Have treb take damage from condi’s and crits:
While it is very unthematic, it is quite unbalanced for condi users. I think most zerk builds can already demolish it, so no for crits.
Rotation speed increase:
It’s ok
Remove Treb completely:
No, but I agree that the mechanic does need an extra kick of sorts. Most games usually involve it getting destroyed and it stays that way.
Faster fire rate:
I think it’s ok
Different treb amno that supports allies on points:
Definitely an interesting option. The current ‘ammo’ is great, so maybe some additional ammo can be picked up on the map. Long lasting poison/fire fields might be cool.
It could also be a great idea to have a special ammo spawn at some point in the game (maybe it needs to be fought over?) which changes the pace of the game.
Teleport skill drop the siege bundle:
Not sure on this, it makes some classes better at repairing the treb. However repairing it is a bit of a long unfun walk. Perhaps give a little speed boost to it to balance out the mobility nerf.
It sounds fun to fight against GS warriors again…but everything else sounds like it could be really annoying, especially that ranger longbow.
Very good points especially about the poor animation, I can barely see it being thrown or distinguish it from the axe #3, for such a powerful effect.
Their survivability is face-roll easy.
Try again.
It would be great if we didn’t see the exact same models in case of class stacking on the same team. I’d reckon it would be confusing to both players and viewers otherwise. A simple face, hair variation and maybe just one different armor piece would suffice.
At this time it is one model per profession, per gender, per team. I do like the idea of doing some sort of ‘profession archetype’, or a way to visually see if they are a power/toughness/condi/ect spec build. Though I’m not sure what that would look like without adding clutter to the screen.
A simple-ish idea would be to tie the power/condi/… sort of indication to a colour scheme. If the standard weapons were like ascended-skins, it could server as a really cool indicator for example, but just a simple dye variation could do an ample job.
Something I don’t think I’ve seen mentioned here, is that the jump pads can be really hard to use if you are in combat, or have some movement impediment. The jump will usually not be enough, sending you back down… Very inconvenient to spend time focusing on making a jump when you’re under fire.
Apart from than, I’d have to agree on there being a rework. There is nothing skilled about the instant death mechanic.
Great stuff, I’ve been waiting for something like this ^-^
Not in spvp.
I think the company might want to start taking verbal reports more seriously. That’s just repulsive.
Well maybe the newer players forgot warrior can use greatsword in spvp! hahaha
Unfortunately, that is why most teams run asuran characters. Some animations are already hard to watch out for or are buried by flashier stuff.
It’s also bad for viewship too…I really wish this issue would be solved.
I believe this is applicable:
On a more serious note, less AI pls.
If you play a class which can dish out AoE, you can scoff ‘L2P’, but classes which are more singled target oriented have it different.
I mean you need to consider LoS’ing, planning your burst…whatever, and mr engie just drop his turrets and spams his skills while probably in defensive gear. OP or not OP, fighting AI should be left in pve.
Meaning, if GW2 added a gw2pvx
Want! I really miss it from the GW1 days. Intothemists was awesome for a while, but it sort of fell out of fashion I think.
Should be fun to watch. Hoping to see some good plays.
We absolutely want to make build templates. They could work similar to GW1, but there are more components to a build now. Using the old string-code method may prove to be unwieldy.
What could be in a template:
- Skins
- Dyes
- Outfit
- Finisher
In my opinion, every single one of these will clutter up the template and are unnecessary complications.
Glad to hear templates are being considered
idk the recent metas for both since I’ve shelved my thief since the crit nerf. But its pretty much play style. do you want to dance around and cycle through attunment’s. or rouge around at the speed of sound with stealth..and for cry in out loud please don’t do the whole pistol dagger bs. a thief is supposed to play daggers
Afaik, the ‘crit nerf’ is a pve/wvw thing, and the thief is in a good spot atm.
For 1v1s I’d say thief is superior on average. However since the last patch, ele meta builds feature some pretty good sustain for most duels.
Normal queue would pretty much address this. With the new hardcap on hotjoin rewards- im sure it will attract loads of casual players.
So far, their proposals in the roadmap for pvp have been met.
Due to the fact that the previous ‘’long term goals’‘, as in the ranks and rank titles, have been greatly shortened and that the current rewards are still a bit pale in comparison to pve… It would seem to point that some ’’greater’’ rewards are coming in some form or other. (Hopefully)
Must admit today’s games were exceptional and the finals were crazy good!
Dodging 1 second later should help.
When you say leaked, do you mean recently datamined?
I recommend you at least learn to recognize his earthshaker skill (F1)- if anticipated it is reasonably dodge-able. Also, remember to always save/use a stunbreak, most hammer warriors use a trait that increases their damage while you are stunned! So give them as little opportunity as you can.
Very insightful! The first two things that come to mind that might help encourage team building are
-Bump up/add rewards in team arena and make it team only.
-Add a daily automated tournament (ala gw1).
The main tip is to look at his illusions…the real mesmer moves very differently and is also casting skills. Unless he stealth, you can keep track of him. Not very easy I suppose for a new player, but after getting a bit used to it, it becomes fairly easy!
A few other tips in general, if you’re playing ranger and new to pvp, make sure your projectiles aren’t getting blocked by clones. Always lock your pet on the real mesmer. And try to avoid his shatters, which you should notice because his illusions all move forward to you.
Good luck!
While not being too good against tanky builds, I am observing decent thieves dominating opposing roamers.
Leaderboards can be farmed/abused that’s the problem. And getting poor matchmaking as well. If somebody is top 100 playing hambow/ spirit ranger 24/7 , I don’t think he is that good.
If you are a multi- class player who is always trying new builds and you are in the top 100 then you are skilled.
Very valid points.
An increase to gold gain based on your rank/ladder would certainly encourage people to be more competitive and make the new players strive to win their matches more while rewarding the top players
It’s also a simple reward both in idea and implementation- this could become a really cool deal when ladders are introduced.
Interrupt spam? All mesmer interrupts have a high CD afaik. Also running Halting Strike means sacrificing one of Mental Torment/Shatter Concentration- both being great traits.
Curious to see what’s going to roll.
#elepocalypse tonight?
Wholeheartedly +1
The sooner hotjoin gets replaced the better.
This has actually been implemented in fractals (to a small extent of course). I’ve really enjoyed this, and I’d really love for this to continue.
Also anything to preserve history and lore is, in my opinion, important.
Although I really like the concept of solo-queue, I think I would slightly prefer an unranked queue if I had to choose (Though I’d still have it replace hotjoin :p). Here are a few pros and cons mostly based on my previous posts in this thread.
+Casuals can play without the fear/responsibility of ‘ranked’ and get away from the playground of hotjoin.
+Dedicated players have better incentive to team up with their casual friends and play together.
+Dedicated players can enjoy a proper match if not feeling up for playing ranked.
+Still a good method of queuing up solo (hopefully).
-Can be frustrating to be matched up against organised players
-Can be frustrating to be matched up with/against players of a very different calibre.
-Only ranked play would be in team arena (obviously).
(edited by Rallad.3802)
Solo queue has everything you’re looking for in unranked queue. Just don’t care about your soloQ rating. As long as you aren’t playing an absolutely worthless spec and your rotations are fine, you shouldn’t drop all that much. Even if you do, it’s really easy to climb back up. Otherwise, try hotjoins. Say, they implement unranked queues that nobody gives two kittens about. What’s going to stop people from leaving whenever they want like they do in hot joins? It is going to be a much more frustrating experience than the current solo queue since people don’t have to worry about their ratings anymore. Not to mention further splitting the population.
Very good points. -However if it were up to me I’d just replace hotjoins with normal queue. New players/casuals might actually get to play a proper game that way at least!
While I enjoy messing about in hotjoin- that’s just it, I can only mess about. People constantly leaving and switching teams due to hotjoin’s uber-casual nature makes winning lose its sense of earning.
Hence if I don’t feel up for a ranked match, it is impossible for me to have a decent match, which makes me sad
Also, I’ve been playing with a few friends new to the game…hotjoin makes for a chaotic and strange place to teach the ways of spvp…
tl;dr- A normal queue with hidden matchmaking would be fab!!
Win/loss only. If you have any thoughts on how you would like to see it done, feel free to share.
I think this is smart, while the ‘game points’ can indicate the amount of work a player is doing- it’s correlation to skill is less than that of winning the game.
A small suggestion (which might be already implemented) is to lessen the mmr gain/loss of 4v5s by a small amount- unless you are the person that forsakes the team.
(edited by Rallad.3802)
While some things are getting balanced,
Engineer needs its condi immunity removed/nerf
(edited by Rallad.3802)
I am positive that a while ago a dev stated something along the lines that ‘the ele is going to get some love’.
I also think one of the main topics for tomorrow is going to be on class balance, which another dev stated that we will probably see a complete written list of proposed changes in the forums sometime next week.
To reply on you aoe statement, currently there really is quite a bit of aoe flying about, however this is much easier to avoid when not confined to a capture point. So some smart positioning helps.
Unfortunately the state of hotjoin for new pvp players is disastrous in my opinion…You’ll be constantly fighting against more experienced players and facing unbalanced scenarios (esp. in 8v8s). And of course playing ranked matches is a nono. However if this doesn’t deter you that much, you’ll quickly learn the ropes. #normalqueuepls
upon recommendation of a friend.
Your friend is an kitten.
I mean, there is no other real PvP MMO out at the moment, but telling a competitive guy to play GW2… for PvP… ouch.There’s a reason why every competitive team left GW2, there’s a reason there were only a few hundred people on the NA leaderboards, for a week, after the leaderboard reset.
The game just isn’t made to be taken seriously and its casual gameplay is mediocre at best.
But is there a reason for you to constantly appear on the forums being blatantly negative?
Welcome to GW2!
As soon as you create a character, you will have almost everything unlocked for pvp, unlike wow I believe. So you can create multiple characters, without worrying of having invested too much time in them. That way you can try the classes yourself and see which you like best.
At the moment most professions are deemed viable in competitive play, except perhaps the elementalist.
Bad luck OP, unfortunately in hotjoin everyone is mixed rank…I have no idea why people get so agitated there I always try to give positive advice, avoid snide remarks and give an occasional /bow ^^
You’ll probably be ok after a couple of more matches, the matchmaking will sort you out with a ‘beginner rating’, since the starting rating is apparently a bit high. On the other side, while dps guards are not very common, they are certainly not useless- I also believe the #1 na solo spot was occupied by a dps guard for some time.
You can always watch top player streams and tournaments on twitch though!
For your own matches, I supposed you can capture the video via another software, quite easy
Conditions are meant to whittle someone’s hp down, not obliterate it as if it were bursted by a jihad ele or thief.
While I agree, that part made me laugh so much xD
Well you can avoid nades without using dodge so it’s kind of natural that those do good damage.
You can’t avoid nades like that if you’re on point… not to mention the cleave
I was completing my light armor sets recently, and it is as you say. I bought about 50 deer chests and I was lucky enough to finish the set. Gl!
There have been MANY posts rightfully complaining about passive play as of late, the three worst offenders being healing signet, spirit rangers and minion necros. Hopefully things will get better out in the next patch.
I am surprised this is the first time I have seen it being mentioned- but I agree about halting strike- it is currently a very strong trait! However chaos storm is bugged to proc daze like crazy, and it is getting fixed next patch! (according to dev), so less halting nukes from that.
(edited by Rallad.3802)
too much info to process…
and also, too much ai playing for player
While I’m not sure that would turn out to be a good idea- it could be marvellous if it were implement in a 2v2/3v3 deathmatch mode in the future.
<3 for the old RA ^^