Showing Posts For Raylina.7538:
If you have a guild bank and the necessary permissions, you should be able to trade the gold using it. Worth a try.
When you get the new account message while trying to mail an item or items you get the same message when trying to put into the guild bank. Overall transfer limits for mail and guild banks are linked.
I am wondering if the limit resets after a day or two or if the amount you can send only increases by playing? Meaning if account is at the limit even if you wait a few days without playing you can still send nothing.
Me and my nephew sent our crafting mats to my stepdad so he could level up faster.
But now he can not send the left overs back to us. He was able to send the tier 1 mats back. Part of the tier 2 stuff then was blocked for reaching the limit a new account can mail. Then next day he could send 200 soft wood logs and nothing else. Yesterday he could not even send 92 wool scraps. So just wondering if it is a playing only to increase what he can send or if it is a time account was opened thing.
Sorry if somewhat confusing just a little frustrated that I can not get my stuff back to level the alt I want to run with his character.
Just wondering how I change my guild emblem.
It is just as bad for the over all group, just like you could not rejoin them. They also could not replace you and were left to try to 4 man the rest of the instance.
I am wondering if there are any types of potions that would help with this fight?
I had a problem once where it would not let me buy gems. But it did not add a debit to my CC. If you haven’t yet, you should make a support account log in and send them a message about your problem. They took care of me in less then a day. No problems since.
I have not seen bots since the days when you would see 20 of them grouped together.
I think part of the reason for the price drop is because of ascended gear.
Before ascended gear people wanted exotic’s for their alts.
Now you can spend 20 to 30 gold (exotics) or 3 to 4 gold (rare’s). Either way you will be under powered.
You need to take the projected profit and minus the listing fee to get the real profit. Projected profit should really include the listing fee but does not.
If it did your projected profit for the item you listed would be:
61 gold 20 silver 85 copper
Thanks it was the there. Take the deadend way point go into the cave and enter the portal for the chamber of secerts. Thanks agian.
ok. I will shearch blood tide then Thank you.
My Bloodtide coast says 18/18 poi’s I guess I can go back to cave again just to see.
Any idea why when I look at each map including borderlands I have 100% completion But for the overall map completion for achevment it says I am missing 1 POI? I have collected all the quests and have been waiting for about a month to get my last vista in Red borderlands which I got tonight. But overall still says missing 1 POI.
My OP show examples of changes asked for, that may not have turned out as great as people expected. Here are things being complained about with changes that not have happened yet, but could.
People complain about cost of waypoints and lack of mounts.
Would you rather have no waypoints, but you get a mount that costs 500 gold that gives you a 55% speed increase?
No waypoints, but there are flight paths which also cost silver?
Each zone has maybe 2 to 4 bases with flight paths, but you have a mount to travel all over you do not need a time saving waypoint.
A trip from Lion’s Arch to Frostgorge Sound takes 5 minutes.
A trip from Cursed Shores to Frostgorge Sound takes 10 minutes?
People complain about the prices on the TP, market manipulation, and precursors.
Some ask for fixed prices, limits on buys and sells, top out maximums of what items can sell for. (I would assume mostly for the costs of precursors.)
So would it really be better if A-net said all items can be sold to the TP for the vendor price. We will sell them back to you with a 1 silver mark up?
You will be limited to being able to buy 25 green items or less, 3 rare items and 1 exotic a day. You can only sell 50 items a day to the TP.
All precursors are soul bound to the player.
They cannot be sold, traded, or used by your alt.
Some people would get what they are asking for. But does it really sound like something everyone will like more then what we have now?
So remember be careful what you wish for.
I could not get on yesterday to respond to Chickenshoes and Flamenco. My post is about changes asked for, with results not considered, more so then transfers.
I am glad resets are not happening. All though some might think it would have been good. Those who have played on either side of a week of a landslide win know it is not really fun for anyone. Winning side has no one to fight and nothing to retake and losing side does not even bother to play for a week.
Now a suggestion if tier changes become stagnant. Would be to move the winning server up 1 tier and the losing server down 1 tier. Just for variety.
Be careful what you wish for.
People complained about the bots. A-net must fix the bot problem.
What did we get? Some bot bans but we also got DR.
I know the DR has been around awhile now.
But it still bugs me that people complaining about bot’s. Turned into nobody having the ability to farm for anything they need besides herb, ore, and wood. Think of how much less fun we could have if DR was added to that also. After you pick, mine or chop 50 in a day all nodes disappear for you for 24 hours.
Server transfer are ruining WvW. Stop the free transfers.
Well we got it. No more free transfers.
Most games they beg for free transfers.
A-net was kind enough to give us them from the start but we still could not be happy.
Also for all the complaints about the free transfers and WvW. They were free money wise.
But guild moves were not free. You lost all influence and you would lose some members.
Server transfers at the start I agree needed to be fixed not just for WvW but also PVE.
Once the 7 day wait time was put into place I believe the transfer issue was fixed fairly well.
I think now with the paid transfers, we will see as the weeks and months go on the new complaint will be for free transfers again which will be funny and ironic.
Oh the culling is horrible fix the culling in WvW.
Let’s not just work with the culling so more of us can play it has to be fixed.
Problem is, the fix means fewer people playing and longer Q’s.
I think this fix is in this week.
As there are noticeably less people from each team in each land.
Maybe next week they will fix it totally and each server will get to have 25 people playing in each zone. Won’t that be fun?
So please as you ask for things you think need to be fixed.
Remember the fix is not always better for the other players or you.
I am sure there are other fixes that turned out the same way for other people and I still play the game every day I can. I still think it’s a great game and have plenty of fun. These are just 3 changes that have bugged me. Thank you if you took the time to read all this.
Remember be careful what you wish for.
• Players are no longer prevented from entering fractal maps. The difficulty of the fractals is shared, and players will receive rewards based on their “reward level.”
So If I am level 5 but I am doing level 10 with some friends I will get the level 5 rewards.
I will not get the special token that I can use 10 of to get an ascended ring?
• Reward level increases as players complete fractal rounds.
• If players have a higher reward level than the current fractal difficulty, they will receive bonus karma at the end of a round. However, item rewards are set to the minimum of the fractal scale and reward level.
So If I am level 5 but I am doing level 10 with some friends once finished will I be level 6?
Or do I still have to find people to run level 5 with me to move up to 6?
They nerfed aoe with the five person limit. I think the only other aoe nerf that should happen is to make them work along the same lines in the since of over all range.
For example being on the third floor of the keep with an ele and being able to aoe the ground floor. Where as a ranger’s aoe will not fire to the first floor and necro’s can not drop wells on the 1st floor from the 3rd floor. But to nerf the aoe damage is kind of sad considering there is a price for that damage our single target damage is less than other classes.
The Dirty Dozen:
1) Yes
2) No
3) Yes
4) No
5) No
6) No
7) No
8) Yes
9) No
10) Yes
11) Yes
12) No
It seems for me that the deminishing returns does not reset ever. 2 1/2 weeks ago I went to try to farm some corrupted lodestones. A buddy told me he would get about 1 an hour. I received 1 the first day I was out for about 1 1/2 hours. I went back the next day and I got 1 on my 3rd kill. I stay out there for about 2 more hours and got none. I have since gone out 8 times any where from 1 to 2 hours at a time and have not received another lodestone. Also 3 of the times I had a buddy with me and they did not get a single lodestone either.
My main gripe with Ascended gear is that the grind required to get one piece will pretty much make sure you’ll never play around with builds. Want to turn your maxed Power warrior into a maxed Condition Damage warrior? Sure, just get 300 ectos and 1500 t6 mats!
GW1 was all about build-making and experimentation, but now it looks like you’ll be locked into a single build type in GW2. I don’t see a way out of this situation without a radical change to the way gear works in PvE.
I love this thread and I really enjoy most of the posts. But this one above a million times over needs to be read and re-read by the developers. After you invest so much time and effort into getting the gear you need, yes “need” just to stay competitive in both PvE and WvWvW switching builds, traits, and weapons is a major pain in the rear. Everyone gets bored with the game because they are all using the same exact weapons, traits, and skills for 900+ hours straight. The only time you can viably switch it up is in sPvP.
To add to this: Alts are more important to me than builds. One of the most important parts of this game that drew me in was no gear tredmill and no increase in level with every expansion. Both of these make having lots of alts too much work. I currently have 5 level 80’s and was working to get them all fully in exotics. So no matter which one I wanted to play that day I would not hurt the team. Now it is just like Wow, Rift, and Swtor I will get ascended for my main. But I can not do 100 runs of fotm for each of my alts. So now if I want to play my warrior he is under powered, play my elementalist she is under powered and so on down the line. I did not even bother getting exotics for my guardian or ranger what’s the point they won’t be able to catch up.
To stay on topic have the soul bound gear be account bound. So your Fotm level 10 or higher can get gear for alts.
(edited by Raylina.7538)
I run with full Exitic armor and weapons green jewelry.
Used to be all Power, Vit, condition but have been switching to more toughness to see how that goes.
My crit is 23%
I have a little magic find on my jewels 9% and eat migic find food.
I am wondering for those of you who play in organized WvW. (use vent, TS, or another form)
Do you find you get a lot less badges then others from your guild or party?
On a good night I might get 10 badges in 4 hours. Yet the people I am with get 50 to 90 badges. The other night there were 20 invaders At the Sm gate. I charged in aoe’d all over the place I got credit and exp for 15 kills I did not get a single bag of loot. Everyone In vent is talking I just got 5 badges I just got 10 badges. badges?? I did not even get a loot drop. It is like this every night.
So just wondering Are there other Necro’s out there that have this same experience?
Yep. When I right click a name on my freind list or in my guild, all I can do is report them. relogging works for PVE parties but relog for WvW and I will be stuck in hour Q.
My only option all most everyday is Report.
Even with guildies and friends.
Is there a way to fix this?
I do not get invite or join or whisper.
It makes everything a real pain to have type everything.
Thats a bummer. thanks
When I use dagger/dagger I get 0 speed increase. I also use signet of the locust.
So is it broken or do I have to not use signet to see increase?
The group asking for a warr/guard may all ready have a necro and/or ele or 2 or 3 and want another profession besides another light armor profession.
that was sarcasm right?
It wasn’t. Would you want to do an instance with 3 necro’s and 2 ele’s?
The group asking for a warr/guard may all ready have a necro and/or ele or 2 or 3 and want another profession besides another light armor profession.
Mine atm is downed state.
I have noticed in Fractal when i fall off one of the jumping parts. I get the downed state but I never recover and die. I have seen ele, mes. thief, warrior, and ranger all die from the same thing. Yet they can all recover from the downed state and rez. I have to be rezzed by them. Why is my downed state not strong enough to live like all the others.
30 – 40 ppl stacking at one camp. Is better for your team then it is for theirs. Move on to the next camp, tower, or keep. I wish all my enemy servers would do this. Leaves much less defense at towers and keeps.
Won’t this also hurt the people leveling in the zones with no hearts. Where all they have to do is try to find events so they can level from 70 to 80?
If they only drop from bags. Any idea what zones drop that type of bag?
If they can be picked any idea what zone to find the plant/tree that I can gather Oranges from?
Well If they do nerf drop rates after being in a certain area for a certain amount of time. Do they stay nerfed for good or just a few hours or for a few days? Is there a know time limit to when you can go back and have drop rates be good for a time again?
I thought WvWvW worked like a bracket system where after each reset the winners went against winners and losing servers went against losing servers. So as time passes there will be more balances between what servers play against each other after resets.
Most zones I have been in were very active with people and DE’s.
But atm I am in FireHeart Rise. I Only saw 5 other player the entire time I was there. 2 DE’s were done with myself and 1 other person. The 3rd and final DE was me and 2 people. But for that one I waited in the base for 5 minutes before 1 person showed up and we started the DE then the 2nd person showed up a few minutes later. I was in the zone for I would say 3 hours last night and it just seemed really lonely.
I am wondering if Frostgorge Sound, Malchor’s Leap, Or Straits of Devastaion are more active. Or Am I find myself just at the wrong level at the wrong time so there just aren’t many people between 65 and 79?
Also with the map I am using it shows Malchor’s Leap and Straits of Devastaion as having no hearts. Do both maps have hearts?
I like the minions. The 2 downsides for me are not being able to dismiss them. Say all of them are below 25% health. I can not get rid of one or two of them so I can refresh new ones before fights. I off set this by leaving one not summoned so when one dies I summon a back up.
Other downside is sometimes my golem just goes crazy and attacks everything in site so I just run after him. He should be waiting for me to tell him what to attack.
But over all I really like the Necro and my minions.
The best would be what ever you prefer.
I go with scepter / war horn 2nd weapon slot staff when soloing
During DE’s I use Scepter / Dagger 2nd weapon staff.
Dagger off hand gives me another AOE while staff is on cool down and I missed some of the oncoming mobs.
I started off really liking Dagger / Dagger. But Switched to Scepter / Worn Horn.
1. I am wondering how many people from each server can be in WvW at the same time?
2. When in query for WvW should I re-query when I move out of overflow in a zone or when I move to a new zone?
Only asking because I was in a query last night but I was moving between zone and thru over flows. I never got into the WvW but people in my guild who queried after me were getting in.
3. Once in the query for WvW is there a way to leave the query before getting the option to join or leave?