Showing Posts For Tarrek.7436:

Champion Mushroom Queen HP in TD tuning.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


I’m going to keep this simple. Tune it down. There’s no reason it should take more then 2 players for a hero point. Map completion should be able to be done solo.

"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Never seen this fancy thing here. I would love 19 deldrimor steel ingots. I’m crafting Dusk and am getting awfully close. Haven’t had a single precurser and I’ve been playing since the game first launched. I do NOT however want the actual precurser. Earning it would mean so much more. I like the journey and am looking forward to Twilight III: Dusk. Just gotta get past this gold sink on part 2. It’s soooooo tedious.

twilight 1 the experimental nightsword bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


They have a post here.

Note that the post is 7 days old. It seems they aren’t fixing things even when they know what the issues are. Seems suspect to me. I personally think they are all on vacation with the lack of fixes over the past 5 days.

Legendary Prec bugs [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


I like how the bug with Modniir’s ruin was supposedly identified 5 days ago and it’s still not fixed. If I took half that long to fix a problem, I would be fired.

Can I get the item that I earned already?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Another attempt at killing Modniir Ulgoth has resulted in another failure at getting Mondiir’s Ruin. I love how I’ve been playing the game since launch and have yet to get anything close to a precurser and when they implement a way to craft them I still get shafted. Great job.

Done with Dragon's Stand.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


I’ve done the map too many times and never had a success even with super organized maps with 4 tags at each boss and everything. Whether it’s elites spawning when elites shouldn’t spawn, waypoints bugging, or just bad players everywhere, it is always a waste of time.

I’ll just go farm all the first kitten map since it seems like that’s what anet wants us to do.

Superior Rune of the Druid possibly bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Once you unlock one of them you can craft them. Anywho, today I logged on and had the healing power, so either the bug was fixed or just temporary.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


I posted a seperate report for it, but the Superior Rune of the Druid doesn’t give it’s Healing Power.

Chap 14 of HoT bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


They removed the requirement for that mastery

Superior Rune of the Druid possibly bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


I have a full set of Superior Runes of the Druid equipped on minstrel ascended armor. That along with my 2 cleric ascended trinkets and my exotic minstrel staff should give me 1008 healing power but only seems to give me 879. Can anyone else verify this bug?

Question about HoT release time [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Title says it all. Will it be 12:01am Pacific time (3am eastern/real time), or will it drop like an update at a random time throughout the 23rd. If Anet wants to answer go ahead, otherwise we can speculate.

Also the real time thing is a joke. Don’t take it too seriously :P

Can we recruit a sylvari?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


What are you talking about. The leader is a Sylvari. You know, Kailek the Ranger and her pet bear Trinket. (That’s my main character :P)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


I’m kinda hoping for a lawsuit from the Camel cigarette people for that 4th place winner. That 1st place winner is terrible. I like the 5th place one though. Also, here:


Introverts need not apply.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


I have to be honest here. I’m about as introverted as you can get. There is a difference between introverted and anti-social. I am a member of a guild and I have several good friends in that guild. Humans are social creatures, and as comfortable as I am with my alone time (and I love my alone time), I have to have social contact. It is unhealthy not to. Seriously. It effects your physical health. Look it up.
Take the guild halls as an opportunity to improve your own social outlook. Find a small guild and make some friends. It will improve your experiences in this game dramatically while also improving your social skills in real life if you are uncomfortable around people.

very unpleasant experience in pvp match

in PvP

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


I realize that’s why they take it. Not taking it would be stupid. It’s overpowered. Every ele would take it. It needs to be reworked. Maybe reduce condi damage or remove them at intervals, but complete immunity is just stupid.

very unpleasant experience in pvp match

in PvP

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Today I was running my trap condi ranger build in pvp. Now not being familiar with elementalists I was unaware of their Diamond Skin trait. This trait is the most over powered thing I have ever seen. A single trait should never completely nullify a whole build. Who thought this was a good idea? They need to be smacked in the head!
Someone shouldn’t be able to sit in 3 traps and take several axes to the face and still be at full health.

Spot the Karka

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Apparently there is an area that has several karka that is only open at night. Why do you guys let stupid people make these kinds of decisions.

You left something out of the pre order page

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


I see the prices for the pre-orders are up, but you left something out. I already own the game, so I just need the price for the expansion. You guys probably just forgot to put up the completely reasonably priced $35 – $40 option for the expansion for those who already have the core game, so I’m sure you’ll get that sorted out quickly. Good gaming.

You guys have got to do something.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


This game is BLEEDING players and a lack on anything activity wise is why. You need to do something. Have another WvW tounament. Have a random bosses start spawning in populated areas. I don’t really care what, but this lack of content is driving people away. I get it. You are working on the expansion. That’s fine, but you can’t neglect the core game in the mean time.
This game doesn’t have the numbers that games like WoW does that makes it capable of surviving long term neglect. The gem store is not content by the way. We need real content even if its just something small to do while we wait. I tried playing WvW a few times over the past few days and it is just dead. Lets get something going guys. Ok?

Weapon traits should not be in Beastmaster

in Ranger

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


GS and axe just work beautifully in BM for the reasons a bunch of us mentioned. In fact I would go as far as to say they don’t work better anywhere else. It seems like a well thought out change.

WH and OH axe should go with nature magic for their support function. Hunter’s Call and Whirling Defense need to be reworked completely though

I’ll agree that Whirling Defense and Hunter’s Call both need some work, WD more so. Hunter’s Call can help finish people off when they run away to heal, but it’s pve use is 0. Whirling Defense is fun, but not much use. Maybe if there was some movement associated with it like if you leap around in random directions while using it.

Weapon traits should not be in Beastmaster

in Ranger

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


NM has regen, power from healing, cc removal, and protection all of which are much needed by a survival build.

If you’re planning on being a survival build than why does it matter if you take the GS trait or the marks specialization.

GS is for cooldown reduction mostly for swoop (to escape if needed or close the distance) and counterattack plus Maul is nice. Marksman is for signet cooldown because signet of stone saves lives.

I’d argue Protect Me saves more lives, and it’s a stunbreaker and you can get reduced CDs for it +your GS trait in the same line and could double it up and take heal as one as well. It’d put Protect me at a 48s CD that gives regen + swiftness to you and your pet with the trait, same with your heal which would also be 16s and you could take oak heart salve in WS to make your perma regen give you a perma 5% dmg reduction.

Protect me doesn’t give you the passive toughness buff and having access to the CD on signets gives you both the invulnerability and the access to quick burst from Signet of the Wild which also gives Stability and a movement speed buff as well as the passive regen. For heals, I can (and do) run Healing spring and blast it with call of the wild then leap through it 1 or 2 times (based on cooldowns) with Monarch’s Leap and Swoop.

Weapon traits should not be in Beastmaster

in Ranger

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


NM has regen, power from healing, cc removal, and protection all of which are much needed by a survival build.

If you’re planning on being a survival build than why does it matter if you take the GS trait or the marks specialization.

GS is for cooldown reduction mostly for swoop (to escape if needed or close the distance) and counterattack plus Maul is nice. Marksman is for signet cooldown because signet of stone saves lives.

Weapon traits should not be in Beastmaster

in Ranger

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


NM has regen, power from healing, cc removal, and protection all of which are much needed by a survival build.

Weapon traits should not be in Beastmaster

in Ranger

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Is it just me or are people forgetting the fact that all of the changes are not final?

That’s why we’re discussing it. Can’t have something change for the better if they don’t know about it.

You keep saying how it can be in another line despite the fact it works with BM, but you refuse to just suck it up and take the trait line that has them in it like you keep wanting us to do if it were in another line.

Axe synergies amazingly with BM since it has a nearly perma chill + weakness, making it easy for the pet to stick to the enemy, not to mention that it is THE weapon for might stacking your pet to godlyhood and you can pull your opponent kicking and screaming into the maw of your beast.

The GS also synergies with pets more than other weapons due to have 2 CCs, having access to a cripple, vuln, and a damage boost from hilt bash as well as cripple. Additionally the weapon allows you to be on the tanker side which favors BM builds more than a glass ranger does.

Personally, I think WH would fit the NM line better than BM would, but it isn’t a bad choice for BM due to it being buff oriented which helps out in any group scenario, and seeing as how your pet is a group member it’d benefit them too.

So you can either suck it up princess and take the traits in a line you’re not a huge fan of (for god knows what reason) or you can just not take the traits at all since they’re not really needed to begin with and no build you run will be ruined by not taking a weapon mastery trait.

Your passive aggressiveness is childish and makes your entire post mean nothing. Converse like an adult or don’t post in my thread.

(edited by Tarrek.7436)

Weapon traits should not be in Beastmaster

in Ranger

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


That’s the problem. With the way it is now you are forced to take the pet buffs over things that would be better. That shouldn’t be the case. For example, lets say I wanted to run a GS build focusing on signets and survival skills with high survivability (which is more or less what I run now). I would have to take Marksman for the signet recharge, Wilderness Survival for the survival skill recharge and most of the tanky traits, and nature magic for the additional survivability and a touch of power from Nature’s Wrath. That leaves out the much needed GS trait. Swoop and Counterattack are important for any survivability build and the lack of the recharge hurts.

Weapon traits should not be in Beastmaster

in Ranger

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Stats are no longer in traits, so BM isn’t the tanky trait line. Bark skin, Companion Defense, and Oakheart Salve are all in Wilderness survival, so your tanky trait line is there.

Weapon traits should not be in Beastmaster

in Ranger

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


GS in another line still works with BM if you want to run that way. This way we can use a GS if we want without focusing on pets. Much better.

Weapon traits should not be in Beastmaster

in Ranger

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


A Ranger shouldn’t have to choose BM to be effective with the greatsword or axe. That is essentially locking out 2 weapon choices for those who don’t want to focus on pets. Move them anywhere else. Seriously, anywhere. I don’t care where, just not in BM. BM should focus only on pet traits. If I want a super pet then I will trait into it. I would prefer to focus on my character rather then the generic boring pet.

Tournament stream in 20

in In-game Events

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


The Legion of the Dawn [Dawn] will be holding a 2v2 tournament in 20 minutes. Stop by and watch if you wanna be where all the cool kids are.

Legion of the Dawn [Dawn] 2v2 Tournament

in In-game Events

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


On April 4th starting at 10:30pm the Legion of the Dawn [Dawn] from the dragonbrand server will be having a 2v2 tournament that will be streamed on
Feel free to stop by and watch.

Thoughts on the underwater dragon.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


We know thanks to previous dragons that they have the ability to both corrupt people to gain minions and to create their own minions. We’ve seen them create hordes of lesser minions, but what if there was something different about this under water dragon? What if, instead of making a bunch or weak minions, it made massive monsters. Leviathans like the kraken for example. This could lead to several massive new world bosses as well as zone events that liken to what Teq was when it was difficult. Any thoughts?

/Age and precursor drop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


I want to see unlucky I am. Please post how long you have been playing using /age across all characters and how many precursors you have gotten. Please do not post anything else. I don’t want this falling into another rage war. Thank you.

New falling animation needed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


I had a thought today. With the coming of the gliders, we really need a new falling animation. The current mindless screaming and flailing might not make much sense if we can glide. What I would suggest is something similar to Aion’s falling animations. Something like a controlled and beautiful looking spiral downwards (though it could look different depending on race) would look much better than what we have now. Opinions?

I am Sylvari! I am not Zombari!

in Living World

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


If I were a minion of the dragon, you would be dead already.

Female Carapace Pants (light) color bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


While taking screenshots for another thread I noticed a tiny spot of off color, so I investigated. The “underwear” on the pants is an ugly brown color that can’t be changed or anything. It’s mostly covered, so it’s not a major thing, but just something I noticed.

I am a female sylvari, necromancer and I am wearing:
Helm: Devil Horns
Shoulders: Conjurer Mantle
Chest: Carapace Vestments
Gloves: Dry Bones Gloves
Pants: Carapace Pants
Boots: Dry Bones Shoes
Back: Synergetic Tempered Spinal Blades


(edited by Tarrek.7436)

Revenant Legends - Who would you channel?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


I would channel Gw1 back to this game instead….because Gw2 is clearly grasping in Gw1 s success. But most of the fans that let you Anet devs make Gw2 already left, and all you have now is unloyal players, so good luck and have fun with the crap you shoved at us.

Seems like you might not be in the right place if you don’t like GW2.

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Finally, here’s the Warrior

Helm: Glowing Crimson Mask
Shoulders: (Hidden)
Chest: Phalanx Warplate
Gloves: Phalanx Gauntlets
Pants: Carapace Tassets
Boots: Phalanx Warboots
Back: Static Tempered Spinal Blades

Ok, so this one is mostly Phalanx, but it works well with the carapace pants. Also, that’s Khrysaor, the Golden Sword for my greatsword.


Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Next is the Elementalist

Helm: Flame Eye
Shoulders: Conjurer Mantle
Chest: Seer Coat
Gloves: Winged Gloves
Pants: Seer Pants
Boots: Seer Boots
Back: Fires of Balthazar


Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Gonna pump these next few out one after the other.

The Necro

Helm: Devil Horns
Shoulders: Conjurer Mantle
Chest: Carapace Vestments
Gloves: Dry Bones Gloves
Pants: Carapace Pants
Boots: Dry Bones Shoes
Back: Synergetic Tempered Spinal Blades


Revenant Legends - Who would you channel?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Zhaitan. He’s dead, so he’s available.

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


I also have my guard here.

Helm: (Hidden)
Shoulders: Protector’s Shoulderplates
Chest: Priory’s Historical Breastplate
Gloves: Phalanx Heavy Gauntlet
Pants: Carapace Tassets
Boots: Protector’s Footgear


Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Got my Ranger looking just to my liking.

Helm: (Hidden)
Shoulders: Stalwart Shoulders
Chest: Carapace Jerkin
Gloves: (Hidden)
Pants: Marauder pants
Boots: Leather Shoes


Question about ranger armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Who you calling ugly?


Double exp has left us.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


But maybe it shall return some day. Maybe next weekend. Maybe the week after that. You never know, but I will say that stuff like that makes people play the game more, so it would be a mistake not to do it more often. In other words, it would be awesome to see it again soon.

Everyone and their mom is a Warrior

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


I main a Ranger and a Guardian. I like the mobility and ranged options from my Ranger, and I love teleporting around on my guard with a medi build. You know what my level 80 Warrior does? Sits in Lions Arch and makes armor and weapons. I haven’t run a dungeon with him for at least a year. The other two on the other hand get regular runs through all the dungeons including aetherpath and arah. All classes are viable and if anyone tells you differently they are deranged or just don’t know how to play another class so they act out against them.

[Suggestion] Reduce max level from 80 to 20.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


This game isn’t, and has has never really been, about leveling. The only real point of it is so that you can learn your class as you level, but that’s not really all that important in GW2 and 20 levels is more than enough. My suggestion is that the level cap be reduced from 80 to 20. This would reduce the time it takes to level (which lets be honest. After 1 or 2 characters, leveling all the way to 80 gets as boring as watching paint dry, and I’m on number 6 now) while also adding the ability to more easily add new features such as an advanced or second class system. I never played GW1, but the level 20 max level sounds much better then the copy-paste 80 that currently exists.
Right now I feel like the game is trying to focus on 2 end games at the same time those being some gear treadmill(ascended) and some horizontal progression (rare skins/legendaries). Dividing your focus is a sure way to fail. I believe Anet needs to pick one and stick with it, and with this not being a traditional MMO, that focus needs to be the horizontal progression. Reducing the level cap enforces this path.
I know that there would be some hurdles to overcome with this change such as what to do with the personal story, but I feel like the game would be better off if it were done. I’d like to hear what everyone thinks about this. Please be courteous and thoughtful with your response so that we can make this game as good as it can be.

TLDR: Reduce the level cap from 80 to 20 because leveling is boring and that isn’t what this game is about.

If you never played GW1, then you should. Its a great game. That being said, its in no way balanced at all for PvP – which seems to be one of their current main focus’ with all the tournaments going on. Its easier to balance 8 classes than it is to balance.. what, 72 if you include all class match ups and single classes? The balance would be so much worse. Then there’s how they’d do skills for multi-class characters…

Then the bugs that it would bring.. It would be a whole fiasco of problems.

As for Leveling to 80.. I don’t really see an issue with it. It doesn’t actually take long to do. I personally prefer to level in Edge of the Mists – that way I’m leveling up my character AND my account WvW level. It feels like I accomplish more doing that, and you can have some good and/or funny conversations in chat. It’s a lot better than leveling via crafting or map completing in my opinion.

Also, the game isn’t gonna fail. For that to be so, it would of had to of been shutdown in the year it launched. They’ve been doing this since 2012 – though its been improved over the years – and similarly been focusing on the same aspects of ‘end game’ since GW1. It worked for years in GW1 and its working in GW2, so their focus wont ever change. GW2 isn’t going anywhere any time soon. That’s just a fact. Unless someone goes directly to Anet’s servers and destroy’s them that is.

I don’t actually believe that the game will fail. There are too many loyal fans myself included for that. That said, there could be so many more if they stopped trying to play at 2 opposing end goals.

To address your pvp concern, there is a very simple solution. Advanced classes would be limited or restricted altogether in structured pvp. Balance is something that is a tricky topic anyway. If all classes are exactly balanced with each other the game becomes boring. All classes need strengths and weaknesses and pvp needs to be balanced for the teams that should be playing alongside each other. Balancing for 1v1 isn’t the way to go.

EotM is a great place to level, but again, after 5 other characters it gets stale. Not to mention that you miss out on some good loot if you are stuck getting low level drops instead of possible ascended items or precursors or even level 80 crafting mats from those WvW levels.

I see them bringing in advanced classes in one way or another eventually, and working with 80 levels makes it all the more difficult to implement it in a mostly balanced way.

[Suggestion] Reduce max level from 80 to 20.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Here’s an idea to throw on top of this. I mentioned advanced/2nd classes and the like. What if once you get to your choice of Vigil/OoW/Priory you unlock an advanced class for whatever one you choose that you advance in as you complete more of their missions? You also unlock the Pact Commander advanced class on joining the Pact. This removes the need to mess with the current story as you would still get your mission rewards as well as something a little more meaningful. Other events in the game could unlock more advanced classes, and you would be able to switch some skills with ones granted by your advanced class(s).

[Suggestion] Reduce max level from 80 to 20.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


While it’s a nice idea, this would require quite a large overhaul of pretty much the entire game, and the payoff isn’t really big enough to justify it.

It would definitely take some work, but I don’t believe it would be as huge of an overhaul as you think.
-Traits would be awarded more frequently as you level but you would receive more earlier and it would be more balanced over the course of leveling then it currently is.
-Some item levels would be removed and then the levels would be scaled down (just the levels. The stats are fine)

There are many things that would need to be looked at, but it is more of a scaling issue than an overhaul.

The payoff here again would be the ability to more easily implement new level related systems into the game. 2nd classes, advanced classes, or even hybrid or multiclass features would be much more easily managed with 20 levels rather than 80. Players would also be much more inclined to create alts as they wouldn’t be thinking of a long wait to be able to do anything relevant. If Anet needs a monetary reason, players wanting more alts = more character slots from the TP = more money for Anet.

[Suggestion] Reduce max level from 80 to 20.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436



Please refrain from one word responses as this is a discussion and these kind of replies add nothing to it.

[Suggestion] Reduce max level from 80 to 20.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarrek.7436


Taking up time is why an end game exists. Leveling can’t be used as such because there are many players who only have a single character.
As far as the Silverwastes goes, it needs some tweaks, but is a great start towards horizontal progression. You have new skins that you have to work to get. The zone isn’t about leveling up or getting gear with higher stats, it’s about getting those awesome new skins. A new set of weapon skins alike to the way we get armor skins there might round out those long waits between carapace and luminescent, but that is just a random thought.