Showing Posts For Shilajit.9023:

Poor Rewards for GW2

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


not sure how you don’t have many ascended items with playing for 5 years?
do you play 30 mins/day?
I’m playing for 3 years and 8 months , managed to make 5 ascended armor set (3/6 on the 6th set atm) , over 15+ ascended weapons (not even counting what you can get from achievements) and 4 legendaries .

Playtime 2 years 8 months in wvw and 1 year of pve.
you have to plan and work a bit harder I guess.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

Just Finished HoT and...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


I found HoT maps are extremely entertaining .
I know i know very unpopular opinion but only map i don’t like much is Auric Basin(not much depth to it) .
Tangled depth is the best designed map so far (and no it’s not a sarcasm).
Never had problem with harder mobs in the area even before the nerf ( have to keep eyes open and have to have an idea of the map though).

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Vabi a good server WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


Vabbi is good atm because all the gvg players are stacked up in that same server and refuse to fight each other by spreading out in different servers because not all commanders can fight so they let their commanders get carried by guild pugs.

so vabbi pugs= all gvg players running with a tag.
which is good if you want to win easily against random pugs from enemy servers.

So if you are looking for a server that’ll carry you vabbi is the best atm.

gotta warn you though it’s a bit toxic .

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

request to REMOVE PVE mobs

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


without few creatures bl would look lifeless. a few creature doesn’t hurt.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Official Feedback Thread: WvW Stability

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


First of all Stability changes were really great.
But I can guess that the changes you guys did depending on old Dolyak Signet & realize that Balance stance has 5 stack only with 8 sec duration so you guys reworked it.

so here is the thing, as the pirate ship meta is gone , it should not fully be out of the picture.
this cause by

1. stability removed at 0.75sec interval – ok 0.75sec is a bit over kill it’s almost same as old stability , no matter how many cc enemy use to remove 10 stack stability we have to wait full 8 sec (full duration of stability)
So I think if you reduce the interval at 0.5sec or 0.4sec would be a sweet spot , reason behind it is many CCs should be able to remove all stability before the full time expire,
but chain ccc can not just stun-lock you forever like before.

2. Cap on big aoe CCs (static , ward , unstead ground etc)- while this is a good idea to spot the pirateship meta, it doesn’t work with the new stability changes.
Stability changes were made in the first place to stop the melee train from pushing through CCs.
Now with this cap melee train can push like before so the changes you guys made before became null.

So I would say reduce the Stability remove interval a bit & probably keep the CC cap would be fine.

(sorry about the next part)
One more thing : – while you guys worked on Balanced Stance & Dolyak Signet.
you guys forgot about Armor of Earth (Elementalist) which has 10 stack of stability with 6 sec duration , in this case nobody can remove that 10 stack of stability within 6 sec except corrupt/strip.
Besides for a skill that has a 75sec cooldown it’s a bit weak just to have 10 stack stability once for 6 sec is a bit weak.
So maybe rework that skill as well , thank you..
( again sorry about the Elementalist part in this thread)

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

[WvW] opinion poll - WvW gear

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


why does people start a game & starts grinding for gear?
I played wvw my 1st 6 months normally with exo gear & it worked just fine.
as I kept playing mats started to gather up automatically , when I had enough mats for 1 piece I went for it , boom made a full set of heavy armor set just like that.

stop trying to grind kitten playing long enough will progress you in long run easily & won’t feel like grinding.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Against the rules to double team?

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


as far as I know it’s not against the rule ,
double teaming is one of the possibility anet kept in mind when they decided to put 3 teams against each other instead of two.

in this situation all you can do is get good & farm both side really hard get 500bags/hours
& show those to the opponent commanders. well that’s what sfr used to do in 2014 during double teaming attacks before the sfr downfall in 2015..

all you have to remember is more enemy =more bags for you. that’s the only motivation you need.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Remove EoTM or limit its use

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


no don’t remove eotm.
we don’t need to remove eotm to bring players to wvw.

instead what they needed to do that they failed to realize was
dividing achievements from eotm to wvw maps.
it was that simple, before wvw title holds meaning to the play they can brag about but with eotm everybody is ultimate dominator by killing upscaled. pfft.

they should have made different achievements for eotm & let the wvw be wvw
since eotm doesn’t contribute your home server it shouldn’t let yo get all those awesome titles ,
also it was made so the people stuck in queue could enjoy running wvw till the queue pops but alas anet went crazy & gave everyone prestigious title from eotm .

they should have made it like a trial run area & all the wvw achievements you have to earn from 4 wvw maps & throw few skins per tier of achievements & people will come to wvw for those & can brag about their earnings.
it was that easy .

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Dragon Hunter's 'Hunter's Ward'

in Guardian

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


Can we get a nerf on Long bow 5 [Hunter’s Ward] please?
3 Hunter’s Ward can remove stability from almost whole zerg of 25 players .
it is insanely strong.
1 dodge out of Hunter’s Ward removed ~4 stack of stability .
I know it doesn’t really matter in pve but in wvw it is way too strong &

with 1200 range they can stay at safe distance while removing the stability

of a whole zerg only with 3 Hunter’s Ward.

Changes should be made
1. put an icd of 1 sec per player.
2.reduce the range to 900
this way it can not remove whole bunch of stability from all target that

passes through it but many Hunter’s Ward can remove 1 stack of stability

per player that passes through it.
also you don’t actually have to do any dramatic changes on the skill if man
power is concerned.

One more thing, the radius of the skill is actually larger than how it shows up so we need a fix on that as well.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Add "afk-leaver" button.

in PvP

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


if you want anet to listen to you follow this steps below
1. be a girl
2. make a youtube channel
3.make gw2 random useless video
4.get famous
5. get tons of viewer
6.get big in youtube or atleast with few thousand viewer
7.complain about your complain

follow this 7 steps & anet will listen to you.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Plz remove the corrupt boon on scepter auto

in PvP

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


why everybody is crying about aa boon corrupt & nobody asks for aa boon gain nerf?
like scrapper hammer 1
guard gs 1
guard ham 1
so aa boon corrupt is bad while aa boon gin is not?
what about herald? they don’t even have to do anything to get boons.
they should nerf those too.
why you get to have free frequent boons while nobody can remove it frequently?

necro scepter aa is just fine , don’t get hit every 3rd aa from necro, it’s not easy to land unless you are just taking it while just standing there.


Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Top 5 WvW overhaul changes

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


1. Don’t allow catapults built next to wall.
—-: no cuz they r short in range &you can destroy it with acs or make balista on the other side of that cata

2. Reduce radius of meteor shower.
—-: it has nothing to do with wvw still for 3 years it didn’t cause a problm , now people complaining about everything.
besides in order to do a meteor ele has to stand still , you can dps that ele or interrupt it’s channel. if shorted redius then you have make it like ele can move around while casting meteor. < i’m sure you don’t want that.

3. Reduce all CC skills with unlimited target limit to 5 target limit (Hunters Ward, Static Field, Slick Shoes, Unsteady Ground etc.)
—-: again nothing to do with wvw , we don’t need caps on this things because if you pay attention before moving you can easily not go over it , unlike aoe stun like earthshaker/staggering blow/tremor/thunderclap/illusionary wave/drop the hammer that you can only avoid by dodging, you simply can choose not to go on static /lines etc.

4. Make Well of Corruption blockable.
—-: again not a wvw fix.
well is unblockable since the start & didn’t cause issue for 3 years now
besides with new dragonhunter Shield f courage , removing unblockable fact from well will have no counter to that

5. Reduce minons incoming damage and conditions by 90% when not targeted.
—-:not a wvw fix,
besides doing this will make classes with pets way too strong, in pvp game mode current way is just fine otherwise , let me make a scenario

you are an ele & fighting reaper that can make 9k army , now you are trying to focus reaper but then it’s pets doesn’t die from aoe, do you think any class can survive against that?
same goes for engi turrets / ranger pets/ elementals.

I would suggest
how wp works now,
add pve rewards to wvw for guild upgrades
change how upgrade keep/tower works
change golem back.
change ac back like it was before.

population imbalance isn’t a issue every server has enough player for wvw it’s just rewards are so kittenty people don’t bother dying for it.
add seasonal tournaments
add more rewards like kitten mats drop that can help players to progress towards legendary.
old achievements were just fine , instead of reducing those to this crappy numbers you just had to add some rewards like unique skins[ascended] that you get after completing each tier of those wvw achievements .
& divide eotm achievements from wvw ones. “Ultimate Dominator” doesn’t have value anymore

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Noobs: Nudity is bad

in PvP

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


if I remember correctly it was like that since 2014, you have empty armor slot= you got no armor.

before that armor didn’t matter it went on for a while [started just after wardrobe patch] then people started trolling like killing you naked & dance on your body or something baam anet changed it to require armor.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Can you please stop the nightcapping?

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


if your server can’t provide player 24/7 you don’t deserve to win a matchup very simple.
stop complaining about nightcapping whatever that thing is .
there is no such thing as nightcapping.

opponent is capping while you sleep ? start gathering players for your server during your sleep time..

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Would it be too bad if ?

in PvP

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


yeah but then we have to lock his class when he queues up for a match.

like if he switched he won’t get that join window , I’m sure every character/account has ids , so players can only join if the match making id & his current id matches.

now I can see the problem with that too since people will just simply not join that game & the team looses. then again he looses 1 pip too right?
so he can’t just queue up & switch to another also he won’t abandon match since he’ll loose pips too ..

only problem I see in this case is anet have to balance all class haha or people will figure out the balance is bad. xD

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Would it be too bad if ?

in PvP

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


so guys I was thinking about too many necro in a match including 9 necro in a single match from another post.
what if there is a class lock for match up what I mean is
there are 9 classes & 5 player in a team so why not lock the class in a team if there is already one of them in that team.

like moba games
if your team has 1 necro ,another necro won’t match up with that team , same goes for other classes.

that way a team will have 5 different classes out of 9 classes , if we do this
now even if the players want to play op class for ez mode they will have to be in a long queue since 1 team is already filled they have to wait for next team in solo queue.

also in team queue use the same thing , if 1 team has 2 same class in a party matchmaking divides them & assign 1 of that same class to another team & put a solo q-er on that team for that match.

what do you guys think?
I think this way you won’t have to worry about 5 dh in a team or 5 reaper or 5 engi etc in a same team.

image not mine


Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Scoring based on 3 hour block schedule

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


what is happening with players, they think na/eu server are divided based on time zone .

that is not the case na/eu are divided based on ping. if you play from eu u’ll get higher ping on na servers & same goes for eu cuz of the technical limitations.

this is why mmos breaks region not because of timezone but people seems to think otherwise & think their time is superior to others who are not from their timezone.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Why did they call this game "casual "

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


this game isn’t grindy
my 1st year I played only wvw , yeah wvw has less rewards & managed to get 3-4 super expensive exotic skins.

then I took 3 months break & player for another 1 year& 3 months
now I have :
4 full ascended armor set
5 ascended staff /2gs/ 2 hammer/2 dagger/2 scepter/1 lb/ 1sb/1axe/1 pistol/
4 legendary [took me 2 months each & trust me I never got a pre drop]
2 aether/ azuraflame/volcanus
even gifted axe pre to somebody

yes I managed to do all that in 1year & 3 months it was easy & now I’m 1/2 way to astralaria, had almost all mats for it then sold all that for transferring server have to start from scratch again.

yes I don’t play more than 5 hours a day.
& i don’t have trading skill what ever I sell in tp is direct buy price.

what problem you guys are facing is : oh look legendary I need that> looks at the requirement> holy kitten too much thing to get > 250 of each mats wtf? >I don’t have time to play but I need the legendary right now> kitten this kitten> this game grindy..

what i do is keep playing constantly, after every month I looks at my material slot to see how much I got > if 200+ mats on few types > decides it’s time for another legendary & baam I have another

what makes this game casual is that you don’t need ascended for enjoying 90% content.
exotic is just fine & it’s way too easy to get exotics.
instead you guys want is getting free legendary without playing.

what is happening with you is : got full exo >goes exploring>spam all skills are not on cd> dies because have no idea how to dodge > kitten it mobs are too hard>kitten this game is too hard for casual player.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

Night time wvw......

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


Let me explain it better: wait that’s what I have been doing in my past post.

pt1.- a war isn’t a tennis or Volleyball.
I would say a gvg is a tennis or Volleyball but not wvw.

pt2- 10-15 are capping the kitten out of wvw at night but yeah they are doing to help their server at night. remember it’s a war so you can’t tell the opponent not to attack at night cuz you need sleep.

p3-3 hours thingy will kill wvw even more , remember how much people hate the timing issue in new hot maps. last thing we need in wvw is timer on maps/events

p4- you guys are simply want wvw to be like this : I’m strong at fighting so I’ll set up time for myself & give weaker fighter server no chance to get point back.
in a war doesn’t matter how much weapon you have it’s when to use it so let non prime timer player do their thing & you do yours.

p5-pvdoor-ing isn’t bad thing . it is game mechanics & who does pvdo is doing exactly the game rules are.

p6- you guys are saying you play for 3 hours at prime time & accomplish few thousand point & then goto sleep & not let others play at other time.

p7 – what if the 3 hours low point is set to your prime time? & high point at other time? if you didn’t consider that you are just crying cuz you need to sleep.

—even if I don’t consider the other time zone in server or say all the players are playing from same time zone as you if they are playing at night , they are working harder than you to stay awake at night & trying to help their server win.

so stop with forum qq-ing & go back to wvw where it matters.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

Night time wvw......

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


“As I said…….The personal reward gained is the same, there will be no altering in personal reward in anyway, the only thing that will be changed is the reward gained at night which only makes sense since the majority of the players are not even there…………………..” -zengara.8301

Hate to repeat , so I will just copy/paste another answer

“And here we are, another guy thinking his time is is more important than anyone else.
The world doesn’t stop whenever you sleep, neither does WvW.
Face it, WvW is a 24h competition.”

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Night time wvw......

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023



I know about the post but I found it as a satire to those who cries about night capping.
so that doesn’t count. :p
but yeah too much crying in forum instead of finding an alternative on how to counter them..

what bothers me most is that the terms “prime time/non prime time” used to measure the number of player active in game.
now people made it “my playing time/my sleeping time” ..

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

Night time wvw......

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


there isn’t .
I see what is going on
you can win in blob fight – you think you are the mighty one , fighting is everything in wvw.
so others don’t matter, you can’t play at certain time so stop other from taking advantages of that.

well if there is honourable fight in life / video game?

- for life: why did you born at EU/NA prime time & others didn’t? how can you fight honourable with different time zone since you sleep at other’s prime & they sleep at your prime?
- in game: why do you want unfair advantages for lowering ppt for others instead of you?

talk about honourable fight

in wvw rules only thing you have is , “do what ever to win this week’s matchup.”
that includes-
implement spy on other server
capping during non prime time
ppt during prime.
ppk from kill.
using the 15mins timer to cap things for points & let other keep for other 14 mins

how do you think the servers that came out at top 3 during season 2 tourney?
-many player played during night,
-many commander commanded for 18 hours /day
-many players played 21hours/day
-using 15mins timer effect [don’t call it an abuse]
-all server had spy on their enemy server.
-spawn camping on enemy server.
- quick capping when other 2 server are fighting
- sometime double teaming
all *strategy *.

next thing you are gonna cry about is 1 player getting killed by 2 players cuz it’s 2v1 unfair right……

And sure as hell nobody cried about nightcapping back then.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

Night time wvw......

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


there is no such thing as honerable fighting in wvw , it’s a war.

gather up your people for the night , grab a commander & follow him , you can be man enough to defend against those lame server players with your good skills.

you have a life yes ofc, non prime zone time players also have a life , they sleep at your prime time yet they don’t complain ," nerf daycapping plz"

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Night time wvw......

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


mom I need to sleep so plz make a rule about other can’t do thing they want..

-1st you said “The idea is that servers fight vs eachother, like heal, attack, frontline backline etc”
if this is the case why do you care about ppt?

-2nd " 3-4 timezone"
right so why your timezone gets more priority than others?

-3rd “their day time commanders can not win any fight”
right that’s the point . it’s a war & people would do anything to win why can’t you instead of whining about night capping?

well start playing at night too if you want to counter night capping .
I didn’t know it was a thing your so called “nightcapping”

I thought this was the terms for :

primetime _ this word used to measure largest number of player active during a certain time of the day.
non prime time -this word used to measure the number of player active during a other time of the day except prime time.

you people are making it
primetime – my playing time
non prime time- my sleeping time
since when did it come to that?

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

make superspeed negate chill dmg

in PvP

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


I don’t have problem with chill itself nor do I want to use a special status to ignore chill damage that most class don’t have access to.

what we need to think about is the trait “Deathly Chill” from necro
before I go any further I’d like to say I love necro/reaper my main currently is necro/reaper for last 1 year so don’t say I’m hating necro /reaper.

as the current damage calculation is (0.255 * Condition Damage) + 202 < this isn’t right yeah I’m not a balance dev

but as we can apply chill permanently to any class with help of few other trait the damage scale shouldn’t be this high.

also “Rise” is actually very strong , remember in order to play mm necro we had to sacrifice our most utility skills so what weakness necro had was lack of stunbreaker/stability , now you can use “Rise” & still use all other utility you want still get an army & condi transfer from “Necromantic Corruption” needs rework .

but I’m aware that any nerf to “Necromantic Corruption” will nerf the old necro

what makes it terrifying is these other traits.
let me list it for you.
1.Chilling Darkness
3.Death Nova
4.Shivers of Dread
5.Chilling Victory
6.Cold Shoulder

- no. 1,4,6 helps keeping up the chill permanently with even condi duration
- no. 5 increases your damage
- no. 2 don’t even talk about this trait [fear gives you chill from no.4 trait], [with Terror, necro always procs the damage with condi: 1046 ]
- then you get damage from Deathly Chill

so that damage calculation for “Deathly Chill” is wrong . it needs to be toned down & I think it should scale up with power instead of condi make power chill build viable.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

5k AP requirement for level 32 fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


David ap means everything to this game .
so there is a requirement .
ap means your skills in the game
ap means your knowledge of the game
ap means your knowledge of the class you play
ap means everything in this game.

yeah I have seen 21k ap player with no knowledge of dodge or the class they are playing.
so get that 5k ap faster people don’t care how good your are with the game/class/content.

in case you guys didn’t notice it’s a sarcasm. haha


Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Overhaul CC & Stability while you're at it

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


-0.5sec icd on stability removal , yes that’s what I was thinking as well .
-change cc skills with cap [static/lines of warding/Unsteady Ground/Circle of warding etc] , no just no cuz you can always go around them no need to nerf those skills

I would like to add 1 thing though this icd will kill those classes who use boon removal/corrupt.
like say necro corrupt stability to fear but it’s 1 stack because of icd & the enemy doesn’t get feared cuz he has other stacks of stability like ever.
I would suggest corrupt/removal skills has a cap to 3-5 stack of stability conversion before the icd starts. balance team can figure out what number of stack is not op.
I would say 5 stack/corruption tick since most skills has 5stack stab anyway otherwise corruption fear will never work.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


“when it’s ready” ..

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

What i hate at new maps

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


also taking garri under 9k ac


Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

What i hate at new maps

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


most bad design about new bl is it’s slow as kittenn.
alpine was very fast paced.
-player could build 100 ac in garri still another team could take it with golems & clearing kittenn.
-Siege 75% dmg reduction is plain bad for those who took risked to stay under ac fire & still try to take em down , it’s not rewarding for them anymore.
-yes keep lord is a joke: give them 1billion billion hp so small havok group can’t take it.
-jump pads : yeah right , we need more of them..

miss this garri defends for 3 hours straight


Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Really miss alpine borderlands :, (

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


Pirate Ship meta haha..


Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Gunflame needs adjusting

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


tbh gunflame needs a big animation addition. like crack shot . it’s to see when they use gunflame .

they are running & shooting that looks like auto attack but nuke with same animation .
an animation addition should be enough & 1 sec cast time, don’t care about the damage..

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Backline profession for WVW in current state

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


You guys are waaayy off topic xD
Dude asked if Rev or Ranger was better for a FIRST WvW class, starting from scratch. He’s gonna be undergeared, upleveled and inexperienced.

I.E. he’s gonna be respawning and lost a lot.

Don’t tell him glass ele or for god’s sake fatkid necro is a good idea when there’s a forgiving, self-sufficient, effective class like rev sitting there.
I ain’t a big fan of Rev myself, but for a beginner it’s great because he can take it anywhere.

you know at underlevel u don’t need much of a gear requirement , he’ll die anyway even with tanky low lvl gear.
also playing ele requires brain u can’t just spam 1 with ele , swapping attunment is a must , can’t stay on 1 attunment for more than 10 sec in wvw zerg fight.
& yes we said glass cannon ele because he’s new & has the idea of ele being a healer of the team this is not the case at all.

playing ele requires a bit of understanding how it works, you must know about what fields you have & the purpose of the field, for playing ele you need the full knowledge of fields & finishers.
yes risk is big but you will be amazed how much damage you can provide with elementalist, also great suport.
rev is ok with range spamming 1 & 2 from hammer & sometime 5 but that’s it..
if you are a risk taker you won’t play any other class after playing elementalist.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

Backline profession for WVW in current state

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


from my only 1.5k hours of staff elementalist in wvw experience I would suggest go for elementalist for a backliner class.
it has almost everything a back liner can provide (with staff ofc).

1.huge aoe damage (hits like not a truck but a train).
2.range stuns/knockbacks/roadblock/immobilize I mean many cc skills haha
3.provider of water field which clears conditions & allies can get healing out of that water field they they use any blast skills on that.
Edit: also because of water field an ele doesn’t have to be equipped with healing gear
you can go glass & still be a great support.
yeah you might have to take the water trait line but it’s not for your team mates it’s for your own survivability , except that you can go a glasss cannon build
Ele is a class I’ll never use healing gear on it, NEVER

at mid range necro I found most useful because of the old well meta that hits like a truck.

now the revs are here but can’t say much about that since I didn’t play rev much

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

Why is equipment soulbound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


no crafted exotics are not soul bound…… untill you put a sigil on it or use it with a souldbound popup.

so transfer both weapon & sigil [not bound together] to which ever character you want then use the sigil on weapon.

as soon as you put a sigil on a weapon it becomes soulbound to that character.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Why are raids designed backwards?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


I think anet is making a mistake with holy trinity & non traditional mmo composition.

they said you can fill any role right?
like ele can be healer & dps both (non traditional)

they still need holy trinity for raids . but as the bosses of the raids doesn’t do few things they should they still force all the players except the tank be zerker (for timer ofc).
but one thing that still doesn’t need a healer in raid is simple. the boss mechanics:

1.boss doesn’t attack more than 1 target maybe 2
2. no hard hitting aoe (that doesn’t 1 shot you). constant pressure on health on player that needs a healer to handle. conditions applying on player.
5.1 mistake= dead
6.bosses attack with huge cd. (mostly feels like boss spam 1 every 15 sec that takes tanker’s 80% health )
7.nobody else gets aggro at all few other mobs spawn that can pressure on players

most of the time either player have full health or dead by 1 shot. so who need healer?
dodge attack & spam 1 & you are done, just bring dps.
raids are just stand on this & stand on that & dps the kitten out of the boss.

no use of combo fields yet at least.
like water, static, poison, light, nothing except firefield cuz burn got buffed with stack

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

Want the old maps back?[186 Signs]

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


do you guys know why the desert bl looks so dry?
cuz it has no water. I mean yeah near garrison but that doesn’t count.

anet is being lazy about wvw & underwater skill balance. cuz they got work to do with so called an exp pack “HoT” .
so can’t balance ? at least add underwater finisher combo kitten . <-problem solved
oh wait they don’t have technology for chair sitting animation yet don’t even think about ua finisher.

they are so lazy they added 2 uw weapon slot on revenant but single weapon to use, what a waste…

I don’t need the old map back but whoever designed the desert bl without water didn’t do a good thing & added too many jump pads & long walks instead.

in order to go to higher ground you have to jump on 6 small pads that throws you 5ft only every time. pff add stairs instead or make that 30ft jump using 2 -3 jump pads…

main thing that is bad with the desert bl is that too much walking & jumping instead of getting a few fights .

I miss bay fights ..

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

[DISCUSSION] why do player complain nightcap?

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


hypothetically if it was a war , I would nuke my enemy during night & will try to capture locations at night since , most of the enemy will be relaxed during night if I can’t fight back during prime time. very simple strategy..

Luckily this is a game and most people want to see decently fair matches.

Apply that logic to a soccer match instead and try to have it make sense . Without involving nukes.

yes we all want decently fair matches but isn’t it unfair to those who plays during your off time if you close wvw or reward less for playing?

Also we cannot really put the logic of soccer match in wvw reason is , those 3 server are not in agreement with each other to play during 1 server’s prime time only & then stop playing other time because 1 server demands .
tell me how is that logic fair?

I can put soccer logic to a gvg match as we agree to fight 10v10, 15v15 , 20v20 etc & select a particular time for it.
But not open world pvp it is a war afterall.

one more thing the word “nuke” I used because many people use it in game as an alternative to " a spell or skill that is capable of dealing a large amount of damage to its target"
I’m sure you heard it a lot from your commander if you are a wvw player , don’t try to find a wrong meaning behind it.

you can’t force people to stop playing just because they enjoy pvo or pve or whatever they play in wvw , they paid for it same as you. so tell me why the things you want matters more then those players who plays at your night time?

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

[DISCUSSION] why do player complain nightcap?

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


No, I say: drop the penalty (of 0.7 score points per player) the prime-time player have against off-time player (~7 score points per player).

there are no penalty for not playing .
it’s just strategic counter.

let me tell you 1 thing:
you prime time guys just all want advantages to your self.
you do ppt during prime
you also do ppk during
because yes you can win a fight
than want to go to sleep stopping the other server from playing because the issue “nightcap”

so you are kinda shutting a server entirely for a match up because they want to do ppt instead of fight during prime time. giving them no chance to recover points at all.

hypothetically if it was a war , I would nuke my enemy during night & will try to capture locations at night since , most of the enemy will be relaxed during night if I can’t fight back during prime time. very simple strategy..

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

Night Capping pass the Popcorn

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


Just remember the effect of a single NA-guild moving to an EU-server and away in 2012:

point still stands you just want advantages all the time.
if moving 1 guild makes a server drop in tier means the server isn’t strong enough they need to work harder following same rule as everyone, anybody shouldn’t get special treatment because of different timezone , pretty simple if you ask me.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Super easy nightcapping fix (EU)

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


if you suggest
6pm-12pm Primetime – PPT value 100% – full PPK
12pm-6pm Offpeak – PPT value 25% – full PPK

then suggest
6pm-12pm Primetime – PPT value 100% – 25% PPK
12pm-6pm Offpeak – PPT value 25% – 400% PPK

reason simple there will be too many kills during prime time so we don’t need too much ppk, instead give bonus to night cappers according to your time..

you guys are just being unreasonable to non prime timers. you want advantage all the time since you guys are strong in fight. so you get ppk & ppt during prime.
& safely go to sleep afterwards.
since we need balance we got balance this way not just 1 way to only prime time players.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

Night Capping pass the Popcorn

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


If you dislike other players destroying their body clocks for score in a game then destroy your own in turn and counter them.

^^ so mush of this.. +1 for you

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

[DISCUSSION] why do player complain nightcap?

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


Dayra you misunderstood my point.
1st of all I’m in EU I hop server many time for to play with few friends I have in my list.
this is coming from 2014 sfr wvw player .

during 2014 season 2 tourney sfr was the strongest server there was with all the time player active on the map because many players played from different time zone.
I play from +5:30 gmt so guess my prime time.
even played overnight (#nolife) many times to keep that server from dropping.
season 3 was kitten though.
I remember commanders commanding 18hours a day. so git good

2nd : 400 player vs 40 idea isn’t real. if I was a business man I would try to hold that 40 players as well as the other 400 .
it’s is a flat loss on my part if I just force that 40 players to stop playing.
who doesn’t play it’s their choice out of 400 but I won’t stop those 40 players to stop playing because they r playing at non prime time.

Leave me my advantage or I will leave the game
isn’t this what you guys are saying? like
“game is kitten if anet don’t stop server from being active at non prime time”
If there is only the choice of either driving the 40 night-player or the 400 prime-player away, I would prefer the 400 would stay.
^^ see what you said ?
it’s that 400 majority players are saying “Leave me my advantage or I will leave the game”
those 40 players r saying don’t stop me from playing in my prime time.

a mmo game company will try to keep their player base alive , not force them to stop enjoying a game mods entirely because another player base asked for.

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

Necro Staff

in PvP

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


all I see is players who love other class qq-ing about anything regarding necro cuz their fev class got nerfed compared to necro in last patch.
all day in forum all I see is.

scepter 1 is op
staff 2 is op
chill is op
dark path is op
corrupt boon is op
deathly chill is op
master of corruption is op
terror is op
minions are op
death shroud is op
Lich form is op
etc etc etc

long time ago , epidemic was op so they had to nerf to 5 target but
(as wiki)
An epidemic is the rapid spread of infectious disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time.

so 5 target is a large number to anet compaired to other skills that can spam aa with 5 target, “wave at wrath” , “Hammer Bolt” cough* ..
but no guard uses staff in pve so nobody cares.

next qq is coming when people realize dagger 3 also a boon remove skill now & axe 3 was already a boon corrupt skill with 9.5 sec cd with trait .

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

Night Capping pass the Popcorn

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


there are no night capping it’s all strategy.
your sleep time is others playtime nothing wrong with that.
just because this & that happen you blame night capping,

“What happened was that every day of the week Vizunah would get up at 5am, ktrain every single map, upgrade everything to t3 and for the rest of the day they hide in their keeps behind one million arrow carts, never taking on a fight they don’t have to until you eventually managed to find a weak point because normal people finally came back from their real life and you get ques on every border.”

^ this is strategy , they are dedicated to gain points , is there a any wrong with that?
I don’t get why the prime time players feel superior to the player from other time zone?

just because you are a “normal people with real life” doesn’t mean others can’t have fun in their own time.
“normal people with real life” doesn’t mean kitten in a game time..
simple solution git good at night or recruit more player from other time zone so they can hold off points…

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

(edited by Shilajit.9023)

[DISCUSSION] why do player complain nightcap?

in WvW

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


The complains about night capping are very idiotic .
you guys complain cuz your hard work at prime time gets ruined when you sleep.
did you ever bothered to think the player who plays at your night time are also working hard to get their points back.

many servers are weak(no offence to the servers) in a fight so they can’t handle during prime time, so they manage at night , just because you are sleeping doesn’t mean they are not allowed to play during night.

if you have problem with night cap servers , destroy them during night , a few night should be enough.

it’s all strategy , there are no such thing as “Night Capping” …

besides as many suggestions like during non prime : close map , reward less, other reward map etc etc will drive those night layers away from wvw cuz they are the ones trying to get some points for their server. It’s all about ppt that is the point of wvw anyway. so if they can’t help server because of a non prime time zone they will loose interest.

if you want to stop night time point capping WORK FOR IT instead of lame excuses .

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Could Custom Weapon Skins be a thing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


hmmm but but
do you know what will happen if anet made this thing?
gemstore will be obsolete . Then no money making off gemstore for anet cuz people will make their awesome design..

I don’t see it happening ever..
instead tons of outfit inc..

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Give chill the alacrity treatment

in PvP

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


hmm I can see all them mesmer tears & the patch isn’t even live yet lol.
chill is in the game for 3 years nobody said it was op before but the new broken “status effect” getting nerfed & every mesmer looses their mind .

get real mesmers [chronos] you never said chills are op for past 3 years now you are just crying to make ‘some balance’ thinking chill is opposite of alacrity.

alacrity is a status & can’t be removed when chill can be removed .
stop crying play necro…………………..

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Fear is broken?

in PvP

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


you have no idea mate how many boon curruption skill necro got
Focus 5 (Spinal Shivers)
Shroud 2 (Path of corruption Trait)
all Signets (Signets of suffering Trait)
Corrupt boon (Utility)
Well of Corruption (Utility)

basically you can have 6 corruption skills slotted at once

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

Moving to remove dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


And here I was thinking of bringing back the champions in lvl 15 area with a bit increased time of their spawn to make it feel lively again.

I think anet thought of making the dungeon a bit harder to kill zerker meta but as they “ONLY” want to work on HoT , they thought nah leave it we got no idea how to use boons & ccs by npcs so reduce the reward & player won’t even play dungeon , that will also kill the zerker meta since no one will do it anyway.
We need players to buy HoT so we can make money so nerf reward people will be forced to buy HoT.

Instead of cutting the reward make a hard mode for dungeon & make it extremely hard , give people a weekly reward for doing those within smallest of times be it an exotic weapon or a flat amount of gold/week , this will keep up the competitions with different guild players & pug should also get the reward if they manage to do in short times.
Ex: 5g for<5mins , 4g for <7mins, 3g<9 mins, 2g<11mins & 1g>11mins [every week][ time you guys choose since you guys are the expert here ].
also for the new reward , base dungeon =75% of the current reward & new hard mode = 125% to 150% of the current reward.
you can put instability in dungeons since modremoth is invading tyria , that should cause an instability in the dungeons too or is he so weak that can’t do anything outside of magumma jungle?.

Please do not destroy the old world. I don’t usually do dungeon now won’t touch that again.

Also you can add more unique skin set that can only be obtained from the old dungeons drops.
but lets not waste my breath here ..
thanks for reading……….

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele