Showing Posts For Scout.2781:
You realize they had just as big of an outcry in China when they forced the same copy paste system over there.
This stuff is here to stay.
then we’ll just have to make more noise now won’t we?
I forgot to say I’m posting every single thread that calls for this patch to revert
(you made a 6 year old cry in this one)
I’ll be honest…. I want to give the discreet, constructive criticism that you can work off of, but thats just not possible now.
This ‘patch’ is really a mortal wound that will kill this game. The level gating system is broken, the forums are exploding with negative comments in the wake of this update, tumblr and youtube have been bombarded with videos criticizing this patch, and soon enough other media will be all over this mess too.
You guys destroyed the late storyline, made the leveling and tutorial system so overly simplified a monkey would be frustrated with how slow the pace is, you obliterated the usefulness of commander tags because now everyone is using a different colored tag on every map and there is no order in any of it, and its just unbearable.
I don’t want to stop playing this game, but you need to do what need to be done and put the sept. 9 patch six feet under.
If you need other reasons I will be complying a list of links to my sources and proof that this patch is going to be a deathblow to gw2.
The worst part is they gave no reason for this change and it was a super sketchy design choice. One of my characters is doing the apaita mission but others say they can’t get to it now, while others are saying that the krait orb shows up in the cleansing of orr chapter which is now before you even get the orb in the now inaccessible greatest fear chapter.
It’s all one big cluster chunk, please change it back.
(also the thread title should be changed to something that makes the topic a bit more clear so anet sees it)
(edited by Scout.2781)
I personally want to see two things added to cooking in gw2; marshmallows and carolina reaper peppers.
the marshmallow could be a consumable ingredient that is used to make smores when combined with chocolate and graham crackers.
the carolina reaper (which I think should be renamed the Maguuma reaper pepper in game) would just be plain funny since it’s the hottest pepper in the world, and you could make it so that any recipe that uses it causes the player to randomly breathe fire.
The one thing that has always annoyed me about being down is that your friends start healing you, but then as soon as they start taking damage, they dodge back and leave you until they either comeback and help or you’re left to die.
Why not let the downed player crawl? It would make things much more different in that using a finisher would be more important, and it would give those who try to get a rally but don’t get credit for the kill another option.
the only issue I see is that moving may distrubt the finisher, but the obvious solution is to make it so that once a finisher starts, it immobilizes the down player.
im very skepitical of the idea of a mega server. My server is very tight (BP) and we have a sorta system to how things go in a loose manner. We every have a few puesdo celebrities who are known for doing certain events, like the TTS and the temple runners Sarah So Pringles and Sawnec and such.
I honestly don’t want to see this system happen, I understand the goal but the means is a bit drastic and unpredictable as far as how split up the servers will get outside wvw, not to mention server pride and the like.
The other thing is overflows where only really used on update days and the first few days after for LS and the nights that big world bosses are challenged. I also think people will somehow find a way to exploit the absence of overflow.
that said, i say it wont end well, so no dont do it
Dueling is just one aspect of what’s wrong with GW2 pvp. Conflict in GW2 doesn’t go beyond limited areas (SPvP & WvW).
Their design philosophy, is basically: everyone holds hands, in a cooperative environment, against PvE.
This is why there isn’t any factions. In WoW, you have Horde vs. Alliance. In Rift, you have Defiance vs. Guardians. In Swtor, Empire vs. Republic, etc.. the list goes on.
In my opinion, this was a very bad decision. Imagine a faction-based environment in GW2, where the Vigil, Priory, Whispers were at war. It doesn’t necessarily have to be these orders either, as they could’ve used old GW1 lore for Shining Blade and White Mantle. The possibilities are enormous here.
Instead, we get a watered down PvP environment in WvW, where faceless enemies represent a server, instead of a faction. How lame is that? And SPvP doesn’t excite either, because it just represents Blue vs. Red colors, instead of factions.
I beg to differ on the WvW, I’ve been in one too many attacks were some one shouts “for the pass”, and the servers are the factions themselves, even if there is no lore behind it
towns was just the first thing that came to mind, but I do agree, they should happen anywhere and everywhere
I know that you could just 1v1 someone in an empty pvp arena, but that is besides the point. I want to see dueling added sooner rather then later, and there are several reasons why:
1. Cities need some chaos
let’s face it, in the real world, **** goes down in the city, (especially where I live,) and GW2 should be no exception. LA is a city full of brigands and pirates, but do we see people in drunk brawls? no. Do we pick a fight with that one guy who won’t stop bothering us? no. Do crowds form in a circle around a pair of players going at it? not if they can’t fight in the first place. We can’t just have a place ran by pirates be a utopia, it’s unrealistic.
2. The decision maker
Do you know how often the officers in guild debate who will roll for guild challenges? I say we have them fight to the death, loser has to roll. but that is just one scenario. I feel like having something like that would settle actual arguements and decisions alike.
3. That one guy
yes him. we all have that one guy we want to 1v1 while guildmates and bystanders alike watch it go down. I have one, and I tell him every time, when dueling comes out, he’s first
World bosses have become a stable for GW2, but it can sometimes lack variety. I think that an aquatic world boss would be amazing, the underwater combat system would get much more use, the increased movement from the 3d plane would allow for new strategies and new more creative environmental weapons and boss attacks, and the concept of an aquatic boss would take the idea of finding a safe spot and stacking there and put it on it’s head.
Not to mention “Bubbles” has to come out to play sooner or later, so why not get some people craving large scale aquatic fights now?
ok this is REALLY starting to urk me, I’m logged out every 1-5 mins and returned to the character select. It can’t be me, because I have defraged my computer, troubleshooted for viruses and connectivity issues, deleted old files, turned off my firewall and antivirus, and have a fast stable connection
this started at the beginning of the week, and it has been driving me nuts, so if Anet could please look into this, you would save my sanity and what little patience I have left for this , and I know I’m not the only one with this problem, so please just fix it
This is something that has bothered me for quite some time, and maybe it’s just my server (Borlis Pass), but EVERYONE has given up on tequatl.
I understand that the intention was to create a challenging boss that would be more involved and harder to kill, but after hundreds of attempts during the Tequatl rising patch, people simply gave up and left for other bosses.
This is very annoying to me, not only because I enjoyed the mass particapation in the event (despite repeated failure), but also because I see others who want to fight, but they are simply just two or three players charging in to fight a hopeless battle that is in fact possible.
The last thing that concerns me is, and correct me if I’m wrong, but this is only the first boss to get such a patch, and their are plans for others to get similar updates. What is the point of making bosses more difficult if no one is willing to try? the only people who do try anymore are in a single guild, and that just doesn’t seem right. This event was suppose to get everyone to work together, not just a single guild.
Now, I’m not exaclty asking for a nerf, I just would like if someone, whether player or dev, did something to change this.
Add something to give the players a slight edge, give it a weakness or supply equipment like how the Claw has charrzookas and flamethrowers.
If nothing else, just give it a slight nerf, not a big one, just enough to restore players confidence in the fight. I really hate to see such great content go to waste because of this.
This is a screen taken last night, if this isn’t proof that there is a problem, I don’t know what is.
1 UP
it’s original (to an extent, but isn’t everything), it’s a fun way to play with friends in a environment were EVERYONE starts with the same advantages and disadvantages, the skins are awesome, and it’s a great tribute to the roots of the RPG and classic gaming
While this issue is highly visible, it doesn’t have as high of a priority as some of the other bugs we’re currently working on and is also looking like it will require programmer time to fix, so we don’t have an ETA on a fix yet. Thank you for your patience!
Ok, thanks for the answer.
Although it discourages me to keep playing my personal story, simply because I’m tired to see bald characters here and there. It’s not only Zojja: All the characters that were supposed to show helmet during cutscenes are missing it!
It may not be gamebreaking per se, but it’s truly ruining some of our experiences.
seriously though, this needs to be fixed soon. I just wont let myself play my asuras’ ps until this is solved (i have 3 of them). I haven’t been on in forever and it’s only because this one glaring issue is gnawing at my mind everytime i think about playing. If anything, at least give us an actual ETA.
my gem store item suggestions
Because it really isn’t that simple. Do you go up to your former friend and ask “hey, sorry about (insert tragic event), but I need $50 to go buy some stuff.”? probably not. emotional wounds take time to heal, and EOD (the book) shows just how much they trusted each other, and you know what they say: the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
first, let me start by saying this is not a complaint or something. I love GW2, but these are just some suggestions for the Gem store that I think people would like. This topic is meant to catch Anets attention, but i strongly encourage others to post what they would like to see.
1. Alchemical makeover kit:
It is pretty much the exact same thing as the makeover credits system in GW1, Only it is a consumable that can be used anywhere.
Whether or not there are different kinds, such as extreme or normal, doesn’t matter to me, but I like the concept of being it could change my characters appearance without having to make a new character.
2. hip-hop dancer outfit:
this would work similar to the cook and pirate outfits. You can make it however you want, but this is what I would use for the outfit:
Feet: sneakers, or some kind of modern shoe.
legs: denim jeans, maybe with a loose belt at the top.
Hands: (I couldn’t think of anything for this, but if you want, put something here.)
torso: hoodie, probably with the GW2 logo on it.
Head: some kind of fancy baseball hat, and it could be forwards or backwards.
Toy: a boombox. The skills you get when using it would probably be dance moves, like the moonwalk, breakdancing (similar to the Ranger in GW1), and whatever else you could think of.
Preferably, you would be able to change the color of the outfit pieces with dyes you have, but I don’t know if you can already do that for other outfits.
3. Extra crafting material storage:
these would add new panels to a crafting material storage that would allow you to store materials above ‘fine’ without taking up normal bank space.
4. Santa Claus hat/outfit:
just from the idea out there, and it would probably be cool if you could only buy it during the holiday season (you could do this with other holiday outfits too).
5. Zhaitan mini:
this is more just a general idea than a gem store item, but I like the idea of having an Elder Dragon following you around.
These are just a few ideas I like see on the gem store, but I’m sure there’s more out there.
Anyone who wants to suggest an item can do so here, but please be reasonable with what you suggest, and explain your general idea similarly to the way I explained my ideas.
(edited by Scout.2781)