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Deadeye Demo Weekend Feedback

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


After a quick play around I feel there is a few things that need addressing.

1. The cast time on mark is too long (as others have said) as it give your unsuspecting target a good 1s to react, run away ect. before you’ve even fired a shot.

2. Kneel feels incredibly clunky it ether needs to auto-break on moving (without the condi removing of using the skill) or a re-work as turning one of the most active defensive class into a sitting duck is never going to end well.

3. Possibly an increase to projectile speed? having players side step my attacks (not even dodge) is very demoralising.

4. The stolen skills disappear when your mark dies or is re-cast makes little sense? It forces you to use the skill immediately as opposed to saving it for the best moment as it could disappear without warning.

But apart from that the deadeye was feeling quite nice and powerful. The damage feels good and powerful when it lands but I was only really able to shine when my targets where otherwise engaged in combat with others so they did not notice me and simple walk to the left and render me useless.

(edited by TheTaffer.8761)

Unrel. As. doesn't hit enemies against walls

in Revenant

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


its intended to the point where you don’t blink into a wall (the move works until the next attack would place you out-of-bounds then it stops) there should be a fix to make it retry the attack if it would fail so we always get are 7 hits in.

The Asuran Rave Hall

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


I made it! All the holographic dancing Asurans were a kick. The jumping puzzle to get there was fun as well. Thank the Alchemy for gliders!

yer it would be a loooong walk/swim back if you died

The Asuran Rave Hall

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


yep that worked


The Asuran Rave Hall

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


hile i was exploring the tangled depths my JP senses were tingling, so i investigated and found this place


The bouncer guarding the door
The rave hall!
from the other side, notice the crystal ball

not sure if anybody else has found this yet but atm nothing seems to happen in there

after a bit of research it appears it is also the hideout of Zinn a banished asura who attempted regicide


(edited by TheTaffer.8761)

Missing Resolution options

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


Hi Guys

On Wednesday (7th of October) when I logged-in in the afternoon I found that my resolution had been reset and the option I had the game set to 1480-10** ; can’t remember the exact option, had been removed.

now while this isn’t game breaking it is frustrating because I had GW2 running at a lower resolution to keep my FPS up while having the game look nice and as such would like to have the option back as running on my native 1680-1050 makes the game run quite sluggishly and the next best option now 1280-1024 makes the game look very squished.

thanks for any help you can give!

GW2 Vet LF small friendly PvX guild (EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


Hi guys

With all new info coming out about HoT and its group content I’m looking for a small (20 man or so) English-speaking; or at very least good English, guild for me to join up with and enjoy this new content with.

I currently play a Thief but once HoT comes out i’ll be maining a Revenant.

so if you’ve got a guild that you feel would be a great fit, leave a message on here or PM me personally.

What sort of gear are you planning?

in Revenant

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


I was thinking of going Zealots (power/precision/healing) with Glint/shiro and ventari waiting in the wings.

though as I’m not going to be at my pc with weekend it will have to wait till the 3rd BWE before I can give it a full test

Solution: Give Legends more Skills

in Revenant

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


Guys, the ability to switch utility skills is there, there just are only 3 skills right now, cuz this is an unfinished class (beta remember?)

Unfortunatly that works both ways, the ability to was utilities could be there as a leftover function not tidied up because its in beta.

Though i do hope your right we need more options!

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


After more testing; and reading though the forums, I see that a lot of people and me included feel that the weapons are set to specific legends and using them with other legends feels odd.

I am suggesting that when you are channeling different legends they affect your weapons auto attack; and possibly more but that might be too difficult to balance.

take staff for example, with ventair the healing globs could give 1s regen and swift by default, on malyinx could give 1s resistance, jalis 1s retaliation/protection and so on.

this would still keep the weapons nature; staff been a supportive weapon but make it so there functional with each legend too.

Solution: Give Legends more Skills

in Revenant

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


I was suggesting this too, we need more options with our legends

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


After playing around with the Revenant for a few hours in all game modes I’v come up a short list of things that I personally feel need addressing; i’ll get to the suggested changed later.

1. Many of the Legend Skills are on too long a cast time for the effect they give; a 2sec taunt on a 1sec cast time or almost 3sec cast time for 5 sec of stone Armour.

2. I feel malyix was lacking on the resilience boon; but this might have been more due to my lack of experience with the skills.

3. The Tablet needs a few helping hands, we defiantly need the tablet to spawn on entering the stance as it makes you not want to change into the stance due to the 1-2 sec downtime it takes to summon it

3.2 the second point is that i feel the heal (moving the tablet around) could do with a change; instead of having the heals first part been to summon the tablet and the second to move it to a location, we could have the first part move the tablet and the second return it to you.
This would help with keeping track of where your tablet has run off to and give it a way to keep it near at hand when needed.

3.5 The Movement speed of the tablet could do with been doubled, I was finding it very difficult to heal specific member of my party during WvW and increasing the speed it moves would help out with that.

4. Jalis’s trait have a lot a synergy with retaliation but has very little access to the boon in question; 0-6 sec on a 30sec heal and 2 sec on dodge so I think that it needs to get more from somewhere.

ok almost done now

5. The staff is a brilliant weapon but its still not quite there yet, and yes its you skill #2 I’m looking at you! I’m not sure exactly what to change it into; give it a mini daze, knockdown? I don’t know but I do know that low dmg and short duration weakness isn’t really worth the two 1 sec cast time hits it takes to do it.

Ok onto suggestions; i hope your still reading this.

The big one I’m thinking about is giving each legend not 3 utilities but 4 or even 5. I feel that this would fix a few things. firstly if would give the revenant an equal (OK rev would have 1 more elite skill but close enough) amount of Utility skills with the other professions, it would also give the rev more options as far as build customization goes and finally it would make facing a rev less predictable; at the moment if you see a rev with the jarlis buff and hammer you know exactly what his moves are.

I think that’s about it, I wont go on suggesting what these new utilities could be, i’ll leave them to the professionals.

and thank you for reading.

[suggestion] what if utilities were different

in Revenant

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


I was thinking along the lines of something similar, instead of having 3 utilities per legend though could give us 4-5 that way we do get a choice per legend and makes the class as a whole less predicable in combat.

Perma-Stealth is Legalized Griefing

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


I wonder what the guys that complain about thief will say after they got owned by “one shot” fresh air ele in 2 seconds … :trollhaton:

not to mention eviscerate wars >.< getting hit for 13k is no joke!

Misdirection: thief riffle concept

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


i do like the idea behind the auto attack but i can see it being abused in WvW with thieves being about to shoot you from places you can not shoot back (back edge of the wall or even behind the wall)

Hybrid Builds With Dual Specilization

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


Jack of all trades, master of none!

in “theory” you can but what will most likely happen is your build will end up having medium attack and defense.

good luck trying to make one though

I think our signets are underwhelming.

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


Infiltrator’s Signet: Passive is nice but .1/sec initiative is not that great unless coupled with the Quick Recovery trait. Gap closers are always nice so I think IS active is fine.

> I reccommend that the passive instead grants the 25% speed buff instead of SoS. I don’t like using this unless I need gap closers. Don’t worry I have a change for that one as well.

Anyways there you have it.

i feel this change makes a lot of sense, you ether have your 25% move speed or you can sacrifice it to break stun and gap close.

this all makes the decision to activate the signet at the right time all the more important

Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


Awesome. You play through every year? That’s still my favorite game. It’s responsible for my career. I’m working on a re-make with my own high res graphics. Here’s some of the sculptures I’ve done for it so far.

As to my challenge…. all I know is that I run through SAB over and over constantly and find it very easy. But like I told someone above, I’m very used to the engine problems like camera, lag, weird hit detection, etc so I hardly notice them and have developed strategies for getting through the levels without running into most of the problems described by most. And I’m not a super great jumper. I don’t find the “pixel perfect jumps” accusations to be accurate at all. But I know last time I played through LoZ it took a long, loooong time. And some of those later dungeons were BRUTAL. The rooms with 8 darknuts you can only hit in the back? That seems WAY harder to me than SAB. But I see where you’re coming from. You’re super familiar with LoZ. I’m super familiar with SAB. I’m sure that plays into both our perceptions.

just looked though the link, both demon hunter AND zelda!

anyway back to the topic, i’v personal not had any major gripes with W2.

yes it might be long and yes it might be too hard for some people but if it was short and easy it would be a very boring W2 now wouldn’t it?

and to all the people complaing about the lag, I play on a EU server from New Zealand (long story) and so i get lag with EVERYTHING but i can still get though this no problems, yes there are some cheep hits and jumps will lag out now and again to i just keep on going.

i’m not going to let a few minor issues spoil the fun of SAB

keep up the good work!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


i mean do you want to have easy access to everything? that would just make the content A: simple B: there would be no scene of achievement at completing it.

Please explain to me how having easy access to everything makes the content simple? Further explain to me how having easy access to everything would in some way trivialize the achievements as part of completing the content.

A good example would be the jumping puzzles in lions arch. There is a simple one, a medium one, and one that is a bit more complex. All have easy access to them. Yet they are not all simple, and yes I felt a sense of achievement when completing all three of them. So I find your argument that easy access trivializes something to be lacking.

ease of access being simple is a design 101, you don’t make complex toys, books or games for young children because they would not be able to ether enjoy it or understand it.

that is why they added infantile mode! (not that infantile is designed for young children but that it is a simplified version of SAB so that everyone has access to it)

for the second question i’ll use the examples of legendarys, in GW2 while legendarys have become more common now you still stop and turn your head when someone runs past you with one. however what do you think you happen if everyone was easily able to make one? then they would have lost most of there appeal as you would no long feel any sense of accomplishment at having crafted one.

and tbh if your playing Video games in general for a sense of accomplishment there are games far better suited to be sinking your time into than an MMO

(edited by TheTaffer.8761)

keep up the good work!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


can’t wait for world 3 some time next year

I can’t imagine what kind of p2w nonsense that is going to be. Would much rather just pay a sub instead of this current model. Of course with destiny,eso etc on the horizon I don’t think it’s going to be a concern for anyone.

if you really think that this system we have at the moment is a P2W system? Then you must not have played a Korean MMO or at least not enough time into one to hit the pay or grind wall (no offence to anyone who enjoys korean MMO’s but i don’t have the time nor the desire to ether pay out or grind away for digital items).

i mean do you want to have easy access to everything? that would just make the content A: simple B: there would be no scene of achievement at completing it.

keep up the good work!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


just wanted to say YAY Super Adventure Box is back

having read the forums i was a bit taken aback by all the negativity about world 2, people saying its too hard, too long, requires specific items, ect. ect.

well i’m loving it, i always feel disappointed when new content comes out and im able to finish it within a few hours but this should keep me going all week if not longer to find all them secrets you guys hid in there.

(and to anyone who has been saying that world 2 is to difficult, try going though it first on infintle mode so you can get to see whats coming and how to solve the puzzles)

can’t wait for world 3 some time next year

11 Major traits. 3 minor traits.

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


I should probably clarify that I agree with everything that has been said – my post was making a mockery of the people that say that, hence “misses the point entirely”.

oh… well then please consider what i said more of a larger/clearer explanation of why the stealth traps are an over-reaction from Anet.

rather then me trying to prove it to you.

11 Major traits. 3 minor traits.

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


(mandatory post that talks about how it was meant to target Veil bombs and misses the point entirely)

while that might be true it would be like hiring a pest control guy to get rid of a rat in your house and he burns your house down AND still wants paid for a job well done.

sure he got rid of the rat but he took out your house too.

if veil bombing was an issue do something to the skill

Sentinal Gear for thief

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


it could be quite good, i use knights myself

High Level Fractals and Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


well iv got up to scale 12 with my support thief build.

venomous strength
quick venoms
master of deception
leaching venoms
venomous aura
Power of inertia
quick recovery

using half soldier half magi armour with rita sum runes with cleric jewelry
using a zerker short bow.

this gives me ~1700 toughness and ~1400 vitality as well as ~1600 power and ~700 healing power

as im a slyvari too im using the “healing seed” healing skill, spider venom, skale venom, smoke screen, and summon druid spirit elite.

basicly how this works is that i keep up poison and weakness on the mobs while giving my team mates healing venoms / might / and regen.

i might not be the most traditional thief (doing huge damage but needing a rez every 15 seconds) but i mange to keep the team standing.

also becasue of this i usually do all the running and triggering for the boss’s.

(edited by TheTaffer.8761)

Thief 'hard counters'?

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


i have the hardest time against guardians that spec defensive +AoE CC.
i pop out of stealth and get smacked to the floor for my trouble, even with shadowstep by the time iv got back to him and im upright he’ll have another one to use and he will just run away to the nearest tower

its not that he can kill me its usually that help will arrive and finish me off while im eating dirt.

ATTN: Anet Devs

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


10/10 would read again!

but on a serious note i to have gotten sick of all the complaining about the thief, yes some things could do with tweaking.
but come on let the devs do there thing and if you have a prob tell them not blab about it on the forums

Has anyone tried a Might build..?

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


i run i build that does have an emphasis on might stacking. 0/30/25/15/0 and 6 strenght runes but its a BS build to so when im getting a good rotation going i will have about 10-12 stacks of might adding a very large about of damage to my BS.

i might not hit as hard as a true glass cannon BS build but i don’t die when someone snezzes on me ether

Bugs and Issues Compilation:

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


Basilisk Venom (and possibly all venom’s): one charge goes off on a steal with out the effect being applied, without the mug trait.

i don’t think it should be counting as a use if the skill in question does no damage? (it would be like if Infiltrators shot used up venom charges too)

Questions on "shadows rejuvenation" and "shadow protector" traits

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


Shadow rejuvenation doesn’t apply a boon it just grants you health every second while in stealth, this tends to be more health then the regen in hp/s but only last’s while stealth were as shadow protections regen is a boon and will last the 5 sec regardless of stealth.

What level 80 armor are you using?

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


I’m working towards a full set of clerical emblazoned as i use alot of regen and heals

What's a good "Survivability" build with decent damage?

in Thief

Posted by: TheTaffer.8761


i tend to use

lets you stack up might and use thief minions as meatshields/extra dmg