Showing Posts For Skooma.3459:
The 4v5s lately have become pretty ridiculous. It honestly is seeming like every 3 games or so either someone rage quits, leaves at start, or just afks for half the game or more. Even in ranked games the amount of leaving/afking is getting pretty bad. Can we possibly bring back when the game first came out? If you leave/afk and get reported, you can’t pvp for x amount of time? Or you get less rewards? Something to combat the epidemic of getting carried thru pvp games or forcing your team to play handicapped?
You think the damage loss would be worth the survivability? Ik dead dps is no dps haha.
I’ve been playing my necro a lot more lately and am playing a wells/marks heavy build, marauder amulet. D/WH+staff. Even tho my amulet is a bit glassy, between condi clears, DS, and CC I can stay alive pretty well vs most things. But thieves get me bad. A good power thief starts stealth and nukes me so fast, unless I DS immediately, I die. And if there’s any lag or no lifeforce, ect I’m SOL. Anyone have any suggestions on anti-thief play?
Normally if I expect it to come, I keep my marks dropped on point and lifeforce as high as I can so as soon as I see my stun/damage start, I DS to soak the burst. But even if I live thru it, the thief blinks away, stealths/blinds and does it again in about 5-6 seconds. So a good thief will let me exit DS bc the longer CD, or just let my lifeforce drain. Any suggestions?
Anyone have a mesmer condi build they are having a good go at? Preferably WvW tho spvp is also a good time. Apparently mesmer condi is insanely good atm. So I’m wanting to know of anyone’s build so I can try out. Thanks
I did the math and maintaining 5 stacks of might which is roughly average to what you would have solo swapping kits it is only a 4 pt condi difference between bursting and might. So if for some reason, you lose under 5 stack average might due to kiting or not swapping for whatever reason, it’s a significant condi loss. But bursting doesn’t give power either.
Looking around a lot of engs do use torment but it’s kind of up in the air and preferential to whether you use bursting, corruption, battle or tormenting. Tormenting definitely appears to have uses, both as condi cover to your burns and also just to make people cry as you kite with bomb kit.
I’ll give it a go. More than likely will swap out trinkets to dire and traits and see how dire armor with rabid trinkets goes. Thanks
EDIT: Also, what are your opinions on swapping out sigil of corruption for torment? Maintaining 25 stacks outside of a zerg can be difficult for long and can take a bit to ramp up. Since I’m gaining more crit from rabid, would that 5 second torment be more beneficial? I would be open to replacing battle as well, but battle is just an all round good sigil for eng since we constantly swap.
(edited by Skooma.3459)
So I’ve come back about a week or so ago from a 2 month break. I realize there have been some changes since then to the game completely and I’ve noticed in WvW small scale battles I am dying a lot more than I remember I used to. I used to be very strong at 1v2 and 1v3 encounters with this build, along with being an asset to zergs with 1500 range nades and wall defense. I’m curious and open to suggestions and alterations to my build for solo roaming while still maintaining some functionality in zergs if I have to join in at last minute’s notice.
Nades are my prefered choice. Have been since launch. However as always, the problem is hitting a target with them past 600 or so range. Obviously easy to work around and in zergs it doesn’t matter. Toolkit also a must for confusion and block and pull. I swap between S and rocket boots generally, depending on if I need mobility or an “OH SNAP” button. This is build I ran with a few months back, before I took a break. And as I said, I was confident in going in outnumbered using it. Tanky condi.
Yea this is getting pretty silly. I had this bug or whatever it is a month or so ago. Disconnect with error every 1-5 minutes. I didn’t do anything to fix it just magically fixed itself after a day? Now it’s doing it again. If this is going to be a repeated problem due to whatever, it’s going to be hard to keep customers.
All the problems GW2 seems to be having lately, between bugs, patches, development, content, ect. Each thing is losing customers. 1 aspect/problem by itself isn’t a big loss but judging by how many people are experiencing and leaving due to each one, devs need to fix their kitten before players start leaving in groups. I want to play this amazing game that I’ve had fun on for 2 years. Don’t cut it short now due to bugs that keep persisting.
I tend to use nades but I was thinking of swapping bomb due to bombs superior upfront damage and still strong condi. And I still would have poison but no chill.
On my engies, I like playing perplexity style with dire armor and weapons, celestial accessories. On my weapons I’m currently using bursting and corruption. However, I’ve been thinking if a different sigil set could be better. 250+roughly 80 condi from bursting and 25 stack corruption.
Do you think burst bleeds/poison from geo/doom would be better? Bleeds from crit and poison on switch? Fire? Chills? I currently use nades for chills but am thinking of swapping bombs so that is something I would lose. Torment even? Thoughts?
I run corruption and bursting. But I’m debating swapping bursting out for a swap like doom or geo. Bc 6% is only like 90 condi or so max
I think the point is that a person with good social skills would handle bad team mates by helping them or just ignoring and chalking up a loss and being done with it. The bad social skills are going to rage and cry and blame others. The SPvP community, as in all games with “hardcore” PvP content, always is the worst community. It has the most ragers, the most elitists, and often times, it fosters unwarranted words and feelings.
SPvP is the most imbalanced and kitten game type and always has been, that is why people get so flustered about it. Some classes/builds are good, others aren’t. Class/build A will always do better than Class/build B on some maps or in some game modes, and since there are limited maps and only 1 game mode, that fosters imbalance even more. That is why this game failed miserably at being an esport. Keep that in mind whenever someone rages.
Dire with celestial accessories and 1 weapon carrion and 1 weapon rabid. That’s what I run. I run nade/S/tool, full dire armor, full celestial accessories, carrion pistol and rabid shield. It’s incredibly tanky in most 1v1 and 1v2 situations and the condi burst you can lay on people, especially melee is insane.
Hammer and mace do look good, so do the bows. But I don’t use bows on any of my toons
That is a bug, put in your ticket and get your rewards
I’m trying to decide what skin I’m going to get with my tokens. It has to be mist-forged heroes because the glow makes the weapon way more epic looking. But that means I can only get 1. My eng is my main and uses quip and flameseeker. My warrior would be my next choice probably, that or ele. So dagger or greatsword are good choices. Or hammer. Thoughts?
What one do you like? Even if it’s a different weapon from the ones I mentioned. What will be your pick?
Thank you Curtis for the insight. Now, tho it is off topic, is the lack of loot in gauntlet planned or also a lag of sorts due to release of patch?
Yea but a lot of people, including myself, use those weapon skins to make serious money. And they are released being shown as tradeable. So if they ninja it in, it’s going to be really bad for a lot of people. I mean, some people spend real money on those keys to try and flip for major gold.
They don’t say account-bound or soulbound or anything. So it’s most likely a bug. If they try to ninja in that they are now account bound on acquire, there is going to be a kitten storm.
Thanks for the quick response and thanks for ImaginaryPixel for restoring my account in about an hour. Good job Anet on your customer service. This is why I play your game so much!
So I was just hacked within the last 24 hours. I ran virus scan, reset password, and added the app to my account all before sending in a ticket to recover my lost items and gold. However, I was testing my app to log in, and it is not making me put in the code from authenticator when I try to log in. I scanned the code in my account management on my phone and tested the number given, and my account shows it has the app linked. Is it only when a new IP tries to access? Or is it not working correctly for me?
The reason I took backpack regen is in larger fights that extra ~180-200 hps would probably be useful, but then again, swapping a lot with battle like you said would be useful with speedy kits and near perm vigor. Good thinking, it’s runes and sigils I’m trying to figure out. I always played perplexity nade with dire/celetsial on my eng. Zerker in general is foreign to me.
So I’m trying to figure out a zerker nade build. I only really ever play zerker FT/EG. Never really experimented with nades tho for zerker. This is the build I have set up right now. The runes are the main thing I’m trying to figure out, because I want something that provides strong damage but also has some sort of utility or special.
This is for WvW, mostly in groups/zergs. Some might abilities to keep a few stacks going and celestial accessories for toughness and vitality.
Keep in mind that the bomb is also a very niche kit as well. Luring an opponent into an area that forces them to fight you in bomb radius; ie: narrow hallways, inside ruins/buildings. If they want to fight you, they’ll be hit by bombs.
The amount of success I’ve experienced using bomb kit on the lower level of blue keep in EBG (in those hallways) is insane. Lure someone around corner, bomb bomb bomb, they’re forced to soak it if they want to kill you.
It’s like the male version of scarlet
Anet did a fantastic job with these back pieces. It felt like a good story/effort to go through and craft them. So in honor of such a good looking back piece, let’s see all your sets including any of the 4 variants of the spinal back sets!
7/10, I like the fact that it’s a mix of gear, especially when it’s so easy to do pure cultural since it’s actually a set made for charr not humans. But what kills it is the eye patch. It doesn’t fit over the face very well which is sad because I like the patch itself.
My Charr engineer. Going for the biohazard-mech look. Rascal, aetherblade, gas mask, blade pack. When the colored packs come out I will alter the look on gas mask to fit colors.
(edited by Skooma.3459)
And again, 1v1ing a mesmer and the JQ blob diverts course completely just to jump in and melt me before making almost a u-turn to continue back on their way. It’s not a matter of numbers, it’s a matter of terrible sportsmanship. Respect small fights, not everyone wants to blob and die in 2 seconds.
Yes, I do. But a lot of the players here enjoy small fights, but are forced into blobbing due to JQ and SOR needing to win with heavier numbers. We don’t mind dying or being out manned (yes we’ve been having the out manned buff A LOT lately). It’s that we are forced to blob up to do anything due to other blobs. And other servers always complain about BG blobs.
As I said, we only blob because we are forced to due to JQ and SOR needing blobs to compete. I’m sure if we had the choice, we would have half as many blobs and twice as many roamers. Just by seeing how things are now. Even tho we constantly being steam rolled by JQ and SOR blobs and being out manned, we still try to roam.
Just now, having a good 1v1 with a JQ engineer for about 3 minutes. Then he brings 4 of his guildies in to kill me. That is what I’m talking about guys…
So, I’ve been playing on BG since season start and one thing I’ve noticed especially in pure T1 matchup (JQ vs BG vs SOR) is that it’s almost impossible to 1v1 roam unless you’re a thief or mesmer or in some cases a warrior, and that’s only certain builds. Why? Because everyone feels the need to roam in 5-15 man groups if not in the blob.
I’ve been reading a lot lately about people QQing about BG blobbing too much. Here’s why. We try to 1-2 man roam all the time. I see groups all the time trying, only to give up within 30 minutes due to JQ and SOR bringing 15 man groups to the fight. Every now and then, the BG roamers will find a small SOR or JQ roaming party of less than 5 players. But it’s roughly a 95% chance that those <5 parties will call in guildies to assist. It has happened almost every single time I’ve personally tried to engage for a straight up 1v1 or 2v2 ect fight. Down someone? 6 players of same guild tag come within 1 minute to assist.
I’m sure that BG does it too. We have a few guilds specializing in 10 man roaming. But if you every wonder to yourself “man, why does BG always have to blob up?” that’s why. We try and try and try to get small fights in 1v1. But JQ and SOR always want to bring at least double the number to win. You can call this a QQ post if you want. I consider it more of a plea of frustration. Stop bringing large groups to small fights, even if you lose it’s all for fun. Whats the fun of steamrolling 1 player with 20? Or dying to 20 players when you’re solo roaming? You guys stop, we’ll stop.
I cannot even count how many times the entire 40-60 man JQ blob or SOR blob has trained me on various characters across the map. One such occasion on BGBL, the entire JQ zerg followed me from NE camp to bay, only for me to U-turn back to NE camp (this on my gs warrior). They followed me the entire team, even when I u-turned, not stopping to cap anything only to kill the 1 single warrior. That, is why we blob so much.
I’ve been messing around with various builds and one thing I’m curious about; does cleansing ire and burst mastery stack? As in, even with burst mastery, does 3 adreniline bars cleanse 3 conditions even tho burst mastery only uses 2?
Something I’ve noticed before about asura t3 medium culture armor is that some pieces you cannot dye. The blue diamond and belt glow parts on the chest cannot change colors, the chest only has 3 dye slots. The helm is the same way with the circular lenses on the right side. And it only has 3 dye slots as well. If it is possible, I feel like adding a dye slot to change those colors would help match and set up armor looks much better! Thanks!