If the price were too low, the supply would all be gone and people who wants one can’t get it
if this is the case why do things end up at vendor value, instead of it all disappearing from the TP? surely vendor value is ‘too low’.
because those things are only worth vendor value. In fact, i would argue the vendor value should be 0 and people should be allow to sell it as low as 1 copper.
hypnotically, even if the 1% is only doing 2% of the world trade via TP, it still does not retract from the notion that they are doing something GOOD for EVERYONE by removing more gold than people who have less gold.
Yes but you wouldn’t be able to walk around saying “the 1% are noble heroes!”. Instead I think you’d have to publish a retraction saying “the 99% are saving the game!”.
The 1% would have to remove over 100x what the average 99%-er is removing with their trades… and that’s just to cross the 50% mark in order to say “the 1% remove more gold from the system than the 99%”.
Also I think you meant “hypothetically” instead of “hypnotically”… unless you’re trying some sort of Asura mind trick on me
but they are the hero. If someone is doing more than any other person in a person by person basis, to benefit others not the hero, then who is worthy of becoming a hero?
When a person enters a fire building to save a child, he is called a hero not because he benefit society more than the collective (which is obviously not the case) but rather that on a individual by individual basis, he does more than others. That’s what defines a hero.
So you correctly pinpointed the Trading Post as the ultimate, idealized rent-seeking institution and still believe that playing it brings fortune to others? Kitten economists! I bet you play a smug Asura that thinks shareholder value being prioritized is the best for everyone.
Back in GW1 one of the most expensive stuff you could get was the Armbrace of Truth, because it took at least 15 perfect runs of one of the hardest elite content (Domain of Anguish). A typical DoA run with more or less competent people could take anywhere from an hour to three. For that reason, getting one (and hence the skins associated to them) was really hard, and they were also used as a currency because we had a low gold limit. Nevertheless, apart from a duping accident, the player price for the Armbrace was more or less fixed for the entirety of the game, it didn’t change overnight or flip around harshly due to someone playing the market, precisely because there was no centralized “market”, it was all peer to peer, local transactions, the most you could do was announce it on the town chat.
Now, I think the Trading Post is very useful for what is, and it is certainly better than announcing WTS XXXXX all day long on LA or LFG, but don’t pretend that it would eventually regulate itself (I’m looking at you John Smith), or that you are getting rich by spreading value to others. You’re right, our 10 gold would be worth more if there was less gold to go around, but then Legendary weapons would be 100 gold and average players would have no means of getting that, as much as they have no means of getting 1000 right now.
What matters for the game is that people feel rewarded, regardless of the value of their gold relative to having no gold. Only the value of it relative to other people’s gold matter, because having someone so much better off than you is what brings unhappiness ( there are some studies about that going around concerning IRL wealth, and I believe it applies to everything else to a lesser extent). So, it doesn’t matter if dailies give 1 lion chest’s key to everyone or 2 gold to everyone, what matters is that there isn’t anyone next to us with materials and skins and gold 1000x more than anyone else around. Which is exactly the 1%.
I know some of what i have to say below may emotionally harsh but it’s the rational truth. We should be pragmatic.
Giving people what they want (enriching others before you can enrich yourself) is certainly giving people value. It’s providing people with the resources they seek at a fair market price. If the price were too low, the supply would all be gone and people who wants one can’t get it. If it was too high ,no one wants to buy it. We come in to correct the market by reselling what we think to be under-price to the market value. We are the one taking the risk for the benefit of all (naturally, we seek for self benefit but we benefit others indirectly from trying to benefit ourselves).
Yes, you are also correct that taking the best interest of the share holder IS the best interest of ALL. If share holders interest are not prioitize, why would the share holder invest in a company? If there is no investment, where is the resources to hire people or do anything? You don’t fix problem by putting other people down to your level, you fix problem by giving people the means to elevate themselves.
Also, the market would actually eventually correct itself as john had said but the problem is, ANet keeps intervening in the free market. If you don’t touch a wound, it will eventually heal but if you keep poking it, it’ll bleed again but that doesn’t mean “oh, wound healing by itself overtime is a lie!”.
The TP by definition doesn’t create wealth – it just transfers it between players, and reduces it in the process. Every bit of wealth you have from playing the TP has come from other players – by you purchasing something at one price, and selling it for a higher price – if you hadn’t meddled, the 15% would be taken once and one or the other player would be that much richer.
So no, I’m not going to sit here and let you tell me that doing dailies harms everyone else in a minor way, but you flipping ectos or leather because of the upcoming changes is somehow helping everyone. You flipping mats on the TP pricegouges the people actually playing the game – requiring that they earn more gold from the game to account for the gold that is destroyed in the TP transaction.
Speaking of – the BLTP could have a tax weekend, where none of those percentages are taken. That’d be an interesting event, I should think. Please don’t do it though, ANet. Someone will manage to obliterate a couple important markets in the process, and I’ll get blamed for it. A plague is interesting, intellectually, that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Don’t invite the plague.
if we haven’t meddle, the 15% you saved would be meaningless, because instead of the same item being 10g due to removal of gold twice (making gold more valuable), you now have to pay 13 gold for it. No only that but people would be paying more for the same item because undervalued items are quickly purchased, leaving only the expensive ones behind, whereas in a free market, the TP players buys up the undervalue items and resell them at a profit/loss determined by the buyer themselves.
If you buy something, it is not overpriced because you were willing to pay for it, therefore proving the investor position that the item was undervalued and it was simply corrected, leaving more supply available to the public. Nobody is forcing the buyer to buy it. If they can get it cheaper from someone else or get it themselves then they can go ahead and do that. If they think its too expensive and they can afford to sell it cheaper, they are welcome to sell their supply cheaper. Nobody is stopping them. All we do is remove gold supply, increasing the purchasing power that your gold have. Which is a GOOD thing.
In regards to gold generated in the wild like daily not affecting other players negatively is illusion and is the same as disputing gravity. As common sense would dictate, as there is more of one thing, the value of that thing diminishes. If diamonds were as common as the leaves on the trees, then even that luxurious item would be virtually worthless.
I will agree with this much: the 15% TP fee is game-saving for the economy.
Events like Halloween, Wintersday, and New Year are great gold burns because they award “bags” which are sold in great numbers, draining gold from the economy.
I would be interested in seeing what percentage of the 15% sink is from the 1% doing flips, and what percentage is the “commoners” performing basic buys/sells. Only then can we really say if the 1% is helping the economy in the way the OP states.
hypnotically, even if the 1% is only doing 2% of the world trade via TP, it still does not retract from the notion that they are doing something GOOD for EVERYONE by removing more gold than people who have less gold.
The goal is to educate people that limited gold = good, thereby requesting that ANet scale back on liquid gold as reward.
When gold is worth less from being over-generated, all that loss of value is just passed onto the consumer (the buyer, i.e. YOU) since the prices of items would just increase due to inflation, therefore the one absorbing the cost would be the general consumers, not the evil 1% flippers that many think is the case.
(edited by Sky.7610)
Was there a point to this post?
you’ll find the point if you read the first paragraph… the first.
send me some money if you like helping people lmao teasing probably more than a few 1%‘ers here i mean $50 spent on gems to sell and you’d be in the 1% in gw2 to bad real life wasnt like that bill gates be bumming money off me lol
So about that money to help the 99%?
Your missing the point. You become rich by enriching others. You are helping other in the process of becoming rich. also, your underestimating the net worth of players. $50 will not get you into the 1%.
means every time someone does daily, it HARMS every other player’s economic power, ever so slightly
How about everytime someone vendors the loot they get instead of selling it on the trading post? That harms every other player’s economic power ever so slightly also yet you haven’t recommended removing vendor value from loot.
This is definitely valid. Selling it to vendor definitely contribute to inflation than selling it to TP, where gold is actually removed. However, it’s on a much lower scale than pure liquid gold reward. Assuming 70% of people vendor their gear instead of selling on TP for maximum profit, it would take still a huge amount of effort to sell accumlate enough gear to sell to vendor to get that 2g compare to the effort require for daily completion. It’s like one is printing hundred dollar bills, while the other is printing dollar bills. You tackle the big problem first than trickle down.
I disagree, it’s not a gold sink it’s a “time sink” given enough time even with 0.01% of effort it may take you 100 years to get what you’re after but you will obtain it, example I see people popping out legendary weapons out like it’s water, but I waited I simply waited for ArenaNet to change the system not so I could get something faster but so that there was more content or depth rather to obtain that item, it took 3 years to obtain my first legendary and I’m more satisfied with the effort of obtaining it because the journey to get it was legendary, so the only thing this artificial ‘virtual’ fake market actually does is to satisfy a requirement for time sink because of a ‘lack of content’, if everything was just handed to you say within a week the game would be devoid of players because they’d get everything done and be gone in a week.
‘lack of content’ I mean in the sense of if they showered you with 1000’s of gold per hour if not by the minute, not that there is a lack of content because there is a time sink in the way.
more accurately, its a resource sink. Time is a resource. We all have limited resource and its how we use those resources that we have at our disposal that defines capitalism. In-efficient use of resource is not good for anyone. While i understand what your saying, it’s a different topic altogether to the economics of the game. It has as much merit as saying given enough time (i.e. couple hundred years) even if your a homeless beggar, you can still be a multi-millionaire. But unfortunately, we don’t have a couple hundred years. The game content and the economics of the game is different topics. I’m saying people who are rich via TP are helping the masses while ANet rewarding liquid gold is doing the opposite.
Was there a point to this post?
you’ll find the point if you read the first paragraph… the first.
I read the whole thing, and I don’t see a point in your post.
The point is, people are complaining about “evil TP barons” ruining the market and making things expensive for them. That’s a misconception. They are upset at the wrong outlet. You would of understood this if you actually understand the post.
So a “don’t hate the player but hate the game” kind of thing?
no, I’m saying if you are upset about inflation and things being too expensive (which you have a right to be), you need to attack the root of the problem rather than the hand that is trying to fix it.
for example, you would be stating to ANet as a possible solution that you as a player would like to see less intervention on the part of ANet by scaling back liquid gold as a reward in the free market and let the market correct itself via the invisible hand. Printing money in masses might seem like a good idea in the short-term but you are the one to get hurt by it in the end.
(edited by Sky.7610)
Was there a point to this post?
you’ll find the point if you read the first paragraph… the first.
I read the whole thing, and I don’t see a point in your post.
The point is, people are complaining about “evil TP barons” ruining the market and making things expensive for them. That’s a misconception. They are upset at the wrong outlet. You would of understood this if you actually understand the post.
Was there a point to this post?
you’ll find the point if you read the first paragraph… the first.
True story.
In fact, the mere presence of the wealthiest people in the game is actually benefiting the other players more than any non-wealthy people possibly can (economically speaking). You should be THANKING people who are the 1%. ANet handing out liquid gold like candy is one of the biggest disservice it can do to it’s players. But there is a lot of misconception that makes people thinks the opposite is true.
Now before you think i’m a egotistic Quggan-Bag with a 2 celled nucleus, let’s think rationally first ok? Give me a chance. Let me explain before you explode your fury upon me.
Let’s start at the beginning. How does one acquire wealth in game?
Sure, you can gain wealth by simply playing the game in the ‘traditional sense’, but these people, even if they play non-stop can only be considered as well off and not the wealthiest people in the game. To be truly wealthy, you have to be playing the Trading Post and making some good investments.
Now ask yourself, what is the biggest gold sink in all of GW2? Trading post. That 15% fee is, by far the biggest gold sink in the game. So much so, that ALL other gold sink combined is less than the trading post fee gold sink. But it gets better! Because we have to first buy the product then sell it at a profit/loss(we are the one taking the risk but you are enjoying part of the benefit!), that 15% fee is applied twice, removing, on average, twice as much gold than a regular transaction. Therefore, the people that are the wealthiest delete more gold from the economy than any other player. What happens when gold gets deleted from the economy? Your gold is now worth more because there is less of it now. You can purchase more with your gold than you could of before people like me step in. Without us, inflation would be so out of control due to the incredible amount of gold circulating that it is by no exaggeration that your gold is becomes closer to a worthless currency. Gem exchange prices would be higher, precursors would cost more, legendary becomes less accessible. Do you want that?
Remember when 100gems cost 15 silvers? Why is that not the case now?
ANet intervening to create unsustainable amount of gold into the market is the real evil and the real reason why gems, precursors, and mystic coin (as an example) are so far out of reach for striving players in needed quantities. As an example, 2 gold out of thin air from daily, times that by the amount of people who do daily on a regular basis and you have any idea the extraordinary amount of gold gets circulated into the market? That devalues everyone’s gold buying power, that means every time someone does daily, it HARMS every other player’s economic power, ever so slightly (which adds ups when you consider the entire player base). THAT is the reason gems and things are so expensive now than they were in the past and is only continue to rise.
That is where the outrage should not be, not “mystic/precursors too costly due to evil 1% manipulating the market, ANet pls nerf”.
Without us, the cost would be even more inaccessible to you because undervalued items are purchased quickly and you are left with expensive things to buy from instead of undervalued items being flipped at a fair market value. You know the price is fair because if it isn’t you wouldn’t buy it at that price and therefore, I would be losing 5% of that transaction from listing it if other people can offer it cheaper.
The solution? Don’t reward liquid gold as reward, reward drops as reward. This increases EVERYONE’s economic power while still affording the ability for others to gain wealth.
If you understand how the system works, you’ll see that the 1% is actually the true heroes and you should be complaining about things like dailies rewarding liquid gold. It may appear one is helping the players while the other is just some greedy people harming the economy, i assure you the opposite is true once you dive deeper and understand the economic principles.
Capitalism is enriching oneself by enriching others first.
(edited by Sky.7610)
I’ll take some stacks off your hands…
Sure, no problem, your hands can have as many as you want. Just talk to any Black lion trading representative and ask for cured leather. No worries, they are all mine
probably 10g. I dont really change sigils. Yeah, im a n00b.
But if there is a permanent sigil, i don’t think it would affect the market too much tbh. The price would be so high that it would not make economic sense to buy a perm version over consumables that are in abundance. You will be paying a high premium for convenience. So for the vast majority of players, they would still pick regular ones over perm assuming the supply is low enough due to cost.
I know we don’t see eye to eye, but I was curious to your take on the semi-recent laissez faire stance on the economy?
I won’t reply, rebut, or anything. I’m just interested.
The supply OP bought 2 years ago for copper value, would probably have been sold to a vendor and therefore destroyed, if he (and others like him) wouldnt have put in buy orders or buy up large amounts of the supply. So if he wouldnt have done it, all that leather would have been gone way before people needed it.
And now here he is, back to game, with an account full of leather to add supply, basically doing what the player base wants anet to do: Open the faucet. It also contradicts the myth that players like him are waiting out on higher prices, as he mentioned that he is basically trying to sell as fast as possible (without filling to much buy orders at once, I assume). And I would also presume, that it wouldnt have mattered, at which point in the last 12 months he would have come back, he would have been as happy a camper as he is now, regardless, wether the price of t6 squares was 10s, 30s or 50s. We would have done the same as he is doing right now, trying to sell most of his leather at the current rate.
True, i would have sold. Surprisingly, its still going up despite confirmation that it woild be easier to get in the future. Perhaps there is a real lack of supply or maybe there is tons but people rather keep for persobal use over profit.
do you someday put 4k textures in this game or not?
Its already in. It can upscale to any resolution. Your quality just wont improve much. But still, can you really tell the difference from 2k to 4k?
During a recent AMA, Anet did say a leather farm is on the cards. Whenever that happens, hopefully prices will drop to a more sane level (Sell while you can… hint hint)
Haha i know, i have been unloading leather since day 1. Im actually a lot richer than i was in that pic (which was taken day 2 of my return, 1 month ago). But still selling!
So yeah,
GW2 is a game that i haven’t touched in a loong time (roughly 2 years). I have always been a TP player (spending more time on TP than the actual game… probably. To players like me, GW2 is like a market simulation + added mini games). Unexpectedly, i was a extreme “hoarder” all this time without even realizing.
I came back about 1 month ago. I expected to be poor (relatively) considering 2 years have passed and gold are worth much less now. But to my surprise, before i left, i apparently invested extremely heavily in leather. I’m talking about max out leather on bank, inventory, alt inventory, high amounts on TP pickup…. nothing but T6 leather, just sitting there (if memory serves, i believe i bought them at 33copper-43copper). It wasn’t worth a lot back then and i didn’t know it would be so valuable now. It was something silly i did, to discourage me from coming back to GW2 (something probably upset me back then) because i would have to clear out all the “useless leather” to play again (what sucked was it took me 3 days to play again from the date i came back because cured leather wasn’t moving fast enough to clear out just enough inventory on a character to play but getting rich was fun). Who knew it would becomes so valuable? I didn’t. I just hit the jackpot. I got lucky.
Anyway, i just want to say John smith could be right about leather. There’s most likely tons of people like me with extreme amount of leather just sitting there. But what i’m concern about is if other players are like me… inactive players, effectively freezing the leather until they come back (if ever).
I have been feeding the market leather slowly over the past month and will continue doing so going forward. My goal now is to hit 50% of the gold cap (100k) something i thought i wouldn’t ever achieve (i’m getting there, will post when i achieve this goal maybe).
Just wanted to 1) share my get-rich tale to make me feel better about getting all these easy and dirty gold xD and 2) say John Smith could be right that there is a tons of leather hoarded but maybe they aren’t active players and don’t even realize their worth…
I’m sure this applies to things like mystic coins as well though.
ps: gold sellers please don’t hax me ( i have been hacked before ;( , well with the anet limitations, it’s hard to transfer gold anyway)
TLDR: John Smith could be right that leather are being hoarded in massive quantity but maybe it’s on accounts that are not even active like i was before. Also put all my eggs (which was stupid but i didn’t saw it as investment) in one basket 2 years ago and hit the jackpot.
(edited by Sky.7610)
Crap like these Boots are the main reason I dropped back how much time I put into this game anymore. Anet could have made good by the community and added a check box. But instead they said ‘there is demand here, lets see how much $$$ we can get from Gem sales by limiting the number of drops AND making it tradable!’ and that is exactly what they did. Turned this into an exclusive item that helps drive their gem sells by .03%, as that is all they care about. The Bottom line.
People buying gems to convert to gold helps reduce the gem cost from trading for the overall playerbase. Nothing bad about this.
Tbh, it would be so silly and funny that it might actually work. Would be a first for a MMORPG.
One can dream…
It be such a quality of life feature for many of us.
Please add a permanent pass of any kind (but i guess royal pass/divinity reach makes most sense) to the gem store for Christmas
(edited by Sky.7610)
go to your router settings. Under the security tab/firewall/advanced settings, there should be a feature call “NAT”. Change it from “secure/Enabled” to “open/disabled”.
That should fix it, as long as your link is not congested. Report back if it helps.
any error message?
try using ping plotter and do a test. If you have any packet loss (PL %), i think i may know the problem.
Locking it inside the BLC is not the problem. The problem is the inability of free trade. That is, items not being available for sale in the TP.
The TP never worked like the way i suggested. During beta and the first few years, they only list ALL the HISTORY of PAST transaction. If i bought a bunch of items, i never have the option to choose what to pickup and it only shows the first few items.
We had the option to pick up only gold, which is a simplistic form of your idea; the game couldn’t handle it and it was changed.
idk if you realize but the option to “only pick up your gold” is already there, as your pickup tab for gold can be taken out in the 1st “pickup” even if your TP is backlogged. So they are obviously not the bottleneck.
I can almost guarantee you, the reason they change it is to “dumb it down” or something other than “technical inability/insufficient server resource”.
Amazon AWS and all Leaders in the server providers have “Cloud scaling server capability”.
Its like opening a document that contains 10 pages. The computer already remember whats written in all 10 pages (saved data), it will not reduce the performance if you decide to scroll to page 3, instead of reading the pages in order. Same concept.This is also incorrect. I challenge you to open a 100 page PDF and skip to page 45 (or any page, really). You will see that it takes your computer a moment to load the information from that page. Unless you have already viewed that page and it’s been loaded into RAM, it will take a moment for your system to convert the data from binary to a viewable format suitable for your video settings.
I imagine the trading post is no different. Yes, the data from every transaction is already saved, but to separate it into piecemeal access as you describe would require additional resources than are currently needed.
This isn’t a necessary feature.
That is only true if its using HDD storage because there is a physical limitation where the platter have to spin to access the data. Any half serious professional grade server is obviously using SSD storage. SSD allows simultaneous access to ALL data on the drive. Also, the amount of data transferred is so minute, literally a item ID + quantity. The entire TP history can be recorded with a few kb of data.
Also not many feature is really a necessary feature in a MMORPG. It’s all want and “good to have”. Waypoint is not really a “necessary” feature. We might as well remove that to save data. LFG is not a necessary feature. We can also remove that. So on and so forth.
Trust me, as someone who knows their IT, a patching server uses exponentially more “server resource” than the small amount needed for what i’m suggesting and there is obviously no problem there.
The TP worked more like this during BETA and even during BETA the servers couldn’t handle the volumes of transactions. During the first week or two of the game, the TP was down more than it was up and it was brought back only to a fraction of players at a time. Among the changes they made: we can no longer even postpone picking up items if all we want is the gold, in other words the simplest version of your “revolutionary” idea.
The TP handles even greater volumes now, especially during peak times, such as the day of a significant update. I can’t imagine that ANet would want to invest time in even testing how well the current servers can handle separating coin & items.
tl;dr it’s not likely to be even on the table.
The TP never worked like the way i suggested. During beta and the first few years, they only list ALL the HISTORY of PAST transaction. If i bought a bunch of items, i never have the option to choose what to pickup and it only shows the first few items.
Again, it should not create any extra burden on the server. I would be curious to know how you guys conclude that it will affect the server performance in any shape or form?
ALL the data is already remember. I’m asking for a UI where you get to choose what to pick up, even past the 100 displayed item. It will NOT affect the server performance in anyway as no additional computing power is necessary for this.
Its like opening a document that contains 10 pages. The computer already remember whats written in all 10 pages (saved data), it will not reduce the performance if you decide to scroll to page 3, instead of reading the pages in order. Same concept.
It would be far too taxing on the servers, plus it could be easily abused for infinite storage. They’d have to first limit you to like 100 pickups, which would defeat the purpose.
you have to actually buy things and be in front of a Trading post to pick up, so i don’t see how it can be worth abusing. Besides, TP already have infinite storage.
I’m not sure how it would create any extra burden on the server, considering it already remembers everything you bought. It simply unloads in chronological order and only displays the first 100 (even if you buy 1 stack of a ecto, if enough ppl decides to sell 1 single ecto to you at a time, you get full after 100 ecto, and needs to pick up 3 items to get your 1 stack of ecto).
(edited by Sky.7610)
When you buy things from the TP, it gets full easily and you have to pick up your items before other things you buy shows up.
Why not create a UI with all the items you bought listed and you can pickup things you want without having to pick up EVERYTHING first?
This may not effect some players but it wont harm them either. It’s a quality of life feature that will help others who do use the TP a lot. I see no reason why not.
Thank you.
Anyone know? Best profit?
I’m up to 8g now. Drain your own gold, leave the rest of us alone.
Only the more wealthy will be more incline to drain their gold for comestic, and as a side effect, your 8g will have more purchasing power as more gold is drained from the economy.
For transparency, im a TP player and what some may consider a TP whale, despite having not played for 2 years, and just got back im still in the 1% of gold worth even by today’s standards so there will be some bias but suggestions is made with valid concerns.
Please release some comestic item that cost 1000g-5000g Liquid Gold with some 50g-100g for the smaller players.
It has to purchase from a vendor as its the only direct and effective means of removing gold from the economy.This will drain some gold from the richer because the TP fees cant keep up inflation.
Having less gold in the system means players can purchase more for less, something that benefit YOU, the consumer.
Please cite your evidence that currency inflation is an issue and that greater gold sinks are therefore necessary.
Gold to gem steady increase is the best indication that inflation is not only real, it places heavy burden for newer and casual players to experience the richer features of the game. This extends to the overall TP. Things become more expensive as an overall trend. Newer players takes the hit as more things become more out of reach. While TP whales like me may have their currency a bit less valuable, we ultimately will still be able to afford anything and everything that catches our fancy.
Please release some comestic item that cost 1000g-5000g Liquid Gold with some 50g-100g for the smaller players.
It has to purchase from a vendor as its the only direct and effective means of removing gold from the economy.
This will drain some gold from the richer because the TP fees cant keep up inflation.
Having less gold in the system means players can purchase more for less, something that benefit YOU, the consumer.
Disregard Precursor, acquire leather.
Is it a crime for people to take their time and enjoy the game?
Light and dark must coexist. In that sense, is it a crime for new people to grind to their hearts content and achieve max level or w/e in the most efficient means possible?
Considering they switched from a public web to internal API when they upgraded the trading post, I doubt they’ll make it public again. Back in the day, it was easy to buy items for example just by accessing a URL. Selling however required information from the game.
It is possible to play the trading post elsewhere, but you’ll need to keep the game running. Simply setup a remote screen viewer. It’s also possible to make an actual app, but it would be against the rules as you’d need to manipulate the trading post to gain access to its API.
Which is why an offical app would be awesome. They can charge gem for it if they want but i think it should be accessible to all.
You want it; I don’t. Allowing people to buy & sell on the go means traders don’t even have to launch the game and pretend to be part of the community.
I’m a big fan of trading in this game; I think it should remain in the game.
Its an extension of the game. Just because you do work in your office doesnt mean you cant extend that outside the office as an example. Also, you may not use it but why would you be against it? It’s like saying your against Netflix because you dont use it and rather stick to old fashion cable, lest these Netflix users watch shows on their mobile devices and pertend they are in the TV show loop.
(edited by Sky.7610)
Trading post, buying and selling on the go. Please. We want it.
I’m not sure what you expect posting such a question.
Anyone with insider info that takes advantage, gets banned.
If someone thinks they have a hot new commodity, how likely are they to share that with the masses?
So definitely go with carrots.
Why would anyone have insider info unless they are part of the company?
Again, its speculations and discussions based of that. It’s not like asking for a profitable market that currently exists.
Carrots. Definitely carrots.
you going to be rich when they introduce a rabbit skin
What to invest in?
Got GW2 since pre-beta. I haven’t played in almost 2 years until… now. I guess that makes me one of the oldest and yet one of the newest player?
I do not have HoTs. Should i wait for the next expansion (is it coming soon?) and get Hots + expansion for the same price? I remember they said any new expansion will include previous ones? I don’t want to pay twice lol.
Given that i do not have HoTs, is it worth coming back or should i just wait till the next expansion?
What should i be doing? What should i know? Anything interesting added?
You may be a little bit wrong assuming yearly releases of expansions.
When they shift attention from living story to expansion, it took them 1 year to produce HoT. Is it not fair to assume they will replicate that?
Yes, except they already stated LS3 and WvW are the next big content focuses. So they haven’t switched attention to an expac yet. They might well be laying early seeds for it through LS3, but an expac wont be this year. At best we may get announcement before the year is out, although perhaps more likely we will hear this time next year.
Anet have been known to change direction year on year. How 2016’s quarterly system works for them will be the depending factor. They have already stated workload balance is their biggest challenge and they are hoping this system will work better for them and consequently us.
They said they are dividing teams for expansion and living updates(which would fall onto your category). I put the official source on the first post already.
I do remember Anet said something about a annual exp schedule for a report to shareholders. Let me see if i can find the source. But given that we know they have the capacity to release annual expansions, I suspect the next one isn’t as far away as one would suspect. An announcement of an expansion prior to release for HoT is only a few months.
(edited by Sky.7610)
Also, HoT will not be free. It will require purchasing the next expansion.
if this is true, then old players will feel betrayed again because they are subsidizing the cost for the new players. If Anet think the new expansion will be worth another $50 by itself, then it should be standalone, with the EXP #1 being free because its part of their “vision” to not block entry for newer players behind a paywall.
If Anet is sticking to their “expansion focus” new business model then it is fair to assume that they will come out with a new expansion on an annual basis.
Hot was released Oct of last year, meaning if they stick to a annual release schedule, then a new expansion will arrive at Q4 of 2016 or maybe Q1 of 2017.
Either way, will gw2 get into the mess of “buy GW2 expansion #2 and get expansion #1 FREE” mess again (that will upset old players) or will Base + Expansion #1 be free because gw2 expansion #2 is worth the $50? Are you looking forward to the next expansion? What kind of business model do you think it should be adopted in the next expansion?
(edited by Sky.7610)
You can sell an apple at $0.75/each. Sky will buy 2. You made $1.5
You can sell an apple for 10.00$/each. A richer guy who doesn’t care will buy 1. You made $10.00
that might have been correct if the sample size consist of 1 “richer guy who dgaf” and me. Hopefully you realize there’s more ppl playing it.
If all the complainers don’t want to use their creditcards, they just have to realize that Gems are actually “FREE” when you exchange Gold. There are players here who never spent a single cent beyond the box price of this game, and yet have thousands of Gems.
Just like when I exchange $ for food, i get “FREE” food right?
The food is “FREE” when you use stamps, or other non-monetary currency. You can still buy food with your creditcard.
Your time( non-monetary currency) can be used to exchange for $, and subsequently, goods and services. Therefore, all these goods and services must be “FREE” because i used a non-monetary currency right?
Time is not a currency, so your argument fails in that respect.
Edit – As a preemptive strike, I’ll also say that time has no value at its core. Time has value when you work on a job, at which point you get currency. Unless you’re paid to play video games, you generally can’t treat time in that manner.
Time always have value. In fact, time is the ultimate value and the ultimate equality. Everyone gets 24hrs a day, no more or less. Time is an accepted currency for a job, which generated $. When i get money by working, I give up my right to use my time the way i wish.
When i give up gold to get gems, i give up my right to use gold as i wish.
Wrong again. Time is not a currency. Time is used to earn currency, as with a job. If you have a job, that’s the only point in which time has a monetary value.
Now if you’re talking about “personal value”, then yes, time is valuable to you. But again, it’s not a currency, so you can’t argue it as such. Just like how I value my knowledge of business. I don’t go around treating it like a currency, asking for free food in exchange for debating the goods and evils of the Trading Post.
Free implies “without cost or payment”. If i have to exchange X to get Y, it is NOT free by any means.
If all the complainers don’t want to use their creditcards, they just have to realize that Gems are actually “FREE” when you exchange Gold. There are players here who never spent a single cent beyond the box price of this game, and yet have thousands of Gems.
Just like when I exchange $ for food, i get “FREE” food right?
The food is “FREE” when you use stamps, or other non-monetary currency. You can still buy food with your creditcard.
Your time( non-monetary currency) can be used to exchange for $, and subsequently, goods and services. Therefore, all these goods and services must be “FREE” because i used a non-monetary currency right?
Time is not a currency, so your argument fails in that respect.
Edit – As a preemptive strike, I’ll also say that time has no value at its core. Time has value when you work on a job, at which point you get currency. Unless you’re paid to play video games, you generally can’t treat time in that manner.
Time always have value. In fact, time is the ultimate value and the ultimate equality. Everyone gets 24hrs a day, no more or less. Time is an accepted currency for a job, which generated $. When i get money by working, I give up my right to use my time the way i wish.
When i give up gold to get gems, i give up my right to use gold as i wish.
The very fact that you’ve spent $800 on gems gives you the answer you are looking for. Why would they lower the prices if people are spending almost $1000 on gems to buy the items?
you can sell a apple at $1/ each. I will buy 1. You made $1
If you sell the apple at $0.75/each. I will buy 2. You made $1.5
If all the complainers don’t want to use their creditcards, they just have to realize that Gems are actually “FREE” when you exchange Gold. There are players here who never spent a single cent beyond the box price of this game, and yet have thousands of Gems.
Just like when I exchange $ for food, i get “FREE” food right?
The food is “FREE” when you use stamps, or other non-monetary currency. You can still buy food with your creditcard.
Your time( non-monetary currency) can be used to exchange for $, and subsequently, goods and services. Therefore, all these goods and services must be “FREE” because i used a non-monetary currency right?
If all the complainers don’t want to use their creditcards, they just have to realize that Gems are actually “FREE” when you exchange Gold. There are players here who never spent a single cent beyond the box price of this game, and yet have thousands of Gems.
If all the complainers don’t want to get their hands down and dirty to produce food, they need to realize that foods are actually “FREE” when you exchange money. There are people who never actually produce a single food by themselves and yet have plenty of food.
Just like when I exchange $ for food, i get “FREE” food right?