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Hey everyone! I was just kinda sitting around thinking about PvP balance and stuff (yeah, kinda sad, I know :P) and I had an idea : why not have a single thread where anyone can post what they think should be changed?
I also kind of have a love of collecting information and stuff like this, so it’d be a win / win for me if you all would use this, so yeah, feel free to type away, and have a good day!
Random note: If you’re feeling ambitious and wanna write why you’d want a certain change, that’d be awesome!
Giver’s Armor Revamp
**Note: While I realize that Giver’s Armor (Toughness, Healing Power, Boon Duration) is both FAR from being meta and a popular choice among players (in fact, it’s avoided like the plague) I nevertheless believe it’s only right that this armor be brought up to the new standards every other set was elevated to, as every set should be viable (though not necessarily optimal). That being said…
As it sits now, a FULL SET of Giver’s armor gives a character a meager +6% boon duration, each piece still only providing +1% alone. That means you’ve given up 299 points of an attribute bonus for that small +6% boon duration, and I feel the sacrifice/reward in this situation just pushes Giver’s further into the corner of obscurity, so I suggest a revamp.
As stated before, the armor’s “meh”-ness comes from the lackluster benefits sacrificing an entire attribute buff gives you, so a flat boon duration percent increase may help this sacrifice seem more worthy.
If each piece were to give a +5% buff to boon duration as opposed to +1%, a full set would give a much bigger +30% duration buff. This may seem rather substantial, but it wasn’t too long ago that traits gave some people this without any attribute sacrifice.
Also, if Anet is feeling in the giving mood (will show myself out shortly for that pun :P), they could even try any duration from 5% to 10%, as such a huge bonus would help further justify and even potentially promote using the set on boon focused support builds.
Flat buffs aren’t always the answer, so I wanted to create an alternative concept.
Rune of the Giver
1) Increases toughness (25)
2) Increases boon duration (10%)
3) Increases toughness (50)
4) Increases boon duration (10%)
5) Increases toughness (100)
6) Increases boon duration (10%). Boons you apply to yourself are applied to nearby allies (5 person cap) for half the duration.
In total, the rune set will give +30% boon duration to the player, while also sticking with the armor’s idea of being able to take some hits (the armor had toughness as its main stat, now carried over as stat bonuses).
I also give the 6th bonus the ability to share self-applied boons with allies, but for half the duration you’d receive. I feel this enforces the Giver’s concept of boon sharing while keeping the shared durations in check.
Comments are, of course, welcome
I like the idea that people are conceptualizing COMPLETELY new weapons for specializations. Unfortunately, I don’t think Anet will take that winning approach. It’s much o work for them to make many other sets of weapons for prof specs.
Like your ideas though, for what that’s worth.
Why thank you! Seriously, that means a lot to me
Here’s another skill concept I’ve thought up. It’s an alternate 5th skill that is a bit more unique than my original idea. I did increase the base damage a bit to compensate for the loss of the granted protection, but it (hopefully) isn’t too crazy.
Alternate 5th Skill
Symbol of Benediction (CD – 40 seconds, Combo Field: Light) – Slam your spear into the ground, creating a mystic symbol that damages foes and grants stability (2s per pulse, 4 pulses) to yourself and allies.
Attack Scaling:
Base Damage: 605 Damage Coefficient: .5
Radius: 180
Reading back over my original skill ideas, I realized I had completely neglected one of the Guardian’s core features: symbols, so I drafted up this idea. One key aspect of introducing new weapons is that the said weapon should introduce some new features to the class while playing in tune with the class’ core, and that’s what I was hoping this skill would do.
Playing to the Guardian’s group boon giving nature, this symbol also brings a boon to the table that no other symbol (at the moment) gives. I also felt that it would fit well with the polearm’s current capabilities, specifically the sweep, as it covers the opposite side of the control spectrum (preventing knockdown instead of doing it).
As always if you read something that you think is crazy, please point it out! Idea sharing is always appreciated.
If one takes the time to read the whole thing. One can see it has some very neat ideas, but the numbers might need to be tweaked.
Why thank you! I do have to admit, numbers and I don’t usually mix well, but I’m glad you liked it
le snip
Thanks for reading too
I’ve actually been thinking on what you said about a spirit oriented skill, as well as having skills with more potent effects, and here’s something I came up with.
New 2nd Skill Concept:
Ethereal Grasp (CD – 10 seconds) – Throw a spirit chain at the target foe, crippling them for 5 seconds. Also, the target foe is leashed to you (duration – 5 seconds), during which time they take damage.
Attack Scaling:
Base Damage: 197
Damage Coefficient – .6
Damage Over Time: 100
Damage Coefficient – .08 (Can occur up to 4 times)
Follow up skill:
Ethereal Charge – Jump at the leashed foe, dazing them (1 second) and blinding adjacent foes in a 200 radius for 3 seconds.
Attack Scaling:
Base Damage: 275
Damage Coefficient – .6
I wanted to have the spear retain its engage ability, but I also wanted it to be more than just a simple jump into the fray. I felt like the single target daze would allow for a stronger shock value, like you suggested, though I am hesitant to make it a full knockdown without further increasing the skill’s cooldown.
Also, by adding a damage over time with the ranged tether, I wanted to give the polearm a hybrid functionality, being capable of doing decent ranged damage along with its strong melee abilities.
I also kept the AOE blind when you hit the target, as this will help the spear give some nice crowd effects while staying true to the guardians core conditions (in this case, blind).
Again thanks for reading, and feel free to suggest more things
With an expansion confirmed on the way, it’s time to start wishing! Here’s something that has been on my list for quite some time, and while I realize this has been brought up many times before as a desired weapon, I hope this well get more then the beating a dead horse gif (as great as it may be :P).
Also, I just want it to be known that I’ve never actually done anything before in terms of damage coefficients, so if anything seems a bit on the strange side, feel free to point it out.
Guardian Spear/Polearm Idea
Idea: The spear should function as a midpoint between the aggressiveness of the greatsword and the utility of the hammer, while also bring some new opportunities to the guardian as a whole.
Auto Chain – 3rd strike applies weakness (3 seconds) to foes hit (maybe limit to one foe?)
Attack Scaling:
1st Attack – 296 (Base Damage) Damage Coefficient – .7 Cast Time: ½
2nd Attack – 315 (Base Damage) Damage Coefficient – .75 Cast Time: ½
3rd Attack – 407 (Base Damage) Damage Coefficient – 1.3 Cast Time: ¾
*The idea is that staying with your target (and getting off the full chain) will be very beneficial if you want to get max dps
2 Skill: Throw Spear (CD – 8 seconds) – Throw your spear at the targeted enemy, inflicting an aoe blind on contact. Maybe also add the ability to teleport to the thrown spear.
Alternate 2nd Skill: Impaling throw (CD – 8 seconds) – Throw your spear into an enemy, dealing moderate damage. If you press 2 again, you jump to the enemy and do an aoe blind.
*Combo Finisher: Leap
Attack Scaling (Both Versions):
Base Damage – 197 Damage Coefficient – .6
Cast Time: ½ Able to Jump Duration: Up to 5 seconds after target hit
*This damage is done to the target enemy (and maybe 1-2 enemies around him) by the thrown weapon. No damage is done when you teleport to the hit target!
*This will give the Polearm an engage/ranged ability while serving as a middle ground between the heavy hitting Leap of Faith (GS) and much lighter Flashing Blade (OHS)
3 Skill: Defending Sweep (CD – 15 OR 20 seconds) – Do a powerful sweep (one full 360 spin) with your spear, knocking down foes (5 max?) for 1-2 second(s).
*Combo Finisher: Whirl.
Attack Scaling:
Base Damage – 421 Damage Coefficient – 1.1 Cast Time: ¾
*This will give the Guardian another knockdown option (the others being Bane Signet and Hammer of Wisdom)
4 Skill: Weakening Block (CD – 20 seconds) – Block the next incoming melee attack, hitting the foe and inflicting weakness (10 seconds).
Alternate Post Block Effect: Spin your spear, doing damage and inflicting weakness (aoe).
Attack Scaling:
Base Damage – 425 Damage Coefficient – 1.35 Active Time: 3 ½
*This will give the Guardian their first 2 Handed blocking ability, and by applying weakness it provides access to a condition Guardians don’t have widely available.
Alternate 4th Skill: Healing Block (CD – 20 seconds) – Block the next incoming attack, turning the damage into health.
5 Skill: Bolster Defenses (CD – 40 seconds) – Slam your spear into the ground, doing light – moderate aoe damage (5 man cap) and granting protection to nearby allies (also 5) and yourself (8 seconds).
*Combo Finisher: Blast
Attack Scaling:
(Light) Base Damage – 203 Damage Coefficient – .5
(Moderate) Base Damage – 346 Damage Coefficient – .8
Alternate 5th Skill: Renewed Defences (CD – 40 seconds) – Slam your spear into the ground, creating a light (or regen) field (+ light aoe damage?) and curing / converting 1 – 2 conditions on yourself and up to 5 allies.
*Combo Finisher: Blast
Attack Scaling:
(Light) Base Damage – 203 Damage Coefficient – .5
Cast Time (For both versions): 1 second
Have something you found weird, neat, or want changed? Bring it up in a comment! Criticism is welcome, it’d just be extra nice if it’s constructive :P
How else will I know where the savings are?
Never forget the savings :P
It’s nowhere near perfect, but I was bored and took a stab at it a few days ago.
I do agree though, a whole set would be awesome
I totally agree with what Hawk said, I’ve always thought that would be so cool.
Part of me also likes the OP’s point, but also part of me likes the whole calmer look of Jormag’s Breath. It would be neat to have both dragon swords an equal length though, for dual wielding purposes (at least in my opinion), so I’m split for that part.
This kinda reminds me of the sword from Fable 3 (except I think that one was the WORST you could get in the game XD). Anywho the idea sounds neat, but JackBeShippin is probably right many people would probably rage after spending so much on legendaries. That said, it could work if you have to do some uber above legendary thing to get it (this does not include buying pretty much everything from the tp :P)
Idk it could work, but then again it could not.
Ok, I will. Thanks for the speedy response (and sorry for the late one from me).
Dear ArenaNet (and anyone who chooses to read this too),
Recently I’ve found my account was compromised. Thanks to a friend of mine I was able to find a place to report this. There I was able to send a rollback request, and while the request went through very fast (great support team) the rollback I was given was all the way back in February (February 28th). This was quite a while ago, and since then I have earned many rewards and achievements, some of which were temporary content which I can not receive again. It seemed odd to me that the most recent restore was so far back (4 months) since so much could have been done in that time. I just wanted to clarify if this is the most recent account image of mine. I know the policy is only to do this once, but I feel I the need ask just to make sure I’ve gotten all I could back.
Thanks to guild log checks by my friend, I’ve been able to see when my activity started to become fishy (1am today – 6/29), so anything before then but around that week (I know for sure I was on the 28th, I think around or before noon) could be applied it would be much appreciated.
(Support Ticket Number: 130629-001763)
Again, many thanks,
No one will give Dusk or any other precursor to you for free unless they’re braindead.
Hope this quote works, I’m a noob at forum stuff, but I know, I was just trying to use my bad sense of humor XD Anywho, thanks for the info, seems I have an epic Me vs. RNG battle coming up
Hia forums. Loooong story short, my friend and I (okay, mostly him) have been working on getting Twilight, and now he is one step off: the precursor Dusk. I know there are probably a lot of threads on Dusk and such, but I wanted to get recent replies, but does anyone know the most reliable way to get this weapon? We are sooo close to the legendary but so far too (Buzz Killington strikes again, eh?) XD, so any help/superstition is ok too.
Also on a random note, if you happen to have a Dusk laying around and have the sudden urge to give it to a guy named Shadow Waka, feel free to do so. XD but seriously thanks for any input and stuff.
I like the idea of putting the other weapons on par with the greatsword. My main gripe against the greatsword is it’s “I do everything better” set of skills.
-Hundred Blades is….. well hundred blades, idk how else to say it XD
-The 3 skill (sorry, I can’t remember the name) does really good damage, gives evade, and could be used to close distances, while the sword’s Savage Leap doesn’t grant evade and has less damage
-The 4 skill is a ranged attack that cripples like the axe’s 3 but also hits twice
-The 5 skill is another gap closer that too has far greater damage than the sword’s 2 (Understandable tho since it’s the 5 skill XD)
I guess what I’m saying is the other weapons need to be better in their supposed expert areas. At the moment the greatsword does what the sword and axe do, but better in every way, which is probably why many people love using it.
Do gotta say though that I’m a sword fanboy, so I am kinda sour towards the greatsword (why u better then meh sword :P)
:D I love Jormag’s Breath, it’s such a cool sword. Best investment ever. I feel it’s better looking then Bolt, but hey, personal opinion. It does light up the area while in your offhand btw
I have to admit, I was a bit…. unimpressed with the effects of Jormag’s when I first got it, but soon after I got it I actually come rather fond of its controlled look (as opposed to the FDS).
Oh, well that’s a bummer >_< Well thanks for the info I do believe I have that trait, along with a decent amount of crit damage/chance, so damage is pretty good, like you said.
Hia forums. As a warrior, I use the good ’ole sword and board combo. Since the sword is supposed to do condition damage I decided to try to get in stats there. I have around 550(i think), is that any good?
Preemptive thanks -Mr. Generic Name
Hia forumers.
So a friend of mine has decided to try to get Twilight and, seeing how he has pretty much helped me way more then I’ve helped him, I’ve been trying to find a way to help. The problem is that he needs Dusk (of course), but he kinda lacks the money, which leads to the question : Does anyone have any pro-tips on raising money for this obscenely high priced weapon?
Pre-Thanks for the advice and stuff
“It should be GW2, not TP2, time to un-suck quest gold and drop rates.”
Amen to that. A-net, we NEED better drop rates. Everyone is just sitting in Lion’s Arch playing the TP because it gives the best reward for the time put into it. As of now there is no incentive to leave. Please A-net, give us better loot and rewards. This game has so many areas to be played in and explored, and yet only one area is in use – The Black Lion Trading Company.
I just love these “Print more money, then everyone will be rich!” suggestions.
I don’t mean that everyone should have 9500g+, but I do mean one should be rewarded with better loot for killing enemies then we are now. I do not want everyone to be rich, but I do not want those people going out and farming for hours only making the amount of gold someone at the Black Lion could make in minutes.
“It should be GW2, not TP2, time to un-suck quest gold and drop rates.”
Amen to that. A-net, we NEED better drop rates. Everyone is just sitting in Lion’s Arch playing the TP because it gives the best reward for the time put into it. As of now there is no incentive to leave. Please A-net, give us better loot and rewards. This game has so many areas to be played in and explored, and yet only one area is in use – The Black Lion Trading Company.
I’m guilty of using signets, but I don’t use Greatswords. I’m trying out a build that gives precision and such when using a sword so I have good condition damage while getting some crits to increase normal damage. There is one trait that give +40 precision for each signet and another 10% chance when using a sword, so that with For Great Justice and/or On My Mark seems to be promising
Spears on land, ’nuff said XD Seriously, that would be so cool!
Well I’ve played very much, but what set me back for awhile was The Lost Shores. Pretty much I nerd raged that I put in so much effort only to see someone else get something worth 300x what I got. After some time though, I realized life’s not fair and hates people named Shadowwaka Still kinda grinds my gears though, seeing how that would have gotten me some of that Cultural tier 3 I’ve been working towards
Well all I have to say is that it is VERY agitating to nerd for 2+ hours, putting forth so much time and button pressing, only to get something worth 80 silver, while Mr./Mrs. ImsoluckyandShadowslucksucks comes out with something 200g+ It makes me feel ripped off to have put forth the same effort and all, only to have chance determine whether is was worth it or not.
Same here. Stayed the whole time, went to pick up my stuff, and then got dced. So i get back on and have 1 rare. Not sure if i got trolled or what
Whoa Alpha are you in the Northern Shiverpeaks? I have Vigil with a red crest! Kinda weird if so XD
Hia forums. So today I was thinking about the lack of level 80 areas, Yes, we do have Cursed Shore, but I really have no desire to go there. Then I remembered how GW1 offered hard mode, which pretty much buffed all the guys in lower end areas to higher areas. I’m not sure how, but if A-net could implement a feature like this to the players, it would be a great way to not only have to go to Cursed Shore for better loot and harder challenges.
TL;DR – Game should have GW1’s Hard Mode for Low end area with harder enemies/better loot.
Thanks for reading/skimming/scrolling on through this wall of text, and feel free to comment, support, bump, or ignore this!
Hia forums. I’m sorry for spamming the forums with Jormag stuff, I’ll try to make this my last one. XD Anyway, I was wondering if there is any plan to give the Icy Dragon sword ice damage, like how the fiery dragon sword gets fire damage. Just a thought.
I know I made a thread named this already, but this time it is different. I’ve finally made the sword! It was a incredibly joyous trip(sarcasm senses tingling :P) , and I’ll never forget it XD Just thought I’d share some news.
Hia forums. Something I find rather weird in this game is how a one handed sword attacks as fast as a two handed sword. Now, this really isn’t a huge deal, and I do understand that swords need to be between the axe and mace, but it still seems strange to me. Anyone else feel this?
Also, anyone else want an animation for an off-handed weapon? It feels weird only using it when you use skills.
Well, at first I looked at 5 signet users as bad, but now I use them too. My reason is that I have a trait that gives me more precision for each signet, and pair that with some other precision/ critical hit chance buffs and my swords do a rather large amount of damage
Oh thanks redfenix. Sorry about the late response too, but I will definitely have to try this out
Well I guess it is nice that one is confirmed, even if it is the more expensive one :/ Thanks for the reply. Also, I’ve been reading on getting corrupted lodestones, but the people say they have like 145% + magic find. How is this possible?
Hia forums. My friend and I are trying to craft one of these swords, but the only problem we have run into is the recipe. Can someone please confirm that the 250 blades/20 glacial stone recipe even exists or if it is fake? Thank you in advance if you do.