I have followed the advice in the above link and have never been hacked. My friends have also considered the advice in the above article and never been hacked.
It’s a shame that you and others have had your accounts compromised but your own security practices are out of ANet’s control. It’s up to you to keep your passwords and computers safe.
I guess I should have done one at a time…
Luckily – I’m not far from finishing off the T6 requirements for my Bifrost – about 20-50 left to go for each of the claws/bloods/scales/totems – and then my first legendary!
You get a lot of T6 mats when making mystic clovers. Do the 10 recipe. It’ll take you longer to get all your clovers, but you’ll get lots of mats along the way.
I tried this last night when I don’t need clovers at all….crafted 10x and got 100 Mystic clovers and NO T6 mats…. how unlucky I was…
Very unlucky. Assuming a 1 in 3 chance of getting a clover, the likelihood of getting 10 in a row is 1 in 59049.
I didn’t explain that clearly. Not 10 from 10 – I did it in lots of x10 and got obby shards, globs, Ori Ingots and crystals as by products but no T6 mats at all.
You get a lot of T6 mats when making mystic clovers. Do the 10 recipe. It’ll take you longer to get all your clovers, but you’ll get lots of mats along the way.
I tried this last night when I don’t need clovers at all….crafted 10x and got 100 Mystic clovers and NO T6 mats…. how unlucky I was…
I’m sorry to hear of this situation intently. Very terrible.
Just wondering, if Intently supplied the activation code to ANet could they not identify if that activation code has been used and if so, whether that person is currently playing?
Hope your nephew gets to play soon!
@Belzebu – thank you for your response. And post update I can verify that I am able to swap all my ascended trinkets/armor/weapons between my characters.
When Ascended items becoming account bound does that include the Accessories you purchase with laurels etc?
This will sound pretty dumb but I wrote a checklist of all the things I need to do before deleting a character (yep – I lost ALOT of gold back in the day). It’s so easy to forget that Gem store mining pick you got….
It’s simple and since then I haven’t accidentally lost anything of value.
OMG I am going to cry and give up…I am a casual player and just finished after a long time my Ascended Zerker armor…. is it all over for me? I definitely can’t grind all that stuff again…
Well it looks like they can refund if they want to…note it Gaile says each case is different.
And the item was deleted not the character…
(edited by ShadyNZL.9018)
Your initial instinct before deleting should be at least to sell everything you have on that character that you don’t need first so you at least get a little coin THEN put everything else in the bank. Sounds almost too simple but it works for me. Even though I couldn’t sell my gathering tools (even though I have the BLT harvesting tools) I put them in the bank for other characters to use…I check all slots to make sure they are empty before deleting.
Also pays not to delete characters when you are drunk, tired or skydiving.
I put stuff I don’t want to accidentally salvage in an invisible bag at the BOTTOM of my inventory. That way I build a habit not to salvage anything that is in that bag… just a suggestion.
Poo is not permitted? Tell that to Poobadoo!
Reported Poobadoo for being offensive. =D
(edited by ShadyNZL.9018)
9 characters – that’s impressive…nice names too btw.
If they were possibly worried about scaring kiddies then something like this isn’t that bad and would be SO much better….
If only there was a way to gift you mine I would….I have all those Account bound back items sitting in my bank that I will never use….just not a back item person….
Oh silly me – I’ve never used a guild bank…well now I know thanks.
Inculpatus cedo what do you mean by “The log didn’t show them being removed”?
Is there a place where we can review our actions?
I’m 42 lvl and I have only 32 traits is that normal?
Yes that’s normal. You will have 10 trait points less than your level as you don’t get your first till level 11.
^^ what he said – remember you only have 70 trait points to spend at level 80.
Hello my good friends – here is the link that was posted today!
All my friends that gave it a trial are now full members…. yes – GW2 is that good.
You guys all realize you used the exact same abbreviation the OP may/or may not have got banned for in your forum posts? =D
The people that play the game and find it offensive are likely to find it offensive if used in the forums as well…. just sayin’
I’m thinking of a particular scene from Southpark where Cartman says a bad word and then Kyle/Stan/Kenny each repeat it when while telling him not to use it…
Congrats on the precursor btw.
They should make it that Sunrise/Twighlight can only be crafted at a specific hour to mimic dusk and dawn….
You can lead a horse to GW2 but you can’t make him play…
Yes bank space is a luxury I don’t have atm. What makes it worse is that I’m a hoarder and probably keeping things I should really sell off instead of keeping…
According to Gaile’s response in the forum post below you should send in a support ticket if you have not done so already. It looks as though that person got a refund through that process and for exactly the same reason.
I don’t know for sure but I thought that if you buy them from your own bank window, that will seize to show the option after you have reached the maximum account.?
(edited by ShadyNZL.9018)
They’d have to make them reportable so that the GW2 hallway monitors can report whatever messages them deem offensive….
This is one mean lizard
map chat didn’t work for me either…
Add an animation where the arrow leaves a trail of black smoke or shoots a black panther. Mean man, mean.
Can you make Revive Achievement Daily? It promotes people stopping to actually help each other…
If support can’t help you, you can select them in a future achievement chests (I think…)
Yeah I get the same on PC – I see the health bars but no rolling boulders… It causes ALOT of aggro when your party members accuse you of not helping and dying all the time….
Please address it as it’s like a blind man walking into a room full of cacti.
Yeah what gives? I can’t see the balls no matter what. Know I know how Steve-O felt during the fire gauntlet….
I got my items back from the TP since they were Travelers or Explorers – fine.
But then you force me to add stats to it which then makes them soulbound…nice one. So now I can’t auction them but either sell them at a merchant for less than what I would have got or salvage/forge them.
No more gem purchases for me….I’ll happily just grind the gold to buy them from now on…
I have WASTED 100 Laurels – if this is the game you are going to play – allow us to get a refund… pretty simple no?
I’m so mad I’m gonna go back to playing WoW tonight…
Sloths are pretty cool creatures and highly underestimated. Personally I think it’s a pretty cool name….
I’d like them to implement a “We’re sorry we made a mistake and limited your playing time” feature – like a random minipet at the very least…
When I got banned it was during our guild events – costing me all my commendations, gold and chest items…. will they be replaced? Nope…. sorry is just a word.
Does a support worker review the account in question to identify fraudulent activity before the ban takes place?
Or is it just an algorithm that identifies possible negative activity and bans?
If it is not the latter, shouldn’t the staff be trained a bit more to look at logs before banning if innocent people are caught in this net prompting a review anyway?
Joining Jennah’s Jubiliee justifies jovial jumping, jiving and jazz.
Just joking…
someone pinch me now! Is this a dream? Because if it’s not I’m going to celebrate with some omnom bars!
Sargon you sound like a cool dad…I wish my dad played GW2 with me…together we could rule the galaxy….I mean Tyria
They need to be a bit more creative than hitting 7 million pinatas for an achievement.
Isn’t it a bit personal to ask for his ‘show’ size?
As a casual player I find I have no time to do the things I want to do….ie dungeons, map completion etc Instead because the achievements are time limited I waste my time playing a game or fetching items.
I also got ‘permanently banned’ as a Gold Seller last week for putting 200 gold in my guild bank, and then withdrawing it again, after my guild leader used it for the Golden title. It took 4 appeals and 48 hours to be reinstated. It would be helpful if support changed the wording of their letters. It should not be a problem, but do be prepared for a possible ban.
It took you 4 appeals? That seems like 3 too many if they have all the logs on hand! It also seems strange since they state they review the account before permanently banning… What changes their mind after you log a ticket?
You should put a crested raptor in his room as punishment.