Not sure if you are aware of this, but I am going to keep this short.
Two locations on the Guild Trek missions are bugged, blocked off by a newly added invisible wall.
Please can this be fixed, as my guild failed 2 Guild Treks on hard difficulty, due to the invisible barriers being at the final location.
Dirtclaw one in Iron Marches
Skalefound one in Fireheart Rise.
Winter sucks in Gw2 this year… They didn’t re-vamp LA, and just done the left wing of DR as a “make do” section…. That’s so lazy… Bet it’s cause they are focussing on HOT instead… Very disappointed with Wintersday this year.
why two posts? I understand you are angry, but no need to make it so apparent. Also yes I believe Wintersday could’ve been focused on a bit more, but it still is fine the way it is. at least there are no invisible boulders anymore.
side note it is possible to get to 18 in a full game XD me and a friend were competing.
Because sometimes the Forum locks up and I hit the send button twice, thinking it never goes through the first time?
Winter sucks in Gw2 this year IMO.
They didn’t re-vamp LA, and just done the left wing of DR as a “make do” section…. That’s so lazy…
I bet it’s because they are focussing on HOT instead now. sigh
Very disappointed with Wintersday this year A-net…. Please make up for it next year with a very wintery themed LA.
Winter sucks in Gw2 this year… They didnt re-vamp LA, and just done the left wing of DR as a “make do” section…. That’s so lazy… Bet it’s cause they are focussing on HOT instead… Very disappointed with Wintersday this year.
Im a berserker war, i palyed war for more than 4k hours. From my own exp, be honestly, I can do more than 45k damage only by using hunderd blades when im in berserker mode with 25 stacks of might. My critical chance is 101% with fury, and critical damage is 245% when im in berserker mode. On agverage, i can do more than 120k damage in the first 3 sec after actived berserker mode.
Looks like you just hit a raccon or something else which is small and insignificant.
This would be a fantastic idea Flesh Wound, we DO need a way to track our progress within certain maps in the core game areas, without having to see if we are getting rewards or not by checking the map screen itself.
Also, we could do with a confirmation of how many points are awarded on your track per event, for each participation medal.
(IE… X amount of points for bronze, silver, and gold participation)
The wiki only claims 100 points for gold participation levels… but nothing else.
(edited by Sickle.6502)
Weekly limit.
Am I blind, or does that page not mention anything about a weekly limit?
It does say that the reward tracks reset each week on a Monday, possibly Thursday now though, but it doesn’t say anything about specific zone rewards being cut off.
Unless the 8,000 points is the cap for each zone, at which point your allowance of rewards for that zone is cut off?
(edited by Sickle.6502)
I was running around the whole of CS last night, getting my events completed and my bonus map rewards were rolling in…. but, after a while, I looked to see my next reward after completing a few events and not getting anything as a bonus, only to find that my bonus reward box didn’t show up at all when I hovered over the map zone name with my mouse cursor.
The odd thing to me was that other area maps, DID have the box, and those are the areas I hadn’t been in.
Is there a reason for this vanishing of the reward box? .. DR perhaps?
My Guardian is putting out some serious Burn damage now the Condi system allows fire to stack much higher.
The ONLY issue I have with my build is that I cant damage anything with burning immunity fast… and have to whack away on it for ages… (Sometimes, a veteran Destroyer can be a pain for me)
Everything else though, melts, so fast… when I am hitting 6k burning, every second, for between 9-12 seconds.
I don’t know how it works in PvP or WvW, but PvE is so easy now for me.
Hmm, I will have to check that out,… Still vexed at the 25% reduction to everything though.
Thanks Jana
So then whats the point of keeping EOTM then?
With no rewards it’s just boring roaming, and a slug fest when on the odd occasion you actually meet the enemy team.
You know what, this is such a crappy change, and now I don’t even want to bother leveling up a character anymore.
Thanks Anet, you just kittened my game for me.
Think I will go hug my borderlands more and follow the Dorito there instead, unless, that’s been nerfed too?
(edited by Sickle.6502)
I recently came back to GW2 after a short break, but it seems like I am getting no EXP now from the events completed in the EOTM maps.
Was it changed recently? or is something wrong here?
I am unhappy with the way I have been treated by Anet, and I wish to submit a complaint, how can I do this?
Emm Guild halls will probably be unavailable for people without HoT as these will only be in the new maps and none of the current maps.
I disagree with this entirely.
My humble opinion is that people will only spend money, if they are happy to do so… so whilst yes, Arena-net ARE a big company and do want/need money to run, they also have to cater towards peoples feelings to GET that money first hand and deliver what they want, otherwise there is no willingness to pay out for something they don’t want.
People in general, will only pay out for something they like and enjoy, and are less likely to shell out for something which they don’t.
I believe Arena-net know this to be true also, and will cater towards this fact.
This was what I was to understand too, but some people have told me otherwise, so I would love to know exactly what to expect.
I have a burning question for people who may know, or a Dev to answer if possible.
I would like to know what will be available to the players who only use the normal game, and not HoT.
So when HoT releases, and if someone doesn’t buy the expansion for whatever reason they may have, what will still be available to them? and will any of the new content be available?… such as Guild Halls and new WvW/PvP areas.
Reason I want to know is because, some of the newer members of my guild, may not buy the HoT expansion, and I plan to build up a guild hall… will they still be able to use the guild hall, if I make it in the HoT expansion?… Or will the Guild hall only be available to those who have the HoT?… the latter meaning that some members of the guild won’t be able to use thew guild halls.
This fix didn’t work for my girlfriend, what the hell is going on?
We wrote -windowed at the end of the folder launch address and got the same thing happening.
My girlfriend has the same issue, but uses Vista, so it’s ISN’T an OS problem.
Anyone who gets Rytlock Icestone and Rytlock Brimstone confused as to which one is the NPC … is totally stupid… the difference is clear as day.. whether they are new players or not.
A-net are just being selfish, and want things their way, regardless of how much total BS it is….without even an explanation, until you go searching for yourself why you cant use something.
Just as Bluestocking.6148 said… “they can ban any name they like. It’s their game”
Also, if this is the case, and they do NOT want us to RP as a NPC… Then WHY give us the tools to do so.. IE.. The sword and armor… Both EXACTLY the same as Rytlock the NPC.
Does this make sense to anyone else?
So you are saying that you agree that nobody in the world can have the same name as you at the same time as you having it?
There are names in real life that people will not hear before, think is a nice name, and use it for whatever reason they want it for…. Names cannot be Copyrighted, the ONLY way I could have been in breach of the policy.. is If I CLAIMED in game, that I was the REAL Rytlock, and went around telling people this.
Having two players names similar, to having two NPC names, or a player and an NPC name, is the same thing.
People DO have shared names across the real world… as unique as you may find them to be… it happens.
(edited by Sickle.6502)
So basically, what they are saying is… You can’t have it, because we don’t want you to have it…. It’s got NOTHING to do with intellectual property issues.
This is just low, really low… They already have specific NPC looks in regards to Weapons/Armour/Faces/Hair Styles/Voices and even their own classes….. and that isn’t enough?
- Now they want to strip the names away for being Similar to an NPC’s?… What a joke!
Where does it end?
Are they going to tell me I cant use my FDS as a Charr male, or wear silver T3 Charr armour, because it mimics an NPC almost to the point of mirror image… Seriously.. WTF?
(edited by Sickle.6502)
Except names are not copyrightable materials… So using a name inside a game, but not linking it to a NPC in any other way except maybe some form of appearance similarity and name alteration… is not part of copyright… After all, Rytlock is “just” a name.
Is the name Rytlock copyright? If it is then I have no idea why.. I’m using the same name, on the game which created it, and not claiming to be some kind of NPC. I don’t see why it would be such a big deal.
If this is the case then I will be very confused.
I have used that name for well over a year now, and never had an issue with it, but after the patch….. in fact, not even last night, but today, it says it’s inappropriate or using characters which you aren’t allowed to use.
I changed the name to Rytlock Froststone, and it let me in right away, no questions asked… So the ONLY word to change, is Ice.
I would like a a member of Anet staff to address this, because if I am being forced to change my name, without knowing why, and it’s a mistake… Then I request a re-name scroll so I can change my name back to it’s former one.
I see nothing offensive or wrong with the name I chose in the first hand.
I will go and try to log into all my characters which have ice in their name, somewhere, and see if it requires a name change before letting me in.
(edited by Sickle.6502)
I had a weird encounter today when I logged on. I got to my character select screen, and it said I had to re-name a character before I played… it was Rytlock Icestone… but I placed that name in, and it said it was inappropriate or using characters I couldn’t use… So I changed it to Froststone and it let me play…. Any ideas what the hell is so inappropriate about ICE… It’s the name of my Guild for Christ sakes.
Up to 72 hours you say? well that takes me past Christmas, but oh well… Thanks for the info, it’s well received.
Yeah, I got the automated response, now just waiting for the person who will deal with it to get to me.
I have the transaction codes which I sent to them so it shouldn’t be too hard for them to sort this out, I think.
Are the support team normally quick to reply? I just sent in a ticket, asking them for a refund.. I bought 3 lots of the same GEM transaction, by accident, due to the pay-pal screen not loading on my IE properly TWICE.
I only wanted one purchase, but it made three go through… I hope they are quick to sort this out, I have played GW2 since close to it’s release date.
@ mPascoal.4258 – It’s nowhere near useless, I have pulled many parties through boss fights as my guardian, also, it’s great to have for world events such as a Dragon Fight where lots of damage is thrown around and is hard to avoid.
@ Natsu Dragneel.1625 – Let the topic die? end thread? That’s NOT for you to decide. Nobody forced you to post here. If you don’t like the topic, YOU leave it alone… The rest of the people happy to discuss this should stay.
I LOVE playing as a Cleric type Guardian in Dungeons and World events, I even roam in a small group with one in WvW. There is NOTHING wrong with any form of healing in the game, and whilst doing damage is important, for those of us who don’t just want the fight to be over in a matter of moments, its a nice change of pace to play as a FULL healer/Support (Yes, my Mace/Shield Guardian has a healing of 1,500+ and Regens like crazy)
But back to the topic at hand, Tired of people expecting healing…. Well, they kinda get some indirectly anyway, but yes, it’s wrong for them to take for granted they will be healed by guardian, but I think it’s right to expect support at least from a class designed with support in mind.
@Txema – It’s a perfectly decent thread for conversing, no matter it’s age…. Otherwise I would begin a new, pointless, repeat of a thread…. No need for you to be rude about it.
If you all need help as to the specific role of a character, and their specialization.. then just check the character description for each one when in the character generation screen.
It even says there, “Guardians specialize in protective and defensive magic”
Like I said, and there is the proof, the class has been designed to be used in that way, but, doesn’t HAVE to be used in that way, due to class evolution….
Class evolution is simply this, taking any class type, and making it evolve into something other than what it was designed for… good, or bad.
Guardian >> DPS
Necromancer >> Tank
Elementalist >> Healer/Tank… (true ele/mage types are purely for damage output)
Etc, etc
The way I see it, Guardians are called GUARDians for a reason… They are designed to be a support class and to offer protection where possible…. However, the fact they are versatile and can go full DPS, or full Heal (Like my Guardian does)… is an added bonus, as every single class can be made and used in a unique fashion.
Personally, if a Guardian joins my dungeon and claims to be DPS, I will just replace them with a Warrior, as that is what a Warrior is designed for.
No, the class roles are NOT set in stone, but in their design stage, they were.
The fact that we, as players, are able to rotate the class around to suit what we wish to use it as is genius, but the fact stands that each class was made with a set role in mind.
If Guardians were not supposed to offer Guarding, then the game developers would have called the class something else, and their skills wouldn’t be so aligned to supportive in nature.
The experimentations and evolutions of the class through various methods are what is causing this controversy, and nothing else.
Seriously, people, you need to quit the bickering and accept that everyone is entitled to an opinion about things, you may not agree with that opinion, but you do have to accept it.
At some point, an intellectual debate becomes something much worse.
It’s in essence, a PvE/WvW situation, where the whole success rate depends fully on everyone else’s actions and NOT yourself and the few select handful of people in the group.
It’s one thing to make people play together to achieve a common goal, it’s quite another to lay the success of that goal on others and NOT the individual or the individuals group.
Why oh why, should we continue to fail, because of other players failures…. That’s not right – All that effort we put in, for organization, timing, skill… etc, and you get the others who don’t do that and wash away all we worked for.
Make these kind of “world events” instanced based.
(The dragons are bad enough without this adding to the failure)
Every patch that A-net bring out, is another insult to MMORPG gaming, as it’s undeniable proof that they have NO IDEA how to make and continue to run a successful MMORPG..
- Too much waiting around.
-> So you want the boss to be available 24/7, with no respawn timer?
- Too much annoyance trying to get a party into an OF that actually has a decent number of players in it.
-> Overflows exist for a reason. It’s an inconvenience you will have to deal with
- Too much failure.
-> If you fail to utilize strategy and coordination, you will fail. There are other easy bosses in the world if you are not skilled or too lazy enough to commit
- Too little reward when you fail.
-> You obviously didn’t reach the threshold that gave you loot, which is killing one of the wurms’ body.1. Yes. Whenever I complete the preevents the boss should spawn, period.
2. Unacceptable, if they can’t get real servers then that is their problem not mine.
3. I have 50 people who are skilled and coordinated, it is the other 100 that are the problem and shouldn’t be. Solved by instancing the boss. My fun shouldn’t be dependent on strangers.
4. I personally think the loot would be fine if the above 3 issues were addressed.
I liked the Flame and Frost LS, because the dungeon instance was what topped it off, so we relied as a group/guild on who we wanted there, and not who we were left with out of 100’s of random players.
The new content is nothing more than the Karka event in a different skin. – By this, I mean about the whole Lag Fest… Once again, the server issues are a huge problem when it comes to overpopulated areas.
Great for people in the USA, or Europe, but the countries further afield suffer huge latency drops, resulting in game errors, severe enough to crash the game itself…
So having que’d up for 2 hours for this event, I then get kicked out of the game, and lose the whole event as I get put into the overflow.
Once more, this is a HUGE issue, and it’s still not been addressed by A-net, and quite frankly, it feels to me like they couldn’t give a monkeys about it either.
That’s a kittened amount of damage that people are putting out, how is that possible?
Someone send me a link with Info please, I need to see this for myself.
Same as above…
Don’t you recall the great karka humiliation event in LA of 2013?
That event was was kittened and the most lag filled event ever!
No way a warrior can do that much damage with a sword and board set up…. 16k damage?
Cheating here or what?
I never use wiki as an “Official” source for anything, as it can be altered by anyone at any time.
However, 64 is more than enough for me… (odd that it’s 65 or 60, 64 seems so precise)
Anyway, you are most likely correct and I doubt a developer will answer something, so I will have to suffice with the answers here by you lovely people.
Thank you!.
Would like an official amount, not just guesses, please.
If it is possible that a developer could answer this for me, that would be great, thanks.
Thank you to those of you who answered though.
Does anyone know the limit for how many character slots a single account can have?
Not sure where to put this thread, but this is something which bothers me tremendously.
Why do we not have updates showing accurate active player population for every server?
Quite frankly, the server Underworld is now a joke, but it remains a high populated server?
The WvW action is now so terrible, ALL the UW guilds who did WvW have moved onto another server, or so I have been told.
This makes mapping the areas of Borderlands and Eternal Battlegrounds impossible for us players who have a server which isn’t too heavily focused on WvW – It’s not fair!
I try over and over again to be able to get the WvW map completion, but it NEVER works, because we DO NOT have enough players on the server, and yet on the server selection screen, we seemingly have a “Very High” population…. Well if this is true, where are all the people?
Quite simply, the server is NOT as populated as people think it is, and if it was, we may stand a chance at WvW once more.
People have joined the server, and quit the game over time, so their addition to the population for the server is counted, but the problem persists because they do not play anymore, which clogs the server with tons of inactive wasters, who are taking up spaces of people who may wish to play on that particular server instead…. can this issue be fixed somehow? …I doubt it!… but I still wanted to bring this issue to light.
I understand what you are saying, but the whole concept of using our account name here, and in game, means people can find you here on the forum then message you there.
Yes, the clear answer is to block the person on the game. – But the source of the problem is linking your account name on the form and the game.
That is what I am concerned… I’m not hiding anything… Grimm.
The reason I am overly concerned is because this is just wrong, people can track you down too easily, just by finding your name here first.
I’d like a way for the trade post to act like a post office, wherein you can send the player who bought it, and also have a reserved area for private sales.
Secondly, email system to show a SENT and INBOX tab – Last time I got hacked, I had all my stuff sent to an account which I couldn’t even know which it was – Then we just need the emails we send to not be able to be deleted for 7 days.
I have wanted this for a LONG time, +1
Either by drop, or by gem store, I would love to have this option available.
You wont have to do those measly first 20 levels, the character will remain fairly low so you can gain the experience with it as you gain those further 60 levels, and you will get your main 3 utility slots to use, along with some traits to add and some skill points to spend.
I don’t think it’s a game breaker, and it will reduce the mundane start to any alternate character, for players who just want to avoid grinding as much as possible in early stages of the game.
Good idea or not?
I would like some feedback from my fellow Gw2 players, with valid and sensible thoughts/comments.
OP, I just get my guild mates to give me contributions of 50 silver per week. I know that seems very little, but it quickly mounts up to a substantial figure, at which point I buy lots of Influence and we start all over again when the upgrade is qued.
They KNOW i’m not taking it and spending it on anything but the guild.. You need willing volunteers and trust.
Don’t worry bro, most of us are wow converts (refugee’s) Seriously, that includes me, I used to play WoW and Gw1 – played wow for the MMO side, and waitied for Gw2 to release.
Everything about WoW I really don’t like and I would hate for Gw2 to implement such a weak system of spying on other players equipment. And dueling them too.