Showing Posts For Rammie.2843:

Desolation Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


It’s Gandara but a little less scrubby and a few more people

Tequatl already a ghost town

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


it’s not a graveyard, there’s large meta guilds organizing several teq kills every day.. they just purposefully go to an overflow with no pugs.

And that tells us the revamped open world event is successful… how exactly?

dmg meters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


if you can’t feel the difference, then perhaps the difference is just irrelevant. No need for meters. Become a good player and you will develop a feel for it.

Too frustrating, Too many Rage quitters.

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Rammie.2843


A necro with spectral grasp pretty much makes the final boss a cakewalk. As does my guardian when I spam stability in combination with boon duration and pull holos with GS #5.

But yes, a lot of gimmicks in this dungeon and that can make it hard to find out what does what exactly.

Kick AFK Players

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Why so many stupid “solutions”? It’s not the AFK players that are the problem. It’s because the event is scaled in a rather terrible way, requiring too many to have a decent chance at downing him within the time limit. Don’t fight the symptoms, fight the source.

Tequatl NEEDS a Timer!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


I don’t need to make a point against an in game warning or notification because it isn’t relevant. Those warnings are a (poor) solution for a problem that shouldn’t exist in the first place (the timer).

Tequatl NEEDS a Timer!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


1. And there I was thinking that the removal of the timer would give overflows more of a fighting chance, removing the need to camp and idle for hours. Or jumping through hoops to get on the main server.

2. That happens with the timer as well. “Might as well look from a distance if it’s worth joining the fight”.

You’re really not making strong points for the timer…

Dissatisfied with Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Tequatl is a bit like Unfair Mario. Not hard, not difficult, just annoying because it is made that way.

How to beat Teq, only for the obedient.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


You’re pretty much listing everything that is wrong with this open world event…

2 good updates in a row

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Shesh, I must be in the minority about hating most of the previous patch stuff.

Ascended weapons: a needless expensive grind, just to combat the inflation they let go in the game from the prior months grind fest. There was no reason to include ascended weapons or the armor they plan to soon.

Account Magic find: another needless grind that just sucks money out of the economy. If they just made it so you couldn’t use MF gear in dungeons most people would have stopped complaining. But instead it’ll take 2-3 months to get my MF back to where it was in open PvE and karma gain was nerfed because of it.

Nerf Karma acquisition: not that big of a deal, but it effects newer players worse than older ones. But I would have preferred they introduce new things to get with karma instead of nerfing the amount we can get (and introducing the new ascended mats that require obi shards).

World Bosses Buffed: Champ farming was already more profitable than world bosses, now even more so. Did some of the world bosses go down really quickly, yes. I don’t care that much about more hp or more damage (I actually like the more damage part), but the timer along with the hp increase makes them very hard to kill at off peak hours, which is pretty stupid. I’d rather they balance the event around ~10-20 people to kill in 5-10 min, and then have it upscale with more players, with no timer. I hope/can’t wait till they make champ drops 1/day.

Teq: I still think this was a pointless change. Based on what is available in game there is no reason Teq gets stronger after Zhaitans defeat (unless he “ate” the dead dragons magical energy or something, which was never stated and just my wild cherry picking). From a game point standard, the fact that you need to organize ~120 people in team speak and spend 30-40 min to coordinate, with specific food buffs, nourishments, other consumables (the fire elemental dust and/or the mortars), skill/build/stat selections (5 stats are completely useless to Teq [condi dam, condi duration, precision, crit damage, boon duration] and only so many people with those builds can defend the turrets [and still be “useless” vs. the fingers]) is just bad game design in my opinion. Also all the trolling that can be done with people going akitten a turret or not. The lowest I’ve seen him go in an uncoordinated (no voice chat with 30-50 min of prep) event was 80%. Plus if you do manage to kill him, the loot is completely not worth the time and effort. (I’d argue even a guaranteed random ascended weapon for everyone would barely make it worth the time it takes.)

As for the new update, yay scarlet? I’ll wait till I see/play it to pass judgement.

How dare you be so negative in this praise thread! And how dare you be so right!

I guess they know what's important...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Working as intended

Sad part? This event will die soon.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


You can’t really create challenging content for the open world. There are simply too many variables.

I don’t think you provide a convincing reason for this. Why are there too many variables? How many variables are too many? Generally speaking, this doesn’t seem like an insolvable mathematical proof, but an engineering problem to be analyzed and solved with the resource pool Arena Net has. If you provided a more thorough analysis of Arena Net’s resources and why open world content just has too many problems for them to engineer a solution, this would be better. However, all your post amounts to is incredulity that (unspecified types of) open world content can be challenging (for an unspecified population). It’s also highly generalized to all open world content. Surely the problem space of open world content is a vast one and you have not envisioned all types of open world encounters that MMO developers can conceive of… I speculate you haven’t even envisioned 1% of them the space is just that large.

Well, in context it is mostly about comparing traditional raids to open world raid-like events. But there are just more variables in the open world. The player count varies all the time. In raids you have full control over participants, with Tequatl you don’t. In raids you will generally have a higher skill level than int he open world. Those kind of things. Then again, I am not a programmer by any stretch of the imagination so I cannot really give anything useful from a pure mechanical aspect. But I can provide suggestions on how to make large open world bosses more challenging/fun rather than punishing.

The punishing part is in the timer and it serves no useful purpose. It is completely arbitrary and making every fight a DPS race isn’t making the fight more challenging. It makes fights more one-dimensional and creates a tunnel-vision on just doing as much damage as possible rather than strategic and tactical victories. take Jormag for example, the most fun I had with him was deep int he night, when I fought him with only a handful others. It took a long time, but everyone’s presence mattered and because of that it did provide a feel of greatness that fighting a dragon should give. Had there been a timer I wouldn’t have had such a nice experience which would have been a shame.

But going back to Tequatl, there are some easy ways to remove the punishing aspect and still encourage teamwork. If the timer were to be removed, (random) events next tp defending the batteries could be added. You can have Tequatl summon a Champion/Legendary (Wraith perhaps) which will heal/transfer health to Tequatl if he isn’t killed before he reaches Tequatl. If such events are spawned randomly, it adds to the dynamic of the fight and the punishment for failing would be a (severe) setback, rather than complete failure. Make winning time a reward within the mechanics. In the long run I believe it will be more beneficial for the popularity of the event than the arbitrary lame timer.

With mechanics such as those, you won’t have to give up after 2 minutes because you can see whether you will have a decent chance or not with the way Tequatl is now.

For one example of variables in the open world, look at the Teq fight itself. ANet’s original info stated it was a fight for ~80 players. I don’t know how accurate the posts are that claim 100+ players were fighting it, but that would be 25% more players than the event was designed for. I’m sure that more than 80 can get into a zone. I’ve been in invasions where there were at least 3 zergs killing Aetherblades, and there were ~80 just in the zerg I was with.

And at Tequatl, with that many there will be quite some undisciplined ones. Tequatl scales beyond 80, so even if there is proper stacking and cohesion at the start, once the first few break rank people are all over the place and the efficiency is lost. Boom, event failed.

many rares, exotics from tequalt big chest

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Tequatl is not a matter of reward. It’s a matter of it being a near guaranteed failure. It’s poor design.

Sad part? This event will die soon.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


You can’t really create challenging content for the open world. There are simply too many variables.

I don’t think you provide a convincing reason for this. Why are there too many variables? How many variables are too many? Generally speaking, this doesn’t seem like an insolvable mathematical proof, but an engineering problem to be analyzed and solved with the resource pool Arena Net has. If you provided a more thorough analysis of Arena Net’s resources and why open world content just has too many problems for them to engineer a solution, this would be better. However, all your post amounts to is incredulity that (unspecified types of) open world content can be challenging (for an unspecified population). It’s also highly generalized to all open world content. Surely the problem space of open world content is a vast one and you have not envisioned all types of open world encounters that MMO developers can conceive of… I speculate you haven’t even envisioned 1% of them the space is just that large.

Well, in context it is mostly about comparing traditional raids to open world raid-like events. But there are just more variables in the open world. The player count varies all the time. In raids you have full control over participants, with Tequatl you don’t. In raids you will generally have a higher skill level than int he open world. Those kind of things. Then again, I am not a programmer by any stretch of the imagination so I cannot really give anything useful from a pure mechanical aspect. But I can provide suggestions on how to make large open world bosses more challenging/fun rather than punishing.

The punishing part is in the timer and it serves no useful purpose. It is completely arbitrary and making every fight a DPS race isn’t making the fight more challenging. It makes fights more one-dimensional and creates a tunnel-vision on just doing as much damage as possible rather than strategic and tactical victories. take Jormag for example, the most fun I had with him was deep int he night, when I fought him with only a handful others. It took a long time, but everyone’s presence mattered and because of that it did provide a feel of greatness that fighting a dragon should give. Had there been a timer I wouldn’t have had such a nice experience which would have been a shame.

But going back to Tequatl, there are some easy ways to remove the punishing aspect and still encourage teamwork. If the timer were to be removed, (random) events next tp defending the batteries could be added. You can have Tequatl summon a Champion/Legendary (Wraith perhaps) which will heal/transfer health to Tequatl if he isn’t killed before he reaches Tequatl. If such events are spawned randomly, it adds to the dynamic of the fight and the punishment for failing would be a (severe) setback, rather than complete failure. Make winning time a reward within the mechanics. In the long run I believe it will be more beneficial for the popularity of the event than the arbitrary lame timer.

With mechanics such as those, you won’t have to give up after 2 minutes because you can see whether you will have a decent chance or not with the way Tequatl is now.

Sad part? This event will die soon.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


It baffles me how the developers thought this was appropriate open world content… and that it would have any life expectancy in the way that it is now. Once the novelty wears off or once there is less awful content people will stop camping. And once the people stop camping, you can kiss any organization goodbye.

I don’t think so. There will be some guilds that have both the will and the numbers to do it, or that have the will and an informal alliance with an other guild or three that will do it. It will, however, be done by a small percentage of in-game players, unlike now.

How does that make for great open world content? Open world content should be accessible in its very nature. And I am talking about the mechanical aspect. And for Tequatl that simply is not the case. If you say “there will be some guilds that have both the will and the numbers to do it”, you are saying the event has failed. It does not belong in the open world. As an open world event, Tequatl is garbage and the sooner the devs see it, the better.

And yes, I do quite like the fight, but I cannot defend this abomination the way it is.

The problem with designing content designed to challenge players who embrace such challenge is that you are designing for a niche population. That Teq will likely only be done by a small demographic makes it no different — in that regard only — than raids in other games. That Teq is in the open world is due to ANet’s design intent for endgame stuff and their initiative to try to provide something for everyone. It may not fit your — or my — definition of what belongs in the open world, but it apparently fits theirs.

Once the rest of the population goes bye-bye off to the next new thing, organization will get easier, not harder — because the large player numbers that are causing overflows won’t be there. For the record, contradicting a point about the feasibility of players being organized is not a blanket endorsement of the content. If you want to look at my recent post history, I’ve been saying they should have fixed the back end issues before implementing this event.

You can’t really create challenging content for the open world. There are simply too many variables. The way Tequatl is for most servers isn’t challenging, it’s punishing. Challenging content you create for a closed environment. And it’s that exact reason why you cannot compare them to raids, and shouldn’t treat them the same. It is the mistake the developers have made. The sooner they admit it, the better.

And yes, technical limitations of the engine and servers should have been fixed before launching an event of this scale. It’s sadly just more of an indication that the developers seem to have little clue of what they’re actually doing and whether their designs are feasible in a real environment. Ah well, we shall see.

Sad part? This event will die soon.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


It baffles me how the developers thought this was appropriate open world content… and that it would have any life expectancy in the way that it is now. Once the novelty wears off or once there is less awful content people will stop camping. And once the people stop camping, you can kiss any organization goodbye.

I don’t think so. There will be some guilds that have both the will and the numbers to do it, or that have the will and an informal alliance with an other guild or three that will do it. It will, however, be done by a small percentage of in-game players, unlike now.

How does that make for great open world content? Open world content should be accessible in its very nature. And I am talking about the mechanical aspect. And for Tequatl that simply is not the case. If you say “there will be some guilds that have both the will and the numbers to do it”, you are saying the event has failed. It does not belong in the open world. As an open world event, Tequatl is garbage and the sooner the devs see it, the better.

And yes, I do quite like the fight, but I cannot defend this abomination the way it is.

Sad part? This event will die soon.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


It baffles me how the developers thought this was appropriate open world content… and that it would have any life expectancy in the way that it is now. Once the novelty wears off or once there is less awful content people will stop camping. And once the people stop camping, you can kiss any organization goodbye.


in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Too many people on the forums drawing the wrong concluions.

Just because it has been done right after launch (when interest is high, and people aren’t yet too demotivated), doesn’t mean it will carry on like that in the future. It is more likely that due to frustration people will stop bother and Tequatl will just despawn every time.

Want help taking down Tequatl? How about...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


It’s comon sense, I don’t need to remind everyone before hand.

It takes forever to rez someone in combat who is dead. And it’s extremely selfish to expect players to go help rez you in a danger zone when there is a WP a minute away.

Don’t be lazy, cheap and selfish. Take the WP.

But if it takes as long or longer to run back as it would to have someone rez you? Have to take that into consideration in your decision to rez, or not rez someone.

Yes, if you’re rezzing you’re not fighting, but that’s just one variable in the stew that needs to have consideration.

How dare you use proper logic!

But it is the simple truth. Especially because you get out of combat really quickly in this fight that reviving tends to be more efficient than having others spend a minute to rejoin the fight.

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


If it can be done why ask for nerfs?
If it gets nerfed ppl won’t learn to play better and remain bad.
A suggestion from me would be to kick whoever afks for more than 2 mins while the event is active.

You cant kick anyone from the map. If he is there, he is there to stay. AFK or not. When you are in a guild or other group, you can filter your squad to perform better. In world events you cant. You are only as good as the bulk of your zerg can be. So whats the next recipe for sucessful PvE? All zerg transfer to Blackgate (and probably ruining it in the process)?

I’m sure its possible to do a script that checks if player is in range of the group event and if he’s not active for the past 2 mins then get him to character selection screen so someone else can enter the main area.

That’s not appropriate for open world content. Just instance the encounter then.

Want Rest of the bosses revamped more?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Yes. Unless it will be lazy design with an arbitrary timer. Int hat case, i will stick to going afk and auto-attack.

i dislike timers

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Timers are bad for people who can’t coordinate or learn from mistakes.

That may apply to a (semi-) closed environment, but not in a free for all world event, where each time the participants are completely different.

i dislike timers

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Tequatl without timers would be fun. Because of the prospect of actually being able to finish it, people will be motivated to guide and lead. As a result it will be done faster. If the group wants to be mindless, it pays its price with time. If you want to promote the teamwork, saving 15 minutes or more on that fight would be a great incentive.

Tadia Covington needs more time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


It seems more and more that the people responsible for the gold reward for dungeons are also responsible for the timers on the world bosses. Both seem completely arbitrary, following no logic at all.

Tactic based on battlefield setup

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


You can’t organize a large amount of randoms to that extent. Someone gets hit, panic sets in and half the group is running all over the place. Unless by a brilliant stroke of luck you get a huge load of players with the discipline and enough commanders who have a solid strategy.. it just won’t work.

Right now you still have a lot of people wanting to try and later on that amount will only go down because all attempts are futile and the days after launch motivation will go and with that the organization.

Done until nerf

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


I feel the same. It feels unrewarding to even attempt to lead it. You will have people running around like headless chickens no matter what, because you will never have a consistent group to try stuff out. It is inevitable you will have players new to the event all the time so full mastery will never happen.

The sacrifice in time and effort just is not worth it because of that to try to organize a proper attempt. It is exhausting to go over a plan from scratch each single attempt and have new players join the fight and have the fight eventually devolve in a mindless attempt. It wouldn’t be so much a problem without the timer, but with it it just isn’t worth it. Failure is inevitable. You cannot carry the scrubs through the event.

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Gandara got it to about 65% the last attempt

I think Im kinda ready for ascended weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


I kinda hope the market develops differently than you’re anticipating…

September 17 - LFG system !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Only took over a year… at that pace we may receive end game by 2016.

Well a couple of thoughts.

1) Generally LFG tools are not introduced when people have no problem finding groups.

2) It is in time for China, isn’t it?

Do i live in China? Did i payed $60 for the game? I expect things like that to be there from day one because i payed $60 for a complete game and not pre-alpha testing.

MMO’s are never complete.

Take this! The crafting solution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


If you hate GW2’s crafting without having tried it, you’re perhaps missing out. It isn’t the massive afk timesink it is in other games. If you have tried it and still hate it then.. tough luck really. It’s the best system I have experienced in an MMO so far.

September 17 - LFG system !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Only took over a year… at that pace we may receive end game by 2016.

If the game is half as bad as you’ve made it out to be over the last ten months, then I can’t help but wonder why you’re sticking around. Some of us complain about what Guild Wars 2 was, some complain about what it’s becoming. You’re the only person I’ve seen complaining nonstop from the beginning until now.

If you’re that unsatisfied with the game, then why not look elsewhere for one you might actually enjoy? I can think of a few reasons, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and let you answer the question for yourself.

people ask the same question daily. You want to know the answer? its a classified secret and you aren’t allowed to know the real answer.

Poor thing

You sound like you have nothing to live for

September 17 - LFG system !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Even better, you will need to talk to people. It will not be automated and teleport you to the dungeon, or whatever said place you are searching for.

AGREED I’m glad to see that it wasn’t just a “click button… wait… get ported to dungeon… do dungeon.. the end”. I’m glad it’s more or less the same as GW1 but with incresed functionality.

Well some of us like to play games not for socializing. Dont see the big deal when you type LFG in map chat during zerg farming and get on with the business of farming instead of chatting with your new farm buddies.

Then don’t play an MMO?

There aren’t any single player games with this kind of scale and continuity. Just because there are other players doesn’t mean everyone should socialize all the time. You can also work towards a common goal in silence. Yes, talking a little and fooling around is fun for most, but not for everyone. Just remember there is more to MMO’s than just other players.

(edited by Rammie.2843)

September 17 - LFG system !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Looks pretty interesting. A more detailed gw2lfg without the need to manually update. I can definitely live with this.

PSA: only 2 weeks for asc weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


GW2 is preparing for the Asian market…

What's your favorite mini?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Mini Eir Stegalkin.

One year passed, why cant I duel my friends?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rammie.2843


What you’re gleefully neglecting is the fact that the costume brawl transforms you into something ridiculous. It completely takes away the serious business aspect of a duel. It’s basically just buttonmashing as some creature.

Not as close to a duel as you’d like… sorry.

It’s not as far off as you’d like to believe but keep telling yourself that. Why couldn’t dueling have the same requirements…just not in a ridiculous costume and with real class skills? You pretty much said you’d be fine with it if it were like that, so I don’t see why you continue to argue it. If dueling was like costume brawls in that both participants needed a tonic to even be challenged, then nothing is imposed on you.

Because i assumed the costume part combined with creature skills was implied. Obviously that was a mistake and I have overestimated you.

One year passed, why cant I duel my friends?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rammie.2843


What you’re gleefully neglecting is the fact that the costume brawl transforms you into something ridiculous. It completely takes away the serious business aspect of a duel. It’s basically just buttonmashing as some creature.

Not as close to a duel as you’d like… sorry.

One year passed, why cant I duel my friends?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Spamming invites or just sending an invite when someone is busy in the hope they accidentally accept. Don’t act like it doesn’t happen.

I have not seen this happen. Plus normally duels don’t mean PK and only gets you down to 1 HP, normally you wouldn’t get absolutely anything from this kind of behavior.
Point is a lot of people would want to see duels in the game. Be it in a special Spvp instanced zone where you need to have the other person in your party for you both to enter or something like that.

It doesn’t make it less annoying.

And the custom arena is already an option. If it is really about testing skill, use that. But to most it isn’t about testing skill, it’s about potential ganking and showing off.

Also, why must the opposition provide arguments why there shouldn’t be a dueling option while the ones actually interested cannot provide good reasons why this game actually needs it?

How would anyone get ganked? We are not talking about flagging everyone for open season. You either are going way off base for the hell of it, or don’t know what a duel is. Plenty of points for it have been established if you care to read.

Plenty of MMOs have an auto decline toggle, you would never even know you were challenged. There are plenty of ways people can troll you in-game already. use the normal safeguards…ignore, report, etc.

Not having duels at all is the safeguard we’re having right now, and I quite like it. Why must I put effort into avoiding something I don’t want rather than you putting effort in something you do want AND is available?

It doesn’t make it less annoying.

And the custom arena is already an option. If it is really about testing skill, use that. But to most it isn’t about testing skill, it’s about potential ganking and showing off.

you have to pay for it weekly. If it was a one time buy, then sure we could get that, but now it’s essentially like paying a weekly subscription for one feature.
And why we need it? Why does the game need anything? Because it’s a fun thing to do with friends.

Then suggest for cheaper/no costs. Still not a reason to put in a dueling option. And saying it’s fun… makes saying “it’s not fun” equally valid.

How would you have to put effort into anything more than what you do already? You wouldn’t…lame excuse. Let me guess, you also get mad when people are costume brawling right…they must be impeding your gameplay and constantly challenging you to duels.

I don’t mind costume brawls. I don’t mind them and I don’t participate in them. However, due to their design, I also don’t need to block them. And a free for all rumble is hardly a tool measuring contest like duels. Nice try, but not quite.

One year passed, why cant I duel my friends?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Then suggest for cheaper/no costs. Still not a reason to put in a dueling option. And saying it’s fun… makes saying “it’s not fun” equally valid.

Arena or an item allowing you to open an Arena in the Spvp section of the game would be a way to implement dueling that would not offend or hurt anyone.
however the “it’s fun” part is the only reason to add anything into a game? Think about it – why do we need dungeons? Living stories? Spvp? Isn’t the reason because it’s fun and it’s something to do? We play a game to have fun. I don’t think that anyone in this place is asking for a feature that would allow you to harass people. What we’re asking for is an ability to do something we found fun in doing in other games. I don’t see a reason to oppose a feature so greatly.

All the things you mention.. they don’t need safeguards because they don’t spam invites, they don’t get their panties in a twist when you decline. Keep it in arenas, preferably for free, and it’s fine. Just not in the open world.

One year passed, why cant I duel my friends?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Spamming invites or just sending an invite when someone is busy in the hope they accidentally accept. Don’t act like it doesn’t happen.

I have not seen this happen. Plus normally duels don’t mean PK and only gets you down to 1 HP, normally you wouldn’t get absolutely anything from this kind of behavior.
Point is a lot of people would want to see duels in the game. Be it in a special Spvp instanced zone where you need to have the other person in your party for you both to enter or something like that.

It doesn’t make it less annoying.

And the custom arena is already an option. If it is really about testing skill, use that. But to most it isn’t about testing skill, it’s about potential ganking and showing off.

Also, why must the opposition provide arguments why there shouldn’t be a dueling option while the ones actually interested cannot provide good reasons why this game actually needs it?

How would anyone get ganked? We are not talking about flagging everyone for open season. You either are going way off base for the hell of it, or don’t know what a duel is. Plenty of points for it have been established if you care to read.

Plenty of MMOs have an auto decline toggle, you would never even know you were challenged. There are plenty of ways people can troll you in-game already. use the normal safeguards…ignore, report, etc.

Not having duels at all is the safeguard we’re having right now, and I quite like it. Why must I put effort into avoiding something I don’t want rather than you putting effort in something you do want AND is available?

It doesn’t make it less annoying.

And the custom arena is already an option. If it is really about testing skill, use that. But to most it isn’t about testing skill, it’s about potential ganking and showing off.

you have to pay for it weekly. If it was a one time buy, then sure we could get that, but now it’s essentially like paying a weekly subscription for one feature.
And why we need it? Why does the game need anything? Because it’s a fun thing to do with friends.

Then suggest for cheaper/no costs. Still not a reason to put in a dueling option. And saying it’s fun… makes saying “it’s not fun” equally valid.

One year passed, why cant I duel my friends?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Spamming invites or just sending an invite when someone is busy in the hope they accidentally accept. Don’t act like it doesn’t happen.

I have not seen this happen. Plus normally duels don’t mean PK and only gets you down to 1 HP, normally you wouldn’t get absolutely anything from this kind of behavior.
Point is a lot of people would want to see duels in the game. Be it in a special Spvp instanced zone where you need to have the other person in your party for you both to enter or something like that.

It doesn’t make it less annoying.

And the custom arena is already an option. If it is really about testing skill, use that. But to most it isn’t about testing skill, it’s about potential ganking and showing off.

Also, why must the opposition provide arguments why there shouldn’t be a dueling option while the ones actually interested cannot provide good reasons why this game actually needs it?

One year passed, why cant I duel my friends?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Brilliant! Dedicate 2 weeks of living story to whether we want duels or not! Just wow, you duelists really know your priorities.

Regardless, plenty of arguments have been given against duels. Or rather, than the current situation is fine. What most of you want is nothing but a public kitten ing contest and a way to gank unaware people in public.

I don’t know a single game where you can gank unaware people in dueling. Especially having in mind that MMOs normally have choices of pvp off – meaning that you can’t event be invited into a duel and on top of that you have to accept duels else no duel happens. All I want is to test all my characters against my boyfriend’s without having to wait for off peak hours in my guild’s Spvp arena.

Spamming invites or just sending an invite when someone is busy in the hope they accidentally accept. Don’t act like it doesn’t happen.

One year passed, why cant I duel my friends?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Duels would be awesome. Just thought i would show my support before this is merged into the suggestions forum.

This thread pops up every so often and it’s good to see more supporters this time around. However, i do recognize a lot of the same naysayers from the previous duel threads advocating against it without any supporting argument.

They should just have a vote for duels in game like the Kiel vs Gnashblade. Better indicator of player feelings than the small % of us that lurk the forums.

Brilliant! Dedicate 2 weeks of living story to whether we want duels or not! Just wow, you duelists really know your priorities.

Regardless, plenty of arguments have been given against duels. Or rather, than the current situation is fine. What most of you want is nothing but a public kitten ing contest and a way to gank unaware people in public.

One year passed, why cant I duel my friends?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Go play a game with a duel function. Why does the game have to adapt to you when you can easily pick a game with a dueling function?

Why do people like you always get so indignant about change. Being like “the game doesn’t need to adapt to you blah blah blah” truth is the game targets a wide demographic of people and A-net consistently asks for feedback and suggestions to make it better, and people will always suggest or propose what they like. If such a thing is implemented it has no effect on you, and you can stay out of it.

Btw this IS something that has been asked about since launch and has already been stated to be on their list (though not high on the priority) so take your stuck up attitude somewhere else, these forums don’t benefit from your kind of negativity.

Suggestions subforum, use it. And if that doesn’t help, don’t make this your QQ subforum. And yes, it maybe have been asked for a lot (and only a handful of people really care for it, a whole lot more are completely indifferent or even opposed). So obviously it doesn’t have any priority.

I’ll take my attitude elsewhere if you take your QQ elsewhere. Just remember you’re the cause, and I am the consequence.


Then pick the game that sucks least. Why the insufferable need to require a crowd when you take out your… weapons? The current situation is good enough. You have an opportunity to 1v1, go use it and let the devs work on better content.

One year passed, why cant I duel my friends?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Go play a game with a duel function. Why does the game have to adapt to you when you can easily pick a game with a dueling function?

Most Prestigious Minis?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


The Liadri mini shows nothing but a preference to self inflicted pain since the fighting platform was the complete opposite of good design.

What do the other minis show? You have gold?

Or good taste.

Most Prestigious Minis?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


The Liadri mini shows nothing but a preference to self inflicted pain since the fighting platform was the complete opposite of good design.

GW2 Trending #Skill=Rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Always funny. People wanting more challenging in a game that mostly targets casuals. Understandable, because challenging content here might be close to regular content in other MMO’s. And this loud crowd can show their kitten here where they’d drown in mediocrity in more difficult games.

Most Prestigious Minis?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rammie.2843


Only Mini Eir Stegalkin matters.

How can I do CoE???

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rammie.2843


CoE usually fills up fast, evekittenn the night. And don’t worry about that experienced only/this class rubbish. Not very often are those groups better than the average pug. Had my guardian swap to healing symbols because the mesmer and warriors kept eating dirt. There are plenty of experienced players that pack a punch that stay away from experienced only/speedrunner groups when there’s an alternative. But it’s also up to you to provide it.