Showing Posts For Syntharia.8067:

Access problem from Ukraine

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Same problem, Ukraine, both GW1/2 and wiki sites are unavailable w/o VPN
And i almost missed my dailies yesterday! Anet halp, make gw great again!

For Ponei!

How to complete dungeon gear collections?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


PvP or WvW reward tracks, each track also gives you 1 piece of armor of your choice in the end and 3 weapon crates. Be sure to “unlock” reward track for the dungeon you want by doing story mode of that dungeon, if you haven’t done so yet
WvW takes you a lot more time to finish 1 track but it also gives you extra loot/karma while capping/killing stuff, especially in eotm.

For Ponei!

Competitive Ruling: Car Crashed and Vermillion

in PvP

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Amazing news, rip in pepperonis car trash

loooool, i totally forgot about that one.

For Ponei!

WTB lvl100 fractal challenge O.o

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Oops, right, that was important

For Ponei!

WTB lvl100 fractal challenge O.o

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


100g if someone is interested, got AR and stuff but only at lvl56 myself :P

For Ponei!

Ascalonian Woodcutter for fractal back

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


On the wall, but he stands in a weird spot so even with npc names on you can only see something like “Ascalonian Veteran Wo…”

For Ponei!

[BUG] - Ogden's Ankh + Aspect Amulet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


OMG! It’s finally fixed \o/
You can get your nomad’s amulet from the laurel dude in LA, still can’t find it in WvW though.


For Ponei!

At what time on Oct. 23 will HoT launch?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Also keep in mind that there might be heavy laggs/dcs during first few hours/day. So it might be wiser to wait a bit instead of rushing in ASAP.

For Ponei!

What Armor/Stats Will Benefit Druid Most?

in Ranger

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Planning to try the new healing ranger ofc, i really hope he’ll have a place in those raids \o/
But imo Zealot would be too squishy for a healer, you actually might die before “saving” your allies. No armor/vitality and judging from the beta some mobs hit quite hard even through celestial gear. I’m going to try full Cleric druid for the next BWE

For Ponei!

Rate the Elite specs!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


1. Druid \o/
2. Herald
3. Reaper
4. Scrapper
5. Berserker
6. Daredevil
7. Chronomancer
8. Tempest
9. Dragonhunter

For Ponei!

Any asura rangers out there?

in Ranger

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Min size asura here.
Even though lots of skins are a bit meh on asura, the animations for skills/wielding weapons are just hilarious + those amazing dodges haha.
Footfalls/auras from legendary weapons are also huge compared to your size :P


For Ponei!

Guild Recruitment Video Opportunity

in Looking for...

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Here is my video I made today! I was so excited and it was fun to make! I know I probably won’t be picked but I really enjoyed doing this! <3

loooool this is amazing

For Ponei!

Just curious to know your fav

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


oh boy, this one is hard :P
my main is ranger so i hope druid would be really good when they announce it.
from aready existing specs: berserker → herald → reaper → daredevil → chronomancer → tempest → dragonhunter

For Ponei!

Question for Vets?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


I’ve had a few breaks from gw2 but never completely stopped playing, there’s so much stuffy stuff i want to get for my toons.
If i’m playing something else : log in → dailies → maybe CoF p1 → crafting → log out.
If i’m farming : log in → dailies → world bosses → 4-5 dungeon runs → crafting → log with my 2nd acc → tea kettle → dungeons → crafting → SW → faints
So far over 7k hours played, 10 toons, finished my 6th legendary yesterday, and there’s still A LOT of things i want to get.
Also who knows how many more “shinies” HoT will bring, need to prepare for those as well lol.

For Ponei!

[BUG] - Ogden's Ankh + Aspect Amulet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Shameless BUMP!1one
still can’t see it at the laurel vendor :C

For Ponei!

Kit visuals...

in Engineer

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


+ for the onion nades lol
i do like the bomb kit on my asura though, looks absolutely hilarious when he places it

For Ponei!

What's the most expensive thing you've found?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Dusk from one of those pvp boxes, leaf of kudzu from champ in CS, tooth of frostfang from mfing 4 ambrite weapons. I was playing a lot though, over 7k hours atm

For Ponei!

4 Hours later... any portals?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Got mine after around an hour of farming events and killing random mobs in SW. Not sure if mf helps but i had 705% with infusion and all consumables/stacks from events/vw.

For Ponei!

Weirdest place you have looted a precursor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Dusk from one of those pvp boxes, not sure if it was a champ box or just a regular one, i remember it was from CM reward track.
Leaf of Kudzu from either champ golem in CS or a random mob that happened to die from aoe while i was poking the golem

For Ponei!

So 'bout dat Greatsword...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


^ IF the new legendary gs is better than Eternity ofc

For Ponei!

[BUG] - Ogden's Ankh + Aspect Amulet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


I have some toons with gates of maguuma finished as soon as it came, I also finished that episode with my guard yesterday. Still the laurel dude won’t sell me nomad’s amulet QQ

For Ponei!

[BUG] - Ogden's Ankh + Aspect Amulet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Bump? I can’t find them either Tried different merchants with different toons, achieves done etc, etc. Halp

For Ponei!

Are you going to buy HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Ofc i’m buying, i’m in love with both gw1 and gw2, the lore/gameplay/skills/animations i love almost everything, so much yay :-)

For Ponei!

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


1. SKIP button for cinematics…
2. Heroes/Henchmens

For Ponei!

Scarlets Face plz

in Sylvari

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


^ pwetty pwease anet

For Ponei!

What is your go-to Jumping Puzzle for daily?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Under New Management in southsun

For Ponei!

High Stakes Gambler

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


With my minion master

For Ponei!

Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


my tiny engie


For Ponei!

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


My zerker gear for ranger ^__^

Head – Eagle Eye Googles
Shoulders – Vigil Shoulderpads
Chest – Whispers Coat
Legs – Priory Leggings
Hands and feet – Prowler
Weapon – Ebon Vanguard


For Ponei!

Uncontested Temple Of Grenth

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


EU up anywhere?:3

For Ponei!

Ranger in Orr *I'm scared*

in Ranger

Posted by: Syntharia.8067


Here’s mine
Completed pretty much every location with this one, 95% world currently. I’m using ice drake as my tank pet, cuz bears can’t hold aggro if you have more toughness than your pet QQ, and the jungle spider for his roots

For Ponei!