Showing Posts For Sharen Graves.1276:

PoF: Top 10 WvW Guild Reference

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

TBT is not on DB.

WvW next weekend with new elite skills queues

in WvW

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

I agree the amount of PvE players will high just like it was (if not worse) then when they added the new back piece. Plus shts on reset night…

How to stop outnumbered abuse

in WvW

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Good deal… While you are at it can you make the pips more linear for the wvw ranks.

Death of daily rooms

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

The vocal minority PVP “pro’s” wanted PVE’rs out of PVP to get daily.
Anet listens to vocal minority, over nerfs or over buffs- par for the course.
Instead of removing them in ranked games that the vocal minority QQ about.
Daily rooms are sadly collateral damage.

Opening mail in new PvP lobby causes crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Clicking on the guild roster crashes client also.

New WvW blog post June 1 2017

in WvW

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Once again I ask. Can we get a way to lock the reward track to the one we want to run over and over.

Or a way to remove the reward tracks we don’t want on the list

NEW mode incoming 2v2!

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

But did they fix the class stacking…..

Why do you not play?

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Too few Balance updates
HoT power creep. Clearly Elite specs are not side grades like they said.
lack of build diversity
Class Stacking
too much focus on Esports ( this is an old gripe of mine)
over nerf to end game rewards but tomes of knowledge are left alone.
No build templates
Cant lock rewards tracks

[Discussion] Epidemic STEALTH NERFED

in WvW

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Par for the course. Nerf Core skills/traits and not touch anything OP that came from HoT.

Reaper/Nerco need not apply for WvW now.

How hard will you try during Season 6?

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Just doing dailies… in ranked…that’s how hard.

WvW Poll: Next Project Priority (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

This poll is loaded and mute as soon as it says more loot.

option1) No matter what you attached to the poll the one that has more loot is always going to win. It like asking if you want to keep the current system or add multimap looting like you have in AB. No one voted for this because it had clean up or or improvements. (not saying not one person did but majority read
“more loot that’s what I want”) This is also going to promote Ktrain and blobs.

option 2) Higher pop server in t1/t2 don’t want this system and have the majority of the WvW players. So it’s not going to get voted for. I mean having movement would be great.

The poll should have ask if players would like:

option 1) a 1 up 1 down system with a short explanation
option 2) Glicko scoring adjusting with a short explanation

Scruffy 2.0

in Lore

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Scuffy 2.0 will resemble MOX if not MOX himself from GW1. Zinn founded Rata Novus and that where Taimi is holding out. If not the story will tie into the research that Zinn did after being banished from Asuran lands (because he was a golemancer) she found it and improved on the design.

Seriously: Just play DH

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

The DH does need to be turned down a bit. The low skill level is so bad you can spot it a mile away. TRAP TRAP TRAP.. AA..invul…invul.. block..block.. TRAP TRAP TRAP. stomp. I think if they remove the stun and increase the CD.

Or have the CD start when the trap is triggered. Doing this will affect all the traps in the game but it will prevent trap spammers and will promote smarter play.

But then again its it anet so an over nerf and removing of an amulet will probably be the out come.

Then it will be on the the next class thats OP plz nerf.

If there is a League Next season

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

1) yes please

2) Dont reset MMR. New players should start at the lowest MMR

3)2500 really? that’s a bit much but see your point

4)no solo Q. without it this is what we get.

5) will increase Que times and trolls.

6)legendary back piece not good enough

7)If they remove the cant lose tiers the division will show skill

8) agreed, individuals MMR, team average MMR, and parties need to be shown before the match starts.

9) repeat of 8

10) I don’t think they want us to have it because then we( the players) will have proof that somethings broken.

add my own here

11) remove the forced 50/50

PvP Season 3 Amulet Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

wait… wait…. wait. removing of more builds in SPVP shocking. LMAO two more patches and we wont need build template any more. /s

Is there no way to limit levels for groups?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Try putting in your LFG " NO SKIPPING NO RUSH" it should filter out a lot. I know I see them and I don’t join those

New items in the Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

SMH another case of the vocal minority QQ and Anet folds. At this rate this time next year I should be able to get the Raid skins for Karma.

SAB is back! [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

And it was nerfed. More collection… more grind only in 8 bit this time.

SAB is back! [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

As usual Anet makes something we love into a kittening grind fest.

S3 Matchmaking Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

I say keep it simple.
Remove the MMR in Ranked.
Remove cannot lose tiers in Emerald and Sapphire.
Match making via division and tiers and pip range.

i.e You are T2 Ruby and que up. It will try to match you with 9 others in T2 ruby (5 pips). After say 30 sec it broadens the search 1 pip each side. So the search will be last pip T1, all T2, first pip T3 ruby. (7 pips) and every 30 sec it will broaden the search 1 pip each side until 10 are found.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

1) Nerf Elite specs put in line with core specs. They where supposed to be a choice elite spec or core. With your power creep its not a choice if you want to be competitive.
2)Split PVP and PVE
3)Put the removed amulets back in and let us actually have build diversity. This would mean you would have to actually balance skill/traits/amulets.
4)Bi-weekly balance to said traits/skills/amulets.
5) STOP MAKING BIG CHANGES TO THE BALANCE. Every time you “balance” you swing the pendulum the complete other side. zerk to bunker ..bunker back to zerk.

Update on 4-Stat Amulet Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

crusader amulet was really fine.

i demand a replacement !


1050 power
1050 toughness
560 precision
560 ferocity

call it templar amulet perhaps. a variant of marauder and paladin

It has toughness they don’t want any toughness in pvp.. They want high damage esport play. I mean gotta keep those 500 people happy on twitch.

Changes to Amulets for Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Oh joy….the bursty meta is going to be so much more fun. rolls eyes

I mean exact same kind of meta than the last one where no one dies and the first to capture a point wins.

Quaggan knows we don’t want a bursty meta or a bunker meta. Both are not fun at all. Removing amulet(s) (again) is a lazy way of doing something like oh lets say balance traits and specs. The main reason people went tanky is because of the power creep that has not been addressed. Why because esports.

Removing of this amulet is yet again removing builds. At this point they might as will just remove all the amulets and just leave Marauder and Viper.

The Nuke Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

The nuke meta may be fun to watch in tournaments, but it is not fun to be on the end of it. Especially as there is no solo queue. It is horrible facing premades, being focused down in seconds. This only leads to casual or new players giving up on PVP.

Surely we want to encourage more players, not put people off PVP altogether……..

This right here. This change is to keep the whole 1200 people watching the same 4 teams on twitch while kittening over the thousands.

And the claim that they have seen a growth in pvp over the last year and a half is true. But mainly because the lack of content in that same time span. PvP was the last area many people tried and with bunker builds it game them a chance to learn. But with the one shot meta coming they are leaving.

Upcoming Changes to PvP Runes/Sigils/Amulets

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

As usual over compensation. The balance in this game has been nothing but a one legged table. From one extreme to the other. yes more power creep that’s whats needed.

Elite specs > Core specs. Lord knows we don’t want core specs actually able to compete.

High risk more reward > play how you want

back to grinding pve.

Small Guild left out

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

How small is small? We are doing fine with 5 and almost level 30.

How to do Guild PVP matches...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Go into your guild panel. And create a guild team. insert members into the team then active the guild mission. Then do a pvp match.

[Feedback/Discussion] Fractals of the Mists

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

I agree with this and so do a lot of people lets start putting ideas on the table. Like a player run CDI.

1) and 2) Yes change the mechanics. Like you said some high toughness but low vitality, were as others have low toughness and high vitality. You can also have the some bosses have a high Condi with lower CD we the players have to worry about condi clear. Another would be a boss that has a high healing where you have to bust down the break bar to interupt the heal.

I agree the daily needs looked at too. Fractal daily needs to count toward your account daily like they did. As it is now I have to run the account daily to get any AP and then do my fractal daily. Depends on how PVP goes by the time I get to fractals it’s late and can’t help any guild mates with things. Moving them back into the account daily you will have covered all game types the players are interested in. (PvE, PvP, WvW, Fractels.)

3) I think the daily format in fine the way it is. 2 Recommended Fractel- Scale “X” and the run 3 Adept/Journeyman/Master. I agree with you the players are going to be picking the same ones to get it done faster. So I would make those three random for that given fractal range. So if the player decides to do Journeyman he could end up running a 21,34, and 45 but the next day end up running a 29, 37 and 50. If they add the Fractals back into account daily (see above) the players would run the 2 run scale “x” and then choose 1 of the Adept/Journeyman/Master. This would keep it interesting and not have any advantage over the other game types for dailies.

4) Rewards- The bane of every game. For me the rewards are at a good point for what fractals are now. For the same reasons you pointed out and what’s wrong with the fractals. Just long and boring fights without any real challenge. So Anet philosophy of high risk high reward is still good here. It just the 51+ are time > risk.
Now if they go back and look at the Queen’s Gauntlet with the Gambits. That was a good system. The more Gambits the more reward. That is a system they need to look at for fractals, but use the mist locks instead. Add this by 1) adding Fractal Mastery 5 for a player to choose 1,2,3,4,5 mistlocks to your fractal. Or reserve adding mist locks to lvl 75+. But the point will be the more mistlocks the more reward. That follows Anet philosophy of high risk high reward.
Changing some of the fight mechanics and having the ability to add mist locks. A guild can use them as training rooms for 5 man parties to use against raids. (Something like) Hey guys Raid Boss Monkey King has this same type mechanic as level 77 Mossman with x,y,z mistlock. Lets go practice our team comp.

Ok getting of soap box. To many ideas in my head. Over all Fractals have a good base to start building them up.

Unanswered Halloweem Questions

in Living World

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

(1) The pumpkin head Moa in the preview image, how to get?
(2) what is the Gyve of Madness and how to get?
(3) Are all of the materials to make Night Fury in game?
Will Anet just go ahead and tell us the recipe so rumor mongers can stop ripping players off?

(4) What’s in the Mystic Chests? Are these the same mystic chests that dropped in 2012, dropping mostly junk but also materials for a mystic forge conduit?
(5) Are there recipes to craft the new weapons (there should be)

1) Out of TOT bags or buy on TP
2) Not in game yet
3) Still dont know yet
4) This is an item sink. With the price of leather and the RNG is get the items. Just sell the leather on the TP and buy the conduit
5) Nope AFAIK. Out of TOT bags or buy on TP

(edited by Sharen Graves.1276)

Guild Raid Testing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Congrats, [Att] and [DnT]!

Try not to leak anything this time?

So no healers huh?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Yes you will not be able to run a full zerker party in some of HoT. My tear cup is ready for all the QQ.

Combat -- Horrendously Bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Yes you actually will have to learn to dodge.

Deadly Betties- Causal

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Who don’t like cookies? Well maybe Char. Char they don’t like cookies. (I think)

Deadly Betties- Causal

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Oh and we have cookies

[NA] Looking for guild/group to PvP casually

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Deadly Betties is a softcore international guild comprised of adults who don’t act their age. We’re a lovable group of snarky individuals who enjoy discussing Gaming news, laughing at YouTube videos, poking fun at one another, and trolling (good kinds) new members. While we do get a kick out of behaving like kittenes we do take many things seriously. We have huge hopes of having a positive influence on the Gaming community. We’re also fairly serious about completing missions, quests, and things of the like without too many “kitten-kitten ” moments—-but we will laugh it up when we do screw up. We are PvX and have members that do it all. Even have one of those cray ones that play the TP.
Deadly Betties does not require you to be Meta. GW2 is made to play your build how you like and we support that in our members. Plus it’s fun to try out builds because they are fun.
We view Gaming as an opportunity to have fun and unwind after a long day. We will never treat a game as though it is more important than real life. We actually encourage members to do what makes them happiest and if that means personal time away from the keyboard, then by all means do it. With that in mind. If you are a college student and we know finals are coming up. We will ask how they went. If you have kid/s and they get sick we will ask how they are doing. That’s just how we are. We like to see ourselves as a small family than be a large guild.

Deadly Betties- Causal

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

• Region: NA, but all welcomed!
• Home Server (WvW): Dragon Brand
• VoIP: TeamSpeak 3

Deadly Betties is a softcore international guild comprised of adults who don’t act their age. We’re a lovable group of snarky individuals who enjoy discussing Gaming news, laughing at YouTube videos, poking fun at one another, and trolling (good kinds) new members. While we do get a kick out of behaving like kittenes we do take many things seriously. We have huge hopes of having a positive influence on the Gaming community. We’re also fairly serious about completing missions, quests, and things of the like without too many “kitten-kitten ” moments—-but we will laugh it up when we do screw up. We are PvX and have members that do it all. Even have one of those cray ones that play the TP.
Deadly Betties does not require you to be Meta. GW2 is made to play your build how you like and we support that in our members. Plus it’s fun to try out builds because they are fun.
We view Gaming as an opportunity to have fun and unwind after a long day. We will never treat a game as though it is more important than real life. We actually encourage members to do what makes them happiest and if that means personal time away from the keyboard, then by all means do it. With that in mind. If you are a college student and we know finals are coming up. We will ask how they went. If you have kid/s and they get sick we will ask how they are doing. That’s just how we are. We like to see ourselves as a small family than be a large guild.
Deadly Betties is perfect for people that just want to unwind and enjoy games. It’s also a good place if you just don’t want to adult for awhile.
RULES (kitten just had to be)
Don’t be a tool
No harassment

Message me in game or on here.

[NA]Looking for a smallish guild :P

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Deadly Betties is a softcore international guild comprised of adults who don’t act their age. We’re a lovable group of snarky individuals who enjoy discussing Gaming news, laughing at YouTube videos, poking fun at one another, and trolling (good kind) new members. While we do get a kick out of behaving like kittenes we do take many things seriously. We have huge hopes of having a positive influence on the Gaming community and have already begun planning community events. We’re also fairly serious about completing missions, quests, and things of the like without too many “kitten-kitten ” moments—-but we will laugh it up when we do screw up. We view Gaming as an opportunity to have fun and unwind after a long day. We will never treat a game as though it is more important than real life. We actually encourage members to do what makes them happiest and if that means personal time away from the keyboard, then by all means do it.

We are the type of guild that does things on the fly. We’ll randomly meet up for a bar fight then do a naked conga lines. We’re also insane enough to do a dungeon in the buff just for the laughs. Whatever we intend to do, you know we’ll do it with a smile on our face and a snicker in our voice.

Money Check
small WvW to screw around check
PvP check
Handle you Check. (we play cards against humanity every sat. night)

Reaper Changes for BWE3

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

So being that the reapers roll is supposed to be front line DPS support. It will still not have a spot in PVE or PVP because of the lack of Stab.

[NA] Academy Gaming 1v1 Cup #1

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Amulet restrictions is Meh. Should let any amulet to be used and have a (x) min fight limit. After the limit then implement restrictions. But this will be nothing but a burst fest and who has the better ping. At least let them use Carrion as an alternate for the Condi builds.

Also restricting the Mesmer so they cant inves and reset the fight. But nothing to the Thief.

(With the above I mean no disrespect it just curious observations. Good luck to who ever enters and wins.)

Guilds: Activate Recruit Mode!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Deadly Betties is a softcore international guild comprised of adults who don’t act their age. We’re a lovable group of snarky individuals who enjoy discussing Gaming news, laughing at YouTube videos, poking fun at one another, and trolling new members. While we do get a kick out of behaving like kittenes we do take many things seriously. We have huge hopes of having a positive influence on the Gaming community and have already begun planning community events. We’re also fairly serious about completing missions, quests, and things of the like without too many “kitten-kitten ” moments—-but we will laugh it up when we do screw up. We view Gaming as an opportunity to have fun and unwind after a long day. We will never treat a game as though it is more important than real life. We actually encourage members to do what makes them happiest and if that means personal time away from the keyboard, then by all means do it.

We are the type of guild that does things on the fly. We’ll randomly meet up for a bar fight then do a naked conga lines. We’re also insane enough to do a dungeon in the buff just for the laughs. Whatever we intend to do, you know we’ll do it with a smile on our face and a snicker in our voice.

If you’re interested in joining us, you should fill out an application. If you’re curious about Deadly Betties you can do many things! You can directly contact the leader (me) at, join Enjin to browse our forums more in-depth, read the “About Us”, or check out the Q&A. Whether you join us or not, we look forward to gaming with you.

People are actually leaving GW2 PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

I agree. Burn damage is too high. This change was supposed to change the meta and and have more viable builds. it was for the first week or so. Now it’s back to zerker of GTFO.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

See you in the mists brother… RIP

Next Game Build: Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Yes last I check the Rumor Score Board has

Players 100
Anet 0

Dont play the rumor game with us we always when that one. XD

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Anet allows you to join up to 5 guilds. Guilds that require 100% representation get no interest from me. In my opinion, you should represent a guild when you are participating in guild events. If you are on your own time it should be up to you.

But the real problem with the OP is not knowing that the guild would require 100% rep.

That’s how I run my guild. I would rather you find at least someone to do things with than waiting around.

Are the Season 2 rewards really worth it?

in Living World

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

I am more than willing to help you with any of the story you want. I am like you and do it for the story and not hard core. So I feel you pain. Let me know.

Final Review of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

Can I haz your stuff? No wait you didn’t play long enough to have anything of value. Thanks for reviewing a game that has been out for 2.5 years and reminding us that its a L2P game. slow clap

[Suggestions] Make crafting account wide

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

If I had to do it over again I would have put them all on one character. Then just pay the fee to activate them when needed. I don’t know how many times I cant remember who is 500 in what craft. Worst case I would like it on the character select screen so I don’t have to have this sticky note on my monitor.

Will Bolts of Damask ever drop in price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

One reason for lack of supply is when they changed it to character appropriate loot and not zone level. Also a reason that the Damask is so high is because it’s needed for all weight classes of armor.

GW2 Sneak Peek @ PAX South.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

I got my tickets, cant wait.

GW2 Sneak Peek @ PAX South.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharen Graves.1276

Sharen Graves.1276

I got my tickets to PAXsouth. I hope I don’t get band before I get back. Because If I get the chance I might give them an ear full. LOL