Showing Posts For Spoolooni.6712:

Account bound Legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


I agree with account bounding legendaries but the main reason is that certain classes like engineer may switch their weapons from time to time and may put some players’ efforts in shame as the weapons don’t get to “shine” that often. It would help at least to move the pistol you made on an engineer onto a thief.

In addition, we should have a new tab on the collectible deposit box for legendary items and maybe glass cases you can put your legendaries in.

Legendaries Are Not Created Equal

in Crafting

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Nothing to do with opinions tbh. Anyone can see with a bit of common sense Greatswords have received way more love than most of the other legendaries. Like the skin or not, one can still compare GS effects, detail, particles etc to other weapons.

The Halloween skins proof this perception to be even more valid. Anet needs to start accepting that some of their weapons do need work. Besides, they are legendaries and they should be recognizable when someone walks by you.

Keeping WvW Viable Long Term: Open Letter to GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Actually we should have high threat players that will not show up on the map but will flash your mini map red if you’re near his/her radius. Status like these can be earned based on how many kills the player has obtained within the week.

Usable flares and "beacons" for events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


It seems that end game consists of a lot of event participation and it’s quite normal for a zerg to exist as team work seems to be the most applicable for such scenarios. However, in certain cases, other events may show up throughout the process that can be important to another player while others would most likely stray away from the group and will come across a situation where help is needed.


I propose a notion to add flares and beacons purchasable from general npcs that sell mining pickaxes and salvage kits. These flares and beacons may inherit tiers that allows them to display a current event location longer than others. For example, blue quality flares will show small orange dots on the map for the maximum time of 5 minutes and if a player moves his/her cursor to the dot, it’ll show the details. As for green quality flares, the existing duration will be up to 15 minutes as well as applying an arrow on the mini map on another player’s screen and for yellow quality flares, they would be permanent until the event is completed as well as added a notification under the event column located at the corner of the player’s screen. ( All flares can only be used within an event radius and will tag along “moving” events that will show on the map as well )


To regard my idea of having beacons, think of it as a temporary way point that will have it’s individual icon to prevent confusions. It will inherit a duration of 20 minutes a long with a cool down that lasts 20 minutes as well. This tool will most likely be used for people who want to create a zerg and would like to sacrifice a few silvers from their income to propose a “meeting” area. Beacons will show up as a different icon on the map a long with who has placed it down in case leaderships are being organized.

Of course costs can be easily decided and changed depending on the values and mechanics of these items but they should not cost gems while the first 2 tiers of flares should be accessible by all levels. (I know things like these often require hefty amounts of programming and testing but it’s the matter of making end game a lot more dynamic by providing more community driven functions )

Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Abortion Me – Crudely the most disgustingly sexy name I’ve ever seen in stress test.

PVE/PVP Splits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


It’s quite pathetic and irrelevant when you judge balance splits based on social pressure and mostly irrelevant in the sense that you suddenly started to attack the history of gw1’s community instead of balancing factors. Putting that aside, you should perhaps consider ignoring the elite community. Afterall, if PvE is what you like, then keep playing as no one is going to stop you at the end of the day.

In regards to the balancing side of your argument, If you got to end game and actually tried most of the dungeons, you’ll learn that many of the traits and skills are situated for certain encounters where blind/dodge/dot/burst values set the stepping stone towards a hindered mercenary up to competent profession.

In addition, I’d like to remind you that Anet is struggling to balance the game knowing that certain changes regarding pvp will negatively effect pve which is why certain classes take longer to balance than others. Though the reality is, separating them in the beginning will make things a lot easier for both the players and anet. Besides, if we’re going to aim for competitive Esports, changes are to be finely adjusted and tweaked and treating PvE values as a “figurative bank” would hinder their customers that enjoy PvE as well. Remember that we’re aiming at options.

(edited by Spoolooni.6712)

Where's the pistol skin?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


I see all these nifty skins made for every weapon but the pistol gets _______________?

PVE/PVP Splits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


It has been proven to fail in a sense that complexity is created but at the same time, the benefits are prominent over the long run. However splitting balances do work a lot better compared to making them invariant between both forms of game play as balancing the smaller figure known as the player would be a lot more proficient as opposed to balancing the monsters around them.

Anet will continue to separate balances if they have to and if it concerns TRUE balance between both values that exist in PVP and PVE, segregated changes would be made a long time ago.

Legendaries Are Not Created Equal

in Crafting

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


I agree with this notion and one of the biggest reasons that this may be sadly true is the fact that everyone is mostly interested in the twilight and sunrise as opposed to other legendary weapons.

Personally, weapons like the incinerator lacks so much details even though it has the base of a great looking weapon. I also think that adding effects wouldn’t be enough and I suppose a lot of REMODELING needs to be done to weapons like incinerator’s handle or the scepter.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712



My issue was under investigation for about 4 days before it closed down without any explanation or conclusion, this ticket has been persisting for more than a week now and it gets closed without a resolution.

ECONOMY FIX: Get rid of random equipment drops

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


This game is already nonsensical to begin with as we get gems from swinging an axe on a tree bark, but that’s not the main point.

Equipment drops are not the fundamental issue, but the equipment obtained from crafting. The value of crafted equipment is continuing to devalue as players proceed up the craft ladder not because of equipment drops being available but because of the unrewarding item players obtain from crafting.

The base solution for this issue is to leave equipment drops as they are but increase the stats of crafted items up to par with “transition” items. One might ask what I mean by “transition items,” but the explanation is quite simple. In guild wars 2 we have items that are valued by the 10’s but we also have transition equipment items that transition by the 15’s. We can increase the crafting gear stats that are at base level currently to the stats of the looted gear that increase by the 15’’s. This in short, ensures crafting gear to exceed to market constantly but allow players to rely on rare drops if they insist on gearing themselves in that manner. Also, this prevents and hindrance from players who have crafted magic find gear to find high level rare equipment that value their craft to begin with.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Still haven’t received my 26 gold due to my pick up tab since the 2nd tp outage 3 days ago.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


It’s been at least a few days now and my patience is running out, can we get an update on when the people who lost their gold on the tp outage would get their items/currency back?

Trading Post down....again, this is getting old.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


You can say that to the people who still haven’t gotten their gold back. Tomorrow I hope I’ll wake up and see some light in the pick up tab, if not, I can easily say I’m beginning to lose confidence.

In most cases, they should be impressed we managed to stress ourselves for this long.

Poor small woodland creatures

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


I wish we could do the same with children npcs.

Magic find obsession needs to be addressed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


I wouldn’t say magic find is a gimmick as once you stack above 100% MF including consumables you’ll be obtaining rares each and every day quite frequently though the effort to obtain a full jewel set that you’d be changing depends on how much you’re willing to invest in and not everyone has that kind of money which is understandable.

Though I will say that it might seem fair to completely disable the MF stat or reduce it but it’s not appropriate to hinder it and devalue it’s cost especially when it opens doors for people who love crafting and want to make a profit in a weak economy like our’s.

In addition, I wouldn’t be too worried about people stashing MF on their character, after all like other’s have mentioned, the MF stat only replaces that 3% increment which can be easily countered with a good team and good utility skills.

Your players would like your "hearing aid."

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


To clarify again ( since the edit button keeps disappearing on me for some reason ), I’m not flailing insults or threats at them but I’m pointing the fact that their silence is going to eventually spark a lot of frustrations and misunderstanding. Admiringly, it’s been 48+ hours and those who lost their gold are still hoping to see it available via pick up the next day they wake up.

Why endgame PVE feels like a boring standstill (and what can be done to fix it)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


I don’t find end game content to be “boring” though I’ll admit it’s quite lackluster at it’s current stature. Personally, I feel that level 80 zones should not consist of the undead. Preferably I wish I could see a much better variety of end game monsters that relate to the story especially ones that could feature criminal organizations like the inquest or the separatists.

However, for now I’d like to see more content being added especially to parts of the map that are locked and to be a little more optimistic, the asura gates in a cave at Lion’s Arch seem rather convincing enough.

Your players would like your "hearing aid."

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


I was typing furiously and did not give a single toss about proof reading judging how I doubled some of the words by accident. Though to get to the point, the idea is that communication is absent during a serious game-bug outbreak and that’s not going to convince the clientele.

Even though keeping calm seems like the most reasonable action anyone can convey, I’m just tired of people constantly reminding the rest of us to remain positive without understanding that it is a challenge remaining patient while receiving a cold shoulder from Anet’s development team.

~Since my care-free rant spewing “WOT” of rage seems to be disturbing some of you, I’ll fix it up. ; :\

Verge is not a curse word...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Maybe it could relate to something dirty….

“I’m on the verge of a break through!”

Your players would like your "hearing aid."

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


It is important that Anet should begin “addressing” the current TP situations regarding the players’ correct gold returns and items. As a majority, we can agree the trading post glitches that costed us our wealth is at Anet’s fault and there will be no promises that positiveness will remain invariant among those who made transactions before/after the outage. However to put euphemisms that imply the situation isn’t “severe”, one can mainly agree the state of the trading post has strayed for too long.

I for one know many players that made transactions during the first TP outage got their refunds ( though I’m not 100% positive that everyone got compensated ), as for the players who made transactions before the 2nd TP outage, I can guarantee a large portion of them including me have yet to received their gold.

Before this issue starts getting brushed off and shrugged away, it is prominent that everyone understands the value of gold is constantly balancing on a trembling plank and what’s holding that plank is that trading post. Every gold and every silver in this game seems to place the brick of an inflation or deflation of a product or product(s). One cannot simply ignore the fact that they have lost any form of currency due to a database mistake.

Though, to be as diplomatic and civil as possible, I can perversely force myself to agree that most of us are taking the situation calmly as possible but logging into the game everyday without a response from the development team and 0 gold/items in the pick up tab of the trading post is bound to developed a long lasting frustration. So we gladly ask for some effort minimally or warmly is not a trend trend to our fussiness, we just NEED answers.

Of course I’m not going to promise that there’ll be no criticisms or refutes, but let’s be realistic here, silence is not a course of action nor is it an appropriate resolution especially when we are dealing with in-game economics. I observed your development team, constantly putting itself in a debacle with angry players regarding undercuts and farming but i’ve yet see you to display or proof the same attention for data base risks that dwell within our TP system that grants this game’s economy. So please, for the last time, we’d like some communication to birth between the players and your teams.

(Yes, I am no doubt angry and perhaps holding in as much frustrations as possible judging by how I lost about 26 gold worth of cancelled orders but at the same time, I believe there are more victims to the situation that have lost way more and this is not something anyone should take lightly as it concerns the player’s income security. )

(edited by Spoolooni.6712)

where are my coins?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Same about 26 gold worth of cancelled orders.

Is Juggernaut/Colossus a Marvel reference?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Juggernaut? Sounds like a fatass wearing a space suit to be honest. I feel that they should have switched the names.

what do you think of bug report

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


All I know is a lot of people aren’t getting their gold from the database and so far, Anet’s being silent. The last thing any one would do is treat a large portion of people with silence especially those whom have lost property due to the companies fault.

At this point It seems that bug report forums are rather “lackluster” or inattentive which is disappointing in a sense that a f2p gaming support team would be catching up to par with Anet’s current habit if not, exceed it.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


@Arciel, you described it better than I did. Except I cancelled the orders because I placed 6x of one item + another item leaving me to invest 26 gold and when I cancelled the orders to receive my refund, I never got it til this day.

(edited by Spoolooni.6712)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


I don’t get the correct amount of money from selling stuff on the trading post. I always get 10% less than i should on top of the listing fee. For example, i’ll sell something for 20s costing 1s listing fee and i’ll receive 18s. So, somehow it effectively cost 3s to sell it!

that’s not a bug, that’s the listing fee that deducts from the profit you make.

Magic find obsession needs to be addressed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


So you’re going to completely dismember a stat that tons of crafters rely on to make money of completely turning a portion of the clientele with hindered changes and mass deflation?

With the economy like this, I feel that your simplistic thoughts are despicable and unrealistic.

I highly doubt Anet would nerf magic find seeing how it has made so far in this economic stanza and judging how people are undercutting each other in consumables either than equipment? I’d be disgusted if they changed that factor. What they should have done though, is to put a gear switching function binded to a key that allows a player to switch between armor sets that in turn, reduces bag space usage and allows players to switch their gear according to the situation.

Let’s be honest though, I’ll agree on an inspect feature, because it allows players to actually know how an item looks like and in return, drive up the sales in the market.

(edited by Spoolooni.6712)

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Ok wise, It didn’t work for me but good for you anyways.

@Mooshke, I’m having the same issue as you I’ve cancelled 6x orders and a few other items that I’ve mistakenly ordered more than 5 times, in result, I have not history on the products I’ve ordered as my gold was supposed to ARRIVE to my pick up. I feel this debacle is straying too long and for an unresolved issue especially regarding the player’s time and effort? I honestly thing it really should have caught up by now like what you said.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Got my 26 gold not missing from invent but missing from the pick up.

TP back up and I am still missing gold.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


I find that really absurd especially after this message convinced me to be patient

John Smith: Items and Gold are never lost, the maintenance may have caused a delay in your orders. When the TP is back up just look out for those orders.

Though honestly, the most optimistic views I can have on the support at the moment is that they’re investigating the flooding numbers of tickets regarding missing gold. Either that or they’ll give us the cold shoulder and stick with the scarred reputation that’s already hindered from the TP outages.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Approximately yesterday around 10pm when the tp was up and running right before the 2nd crash, I cancelled 26 gold worth of bugged offers and ever since then, I haven’t received the gold from the trading post pick up. I’m sure quite a lot of players that made transactions AFTER the first tp crash are missing on their gold and items.

Though let’s be honest, it’s been more than 20 hours and none of us have received what we own. It really is nerve trembling.

Gold - Why is the TP Stealing Mine?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


(Bump) I think there is a discussion going at the black lion sub forums though I’m surprised at the player base’s priorities judging by the amount of people that lost the gold.

TP back up and I am still missing gold.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


So it’s been about more than 15 hours and a lot of people aren’t getting their gold back.

21 hours since my sword apparently sold, still no coins for it.

Still no comment from ANet other than; it should be working.

I’d find them absurd if they were taking it lightly, though I’m positive they SHOULD be worrying about the flooding support desk of players that haven’t received their gold.

TP back up and I am still missing gold.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


So it’s been about more than 15 hours and a lot of people aren’t getting their gold back.

The good things thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


The recent tp crash that stripped off my 25 gold put me on a detox away from my possessions sculpting me into a less materialistic player.

Actually seriously, I’d like my coin back.

TP back up and I am still missing gold.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Same, waiting on my 26-ish gold here.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


I’m still missing the gold from the orders I cancelled, this is not something to be casual about. there goes my poor 26 gold..

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


I still haven’t received my 25+ gold worth of cancelled orders either nor do they show in the item’s I am buying tab as well.

F4-RM the anti-bot Golem, combatting bots with 'bots'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Simple 1+1 questions, anything else would be absurdly annoying to do especially when you’re in the middle of trading or browsing TP.

Lock dungeon waypoints, during boss fights:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Obviously you haven’t played the higher end dungeons where the closest waypoint is ridiculously placed 50 seconds apart w/o speed buff. Also, with dungeons that already work a player through sweat and dirt, walking an extra mile more than a few times is absurdly stupid, especially for a purely damage-built character.

yeah, I’d love to see the OP do subject alpha last stage after his suggestion made it live.

he also doesn’t seem to know that once enough players die at once the boss resets because he loses aggro.

I much rather lose over and over

with that change you will. wanna bet how fast you’ll be back here asking to roll it back?

6 years of WoW. Which stopped you from releasing your soul when you died during a boss fight. And only allowed you to release and run back, after the boss was reset or dead. Never did I complain about the very thing I am asking for.

I doubt anyone who’s asking for the change would ask for it to be changed back to what it is now.

Once/if it made it live, bosses could be balanced to a better state than what they are currently. As it stands, cheap tactics are allowed in boss fights, simply because you can run back and still kill the boss.

First of all, I don’t give a single crap about your past wisdom in WoW, we’re discussing Gw2 related systems. Secondly, most of the dungeons in WoW cannot compare to the elaboration in the difficulty that exists in Gw2. So instead of using your wisdom you got from the previous game you played, how about actually strutting yourself to crucible of eternity of arah dungeons before making such a lackluster statement.

Not sure what made you type words that make you seem angry…

I pointed out WoW, simply because the two things I was comparing were apples to apples. 5 man dungeons, with bosses, that give loot. You go through the mechanics, you get your loot. Same thing, both games.

Now, if that fight is as hard you as make it sound. It’s doing exactly what I am asking for. Taking the waypoints out of the equation. I honestly haven’t done that boss. What’s wrong with eliminating waypoints from other boss fights?

You don’t seem to even get the slightest idea, I wasn’t talking about the reward system, I was talking about MECHANICS. If you haven’t notice either, this game does not have any trinity of any sought, wiping in that game is the least expected with a good healer in your team. Not to mention, with the boss statistics are divided by a large hp/defense gap. I’m not angry at what you typed, I’m just severely disappointed that you’d splay another game in your argument especially when their instances are different and to be blunt, waypoints balance out the difficulty bringing out a more fast paced way to travel. It is a WAYPOINT after all.

In all honesty, you’re even lucky for me to take a time to read whatever you spewed from your mind.

Gold withdrawn from TP replaces the gold in my invent?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Ok problem solved, check the “items I bought” tab, although the gold will take a while to reach the pick up…

My account was hacked and all of my stuff was stolen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Honestly, never use the same password for fansites even gw2guru, any website that doesn’t belong to Anet is out of security’s reach.

In addition, my gold wasn’t hacked but was glitched by the ah, the 4 gold I made in the TP pick up completely replaced the gold in my invent making me lose A LOT! Such a legitimate bug.

Gold withdrawn from TP replaces the gold in my invent?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Auction house is tripping some hefty horse schiesse

Gold withdrawn from TP replaces the gold in my invent?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


So after the trading post fix and everyone got their stuff back, the gold from the pick up literally replaced the gold in my invent, completely removing the gold I had before I retrieved the gold from the ah.

The trading post is pulling off some silly tricks, but seeing how I lost gold? This BETTER get fixed a long with the gold I had.

The Trading Post Ate my Gold.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Lost 6 gold, how mother trucking amazing!

Lock dungeon waypoints, during boss fights:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Obviously you haven’t played the higher end dungeons where the closest waypoint is ridiculously placed 50 seconds apart w/o speed buff. Also, with dungeons that already work a player through sweat and dirt, walking an extra mile more than a few times is absurdly stupid, especially for a purely damage-built character.

yeah, I’d love to see the OP do subject alpha last stage after his suggestion made it live.

he also doesn’t seem to know that once enough players die at once the boss resets because he loses aggro.

I much rather lose over and over

with that change you will. wanna bet how fast you’ll be back here asking to roll it back?

6 years of WoW. Which stopped you from releasing your soul when you died during a boss fight. And only allowed you to release and run back, after the boss was reset or dead. Never did I complain about the very thing I am asking for.

I doubt anyone who’s asking for the change would ask for it to be changed back to what it is now.

Once/if it made it live, bosses could be balanced to a better state than what they are currently. As it stands, cheap tactics are allowed in boss fights, simply because you can run back and still kill the boss.

First of all, I don’t give a single crap about your past wisdom in WoW, we’re discussing Gw2 related systems. Secondly, most of the dungeons in WoW cannot compare to the elaboration in the difficulty that exists in Gw2. So instead of using your wisdom you got from the previous game you played, how about actually strutting yourself to crucible of eternity of arah dungeons before making such a lackluster statement.

My Take on Thief Balances

in Thief

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


The last thing…may I repeat, the last thing you every want to do, is add a cool down to any skill with that initiative system. The whole purpose of initiative is not to limit the class but to formulate a different gameplay for a class that is based of ZERO cool down limits.

Lock dungeon waypoints, during boss fights:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Obviously you haven’t played the higher end dungeons where the closest waypoint is ridiculously placed 50 seconds apart w/o speed buff. Also, with dungeons that already work a player through sweat and dirt, walking an extra mile more than a few times is absurdly stupid, especially for a purely damage-built character.

DPS Counter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


A lot of people fail to realize what sort of game they are playing. Its an RPG. RPG games from the very start were based on math. People that enjoyed numbers INVENTED THIS GENRE.

DPS meters and whatnot are a natural want. It would do zero harm. If you dont want to see it. Dont turn it on. Simple as that. It would be very easy to parse damage in the combat logs with seconds to get a DPS count, so this would be very easy to put in game if they choose to in the future.

+1 OP

As soon you realize a large portion of end game combat ignores the basic concept of tank and spank, the sooner you’ll realize dps meters won’t keep up with the spontaneous mechanics.

Also, you’re forgetting dps brings in a whole new level of judgement, perhaps a player can disable the dps meter but it won’t change the idea that people are perversely inspecting your values.

When does it stop?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


Its only a grind because you make it one, in fact many of the people who complain about the grind are desperately trying to make the game as grindy as possible. If you’d rather do the same 15min-30min of content non stop for the hardest gear in the game to get, than exploring any other possible option to get max stat gear( which isn’t hard, getting a set of non dungeon exotics takes very little effort) than that’s your fault.

If you cant be bothered to do more than one path in the span of 30 min in any explorable dungeon or maybe just breeze through a different story dungeon, then you don’t get as good of a reward, boo hoo. You think repair costs are to high? If you die enough to break your armor more than 3 times over and lose more than 30 silver you have other problems, stop corpse running your way through all the encounters and l2p.

Either you’re naive at the concept that the REPAIR COSTS are not in balance with the actual REWARDS players are getting now. In addition, an unforgiving system that punishes the player for making a mistake is the most inapplicable dogmatic trait of any game. If one want ever desires to learn his/her class, then he/she will have to make those mistakes and gain that combat wisdom, so instead of asking people to “l2p” how about you l2p ( learn to perceive ) the basic gameplay of error and growth before inflating your own ego.