and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
After doing the Molten Facility this evening, the targeting again came to bite me in my backside. So I just had to tell my story on this forum.
During the final boss battle, the game would never hold a target for any longer than a few seconds. Of course there’s a lot of running circles involved, and manually adjusting the camera constantly. So every second your target is gone (using T to target was the only thing reliable).
But if this wasn’t bad enough, pressing C to target the closest enemy is also very unreliable. If the opponent is too far away, or slightly off screen, it doesn’t work! How did they mess this up? This used to work fine in GW1. Now I can’t even reliably select my closest target, without looking directly at it? Then I might as well left-click the boss! What’s the point of targeting the closest enemy, if I still have to look his way? Same deal with TAB to cycle through the targets, it doesn’t select the boss if he’s off screen, regardless of how close he is to me.
So at the start of the boss battle, we keep having to repeat pressing T to target, because constantly the boss is deselected. Couldn’t they at least add some sort of sticky target option, along with an option to disable right-click targeting?
I have this happen all the time! Why did they make the decision to only let us target the things our camera is facing? I can understand the whole “can’t cast fireballs at things behind you” idea, but why not let us target stuff behind us? If we want to attack, we can just turn around. The camera/targeting system is the single buggiest thing I’ve found in this game, and I’ve played nearly every day since last year’s April beta.
Any time you turn your camera too much, your character suddenly forgets what he’s doing and stands there without a target. If there are NPCs or neutral creatures around, moving the camera will probably target them instead.
It’s enough to make me want to avoid movement and stand still while I cast. So, yeah, I guess I should level up my warrior.
The only thing that gives me hope for this issue is the comment made during the last State of the Game interview: “Next month we’ll be focusing on bug fixes.” What bigger bug is there than this (barring the “crashing after latest update” issues, of course)?
This forum doesn’t exist solely for your opinion.
Exactly, it doesn’t exist solely for -your- opinion
Then you have realised that you cannot voice an opinion and expect those in disagreement to stay silent?
Stop flaming eachother and get off this topic. I STILL have this bug after the supposed fix a few hours ago. Im limiting what dungeons i do so i still have something to do when i log in. Fix this please
The red post specifically said next reset. The update missed the one just been by 15 minutes.
It’s true that many people here feel very strongly about this situation, and my opinion is that asking for a refund of the game or gems would be an overreaction (and I both hope and expect that they’ll reconsider). But remember that for many people, this game is their sole form of entertainment and the highlight of the day. Not everyone’s game experience is as casual as yours (you advised them to “go do something else”), and some people find comfort and joy in logging in to join their friends or loved ones online each day. For those people, this bug spoiled their happy time for a week, so it’s quite understandable that they’re unhappy.
If folks are upset about something, it usually doesn’t help to keep telling them, “Hey, you’re being unreasonable. Things could be much worse, so stop feeling so entitled!”
Honestly, your first post in this thread wasn’t the best way to start a constructive discussion, regardless of how constructive the discussion of others had been.
Let’s hope that we never hear of this incident again after a week or so. That would indicate that either the players affected by it were satisfied with the outcome, or it was a minor enough inconvenience that they chose to move on with their lives. It’s possible that some will stop playing the game altogether as a result of this bug, but I don’t think this straw is massive enough to break the camel’s back on its own.
To clarify my earlier post, I was apparently able to fix the problem for me by:
Once the Gw2.dat file had been downloaded again (I left it running overnight), I had no more issues. I couldn’t get the files to download at first, but when I added in the Gw2.tmp steps, it seemed to work just fine. Once you’re satisfied, I recommend deleting Gw2_bak.dat.
I tried this because in the past, a “stuck” character could often be fixed with the “-repair” command, especially if it happened soon after a large update. I tried to repair the files, but it stayed at “0%” for an hour and crashed when I tried to close it. I decided there must be something wrong with my data archive, so I renamed it (in case I needed it, which I did for Step 2 above) and tried a fresh download.
This may not work for everyone, but it certainly seems to have worked for me. I’ve gotten two daily rewards with it so far, and no more disconnects. My wife did the same thing, with similar results (though if she had asked me, I would have simply copied the file to her computer).
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: RoyHarmon.5398
Since there are no doubt thousands of players who have already pre-purchased under the current model, I think it would be best either to add a character slot to each version (meaning Deluxe and Ultimate end up with 2), or to add a character slot to the “Basic” package and add something of approximately equal value to the Deluxe and Ultimate versions.
That way, people won’t feel ripped off so much. If you just add a character slot to the $50 edition, those who bought the $75 one would say, “Well, if I had known they would add a character slot to that one, I could have saved $25!” Not that they all really would have, because maybe they kinda wanted the extra digital items, but they’d complain about it anyway. And they’d be right to do so. It would be a different decision to make— a decision between $50 for the expansion with character slot and $75 for the expansion with character slot plus whatever bonus items came with that package.
For many players, obviously, that character slot is a major factor in making the decision of which (if any) edition to purchase. If they add one to the $50 game (and I really think they should), then they should add something of approximately equal value to the other two editions as well.
Lord Faren is hilarious. I mean… Panache and aplomb. How can you beat that?
And Kasmeer knows it. Have you seen their dialogue in Southsun Cove?
There was one where he talked about his heroic fighting skills, and she mentioned something along the lines of, “Oh, yes. You were Bongo the One-Eyed’s ‘star pupil.’ I remember your parents had to pay extra for the title.”
Faren: “What are you talking about?”
Kasmeer: “Oh, training. I meant training. Your parents had to pay extra for all that training.”
Paraphrased, of course, but still… They’re great.
Oh, man! I totally missed it!
They really should announce these things, like, the day before they happen, not two weeks after!
TL;DR: Announcement page has a typo.
…“I’ve got a ball, perhaps you would like to bounce it.”
OH god, is this a riddle? Great, like I haven’t studied the living story enough! haha, just kidding
My best guess is the orb of power, since that is kind of like a ball…
I think it’s a Simpsons reference…
EDIT: Yeah, okay. I found it.
(edited by RoyHarmon.5398)
Everybody wants a perpetual carnival in Divinity’s Reach, but nobody wants to pay for it!
As a bonus, the perf fixes next week should also help any location with lots of players and very few mobs, hello WvW.
You mean, “hello Lion’s Arch”?
As was mentioned earlier in this thread, we have stated that we are unable to provide a reply to all suggestions posted in the suggestion subforum.
We do, however, regularly read the suggestions forum and deliver feedback to the design team on a daily basis. Just because you haven’t seen a reply does not mean it’s not being read.
Could we get a “dev +1” so we know a dev has checked the topic and we can feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
This is exactly what I’ve always wanted! (TL;DR below.)
If I suggest something, that means I feel as though I have something to contribute. In fact, it means I was so moved by its necessity that I chose to spend several minutes searching for existing threads, articulating and revising my words, and then trying to come up with other ways to improve my suggestion before finally hitting “Create Topic.” I know others may not give it that much thought, but if I’m putting something on the Internet, I usually try to think it over a bit. Usually.
All I really want is to know that my suggestion has been seen by someone who might consider doing something about it. I don’t need a detailed response, and I’m not even asking for an opinion on whether or not they like my idea. They’re busy people, and if they spend as much time on their posts as I do (I’ve been on this one for nearly 10 minutes already and revised it several times), I’d rather they spend that time doing something more productive than talking to me.
I want to know I’ve been heard, even if they don’t agree with it. I want to know that in some meeting later on, when someone in some meeting mentions right-clicking vs. left-clicking, it might bring to mind that post about the abhorrently broken targeting system that galls me so. Or maybe when they’re playing the game, they’ll see a really interesting trinket at a karma merchant and think, “Too bad I can’t have that on a level-80 trinket— oh, hey! I read a suggestion about that once. I see what that guy was talking about!”
Even if they never act on my suggestion, I would love to somehow know that they had glimpsed it, if only for a minute. Otherwise, I have no reason to believe it hasn’t slipped through the cracks. (I’ve seen responses to fresh posts about old issues in which it was obvious the developer had been completely unaware of it previously.)
That makes me suspect that I just wasted 15 minutes that I could have spent doing something fun, and that maybe if I had spent less time on spelling, grammar, hyperlinks, or facts, I wouldn’t be so annoyed that they instead chose to respond to someone with a full mailbox complaining about not getting their gem store items. (But honestly, why is that still an issue? Either fix the counter, make that “Temple of the Silent Storm week” message stop counting against the queue, or— and here’s the good part— make the Black Lion deliveries exempt from the mail queue! What harm would it cause if people waited a while to pull their Black Lion Keys out of the mail? Do you think they would buy so many items with gems that it would overload the mail system? Are you really afraid of that? But I digress…)
And now, because I know that was a lot to read, I’ll even throw in a…
TL;DR: It would be incredibly mollifying to have a way of knowing that a developer had actually read my suggestion. Since it’s claimed that they’re reading these things anyway, why not just have a little check mark that they can click to let me know I’ve been heard? That wouldn’t take more than two seconds out of their busy developer days, and it would make me rant far less. Everyone wins!
We have not forgotten about this. Sometimes as certain features get used by more of the game, it reveals issues that lead to a redesign. For instance, now that you can right click on people in PvP while spectating to switch follow cameras, accidental right-clicks can be far more disorienting than selecting a new target.
Accidentally changing your point of view while spectating is significantly less detrimental to your game play experience than actually playing the game and losing your target because you’re attempting to use right-click to maintain battlefield awareness or turn quickly. Especially considering two of the most important aspects of playing MMO PvP are hot-keys and mouse-turning (thus the stereotypical jokes about ‘clickers’ and ’keyboard turners).
I see why this adds to the issue, but I don’t see why just now it has become apparent that a change will be necessary when a significantly more detrimental side-effect of this ‘feature’ has plagued players since launch.
While I find it encouraging that sPvP has unintentionally “revealed issues that lead to a redesign” and I’m certainly grateful that you’ve finally responded to our concerns to some degree, I’m also in agreement with Dastion on this one. Since I get nauseous when I attempt spectator mode, I’ve never encountered the scenario you described, Mr. Lesh, but I experience all of these other complaints on a daily basis. A several-times-daily basis… And I only play for a couple of hours in the evening. To call it “frustrating” would be an understatement.
If you haven’t forgotten about this, then you’re aware of it and (presumably) what a problem it presents to a large number (if not percentage) of your players.
Despite our pleas, complaints, grumblings, occasional hopes, wishful thinking, and begging— eight (8) months of it, in fact!— it wasn’t revealed as an issue for redesign until that “feature” was used by more of the game. In this case, it wasn’t noteworthy until it was used by spectator mode.
Therefore, it would seem that spectator mode is far more important than the ability to target consistently. Is this an accurate assessment?
Please, sir, can I have some more?
Before we jump into the changes, we just want to make it very clear that the changes you’ll read about below are not a part of the big World vs World update that we’ve previously mentioned. This update is the first of what we hope are more regular updates to the existing core of World vs. World.
We’re going to hold off on picking a release date until we have a chance to review your feedback, but we’d like to target early 2016. So please add your feedback about these proposals to this thread.
That seems remarkably vague to me. If the “big WvW update” is less regular than the changes that target “sometime in the next several months,” I don’t think I’m qualified to speculate on when we’ll be seeing that one.
Regardless, these changes sound interesting. The fight is effectively over for defeated players, since respawning in a map as huge as the desert borderlands means you’ll never get back to the fight before one side has wiped out all traces of the other.
The dolyak changes sound very reasonable.
Currently, catapults take forever for small groups. Running to a supply camp and back takes long enough for guard NPCs to respawn several times, so one or two players (depending on the number of NPCs at that location) need to stay behind and protect the construction site. That means it takes more trips to the supply camp, which becomes tedious (especially for the ones guarding the siege). It’s still quite possible to take keeps with a small group in this way, but only with a significant time investment; also, it’s probably only possible because the Deserted Borderlands usually don’t have many players defending on the mid- to low-tier servers (in my experience).
The rally limitation sounds a little extreme to me, but it’s impossible to know the full implications until we see it in action. I foresee considerable frustration for many players, especially in combination with the new limitations on reviving in combat.
Hey, you guys are forgetting… It doesn’t have to be in a future episode. It could be in this one if they correct it, and then when we play through it again, we’ll get it the way it should be. And then future players wouldn’t have to play through an episode or two wondering how in the world they knew that name, only to have it explained in a later episode.
It’s easy to revert to the “after two weeks the content is gone forever” mindset that we’re used to, but things have changed. The past isn’t just the past anymore, and if they fix this episode, it will really fix it.
Honestly, I suspect this one has fallen through the cracks. When Josh Davis.6015 was moved from QA to PvP community coordinator, this one was probably on a sticky note that got lost in the shuffle.
When I click the “+1” button next to a post, it becomes greyed out (as it should).
However, when I reload the page, the “+1” button looks like I never clicked it at all. It’s all red and unclicked-looking. If I click it again, it turns grey, just like it did the first time. However, if I go to the “Posts upvoted by (me)” page, it seems like the first vote worked, but the second vote removed it.
I understand that the un-voting (or “-1”) functionality is intentional, so don’t misunderstand me.
My issue is that without looking at the aforementioned “Posts upvoted by RoyHarmon.5398” page, I can’t tell whether I’ve already upvoted something or not after reloading the page.
To recreate this behavior:
Targetting needs to be redone all over imo,its just crap.I always target pets or illusions first,or even better..enemys Further away then the nearest ( im no clicker,and shouldnt need to click to select a target,i tab like in every mmo,here it just works like crap ).And yes my targetting settings are set “correct” ive tried messing with it but it never gets any better.Also a Name colour change for gods sake when youve targeted someone.Seriously though,i stil llove gw but imo it has the worst targetting system from Any mmo i played,gw1 target system was also hell of a lot better.
In addition to the right-click thing, I really wish the “target closest enemy” hotkey worked as expected. I try to target the thing in front of me, and instead it chooses the guy behind him and to the left. Also, I’ve had the target suddenly change when I’m sure I didn’t actually press a button or click anything, but I can’t prove it.
Disabling right-click to attack/interact is certainly the safest first approach to this issue. … However, completely splitting those is not something we’re prepared to work on at the moment as it is a much broader-reaching change. I hope this helps clear up what’s happening and what steps we’ll take to change it. Thank you again for all the feedback!
I think what he means is, “This could take anywhere from 5 minutes to 6 hours to code, and another 3 months or so to troubleshoot with the QA team. Before we decide to commit to a 3-month project, we have to hold a meeting or three so we can debate whether or not it’s worth the time and effort, try to think of a better way to do it, figure out which is our best option, etc.”
It seems simple to us, and it may very well be simple. But maybe it isn’t. Maybe this “smart camera” is so inextricably entwined with the UI coding thakittens removal would break the game in a literal sense. Maybe giving the option to “disable right click targeting” would actually disable all click targeting. Since the main difference between the right and left clicks seems to be the “execute default action” function (autoattack, F-key, etc.) and the main difference between the two click-and-drag cameras appears to be character rotation, maybe the hotly-debated target selection functionality is tied together for both mouse buttons. Perhaps disabling the one would disable the other. I clearly don’t know what happened with the sPvP bug codewise, and I didn’t even encounter it myself, but maybe it’s not so closely related as you would think.
Still, I agree that the “smart camera” was better in theory than in practice. Windows Vista has received enough criticism by now, so I’ll avoid that analogy…
Instead, it’s like trying to teach your 6-year-old to cook his own meals. If it works, maybe it could save you some hassle. If it doesn’t, you’ve got a big problem on your hands.
It’s probably best not to complicate things unnecessarily. Everyone here (as of this post) seems to agree that these functionalities should never have been bound to the same input. I can only assume it wasn’t a programmer who came up with (and approved) the idea, and the current implementation was written by someone who was just trying to impress the boss by tackling a complicated task. I don’t know why or how it originated, but it should be clear by now that this isn’t the shiny feature that it was intended to be. Instead, it’s like early implementations of User Account Controls— annoying to the user and not a real obstacle to a malware writer. We’re just asking for an option to disable it… Blast, I did it anyway! Sorry, Vista.
The primary goal should be to remove right selection altogether. There is no good reason why GuildWars 2 should be a special snowflake and try to overload the camera movement with selection – an action that for the past decades has been customary done by left clicking.
However, there also appears to be a bug in the way that the input handling code tries to differentiate between clicks and drags. You can see it by executing the following two tests:
1) stand in front of a (green) mob. Move the mouse cursor on top of the mob. Press the mouse button and move slowly left/right/up/down.
Observed behavior: at first the camera does not move and the mob is not selected. At some point the camera starts moving, namely when we cross the click – drag threshold. Releasing the mouse button as long as the camera hasn’t moved yet selects the mob. Releasing the mouse button once the camera has started moving does not select the mob.
All this is as expected.
2) Repeat test (1) but this time move the mouse very fast/flick it.
Observed behavior: there’s a 50% chance that the mob will be selected or not selected after the mouse up. If the mob is selected then the selection has occurred regardless whether the camera has moved or hasn’t moved.
This inconsistent behavior in the differentiation between clicks and drags is the most irritating part about this right-click “feature”.
Perfect example of why it’s not always a good idea to complicate things in order to make them “do more.” The more complicated the feature, the more bugs it will have. (That’s probably a quote from a textbook somewhere…)
TL;DR: When you have the big meetings in which you discuss this issue, please brainstorm some ways to “completely split” those functions, as we all seem to think it would be worthwhile. We would rejoice with much rejoicing and… um… rejoiciation.
To educate myself. What is the big deal/difference if you do it in your home server or in overflow? Leaving out the obvious, you didn’t do it on your home server, but what else is different? For all the complaining there must be something more. So far I haven’t noticed no real difference playing in either. I get proper credit, same loot etc.
This may not all have to do with guesting either. I’m on a server that isn’t one that is well known here where people flock to and we now have overflows on standard zones. What looks to have happened, is we are now seeing how many people were pent up in fractals for several months because of better loot there, now they see better loot in the open world and the turtle boys are now back outside again, so those players are now in zones vs fractal instances. Boom overflow.
There is no doubt a large base of players will go where the best loot can be had with minimal time. The next Anet trick is to figure out how to balance the perception that loot/time is equal in all phases of the game. Then at that time you can see what content people like vs another. Every mmo struggles with this, even 5+ years in.
The difference is that if you’re in overflow, you don’t know the timer for the event and are “forced” to play as though you’re not just farming that event. End result: You can’t just get a relatively huge reward for 5 minutes of well-timed participation.
I strongly agree that this isn’t a guesting issue. I gave a lengthy explanation of my views in a previous post.
I don’t know if this has been mentioned elsewhere in the 24 pages of this thread, but…
I think the personal story rewards should be revisited. It feels weird getting a level-8 greatsword from a story step that only unlocks at level 10.
I don’t understand this at all. Why do people think it’s the guesting system?
I’m on Borlis Pass. Tonight, walking out into Queensdale, I was placed on an overflow server for the first time (outside of Lion’s Arch) since shortly after launch.
I commented on that fact, and I had several players talk about this “garbage,” and “stupid guesters” on Tarnished Coast, Darkhaven, etc.
I disagreed with them. I asked, “If everyone’s guesting on your world, why am I here?”
The popular (not, in my opinion, correct) opinion seemed to be that people were guesting to other servers in order to do the Shadow Behemoth event. Again, I pointed out that the Borlis Pass timer still had more than an hour before the event came up, and that there was little reason for anyone to guest to my server. And again, I asked, “So if it’s all about the guesting, why am I in overflow?”
Why? Why is this a guesting problem? People can only guest on two worlds per day, so they’re not constantly switching to whichever server has a certain event next. And if they’re guesting on your world, constantly switching among their daily 2 guest servers and their own server, always going for the next big event, then 1/3 of the time, they’re not on your server!
And don’t forget, there are people on your server who are guesting on other servers, too. On the whole, it should even out just fine.
Or is everyone so conceited that they think their own server is just so much better than the others that everyone wants to go there? Oh, and of course the “residents” don’t want to guest somewhere else. Why would they? They’re already on the best server. It’s all those foreign players, those “immigrants” from other servers! They’re the ones to blame for all our problems!
I’m sorry to rant, but I’m very frustrated by people’s tendency to blame everyone else (and yes, I see the irony in that statement). Nobody seems to realize that there are enough players on your own server, not guesting, to put many of the players in overflow if they clump up in one place. Because, again, it’s not the locals who are the problem. The people on their own server are supposed to be there, after all! It’s all those others who cause the problems.
That’s what it all comes down to. It’s not our fault, it’s everyone else.
At the end of the day i want to make sure we have enough time to discuss the topic with you and not feel rushed.
I’m glad to see you’re hearing what we’re saying! ;-)
As exciting as it is to have updates every two weeks, that deadline is as much ours as it is yours.
I think just about everything has been said about pacing, though, so I’ll just leave it at that.
Team score will have a much higher (as in ANY amount higher) impact on rewards next time.
You’re saying it already has an impact on rewards, just not very high?
I took it to mean that any amount would be higher than it is now. Therefore, mathematically speaking, the current impact would be zero.
The Guild Wars 2 story line has always had what I consider plot holes or logical fails. Look at the original personal story lines.
The human one near the beginning has you rescue either an orphanage or a hospital. When you get to the orphanage for example, it’s on fire with the bandits barricaded inside. Who in the world sets a building on fire and then barricades themselves inside?
The Norn starter instance where you earn the title of Slayer by killing Isomir. But the story behind it tells you something else. When you speak to Knut Whitebear he tells you: “By my own hand, I have brought the mighty wurm, Issormir. He waits above, in the plateau, for one such as you to challenge him.” Knut hunted that wurm down then somehow got him all the way up those steps and into that pen. After the animal was put in that pen by Knut we go over there and kill it, thus “earning” the title of Slayer. We get the title for killing an animal that was put in that small pen by someone else.
I made the comment a long time ago that they need either people trained as writers or people who edit for a living. Someone who goes through and specifically looks for logical inconsistencies.
I hear you. I thought the same thing about Issormir. I haven’t played the other one in a while; I know that whichever I choose (orphanage or VA hospital), the folks in the other one will die because there’s only one competent emergency responder in the entirety of Divinity’s Reach, and it’s me.
There were many times when it seemed like the writers were thinking, “You know, for this to really feel like a war, or for the dragons to really be a threat, we need to kill someone in every story arc. Maybe more than one. And the players just won’t feel it unless it’s a character they’ve come to like. We need to find more ways for characters to die.” It got to the point where they applied it not only to the players, but to the other characters as well. “You know, that NPC is too happy. They need to learn what war is all about! Time for them to feel loss.”
I eventually learned that if I found myself thinking, “Well, at least this guy isn’t dead yet,” then that guy’s next on the list. Otherwise, the game would just be too lighthearted.
Not quite the same as the plot holes you pointed out, but it’s what I remember feeling most strongly throughout the Personal Story, and the main reason why I haven’t finished it on more than one of my 8 level-80 characters.
That said, I am totally expecting we will be ‘fighting’ Primordious in the traditional sense. If that one isn’t a Warrior I don’t know who is.
Maybe, but I think he’d have an elementalist secondary professon. Remember, he predates GW2, so he can have a secondary profession if he wants one. Secondaries didn’t go extinct until after the Eye of the North expansion.
And I SWEAR TO GOD if they give us another “throw rocks at the boss” battle I am going to be super irritated.
Please, not the super irritation! Spare us!
I do like your rewrite, though. I love the way we worked together with the members of Destiny’s Edge to get everyone out alive. And the floating hyenas were a nice touch!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: RoyHarmon.5398
Think it’s more of misrepresenting the product
They actually had to change their FAO because of this, used to said you’d need to buy the core game, now it says you get it for free.Misrepresentation of a product in a manner that could effect purchasing decisions is the legal definition of false advertisement.
Telling people (via the original FAQ), that the core game was required before purchasing HoT would certainly effect their decision to buy the core game.
Title 15 U.S. Code Chapter 2 Subchapter 1 Section 55 Additional definitions(a) False advertisement
(1) The term “false advertisement” means an advertisement, other than labeling, which is misleading in a material respect; and in determining whether any advertisement is misleading, there shall be taken into account (among other things) not only representations made or suggested by statement, word, design, device, sound, or any combination thereof, but also the extent to which the advertisement fails to reveal facts material in the light of such representations or material with respect to consequences which may result from the use of the commodity to which the advertisement relates under the conditions prescribed in said advertisement, or under such conditions as are customary or usual. No advertisement of a drug shall be deemed to be false if it is disseminated only to members of the medical profession, contains no false representation of a material fact, and includes, or is accompanied in each instance by truthful disclosure of, the formula showing quantitatively each ingredient of such drug.Ty for opening up that business law book. It’s not false advertising though if they accept refund s sold to the customers who actually were affected by it. In which is handled individually
Does it count as a refund when you have to forfeit all gems on the account?
I have some thoughts on this issue. One of the possibly inevitable side effects of having thousands of other players around is that sense of just being a faceless number, one among a great many. In fact, there’s not much that reminds me of my own insignificance more than playing Guild Wars 2. For example…
While I understand the obvious technical reasons for it, I’m still a little bothered by the fact that we’re never mentioned by name. Even as Ellen Kiel introduces us to the Zephyrite leader along with all the others, each of the NPCs is mentioned by name. The PC, however, is “And their leader.”
I’m not trying to suggest that you develop some technology like an in-game text-to-speech engine that dynamically synthesizes a coherent pronunciation in the voice of a given NPC’s voice actor. I’m simply bringing this up as an example of the moments when I feel unimportant, like I’m pretending to be some brave hero who saved a city. It reminds me that I’m expendable; no matter who plays it, the game world itself won’t notice a difference. I don’t matter to the world. It’s a fact that can’t really be changed or disguised, only forgotten, and there are plenty of moments that remind me of it.
Another one: events that require distressingly large groups (>20) to complete. Fighting the Assault Knights alongside 149 other nameless leaders of our party, plus Rox, Braham, Marjory, Kasmeer, Taimi, Scruffy, Ellen Kiel, etc.
This one reminds me that while we’re all “super important leaders,” we’re not really, because we’re zerglings. Maybe hydralisks, at best. The NPCs are more important than we are; at least in the Marionette battle, the NPCs gave everyone else a buff.
All this is to say, I can understand the feelings of wanting to be more of a hero and feeling like a nobody who gets lost in the crowd of GW2.
Wait, wait…
Have we tested this on Magic Find foods as well? Do they actually make you get less cool loot?
I have always been skeptical of magic find -.-
I find it amusing that “Lucky.9421” is skeptical of Magic Find.
Interesting idea, RoyHarmon.5398, but would that really satisfy the hope to have your suggestions implemented? Wouldn’t it then turn into “devs hit the check mark but they didn’t understand or implement” kind of thing? Maybe there is a middle ground, though.
Oh, it’s not about my hopes of getting anything implemented. I’m just suggesting a way to make me feel like I’ve been heard, even if you don’t agree with me. And if you don’t agree, then you must have your reasons. I’m fine with that.
The only thing that would really bother me is feeling like nobody’s listening. I don’t care if you implement my ideas as long as you’re aware of them. If you’ve read my comments, the seed has been planted, and maybe you’ll consider it later on when circumstances allow it.
Case in point: I feel much better now that you’ve responded to my post. I know that someone at ArenaNet is aware of this idea and might consider it further. Maybe you’ll even mention it to others who have ideas for better implementations than anything I could come up with. Then it might get pressed down, shaken up, etkittenil it finally gets implemented at some point in the future. Who knows? But at least I feel empowered by my ability to give feedback that gets noticed. Now I just let it simmer.
Side note: The best version I’ve come up with so far is a “This thread was last viewed by ArenaNet at: [timestamp]” kind of thing.
That would be awesome. I’m in the same boat.
I think what misled me was the March 18 Q&A:
Q: Will we be able to craft PvP related gear after 3/18?
A: Yes, you will still be able to craft PvP related gear. This build is a maintenance step that will only remove Glory and increase rank points earned.Q: Will we be able to sell PvP materials to npc vendors similar to tournament tickets?
A: These materials are not being removed as part of the maintenance build. In this update we are only removing glory and making an adjustment to the amount of rank points earned.
Nothing they said was untrue. I mistakenly thought that the PvP crafting materials would somehow be incorporated into the new system. Otherwise, I probably would have loaded up on item tokens.
Still, it would be really nice if we could somehow use gold to buy the item tokens so we could use up the piles of everything else we’ve accumulated.
(edited by RoyHarmon.5398)
this note is insufficient. it doesnt solve any problems it just says they read the forums. how is allowing this price manipulation and price hiking of legendary precursors ok? i have read alot of forums on this topic and there aren’t alot of people that like the rng of this process and considering this…why aren’t the developers changing it? i mean if everyone hates a system you put in place then change it right?
What about the people who hate forums? Do they not get a vote?
This doesn’t make her bad, I felt this was a more realistic approach to storytelling as far as her character arch is concerned.
To be fair, Kormir did a lot of things behind the scenes. So I can sorta forgive her.
Trahearne is just unpleasant though. Sure Kormir became a god, but Trahearne is very rude to the player and he thinks the world revolves around himself. I’m not saying that to make fun of him, but because Trahearne’s dialogue actually is incredibly rude. Play through the story again and read what he says if he doesn’t make you fall alseep.
Kormir is miles better than Trahearne in my opinion.
Agreed, I’ll have to catch the instances in Trahearne’s dialogue but he is a bore. I can understand his reservations about leading the pact but there were so many times I wanted to ask him if he would like to go home
>Monsters attack Fort Trinity
>Automatically assumes they want him and only him.Just an example.
Zhaitan’s army is basically, the guy at the top does 99% of the work, he’s got some semi intelligent underlings but they can’t work together at all. So from Zhaitan’s POV, take out the Pact’s leader and they’ll run around like headless chickens.
Trahearne doesn’t do anything.
The representatives of the Vigil, Whispers and Priory are the folks that get all the practical things done. The rest is up to you.
Zhaitan doesn’t do anything. He just sends minions to do it. I never even saw him before we went up on a deathtrap damaged airship and shot at him for half an hour. In fact, after he flopped off of his perch like the epic supervillain that he was, I never saw him again. Probably never will. I mean, nobody could survive that fall, right? Especially not a giant zombie dragon whose superpower is corpses and dead stuff, right?
Right, Trahearne?
…Hey, has anyone seen Trahearne? He was with us before we left Fort Trinity—oh, kitten! We forgot to bring Trahearne with us to kill the dragon!
I would NEVER recommend consuming your glider. They were not intended to be edible, and if you somehow ended up with an edible “Fruit Roll-Up” version, DO NOT attempt to fly with it! Those were minted as limited-edition collector’s items and should NOT be considered structurally sound.
If you have consumed your glider, you may be forced to use the nearest waypoint.
Disabling right-click to attack/interact is certainly the safest approach to this issue. Anytime you have camera-look and targeting on the same input, you will have conflicting behavior. There isn’t a bug that targets are randomly selected, but rather the game trying to be smart at recognizing clicks versus camera movement. Even when you think you’re perfectly clicking on a target, most of the time you’re also moving the camera a tiny, tiny bit. There is a small threshold that determines whether your tiny movement should actually be a target selection. Lowering this threshold will reduce the chances of this happening, but is one of those numbers where we need to sit on it for a while to see if it ‘feels right’. The problem could also be solved by completely separating the different functionality of selection, auto-attacking, and camera movement. However, this is not something we’re prepared to work on at the moment as it is a much broader-reaching change. I hope this helps clear up what’s happening and what steps we’ll take to change it. Thank you again for all the feedback!
Thank you for looking into this!
I would encourage you to be liberal in the reduction of the right-click selection window. If it’s too small, we won’t notice, because we (the people posting here) don’t use right-click for target selection (not intentionally, at least). If you go too far, most of us will be pretty happy.
If you don’t go far enough, on the other hand, we’ll probably start complaining again. We’ll still have the targeting problem, but we’ll be worried that you think you’ve fixed the problem and won’t feel the need to make further adjustments, so we’ll just keep complaining out of fear and desperation. So if there’s any doubt, please remember to communicate with us much more openly on this issue than you have in the 8 months prior to this week.
It’s nothing personal, it’s just an issue that many of us obviously feel pretty passionate about.
“I would like you to know that I personally reported your concern to the development team. The research may take some time, so we will really appreciate your patience while they are investigating your concern. "
There’s your Page 10 update (from support). It isn’t much but better than nothing. Maybe we get a response, maybe we don’t. We aren’t “entitled” to a response, we would like one, one would be great. But at no time are they obligated to respond all the time on the issue.
So it is being looked at, it is obvious that they can see this thread as it is always on top. So, sorry I couldn’t get something better, that’s all I can get right now. The recently added update for the camera turn is probably a step towards a fix. If you find constructive posts, or helpful information in the thread then +1 it.
I don’t know where your quote came from, but I do find it a little comforting. I tried using the forum’s search function (which should probably have its own complaint thread if it doesn’t already) but it only found your post.
I would be surprised if they were actually working on it, though, considering what Evan Lesh said a couple of weeks ago. From the way he said it, it wasn’t “being looked at” as much as “somewhere toward the bottom of the list of things to look at.” You know, based on his use of the phrase “low priority.”
I do agree, however, that 14,000 views <> 14,000 people in agreement, nor would the post count accurately reflect the number of people experiencing this issue (for a number of reasons).
I also agree that the recent “rearview” camera fix could potentially indicate that they might possibly be working on something in the general vicinity of what we’re requesting. But it’s hard to say if they won’t tell us.
I’d like to close with this brief summary of the discussion:
Everyone: Right-click targeting is so bad! It’s crazy horrible, and they should have fixed this months ago. Why aren’t they at least acknowledging it?
Gaile Gray: We’re working on Karka Island right now, but after that, we might take a look and see if it should be changed.
Everyone: Okay, so it’s still really bad! I can’t stand how frustrating this is! Are you fixing it yet? You really need to fix it!
Evan Lesh (in another thread): The targeting system is a controversial topic, everyone thinks they know how it should work. It’s low-priority, sorry.
Everyone: Oh, come on! It desperately needs to be fixed! It’s the single worst thing in the game, including thief balance and engineer bugs!
Geotherma: Calm down, guys. They said they’ll look at it! I’m sure they’ll fix it soon.
Everyone else: It’s been 8 months, and they’ve never once said they were working on it! How can they ignore this problem?
Geotherma: Hey, look! I’m not affected by this. See? Here’s a video or three of me not having your problem! So calm down and wait patiently, just like the engineers and ranger pets.
Everyone else (probably a bit jealous): But it’s so bad!
Geotherma: Yes, calm down. We know. They know. It’ll be fine.
Everyone else: But it’s SO BAD!!!
People say hot join is bad because it’s a FFA, but this change takes an aspect of that discord away by encouraging players to care more about playing the full game.
I was going to make a cuttingly witty remark about your use of the FFA acronym, but then I realized it was kind of fitting. “Future Farmers of America,” you know… And people “farm” it… Heh. Well, I know it was funny because I chuckled as I wrote it.
Anyway, I don’t do much sPvP (I think I’m rank 14), but I do support this change. I totally get what you’re saying. Gotta break ‘em in right—don’t let them think it’s acceptable to leave mid-match, and maybe they won’t do it so much when they grow up.
This means no more bounce chests.
Aww… I liked the character models the way they were!
I just wanted to share with you guys a glimpse of how this works. Maybe it’ll show you how overwhelming an issue it is.
I made this image just now in Paint.NET. It was quick and monochromatic, but it should get the point across.
With only one player in the area, there’s only one way skills can affect anyone. A player can cast a skill on itself (like the guardian’s “Contemplation of Purity”). With two players, Player A can cast a skill on Player B, and Player B can cast on Player A. Player A can also cast skills on himself, as can Player B.
When we add another player, things get a little more complicated. I’m not going to go into all of the details, since they’re easier to illustrate in the picture.
I stopped at 5 players, because beyond that, the interactions will be too many for me to illustrate clearly, and the diagram will begin to hurt my brain. Just know that the numbers get absurdly large when even a few more players come together, and I can’t imagine what a 20v20 fight would look like on paper.
With 5 players in the same vicinity, there are quite a few ways for them to interact. My diagram only shows single-target interactions, but there are many ways in which a skill can target multiple players at once. The server has to compute these interactions for each skill. Think about the guardian’s “Save Yourselves,” for instance. The server has to determine which targets are in range, which ones have conditions to draw, how that adds up for the guardian using the shout, whether any are affected by Pure of Voice, etc.
TL;DR: It’s really far more complicated than you’d expect, and as more people cluster together, the possible skill interactions add up to a ridiculously high number. You want less skill lag? Spread out. QED.
(edited by RoyHarmon.5398)
It shall be done. If I can remember when I’m at my desk on Monday. Maybe.
Fluffball, can you think of some iconic way of showing health state in the UI?
The healthbar is pretty tiny, but it miiight be able to fit some text over it like “Downed”, “Defeated”, or “Deathshroud”. Though for other languages it may not fit. That could also make the actual health value hard to see.Yup. No matter what type of color blindness people have, we can see shades really well (better than “normal” people.) So if a health bar is 100% white in one case and 40% white in a death shroud case, there is no mistaking it.
But pure color like the wurm pheromones or the WvW map is just not readable for many of us (BTW thanks to whoever upped the contrast on WvW colors several months ago.)
That’s pretty interesting. So how well can you read the shades of green used for the double healthbar while targeting a necro in deathshroud? The deathshroud color is a more desaturated green.
lol at the wvw colors. That partially an accident because wvw and pvp shared team colors. I quite like the newer blue. (maybe because I was the one that updated it)
One of my best friends in high school was red/green colorblind, and he was a machine when it came to finding four-leaf clovers. I think he said it was something to do with better contrast.
Also, I would love it if the party UI distinguished between health and death shroud, and not just in PvP. I’ve wasted a lot of guardian heals on my wife’s death shrouded necro, only to facepalm when she comes out of it.
Or, “The Skritt-to-Skritt Interference Effect.”
According to an official source:
No one really knows how the skritt hive-like intelligence works. The most likely theory is that the skritt simply communicate so rapidly that, when together, they can vet their ideas and choose the best one within seconds, rather than going with whatever plan each individual first conceived. Certainly, the skritt have exceptionally sharp auditory skills. They can communicate with one another almost instantly if they are within earshot. If you meet one skritt alone, he might not appear particularly intelligent, but if you meet several, they can discuss their surroundings in amazingly swift, almost ultrasonic chirrups and chitters, and are able to process information and make more intelligent decisions. Therefore, the skritt seem less intelligent in small groups and more intelligent when they gather in larger ones. Because of this, the skritt in their scratches are the most intelligent—and possibly the most dangerous. Even the bravest asura hesitate to attack a hollow when it is filled with skritt.
It would seem that the apparent intelligence of skritt is directly proportional to the number of skritt in close proximity. Most of the theories I’ve seen attempting to explain this phenomenon focus on the idea of high-speed subsonic/ultrasonic inter-skritt communication. Theorists say that because information flows so rapidly amongst the skritt, they’re able to choose the “best” of all of the almost-randomly generated ideas.
However, I’m skeptical of this claim for the following reasons:
In summary, it seems possible that the “skritt intelligence multiplier effect” is less a function of communication and rapid exchange of information, and more of a biophysical or biochemical response. For instance, perhaps the subsonic/ultrasonic pulsations aren’t a means of communication, but rather a facilitator and a catalyst for intellectual performance. When multiple skritt congregate, these pulsations undergo a sort of constructive interference that results in an enhanced mental state for all affected individuals in range.
I offer this as one example of a novel theory on skritt intelligence. Does anyone else have an alternative to the popular “they can access tons of information therefore they’re smarter” school of thought (no pun intended)?
This happens to me all the time, as well. Also, I will view a page for the first time, and some posts will already have the +1 box greyed-out. I’ve learned to just ignore the little red or grey boxes, as they seem to have a mind of their own. =(
Yes! I’ve had that happen as well.
I would “+1” your post, but… you know… See thread title.
Yeah, I’m glad to see I wasn’t the only one to grab the last book as the timer was counting down. I thought I was safe until I tried to map to Lion’s Arch and the client restarted.
I totally agree, Tassi should stick around. She could criticize the Mad King Thorn actor…
Yes these are most annoying things. Targetting should happen on mouse click, not on mouse press, as I use mouse to move, not to target. When I use mouse to pan, it messes the target to random player instead of keeping it on the enemy I chose.
And shooting neutral mobs automatically is annoying. For example when a mob walks away and I don’t shoot it anymore. Then I walk a bit and suddenly I start automatically shooting the mob again, even though I didn’t want to shoot it anymore.
All of this.
Also, be careful with “Promote Skill Target,” especially in conjunction with “Auto-target.” I’ve been running around, looking for the nearest enemy (which, with the current system, happens to be a golden moa rather than the zombie pirate behind it), when I used a shout (usually “Retreat!”) to make myself go faster or recover from combat. Apparently, I used that skill on the current (originally non-aggressive) target, so then I start auto-attacking it due to the promotion of the skill target.
With any luck, it’s a bug that will be fixed before the moa population suffers more than it has.
Just posting to say, these jokes are hilarious
My guardian has that issue with jelly beans all the time XD
Oh. And here I thought 20% of them were cinnamon-flavored.
Yeah, I’ve tried many times on Borlis Pass, and I’ve never seen him below 90%.
I figure in 2-3 months, only people who actually want to do it will be there, and maybe we can get it done.
It’s not that. It’s the fact that you can post stuff you come across directly from your bag to the TP. This needs to be killed and then the “1c more than vendor” prices will disappear.
No, this needs to remain. The 5% to post an item is in place people because people would just use the TP as storage, posting things for a thousand gold, knowing no one would ever be able to buy it and when they got back to town just take down the item.
I think many people miss the point here.
The reason so many people post for 1 copper above merchant value is that they don’t know any better.
I suspect that some players may be willing to sacrifice the list price to get it out of their inventory from the middle of a zone.
However, I think that while the listing fee may be simple enough, the overwhelming majority of players don’t realize that the 5% list price is followed by another 10% when it sells. I sure didn’t pick up on it right away.
Do you know why?
The game never tells you. You can only find out by “counting your change” and double-checking the math upon pickup, or by reading the complaints of others.
The real problem here isn’t simply fees. The problem is hidden fees, and I hope that will be corrected in the very near future. Not necessarily by the removal of any fees, but at the very least, by a more transparent (or visible) tax notification.
(edited by RoyHarmon.5398)
When hovering the mouse over a gathering tool, the “Currently Equipped” tool is displayed without the number of uses remaining. I think it would be helpful if that number could be displayed somehow in the mouse-over “Currently Equipped” description.
This would also be helpful — perhaps even more so — if shown in the options presented when right-clicking the slot in the [H] panel, also, in order to distinguish between the Orichalcum Mining Pick with 2 uses left (you know, the one you un-equipped to use up that Copper Mining Pick in a low-level area) and the fresh one with 100 uses, for instance. Maybe if it offered something like the options below.
When right-clicking the Mining Tool slot, instead of:
It could show this:
I don’t know how hard that would be to code, but I’m sure the folks in the UI department would know how to get it done. I can think of ways I’d do it in programs I’ve worked on, but as we must always remind ourselves, most of us don’t actually know anything about the specifics of most of the coding of the GW2 client.
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All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.