- When I click on “shadow weapon sets return… – Learn more” in the “Upgrades” Mega-Menu, it just opens the Upgrades Tab. So maybe there is a dead link here?
- it is still super weird, that even when you click on a single item in the Mega Menu, from anywhere, it does not show the single view of that item, instead it scrolls down to the position in the list. I get that there are items that might not really benefit from a single view, but consistency is key when it comes to UI that is heavily used.
- There is a “Gold Exchange” Submenu Item in the “Utility” Mega Menu. Is there really any reason for that, if you have a dedicated Gold Exchange Tab in the Black Lion Trading Root Menu? Why move it there, when there is even another Gold/Gem related Area on the left top where the prominent C2A “Buy Gems” is? This feels really unneeded?
- The Mega Menu seems to have a fixed height, besides for the “History” Tab, where it has a scrollbar. It would be visually more appealing, if the height of that container would be dynamic, so that the paddings of that box are consistent on all edges.
- You might be aware of this, but your menu-item Label (text below the icon) renders very chunky when its set to bold on an active tab. This leads to the text mostly just being smaller than the inactive tabs. This is rather weird because you use the same style on the Trading Post and there the ChronosPro renders just fine. Are you using an image on the new UI? Interestingly enough, if you hover the filter-tags on the Trading post, they also have this rendering issue!
- The Search/Filter Tags: You already have a pattern for this Interaction on the trading post UI and it is much nicer and on brand than your new one. Why are you promoting this new unpolished style with the plain solid borders?
- The Transition duration on most of your hover effects is inconsistent with the rest of your animations! This is super odd, because it used to not be that way. Right now, it even feels like they have a little input delay, because the animation starts a bit too late.
- because you decided to go with a Mega Menu, you cluttered the interface but with the benefit of adding more navigational capabilities for the users to it. But, the Mega Menu Container would really profit from a dropshadow. Or, because it is very trendy right now, blacken out the main-container while the mega-menu is visible.
- For some reason, there are margins and paddings on containers that really have no reason to exist there. The Call2Action “Buy Gems” looks really out of place with the Gem-Counter next to it, because it has like a 5px margin and because the “Redeem Code” Text creates more spacing. It looks squished into the top, because the whitespace created by that text is bigger on the bottom than it is on the top.
All in all, I think your UI-Design is rather unpolished nowadays – not to throw any shade at someone, but you used to have a very good UI-Designer, that produced very, very nice interfaces. Did she leave the company?
I realize that sounds very negative – don’t get me wrong, I think the improvements add a lot of value and will probably increase conversion a little bit. But I am seeing all those little unattended Details that I actually know this company to not oversee, so I wonder what is going on there :/