and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone – makes me happy to see that my work hasn’t gone unnoticed!
Probably over a year ago, I suggested a system to mark posts as “read” by developers/ArenaNet folks, so that we could have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that our ideas, comments, suggestions, and complaints were actually being seen by someone at the company. I said it didn’t really matter whether or not the ideas were implemented, and that the point was to let us know we had been heard; whether or not the idea held merit or was feasible, we could know that you were aware of it and that we wouldn’t have to keep saying the same things over and over, drowning each other’s suggestions in a constant, overwhelming torrent.
You replied to my post. Clearly, my idea wasn’t implemented (along with quite a long forum-related wish list, I’m sure), but that didn’t matter to me. You let me know that I was heard, and that my idea had at least been considered by someone at the company. Which, of course, was the whole point of my suggestion.
I still remember that, and I remember the sense of gratitude I felt at having been acknowledged. You’ve held a special place in my heart ever since, and you’ll be missed.
In the first Entangled instance, my character tells the NPCs that he thinks this is the work of Mordremoth.
Where did I get this information? Is this a result of my having played through the Crucible of Eternity, somehow gleaning the name of the Elder Dragon through Subject Alpha’s use of the Teeth of Mordremoth skill? I know the dwarven texts mentioned approximately six dragons, but has my character discovered some ancient text that revealed this particular dragon’s name?
It’s just a little jarring, I guess. I don’t recall the name ever being mentioned in-game. Like, at all. Ever. But my character just throws it out there like it’s common knowledge.
“Where did Uni go? Oh, no, Venger took him!”
“Global warming again? Thanks, Obama.”
“Village destroyed by evil, sentient vines? Must be Mordremoth up to his old tricks again.”
TL;DR: I don’t understand how my character knows Mordremoth’s name, given that I only know it because I’ve seen it tossed about on these forums and on Reddit.
Goodness me, the sense of entitlement is strong in this thread.
Were you affected by this?
If not, try to imagine what it would be like if you suddenly had your rewards in this game reduced by 90% while the majority of players did not.
Since this bug affected so much besides daily achievements (roughly 5 silver, 600 karma, and 1 laurel per day, for 7 days), like ascended crafting (hard to quantify the value of account-bound materials), home instance mining nodes (at least 30 silver in resources, by my count, per day), world boss chests, dungeon chests and rewards, daily fractal chests, and probably other things I can’t remember. Maybe guild missions, too, I don’t know. But considering that so much of the game is based on a daily timer, it’s really not hard to see why players would be upset by this.
It’s a pretty widely-accepted truth that players like to have goals to work toward in-game. For a week, their goals were taken from them. They couldn’t progress toward ascended equipment because they were denied ascended crafting and laurels. They couldn’t earn dungeon tokens because… well, you get the point.
Imagine showing up to work one day, and finding out that there was some glitch with the time clock system. For the following week, it wouldn’t record your hours worked. The people in charge of fixing this sort of thing finally got around to fixing it after several days, and they said, “We fixed it. It should start working tomorrow evening.”
When the paycheck comes along, wouldn’t you be bothered to find that you’re missing an entire week’s pay?
I’ve said this before, but I think you guys should really consider some kind of “has been seen by a dev” system here. A special check mark, maybe. Just something to let us know that someone from ArenaNet has read our comments, even if they’re too busy to comment.
It would be incredibly mollifying to have a way of knowing that a developer had actually read my suggestion. Since it’s claimed that they’re reading these things anyway, why not just have a little check mark that they can click to let me know I’ve been heard? That wouldn’t take more than two seconds out of their busy developer days, and it would make us rant far less. Everyone wins!
I’ve been instructed to add my wife’s complaint to the list. I assure you, her opinion of your response is very strong.
She would like to have her laurels, chests, ascended material crafting, and home instance mining nodes back, please.
But from me, personally, I offer the following criticism: If you knew you were releasing a patch that would affect multiple systems in fairly dramatic ways, you probably knew there would be a large number of bugs introduced in the process. Why in the world would you schedule such a release just prior to a holiday weekend, considering that apparently nobody in the bug-fixing department is willing to work overtime?
I think it would be nice if we could transmute accessories, rings, and amulets. I would much rather equip an Ancient Vanguard Captain’s Crest than a “Sapphire Orichalcum Earring of the Cleric,” for example. I understand that there’s no visual appearance to change, but for flavor purposes (I tried really hard to save Ascalon in GW1), I’d like to be able to transmute them anyway.
I’d also like an option to disable auto-target and auto-attack against animals.
The amount of times I’ve been using guardian greatsword attack to go a little faster, and wound up jumping off a cliff (in a very epic way >.<) because of an animal nearby is ridiculous.
It also makes me go slower (irony) because then my skills bar lights up, making me as slow as a tortoise.
Yeah, that’s the kind of quirk I’ve come to expect from the targeting system.
In no case should autotarget ever choose a neutral creature. Like, ever.
you know… thinking about it, i must be hitting a nerve w/ them. why else would they start going this far?
you know other than the fact i keep calling anet and ncsoft on all their bs they keep feeding people
I’m sorry, but that sounds terribly self-important. Imagine, if you will, the following scene:
Colin Johanson approaches Mike O’Brien with a forced smile as they exchange greetings. Mike notices that something’s a bit off.
“Something wrong, Colin?” he asks.
Colin shakes his head, collecting himself. “No, nothing you need to worry about. I’m sure the forum moderators can handle it.”
Mike frowns. “Oh. Is he at it again?”
Colin shrugs. “Well, we did put out another blog post today. I guess we should have seen it coming.”
O’Brien releases a sigh. “How does he do it? How does UserError.7150 always know when we’re bluffing? It’s almost like he has someone on the inside…” The two exchange glances, and each of them begins to study the faces of the developers around them.
Colin recovers at last. “Yeah… I’m sure the mods can keep him down. This time, they’ll get him. I’m sure of it.”
No, I’m pretty sure the culprit is far more simple than an elaborate conspiracy to bring down a select few forum users.
Honestly, I think it’s just a relatively static list of words that are commonly considered vulgar, along with (and here’s the key!) a plethora of abbreviations, misspellings, and probably 1337speak. The biggest part of the problem is that the system doesn’t check to see if the censored “word” is actually an essential part of another (non-vulgar) word before it censors it.
I once posted a link with a URL ending in “5” and “.html.” My best guess is that the filter caught what looked like an attempt to sneak past it with the letters “S,” “i,” “h”, and “t,” probably to be read in the same manner as the word “teh.” The link was censored such that the “5” and the “.ht” were replaced with the word “kitten,” making it end in “kittenml.” The link, of course, wouldn’t work.
TL;DR: They’re not trying to be kittens about it, they just have an extremely indiscreet filter.
The others know about Mordremoth too, they don’t react like “Mordrewho?”, they gasp. Meaning that the dragon is common knowledge in Tyria. Especially to someone like your character, whose job is basically to stop dragons. Know your enemies.
Then my character’s backstory should have been conveyed better. I’ve played him myself for nearly 3,000 hours over the past two years, so if he had ever come across this kind of information, I should be aware of it. I watch every cinematic, interact with every object I come across (which includes browsing every book card in Divinity’s Reach), and listen to all the NPC dialogue I can. And yet, somehow, it was my own character who broke spades and declared that the cause of the hostile vine creatures was in fact an Elder Dragon named Mordremoth. At least he’s original, I guess.
Zhaitan’s name was mentioned not only by NPCs, but by the dragon’s undead minions themselves. More than once they’ve shouted, “Zhaitan demands your death!” and the like. I can understand that one being well-known. Same with Jormag, since the Sons of Svanir can’t shut up about him. Kralkatorrik was outed by Glint, and since her tale is well-known, it’s also understandable. I guess Primordus made a name for himself through the actions of the Great Destroyer, 250 years ago; the dwarves would have spread the word about him, I suppose, and the obscurity of that one might be counteracted by having 250 years to propagate.
But Mordremoth… Again, I question my character’s source.
I apologize for the double-post, but it just happened again.
I was fighting some Jackdaw pirates just now, and I was downed after eliminating the first three. There were only two left, and each of them was at about 1/3 health.
I kept smacking one of them with a rock, and though I was almost defeated, only one more hit would finish off the pirate and I’d be up again. I would probably defeat the last remaining pirate easily.
Unfortunately, I missed. That is, instead of chucking my rock at the pirate with too little remaining health to be visible in the health bar, my character decided to change up his tactics and target the other one (the one with about 30% health). I was defeated, and both pirates walked away to regenerate their health back to full.
I know it wasn’t the right-click targeting this time, however, because I wasn’t clicking anything. As I described in a post above, my hand wasn’t on the mouse, and I was tapping away at the 1 key.
I hate autotarget. But I also hate that it’s the only way I can play the game and actually hit anything, even if it’s not usually the thing I wanted to hit.
(edited by RoyHarmon.5398)
Thanks for the feedback everyone and please keep it coming. Personally, I find that one of the hardest parts of being a desginer on GW2 Live is coming to terms with the fact that not every update will please every player. We do our best to deliver appealing content with enough variety to keep as many people as satisfied as possible. And If there’s one thing we can do consistently, it’s improving the experience of said content each time. I think we made some great strides with the Jubilee. I think we have a lot of room to keep growing. But our team isn’t done yet. We’ve got some exciting things coming later this month. Things you’ve never seen in this game before.
But in the mean time, please keep telling us what you’re thinking. We are listening. Not only to what you’re saying but also to what you’re not. The very first living world team actually did the thing some of you have called for. Some 40 or so permanent events were added around the game in our very first content update. They were met with little interest or fanfare. Granted, Halloween may have stolen the show. But those events are still in the game today. I’ve seen very little reaction to them, however, positive or negative. Despite this, there are many events I would still like to add. Many zones and bosses I would love to revisit. As we get better at the living world, I strongly suspect we’ll have room to get around to them as well. Assuming that’s what our players really want. You are all the second half of the collaborative process, so thanks for helping!
I think a large part of this is that the new events weren’t identified. The release notes said:
Added over 30 events across the game.
All right, so it’s mid-October and I find an event. Maybe I haven’t done it before. Is that because it’s a new event? Or is it because the game hasn’t been out for two months, and I haven’t been to this zone yet? Or maybe when I was here before, the event wasn’t active. How in the world would I know?
So I think, “Hey, should I go talk about this event on the forum like it’s something new? Hmm, no, I’ll look like a n00b because it isn’t new at all, most likely. And if I post about every cool event that I come across, I’ll never have time to play the game.”
End result: No feedback on “new” events.
Ideally, the in-game story should tell you everything you need to know about the current Living World plot, context, and character motivation through a combination of scenes, clues, and gameplay. Blog posts, interviews, novels, etc. are supplementary.
You know what I think?
I think some of these blog posts should be duplicated in-game as books. Like “The Founding” in Ebonhawke, but not split into way too many volumes. Or if they had to be split for technical reasons, they could all be in the same room in some character’s makeshift library or something. A journal format might work best.
As for novels, perhaps they could be discussed more directly. Maybe someone like Dougal or Gullik could casually mention a scribe who documented their tale… (“But if you want that account, you’ll have to look elsewhere. I don’t have a copy, though I think he was going to call it Ghosts of Ascalon. If you want to look for it, that might be a good place to start.”) At the very least, it could be enough to make the player wonder about it and, possibly expecting an in-game item, look it up on the Internet for hints. Then they’d see that it was actually a real-life novel (with paper and everything!) and they’d probably want to find out more.
Edge of Destiny could be mentioned by any of the Destiny’s Edge NPCs (especially Caithe), it might be better to have another NPC in Lion’s Arch mention it. Those kids who hang out in the cave in Shaemoor should explicitly state that they read all about their favorite characters in Edge of Destiny. They even saved up their coins and bought a copy of the book, but they’re way too smart to let an adventurer like you borrow it— it could very well get stabbed while you’re fighting bandits or something. Plus, you’re a grown-up, so you just wouldn’t “get it.”
As for the interviews… I don’t really think there should be any interesting lore that’s found exclusively in interviews. If it’s canon, someone in-game should at least allude to it as described above. More blog posts would be cool— though I understand that it takes weeks to translate it into all 4 of the languages supported by Guild Wars 2— but those should also be found somewhere in the game as interactive objects. Maybe a bard or something. This could even be a chance for the Heralds to make themselves useful…
…we wanted the player to make the call by identifying the dragon in a conversation among friends. In hindsight, there should have been more build up or discovery before reaching that point. Lesson learned.
I’d also add that in this case, it wasn’t the player “making the call” that was so weird. It was the players learning something from our own characters that seemed to be common knowledge. It felt like we weren’t “making the call” so much as sharing some great, unexplained revelation.
It was a reminder that we’re not our characters. Our characters apparently know far more than we do, and being reminded in this way makes usme feel like less a part of the game world. My character may be a high-ranking officer in the Pact, and he may have lots of knowledge about these dragons and their names… But I’m not, and I don’t, and now I’ve been reminded in the middle of an instance. And my crumbling immersion mixed with the sands of Prosperity and was lost.
My wife is irate because her daily didn’t reset.
Please, ArenaNet, fix it so I can have some peace.
Where are “Guild Wars” in Guild Wars 2?
Can’t find them,
there is not even a guild tag shown in the gw2 ladders.
Is there any button, i can challenge other guilds in spvp to show off my guild is the best?
Ps. I want my gold cape!Any advice or help?
Guild Wars 2 is so named because it’s the sequel to Guild Wars.
Guild Wars was called such for two (probably related) reasons.
Personally, I think the lore was probably written in to justify naming the game for a PvP feature. To support my theory, I postulate that a handful of NPCs mentioning the event is insufficient reason to name the entire franchise after it. Otherwise, they would have named it something like “Chosen,” a term which actually became important in the storyline. Calling it “Guild Wars,” though, meant any RPG fan would know what it was about— one group of players competing against another.
The guild functionality of the first game was very different. Only one guild could be joined at a time, there were no guild buffs, and guild missions hadn’t been invented yet; however, guild battles and guild halls gave us options that are currently nonexistent.
Regardless, the name has been set and can’t easily be changed. Only the game can be changed to fit the name, but that probably isn’t a priority at this time. (It’s encouraging to see Josh’s comment above, though.)
Yeah, I have to wonder why they’re even listed if they’re not going to be utilized more than this. Perhaps they’ll be put on display in our home instances when (or if) those ever see real attention.
I think it would be helpful to fix the search function on the forum. If I type something into the “Search this topic” box at the top of the page, for instance, like the the word “thanks” (the fourth word in the first post), it says “No results found.”
If the forum search function worked, you could easily find your other thread.
Protip: To avoid situations like these, developers should consider reviewing the wiki’s collection of known bugs to see if they’re about to exacerbate one of them.
Bonus points: Turn that bug list into a to-do list and systematically set about fixing them all. The Category:Bugs page should prove a valuable resource in the fixing of bugs.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: RoyHarmon.5398
I see Arena net is avoiding us still.
Almost 90 pages with zero response
Of course. They won’t respond until they’ve had several meetings about it, and with so many of the higher-ups at E3, I wouldn’t expect those meetings to take place until Monday.
Give them a few more days. If the problem hasn’t been addressed by the end of next week, I’ll be unpleasantly surprised.
May father and I will battle over this “word” until the day I die. I have sources on my side. He has folksy wisdom.
My daughter’s pediatrician used the pseudoword “irregardless” once.
I felt betrayed— how could I trust the woman with my daughter’s health after something like that? She was supposed to be educated! My wife’s objections were all that kept me from changing doctors right then and there.
Just so we’re all clear: “regardless” is the word you want. “Irrespective” is another word with a similar meaning. “Irregardless” is a clumsy portmanteau that misses the mark completely. “Ir-” is a negative prefix, so “irregardless” would be “not regardless,” which is usually the opposite of the speaker’s intent.
(edited by RoyHarmon.5398)
Likewise, I’ll have to paraphrase, though it wasn’t a personal story thing…
Somewhere in Shaemoor, just outside a house, two newlyweds were discussing the weather…
Man: “So, what do you want to do? Have a picnic? Go for a walk?”
Woman: “I’m so glad I’m married!”
Man: “It’s been three days. You’re not tired of me yet?”
Woman: “Tired of you? Never!”
Man: “In that case, forget the picnic. Let’s go back inside!”
At this point, the woman did the /cheer emote and ran back up the steps into the house, and the man chased her excitedly.
Really, guys, it’s the little touches like this that make the game so great. I love it! (Still wish I could remember the wording exactly, though…)
EDIT: It wasn’t Shaemoor, after all. It was the Ascalon Settlement in Gendarran Fields.
(edited by RoyHarmon.5398)
…Because of the PC’s assumed rank in an organization that deals in fighting dragons, and that such knowledge isn’t really a secret (but isn’t widely known as characters in the world have no reason to openly discuss it until now)
Even if we can’t all be The Commander, many of us DO play members of the Pact and/or the Orders. Or our characters know people in the Pact/Orders. The Elder Dragons have been a huge topic of conversation among many. I think it only makes sense that anyone who’s been interested in the topic, or even just been around when others have been talking about it, would have heard the name.
That would explain why all the NPCs knew about it, since they know the PCs (who, as we recently learned, know all about Mordremoth).
The question is, why didn’t the player know it? Have we not been spending enough time around our characters lately? Is this a hint, ArenaNet?
Lack of mounts is one of the reasons I absolutely hate traveling in GW2. Get rid of 90% of all waypoints and give us mounts. Then we’ll talk about exploration.
I don’t think I understand. Why do you hate traveling, and how would mounts do more to alleviate that than waypoints already do? The only difference I see is that waypoints are instantaneous but have to be discovered first. Do you not like to discover them? Is that why you want to discuss exploration?
Or do you just want to move faster? If so, why? This game is beautiful; I love to slow down and appreciate it. (Also, “exploration” would be over pretty quickly if we could all zip around like stylish blue hedgehogs.)
It feels like there’s so much more to the game than going from Point A to Point B. I don’t think I’ve ever sat down at my keyboard in GW2 and thought, “I’m going to go to that spot, way over there! I’ll run to it as fast as I can,” though I can’t say the same about GW1. When I explore in GW2, it’s more like, “What’s over there? I’m going to find out!” It’s not about the destination in GW2; it’s the journey.
If you absolutely must go faster, then try a speed-boosting skill. Rangers, thieves, elementalists, and necromancers all have a 25% speed boost signet, and I’m pretty sure the other classes all have some form of swiftness (+33% movement speed). Would a mount provide some kind of utility aside from speed boosts? What would they do in combat? It seems like the only thing they could do is complicate things.
Or do you mean something more akin to the sand wurms in GW1? I don’t know about anyone else, but for me, the novelty of riding in a wurm wore off pretty quickly.
If you simply want some creature to accompany you everywhere you go, try a miniature. Or a pet, a minion, a spirit weapon… Or another player.
From what I see, there just isn’t a reason anyone needs to ride something in this game. Am I missing something? Is there some other reason to want a mount in GW2?
Are +5% damage potions better than superior sharpening stones or master maintenance oil?
I don’t remember the exact numbers, but it probably depends on your stats (toughness, vitality, etc.). Honestly, I’d rather just get the flat +5% until I have the time to do the math and determine what effect 4% of my vitality and 6% of my toughness have on power, precision, etc. and how those relate to actual damage dealt.
Wasn’t there an Ele skill that used to set the caster on fire? Phoenix, maybe?
I do remember that Burning Speed did that in the original Guild Wars…
I’ve been keeping an eye on the “Known Issues” page, and despite this bug having been reported multiple times since the July 26 update, it hasn’t made it to that list. I assume the in-game bug reports and forum posts have fallen through the cracks.
So, to reiterate:
Banner skill #5, “Plant Standard,” doesn’t work. I mean, it doesn’t actually do anything. Pressing the button has no effect at all. Doesn’t even put it on cooldown. It’s like it may as well not exist.
Thank you.
same problem here. very annoying…. my longsword skin sucks.
If you’ve already unlocked the skin on your account (i.e. you’ve used it before), then you can apply it for free from the wardrobe screen in the [H]ero panel.
I loved the way our characters have voices again. It’s even better than before, too— an NPC told me to burn some tendrils, and I heard myself reply (something to the effect of) “I’ll get right on it!” And this wasn’t even in a cinematic!
I didn’t make a revenant, so I didn’t experience all that the stress test had to offer. I did like the gliding (though I spent some time trying to make the glider go higher with only one rank in the mastery), and I loved the Pale Reaver rifles. I want a stack of them in consumable form. But then, I guess that would be overpowered against a ton of bosses…
Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe; Poe-tay-toe, poe-tah-toe?
……Sorry, couldn’t resist.
From the release notes:
but will only trigger the AoE Loot functionality while none of the forms of the interact dialog are visible.
In short, the interact dialog (literally any form of it “Greet”, “Talk”, etc) cannot be on screen. We have it this way because of internal feedback. The functionality stems from an issue people were having while, for example, harvesting. It was really awkward to harvest something and have your inventory fill up by other junk.
I do realize that it isn’t really communicated well in-game, mostly because of it being a last minute change (we also increased the range!). That being said, I’ll probably revisit this feature in the near future and see about giving it that extra spit shine polish
Why didn’t the internal feedback folks just uncheck the box?
Or disable Autoloot?
Or, I don’t know, just get rid of any unwanted junk?
I was really excited to see this in the patch notes, but when I enabled the box in the Options menu, I saw absolutely no difference in any behavior whatsoever. To me, it’s completely nonfunctional; if there’s anything to loot, it happens only when I stand on the corpse and press F. And then I move to the next corpse, right next to it, and press F. And the one next to that. And so on.
EDIT: Apparently I saw no difference because I had the option to “Search” for loot. Naturally, that means I only search the one corpse, not the several other corpses nearby with the sparklies on them. If I want to “AoE loot,” I have to do it when there is no “Search” option visible.
Was it only added as a way to loot bodies that you couldn’t see/reach? If not, I’m confused… Although it should (hopefully) solve the problem of being defeated ten feet from the shiny corpses, assuming it can be used while defeated (no “Search” options will be visible, right?).
(edited by RoyHarmon.5398)
Ok guys, just wanted to clarify a few things.
Permastow is not impossible. I never meant to give that impression, so I apologize if I did. However, as far as priorities go for the Ranger, it is not high on the list. Why? Because it would require an entire re-balance of Ranger, but if we re-balanced, then the players that do play with the pet would be OP. See the dilemma there?
Thank goodness. I am confused about something though, why would perma stow make pets op? I figured that something like a damage boost would only occur while the pet was stowed. I don’t think that the skills themselves would need to be changed, just a %stat boost that would give the approximate damage that the pet gave.
The reason why I latched onto the aspect idea was because it was an option that seemed we could maybe work around. Rather than having to rebalance the whole class, we’d just have to balance the aspects to be similar to what the pet does damage-wise. That seemed a little more viable.
I thought that aspects was basically the equivalent of perma-stowing with a stat boost, an F2 skill by family and glowing particles to show which aspect you were in. I don’t really understand how this is dramatically different from perma stowing with a damage boost while stowed.
Perma stow wouldn’t make pets OP. In rebalancing for permastow, it would make those that still want to play with the pet op. THAT IS, unless we design something that gives the player a boost to balance it out.
The aspects I think were a little different. They talked about having specific bonuses based on the pet that the player was using. That is different from just giving a damage boost, which could end up being difficult to balance.
I think what he meant was that if you gave the ranger an appropriate stat boost only while the pet was stowed, then there would be no need to rebalance in the first place.
Thanks for the info, Colin! I think you’re doing a great job. As much as I’ve anticipated a smartphone (Android) app, I’m glad you’re prioritizing the core content. I mean, who would want an app for an underwhelming game?
Still, I had a couple of questions, based on the Digital Gaudium interview from a few months back.
For launch we won’t have any GW2 apps available for use for players. However, soon after launch we’ll be launching a robust app development program in conjunction with our community that should allow for the development of some truly spectacular GW2 app and website development. We’ll discuss this more post ship, right now we’re focused on making the release of the game the greatest it can be.
Are there still plans for the “app development program”? If so, will the smartphone app mentioned above be a sort of “official” app created using the same tools mentioned in the article, or will it be a separate project? And will all of it have to wait until after the Jan/Feb/March updates?
So I was just thinking, “Well, it’s all in the past now, there’s nothing anyone can do about it.” Except it’s not!
With the addition of the Season 2 story journal, players can repeat the episode and new players can play through it in the future. So if they fix it now, we’ll see it if we repeat the episode, and new players will see it when they get to level 80 and play it later!
If the developers realize this, all may not be lost!
Am i the only one? This thread was moved here because here is a dead sub-forum right?
I’ve seen it, too. Happens very often. Like when I’m salvaging things and hover the mouse over a skin I haven’t unlocked yet. It’s almost like the flash is “getting ready” for some other notification. Or, more likely, it’s being triggered erroneously in some script that leads to UI notifications.
And maybe reconsider the whole “Walked off the screen = Not a target anymore!” policy.
More importantly, I want to know how all of these centaurs get to the impossibly high ledges we need to use zephyrite crystals for. They’re centaurs, right? Climbing, jumping, and tightrope walking are not among the centaur’s skillset as far as we know.
Are you familiar with the concept of the mountain goat?
I saw that one on a road sign whilst in Oxford for a summer term, but when I came back and used it in a thesis, my advisor criticized it pretty hard.
But then, I also saw “Tank crossing” signs— complete with silhouette of a tank— so I guess in England, anything goes.
Why do you want a nerf?
I don’t think I understand this at all. In what way would it be better?
I disgree. I think these potions would have to be “+10% vs, -10% from” in order to justify the cost of materials. They’re not exactly cobbled together from copper ore and green wood logs, after all.
Yes, having too little time to process a flood of information deteriorates judgement in humans; skritt on the other hands communicate so fast that there is more than enough time to evaluate different outcomes.
But my point was that faster communication allows less time to evaluate different outcomes, not more, because it generates more outcomes to evaluate.
As another point that I meant to include in my initial post, there was a dialog between an asura and a skritt in the cave full of chaos energy. The asura tried to convince the skritt that the chaos magic was causing bad things to happen, and therefore they should move away from it. The skritt said something along the lines of, “Always cause and effect with you people. You asura think you’re so smart, but you’re not skritt-smart.” Then he said, “Too many lines, not enough angles!”
Something about that made me think there’s more to it than gibberish. I think the skritt process logic differently. However, in trying to return to the topic, I’ll say this: I think maybe part of the “skritt communication” thing is due to their short attention spans. If one skritt thinks (perhaps “talks,” or “broadcasts”) about a topic for five seconds and then gets distracted, but another skritt picks it up for five seconds and does the same, and so on… Each skritt in the chain could be adding another “angle” and, possibly, steering closer to a solution when a more direct line of thought wouldn’t suffice.
But basically, I found the theory that “they can communicate their ideas faster and therefore they’re better at picking out the best ones” to be woefully insufficient, and I wanted to see if anyone else felt that way. It seems to me that having more data to sift through wouldn’t necessarily make the relevant bits easier to spot, but again, I’m thinking like a human. Maybe I should just give up on trying to understand them without breaking my brain.
Welcome your new quagan overlords the march of Quagga has begun OOOOoooOOO
That’s amazing.
i WOULD KILL for mounts its basic thing you know the knight arives on his horse to slay the dragon in any story
Yeah, any story about a lazy knight… You know, the kind who’s only in it for the money and fame. A real knight charges that dragon on foot! Or maybe in a batmobile, but that’s a knight of a different color. I guess in our case, the knight arrives on a honking AIRSHIP to slay the dragon.
Really, guys. Stop thinking so small. Horses, dolyaks, and other mythical beasts? We already have magical teleportation conduits for general use and airships to ride when we go dragonslaying. Why would you want to downgrade?
I’m already married to another player. I’ve met plenty of other players who were married, too.
I never got the concept of a dedicated marriage system in a combat-oriented game.
Unrelated to the marriage thing; I wish this game was less of a combat-oriented game.
I agree to some extent. I always feel like such a thug in this game, no matter what I’m doing. “Save the village? Sure, I’ll go slaughter some stuff.” “Collect things to power some new invention? Yeah, I can kill elementals.” “Take the ranch back from bandits? By killing them, naturally.” “Help the quaggans raise crabs? Awesome, I’ll kill that skale.” “Pitch in at the mine? Okay, I’ll flush out some dredge and kill them.” “Help power the lights of Caledon Forest? Okay, I’ll smash fireflies.”
All this killing, of course, by manipulating complex magical energies and other forces of creation.
It felt especially awkward in the asura personal story when Zojja shows off asuran mental superiority by constantly talking about beating people up.
There are some exceptions to the combat rule, though, in the form of certain Renown Hearts that most players despise. There are occasionally unique fight mechanics that challenge players in some way, but again, they’re “fight” mechanics.
I understand why, though. It’s a competitive, skill-based game. We’re competing against each other, against the environment, or both. We can’t very well have “hugging contests.” But all the same, I feel bad when my AoE hits a neutral or an ambient creature.
Please stop these “e-sport” things, and tournaments like this. It’s wasted money and not competitive at all. It just makes me laugh when I see GW 2 tournaments with a real prize pool. Are you really just ignoring the broken PvP? I really don’t get, why tournaments like this one, even takes place…
Because people who aren’t you think it’s fun.
Thanks for posting, though. I always doubted astronomers’ allegations that the world revolved around some big nuclear reaction. Now I know it was you the whole time!
I had a similar issue.
I am running two monitors (GW2 maximized on one). I found the cause was that I had Citrix processes running in the background and periodically they stole ‘focus’ from GW2 and I end up on my desktop. I had the same issues in WoW last year…
My solution was to go into Task Manager and disable all the Citrix processes (used for accessing my work network from home). I have Citrix set to launch on PC start-up so I go through this process whenever I am going to launch GW2.
Sorry if this is not helpful, figured I’d share just in case…. it did fix my issue in GW2 and WoW.
You may find it more convenient to set up a shortcut for this.
Basically, you write a batch file to close the Citrix programs and launch GW2.exe.
It’s a combination of this link and this one.
What I’m thinking is something like this:
Create a text file in Notepad and insert the following (with file names/locations changed to suit your needs):
taskkill /im Citrix.exe (or whatever it’s called)
start "" “C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” (or wherever your Guild Wars 2 program is located)
If there are other processes you need to close, you can add them to a new “taskkill /im” line, and they should close properly if they’re running. And if they’re not, it should be fine.
When you’re done, save it on your desktop as something like “GW2.bat” so it’s executed as a batch file.
Then all you’ll have to do is double-click it to close Citrix and open GW2.
Just got into the office. I’ll follow-up on this today, and if I hear anything, I’ll let you folks know.
If HearsAnything() = TRUE Then
Call LetFolksKnow()
End If
Code appears to be working as intended. We just don’t have an “Else” in the event that he doesn’t hear anything.
Im a member of the Tquila Killer Squad, and each time we do this evetn, i try to get this achievement, “Tail Flail” but without luck.
I have tried different dodges and many different places, but so far I have been unavailable to get the achievement. Some say it is bugged and some claim that it is not but just hard to get. Today i had my 60 Tequatl kill and my sick of never getting this archievement. Is there any advice someone can give me on “how” to get it? One of my friends suggested that I should just file a report of this and a ticket to Anet but i dont know if that would help.
Thanks for listening to me and my (somewhat) angry thoughts about this![]()
And thanks for any advice with “how” to proceed.I successfully dodged the tail swing, got the “evade” floater, got no achievement. I then got feared into the water a moment later and got the achievement.
It’s really buggy. For now, just try hanging around back there and randomly running around and/or dodging. I’ve heard a lot of other people say they got it when they got feared.
I haven’t managed to get it yet, but from your description, the fear may be a coincidence. I’ve noticed that with the Toxic Seedling achievements, there appears to be a delay of several seconds between harvesting the seedling and the counter increasing. It could be something similar with the tail swipe, and maybe the fear is unrelated but happens in the interval between jumping the tail and the achievement counter checking it.
Just a thought.
But does that include disabling right-click target selection?
This is true even if another person, regardless of profession, grabs the banner. Skill #5 does not work for anyone.
Also, it’s for all the banners. I’ve tried them all, even Battle Standard, thinking that its slightly different skill bar might make a difference. But it doesn’t. Skill #5 doesn’t work for it, either.
There is a small threshold that determines whether your tiny movement should actually be a target selection.
One of the issues is that the threshold is a movement threshold only.
I can right click, keep the button pressed for a long time with only tiny camera movements, and when I release it’ll still count as a click. Since I usually just keep the right button pressed during combat, that happens fairly often.
Adding a time threshold would greatly improve the situation without any requirements for additional settings, UI changes or localisations, i.e. the stuff that always takes much longer than any sane person would believe.
My “+1” button doesn’t seem to be working (it appears to forget itself when I refresh the page), but I agree with this guy and support his suggestion.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.