Showing Posts For Rastos.3812:

Client Crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Same here, was playing fine then 5 minutes ago it kicked me now when I select any character it starts loading map and then gives me a network error. My network is fine.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Connection Issues: July 11 and 12

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Update from NA, WA State. Able to get the new update via assestserv command with a new shortcut. Now just can’t log into the game kinda like when all the DDOS BS was going on last week. When I go back to my old shortcut without the “assestserv” the launcher is still just sitting at the trying to reconnect screen. Did a DNS flush and it doesn’t help.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

massive lag making game kinda unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Posting here to cover the two forums where players are most likely looking for information on this:

Guild Wars 2 currently is experiencing lag issues related to a DDOS attack. We’re very sorry for the inconvenience that our players are encountering.

For how long has this been going on? Just today or multiple days?

I believe there have been intermittent incidents over the last several days.

So I guess my question is, should I even bother logging in tonight? The past two nights around 7PM PST I’ve been booted out of WvW and can’t get back into the game, period. I’m just wondering if you have anymore information on this? I can’t find anything official from Anet on Reddit or these forums except for the above comments and a few other random threads with no official Anet replies. Just trying to get a Dev or someone to come out with some more information and if we should continue to worry about the DCs coming during Prime Time. I know it doesn’t hit everyone according to the threads I’ve read about people losing half a raid party, or 2-3 from a Fractal Group. However I can speak from the past two nights, whatever server I run off of in WA State it has kicked me at the same time.
I found on Reddit where someone said it was all NCsoft games. I went to one of the MMO server checking websites and sure enough all the NCsoft titles were down at the same time I got kicked last night. I understand what a DDOS is, but I’m not techie enough to understand, frankly it doesn’t interest me, how a big company like NCSoft runs its servers, but it was pretty apparent from what I saw that someone was specifically targeting those titles that belong to NCsoft. All I’m asking is can we get a Dev to give us an update as we are rolling into Friday night Prime Time in about 6 hours, plus WvW reset, and there are going to be a ton of players not too happy when the WvW servers reset, then they can’t play the game. Any information is better than nothing. Thanks.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Forging the pact disconnect

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Same issue here, I was leveling a new toon and I got the random DC at the same cut scene during “Forging the Pact”. The workaround I found was just to skip the dialogue all together and I could finally complete it after three tries. Well now I’m trying to complete “A Crack in the Ice” and I get DCd after the final boss encounter during the dialogue portion right before you would normally get credit for completing the mission. Tried twice already and same thing. Since there is no option to skip through in the new LS I’m basically stuck. I’ve submitted a help ticket and am also bumping this thread. Guessing not too many people are playing the older missions so maybe it’s not showing up on ANETs radar. The fact that I found someone else with the exact same issue within just a few days shows that chances are it’s an issue with the game and nothing on our end. I’ve checked everything I could on my system and there are no issues so please save the obligatory “it’s probably a connection issue on your end” responses. Thanks.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Howler and Frostfang, anyone have both?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Yup just finished Frostfang yesterday. You keep the awesome mist aura from Howler, while getting the footfalls and everything else from Frostfang. These two go together awesome. Now if only they could fix the clipping issue with Howler on Norn females :/

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rastos.3812


ARMOR: Norn Cultural “Havroun”, but happens with any other armor I slot in the leg slot on this character.
ISSUE: Legendary Warhorn “Howler”, massive clipping issue on Norn Female character, can’t even see the head of the Warhorn.

Edit: Just used an Identity Repair Kit to change my toon to a male Norn. It almost appears like the female Norn use the same weapon model as the male which makes the weapons appear huge. There is no clipping issue on the male. I could be totally wrong but just looks that way. Please fix this issue so I can get my toon back to all her glory. The clipping really bothered me that much that I spent the money for a full sex/name change. Thanks.


Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

(edited by Rastos.3812)

Howler and Frostfang, anyone have both?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rastos.3812


You will use the aura and footfalls of your mainhand. Any skill effects for both will be used.

Awesome thanks much.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Howler and Frostfang, anyone have both?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Just like the title says, does anyone out there have both of the weapons and have both equipped? I’m curious as to how the auras and effects stack if at all. I’ve recently taken a long break ( 1 year +) from the game and came back to check it out and have to say I love it. Went back to playing my Necro because I thought Reaper looked cool, and it is I have to say. Now that I’ve done most of the new content I’m looking at getting back into crafting legendary weapons again. I love the new pre cursor crafting, brings me back to the scavenger hunt style of EQ a long time ago. Anyway, I have Howler already and of course I’m going for Twilight, but I’m thinking after I might start working on Frostfang. I know that dagger is the meta for Reaper atm, but don’t really care, I like the range axe gives me on some bosses. But my question is, how do Howler and Frostfang stack or work together if at all. Can’t find anything on the web or forums to see if anyone has both equipped. I know someone out there has seen it or has it so let me know. Thanks.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Champion New Bags--> WvW?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Rastos.3812


The Champions in WvW do not drop multiple bags as has been my experience so far. We were fighting for Hills this morning. Pulled the lord out, killed him, he got rezzed a few minutes later, killed again, and no loot at all the second time around. Now if you cap a tower or keep, run around, lose it, come back to cap again, I don’t know for sure as we are usually switching BGs frequently in my Guild to hit other objectives. . More to follow if I find out.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Superior Rune of the Pack

in Crafting

Posted by: Rastos.3812


You salvage them from clothing, or if you’re lucky you can throw 4x rare runes at the mystic toilet and get one of these back. Not exactly helpful, I know.

No very helpful actually. I was figuring this was the case as there was nothing about crafting them anywhere on the web. I know because i have been looking for the past hour, it will be cheaper just to buy them then. I was hoping to save a few bucks by actually making my own, but oh well. Thanks for the reply. If anyone else knows something different let me know.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Superior Rune of the Pack

in Crafting

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Hoping someone can help me here. Where does one get these, who crafts them? I have been all over google and all I could find was some guy saying he thinks Armorsmiths. Of course I can’t find a recipe anywhere for it. I ran a search in the forums and nothing came up either. Please let me know if someone has any info on these. Thanks.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Howler...howls forever

in Crafting

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Well my howler is about complete and I stumbled on this post. Everyone I’ve seen it looks pretty good. I mean for a Necro what else is there really besides Frostfang, but I don’t use an axe as I WvW and the Staff is much better. Just wanted to chime in to the original poster when he said it was a “Ranger” Lengendary. I have to disagree, take a look at the Norn T2 Armor which I’ve had for months now. Look closely and you’ll see it is made for this weapon. Also what it doesn’t show is the small wolf heads that dangle off the bottom of the pants. I’ve had the shoulders which have a wolf head as well and will probably be switching back to them. All in all I think it will be a great Legendary to compliment my necro. Cheers.


Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Thieves Ruining WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Necro vs thief roamer- only viable as a conditionmancer. Any other builds- total fail.
Agree- thieves on WvWvW are “pain in the *
note: they were first class in spvp to be nerfed. Without reason – You say.
Unless You havnt been hit by 9999 dmg from a thief.

Sorry, I had to log in just to reply to this, I have to disagree, I play a Hybrid Necro, Pwr/Cond and seriously have no problem with thieves. I don’t even have to carry a staff. It’s so simple, once they start in on you just drop some wells. Thieves are squishy, and if the well bombs don’t kill them, the remaining conditions will while they are trying to get away. Remember they can only cleanse one cond every three seconds if spec’d for it, if memory serves correctly. Plus, hit a Thief with Fear and he doesn’t haven’t a stun break, well it’s pretty much good night. I also have a Lvl 80 Thief that I have done a lot of WvW with. I don’t like the gimmicky play style which is why I stick with my Necro. But as most of the other posters have said, Thieves generally are bad players. Spamming a few buttons and hoping you drop. I will however say Thieves for getting around the world and map completion, nothing beats it. Mine doesn’t even leave LA anymore, just stays there and does my cooking for me. I used to love my thief, but now that WvW is what appeals to me more he had to retire. Cheers.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Cultural Legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rastos.3812


The cultural weapons are a bit of a joke, so cultural themed Legendaries would be an interesting idea.

Your speaking of making a Legendary and then taking it back to your people and making it have a cultural theme? The problem you have with Bifrost I’d have with Kudzu and any Sylvari. Basically it already fits the “theme”…

I’d like more Legendaries flat out. Make them the same requirements as the current ones but maybe substitute some item sold by the armor vendors so it’s locked to that race.

Exactly. So say I have Bifrost complete, or any of them. After I equip the weapon a quest chain opens through my home city. It could be challenging but they could also make it interesting. Of course I would have to say to stay away from anymore grinding stacks of 250 whatever or 100 whatever lodestone. Make it all completely related to whatever culture you are. Or like you said, make one of the components different and lock the weapon to the race.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Cultural Legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rastos.3812


So only posting this in the hopes a DEV might read and maybe it will catch on. I know that there are talks of new legendary weapons in the future. Why not make a way to get a cultural legendary? Say like get one of the originals like Bifrost which is a bit weird, but have a way through a little, and I stress LITTLE bit more work, upgrade to say like a bad kitten Norn Staff or whatever. Just a suggestion and interested to see what others have to say. I think it will add a bit more variety to the game as well as give my Norn Necro a chance at a cool staff. I understand the bifrost meaning, and it kinda ties to Norns, but man, just doesn’t do it for me. Plus it won’t be long and everyone will have a Dusk or Dawn or incinerator.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Are necros op now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rastos.3812


No, not OP, just at the same level Wars/Guards/Mes/Thieves.

The BIG difference is: Wars/Guards/Mes/Thieves has been in the top tier for to long, they become the noobs choice. So when they are unable to kill a necro, they intermediately start raging about it.

And as many people already say, we had to work harder and learn our profession better to survive so any boost in our hands, is OP in other’s eyes.
Now they have to learn something beyond the same no-brain-1-skill build they probably use all the time and of course, is easy to whine about necros being OP.

Yes I also play a Thief, but Necro has been my main since launch. You hit the nail on the head. +1. Many have said it, and you put it best all in one post. Cheers.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Are necros op now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rastos.3812


friend of mine did a power build and claimed to get 6k crits auto attack in death shroud and nearly 100% crits. i would say, this is kind of op.

As someone else stated, its always been like that withy he right gear. kitten, my Thief can CRIT over that with the right build and gear. Is he OP? No because you have to sacrifice survivability. Wonder what your main is?

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Patch notes - Necro - 6/25/13

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rastos.3812


I just want to say to everyone who is still QQ about this patch, what is the problem? This stuff is amazing. Granted there are still problems but come on now. Quit being selfish. There is more to this game than the class you play. I read these forums to keep up on the Necro community, read post about what people think of builds and abilities and still find people kittening because it is not the way they wanted it. This is as many have said a step in the right direction.

I used to have trouble, a lot of trouble, with any 1vX scenarios on a cond. built Necro. My first 1v2 in WvW post patch was against two thieves, one D/D and one D/P. It was a bit of a fight, all three of us where down at one point, but I won and stood over their corpses laughing. Literally. They were not up-lvls and were alright players in my opinion. To me that is a job well done. Pre patch I wouldn’t think as a cond. build it would have been possible.

So just take a step back and enjoy what we got. If you are that miserable then quit the game or go roll a Guardian. It’s never gonna be perfect. IMHO I think this is something that will help this class considerably in the months to come. Cheers.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Patch notes - Necro - 6/25/13

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rastos.3812


I can’t wait to try my new condition “Fire and Blood” build…. or maybe just spec full zerk 30/10/0/0/30 and spam 100% crit lifeblast at 1200 feet and enjoy the power…..nah, i will stay a conditionmaster !

What a mother kitten great patch !

Just tried what I think you are going for, something like 30/20/0/0/20. Let me tell you with the right runes, sigils, and rabid gear this is gonna be pretty sick. I’m hitting 2K with DS1 in a Cond build. Combine that with bleeds, burns, and chills (I run the non standard sceptor/focus on my condition build just for the chill, don’t judge) and we have a winner. That burn procs pretty reliably and the fear hits hard as well with the extended condition duration we gain from the spite tree. Anet did us right on this one.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Patch notes - Necro - 6/25/13

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Wow. Love it. Reading the other forums, people are pulling their kittening hair out. I knew if I stuck it out with my Necro we would get some good stuff. This is gonna be fun.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Rastos.3812


I throw the red flag on this post — it seems more like market manipulation to me. Yesterday the normal coffers were selling for 8sp on the TP. There’s really no reason for them to be that high.

There are no tickets in the normal coffers. Our guild has opened a few thousand now with no tickets. In addition the wiki shows no data that a ticket can be obtained.

If you want to chance it, fine — but this clearly smells like someone trying to keep the price high in order to “SELL SELL SELL”.

Found mine in a normal coffer today. It’s RNG man. That’s all.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Rastos.3812


I got 2 tickets in the 1st & 2nd chest I opened…

Just BUY the normal dragon coffers folks…

Wings backpiece, mini, other goodies too…


Hmmmmm some kittening idiot trying to raise the price on the AH. Try again dip kitten.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Farmed about 100 from the holograms this morning just doing the achievement. Around number 50 or so I opened up I got the ticket and the stupid knight miniature. Staff is awesome. Guess the RNG god’s showed me some favor this morning. Was farming from Frostgorge if that means anything. Probably not. Not bragging btw as I’m sure the hater’s will say. Just the first time I got a ticket in the past three events. I don’t buy the BS in the gem store either. But hey, you wanna waste your money and gold be my guest.


Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Dragon Weapons Skins images already here!

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Got my staff this morning just farming for the hologram achievement. Looks great with the necro effect.


Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Beating a dead horse on thieves

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Oh sorry about the no paragraphs. Was typing it on my phone during a boring class. Wasn’t paying attention. Also someone mentioned my build. It is 10/0/20/20/20, sorry about the typo. Glad to see some discussion on the topic.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

Beating a dead horse on thieves

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rastos.3812


I have played the game since release, took a break through most of the Karka bull and came back about two months ago. I had a 80 Necro and decided with all the changes in the game I would start a new toon. I had like a 20 thief but decided to start from scratch. Well I made it to 80 and started running Fracts and the obligatory CoF P1 to have some cash to get me on my way.

I don’t consider my self elite or hardcore by any means. I play causally but I play enough to understand my character and I built him to play the way I wanted. I run full zerker exotics with the emerald jewels for toughness. All my weapons are spec’d for PWR,CRIT, and CRIT damage, and I’m a mix of PWR and toughness on everything else. My build is a 10/0/20/20/20 build. It’s not something I found on the Internet it is something I made to play the way I like. Not saying its not on there somewhere, I just prefer to use what I come up with than copy someone else. I won’t get into skills and what not because that is not what this post is about.

So after that long winded explanation of my character it brings me to the question at hand. The beating of the dead horse if you will. Why oh why do I more and more often see on GW2LFG groups that don’t take anything but Guards, Wars, or Mesemers? I mean I know the answer, people want the fastest guaranteed way to get quickly through a dungeon or event. I have joined groups and got booted before we even started. I’m not here to talk about how great I am, but I know I can play my toon. How do I know this? Well let me put it to you like this, I run SB then either S/D or D/P (I don’t like S/P, too tanky). When I play I will start with SB and keep poison and bleed up on target with auto attack on, swap weapons, steal (removing boons and applying to group), daze target, then hack away using the updated skill three on S/D that removes more boons, roll or port out, and repeat. Adjusting of course to the situation. I keep shadow refuge up and only use it when a teammate is down to bring them back up or heal a teammate when it looks like they might drop. Which I might add I am doing more often than not. Not to mention I rarely get downed because of my mobility. So in short what I have is a class build that provides sustained DPS, boon removal and team buffs, a 99% chance to bring up a downed ally(if not sitting in AoE of course) and I’m spec’d to keep my health up on my own. Yes I’m no glass cannon. But I can do the job.

So ask yourselves if you are one of those people that will only run a certain group build, what more do you need. Well if its just to grind through an event like its your job and not enjoy the dynamics of mixing up your group make up, then well have fun. But if you read this and happen to be one of the God classes. Think about this next time you are in a group and they boot that thief or other class before you even start. Who knows, maybe that group leader will think twice when his two Guards and Mes leave right after. Cheers.

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

(edited by Rastos.3812)

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Rastos.3812


Need an NA server open

Reaper/Berserker/Dragon Hunter/Daredevil/Rev/Druid.
Ebay Server.

(edited by Rastos.3812)