Showing Posts For SlateSloan.3654:
before arenanet modified the new player experience with compass and all that it never seemed a problem for new players to know where they are what they are playing and all that. we saw the most activity of players inside the game there ever was. i dont know where arenanet for heavens sake catched the feedback from that new players would need more help. i would assume a player informs himself of what he is buying or downloading before the first login. most free 2 players are usually familiar with mmos of other companies just loging in for the sake they can for free to take a break from their other game.
no please dont spend more time on making ingame guides and so just to baby players around. one can download and install the game one will be able to play it. who is not familiar to math in real life wont turn into a player who can make builds tomorrow.
also we have tons of community websites which baby people around already with teamspeak and all that. there are tons of guides on the internet and people spend tons of time to make youtube videos already. please dont tell me a gw2 player cant know that youtube exists while living in a time of youtube stars doing lets play videos from the morning to the evening.
no please dont spend time on developement of guides. one who wants to make guides shall make a private website but i dont think it will revolutionize anything at this time anymore.
for more background on creatures and world etc. i would find it good. its just arenanets business model is nowadays more in a direction of quick hack n slay arcade rather than epic game adventure roleplay unfortunately. so i doubt the audience would spend time to read alot and it takes arenanet time to spend on that for low effect.
i would rather improve the game on gear costs. i hardly play nowadays cause i dont want to be after gold just so i can buy new sigils, runes, armors and weapons after each rebalance. im tired of that and i dont do it anymore. my friendlist is long and empty no matter at what time of the day. all once very active and good players on my list. people really really familiar with mmos and build creating all that. almost all gone. game is to gold expensive and makes no fun cause of that.
(edited by SlateSloan.3654)
i think the tool is bugged as i saw people with faces, haircuts and haircolors i cant choose in the tool they are just not there. anet must repair it soon is a long time bug now
I agree. A hammer got the right size if a whole asura family fits underneath
My qol suggestion is that arenanet starts to use many of the thousands and thousands of suggestions which the players have already made. No need for another suggestion venting thread to keep everything as is after people vented…
anet stated once that they dont want to do more wvw tournaments like the ones we had cause a internal data survey showed them that too many players leave the game after such wvw tournaments cause people wear themselfes out fighting for weeks.
I wonder what they will have for us , the game needs more competition.
Could use a huge fishtank as decoration. Everybody be cool – you! – be cool!
I vote to be able to change sigils the same way like it is with the base stats of the weapon.
If there wont be a serious new competitor they will keep the release pace they have now. Can see that tyria map is like revealed at around 50 % now and still they can pull out cantha or elona any time , even drop in a new continent.
So gw3 is maybe 15-20 years from now or never.
After all the time playing i already have all sorts of ascended armors with different stats so until legendary armor wont bring the habbit of being able to alter runes on it without costs it wont be of any reason for me to craft it as i wont have any incentive to do it.
If it will be possible to gain legendary armor through wvw i might let it run aside normal gaming and maybe one day craft it.
If its just the same like legendary weapons that only base stats can be changed its failed implementation into the game for me as anet is way too late with it. I would see it as waste of resources i as a player have put into anet.
I dont think the game needs another race right now. gw2 got no own style , everything is somewhat copied from successful hollywood content or other games. a new race would only be there for the sake of people thinking that it was time for another race. would end awesome boring so i would still vote for zombie gorillas of orr.
None of the above. Bad enough the Charr were snowflaked to make them playable.
I’m sure that reading more suggestions will convince me the game is doomed.
This. With making charrs playable they took alot story out of guilwars. Could have been so much more instead of that ghosts of ascalon thing.
I dont think that any of the other races ingame got enough lore to be on the same level than the races we have atm.
Therefore i still pick zombie gorillas of orr.
I could never follow that the book was raised to 300 gold just because in the eyes of some friends labeling themselves to be the “community” had claimed that there would be “too many bad commanders” , as raising the hurdle for ingame functions dont make people better commanders. specially not the ones who already had the book back then. I think it was just a move of the gw2monetization cartels to try to establish their own commanders and make people visit their community website and ts.
Since ingame content has changed and new content arrived the book shall be cheaper again.
Hm maybe this thing is seen too sensible at all. The siege at spawn can be damaged so what?
If you are upset by a player who builds siege at his spawn you might want to be upset about any player building any siege no matter where.
I mean there are alot different spots around where its hard to reach an enemy siege and if you destroy it they are likely to rebuild it.
Thats the game people will always seek and do stuff which makes it hard for the enemy.
On eternal battlegrounds i can completely treb anzalia without getting hit by players, can only be done if they treb me also. So what? You come inside my keep or not?
But i must also say i hardly saw servers which drop siege at spawn at all. Happens when we push the enemy back but then its ok for me also as the other side needs possibility to free themselves and to stop the nonsense looting.
Btw if i catch the enemy using something legal but yet somewhat unclean action in terms of sportsmanship i will not only camp his spawn with 15 acs i will also take every tower and keep on his map later. I found it out that it hits the enemy harder if you strike back on the field than discussing with the referee.
A mob with boons is harder to kill.
Can´t expect someone (aka people complaining about HoT being to hard) fighting harder mobs outside of a raid.
~kek lel
This. Its a game where you need nothing just key 1. arenanet has attracted and conditioned a crowd which thinks that every fight where the greatsword wont mow through the enemy like through butter is too hard and unbalanced, bugged and unfair i want my money back game design you little kittens!
Have no special feeling about it, i rather feel like being one of all others fighting in the world. Gw2 is not like the old classy medieval rpgs where you create your char and from the first moment you arrive the whole world got spot light on you as you are lifted as the one and only to save the world from an unknown evil force or such.
No matter what village you arrive they all know you already like “oh there you are saviour of all” xD
When i think of how the additions to the world function i rather feel like being in some kind of theme parc by now even. Silverwastes or drangons stand? Like rollercoaster or water slide today?
Can be that its this way for me cause i dont have any relation to the story of gw2. i miss the depth of plot or world.
Rin is the capital!
Good idea. I think it will end with people talking it into pieces with “gemstore supports the game” kinda arguments.
I personally think that arenanet reached a point where the gemstore is not supporting the game anymore but showing that stuff is way overpriced if we take a view on the reports.
They easily could hand over more comfort without pricing.
One agreement could be to offer more dyes , allow them to be put on accessories as well and lower the price of the styling kits. Im sure more people would change colors more often that way. Leading to more income in the end as well as to more acceptance of the store inside community. Specially to all those who already left the game cause people felt cashed off.
Unfortunately growth in player numbers seems no goal for ncsoft but rather ebit, ebit, ebit on the low cost high prce business sleeper mode.
(edited by SlateSloan.3654)
i hope the live beta test is a real one and not speech trick again that you can see the beta live on twitch^^
Recently I’ve been reminiscing about this place, a sort of nostalgia really, and been feeling an itch to go there.. In particular, a vibrant field of lush green in Kessex Hills, with a quest about the ghost of a father and the things he wanted to tell his daughter before moving on(Anyone remember this? Not sure if it’s still in-game), only to later realise I can’t anymore(Yes, at first it took me a while to realise why I couldn’t find that specific place on the map). The culprit of this beautiful area disappearing: Scarlet.
Now, I walk through the present Kessex Hills remembering all that was, that came to be and pass, and how the present clearly shows what happened.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I think this was the perfect example of a Living World(Along with LA) and it’s scope of impact, and even though I wish I could return to it, I fully understand that it is not possible. The nature of this post lies more toward the fond memories of GW2’s launch(or, launch to Q2 2013). What are some of yours?
kessex hills has always been my favourite place for exact that reason.
have never enjoyed the story as much as i had at the time of the tower of nightmares timeline.
everytime im now in kessex hills i think back to these moments of destruction. it always feels like the land asks me to remove the thorn out of its wounds.
when aprils fools joke with the piloting arrived i walked through kessex with that sepia effect and listened to My Immortal from Evanescence. ^:)
These wounds won’t seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There’s just too much that time cannot erase
(edited by SlateSloan.3654)
due to all the circumstances we as players faced since HoT arenanet delivers the expansion for free.
each player can try it out then and can freely buy a number of special expansion-gems in the gemstore based on what each player thinks the expansion is worth.
like if i think its worth 10 bucks i buy 10 expansion gems.
someone who believes its worth 50 bucks buys 50 expansion gems.
someone who thinks arenanet shall get 26 dollars enters to buy 26 expansion gems.
is arenanet self confident enough for such a project?
I can remember that some devs or community managers had been playing on some servers back in the days to check whats going on in wvw. Is there any list of who from arenanet visited which server?
As im sadly complete confused where the ideas like tactivators came from.
One of the thrills e.g in wvw has always been to arrive a destination before the enemy pumps it down. It gave joy to the players to hurry to the point of attack together.
You will have rather more success with bringing acceptance to wvw if you implement an proper reward system for players who take the role as scout e.g. Like a person who fullfills certain task while scouting a tower is rewarded like a zerg is rewarded invading towers etc. we had a point where tasks where identified to be done by players which always had been the most unrewarding in guildwars.
also wvw needs competition and tournament with proper rewards again.
I would start with reward system for scouts.
Also balancing of siege is important. An arrow cart e.g. Should be able to cause damage to players but less damage to other siege. It cannot be that hours of scout work is instantly destroyed by a attacking zerg putting 2 ac on the ground to clean a building…
Also skills of players is of need to be worked on. There cant be siege and players are instanly put down by 2casters.
One of the success of wvw always has been that groups where fighting over buildings for minutes and minutes.
I cant understand why that all was destroyed as wvw had a good balance. Why was it never further developed when staff has been on tour with players?
i had once the idea that a player who has atleast 1 character on level 80 and done the world completion at least once to 100% shall be asked at character creation “At least one of your chars is lvl 80 and got the world completion. Do you want to create this new char on level 80 or start all over at level 1”
that would make the game more open for veterans who quickly want to have a new char to play a certain game mode with a level 80 char right now and also leave room for people who want to do it all over.
i dont believe that the game will have any negative impact by that because if i level as quick as i can, i will do it alone in pve or run in eotm. i wont seek other players on level 1 to play with , as i want to get along quick. so low level player activity wont be affected.
the most negative thing that can happen is actually that I will end up to play the game mode i want directly with other people together.
(edited by SlateSloan.3654)
always keep in mind that a map must me organizable by the raid leader and players.
wvw will always be filled with new or random players wanting to explore a new game mode or to help the server a bit cause have time for that.
a new player who finds the way into teamspeak and introduces himself “hi im new can i be of any help here?” must directly be able to be part of the game taking place. “yes, ofc, do you see the tower in the west?” “yes i see it” “fine , i want you to go travel there and please tell me when you see any enemies on the way, i get to you back if you are at the tower”.
the new player must directly be on the way and if the raid leader asks 5-10 minutes later if the person arrived, it must be answered with a “yes” because the player was able to get there and not be struggling with some “not yet im here somehwere up in a maze”
the maps and all the systems must be usable by players on other players or for server related reasons.
i have no use for a pve sandstorm somewhere, id rather accept if enemies attack my keep and call a sandstorm to get some effect against me for some time. they attack me and they bring tools with them, everyone attention we inc now!
never ever a keep can build itself up. that must be up to the players. if noone does it our server wont have certain advantages and we all be about to lose.
in alot of different threads i always see people trying to reinvent the wheel of successful r vs r trying to invent new complicated maps, systems, try to define what wvw is and what not, that all wont help.
the main part in wvw has always been the players on the server and the interaction between them. who does what and when? you do that ? ok i go there and there and to this and that. its a matter of how can one server organize the thing and how much a map and its systems allow the players to do so.
if you see the systems on the desert map you can only ask yourself “how on earth could ever ever someone design and program such a thing?” a map which takes over tasks which made the players in wvw play together for!
every system must give all power to the people to determine when and what will happen. it must be that flexible that there is again what made wvw big. interaction between the people.
for future developement i would rather see a map where people must hold land instead of buildings. how the people keep the land shall be on their own. if there are keeps or towers or not shall be decided by the players , make us able to build the buildings on our own. if i leave wvw in the morning while people on the server started to build a tower somewhere and I come back in the evening and see the tower is ready i will be proud that my mates accomplished the teamtask with their own work, not because the map has build anything. you will find easy scouts and defenders that way, people are likely to defend together if they also build something up together.
i dont mind if there are certain junctions on a map where theres not much space around. eg. a pass in a mountain or such but it must be a strategic important point of interest for me. a tower i can build or conquer which gives me scouting advantage or some advantage to shoot with siege on other castle or such.
if you develope complex systems … they need to be usable by players and not be part of the map. they must be tools to use. please oh god in heaven leave the map alone
if it comes to systems i was always thinking about an official g vs g ladder. like to determine officially which guild does it best and the endresults of the season are counting towards the server wvw ladder even.
the server fight each week a match and the guilds give their part in that in form of gvg also.
that way you could still link a server to a guild to get the guilds be encouraged in the usual server life.
i know alot “random” player would fever with the guilds and vice versa when it comes to get it all connected in the end.
thats my view. get the people together and leave the map alone.
the spring update will come in with all new legendaries included
Hmmm. It makes no sense for a ceo to step on a public forum to tell them players what will not be done. It would have been easier to just release new story and keep people busy with the story until time for 1-2 more legendaries would be found to release some more legendaries. Noone here would have said anything. I bet out of the 41 pages of this thread 40 pages of players would not have even noticed the delay of the weapons lol.
Its just normal this thread explodes when paying people get to know that what they payed is being put on hold with no sight on when the work will be continued…
Theres no reason to throw any bad news to the wolves if there isnt something in the background waiting.
I hope for you that the spring update is not turned into summer update suddenly^^
you better deliver a huge awesome april update now lol
I think that the goals for ebit set by ncsoft are too greedy.
It was actually quite refreshing to not get that type of developer behaviour for a change. Not that I see this becoming a trend.
Had been offline for some days now saw whats going on here and yeah i definately believe that “quiet refreshing”
I do indeed consider someone being frank and honest with their customers refreshing. Not sure which part of concerned consumers is funny. It is a different story if some of those complaining the loudest continue to spend their hard cash on the game.
I certainly will not myself if things continue this way.
Definately. Its what i also do since weeks. When hot went into sales i decided on the same day that i wont pay the price. Got it for 20 bucks on some china website. Whoever will become next game director i hope that person will do drastical changes inside the team. Would be suprising if the spring update will be a first turnaround just it makes no sense for me to throw that negative news to the players, normally you only do that if you got a real burner in the back entrance waiting.
Chilli con carne for seattle!
Hmmm. It makes no sense for a ceo to step on a public forum to tell them players what will not be done. It would have been easier to just release new story and keep people busy with the story until time for 1-2 more legendaries would be found to release some more legendaries. Noone here would have said anything. I bet out of the 41 pages of this thread 40 pages of players would not have even noticed the delay of the weapons lol.
Its just normal this thread explodes when paying people get to know that what they payed is being put on hold with no sight on when the work will be continued…
Theres no reason to throw any bad news to the wolves if there isnt something in the background waiting.
I hope for you that the spring update is not turned into summer update suddenly^^
you better deliver a huge awesome april update now lol
I think that the goals for ebit set by ncsoft are too greedy.
It was actually quite refreshing to not get that type of developer behaviour for a change. Not that I see this becoming a trend.
Had been offline for some days now saw whats going on here and yeah i definately believe that “quiet refreshing”
Hmmm. It makes no sense for a ceo to step on a public forum to tell them players what will not be done. It would have been easier to just release new story and keep people busy with the story until time for 1-2 more legendaries would be found to release some more legendaries. Noone here would have said anything. I bet out of the 41 pages of this thread 40 pages of players would not have even noticed the delay of the weapons lol.
Its just normal this thread explodes when paying people get to know that what they payed is being put on hold with no sight on when the work will be continued…
Theres no reason to throw any bad news to the wolves if there isnt something in the background waiting.
I hope for you that the spring update is not turned into summer update suddenly^^
you better deliver a huge awesome april update now lol
I think that the goals for ebit set by ncsoft are too greedy.
I still think the majority of players went from gw1 to gw2. gw1 community had a name back in the days for being a very mature audience though we where young. The game itself had a name for offering most beautiful graphics for an onlinegame, also the topic was pretty mature and true to itself. You had no pink glittering asuras jumping around or weapons which look like some candy handhelds from funfairs. or some tiny npc girls inside a half baked story jiggling around finding their kitten girly loveboat… Its just extreme unbelieveable what junk they made out of the lore. I think its ok that companies dont care for gender, sexual habits, etc when hiring staff but heres a kitten majority of players to serve. Its just unbelieveable how much transgender and homosexual influence is put into an electronic entertainment product aimed at families and casual players. When arenanet had gw2 in developement they already knew what they would be about to make out of the once mature medieval world. Before gw1 went into its endstage they already tested the gemstore model and started offering stuff via store. In the future we will see more expansions i think, but i will rather try to get them for some 20 bucks via china website than to pay full price. Most players have come a little in the years now. We dont have that much time anymore like we had 10 years ago. We have now daily real life stuff to do and to take care of.
Only thing which would be interesting for me is how many total accounts there are and how many of them have a gw1 account attached.
No one at arenanet cares if anyone leaves. Most gemstore items are of the same 3d model and just carry different textures or colors. I bet the profit margin on a single item is extremely high, just have a look at the annual report.
It will be sold as “the second expansion” for 49.99 and nothing else will be revealed before release. everyone will need to explore what is patched in then. Good luck all!
Friday night is good for match reset. Most People are back from work and ready for the weekend. All are gathered up on teamspeak server and countdown together to get quickly on the maps and start.
Theres for me no use to move the match reset to friday morning.
Btw. What IT company on earth does its hotfixes on weekend primetimes to the disadvantage and disturbance of its customers for heavens sake?
You are a provider of a 24/7 open it entertainment product kitten .
Dont plan your intern stuff on our disadvantage. The responsible manager is to question here.
It will all depend on arenanets behaviour and content of the exp.
Last time anets communication was very cloudy as alot players where not even able to tell which content belonged to the expansion and which content has been for free anyway on patchday.
So i will yet once again wait until i see what gets patched in on patchday. Then i will consider what content will arrive if i buy the expansion and then i judge the price.
If its all marketing yallayalla again i will once again buy the expansion on some china website for some 18 bucks.
reddit had over 230 million individual visitors last month. why do you all think the devs use that forum? really because it allows for better usability?^^
hm i understand that playerbase got alot heart into wvw and i find it good that community keeps fighting for it (i for myself played wvw the most of all game modes). but i dont know if a president of a company really needs explaination why players give feedback or what feedback shall be for or what feedback even is at all.
he got the experience in business and life to know exactly whats going on. even if they always play the professional unprofessionality card like “no one told us, we havent been aware” companies are after their own goals.
e.g. if they set themself the goal to “make more money this year” they dont care for bugs or updates or improvements or content then at least for a year. if they can reach the goal of making more money by dropping cheap crap skins into the gemstore or by selling an “expansion” by doing overhype and overpricing their goal and business year is successful with that. even if noone plays wvw then at that time. they will see the goal reached and call it a successful year.
i would rather ask why although the playerbase gave ideas and feedback over the years still everything was done different when the updates where done?
there was no reason to design the borderlands in the way they did, specially because wvw playerbase always gave feedback to rather have less pve content and not more pve content.
since the start of wvw it has been known that its a fight scenario. 3 servers fighting for a week for the win. capture and defend and fight.
for what reason could they have designed it more complex and more time consuming to capture and travel?
shortcut of reward supply.
the same that happened to dungeon rewards they did with wvw rewards just they did not cut the actual rewards but the way to go there. the big kitten we are into now is that they not only have driven off the “wvw casuals which choose to go on a wvw map to loot some” but also the ones which never really cared for loot but for the system cause it was the wvw system.
changes in systems always occur cause the system holder tries to cut off supply for some and steer it elsewhere.
i for myself dont care for loot when i wvw around. i care for fights , for captures for the sake of winning with all the people on the server.
if they think that wvw players had it too easy with loot then they should make themself a head how to cut the reward and give the wvw players another possibility to get their hands on items they need (armors, weapons, runes, sigils, trinkets) but for all sake not design a map like they did with borderlands.
i wanted to design a new build for my mesmer to play wvw. but the runes i wanted to get are runes which can be bought by a vendor on one of the HoT maps. 900 aurilium i need to farm in pve until i can go back to wvw finally… runes are acc bound…
i completely agree with the guild hall thing. a true wvw guild cant be dropped into the pve maps. “play what you dont want to play to compete in your favourite content after” thats pure insane to design a system like that.
i can only underline what O’brien posted on reddit himslef again:
“we’ve always said that Guild Wars should be about having fun rather than preparing to have fun, "
such a big statement and such design??? words and action of arenanet yet again dont fit.
I want to pin the following quote from the introductory post of the reddit thread:
we’ve always said that Guild Wars should be about having fun rather than preparing to have fun, "
sadly i read the word “should” here…
Doing the no mask left behind achievement gets you an aurilium node for your home instance. I know that you will still need to do the runs but maybe it helps to get some more aurilium in an easy way.
Employee reviews show they haven’t ever expanded their staff since initial launch.
They haven’t fixed competitive PvP or WvWs laughably one sided win condition, and in the case of PvP, refuse to even acknowledge it.
They’ve chosen to make the exact trinity content they claimed GW2 would never have at its launch, instead of simply fixing the break between the games build and active combat systems, solely because fixing it would take more work than they are willing to put in.
They’ve chosen to expand the build system with a time gated top gear tier requiring massive investment of playtime and account resources. Because such mindless filler content is an easy way to keep players around, and, once again, it’s too much work to make content for players to play through.
And finally, they released an expansion smaller than most DLC I’ve ever seen, and did so at nearly the full price of the original game.
The question we should be asking ourselves at this point, is not how we can support them, it’s what the bleeding hell they have done with the three years of support we’ve given them?!
I sign this. Its what I thought the day HoT went into sales and i saw the prices. When i posted about my thoughts back in that time people didnt want to believe and posted that it would be too early to judge… There they got it now.
I dont make any thoughts that arenanet needs more money and will change anything if they get more cash. Cause they already have cash.
Everyone can openly access the quartely reports on ncsoft website. Check the reports and conference calls and you will understand the more you buy from the gemstore the more its likely that everything stays like it is. More money is an acknowledgement for the management that everything is working and ok.
I think that there are alot veterans who would still play more and want to use classes which they have not played before.
Im currently in the situation that id like to play gw2 but want to play it with several different classes i currently not have yet but i definately will not spend 1-5 weeks daily fractal and edge of the mist noodeling around until i got a char finaly on 80 to be able to play the content i want to play.
i definately have the waste of lifetime in focus here.
Players who want to level noodle around can do that if they like. All others should be able to select a level 80 startup option on character creation screen. Arenanet should respect the lifetime of its players here as its likely that there will also be more classes in the future if we take in account that like 50% of tyrias map is not yet revealed.
Dont offer me any pay for faster comfort solutions i wont accept those.
…create this new character on level 80 with all waypoints unlocked?
Took me like 1 hour to drop it. I farmed the spot in queensdale where the veterans spawn by the huge tree.
I still vote for the zombie gorilla kongs of orr. The next add on shall unlock the area north of maguma bringing a gorilla lagoon to all our surprise. Me tarzan you jane
There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SlateSloan.3654
I think that the game currently is actually more casual friendly like it ever has been.
With the new fractals system people can make 5-10 gold within minutes of daily play. The economy is very good atm. With a little gaming in magumaa people have good valuables to get quickly to skins and items they like. No grind needed.
I personally crafted sunrise and its precursor in 6 weeks without grinding just with casual daily gameplay playing fractals and events on magumaa maps.
Most the time i play almost noone is online from the guilds i am currently in as its late daytime and still i randomly can join successful groups no coordination needed at all.
I think its good to have also other content which is more challenging. Also casual guilds shall have something to manage by working towards it not just 111ing through the content.
I think its important to challenge guilds to play better together until something is reached as its a better feeling in the end to finally have done it together by practicing and improvement rather than to just pick up the chest after the first attempt.
Content must last a while, if its done within the first 2 days after release people will shout to get the next content and the maps will be empty directly.
Also by now the game reached alot diversity in locations and what is to be done on the maps so if i want i can spend every day doing something different.
If more time goes by it will even be more casual friendly as the number of possibilities get more and more. Have a look at how many parts of tyria are yet not discovered. Its like still 50% of the content is not inside the game. From ring of fire to home of the blood legion.
So i see alot casual friendlyness here. For myself everything moves too slow though. Cant wait until the norn get more involved, thers plenty of room in the snow now discovered yet and so little content is abou them, when i see how big they arrived in gw1 its a pity but what has been done to them in gw2 but thats another topic.
Gw2 casualfriendly? Yes it is.
GW has nothing to do with real world religion.
Hope the acc gets locked for trying to bring real world religion into a computer game where religion has nothing to seek, all players are equal behind their pcs.
the developing company shall not tolerate attempts to get their product being used for religious influence.
I liked the tower of nightmares best so far. If it cant be brought back i would add a new tower into tyria. Maybe in orr old powers are enforced and the huge tower of wesir khilbron is rebuild. I liked that players could gather and fight through that labyrinth type tower to the top with boss chambers in between and all that. Also that dreamweaver topic was cool for me. All that illusion effects and poison daze stuff. I would patch such new huge tower in. Maybe a bit taller than the nightmare tower. Like give it 10 floors to fight through.
I would like to see a pvp zone inside pve. It could be designed so that one can find rare and valuable resources. Make the zone lootable pvp even to cause nice action. Competition, we need competition.
ncsoft better should have released cantha instead.
i dont need these slots at all.
i can always bring 2 characters to a bank and put items in the bank and fetch them with the other character. the price is for me nothing else than profiteering. (price way higher than the goods i get in return), unfortunately thats the case “as usual with arenanet these days”
i dont understand why arenanet destroys the positive mood community had when reading about the plans for 2016 with such cheap money grasp yet once again.
if that behaviour is what you guys at arenanet learned in US business psychology universities than please exchange leadership within the company urgently.
nutella on twitch , there goes our lifetime and money
i would think that a feature like character wide inventory would be one small part of a 50 dollar expansion /addon. though i think that there are other features which would make more sense at all like character wide crafting profession unlock and character wide recipe learning. like “do it with once character and unlock it all for your other characters as well.”
sorry but i wont take part in that dirty “pay for comfort” mmo business model anymore.
“we develope something with the label game but design it just with minor functions in a way that our players will buy more comfort later and be thankful for that. we as company act as if we never designed a game before and as if computer games just arrived on planet earth yesterday”
i await more of a company in a business area which has decades of experience now.
(edited by SlateSloan.3654)
I think its cool to have skins with such surround effects like snow, etc
I would just not design them as armor skins as alot armors dont look good if a part is missing.
I would design a new slot on the characters for effect skins. That way we can wear effects and full armor and the slot could be designed in a way that the effect also displays if someone is wearing clothes instead of armor.
Skritt Ecto Merchant – all in
What cost the world?
community asked for more difficult content to not have the game being “1111dodge1111” – open chest – walk away.
that will automatically lead more to a type of gaming which always has been in gw1. you just cant do anything with closed eyes anymore.
i think for the future we will see the guilds tables being sorted again. it will be more of importance to have a guild with good organisation, knowledge and teamwork.
people will again be in the position to study their possibilities and people inside a team will get certain roles and tasks to fullfill.
it will be for arenanet very important to keep alive the story and background of tyria again. like it is meant to be in a mmo. the world and its background is very important, as it determines if a player is feeling comfortable playing the content. what you cant identify with you are much likely to deny.
so world/background > content variety > gemstore
for instance:
i dont think it will be a bad idea to cut off wvw and import an wvw mega server.
it just all depends on the topic it will be thrown into.
“blue fights red fights green” = booooring color vs color = unemotional
give the child a name like
“riverside fights blackgate fights desolation” = identity
you can see that pattern specially in us sports. you always see “bulls vs lakers”
for a more excitement once a year there should be a real battle of the guilds where guilds fight each other for a championship. we still are “guild wars”.
is important arenanet gets away now from that gemstore people farming to a competition driven game plus a pve environment which centers its world/surrounding"