Showing Posts For SemmlerTh.2685:

Feedback: Improvements to the Gem Store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


  • When I click on “shadow weapon sets return… – Learn more” in the “Upgrades” Mega-Menu, it just opens the Upgrades Tab. So maybe there is a dead link here?
  • it is still super weird, that even when you click on a single item in the Mega Menu, from anywhere, it does not show the single view of that item, instead it scrolls down to the position in the list. I get that there are items that might not really benefit from a single view, but consistency is key when it comes to UI that is heavily used.
  • There is a “Gold Exchange” Submenu Item in the “Utility” Mega Menu. Is there really any reason for that, if you have a dedicated Gold Exchange Tab in the Black Lion Trading Root Menu? Why move it there, when there is even another Gold/Gem related Area on the left top where the prominent C2A “Buy Gems” is? This feels really unneeded?
  • The Mega Menu seems to have a fixed height, besides for the “History” Tab, where it has a scrollbar. It would be visually more appealing, if the height of that container would be dynamic, so that the paddings of that box are consistent on all edges.
  • You might be aware of this, but your menu-item Label (text below the icon) renders very chunky when its set to bold on an active tab. This leads to the text mostly just being smaller than the inactive tabs. This is rather weird because you use the same style on the Trading Post and there the ChronosPro renders just fine. Are you using an image on the new UI? Interestingly enough, if you hover the filter-tags on the Trading post, they also have this rendering issue!
  • The Search/Filter Tags: You already have a pattern for this Interaction on the trading post UI and it is much nicer and on brand than your new one. Why are you promoting this new unpolished style with the plain solid borders?
  • The Transition duration on most of your hover effects is inconsistent with the rest of your animations! This is super odd, because it used to not be that way. Right now, it even feels like they have a little input delay, because the animation starts a bit too late.
  • because you decided to go with a Mega Menu, you cluttered the interface but with the benefit of adding more navigational capabilities for the users to it. But, the Mega Menu Container would really profit from a dropshadow. Or, because it is very trendy right now, blacken out the main-container while the mega-menu is visible.
  • For some reason, there are margins and paddings on containers that really have no reason to exist there. The Call2Action “Buy Gems” looks really out of place with the Gem-Counter next to it, because it has like a 5px margin and because the “Redeem Code” Text creates more spacing. It looks squished into the top, because the whitespace created by that text is bigger on the bottom than it is on the top.

All in all, I think your UI-Design is rather unpolished nowadays – not to throw any shade at someone, but you used to have a very good UI-Designer, that produced very, very nice interfaces. Did she leave the company?

I realize that sounds very negative – don’t get me wrong, I think the improvements add a lot of value and will probably increase conversion a little bit. But I am seeing all those little unattended Details that I actually know this company to not oversee, so I wonder what is going on there :/

No Loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


me and my guild are having the same issue.

No idea why this isnt addressed anywhere.

I just opened a ticket after we killed Vale Guardian Twice and there was no chest.

I feel you

Maybe its not happening that often?

No Loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


Since yesterday, killing bosses in raids seems to reward rng loot. We killed Gorseval twice yesterday, twice today and we are not getting any loot at all.

Why is this not being addressed at all?

Legendary precursor journey is a joke....[Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


People don’t seem to understand the concept. The Precursor crafting is not a cheap way to get your precursor, it’s a non-rng way to get it.

So is the trading post.
It’s a cheap*er* way, and what’smore, requires no time investment.

That’s the thing. People want it to be quick and almost effortless, which is why they basically have to buy most of their stuff from the TP. It was the same thing with mawdrey. People complained, that it took about 200g to craft it (back when foxfire clusters where expensive af). I had to level all crafting professions, and make all the stuff for mawdrey – and I still made 180g PROFIT, because I didn’t buy anything from the tp, at all. Not even for my crafting leveling. It took me about 2 months.

The precursor subject will always be a reason for people to cry. Before HoT people wanted a safe way to progressively work towards your precursor – a non-rng way to get it; something else then saving all your rares and throwing them into the toilet. Now they have, it they complain that it is expensive. Guess what they asked for, wasn’t they actually wanted all along?

They want legendaries to be something that you can acquire relatively quickly. That will never happen, and that’s ok

Legendary precursor journey is a joke....[Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


People don’t seem to understand the concept. The Precursor crafting is not a cheap way to get your precursor, it’s a non-rng way to get it.

Player [EU] looking for Guild on [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


I’m a european player on Tarnished Coast NA and I am looking for a guild that plays on EU Timezones to do raids with. My main guild raids on sundays on 4am, so I need an alternative.

I’m friendly, working on ascended knights gear and I main a Dragonhunter; I can also provide a Chronomancer and a Reaper (in progress).

(edited by SemmlerTh.2685)

Pointless to even play this now...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


I came to QQ here, because I just invested a lot of time in the Dragons Stand in hope of good EP, turns out if you crash in the final cutscene of the boss, you are unable to get back in.

Please, fix this… It can’t be, that people get punished for committing.

Need help - Auric Basin: A Study In Gold

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


It also doesn’t work with lean techniques. And The logout method is not working anymore.

Bloodstone dust disappearing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


So I have, as many, several stacks of bloodstone dust in my bank, as well as in my account vault. I just realized, that all of it is gone as of today.

Appearantly I am not the only one who observed that. What am I supposed to do? Is it an actual bug?

You sure you didn’t use it in crafting or refining? I believe there are more recipes out that use bloodstone dust as an ingredient (and not the bricks), e.g. Ley-Line Infused Tool.

oh wow I am an Idiot – I did make Ley-Line Infused Tools. I didn’t even think about that, thank you very much

Bloodstone dust disappearing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


So I have, as many, several stacks of bloodstone dust in my bank, as well as in my account vault. I just realized, that all of it is gone as of today.

Appearantly I am not the only one who observed that. What am I supposed to do? Is it an actual bug?

"The any News about DirectX 11 Thread" - 2015

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


Now i think (im not pro) that OpenGL is much more complex than DirectX. Second thing is that many people have Windows OS…..

OpenGL doesn’t exclude Windows, it includes it. It also includes OS X and Linux, which DirectX excludes. If you want to hit all three while keeping the development process roughly the same, OpenGL is the logical choice. OS X and Linux have a lower market share, but there’s a good proportion of gamers dual booting Windows and Linux with the intention of switching over fully IF their games worked well on Linux. Valve is spearheading that movement currently by rapidly porting games over to Linux/OS X.

I don’t think it’s an issue of complexity. The key difference between the two is that one gets paid support from Microsoft, while the other is community-supported (with many large software companies supporting its development). Functionally, OpenGL Next is the same as DirectX 12 (for the end user).

GW2 uses DirectX 9.0 to support extremely low end systems. Problem is, DirectX 10+ has been fully supported for even the lowest of the low end hardware for several years now.

says it all imho.

I've redesigned the UI & the official website

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


Fellow UX & Front End Designer here. First: Amazing Job! Second, that is an amazing Interface, but it does not feel like gw2 at all.

I think, you incorporated some of your own visions for the brand. While I think this is totally fine, I also think that you transformed the brand into something that feels silent and restrained, into something bold and loud. I personally don’t like that.
The branding itself provides enough space for the player to bring their own vision and emotions into the game and to reflect a lot of their own experiences onto this blank space.

I don’t wanna write too much stuff here about the design, because I don’t want you to think of me as condescending. I think you did an amazing job, but I don’t think that it feels like GW2 at all – especially the website, because it is to chaotic. The Color Palette is very restrictive, even though the general design doesn’t seem to be too restrictive about that. You could easily replace the greyish-green with something else or make it white.

But for the Hero Panel, I think you did very well. I don’t generally agree with grouping the accessories with the armor & weapon equipment – but I see what you are intending and it is totally legit to take that route. Putting frequently used actions onto the first screen seems like a good idea, but it actually splits up familiar actions.

Old: Managing Guilds > Guild Panel [G]
New: Managing Guilds > Hero Panel [G]

That is the same for titles. Titles are acquired by completing achievements, found in the Hero Panel / Achievements. Showing the Title in the Character Panel is very convenient, but it also forces the user to discover the other panels, that he’ll need, on another route. That is an additional learning curve. You generally should try to avoid that. The same goes for the Crafting & the Order.

One thing that is also very important to mention, is that your approach brings in a very big inconsistency. All the micromanagement in guild wars 2 follows the same layout: Clicking (performing action) on the left Side of the Window, watching the result on the right side of the window. That is the same in almost any panel, that needs a lot of clicking. Story, Character, Crafting, Bank, etc. You could also say it, that you perform actions on the left side, and you can manage the result on the right side. (Crafting, Bank)
One big Inconsistency here is the Pvp-Panel, that actually lets you perform the action on the very top of the panel. But that is not a problem, because the nature of the action is different. Here, you don’t actually manage selected data or filter anything, you change your players circumstances; You change your gamemode. That is supposed to have a prominent place.

Same goes for the secondary tabs in the character panel (Wardrobe, Finishers, etc). The user defines his selection from the left to the right. Hero Panel – Character Panel – Wardrobe – Perform Action → Result. I wouldn’t break up this very big consistency, unless you do it for everything and bring another consistency in. Because the goal is, to keep the learning curve as flat as possible and avoid additional curves.

Now for the other Panels, I honestly have to say, it feels like you didn’t spend as much time on them, as you have on the Hero Panel. While the Hero Panel visually stays the same, the other Panels including the Website introduce the player to a whole new style. I don’t think that is your intention either. Suddenly there is a bold, I think Proxima Nova (?) in all caps. Where as you reused the Cronos Pro in the Hero Panel. Its a personal thing, but I don’t really like that. I think it is a little bit too messy and I honestly think, that you’d say the same thing, if you’d let it sit for a week or two.

Some of the Ideas you introduced are very interesting and would be nice to have, like the Dungeons Stats. But for these, I think you should introduce a new subpanel in the Hero Panel, after Achievements, for statistics. It doesn’t make sense, to give the user an Option to see dungeons stats in a LFG Panel. Perform familiar Actions in the same place. But “checking stats” and “finding a group / group member” are totally unrelated stats. You put them there, because it is the only place where dungeons appear in the UI, besides the achievements panel. That doesn’t actually solve the Problem, it just adds another dimension imo.

I didn’t want to write that much, because it may seem like I don’t like it. But I really think, that what you made is amazing, but that doesn’t mean that I have to agree with everything. And maybe my views inspire you to do whatever.

On another note, what is actually really needed, is a functional forum redesign. The Software is fine, but I think we need some basic functionality. Like Avatars, or setting a freaking Forum Nickname .__.


in Living World

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


All of it was very well done, especially the killing scene (made me cry a little :>) – but especially the cutscenes. I am so hyped right now! Got goosebumps from the cutscenes.. just amazing.

Seeds of Truth Replay: Dodgy Crowd

in Living World

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


Now, I have tried this 17 times already. And I am at a point, where I think it might be bugged.

Is this supposed to be done in a big group? How have you guys managed it?

Achievement: Dashed Advantage

in Living World

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


So, you need to jump up, dash into the room and kill all the inquest’s. I did that, but for some reason, my achievement was gone. Is there anything, that triggers the failure of it?

Is there a time limit on it?

SPOILER from last ls update. New class?

in Living World

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


I think that’s rather unlikely to happen. But its an interesting theory

[PVE] Cleric's Build suggestions?

in Guardian

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


well, I came up with the idea, because I thought it would help me, carrying weaker groups through the dungeons. Turns out, healing and being tanky cannot replace the individual skill of the surrounding players. Might as well go for Zerks then. Thanks anyway for all your advice. At this point, they should just remove everything and make it zerks, as this is the only thing that seems to be viable.

Seriously Disappointed….


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


Safest thing you can do, create another email address, that is not so hard – change all your data for your account, including password.

A tipp for passwords, people tell you to use a lot of special Characters to ensure security. But that is only needed, if your password is very short. As long your password is illogical for machines it can still be readable. A password like hyperactivetreeswitcher is nearly uncrackable.

Charge for All Episodes - regardless

in Living World

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


I wouldnt mind paying at all either. People seem to have various opinions about this subject. Its so interesting to see how people react to this decision.

Paying for past content?

in Living World

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


For all these people calling this a “simply bad business decision” – do your homework, this is called a freemium pricing model and it works very good.

For all the americans Id like to give you a very interesting example, why this works very good for the rest of the world: We dont have hulu, we dont have neetflix (most countries that is); So for example, if the new GoT episode gets aired in, for example, the german tv, then you can rewatch it, if the tv station offers that kind of service. (I dont think they do)
Many Stations practice this “7 day rewatch”-thing, where you can watch shows 7 days after they have aired. If you wanna watch older episodes, you have to specifically buy them or have some sort of premium account. So if you missed this specific episode and you even missed the opportunity to rewatch it, then you have to pay, if you really want that content.

That is a working business model that doesn’t hurt anyone, plus, people are already very aware of that move. If you have watched the livestream or the recorded video, then youll know, that “bundles” are a matter of discussion.

Besides, if you think what an expansion would cost you, then its much cheaper to unlock these episodes. Lets say we have 24 episodes per season (even though it might be 20 or 18, because we had this long break – maybe only 15, because there might be some feature pack or festival releases), 2000 Gems = 25€ if you order it online, means 2,50€ for one past episode. That means, if you want to buy a whole year of episodes, that would cost you 60€. That is not much at all, especially if you consider, that there might be only 15 episodes per season, then we are at 37,50€.

The Third Season of Game of Thrones costs 29,90€ if you buy it digitally on iTunes. Thats 3€ per episode. Even more, if you buy it on DVD or blueray.

I dont know about you, but I have all available season of GoT & True Blood as DVD. It was worth my money, even though I had already watched them.

200 gems are about 20 exchanged gold atm. If you are doing a little bit of that and a little bit of this, then you get 5 – 10 gold per day easily. A player that is into the story will see this calculation and in most cases he/she will make the decision, that its worth the money.

I am so very happy about this decision. It show that anet knows what they do, and that they listen. I have expected this move for months now, seeing them doing now exactly what I predicted feels great

€: another thing: please dont use the word “pay wall” in this context. That is just incorrect.

(edited by SemmlerTh.2685)

[PVE] Cleric's Build suggestions?

in Guardian

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


Heyo guys,

I decided to go full Zerks with my Mesmer, but I wanna go a different direction with my guardian, so I decided to go full clerics with monk-runes.
Despite the fact that 90% of all players will tell me to not do that, I still want to. I wanna be tanky, and as supportive with healing as possible.

But now I am just not sure about what I should focus on. The Guardian has so many awesome mechanics, and I dont know whats the one with the most healing output to group members. Shouts, Spirit Weapons, Consecrations and Meditations all make sense.

So far, I have been playing with the focus on Symbols, Virtues & meditations, with Hammer / Staff, and Mace + Shield / Staff in dungeons.

Can you maybe suggest builds with a high healing output?

(Suggestion) Extra trait page

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


maybe they will add this as a gem store upgrade. Would be perfect for that matter.

Why the Guild Wars 2 Internet Hate?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


In my eyes the issue is that GW2 has so much potential, but the devs are not getting the best out of it. This leads to people being frustrated, but not enough to leave the game. As a result, people whine (as do I).

Furthermore, GW2 is aimed at casual gamers, and those are the worst when it comes to whining. They always feel entitled to everything and complain when things are “too hard” (while most PvE content is as easy as can be) and they feel entitled to getting the rewards anyway, so instead of improving, they whine.

Then there’s the bugs, the lack of keeping promises, and sometimes just flat out idiotic mistakes made by the devs.

Wasn’t casuals who asked for ascended gear or dungeons to be worked over to the point people that are the level for that dungeon are kicked.


its also the hardcore gamers, that DID complain, right at the start of the game, that the dungeons were too hard – funny, because they grinded their way to level 60 and craftet up to 80, unable to play their character. But they had to complain.

The casuals were able to rethink their utilities and traits before they went into a dungeons and were able to master the dungeons, when they were still very challenging content. Now its get in and get out – just get your loot, please dont watch the sequences, you are wasting time!

Its not the casuals fault, what is happening. The thing is, that gaming is not a holy sanctuary anymore, that belongs to a certain group of people, everybody is gaming nowadays in the one or the other level. And guild wars 2 tries to attract these everybody-gamers. And it does it really very good.

Different from most other mmorpg’s, gw2 has adapted to the new economy. And the figures are showing that this is working for them. Gw2 has never been something for hardcore gamers, that spend 9+ hours per day in gw2 – not that this is a bad thing, no judgement here – but that was very clearly, even in the beta.

I am so glad, that gw2 focuses on casuals, because I have turned into a casual gamer as well. We grow older, and we eventually find a very fulfilling job, that eats up all your productive and creative energy, but spending 1 to 2 hours per day in gw2, leaves the game in a state, where it can amaze and more important inspire me, everytime I log in.

I dont wanna call out the hardcore gamers, but you have to admit that anet just failed to deliver satisfying content for hardcore gamers. You can go for ascended gear, a process that hast been artificially stretched out, for hardcore gamers, not casuals. Legendaries, Stat-Maxing with infusions. But all this ends up in grinding, the one or the other way.
But none of this was a surprise. It was clear from the very beginning.

I love the game very much, the only thing that really bugs me right now, is the community management. They have been pretty much ignoring us the whole time. Every other day, you see an interesting answer from the devs, but not as it used to be. The might have overestimated the time and energy that went into the china release – idk. Ive been around for quite a while, and this specific part of the game, has never been in a worse state. I really hope this changes.

Irritating ingame question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


I have seen this guy in Divinitys Reach, mainly Aurora Glade players there. He also used to communicate in /say.

A Letter for Anet and the Community to read

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


I dont think that the monetizationis the problem. I think that the devs are not connected to the community anymore. They have become a little deaf. And that happens from time to time.

We’ll see, if the managed to pull it back – dont forget, after all, they can just ignore us. The Game is doing so very well, financially, and it has immense success in china. They have no financial pressure from us. If they feel obligated to respond to us and listen, then its just their desire to do that.

Ready Up: 5/30 @ 12PM PDT

in WvW

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


Please do not say “continue to give constructive feedback” – because you clearly showed in that last livestream, that you are not willing to accept “constructive feedback”.

The right terms for you to put is, “we wanna work on XXX; What do you suggest for XXX?” – cause anything else will be deleted from you anyway.

The BIG question for Arenanet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


I just wanna know, how the main story will be told in the future. Will we see the Pact trying to kill the other elder dragons? Or is Trahearne and the reunion of destiny’s edge just utterly meaningless?

Damage Meters and Inspect Commands

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


If playing how you want infringes on someone else playing how they want, nothing will ever be solved. Inspect someone and see they have their own build and aren’t zerker, kick right away without even saying anything. Am I doing it right?

Also DPS meters? Really? In a game that basically just consists of 5 man groups of all DPS, I don’t think DPS meters are needed in the least other than to stroke Berserker’s kitten and the need to see the big numbers. And yes, I understand you said nothing about Berserker, but that is honestly how your post comes off.

What he said.

Anet being a little too quiet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


I can only agree with you

You're Not Zerker?! *kicks from party*

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


It would look the same, if you swapped eq & skills / traits out. Going for the rabid gear with sword/sword sword/pistol. sword & Pistol have the highest damage output in the shortest amount of time. The gear adds alot of course, but you can hardly compare the double-bounce condi build, with the weapons that do not allow any high dps whatsoever, with a dps build.

In your specific example, the gear made a little difference, but the real difference came from everything else..

Ok, another example. I used the spreadsheet I crafted to compute the expected mesmer DPS (you can find it here)


  • Mesmer with 2/4/0/4/4 build
  • 2 Duelists + 1 Swordsman
  • Scholar Runes
  • Force/Night Sigils
  • 10% Slaying Potion
  • 25 stacks of might
  • 25 stacks of vuln
  • Disc/Strength Banners

With full ascended Zerk gear:

  • 9,968 DPS

With full ascended Rabid gear:

  • 6,610 DPS

In the situation above, Zerk gear will let you do 51% more DPS than Rabid gear. This would mean that my zerk 3 min 24s kill would have been 5 min 8 seconds if I wore full rabid gear, which isn’t that far off the 6 min kill I’ve gotten using rabid gear and condi traits/weapons.

So no, it would NOT look the same if I just swapped the traits.

I didnt want to say, that Zerk isnt the perfect solution right now, which was the whole point of your post – because Zerk is the only effective currently. But your specific videos didnt really prove that, thats all I wanted to say

Many people already pointed out, that the only thing that currently really matters in pve is dps, and that is unfortunately correct. Ill say it again, people used to have a lot of problems against a lot of pve content. But they geared up and now everything is a breeze, because the gear closed the mechanical gap. That in fact IS a Problem.

But still, it is not the gears fault, its a flaw in the AI. The Mobs are too dumb. What I dont really get, is that a lot of crappy mobs actually dodge skills and leave aoe fields by themselves, bosses dont.

The Situation for open world pve content has even gotten worse (or better for some), because nowadays you allways have a ton of people farming the bosses. The Queensdale Train is still something that I am not very happy about. People just want their loot.

I thought, dungeons should come in three modes:

Story Mode: Which is still vanilla story mode.
Raider Mode: Explorer, with reduced rewards and dungeon tokens, and less adds. This mode is made for all that just want their treasures. Go in, get your loot, and get out again.
Explorer Mode (Scaleable): Scaleable Difficulties like Fractals (I shamelessly stole this idea from woodenpotatoes, even though I am sure he was not the first to come up with this idea) and dungeon leaderboards. The higher the difficulty, the higher the reward.

Zerker isn't the problem, AI is

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


I just wanna remember everyone, that right after launch the dungeons were very hard, very hard. We were 5 hours in AC and had to end it.

People cried so hard about it, so they nerfed it. Now they are too easy, because what they couldnt do back then (which was mechanically outplay they bosses), is now a gap closed by the better gear. All this leads to people still being unable to use their dodge to actually dodge, or their stunbreaks to, the gods forbid, break stuns.

I remember the first Boss in TA, the worm. These aoe effects hes spilling all over the place, they made you about 5k damage if you steped on them, and you were poisoned as well. Now they are not that big of a deal. Back then you had to dodge them, or you were dead.

In AC the troll uses an AoE Attack that did a TON of damage and pulled people to him, where he did a ton of damage again. I think he still does that, but it doesnt wipe you anymore. Back than you had to dodge or reflect the projectile, otherwise you were dead.

Even then, people were unable to just use another set of skills.

Stacking has ruined player skill levels

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


I think dungeons have been left untouched since they were made a lot easier a few patches after launch.

I dont like this stacking either. It feels like using exploits. I also get angry, when people rush through TA. leaving every mob untouched.
These are the same kind of players, who allways write “Skuop video”, “*skip” “skip” “Skip omg” “omgggg skippppppppp”.

All they want is their loot, and thats it. Thats the danger you get with casual gaming.

You're Not Zerker?! *kicks from party*

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


there is no such thing as one that is ‘better’. A build that focuses on precision, toughness, and condition damage, is not any less quality because of a single variable.

Consider the following two examples. Same encounter, same player (me), one with Rabid gear (condi dmg, precision, toughness) and another with the Berserker gear (power, precision, ferocity). The builds match the gear choices.



Now tell me which one is better. One finished in 6 minutes or the one finished is 3 and a half minutes? You would be a fool to claim that both are equal or claim that both took equal amount of skill. It is obvious that whatever lets me finish the encounter faster is the way to go.

DPs in terms of time, ONE variable, is not a judge of quality

Again, you are missing the key fact. Quality is nothing without DPS. It’s a requirement.

It would look the same, if you swapped eq & skills / traits out. Going for the rabid gear with sword/sword sword/pistol. sword & Pistol have the highest damage output in the shortest amount of time. The gear adds alot of course, but you can hardly compare the double-bounce condi build, with the weapons that do not allow any high dps whatsoever, with a dps build.

In your specific example, the gear made a little difference, but the real difference came from everything else..

Any international, lgbt-friendly, PvX Guilds?

in Looking for...

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


Still looking

Any international, lgbt-friendly, PvX Guilds?

in Looking for...

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


Heyo everyone,

I am playing on Aurora Glade with my 80 Mesmer, and currently 70 Guardian. I do all kinds of stuff, spvp, wvw and a lot of pve.

And now I am looking for a guild with a lot of active players! Ive been in a lot of small guilds but now Id like to give a bigger guild a try.

I am 24, have a headset and I am generally easy going.

Well, I dont know what to write ._. Any Question may be posted in here, hopefully some guilds are interested

You can of course just message me ingame as well!

windows 8 - date overlay keeps flashing in?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685



I recently bought a new PC and there was windows 8 preinstalled. Every now and then, the screen turns black for a second, and I see the windows 8 date overlay.. Do you know what I mean? While this happens, the sound remains normal.

Has anyone a similar issue?

shall I buy a windows machine just for gw2?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


well thanks for the links! I decided to just get over myself and get a windows machine just for gaming. I dont need to productive working enviroments at the same place.

shall I buy a windows machine just for gw2?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685



this has not a lot to do with technical support for the mac client itself, but its kind of related, sorry if this is the wrong section.

Im a Web Professional and completely switched from windows to mac. The Apps I use are Mac only and I never regretted making the transition because I get projects so much faster done than on windows.

When I didnt really have any desire to play gw2, I decided to get rid of my big, dusty windows machine and get a shiny MacBook Air. I can only play Diablo 3, lol & minecraft on it, needless to say that minecraft is hell of a lot work for my machine, because java.

I was also trying out gw2, but coming from 80fps on best graphics, to 18fps on best performance makes the game unplayable.

So now I am thinking about getting a windows pc or laptop, just for gaming, meaning especially gw2. I was also thinking about getting an iMac (3.1GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost up to 3.9GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 1GB GDDR5, 16 GB DDR3) and maybe playing the game on parallels. Has anyone experience with it?

In case of getting a windows machine, do you think Ill get to a good machine with a budget of 900€? (up to 1.800€ in June) Can you maybe suggest some technical specs?

Huge downsides of getting a PC would be, that there are, again, hundrets of dusty cables laying around the desk, collecting dust and overall annoying me. Having an iMac would mean to plug the thing in and thats it.

So, can you maybe suggest a good lap top instead? Thanks!

World 1 Zone 2 - unreachable baubles?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


Yes, I found it allready, thanks a lot!

World 1 Zone 2 - unreachable baubles?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


We got up to this point, and couldnt find any way to get up there. Does anyone of you maybe know how to get there?


Missing features in SPVP

in Suggestions

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


Players tend to just stand there, and do nothing! How is it possible, that I earn 300 points, when two of the party members dont earn a single point?
My Point is, you should invent a system, that punishes players for behacing incorrectly. Every other good maintained pvp game does that.

  1. Players should be banned for several ingame playing-hours, if they leave the tournament, while its still progressing.
  2. Players should be banned a smaller amount of time, if they leave, while the team is being build up.

go on, if you can think of anything else, that is unacceptable behaviour. Im sick of loosing, because we are only 3 players.

Besides those things, I think there should be the possiblity, for groups to join, and have the last spots filled by solo players.

What's your favourite Jumping Puzzle?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


the only one i hate is Griffinrook run as i’ve never managed to get the chest, always hit somewhere along the way.

Yeah, I feel so bad about that. I designed it so that the Griffons would never do that one insta-peck move, so they would only do the dive-bomb, which gave you a tell so you could always dodgeroll away in time. But somehow that darn skill slipped back in, and now it’s a matter of dumb luck to get to the end. I’ve been assured that it will be fixed for the next build. But it sucks the the whole design of the challenge is ruined by one small detail.

actually, its not that hard. The only really hard part, is the one, where you have to jump from the ruins, down to the last part of the puzzle. Because If you jump too far, the griffon will kill you. If you manage to jump right, you can get the healing egg right away. I managed to do it, after a few tries. I loved that!

I love every jumping puzzle, because I discovered them for myself. But Id like to be honest: You shold remove them from the wiki. I’d like to discover them by myself. And, you should somehow equalize the amount of Jumping Puzzles per area. Because there are 4 JP’s in Caledon Forest, and in some maps there isnt one, like the Brisban wildlands. There is a really cool place though, Aurora’s Remains. Seems like an unfinished Jumping Puzzle, or a closed path to another map. It was great, discovering it.

I also liked every Jumping Puzzle in Ascalon, especially the Chaos Crystal Cavern.

I think, every Map should have serveral Jumping Puzzles:D

Mesmers bad for the group against Lupicus?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


this guy does an unbelievable amount of damage compared to me.


Mesmers bad for the group against Lupicus?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


Hey guys,

I just came back from failing again at Lupi in Arah exp. As you cannot use illusions until phase 2, you have to switch to other weapons. So I decided to go with Great sword and Sword/Focus, in preparation to phase 2.

But in Phase too, I feel like I am actually a Problem for the group. I dont do much damage without illusions. And the Greatsword doesnt make more damage than about 400 per Hit. All my other skills, sword/focus and all utility skills are just equiped, for surviging.

There is The Blink, the signet of illusions, and the Mantra of Concentration, because you’ll die if you can’t get away from him. And because of some idiotic reason, I allways have the aggro, until I am completely dead. So all I do, is a few hits, until I have to shatter illusions to survive, or blink arround, and not to forget, dodge those 12k per second insane fields.

and all this, for 100-400 damage every 5 seconds? If Group members try to rez me, this is actually bad for them, because they risk their life, because it doesnt make any diference, if the mesmer is alive, or not. His damage is not worth mentioning anyway.

Id really like to make bifrost, but at this point, it seems absolutely impossible to kill Lupi. How do you play against him?

LF Guild for sPvP and Dungeons (de/en)

in Guilds

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685



we are three players and are looking for a guild. We especially look for a place in a good balanced dungeon party, as arah explorer is absolutely unmanagable with randoms, and we’d like to complete our goals in this game.
We are partly casual gamers, and spend a little more time ingame during the weekend. We are all over 18, capable of speaking english, and german, as we come from austria.

write us ingame @ Der Feenherr, or Huflattich.


Portal not working sometimes?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


We were in Arah Explorable, path 3, second boss. There are a ton of mobs, too much. So opened up a portal, and stealthed to the boss. The Portal was up, but noone could use it.

Is this intended, or a bug?

And if it is intended, the skill should not be usable at all. This saves us a lot of time.

Caithe and Faolain - Nia and Cymbel.

in Lore

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


I just wanted to thank everyone, for keeping this subject free of hatred posts. Keep on with it

February Monthly - Thank you!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


This monthly is awesome. I love it!

You only cant enjoy those changes, if you concentrate on only one aspect of the game. If you only do spvp, or wvw, you deny many wonderfull parts of the game.

Refugee Child's Drawing: Who Else Saved It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


didnt get any karma from it.. <.<

Caithe and Faolain - Nia and Cymbel.

in Lore

Posted by: SemmlerTh.2685


There are gay(I refer to male) couples in this game. Just look at all that sexual tension between Rytlock and Logan. I wouldn’t be surprised if in their next dragon-slaying they paused mid-fight to profess their love for one another, dazing the current dragon they are fighting and applying ten stacks of confusion.

Thats what I thought too : P