Showing Posts For Ryudnard.2587:

Hate against rangers and thieves in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Venom share theif in zerg fight.

Tier 1: 1up1down Rest: Glicko

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


We should utilize both 1U1D and glikco at the same time. The glikco system offered a vareity which brought up intersting match-ups. It was unpredictable. It was fun. The problem was it was making the match ups in every tier highly unbalanced, giving frustration to both winning and losing side. By partially applying 1U1D system, we can manage this.

Treat Tier 1 bracket as a special bracket. We will use 1U1D system for the tier 1 bracket. This bracket is where a server cannot compete unless they have the number and good coverage. It would not be motivating to play against servers where one server has zero chance of winning. As an example, Crystal Desert has zero chance of winning when paired up agsint BG and JQ. BG and JQ won’t be enjoying the match up as well. CD is essentially an outlier. It is JQ vs BG, 1 vs 1. We don’t want this. I believe Anet don’t want this. No offense to CD, I just took it as an example.

Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 can follow the glikco system. Yes, there is a gap between each tier, but it is relatively manageable.

So, if you’re placed in Tier 2 for this week, you will move up to Tier 1 by placing the 1st. If you’re in Tier 1, and placed the 3rd, you will move down and the glicko system will decide your next match up.

Decay based on location

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Make the decay slower farther away from the base. This will encourage roamers and people in general to be more aggressive and invade into enemy territory.

Can we have 8vs8 back? or 10vs10?

in PvP

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


8vs8 was just too much fun. We don’t really care about the balance. It was easy to hop in and it was enjoyable.

I undertsand that people want competitive. solid environment of 5vs5, but it has been there already for a long time. Could you consider brining back 8vs8, or implement a new 10vs10 system? Some people do like zerging and chaos where we don’t know what the heck is going on. But we like it, because it’s fun.

Venom share Thief at WvW

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


JQ commander Cloud Fly

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


I made an attempt for subtitles. Thank you Cloud and Jade Quarry, good luck in tier1 this week!

hey guys, quick question.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


pretty sure you just copy and paste the long link into the post (the one in the browser address bar, not the share box), and the forum picks it up automatically, but I could be wrong

hey guys, quick question.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


How do I embed a video directly into the post in this forum here? I’ve seen people linking their youtube video in that way.

Sorry for not posting discussion matters, I had nowhere else to ask.

Venom share thief for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


I shared you the link. Check your inbox

Could one of you fine people kittenponded to this post help me? I would like to learn thief but am overwhelmed with all the videos and combos for bursting. It all seems way out of my league right now. This video however looked like a lot of fun plus he had 22 hp…I generally like my hp to be that high due to my slow reaction time and also fps. Basically, some of you said you have done something similar to this. Can you plz link me the build and gear so I may learn to love me thief? Would be so grateful

Quick question..

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


How do I link a video directly on the forum post here? I see some others being able to put their embeded videos within the post.

New wvw map for expansion?

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


So, we might see the 3rd map.


I’m aware of Tyler’s posts, which if you read them don’t ever promise a 3rd borderlands map. I just wanted to clarify that nowhere in the polls did we say anything about creating a 3rd borderlands map, even though that is stated as a ‘fact’ over and over again on the forums.

Rewarding immediate bonus after flipping

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


How about getting an immediate +1 pip bonus for flipping a keep? We can consider making SMC and Garrison even more special by rewarding another extra 1 or 2 pips when flipped at high tiers. This will encourage players, regardless of their ranks, to engage in with their servers more often.

New wvw map for expansion?

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Are you planning to release a new wvw map at expansion?

Please add button consume all Badges of Honor

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Wait.. consume Badges of honor for what? They are just currency for buying sieges and exotics from the WvW vendors, aren’t they?

Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Man, Crystal Desert is persistent. JQ failed many attempts to take their Garrison and Keep at EBG. CD definitely has the legit numbers to play WvW. Appreciate for putting up a lot of efforts to fight JQ back!

2k WvW rank

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Currently sitting at ~300. With the Celebration Booster, playing 2~3 hours a day, I am gaining 80~90 ranks per week. I mostly follow zergs and enjoy ppting and fighting. So, it shall take 6-8 months to reach 2k. Not bad at all.

I may play extra 2-3 hours during the weekends. How many ranks are ya all gaining?

(edited by Ryudnard.2587)

Thief's new skill: Double Jump

in Thief

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Double Jump: Jump twice in the air briefly evading all melee physical attacks. Consumes 75 endurance.

Motivation for attacking the winning server

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


For the last 30 minutes of each skirmish, double the wxp from killing and capturing points of the leading server.

Cooldown for changing borderland

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Who cares? If they’re just here for outnumbered pip farming they probably wouldn’t be in WvW in the first place, so just let them do it? Not like they are taking up precious space in an outnumbered map…

Say there are 5 to 10 dedicated defenders working hard to turtle in a keep against the enemy zerg. They were getting outmanned buff which they deserve. All the sudden, the pip hunters hop in the map and goes afk. This is actually happening in many servers. I want to see the outmanned buff rewarding those who have been actively participating.

Cooldown for changing borderland

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Players hopping from a map to map looking for outnumbered buffs are creating unhealthy environments for general WvW game-play. Once we join a borderland, we shouldn’t be able to hop into other BLs for at least 5 minutes. This seems reasonable.

[vid] Warrior Roaming

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Hey how did you embed a video in a forum post?

Venom share thief for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


I always wanted to fight in a zerg as a thief. This is my build. Tell me what you think and feel free to leave any suggestions.

Following Jade Quarry Commanders

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Cloud Fly, Riddle, and Shio Ri are in this video.

(edited by Ryudnard.2587)

Healers in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


I am planning to roll with my healing elementalist. But, do we actually get wexp and bags in a zerg fight? I barely do any damage.

WvW is imperfect

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


But I still love killing.

Pips and matchmakings

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Pips are fairly hard to get at the moment. I like this. This is meant to be difficult. The Legendary and Ascended items are not and should not be easy to obtain. All we, pvp junkies in WvW, wanted was having intense battles where there are constantly things to take and kill and dominate. We could care less about the rewards than anyone elses. We just want balance. The rewards are bonus boxes that naturally stack up while we were busy murdering each other.

But, we do need to talk about the current match-makers. Bring back the older match making system where we vsed the same server over and over. Use the current glicko system once a month to add variety and possibilities.

(edited by Ryudnard.2587)

Full celestial hp?

in Thief

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Do thiefs get over 20k vitality with full ascended gears?

37 hours of playing in JQ this week

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Sticked with our zerg groups most of the time. My WvW rank is ~200. By the end of this week, I got Mithril Reward 5 of 6. I spent 5~6 hours a day in WvW.

If you unlocked all the way up to Diamond, you are insane.

Can't WvW with medium armors

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


So I main thief/engineers/rangers.

Man, the majoirty of commanders just kick medium armors. That’s it. I believe Anet did not want to implement hidden tags, for they want everyone to be a part of the game. The medium armors are now getting excluded from WvW.

What is Anet’s stance on this?

(edited by Ryudnard.2587)

Thief in zerg

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Venom share thief is actually amazing. It’s much more useful than I thought…

Queues and seemingly a conflict of interests

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Or create an item called “Badge of PvP junkies” at gem store, allowing instant access to the borderland.

Make Desert BL another EoTM?

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Thoughts about this?

What I dislike about this patch

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587



Anyone keep crashing after the update?

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Yes, this keeps happening to me as well, and only post-update. Client freezes and I have to force close the game.

Yeap exactly. Looks like I can’t play GW2 anymore until this is fixed. I’ve never had any sort of problems running GW2 pre-update.

Anyone keep crashing after the update?

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


I never had this type of issue before.

After entering WvW borderland, I am able to play for like 5 minutes. Everything suddenly freezes and the game crashes.

Character name in multiple languages

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Can you allow players to create their chracters with different languages? GW2 has always been a global world.

Thanks for the update!

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


It’s a huge change. I love you. I am very happy that I can finally give up raiding and come back to WvW.

Now, if I may ask, for how long have you guys been working out on this new update? What was the hardest part as devs? Can we (WvWers) expect to see more, constant updates in our world from the near future?

[Suggestion] Raid Arena Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587



Automated systems do not work for team based content like raids. Heck, they hardly work for PvP.

It takes 1-3 minutes to find a queue in sPvP. I think it is working very well.

[Suggestion] Raid Arena Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


This mode is designed to grant players direct access to raiding from anywhere like that of sPvP.

- Players can queue for each wing by desire.
- A commander will be chosen amongst those who already has a tag.
- If no commanders are present in a sqaud, a random player will be given a commander tag that can be passed around.
- Every squad will be given 5 tries for each boss.
- Players are safe to leave the squad when they sucessfully kill the boss, or after making 5 attempts to kill the boss.
- When players remain offline for more than 5 minutes after joining a squad, they will be prohibited from the queue for the next 24 hours.
- To prevent trolling, it is needed to implment report system where players getting excessive reports will result in a temporary/permanent ban from joining the raid arena.

These are the general ideas. I supppose I can go further, but what you guys think?

If gw2 is dead

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Whats dead is never dead. The game will be remembered legend after 20 years from now.

We will meet again in gw3.

Reset every 24 hours

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


If reset night is where the most fun begins (Queue on every borderland), why not reset every day?

Can you create nude armor skin?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


I’ve been wanting an invisible/bare chest on my characters for a long time.

I just don’t want an invisible chest skin to be added as one of those 1 in a 1,000,000 chance drop rates from the treasure mushroom. I mean, seriously, who has time for that!? And the chances are pathetic.

I wish my engineer, specifically, had a bare chest. I HATE trench coats with a passion. I would rather have nothing, but then I obviously lose my armor stats and benefits from wearing something.

Anet please make an invisible armor set for all classes – but not make it so unbearably difficult to obtain – like the invisible boots from the treasure mushrooms. Perhaps reward tracks that give you a currency for buying account bound invisible armor skins that can’t be sold on the trading post, would be awesome.


Checking LI and KP in raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


I’ve been experimenting for weeks. I’d advertise a raid squad as “EXP Wing x Boss x”, and accepted everyone without checking gears/LI/KP. 90% of the time the group failed to kill the boss even after multiple attempts. So, being picky is needed. People say having 200 LI means nothing, but I disagree. It actually matters.

I imagine things will be much better if there was an in-game voice chat for squads.

EoTM is better than WvW...

in WvW

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


The map is always full. You get plenty of farm and gold. Faster and easier to hop in at any time. Even better fights…


Can you create nude armor skin?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


My medium armor chest looks so dam ugly, I would rather take it off and go nude.

Raid Spectator Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Wasted resources really. If you want to see others play, just check youtube or twitch, which is about as educational.

It feels totally different when you can spectate in-game. It will bring positive effects to the community granting the new players learn the raid without too much hustle.

Raid Spectator Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


There are a lot of good raiding guilds and good players outside of the well known hardcore guilds. Most do not stream or upload their runs to Youtube.
Being able to watch people play and see them do their own thing, with their own varations on the meta would be interesting.
Of course, that wouldn’t really be about helping new players for me. Rathering something for the veterans.

Back to the beginners, all of the content people keep uploading does indeed help new players to understand the bosses. Anyone willing to discover anything about the raid can do so by simply typing “gw2 raid guides” into google. You’ll get everything from Dulfy and Reddit to qT on the front page.
Still, there is something pleasing about an actual ingame feature rather than having to check guides and videos outside of the game. Besides, there are some who outright refuse to inform themselves outside of the game. Whether that type of player should be raiding at all is a different story.
All though, I can certainly see the merit of a mentor system. Many might see themselves sitting down to watch and give advice much more frequently than actively taking part in a training run. Something that is much more time and energy consuming.

^ this.

Raid Spectator Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


When recruiting guild train run, almost always there are more than 10 volunteers. Even for pugs, there are actually so many players that want to join the pratice run, but the squad fills up very fast. Can you create a raid spectator mode? More people will be able to learn by spectating. It would also be cool to watch the pro raider doing speed run.

(edited by Ryudnard.2587)

Adding HoT stats to Celestial

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Anet, would you consider adding one of the HoT stats (Concentration/Expertise) to the Celestial gears? Nobody uses Celestial these days, right?

In game voice chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryudnard.2587


Could you make in game voice chat for squads? This will be very useful when doing anything that involves creating big squads.