Showing Posts For Sleuth.7964:

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


If people are harassing you in game and breaking TOS, you report and block.


However, OP, since you now KNOW that FGS is a place that many servers like to farm as a group (inc yours, apparently) it would be preferable that when in this ONE of TWO farm zones (out of a bunch of zones where groups tend to not get together to kill champions regularly) you should join with your community, not knowingly play against it. There are plenty of other zones you and your friends can go kill champions together without potentially disrupting a large group of players.


Arenanet totally forgot GW1 fans?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Considering GW2 sold 7 times more copies the GW did. you would need 3 times the population GW1 ever reached just to hit 40%-50% of the GW2 player base.

The last info places GW2 currently at 3.5 mil copies sold, and a peak concurrency of about 460 k people playing at once (which happened during first months, by the way, i doubt we get as high nowadays). That’s still less than number of GW1 copies sold.
Of course, GW2 is out for only a year, so it has still a lot of time to catch up, but claiming that it has sold 7 times GW1 copies is a flat out lie. It still has to equal it, in truth.

Except that Guild Wars 1 sold 7 million copies of 4 games….not 7 million copies one one game. They aren’t saying 7 million copies of Prophecies sold. So I personally bought 8 of those copies sold (since I had two full accounts). My wife bought another 8.

That means that probably there are a whole lot less individual Guild Wars 1 consumers than Guild Wars 2 consumers to date.

Even if we assume that we have to divide the total number of copies sold by 4, we still get 1.75 mil full accounts. That’s much higher than 7 times less than GW2 has now. And the actual numbers are higher than 1.75, because not every account was a full one, and bundle sales (all 4 campaigns + EotN in one pack) were treated as one sale, not four. So in the end, while the number of consumer accounts for GW1 might have been smaller, it was still high enough to make the 40% figure a very distinct possibility.
(no, the fact that there were people like you that bought more than one account is completely irrelevant, because there are people like it in this game as well).

Sure, but those 7 million copies happened in 7 years…not in 1 year. When Guild Wars 1 was this old, how many copies did it sell.

I’d wager it’s a lot less than Guild Wars 2 has, that’s my point.

I’d go as far to wager that Guild Wars 2, by the time it’s as old as Guild Wars 1 (assuming it’s still going), will have made for the company many times the amount of money. Obviously if they don’t come out with expansions you wouldn’t be able to compare sales, but you would be able to compare profit.

Guild Wars 1 was a niche game. Guild Wars 2 seems to be shaping up into a niche game too…I think it’s a bigger niche.

That is to say, by dumbing down the game, which has clearly been done, you can appeal to a wider range of people…just not necessarily the same people.

That’s what WoW did and look what’s happening to that game

Arenanet totally forgot GW1 fans?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


I’ll try to post it again and if this lead (again) to the thread cancellation: my apologies.

From Eurogamer Expo 2013
Q: How close are you to the manifesto you posted before the game’s release?
A: Still hold core values but had to make some adjustments during development. Sometimes we have to stray away from what we have said in the past.

Let’s see what was declared with the manifesto:

Points they are still close to:

  • The look of Guild Wars 2 is stylized. We’re going for a painterly, illustrated aesthetic.
  • Cause and effect: A single decision made by a player cascades out in a chain of events.

Points from which they have decided to stray away:
- Guild Wars 2 takes everything you love about Guild Wars 1 and puts it into a persistent world.

  • B2P sustaining itself mainly through the release of new campaigns. No.
  • GvG? No.
  • Guild halls. No.
  • Guild capes. No.
  • UW? FoW? Alliance battle? No.
  • Focus on Horizontal progression? No.
  • Secondary profession? No.
  • Region free servers? No.
  • Alliance system? No.
  • Skills capturing? No.
  • Heroes? No.
  • Low and persisting level cap? No.
  • Hard Mode? No.
  • Costumes? No.
  • Dances differentiated by profession and gender. No.
  • Lore. Are you serious?
  • Etc etc. No. xD

- A game that defies existing conventions: (old school Mmorpg vs. Guild Wars 2)

  • Vertical Progression. -> Vertical Progression (but slower)
  • Farming. -> Farming.
  • Quest system. -> Renamed: Hearts, Dailies, Living Story.
  • Raid. -> (World Bosses?) ~ Work in progress ~
  • Trinity. DPS/Tank/Healer -> Redefined: Warrior-Guardian-Mesmer

- We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. We want to change the way that people view combat.

  • Open PvE: Join the zerg spam 1, dodge if required (if not, you will roam alone in an almost dead world)
  • Interact with “put some random object name” in the world for hundreds of times.
  • Kill “put some random mob name” in the world for hundreds of times.

- As a structure, the MMO has lost the ability to make the player feel like a hero. Everybody around you is doing the same thing you are doing.

  • Run in circle (Frostgorge/Queensdale/…) to kill Champions doing the same things others are doing and in the same order at the same time.
  • You make all the hard work during the personal story, a salad take the credits.

- We respect you—as a player, as a human being.

  • So they decided to totally ignore our feedback on forum and close every thread that disagree with their decisions, without giving us any response.

Best post I’ve read in months quoting their manifesto catching them redhanded

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Guy with the dog was not a boss.

so you still have made no comment on Liadri mini?
Did you play in the gauntlet at all?
and now you want ascended armour?
So you do want better stats after all

I haven’t been viewing this thread at the moment and I don’t know what the mini is and I did play gauntlet it was easy some of the stuff was a little tedious though the wind lady was not designed very well to me

And yes I want better stats but that’s just me I understand that they are adding ascended armor to the game which should be earned by raid style content IMO that’s very difficult then having some more grindy way for casuals

They are adding ascended armor so i don’t exactly know why your asking me that question in the first place.

oK I find it very hard to believe that you played the gauntlet and don’t know what the Liadri mini is.
It is the reward you get for defeating the final boss- Liadri the concealing darkness.
It is also currently the most prestigious item in the game, since they don’t have a title for doing that light up the darkness achievement.
It can only be earned by your own skill- no one else’s

I brought up the gauntlet because it is a very good example of skill based hard content that not everyone is able to do.
If a player found it too easy there are gambits to make it harder.
The reward is a mini- but it carries a lot of bragging rights because it means you did it yourself.
Unlike your example of Ascended armour which likely will be crafted just like the weapons.

You also mention Windcaller Kieldia
how was she badly designed?
Keep in mind that she is a tier 1 boss and fairly easy- I killed her in one try.

I killed all the bosses in one try except for the guy with the dog

I slayed all my competitors in the Queens Gauntlet with one flawless try. Only the Norn with the Rock Dog managed to defeat me 3 times. After the 3rd I was victorious

You RPer

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


so you still have made no comment on Liadri mini?
Did you play in the gauntlet at all?
and now you want ascended armour?
So you do want better stats after all

I haven’t been viewing this thread at the moment and I don’t know what the mini is and I did play gauntlet it was easy some of the stuff was a little tedious though the wind lady was not designed very well to me

And yes I want better stats but that’s just me I understand that they are adding ascended armor to the game which should be earned by raid style content IMO that’s very difficult then having some more grindy way for casuals

They are adding ascended armor so i don’t exactly know why your asking me that question in the first place.

oK I find it very hard to believe that you played the gauntlet and don’t know what the Liadri mini is.
It is the reward you get for defeating the final boss- Liadri the concealing darkness.
It is also currently the most prestigious item in the game, since they don’t have a title for doing that light up the darkness achievement.
It can only be earned by your own skill- no one else’s

I brought up the gauntlet because it is a very good example of skill based hard content that not everyone is able to do.
If a player found it too easy there are gambits to make it harder.
The reward is a mini- but it carries a lot of bragging rights because it means you did it yourself.
Unlike your example of Ascended armour which likely will be crafted just like the weapons.

You also mention Windcaller Kieldia
how was she badly designed?
Keep in mind that she is a tier 1 boss and fairly easy- I killed her in one try.

I killed all the bosses in one try except for the guy with the dog

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


so you still have made no comment on Liadri mini?
Did you play in the gauntlet at all?
and now you want ascended armour?
So you do want better stats after all

I haven’t been viewing this thread at the moment and I don’t know what the mini is and I did play gauntlet it was easy some of the stuff was a little tedious though the wind lady was not designed very well to me

And yes I want better stats but that’s just me I understand that they are adding ascended armor to the game which should be earned by raid style content IMO that’s very difficult then having some more grindy way for casuals

They are adding ascended armor so i don’t exactly know why your asking me that question in the first place.

Completing every achievement in the Gauntlet is hard content in my opinion. Casuals can do this though. Casuals ain’t bad gamers, they merely have less time.

Completing the entire Gauntlet 50 times for a piece of armor is hardcore content.

The second is bad content imho, especially if said armor has more stats.

All casual players are not bad but in my experience the majority are not that good. I have a lot of frustrating moments with them.

Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Guild wars 2 will come out when its ready

Guild wars 2 will come out when its ready

when its ready

So, feeling like answering any questions or addressing anything in my reply other than leaving a sniping, snide little comment? Please? I did you the courtesy of treating you like an intelligent counterpart, please do the same.

I’m basically saying in short we got bait and switched.

Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Guild Wars 2 brought in $25Million in sales in the last 3 months, going by the quarterly, after all expenses and taxes, that is ~$6-7 Million in profits in 3 months.

Financially the game is doing great.

I don’t see as many GW2 is dying posts anymore. They always make me laugh.

if this game is doing so great then where the hell is the content PERMANENT content.

Arguably if you’re doing badly you’d want ALL your content to be permanent, because you don’t want to keep making stuff. Making stuff costs money. Having four teams working on 2 week release schedule costs money. You can’t afford to do that if you’re not doing well.

In fact, many MMOs when they are doing badly, introduce an expansion (which is all permanent content) to get some money back into their coffers. Apparently Guild Wars 2 is doing well without having to have that permanent content.

That said some content is always permanent. For example the current invasions won’t be leaving the game when the event ends (though they will be less frequent).

Sigh there is just no convincing people like you

People like me? Logical people?

What are you trying to convince me of? That temporary content is a sign of a game doing badly? That makes no objective sense whatsoever.

Can you explain to me, in basic logical terms, why a company that’s not doing well would keep making more and more content, and then take it out of the game after a month?

I’m not arguing temporary content is better or worse than permanent content. I’m arguing temporary content isn’t a sign of a game doing badly financially.

I’m trying to convincing you that if the game just focuses on temporary then that is bad

There has to be a balance that so far we have not seen at all. Until I see an actual update that gave something to really do since fractals ill continue to voice my opinion on the fact that this game needs a real challenging content for players who want a challenge and reward with a real risk vs reward.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


so you still have made no comment on Liadri mini?
Did you play in the gauntlet at all?
and now you want ascended armour?
So you do want better stats after all

I haven’t been viewing this thread at the moment and I don’t know what the mini is and I did play gauntlet it was easy some of the stuff was a little tedious though the wind lady was not designed very well to me

And yes I want better stats but that’s just me I understand that they are adding ascended armor to the game which should be earned by raid style content IMO that’s very difficult then having some more grindy way for casuals

They are adding ascended armor so i don’t exactly know why your asking me that question in the first place.

Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


2. Don’t compare jumping puzzles to real content for hardcore players

So sorry, what exactly is “real content” then?

5. In raids like 25 mans or 8 mans in SWTOR or any game with raids 1 person could wipe EVERYONE so it is about YOU even if it is in a large group EVERYONE has to work together.

You cant understand this because I honestly think you’ve never experienced a real raid with a guild and killed a boss to were it was killing you over and over again and learning from your mistakes and finally taking it down feeling awesome.

I have had that experience. I’ve had that experience in PvP combat too, where if one person goes down too early then everything else becomes a domino effect until one side is all on the ground dead.

I don’t really miss it, because when you succeed you might feel great . . . unless the reward is nothing. You know, because you didn’t have enough DKP to bid on an item you really needed and some dingbat bid on it for an alt they never play. Or when you wipe another guild in an open-world battle and you know, you just KNOW it’s only a temporary reprieve because their alts are going to come next and you’ve still got “a man down”.

Some people live for that kind of thrill and enjoy it, and I really leave them to it because if I don’t get anything out of it other than four hours of wasted effort or a crosshair on my back in guild politics, I’m really going to have to pass on it.

6. I want that feeling in GW2 and sadly it lacks it as of now. Its not fun shooting fireworks at the elder dragon

Not gonna lie, that part of the fight was underwhelming. Really hope they do better next time.

Guild wars 2 will come out when its ready

Guild wars 2 will come out when its ready

when its ready

Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


1. It’s your opinion that raids are bland. Not everyone else many like raids because they are not cluster f*&ks like Guild Wars 2 “dungeons”

2. Don’t compare jumping puzzles to real content for hardcore players

3. Its easier to make 5 man hard but also boring and not as hard as if it was 10 or 20 which is why hardcore players like large scale instances

4. Trinity is not bland trinity gives people roles I love to heal and I heal in every game I play Though I cant do that in GW2 because there is no reason to try to support my team when we can all zerg with zerker gear and kill bosses in less then a minute.

5. In raids like 25 mans or 8 mans in SWTOR or any game with raids 1 person could wipe EVERYONE so it is about YOU even if it is in a large group EVERYONE has to work together.

You cant understand this because I honestly think you’ve never experienced a real raid with a guild and killed a boss to were it was killing you over and over again and learning from your mistakes and finally taking it down feeling awesome.

6. I want that feeling in GW2 and sadly it lacks it as of now. Its not fun shooting fireworks at the elder dragon

1/ I like the current clusterfks more than the raids I did back in Vanilla, TBC and WotLK.

2/ Of course not, because jumping puzzles are hard, not hardcore. Repeating a raid isn’t hard content, it’s hardcore. I’m trying to be very clear about that.

3/ Untrue. Onyxia in vanilla was hard. kitten I’ve wiped quite a bit on that little bugger. The thing that made her hard though, was the stupidity of other players, not the boss herself. And that’s why large group content isn’t hard because of the content but merely because it’s a large group. Truly hard content would be nigh impossible with raids.

4/ I do not agree for many reasons. I think WoodenPotatoes explains it fairly well. Find his video on the healers on youtube. Trinity makes for boring content, once you see the matrix

5/ And that’s why raids can’t be too hard. Too many players who are f’k ups. The more people you add, the lower the bar has to be for the content to be accessible. Mad King Clock Tower was extremely hard because it is a single player experience. For one player, Onyxia is rather simple in comparison yet it’s the raid that makes it difficult.

6/ I didn’t like the final boss either, and it should be reworked. But that’s another discussion entirely.

I accept your apology regarding me not having done raids. I’ve done quite a few, and I’m done with them. Please don’t be that insulting next time, it’s not fun discussing people who make stupid assumptions like that. I’ve wiped over and over one Onyxia and Ragnaros. It was fun the first time I killed him, not so much the 1000 times I killed them just for loot. Booooring. Why can’t I have all the loot I need on the first kill, the only one that was actually challenging.

you like the dungeons in this game…. your saying that trinity is bland have you played this games content? have you played the invasions? those aren’t bland? dude your head is so far up your kitten .

Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


There will always be elitism in every MMO game i’m sorry theres no avoiding it.

And my definition of hardcore content is extremely difficult GROUP content 5+ please that offers rewards worth the effort.

And i’m fine with being able to sell those rewards on the TP to casual players who will want to farm. (This is what they did in GW1) And if your saying a long raid or so would be bland that is arena nets fault because many games with large raids are not bland at all.

1/ raiding by default must be bland, because it’s not possible to create hard large group content that can be completed by a 51% majority of the playerbase. If less than half the players can complete it, it’ll negatively affect the game as a whole. Therefor, all raids in all games are bland by necessity, but they use clever tactics to hide that fact, such as trinity.
It’s easier by far to make small group content extremely hard, because you’re limited primarily by your own lack of skill. Clock Tower is a very good example. There’s only one person to rage against when you fail.

2/ The second part of your suggest is nice. All gear from raids should be available on the TP. GW1 did that with Obsidian.

1. It’s your opinion that raids are bland. Not everyone else many like raids because they are not cluster f*&ks like Guild Wars 2 “dungeons”

2. Don’t compare jumping puzzles to real content for hardcore players

3. Its easier to make 5 man hard but also boring and not as hard as if it was 10 or 20 which is why hardcore players like large scale instances

4. Trinity is not bland trinity gives people roles I love to heal and I heal in every game I play Though I cant do that in GW2 because there is no reason to try to support my team when we can all zerg with zerker gear and kill bosses in less then a minute.

5. In raids like 25 mans or 8 mans in SWTOR or any game with raids 1 person could wipe EVERYONE so it is about YOU even if it is in a large group EVERYONE has to work together.

You cant understand this because I honestly think you’ve never experienced a real raid with a guild and killed a boss to were it was killing you over and over again and learning from your mistakes and finally taking it down feeling awesome.

6. I want that feeling in GW2 and sadly it lacks it as of now. Its not fun shooting fireworks at the elder dragon

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


As long as more difficult = purely cosmetic rewards (skins, titles, minis) I’m happy to see those who want to be challenged challenged.

Me, I’m too old and too laid back to do some of that stuff myself, but I don’t mind watching the replays on you-tube .

I don’t get this. At all.
The guy you enjoy watching doing more difficult and challenging things, that you don’t/wouldn’t even care/attempt to do, doesn’t deserve anything more than a trinket that’s slightly more shiny than yours?

What other reward is there? They aren’t going to start handing out real money. Nearly all “tangible” rewards in this game are skins. Or minis.

they should reward ascended armor.

This game needs a shift AWAY from gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


You don’t need a single piece of gold for full BiS.

The only value of gold is cosmetics, and I like it that way.

cool..where do i get free legendaries?


Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


There will always be elitism in every MMO game i’m sorry theres no avoiding it.

And my definition of hardcore content is extremely difficult GROUP content 5+ please that offers rewards worth the effort.

And i’m fine with being able to sell those rewards on the TP to casual players who will want to farm. (This is what they did in GW1) And if your saying a long raid or so would be bland that is arena nets fault because many games with large raids are not bland at all.

(edited by Sleuth.7964)

Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Okay let me ask you this its a yes or no question

Should Guild Wars 2 introduce more hard content for hardcore players?

Oooh, that’s not fair. Complex issues require complex answers.

That is not complex at all

Its a simple yes or no

Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Guild Wars 2 brought in $25Million in sales in the last 3 months, going by the quarterly, after all expenses and taxes, that is ~$6-7 Million in profits in 3 months.

Financially the game is doing great.

I don’t see as many GW2 is dying posts anymore. They always make me laugh.

if this game is doing so great then where the hell is the content PERMANENT content.

Arguably if you’re doing badly you’d want ALL your content to be permanent, because you don’t want to keep making stuff. Making stuff costs money. Having four teams working on 2 week release schedule costs money. You can’t afford to do that if you’re not doing well.

In fact, many MMOs when they are doing badly, introduce an expansion (which is all permanent content) to get some money back into their coffers. Apparently Guild Wars 2 is doing well without having to have that permanent content.

That said some content is always permanent. For example the current invasions won’t be leaving the game when the event ends (though they will be less frequent).

Sigh there is just no convincing people like you

Maybe that’s because Vayne is correct. Expansions are times of huge press, lots of spike income. MMOs time these for a moment when their game does badly or to counter another game (Mists of Pandaria specifically countered GW2). The fact that GW2 doesn’t need an expansion currently proves beyond reasonable doubt it’s doing extremely well.

How about the opposite. There’s no convincing people like you.

If you are trying to convince me to accept the fact the Arenanet wants to focus purely on casual temporary content then I will never in this world agree that is the case

There NEEDS to be a balance between the two if not you bet your kitten this game will go down the drain it will kill itself im just saying just because the numbers are going up doesn’t mean they will stay up

Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


So I never really understood this logic.

Why cater to casuals?

I have heard claims and claims that there is a larger casual base than a hardcore base…. but is this really true?

Simple mathematics can prove this beyond reasonable doubt.

First, we must acknowledge the playerbase does no longer consist merely of kids and nerds like it did back when I was a nerdy kid. Nowadays, those kids are young adults on the track of making something of their life.

Secondly, it’s important to define what the word Hardcore means. To me, it means playing at least 5 hours a day on a 6 days a week basis minimum. A casual is defined as someone with less than 2 hours to play on any given day. Anyone between is … between.

Third. When we take young adults and assume for sake of argument that everyone, casual or hardcore, has a job to pay for their hobbies, it’s very clear that one group simply can’t exist.

Conclusion #1: from the facts it’s evident that casuals are the largest group by default, because having a job, family, friends or other hobbies directly impacts the ability to be hardcore. At most, those people could be willing to be hardcore, but not really. To me, three hours in a day is a luxury that only happens when my girlfriend is not home.

Conclusion #2: Casuals usually have a job because that’s what forces them to be casual, yet they want to make the most of their hobby. Much like a guy who only bikes twice a year yet has a 2000 euro racebike, a casual will spend a lot of money on his favourite hobby … gaming.

That adds up to the double fact that not only are casuals the largest market by far, but they do have more money to spend on gaming, are willing to spend more money on gaming. Therefor, even with an 80% casual public (low estimate), it’s very likely to have casuals generate 90% of your revenue.

I do want to state that hardcore gamers with jobs and partners exists, but they are a very big exception.

Now I might be wrong here, but I would imagine casuals are the people more likely to move from game to game after 1 month or so then a hardcore player.

You’re wrong. Hardcores were done with GW2 after a few weeks. They had legendaries and practically every achievement. Casuals are still trying to get their stuff. In the end, casuals are the public you can most easily keep because they don’t devour content like that.

So what I see Guild Wars 2 doing is:
Most casuals move on to other games in 1 month or so no matter what you add to the game. It is just their nature.

That’s only the nature of casuals in games that cater to hardcore. For a game like GW2 this definitively doesn’t fly.

So the outcome is that you are losing on both sides. Would it not be better to keep the hardcore fan-base, so you are at least winning on 1 side?

Maybe Im missing something here…. hmmmm

From my perspective, it’s easier to keep casuals. They’re the largest market AND they have more disposable income per capita. As such it’s probably the best to be winning on the casual side.

Feel free to comment, but I’m almost sure this is the correct way to do business in the current time where the average age of gamers is 32(!). Try catering to such an average age with hardcore content ….

Okay let me ask you this its a yes or no question

Should Guild Wars 2 introduce more hard content for hardcore players?

Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Guild Wars 2 brought in $25Million in sales in the last 3 months, going by the quarterly, after all expenses and taxes, that is ~$6-7 Million in profits in 3 months.

Financially the game is doing great.

I don’t see as many GW2 is dying posts anymore. They always make me laugh.

if this game is doing so great then where the hell is the content PERMANENT content.

Arguably if you’re doing badly you’d want ALL your content to be permanent, because you don’t want to keep making stuff. Making stuff costs money. Having four teams working on 2 week release schedule costs money. You can’t afford to do that if you’re not doing well.

In fact, many MMOs when they are doing badly, introduce an expansion (which is all permanent content) to get some money back into their coffers. Apparently Guild Wars 2 is doing well without having to have that permanent content.

That said some content is always permanent. For example the current invasions won’t be leaving the game when the event ends (though they will be less frequent).

Sigh there is just no convincing people like you

Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Guild Wars 2 brought in $25Million in sales in the last 3 months, going by the quarterly, after all expenses and taxes, that is ~$6-7 Million in profits in 3 months.

Financially the game is doing great.

I don’t see as many GW2 is dying posts anymore. They always make me laugh.

if this game is doing so great then where the hell is the content PERMANENT content.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


I’ll say this again. Being casual or hardcore depends on the amount of time you spend in the game, not the difficulty of the content. A casual player can still do difficult content, and a hardcore player can still do easy content.

Once Anet makes a dungeon, (preferably with 10-20 man parties), and if it took about an hour or 2 to complete, then and only then could GW2 say that they have hardcore content. All Anet needs to do is create long content and give proper rewards at the end for the time required to do that content and it will please people.

Not true sorry being hardcore is both through playing a game you get better and you can can complete difficult content most causal players are terrible and i’ve experienced this with my 10+ of playing mmos.

Casual is a term used to define a certain group of players that don’t play so much. Below x hours. It is NOT based on skill.

Sure but we all know the majority of causal players are not as good as hardcore players skill based

Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Casuals spend the most $ on gems because they having paying jobs.

Hardcore players or players who put the hours in use gold to buy gems.

Without casuals no GW2.

how could this be true is the game sold 3.5 mil? where did that money went to?

  • Recuperating costs of developing the game
  • Wages
  • Bills – Building, Electric, Water
  • Equipment maintenance + Server costs
  • Profit

3.500.000 do i need to add anything else? Its not 500k we’re talking about but 3.5mil………… this is just sad excuses

250 (ish) employees.
$50k per year (just a number for demonstration).

$12,500,000 total salary cost.

Benefits, payroll taxes, etc can readily double that to $25,000,000 per year.

the 500k boxes you mention as being enough, at $60 each, equates to $30,000,000. A touch over one year of salary costs.

The game was in development for 5+ years.

And that doesn’t even cover the costs of things like equipment (were they supposed to operate the game on abacuses ?). Electricity. Water. Property costs. Etc.

For a game to be in development for 5+ years it has many missing things. Sad excuse

I am making no excuses. The individual I quoted seemed to be claiming that 500k boxes was sufficient funding. I pointed out that such would barely cover payroll expenses for one year, let alone all of the other costs associate with running a business. Every game is missing many things. WoW has been in a state of continuous development for over a decade now and is still missing many things.

This. People are spoiled and used to 5+ year old games however and assume that when a new game comes out that that game has EVERYTHING the old game did. Nope. Not happening, never will.

WoW was made in 2003 Guild Wars 2012 im sorry but tech is higher and they should have all those futures wildstar has LFG in BETA it has duelign IN BETA it has trading in BETA all those futures

Face it Anet just messed up.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


I’ll say this again. Being casual or hardcore depends on the amount of time you spend in the game, not the difficulty of the content. A casual player can still do difficult content, and a hardcore player can still do easy content.

Once Anet makes a dungeon, (preferably with 10-20 man parties), and if it took about an hour or 2 to complete, then and only then could GW2 say that they have hardcore content. All Anet needs to do is create long content and give proper rewards at the end for the time required to do that content and it will please people.

Not true sorry being hardcore is both through playing a game you get better and you can can complete difficult content most causal players are terrible and i’ve experienced this with my 10+ of playing mmos.

Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Casuals spend the most $ on gems because they having paying jobs.

Hardcore players or players who put the hours in use gold to buy gems.

Without casuals no GW2.

how could this be true is the game sold 3.5 mil? where did that money went to?

  • Recuperating costs of developing the game
  • Wages
  • Bills – Building, Electric, Water
  • Equipment maintenance + Server costs
  • Profit

3.500.000 do i need to add anything else? Its not 500k we’re talking about but 3.5mil………… this is just sad excuses

250 (ish) employees.
$50k per year (just a number for demonstration).

$12,500,000 total salary cost.

Benefits, payroll taxes, etc can readily double that to $25,000,000 per year.

the 500k boxes you mention as being enough, at $60 each, equates to $30,000,000. A touch over one year of salary costs.

The game was in development for 5+ years.

And that doesn’t even cover the costs of things like equipment (were they supposed to operate the game on abacuses ?). Electricity. Water. Property costs. Etc.

For a game to be in development for 5+ years it has many missing things. Sad excuse

Its been a year and we still need...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


I don’t think we need an in-game LFG tool anymore. The website works very well and I doubt they can make the in-game tool better enough for them to warrant taking resources away from other, more-needed projects.

Alt-tabbing out or using the smart phone gw2lfg app works fine for now. I’d much rather see more endgame, hard-mode PVE content.

They are adding one anyways thank god

Why cater to casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


So I never really understood this logic.

Why cater to casuals?

I have heard claims and claims that there is a larger casual base than a hardcore base…. but is this really true?

Now I might be wrong here, but I would imagine casuals are the people more likely to move from game to game after 1 month or so then a hardcore player.

So what I see Guild Wars 2 doing is:
Most casuals move on to other games in 1 month or so no matter what you add to the game. It is just their nature.

At the same time, hardcore players are alienated and leave.

So the outcome is that you are losing on both sides. Would it not be better to keep the hardcore fan-base, so you are at least winning on 1 side?

Maybe Im missing something here…. hmmmm

Yes, you’re missing something. You’re making assumptions with no facts to base them on.

My assumptions are based on my years of gaming and stuff posted in this very forum. While these could not be facts necessarily, they are merely observations that I have seen demonstrated which seem to be aligned with the truth.

I could say that you have no facts to disprove my assumptions, but that may be a little convenient for me, so I will try not to take that cope out, but we will see.

If your assumptions are correct, why do most MMO developers cater to a demographic that you say leaves after a month? Perhaps they know something you don’t?

Why are most MMOs struggling and/or shutting down relatively quickly, or going free-to-play and attempting to draw in more causal players?

Because they cater to casuals and there game dumbs down so much that all the hardcore players leave (there playerbase) then when no ones left all they try to do is get in a few more $$ before the game dies by adding casual stuff.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


And that would not happen with a completely new dungeon?
I am afraid that any hard content will bring qq:ing like that. Really hard content is not made for completely random pugs. Coordination and teamwork is the key to clear really hard content. Also if you would pug content like this its kind of your own fault when you have no idea of your teams skill level.

Hardcore players are completely aware of this and we don’t care. Any Hardmode dungeon that’s not a cluster zerg or and large scale dungeon (raid) OMG! is much less grindy then the fractals. Because in a dungeon there are loot tables and you could get your loot either by doing the fights or commendations. I prefer like the scarlet bags to where you have a high chance of getting that shoulder skin. Because to get to high lvl fractals you have to spam the other 40 levels. To do a nightmare mode dungeon or raid its all already there you don’t need to waste your time from lvl 1-50.

It allows you to get right into the action if your ready and are good enough which is what I would like. GW1 had this as well.

(And the only people i can see QQ about hard content is casuals not hardcore players)

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Why do you think casuals don’t do high level fractals?

Casuals want to earn their stuff too, no one said anything about no effort- it might take them longer but generally they don’t mind, because they are casual.

What they do not want is to have a gear tier or gated content that you have to play in order to get to play what you want to play.
or in the words of Anet " preparing to have fun"

But it’s already here. If you want to progress through higher levels of fractals, you better grind time gated dailies and guild missions. But since it does not concern casuals (as they don’t do higher fractals) you don’t mind, right?

I was referring to open world PvE content- the addition of descendant armor sort of begs that question doesn’t it?
I do not care that you need AR for high lvl fractals- that was the purpose of introducing fractals in the first place.
Who says a casual player can’t earn what ever items they need over time to do high lvl fractals? Especially with guild mission and laurels?

I wouldn’t know because I ignore everything about ascended out of principle and I don’t find the idea of doing the same set of dungeons over and over to get to higher levels of the same thing fun at all.
It sounds like the definition of boring actually

And it is boring which is why i dont like it either. It’s not really hardcore it more like grind and farming.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Casuals want to earn their stuff too, no one said anything about no effort- it might take them longer but generally they don’t mind, because they are casual.

What they do not want is to have a gear tier or gated content that you have to play in order to get to play what you want to play.
or in the words of Anet " preparing to have fun"

But it’s already here. If you want to progress through higher levels of fractals, you better grind time gated dailies and guild missions. But since it does not concern casuals (as they don’t do higher fractals) you don’t mind, right?

Sure high level fractals is good it was a start but its not enough and that was a while ago. And you only get 1 reward which is the backpiece and rings. If they did something with large scale grouping it would be more ideal.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Either you are being really obtuse or you are really this self-entitled.
Either way since you still haven’t actually said what is wrong with Liadri as a reward earned for hard content- or what you actually want as a reward.

I will just leave you so you can go play with your 10 friends who also think like you- the rest of us don’t deserve to play.
Let me guess? You think all real MMO’s have duels too, right?

I think every mmo should have LFG Duels inspection hard content that offers good rewards some sort of role system so people can play how they want to play and so on yes

Guild Wars 2 is the only MMO i’ve seen in my entire life that has no dueling. Or that I know of and I know of plenty

I just want this game to be able to appeal to casuals and hardcore but have more rewards for hardcore. Because in the end casuals come and go and wont support a game. Its the hardcore players that stay for the longrun. I was too harsh when i said you shouldn’t be playing if you only have 1 hour a day. But it’s not too harsh to say you don’t deserve high end gear or cool looking skins if you only play one hour a day.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


I played an hour a day everyday i still has no ascended armour?Wait you mean i play an hour a day ill get one?

Please try again I don’t understand what you meant here sorry.

Need inspect option in the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


I would love an inspect feature.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


As for people who have an hour to play shouldn’t be playing?
You really make me laugh- do you have any idea what you sound like?
I know many people who play this game maybe once or twice a month- guess they shouldn’t be playing either eh?

Again the whole ascendant thing- people who researched the game and followed it throughout it’s development where rightly upset. The addition came because people who did none of those things and came from other MMO’s to ride the bandwagon could not understand the idea of horizontal progression and raced to 80 so they could get to their idea of endgame.
That is all it was and it cost Anet a boatload of core players.

Another thing that might shock you: time spent does not equal skill.
Skill equals skill.
I know people who according to you shouldn’t even be playing but they are very very skilled. I also know a bunch of people who play 12 hours a day and don’t know basic combat.

Skill = Skill Thats like saying something picks up a Guitar and can do sweeps and finger tabing when they never have played a guitar in their life.

Time spent makes people better the more you practice the more you play the more you experiment the better you become THAT is a FACT. You make me laugh really.

This is an MMORPG no farmvile you want to do be successful at a game you shouldnt be able to especially with a MMORPG by playing 1 hour a day its not fair to people who spend hours and spend time and effort working hard to achive something.

Who gives you the right to dictate when i want to play a game.Do you like people stopping you from pooping,eating,watching tv.So i only watched the tv for 1 hour so in your logic i shouldn’t be watching tv at all because i haven’t watched it long enough?

I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you meant by this reply it seems your are grasping at straws now trying to make it seem that i’m deciding for you what to do. If you want to play the game for an hour a day then that is okay you just shouldn’t deserve rewards such as ascended armor. Im saying there is no point in playing a game for an hour a day even an mmo or twice or once a month you might as well not be playing in my opinion. Because your not actually playing in my eyes your just getting on for an hour doing a daily and logging out.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


As for people who have an hour to play shouldn’t be playing?
You really make me laugh- do you have any idea what you sound like?
I know many people who play this game maybe once or twice a month- guess they shouldn’t be playing either eh?

Again the whole ascendant thing- people who researched the game and followed it throughout it’s development where rightly upset. The addition came because people who did none of those things and came from other MMO’s to ride the bandwagon could not understand the idea of horizontal progression and raced to 80 so they could get to their idea of endgame.
That is all it was and it cost Anet a boatload of core players.

Another thing that might shock you: time spent does not equal skill.
Skill equals skill.
I know people who according to you shouldn’t even be playing but they are very very skilled. I also know a bunch of people who play 12 hours a day and don’t know basic combat.

Skill = Skill Thats like saying something picks up a Guitar and can do sweeps and finger tabing when they never have played a guitar in their life.

Time spent makes people better the more you practice the more you play the more you experiment the better you become THAT is a FACT. You make me laugh really.

This is an MMORPG no farmvile you want to do be successful at a game you shouldnt be able to especially with a MMORPG by playing 1 hour a day its not fair to people who spend hours and spend time and effort working hard to achive something. And yes people who play this game once or twice a month for a hour dont even count im sorry. They cant even experience the game neither can people who play an hour a game there fore they should have less rewards.

(edited by Sleuth.7964)

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Why do people play games for shiny armors and stuff.Don’t get that logic…….Its just a stupid body armor repainted and redrawn so that your character can play dress up with.And you call that progression….lulz

Thats what guild wars 2 progression is…just looking cooler I guess.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Casual players want what they can earn same as you.
They just don’t want to be forced to spend hours a day getting stuff so they can play the game.

So casuals want shiny stuff without any considerable effort just because they play casually?

Since you have trouble understanding -I will spell it out for you:
Casuals want to earn their stuff too, no one said anything about no effort- it might take them longer but generally they don’t mind, because they are casual.

What they do not want is to have a gear tier or gated content that you have to play in order to get to play what you want to play.
or in the words of Anet " preparing to have fun"

You see casuals want to have fun- whether that is collecting shinies, doing jumping puzzles, doing the gauntlet or whatever floats your boat when you have time to play.
The key words here are “have time to play” and “fun”

Okay im going to just say this to you.

Is it wrong that I want to spend my effort and I want to use skill to complete challenging content that will give me something that stands out or something that makes me feel a sense of earning in this game or something that casuals can’t get unless they spend a lot more time farming or buying gems for gold to get? It doesn’t have to even be stat based.

Is it wrong that I want huge boss battles that require 10 or 20 people to finally kill and get a awesome reward at the end and feel accomplishment with allies? Is that bad? does that anyway conflict with GW2’s design

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


So let me get this straight- you don’t just want harder content for players who want a challenge, you also want better gear stats to show how hardcore you are?

Sorry no

Say what you want but gear progression is a terrible idea ( remember the Ascendant storm?)
I think that the Liadri mini is a great example of reward for hard content- it is cosmetic and it showed that you completed the content- hence the bragging rights. That is how it should be in GW2

As for your need to have large group content- no problem with that at all as long as the rewards are cosmetic.

The thing you forget when you complain about casual content is that many people bought this game because they are burnt out from years of playing MMO’s as a second job.
Many people came here because they are sick of that and the inevitable gear treadmill that goes with that kind of game.
Many people have real life commitments that only allows them to play an hour a day if that.
Those people play to have fun, kick back and blow off some steam- not to show how uber/ better/ pro they are.

I think you need to come to terms with the demographic for this game

I said I didn’t want ascended gear to be earned by farming and doing dallies Or any newer gear of the sort stat based higher or not. I just want to earn really big rewards for challenging content. And a more risk vs reward That doesn’t mean progressive gear if all you can think about is gear stats when i asked for rewards maybe you should realize that’s not what all hardcore players want. With your casual gamer mentality.

Anet already said purely cosmetic isn’t good enough which is why they created ascended items. So your wrong. I just want ascended armor to be earned by challenging pve content not farming your weaponsmith to 500 and getting laurels by dailies You dont deserve jack squat if you cant even play an hour a day. AND HOUR you cant invest time into MMO’s with playing 30 minutes and expecting to get everything handed to you. That’s what ruins games. Just watch the video from Dodgethisbam’s channel and you will hopefully take your blindfold off.

oK so what would those really big rewards be according to you?
I gather the Liadri mini was not good enough for you?
You specifically said challenge is not enough- what do you want then?

Were you here in Nov? do you remember what happened when Ascended was introduced because some people whined so hard because they they couldn’t wrap their mind around how the game actually worked?
I don’t like anything about Ascendant and that includes crafting.

For the rest of your comments- people who can only play an hour a day deserve jack? Want everything handed to them?
Are you for real?
Casual players want what they can earn same as you.
They just don’t want to be forced to spend hours a day getting stuff so they can play the game.

As for your personal attacks, not once in my post was I saying anything about me or how I play or what I want but way to go

Some people? whined? No. It was MANY people that didnt WHINE but complain that there was no sense of progression when there should be atleast some! And yes people who cant even play an Hour a day should not be playing at all this is my opinion and many people agree with it. You should have the means to get gear like buying it off the trading post for a lot of money but players who play the game and EARN by skill and effort deserve far more then players who hardy even play the game.

Adding a trinity to Guild Wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Trinity doesn’t solve anything though. Adding a trinity will just dumb down the game even more. The solo lupi warrior video didn’t prove anything but that the player was skilled enough to understand and dodge all the mechanics the boss threw out. Something trinity implemented games probably couldn’t do but in a group of 5, it would be a billion times easy than a group of 5 currently. So what’s your point? add trinity so the game gets dumb downed even more but at least people are forced to group up and worship tanks and healers? or instead, people still have to group up to finish a dungeon but some elites c an choose to solo a dungeon and taking 10x longer.

I disagree with many things anet has done but this is NOT one of them.

Oh btw, the real problem is crappy mob ai and cheap boss mechanics like high HP which is causing people to go the DPS route.

It’s funny to read people say that the holy trinity would dumb down the game when the PvE strategy in Guild Wars 2 is to stack 5 people in berserker gear and dodge red circles on the ground. On the other hand, MMOs with the trinity use it to design extremely varied and interesting boss encounters. For example, in WoW’s Throne of Thunder raid, there isn’t a single boss that will let you zerg it, and while you have tanks holding the boss’ aggro, there’s still tons of things to watch out for everyone. I’m sorry to say it but so far it’s a solid 1-0 for the holy trinity in PvE, it’s just a lot more compelling and fun than whatever design we have in the game right now. (And no it’s NOT damage/support/control). Although to be fair with GW2 I just came back from a 4 months break and I heard that the bosses of the temporary dungeons during my absence were a lot more fun than the ones in the original dungeons.

Now, I’m not really asking for a holy trinity. I would actually prefer if they brought the support and control role in the game instead and work from there since that’s what they promised in the first place. The video does a pretty good job at describing what breaks dungeons and what could be done to bring support and control back in the foreground. There’s also the fact that a lot of people prefer playing support and group-oriented roles, and the control and support roles would be very interesting for those people. I have someone in my guild in another MMO who plays 4 priest healers, and I have another friend who has one tank of every class that can tank in that same MMO (I kind of like tanking as well). How can the PvE be fun to people like them if it’s “go zerk of gtfo”. Support (healing is some form of support) and control (tanking is some form of control) needs to be relevant and helpful.

Dungeons were intended to be the high-end PvE activity, so something is obviously wrong with them when jumping puzzles and achievement grinding are more popular than dungeons in almost every “what activity do you prefer” polls.

What you’re missing out is that it wasn’t the holy trinity which made the dungeon great. It was the “mechanics” of the mobs/bosses which made the dungeon fun (which is the idea i’ve been trying to sell). The boss mechanics needs to be improved, and zerking your way through everything needs to be adjusted. And I have mentioned somewhere above one possible way to do this.

When I say holy trinity dumb things down, I mean it really does dumb things down for 3 of the 5 players (in a 5 man instance). Sure there may still be things to avoid, timings to get used to, but this has to be done by the healer and the tank as well, meaning 2 players have a much heavier responsibility than the other 3 besides from keeping everyone alive. Though tbh, with some of the addons available in wow, playing that game is almost like botting nowadays.

Okay lets night have a strict trinity system for 5 mans but lets add a soft trinity support control and damage for raids. Everyones happy including the hardcore players.

Adding a trinity to Guild Wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Support works perfectly fine in dungeons. Damage works perfectly fine in dungeons. It’s control that is broken, thanks to the defiant mechanic. That’s what the guy in the video stated, and I couldn’t have said it better myself.

If support worked super fine then it would be needed to do fights not people killing the hardest boss in the game in 48 seconds with pure zerkers

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


So let me get this straight- you don’t just want harder content for players who want a challenge, you also want better gear stats to show how hardcore you are?

Sorry no

Say what you want but gear progression is a terrible idea ( remember the Ascendant storm?)
I think that the Liadri mini is a great example of reward for hard content- it is cosmetic and it showed that you completed the content- hence the bragging rights. That is how it should be in GW2

As for your need to have large group content- no problem with that at all as long as the rewards are cosmetic.

The thing you forget when you complain about casual content is that many people bought this game because they are burnt out from years of playing MMO’s as a second job.
Many people came here because they are sick of that and the inevitable gear treadmill that goes with that kind of game.
Many people have real life commitments that only allows them to play an hour a day if that.
Those people play to have fun, kick back and blow off some steam- not to show how uber/ better/ pro they are.

I think you need to come to terms with the demographic for this game

I said I didn’t want ascended gear to be earned by farming and doing dallies Or any newer gear of the sort stat based higher or not. I just want to earn really big rewards for challenging content. And a more risk vs reward That doesn’t mean progressive gear if all you can think about is gear stats when i asked for rewards maybe you should realize that’s not what all hardcore players want. With your casual gamer mentality.

Anet already said purely cosmetic isn’t good enough which is why they created ascended items. So your wrong. I just want ascended armor to be earned by challenging pve content not farming your weaponsmith to 500 and getting laurels by dailies You dont deserve jack squat if you cant even play an hour a day. AND HOUR you cant invest time into MMO’s with playing 30 minutes and expecting to get everything handed to you. That’s what ruins games. Just watch the video from Dodgethisbam’s channel and you will hopefully take your blindfold off.

Adding a trinity to Guild Wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


Trinity doesn’t solve anything though. Adding a trinity will just dumb down the game even more. The solo lupi warrior video didn’t prove anything but that the player was skilled enough to understand and dodge all the mechanics the boss threw out. Something trinity implemented games probably couldn’t do but in a group of 5, it would be a billion times easy than a group of 5 currently. So what’s your point? add trinity so the game gets dumb downed even more but at least people are forced to group up and worship tanks and healers? or instead, people still have to group up to finish a dungeon but some elites c an choose to solo a dungeon and taking 10x longer.

I disagree with many things anet has done but this is NOT one of them.

Oh btw, the real problem is crappy mob ai and cheap boss mechanics like high HP which is causing people to go the DPS route.

It’s funny to read people say that the holy trinity would dumb down the game when the PvE strategy in Guild Wars 2 is to stack 5 people in berserker gear and dodge red circles on the ground. On the other hand, MMOs with the trinity use it to design extremely varied and interesting boss encounters. For example, in WoW’s Throne of Thunder raid, there isn’t a single boss that will let you zerg it, and while you have tanks holding the boss’ aggro, there’s still tons of things to watch out for everyone. I’m sorry to say it but so far it’s a solid 1-0 for the holy trinity in PvE, it’s just a lot more compelling and fun than whatever design we have in the game right now. (And no it’s NOT damage/support/control). Although to be fair with GW2 I just came back from a 4 months break and I heard that the bosses of the temporary dungeons during my absence were a lot more fun than the ones in the original dungeons.

Now, I’m not really asking for a holy trinity. I would actually prefer if they brought the support and control role in the game instead and work from there since that’s what they promised in the first place. The video does a pretty good job at describing what breaks dungeons and what could be done to bring support and control back in the foreground. There’s also the fact that a lot of people prefer playing support and group-oriented roles, and the control and support roles would be very interesting for those people. I have someone in my guild in another MMO who plays 4 priest healers, and I have another friend who has one tank of every class that can tank in that same MMO (I kind of like tanking as well). How can the PvE be fun to people like them if it’s “go zerk of gtfo”. Support (healing is some form of support) and control (tanking is some form of control) needs to be relevant and helpful.

Dungeons were intended to be the high-end PvE activity, so something is obviously wrong with them when jumping puzzles and achievement grinding are more popular than dungeons in almost every “what activity do you prefer” polls.

Good Job.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


The thread title is kinda weird because GW2 does aim towards casuals, there is no question about it. 99% of the games are doing that because they want to generate money and the biggest demographic are in fact casual players.

This game would generate more money if it didn’t base its game around just casual players. An MMO also shouldn’t just be treated as a business thats pitiful. A developer should take pride in their own game, but this game has literally just recreated farmville on a 3d scale. Literally the only playerbase this game has left is like 25% White Knights and 75% Roleplayers RIP

Well they make $3Million in sales every month, so they must be doing something right =D

first is was 1 million earlier this post now its 3 million.

They actually only sold 3 million copies not 3 million every month.

I said $1Million in profit per month ($3Million in sales – expenses – taxes)
Also, that was 3 Million copies sold as of January, we do not know how many since then, and Anet said in the recent interview that they will be announcing another milestone soon when asked about how many they have sold so far.

Then why would you say 3 million a month. That was obviously not true.

I said $3 Million in sales, which is true.

“Well they make 3 million in sales every month” Dude stop trying to cover up your bull crap

Not sure what you are not understanding. You do understand the difference between sales and Profit right? They made $3 Million in sales per month, which is about $1 million in Profit per month. I never lied, one place I talked about Profit per month, and in another post I talked about Sales per month.

Please show me where I said they made $1 Million in sales, because you will not find it because I did not state that, I stated $1 Million in profit, and I also stated $3 Milllion in Sales.

If they made 3 million in sales every month then why on the front of the website it says 3 million copies SOLD no sold every month

They mean 3 million copies sold from launch to now. And they sold so much is because all their false promises and over hype which a lot of people saw that the game wasn’t as it was shown to be and quit.

I never said they sold 3 million copies per month, I said they have $3 Million in sales every month. Sales = Guild Wars 2 games bought, Gems bought, Guild Wars 1 bought, Guild Wars 1 cash store stuff bought.

If you look at NCsoft last quarterly report, Arenanet made 14 Million (korean money) in the last 3 months, that is about $10 Million in US dollars, so divide that by 3 months and you get ~$3 Million in sales per month.

And I am sure people did quit playing, but Arenanet is still in an “Extremely Healthy Enviroment” (quote from them in the Eurogamer Interview).

Okay i see what i meant then now you explained it properly but still 3 million in sales for a AAA mmo is not healthy

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


The thread title is kinda weird because GW2 does aim towards casuals, there is no question about it. 99% of the games are doing that because they want to generate money and the biggest demographic are in fact casual players.

This game would generate more money if it didn’t base its game around just casual players. An MMO also shouldn’t just be treated as a business thats pitiful. A developer should take pride in their own game, but this game has literally just recreated farmville on a 3d scale. Literally the only playerbase this game has left is like 25% White Knights and 75% Roleplayers RIP

Well they make $3Million in sales every month, so they must be doing something right =D

first is was 1 million earlier this post now its 3 million.

They actually only sold 3 million copies not 3 million every month.

I said $1Million in profit per month ($3Million in sales – expenses – taxes)
Also, that was 3 Million copies sold as of January, we do not know how many since then, and Anet said in the recent interview that they will be announcing another milestone soon when asked about how many they have sold so far.

Then why would you say 3 million a month. That was obviously not true.

I said $3 Million in sales, which is true.

“Well they make 3 million in sales every month” Dude stop trying to cover up your bull crap

Not sure what you are not understanding. You do understand the difference between sales and Profit right? They made $3 Million in sales per month, which is about $1 million in Profit per month. I never lied, one place I talked about Profit per month, and in another post I talked about Sales per month.

Please show me where I said they made $1 Million in sales, because you will not find it because I did not state that, I stated $1 Million in profit, and I also stated $3 Milllion in Sales.

If they made 3 million in sales every month then why on the front of the website it says 3 million copies SOLD no sold every month

They mean 3 million copies sold from launch to now. And they sold so much is because all their false promises and over hype which a lot of people saw that the game wasn’t as it was shown to be and quit.

Adding a trinity to Guild Wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


no trinity please.

i bought this game because there is no trinity.

Then you bought the wrong game because anet already has a trinity.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


The thread title is kinda weird because GW2 does aim towards casuals, there is no question about it. 99% of the games are doing that because they want to generate money and the biggest demographic are in fact casual players.

This game would generate more money if it didn’t base its game around just casual players. An MMO also shouldn’t just be treated as a business thats pitiful. A developer should take pride in their own game, but this game has literally just recreated farmville on a 3d scale. Literally the only playerbase this game has left is like 25% White Knights and 75% Roleplayers RIP

Well they make $3Million in sales every month, so they must be doing something right =D

first is was 1 million earlier this post now its 3 million.

They actually only sold 3 million copies not 3 million every month.

I said $1Million in profit per month ($3Million in sales – expenses – taxes)
Also, that was 3 Million copies sold as of January, we do not know how many since then, and Anet said in the recent interview that they will be announcing another milestone soon when asked about how many they have sold so far.

Then why would you say 3 million a month. That was obviously not true.

I said $3 Million in sales, which is true.

“Well they make 3 million in sales every month” Dude stop trying to cover up your bull crap

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


The thread title is kinda weird because GW2 does aim towards casuals, there is no question about it. 99% of the games are doing that because they want to generate money and the biggest demographic are in fact casual players.

This game would generate more money if it didn’t base its game around just casual players. An MMO also shouldn’t just be treated as a business thats pitiful. A developer should take pride in their own game, but this game has literally just recreated farmville on a 3d scale. Literally the only playerbase this game has left is like 25% White Knights and 75% Roleplayers RIP

Well they make $3Million in sales every month, so they must be doing something right =D

first is was 1 million earlier this post now its 3 million.

They actually only sold 3 million copies not 3 million every month.

I said $1Million in profit per month ($3Million in sales – expenses – taxes)
Also, that was 3 Million copies sold as of January, we do not know how many since then, and Anet said in the recent interview that they will be announcing another milestone soon when asked about how many they have sold so far.

Then why would you say 3 million a month. That was obviously not true.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


The thread title is kinda weird because GW2 does aim towards casuals, there is no question about it. 99% of the games are doing that because they want to generate money and the biggest demographic are in fact casual players.

This game would generate more money if it didn’t base its game around just casual players. An MMO also shouldn’t just be treated as a business thats pitiful. A developer should take pride in their own game, but this game has literally just recreated farmville on a 3d scale. Literally the only playerbase this game has left is like 25% White Knights and 75% Roleplayers RIP

Well they make $3Million in sales every month, so they must be doing something right =D

it is ok that you do not like it, I am sure there are games that cater more towards your taste out there.

All hes asking is for this game to have something for everyone to enjoy not just causal content. Were not asking to cater to one specific demographic because right now its only catering to casual players as you can clearly tell.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


The thread title is kinda weird because GW2 does aim towards casuals, there is no question about it. 99% of the games are doing that because they want to generate money and the biggest demographic are in fact casual players.

This game would generate more money if it didn’t base its game around just casual players. An MMO also shouldn’t just be treated as a business thats pitiful. A developer should take pride in their own game, but this game has literally just recreated farmville on a 3d scale. Literally the only playerbase this game has left is like 25% White Knights and 75% Roleplayers RIP

Well they make $3Million in sales every month, so they must be doing something right =D

first is was 1 million earlier this post now its 3 million.

They actually only sold 3 million copies not 3 million every month.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


That is talking about NCSoft west, which is a different entity from Arenanet. NCsoft West are the publishers, and the publishers had layoff, Arenanet themselves did not.

Oh, also, your link actually has Martin Kerstein coming and saying

While we are indeed a wholly-owned subsidiary of Korea-based NCsoft Corporation (read NCsoft HQ), we are also our own entity. ArenaNet has not been affected by the NCwest realignment. And indeed, we are hiring:

so yeah, no layoff at Arenanet

So no lay offs yet still no dueling and trading and lfg a year into release.

Those are your priorities, but Anet had different things they felt were more important.

Like what?? Fractals 5 months ago? like super adventure box? like the karka event? Please tell me what was more important then basic features mmos have in ALPHA.

If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


That is talking about NCSoft west, which is a different entity from Arenanet. NCsoft West are the publishers, and the publishers had layoff, Arenanet themselves did not.

Oh, also, your link actually has Martin Kerstein coming and saying

While we are indeed a wholly-owned subsidiary of Korea-based NCsoft Corporation (read NCsoft HQ), we are also our own entity. ArenaNet has not been affected by the NCwest realignment. And indeed, we are hiring:

so yeah, no layoff at Arenanet

So no lay offs yet still no dueling and trading and lfg a year into release.