(edited by Schtizzel.5497)
Showing Posts For Schtizzel.5497:
Conditions are fundamentally broken since Anet introduced equipment with + Condi Damage and 2 defensive stats. Don’t get me started with condi and boon duration, made the whole game sooo kittened.
They learned their lesson and removed these stats from sPvP. They should do the same thing across the whole game.
It’s just not fun anymore to roam in WvW. More and more people are slowly starting to run Condi Bunker Chronos, Thiefs and Warriors. Especially Condi Mesmer are way too powerfull. Have fun cleansing 10 stacks confu and torment every 5 secs.
Can confirm. Happened to some of my guildies.
After some testing we found out that putting “Character Model Limit” on its lowest setting will trigger this bug.
I agree , for the life of me, I don’t know why they always shows pro esl player builders before the game start?? Like all it does is channel the community to the same build.
Yeah it’s not like creating a build is rocket science here in GW2. Take the best traits/traitlines, runes and sigils, have a look at the current meta and pretty much everybody should be able to come up with a build which is 90% equal to the current meta build.
On the other hand most teams do have players who are streaming and by just asking them you will nearly always get their ESL builds.
In the end meta builds are exactly what they are called, the best builds – meta – in the current patch.
It’s always amazing how some people think here on the forums.
What Anet did change with this patch:
1. calling a friendly target = red (exact same color as before) crosshair
2. calling a target on an enemy = really dark red crosshair
3. the little arrow facing downwards above the character you’re are currently targeting = same color as their team color (red faction = red triangle, green server = green arrow and so on)
The new enemy target marker is way to dark to be easy recognisable. Totally worthless change in my opinion.
@Agemnon: Then you have basicly no toughness while rolling a class with the lowest starting toughness. Some useless precision because your crits will hit like a wet noodle without ferocity. In the end you’re dealing way to less damage while not being tanky enough for all the condi AND direct damage flying around.
@Avador: If you’re a good player nearly every build can work and net a decent winrate. That was never the point. Next time you wanna show me that condi ele is viable because you don’t get kitten d in amber queue or what?
3 sec more invuln is gimmicky at best. necros will just wait in death shroud and then burst you to death, the same with other classes. They have better survivalbility than an ele.
Only cele amulet got ele into a viable state and when you take that away from them, eles will be gone till the next balance patch or pushed into ranked queue-able 1shot gimmicky fresh air builds. They got to the top with it but at the same time it hindered eles from getting good balance patches which would ascend them away from only being viable with 1 amulet.
So a skill which “clearly” scales to much with power/berserker stats is balanced just because it hits like a wet noodle when running something more tankyish.
Nice logic!
Why not change the scaling and buff the standard damage a bit?
Not everybody speaks the same language in EU, so just quit with this bullkitten and move on to better systems trying to fix WvW.
CoR can easily be tweaked so that’s not broken anymore in WvW but can maintain it’s current status in other game modes but yeah it’s just a “l2p issue”.
Make it 900 range, reduce the damage on the last hit, buff short range damage
this is just unacceptable. needs to be fixed asap
The new algorithm might be working when there are no “special events” going on in WvW but as everybody can see in extreme situations it’s just flat out awful.
It doesn’t or not enough factor in if a server which is going to get closed does have a healthy WvW population or not.
It’s just a numbers game where servers become “full” because on the lower ranked ones literally nobody is playing or because the higher server have a pretty even population and get included into the range of too “full” (e.g. highest pop = 100%, every server within the 90% range gets closed) or a combination of both.
It may lead to an even WvW population across all EU server but that doesn’t mean that the top server have a high enough and healthy one or they are just wastelands.
Hopefully Anet will alter their server status algorithm or else when a new WvW season/tournament is starting things will get as worse as it’s now.
(edited by Schtizzel.5497)
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Schtizzel.5497
Hilarious. There are people who have already unlocked elite specs, THE FIRST DAY, and still others are complaining it will take way too long… news flash guys, if people have done it in 16 hours, you can do it in little more than a week by putting in a measly 2 hours a day… Not shocked that people are whining though, it’s as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning.
I have to sacrifice my 2 daily hours i leave myself for gaming for a whole week to get 1 elite spec on 1 character? Sounds nice for a non grindy game like GW2.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Schtizzel.5497
Considering that I’ve been playing this game since launch I would be highly irritated if this new expansion would only be 16 hours worth of content to unlock everything.
Instant gratification is all that matters to some people it seems… You want a big red ‘Click here for everything’ button next to the first waypoint?
Oh, and I have 10 (11 now with the Revenant) level 80 characters, but I’m not complaining.
I’m happy when i meet my goal but you guys only seem to care about how long it took you. “Only 10 hours for doing it. No fun at all!!11!”
My journey starts when i can experiment with the new classes not when i’m done fully unlocking them.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Schtizzel.5497
Sorry but everyone who complains about the “endless grind” and “forcing me to do xy”, please, please think before you post. Have you ever played a MMO before? Do you want everything for free with no efford in it in no time? Do you think the word forcing is appropriate related to experiencing a expension? just WOW
So doing hero points for 30+ hours is fun and challenging for players after the leveled their character from lvl 1 to 80 or what?
And please stop using this stupid argument about “but every mmo did it the same way”-bullkitten.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Schtizzel.5497
So the new content and Specs that Anet has worked on for at least a year can’t be blown through in under 16 hours? You are surprised that an ELITE spec takes a modicum of effort?
It’s entirely logical that they paced progression. People would be complaining that there was nothing to do in a week or two otherwise. which may still happen.
I would like to unlock the elite specs as ell on my 25 80s, but I don’t mind getting some playtime out of the product I paid for while doing so.
So playtime nowadays comes from hiding content behind some meaningless and stupid walls, i get it.
Why should i have fun exploring the new maps with the new classes progressing the story as i move forward when all i ever wanted is grinding the same events over and over again to get a higher mastery tier while chasing after the next hero points to only burn through all the existing pve content?
Want to explore the new classes? You better have done world completion before or have fun chasing after hero points.
Oh i can’t complete all hero points in one go because somebody somewhere thought that grinding 1+ mio exp multiple times adds to the fun of exploring the new content.
But whatever there is also a new story to be experienced. Oh wait i have to grind again, nice.
In the end the mastery and hero point grind will only artificially extend the content comming with HoT. There is nothing progressive about it, it just stops the player every few hours with some magical grind walls so that you can proudly present a higher number of hours necessary to complete everything.
(edited by Schtizzel.5497)
I can only second what Ragnar is saying. The squad ui in its current form isnt very helpfull, introducing more problems than solving them.
Things that need to change:
- seperate the commander tag and being able to open a raid/squad
Sometimes people just need to tag up to show someone their location on the map but opening a raid/squad at the same time is just clunky and not needed. - ability to be a commander/use the commander tag even if you’re in a squad (secondary tags)
It’s nice to assign someone to tag up for all the range classes or to highlight specific players in a guild raid - being able to see the buffs and condis of your subgroup
- prioritising your subsquad member when healing/giving out boons
- subsquad wide target
(edited by Schtizzel.5497)
Which would be exactly the type of elitist behaviour some of us fear squads could cause.
Technically you are also saying that all current commanders arent fit to command. No one is managing squads it at the moment. How nice.
Commanders were leading for 3 years now without the new squad ui and are doing fine, but hey you guys are making a big fuss about an optinal feature.
If you’re not capable of managing groups inbetween than don’t use it.
In the end if you can’t see the boons and condis of your teammates in your subsquad/group it’s worthless.
(edited by Schtizzel.5497)
Yep, personal attacks because your favourite team lost is pretty pathetic.
Never once I said bunker guard will kill anything in 1v1, the point was that three of them could have either stalemate the 1v1 or take it. That’s quite different from saying bunkerguard will kill anything 1v1. Your argument was that they had to be 2v1 against the eles. By this logic Abjured would have to be 2v1 against the bunker guard and the ele resulting in the same rotation issues. For some reason, Abjured were able to deal with it.
Stop pretending burn guards can’t put up a decent fight against a d/d ele. They are even an issue for a necro who can just tranfer, it’s that broken.
You’re the one with pink glasses. You keep saying the only reason why Abjured won was the fact they had two eles, completely ignoring all the mistakes they did. Rom even admitted they played poorly on Temple, for kitten’s sake.
The difference between a cele ele and bunker guard is that the guard hits like a wet noodle and the ele is capable of winning 1vs1 or even 1vs2.
Bunker guards can only bunker, they’re slow as kitten and can’t disengage.
Eles on the other hand are good in every possible team fight situation, they can 1vs1 nearly everything and are beasts at team fights with more than 2 players. On top of that they’re quick enough to rotate constantly.
The key to win a point is to take down the enemy on that specific point in a short manner or else the enemy will rotate. So oRNG is forced to 2vs1 against the two ele and the necro of Abj or else it will take forever or the loose the fight. That’s the opportunity for Abj to rotate an other of their player to this point. Four of their classes can easily sustain for a long time to give them time for an appropriate rotation.
Taking down a bunker guard is so kittening easy for Abj and Nos can pretty easily deal with denshee.
oRNG on the other hand had to outnumber them nearly every fight to get an opportunity to cap a point.
Please take off your pink “eles are not op”-glasses. Not a single other class can tackle outnumbered fights as easy as a cele ele. They are tanky as kitten and have way too much damage.
You can’t win a game if you constantly end up in stale 1vs1s. No terrible team in the world will do nothing when you have stale fights so you’re forced to outnumber them or else get kittening outrotated.
The pirate ship meta imo is a good thing. It makes the game a lot more skillful as frankly it punishes blobs of guardian/warriors pressing all their buttons in a very low skill fashion. The pirate ship meta seems more chaotic and more like a roaming fight, which requires A TON more individual skill than the typical wvw encounter of push in a straight line with our melee blob.
The guy that mentioned stealth was correct. The best fights guild in the game still uses melee, prolly around 40%, but they engage in stealth everytime. Wanna keep playing your warrior? Find a good d/p thief to run with.
Pirate ship more skillful then the previous meta?
Yeah i totally get it. Let’s nerf the counter to CC by letting the things, which should get countered by it, counter their initial counter. It makes totally sense. “Ohh the enemy guards have stab on them to counter my hard CC and move freely but whatever. I don’t care. Just mindlessly spam the kitten out of my hard CC.”
I dont need to look at the buff bars of my opponents anymore because my whole guild just can spam their fairly low cooldown CC when the enemy wants to push me.
Now i can let the opponent take the first move, not doing anything against it except for placing all my fields inside of my guild/blob/pug when they’re inside of us and in the end im gonna win the fight regardless of my incompetence to initiate.
Hopefully this is just a bug and not intended. It’s just not needed and makes thing even more complicated.
Gaile, just add an option to manually type in how many gems you would like to exchange for gold (even buying some odd number like 273 gems should be possible), then the game calculates how much gold this conversion would need and when you have the needed amount the “accept”-button would be useable.
Do the same thing for the gem to gold conversion and you’re good to go. Nobody wants to exchange 724 gems for 500 gold to be left with 76 gems which have no use.
Please, don’t add more increments to buy/exchange gems that wouldn’t solve the problem. People who currently have 73 gems but want to have an even number of gems won’t be pleased if lower increments would be introduced.
Ok, guys. Some of you are unhappy about this change, I can see that. BUT… quite honestly, most of you are sort of (I hate to use the word) ranting (sorry!) instead of offering suggestions.
I assure you, the team leader told me not 15 minutes ago, they will listen to suggestions.
- Does that mean you get everything you want? Probably not.
- Does that mean you should suggest something? Yes, of course! Because they’re expecting player input.
So you want lower increments? Think it through and present a suggestion! You want XYZ in the interface? Post that idea. You would rather see something else? Post what you think about that other thing. Please don’t get into the whole “I’m going to kick the devs and their little dogs, too” because it’s not doing you or us any good at all.
I’m not here to apologize. I’m here to communicate and right now, the communication is coming in without a whole lot of substance. Over to you for suggestions and constructive input!
Put in an option to manually exchange gold for X amount of gems and vice versa
No more putting in X gold to get the amount of gems you want and so it won’t confuse players. I want to exchang my 100 gems for gold, fine, just type it in and when you wanna get gems for your gold, fine, just type in how much gems you want. Profit.
Just do the reversed thingy of what was in place before the halloween patch.
Just type in what amount of gems you want and voila
but no……….
that’s to simple for a solution for Anet
this doesnt make any sense
It would if Anet would let us know. I mean a simple whiff if this is or is never on the cards. Given that DAoC also had 8 player setups.
This doesn’t make any sense.
Because DAoC had 8 man teams GW2 should have it too? Don’t know if serious…
Boons are affecting a maximum of 5 people, so 8 in a group doesn’t make any sense. Maybe 10 or 15 but not 8.
Let’s call the alliance of those who don’t have guild/alliance “The Freelancers”.
My problem with the alliance thing is that it boils down to turning wvw into alliance v alliance – megaguild v megaguild. To an extent that is how wvw rolls at the moment, at least in high tier servers, but it also has the effect of shutting out roamers, newbies, small and/or unconventional guilds, etc. As someone who’s been on the recieving end of guild drama, I’m also not keen on the idea of such a huge part of the game potentially being dictated by the whims of guild and megaguild politics – a difference of opinion between a couple of people that ultimately resulted in an alliance kick could result in tens of people suddenly unable to play a core part of the game through no fault of their own.
This needs to be addressed as well.
What about new people who don’t have a guild/alliance or the people only having a small roaming guild or guilds that don’t care about on which server they are but just wanna look for good fights?
How can we incorporate them?
(edited by Schtizzel.5497)
Is this something that should be programmed in to match ups?
Part of managing an alliance would be recruiting the types of players you need which would include when they could play. Would it be fair to say this is part of a valid strategy to win? If you can spread your members around the clock instead of stacking them in prime time to help you get the points, why would that be wrong?
Also if having more off peak players results in net higher scores over time and if match ups take population and score into account, isn’t this already factored into match ups “in advance”?
It’s a valid tactic but the fact that you have to have a night crew to win a higher tier matchup, is what I a wanna address.
Your prime time can be the best of the best but then there are some server/alliance that just have a good and staple night crew (hasn’t to be 100 people but only 20-30 people every night can make a hugh different) and you can’t beat them. Playing at night when your opponent is sleeping has so many advantages: you can take down T3 keeps in matter of minutes, can upgrade everything and you can generate alot of points.
Somebody who is playing every night for 2h can have a much bigger influence then someone playing only in the evening. Dodging every fight and playing only when your opponent is sleeping that’s not what i want WvW to be.
Of course night capping is and always will be a valid tactic but the fact that 6h of a day can pretty much neglect the work during the other 18h is what needs to be addressed.
Creating an even playing ground and valuing different times when someone is playing the same should be the target not forcing alliances to have a night crew to even compete in a higher tier after all.
(edited by Schtizzel.5497)
My first question, will there be a possibility that you can inform alliances across multiple server or do you have to stick to your home server and form an alliance only with people from said server?
And then I can’t really grasp how an alliance system would help tackling night capping or off hour imbalances.
Matching Alliances against each other will definitively help balancing the over all population of a WvW Matchup but how can you ensure that a specific Alliance won’t bring in more people willingly to play at off peak hours.
How can you measure that in advance and how can you incorporate a way that tackles a fluctation of off peak players in an alliance between two matchups?
From my point of view this is pretty much not doable.
Moving on from server based matchups to alliance based matchups is a good step in the right direction to ensure pretty balanced matchups from the point of total population.
But there must be a second mechanic which ensures that you don’t have to play against an alliance with way more off peak players or which diminish the result of a better off peak population.
I can only suggest adding a dynamic way of points per tick that considers the current amount of players on 1 side in a specific borderlands/across all 4 maps. So that the side/alliance who’s currently “PvDing” will get less points per tick.
Conclusion: alliance system will tackle the overall population imbalance but can’t ensure that one side wont have a bigger impact on the outcome of a matchup by having a larger off peak player base. So we need a second system preventing off peak imbalance.
Merging servers and lower the map cap won’t tackle the problem at all.
When 20 people can change the situation in 1 night by simply running against T3 Keeps, you have to change the way the PPT are distributed.
Maybe installing a dynamic map cap would help that your 20 people don’t have to fight against 80. But don’t lower the current cap, it’s pretty good.
Like Dayra already stated a dynamic way of points per tick might work well. Just scale the tick according to the ratio of players on each map or based on player on all 4 maps. Don’t let it scale down too far, something like a cap at 50% of the actual tick would be enough. The best thing about this solution is that you can adjust it on the fly.
A next possibility is introducing a monthly system which distributes free transfers to the most underpopulated servers. So you can control the flow of players a bit better.
No I’m not feeling it.
Nothing special about the tournament except that people are playing a lot more at night…
Link to the original Reddit post
Tulki @RedditI was curious how this worked, so I tested it out. And well… I’m not sure what they were smoking. As some of you know, how it used to be was you would gain some base stats every level. Now, you gain a huge chunk of base stats every few levels. It turns out this approach screwed up the difficulty curve for new players for a couple of reasons.
1) Base stats are now subject to downscaling. Before, if you were a level 40 player in a level 20 zone, you would have L20 base stats plus your scaled gear and trait stats. Now, all of your stats are lumped together and downscaled, and the result is almost always that you’ll have lower stats than before because you don’t gain base stats every level.
2) That plus the fact that you gain base stats irregularly causes the difficulty curve to shift violently as you level up. Example test case:
I was level 21 in a level 17 zone. All of the mobs were overly difficult despite me having level-appropriate gear and a lucky power amulet drop. I hit level 22 which is a stat bonus level, and gained +40 to all stats (which turned out to be ~35 points when downscaled). Immediately after gaining this level I started absolutely wrecking everything in sight. At level 21, I fought a champion and it destroyed me. At level 22, I destroyed the champion.
I then levelled to 23 (same zone), and I lost 8 points from all of my stats. I then levelled to 24 (same zone), and lost 8 more points. Now the difficulty was significantly higher. I levelled to 25, and almost the entire bonus I had gained before was now negated.
The point is, players who are levelling now reach absurd power plateaus on levels where they gain stat spikes. And then as they level up, difficulty rises dramatically until the next stat spike arrives to alleviate it. It makes little sense, and I have no clue why Arena Net decided this was a good idea.
Tried it myself and it’s really annoying that content gets really difficult the further you level after a big stat gain.
Even the Living Story gets more content than WvW in a “Feature Patch”. Last year we got a whole mastery in a simple living story update, now they are selling it on a extra patch.
If this and the new commander colors are the only wvw changes then i am really really disappointed. I bet that the other 2 weeks will reveal more changes for PvE than we will get for sPvP and WvW ;P
I tried altering known chat codes for the new food and i think i found all codes for all foods. Whould be nice if someone could double check it.
(edited by Schtizzel.5497)
well, it kind of is, every programming language we use is a tool created by a programmer to automate or make it easier for a user to create outputs. But the question really is, does it matter?
A programmer will use them languages to create a program. For example, Microsoft creating Windows.
If the user uses that program to make a change in the code, that doesn’t necessarily make them a programmer. For example, changing the colour scheme of the desktop.
The person has changed the code, but it in no way makes them a programmer.
Going back to the previous example, the programmer makes the program for the user to use in order to create and edit the number component of skills.
The user enters the details of the skill (Name, description, range, coefficients, activation time, channel duration ect) and clicks a button that creates that component of the skill.
However, they didn’t actually do any programming in the sense of writing a program, or coding the skill. The program they used did all of that for them, and therein lies the difference.
Now, if Mudborne was talking about programming in the sense of altering how the skill works i.e programming it’s attributes, they’d be right.
However, they specifically mentioned about altering the code. Using a tool such as that to alter the code, when the person doesn’t have any interaction with the actual code itself, is not programming.
In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter on our end. At the same time, they made a comment about how they don’t think the programmers are qualified in a discussion about balance, without fully understanding how the balance teams go about balancing and altering skills. If you don’t need any programming knowledge to do that job, it kind of makes his comment wrong.
So you wanna say that for example editing my own website with the help of a wysiwyg html editor (because I lack knowledge of an actual programming language) isnt actually programming?
I’m glad someone else realizes the reality of WvW being about fights means the end of guilds and eventually their servers as it stands now. It has happened before and it will happen again. When a server or guild says they are out there for fights, they will crash and burn. Guilds that concentrate too heavily on GvG eventually died out and a new king is crown because there’s really nobody left to fight. Your guild can be the top but the cheapest guild can be #1 once the top guilds falls apart and wither away due to boredom or lack of a true GvG place for them like in GW1 to keep it competitive.
In order for WvW to survive, they will need to really split the GvG out from WvW and seriously look into server consolidations. Megaservers already here whether we like it or not, it’s time to eliminate some of the servers and provide a healthy population for all. Increasing the loot to bring in more casuals and PVE population. WvW should be a place for all and if you build it correctly, they will come. So far, it’s not good enough for PVE populations (loot still lacking) and it’s not good enough for the hardcore PVP’ers (not enough fights).
Good guilds are leaving GW2 because of PPT and huge mega guilds focusing solely on gaining the best points, stacking together to zerg down everything.
Or to put it that way, kodash running from all of equal fights only to come again outnumbering them 2:1.
Or because you’re killing more sentries, dolyaks or capturing supply depots then all the others.
Or maybe because you’re playing your version of “small scale”. Always fighting 1vs3 or even 1vs5.
Dont get me wrong, you have some amazing small scalers and many more than RS or BB but the majority is playing like in big scale, always outnumbering the enemy. Doesnt matter if you wanna call it small scale or superior to “zerging”, “big scale” but there were many situation in which i found me playing against 3 kodash guys all using some cheap builds, when i roamed in the past few days.
And Kodash wouldn’t get so many points from “small scale” if all players in WvW would have some basic knowledge about their class, sadly.
And not to forget your morning and afternoon crew or BB that are just capturing the things from RS when we barely can play on 1 borderland.
I personally find this matchup boring except for the much more present small scale fights. Everybody running around in blobs or babysitting their comrades guild/zergs (and yes i mean you PAIN) or PvDing the **** out of each other.
(edited by Schtizzel.5497)
Why does everybody think the “Mega-Server” thingy will change the core system of WvW? After April, the 15th, your home server will only truly matter for WvW. Why would the change the system in the Season and when we have an alternative map for WvWing when a matchup is blown out?
The Megaserver is only needed for empty PvE-Maps nothing more.
Shutting down WvW forever or even better Anet employee are pretending that they care about WvW at all…
“Finally, we have also made some changes to the way we determine which world you belong to for your tournament rewards. Instead of being associated with the first world you log in on during the tournament we are tracking various activities in WvW to more closely align your rewards with the world you played on.”
explain this to me. no more servers?
As far as I understand, you can’t switch server in week 1 of the saison and then transfer back to your old server/some other to get the rewards for the server you first logged in into the saison.
So when your playing the whole saison on 1 sever and just transfered at the start of the saison (to get better rewards based on the better performance of this server) to a “better” server, you will get the rewards based on the ranking of the server you played the most on…
Better rewards are always welcome. Hopefully every server will get at least one ticket and not just the top 3.
(edited by Schtizzel.5497)
Most serious sPvP-Player agree, that sPvP is in a horrible state right now. Just face rofl over every key on your keyboard and you will win fights…
I would even go so far as to say that sPvP nowadays only requires a little bit more “skill” than running in a “WvW-Zerg”.
No offense to anyone individually, but for me personally this was the worst matchup to have fun roaming for weeks and months. It was probably just bad luck, but I haven`t seen a single roamer from Riverside (except an charr engi [LLS] or something) or Vizunah that was not running some phantasm mesm variant or warrior (so fun… and skillful, too!).
On some days I was lucky when I met roamers at all. Yeah, and when I finally found someone willing to put up a fight, within seconds a wild bunch of pve rangers in berserker mode on their way to the next zerg would show up, blindly spamming 1 onto anything that is red.
The sad thing is, I am already solo roaming mostly in the very early morning hours (because thats usually the only time I find quality roaming action in gold league without getting chased down by the next best angry zerg), but this week, just impossible – it`s either go bl`s and meet nobody… or go EB and face one supersize Vizu blob and a medium sized Riverside one. Roamers? No…
God, I hate gold league so much.
Maybe it is due to the fact that Kodash roamer are only using the most “OP” 1vs1 builds ever made from perma stealth thieves through to healing signet warriors or shatter mesmer. I personally haven’t seen 1 single roamer the whole week who hasn’t used one of these builds and I roamed nearly everyday in the early mornings.
It’s not really fun to play against these players when you know that the build is carrying them.
Only quoting the first 2 sentences on Wikipedia… Kids these days facepalm
You have to look at the examples listed, and then you will know that the term “metagame” or “metagaming” is used correctly in GW2.
Using some 3rd party information, like move A counters move B; or using some builds, strategies, whatever that will counter a large part of your opponent build, strategie. All of this can be referred to “metagame”, “metagaming”.
UrbandictionaryThe highest level of strategy in many complex games, metagame refers to any aspect of strategy that involves thinking about what your opponent is thinking you are thinking.
Metagame comes into play in any game where no single strategy is dominant and opposing sides are aware of multiple strategies that can succeed dependent upon opponents’ actions. In order to perform at the highest level, it then becomes necessary to think about what your opponent thinks you will do (which may depend on what he thinks you think he thinks he will do, etc.) and to make decisions based on clues regarding what level they are thinking on.
This term is most commonly used to refer to poker and other complex card games, but is increasingly being used in relation to video games with complicated player vs player elements and even traditional sports.
Team Liquid WikiThe term metagame literally means ‘beyond the game’ and refers to any planning, preparation, or maneuvering that a player does outside of actual gameplay to gain an advantage. The metagame has three major branches, which contain some overlap:
- Preparation done before a match to exploit current trends in StarCraft.
- Preparation done specifically to exploit an opponent’s or map’s style of play.
- Strategic decisions designed specifically to exploit a player’s reaction or weakened mental state in the future. These are also known as ‘mind games’ or ‘psychological warfare’.
VU biggest blob guild of riverside. I feel sad that i see guild thats capable of running by themselves but no, all i see is 80 man blob. I really havent seen any “equal” fights during prime time this week. Hope we dont meet up in future <3.
I’m from VU and yes yesterday we were running around in a huge blob, but only because we had to lead the randoms on our homeland.
I can tell you that we were and always be running around on our own if we have a commander on the map which will take care of the randoms.
Sunday after our training we were running around as a guild on SFR borderland against big blobs both from Vizu and SFR; on monday we were running around solo on EB with just 15 people (our GvG setup), capped SM like 3 times on our own and roamed deep into enemy territory.
And the same we will do every monday, tuesday, wednesday, Thursday and sunday.
The Sunless Doombringers [TSD] are active, aiming to hunt the dragons with-or-without the help of their mother guild, Tequatl Killer Squad!
The guild will be organized in the same way as TKS, and you can whisper me ingame to get invited.
Sign me in!
Im a dedicated WvW player and I’ve got an Warrioir, Guardian, Ele, Engi, Necro fully exotic geared.
Instead of turning down all the particle effects of range and melee attacks, they made all symbols and AoE into the same texture so that you can’t tell the difference between them.
GG Anet…
Another half baked patch which just made the whole thing 10x more worse than it was before. Even with the “Effect LOD” option turned on there is still the same big whirl of melee and range attacks with crazy particles but now you can’t differ whether it’s a heal of fire field.
Hopefully you will work on this aspect. Tune down ALL particle effects of all attacks (melee and range) and leave the field where they are now. Nobody cares if the Guardian Whirling Wrath shoots these “lasers” or not but knowing which fields are there laying on the ground is crucial, especially in WvWvW.
What a boring matchup. Vizu is always running away, such a pain to fight against.
And i forgot: blob, blob, blob, blob, blobidi, blob
(edited by Schtizzel.5497)
Ok, next time when I’m running around in a zerg and not doing a guild raid, i will stream the whole session and then you can see how much we are really hiding behind our keeps, blobbing or doing something else “boring”….
And I can use my “WvW”-guild too: Complaining about blobbing but doing the same
Don’t complain about our blobs and at the same time using like 20 AC and 40 guys for defending the Hills on Drakkar Lake-Borderland…
(edited by Schtizzel.5497)
@all the haters:
As a reaction to the big piken blob, we cooperated with LLS+Zornig so we could stand a chance against you. Nothing more, nothing less…