concentration of action is. If you want individual glory, team tactics, underdog battles, then you are getting less of the rewards for engaging high numbers of enemies. Bag city is lag city, after all.
I do love the paradox between raiding and WvW: get 40 guys together, have them listen to one guy’s instructions. For raiding that’s the highest level of skill, give the best rewards please. In WvW, that’s mindless, nerf rewards please.
I say if you don’t like whats happening, then chip up and change it. Find your server’s commanders and change your tactics.
I am currently leveling a necro in WvW. I really don’t see myself as a liability to my server, though. Being up-leveled has it’s advantages, if you play it right. It’s pretty easy to get 5-6 enemies to overextend into your zerg because they think they can get an easy down. I have peeled off large chunks of a flanking formation, having them chase me for an “easy kill”, leaving the rest of the flanking team to get swallowed. Even an up-level can keep enemies off of walls with marks, helping the siege teams to get gates down. My marks and wells still devastate enemies in bottlenecks and choke-points, and I have helped bust a blob open plenty of times. And to top it off, I don’t even get downed that much playing from the back lines. I am fairly certain that my server is better off with me on the field, than off it.
Here is a similar build with different stat distribution, and trait selections. This focuses more on getting as many marks and wells down as possible, and does decent damage. It’s a different approach than most, since there are no points into the power line. However, there are lots of times when a group is going to have a ton of conditions on them to boost damage through Curses 25 trait.
Btw, superior sigil of battle is straight tech in builds like this. I end up with capped stacks quite often.
They just need to add some boss mechanics that work against burst tactics. Something like dropping heavy stacks of retaliation, a wind-up (high-damage) push-back skill, or weakness conditions. It would add a little spice to the encounters, and encourage parties to bring boon-stripping, stability, and condition removal.
then mesmer will be more and more important since we could bring null field for conditions and arcane thievery for boon strip.
Lol, guess that’s why I’m not a dev.
Wolfgang is spot on here. Take zerker on your trinkets with your Knight’s armor. See where you stand, and where you want to be, as far as the weapon goes. You may not get as much stat value from the weapon, but you may also want to up your crit damage to maximize your dps potential.
What’s your rune situation? You may be able to fill in some gaps with those.
They just need to add some boss mechanics that work against burst tactics. Something like dropping heavy stacks of retaliation, a wind-up (high-damage) push-back skill, or weakness conditions. It would add a little spice to the encounters, and encourage parties to bring boon-stripping, stability, and condition removal.
Ok names I suppose. I prefer names that fit the lore/ naming conventions of the Asura.
Asura male warrior: Warrt
regardless of how you got it, a fused weapon sends the message that you gambled 100$ of RL money on it. Legendaries while purchasable with RL money still have an element of farming and in game pride. These things will be released regularly so Fused weapon is the first of many many one time skins that have to be gambled for. Unless you are a Dubai prince or something you won’t be able to obtain them all so just get whatever you want. No one at any time in the future will care if you have a fused weapon I promise and it doesn’t make you look more elite ever.
They all look average (preference is irrelevant, that’s the truth). If they were on a dungeon token they would would be one of the least popular sets. Not to mention that’s one single weapon on one alt.
I don’t see how it relates to RL money. Sure, some people plop down the cash, but a lot of others are using gold to buy gems. So I would say, if anything, it shows a combination of dedication to a goal, and some luck. I remember “somewhere” hearing that people willing to dedicate mass amounts of time and resources should be “epic-ly” rewarded. What’s the difference between farming a raid for weeks on end for a small chance at a drop, and farming CoF for weeks on end for enough gold to get a small chance at a drop?
It sounds a bit like sour grapes here, as the look of the weapon is well above average. The particle effect is nice, and the detail work is nice as well. I particularly enjoy how the chain going across the back of the GS is red-hot in appearance. I would say average is something like Destroyer or Mystic skins.
If these skins do not come back, they will indeed become rare, as people leave the game and new ones come in. Long term, they will become symbols of veteran status, as they will denote at what times you played the game. Personally, I like that idea, it will eventually build a great diversity in character appearance.
(edited by Ragnarawk.8697)
I can sympathize with the OP. I kind of enjoy farming, and think it’s relaxing. If I don’t have something specific going on in the guild, it would be nice to go out and be able to kill or harvest things at my leisure. I would particularly like to see MOBs with specific rare drops, such as minis or themed skins. I enjoy that kind of treasure hunt activity once and a while.
Quake’s build is fairly standard. Full-on glass cannon isn’t for everyone though. You can either try Knight’s or Valkyrie armor to help with defense. Most would say go for the Knight’s for the precision. However, with the change to Signet of Fury, it’s possible to cover your precision needs, and gain a lot of critical damage. I myself prefer an all-around build that does good damage (not best), has some survival built in, and flexible utilities. Here is a build utilizing Soldier Runes for Vitality stacking, and extra support. It will output some nice damage, and not die to a strong gust of wind.
PS-Always remember your foods and stones! :p
Save them. You will eventually get a key for one, and the chest itself has a chance to contain another key. I have gone through 5 or so chests before, off one key. Yeah, that’s luck, but eventually everyone gets lucky.
I heard that this is no longer possible. I would check around the forums for this before transmuting anything.
It’s still completely possible, I did it myself two days ago.
Good to know. Seems I was feed some false information. Thanks.
I heard that this is no longer possible. I would check around the forums for this before transmuting anything.
Kudos to you guys for this one! Sounds like an awesome time, we need more of this!
+1 to you and yours, sir.
While I empathize with you and your guildmate, how is going to the Forums about this going to help? I don’t think the Mods can do a thing about it, or give you anything but a canned response. Not trying to talk down to anyone, but there could be effort less wasted by going through other means.
Good luck to you and you guildie.
I generally go with masterwork (greens) items every 10 or so levels, starting at 25. Up to that point I just get blues every 5 levels, starting at level 10-11.
I would love to see a Dark Ausran set to match the Dark Asuran weapons. Dying an Asuran cultural set isn’t the same. Red glowies to match the weapons would be pretty sweet.
Sorry but this is silly, introducing threadmill would make it worse for you? How exactly? You can still play your casual way. Or you’re afraid you won’t be on the same level anymore? Well, people that work for something should get more than those that do nothing. Lesson from real life.
This is why hard-cores can’t be catered to. The gear treadmill opens the gate to a culture of elitism. I would rather not hear words like “scrub” and “sub-optimal” being thrown around this game, when they don’t need to be. Treadmills affect everyone, because it excludes willing participants from content they want to play.
The saddest part is, it’s not the true elite gamer that ruins it. They are 1-2% of the population, and are happy to never talk to anyone but the 24 guys they run content with. It’s the other, much larger part of the population that ruins it. The part of the player base that emulates the true elite, but has to pick up randoms to fill raids, or starts their own progression guild after watching some Tankspot videos. It invariably ends up with the worst part of the population looking down their noses at everyone else.
None of the professions are dedicated to any role in the way they would be in a traditional trinity system. Instead of tank/healer/dps, we have glass cannon, survival, and support builds. They all contribute dps, while doing whatever it is that they are good at doing.
I think the reason for this happening is that the MMO dynamic has changed in general. Back in the day, when a graphical online RPG was new, people took notice of other players. A live person in pixel form was something completely new. There was a tighter sense of community because there were far, far, fewer of us playing back then. Most people I knew in real life had only vaguely heard of EQ, if they had at all. Fast forward to WoW; everyone watching Shatner, Mr. T, and Chuck Norris in prime time commercials. It’s commonplace to see another player running around. In fact, other players are often viewed more as competition, than an ally against a harsh game world. Guilds are not a coalition of like-minded players, carving a prestigious or infamous rep for themselves, but a means to an end. You want this? Join that guild. You want that? Join this guild. It will be rarer and rarer to find people who clan up for the enjoyment of others alone. Sign of the times, I guess.
I also play on Gates of Madness. I really don’t see a population issue. Some zones are less popular, of course. It would be that way regardless of whether the server was full or not. Go ahead and go to another game and hit the mid-level zones. Everyone will be in the capital cities for the most part.
I also played WoW during BC and WotLK (at the peak of population). I had a very hard time finding even a 10 man raiding group during off hours. I was willing to join a new guild, and even farm dkp with them, to be able to raid late-night/ early morning. No luck there. They call it prime time for a reason.
I agree. Glad to see someone taking the time to smell the roses. I feel that the “magic” of MMO’s comes from the sense of wonderment at a new world. It’s sad that the magic is lost on those who think stat progression is the main element of a good RPG. The good news is that this game provides a great vehicle to regain that original “OMG awesome” feeling.
This is something that happens in all mmo’s. If you have played other mmo’s you will nottice you see gold adds less often in gw2 then ANY other. There’s a little icon in the mail interface to report it. Please do this so can get rid of them. Good job for keeping them at bay keep up the good work. For the rest of you please do YOUR part and report TY
This is an absolute lie…i have NEVER been hit with spam forum gold selling on any other MMO ive ever played….EVER.
Im gonna go out on a limb and say you are another dev alt trying to bad mouth other MMO’s to try and drag them down to the horrible depths Guildwars is at.
I have rarely seen so much gold spamming in game as i have in guildwars, and certainly never in a " big name MMO"and was one of the main reasons i refuse to support this fail company any further.
You have to be kidding. Every other game I have played has had way more gold spam. Like on the order of every hour at some points in WoW. I am guessing you never saw the the bodies of gold farmers lying on the ground, advertising gold sites? See attached.
Hi Ragnarawk and thanks for your reply. I would like to comment on the statement you made about having no subscription fee and getting the game for the price of the box. There is more to it than that. Micro-transactions support GW2 instead of a sub. So, where you do not generally spend the extra cash in the gem store I can see things from your perspective. However, for every X players that do not spend money in the gem store there are Y players that do, and I’d say that some of them would definitely spend a few subs worth of money each month.
So, the perception that player’s will be getting content updates ‘for the price of the box’ may be accurate for an individual that spends no money in the gem store, but generally across the community it is definitely not.
Make no mistake that Guild Wars 2 is a free to play game. Like a subscription, GW2 still has a financial support, it is just structured differently.
I understand your point, but there is one oversight. When you spend money in the Gem Shop, you actually get something. Paying a sub only gives you access to the game, no other benefit. The Gem Shop offers digital goods and services. I, like many others, are very willing to pay more than a sub fee to get in-game bonuses and features. I think the concept of getting more for your money than an active account is a good reason to give Anet support.
And as a side note, people need to cut the devs a break. Anyone remember WoW for the 1st 6 months? How long did “Frost Shock FTW” go unchecked by diminishing returns? I think patience is due.
Edit: +1 to Omen for having a reasonable conversation.
(edited by Ragnarawk.8697)
Developers don’t care. People have complained about re-spawns since DAY 1. Nothing has been done, nothing will be done. There will be no response, and my message to you will be deleted most likely.
that bad?
No. It’s not that bad. The devs are aware of it, and have discussed it. It’s probably not a priority to rework the timers, and would be unwise for Anet to give specualtive information on any changes to spawn rates. Reporting problems in-game, with great detail, is the best way to get results on issues like these.
The devs have discussed this in other threads. They believe respawn is working as intended. They attribute spawns coming up fast to other players killing a spawns in adjoining areas.