Showing Posts For Torvarren.6295:

Necromancer pets will not always attack.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Necro thread is necro’d thread.

It was never fixed though. I found that skill 2 on the staff when giving regeneration to the minions causes then to start fighting.

Can not discover when crafting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


You have to get the recipes to learn the Sinister armor pieces, you can’t discover them.

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Meanwhile, playing Guild Wars… EOTN anyone?

I just finished an EOTN run.
New character Necro in original starting armor and no runes. 7 heroes with no runes, destroyer warriors were 2 shotting me. That was fun.

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


This is exactly what this thread is about, and I said what you are saying in my original post that my decision to come back or not will be how ArenaNet handles this issue. How they handle an issue that effects this group of people says volumes about what they think of their player base. I withhold final judgment until their action. I do not feel that this is unreasonable.

You seem to be saying that this bug will not reduce the amount of fun that people have. If their fun is reduced then they are justified in not playing? Sounds good to me.

(edited by Torvarren.6295)

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


You are missing my point. Tenuous to play gw2 because you played gw1 is not what I was saying at all. I started playing gw2 obviously because of gw1. If this alone, this title bug that occurred, is what decides whether or not you play, that is the problem. You should play gw2, because you want to play it, and if you want to play it, this shouldn’t prevent you from doing so. If it is, step away and come back after a while.

Put another way, you don’t play a game for 6 months just because you played it the prior 6 months. You play it because you want to, because it’s fun, because it’s a game.

Hopefully that is clearer, but idk. It’s late, I’m tired,

I find it a bit curious that you say that about wants, enjoyment, reasoning, all in regards to playing a game. A game is meant to be enjoyed, not played just because it is reasoned out that one should play it. I don’t think we’ll reach an understanding on that point, but hopefully the other will be clearer?

Then all you are saying is that you don’t think this is a good enough reason to quit playing. You are projecting your reasoning onto others. I reject your line of reasoning.
I have to make a logical argument for continuing to play. This bug has nullified one of my premises in the argument for playing.

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Oh trust me, I’m not happy at all about GWAMM being available to some for nothing. I have full HoM, I have GWAMM, I’ve posted earlier in the thread.

My point though, a person should want to play the game, especially coming back to the game, because they want to play the game, not because of time spent in a prior one. Sure, that gets you to look at the game, can get you to buy it. But if this is the limiting factor, then it’s in effect a tenuous reason to play. Investing more time just to justify prior time that was spent doesn’t generally end with you enjoying it. Play because you want to play the game. Gaile has said twice they are working on a solution. There are a lot of things they have to consider, and there is risk with however they handle it. What I expect is the titles to be stripped and effectively re-linked with the account. The skins are a bigger issue to deal with, and personally, I’m less concerned that people have access to those, and originally that is all I was getting HoM filled for before GW2 release.

I’m not trivializing anything. But no one should decide whether or not to play a game because of one title. You play it because you want to, or you don’t play it because you don’t want to. Making it about that, is going to have a negative impact on the game regardless of the outcome.

I don’t find it tenuous to play GW2 based on the time I spent in GW1.
If you are saying this reason is tenuous then you are assuming that this connection was loose to begin with. There was no reason to assume that the link between GW1 and 2 was anything but strong. Playing GW2 was the next logical step after GW1.

I don’t consider wants and enjoyment before doing anything. These things are biased and therefore should be left out of reasoning. Well, I leave them out of my reasoning. I don’t expect others to think the way I do.

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


I haven’t logged in since this bug hit. I am waiting for the fix to decide whether I want to come back or not.

You could be waiting a few days or you could be waiting months. If this is the reason you aren’t going to play, then I have to ask, what is the reason you want to play?

The only reason I ever wanted to play GW2 was because of the time I spent in GW1.
I feel this bug is devaluing the 10,000 hours I spent in GW1 right now. Arenanet’s actions involving this is going to be the deciding factor of whether I come back or not.

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


I haven’t logged in since this bug hit. I am waiting for the fix to decide whether I want to come back or not.

Bugged Vista in Dostoev Sky Peak

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


It is a bug that the chain would not be usable. I’ve never used it to get the vista though. You can leap at an angle from an upper platform and land on the railing of the ramp and go right up. The other option is the Guild Run to get to the top as a spider.

Patch installer is horribly bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


I added -streaming to the end of my shortcut and it loaded

New Minion Skill Suggestions, Version 3

in Necromancer

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


I haven’t changed my topic.
I changed the mechanics I am suggesting, but not the question at hand that you quoted.

New Minion Skill Suggestions, Version 3

in Necromancer

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Come on guys. Contribute to the topic.
The topic is, ‘Would you actually use the mechanics I have listed here and how would they affect the game?’

New Minion Skill Suggestions, Version 3

in Necromancer

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


New Revisions are up.
I wouldn’t want to copy a person skill for skill.
Maybe if you copy a guardian your minion grants aegis to you periodically and has a basic guardian autoattack.

New Minion Skill Suggestions, Version 3

in Necromancer

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


There, I fixed it to bypass the lore. Doesn’t need a dead target anymore.

New Minion Skill Suggestions, Version 3

in Necromancer

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


That is why this is a skill suggestion and not just typing something that already exists. I am pretty sure that is what skill suggestion means.

New Minion Skill Suggestions, Version 3

in Necromancer

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Siphons magical energy from a target foe to create a shade based on the target.
In PVP the type of minion depends on the enemy class.
In PVE Boss Shades would be stronger than shades of regular enemies.
V3: Syphon Life from target, at the end of syphoning create a shade of your target. This minion does bonus damage to the target.

Another idea for a Minion:
A minion that when created drains your entire Life Force pool.
Depending on the amount of Life Force used it can possibly mean:
Maybe set the base stats of the minion based on the life force?
Maybe set the minion’s health = to the life force? Make it be a minion you can destroy to refill your life force bar?

(edited by Torvarren.6295)

Coin hidden in the new map

in Living World

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


One of the designers also likes to put coins in places where he fixed break out map exploits.

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Because mapping is the only reason to do wvw.
I get no excitement out of fighting another player or winning anything in wvw.
If I get attacked, and since I get no enjoyment out of it I may as well stop and let someone else have their enjoyment, whatever that is.
If you want to have your kitten waving kitten fight you can go ahead and claim you have the biggest kitten and I will go back to mapping.

How are colors chosen?

in WvW

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


It’s been 10 weeks since my server(Blackgate) was Blue. I just need blue garrison for 100% world completion. Is it just a random placement or is it decided by the numbers?

is GW2 in need of $$$?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


MMOs need money like people need oxygen.

Convince me to play WvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


You need it for map completion. That is the only reason I go there. Waiting for Blue Garrison to become controlled by my server. Then I will have 100% map.

South Sun is infested...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Just did a repair install. It seems to load fine now, but that was an interesting bug.

South Sun is infested...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


South Sun is infested with glowing white boxes.
This is after a fresh install today.


(edited by Torvarren.6295)

Living World Needs to be Living

in Living World

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


According to them they haven’t even started to do what they want to do with the living world.

Boom-Boom Baines, poor design?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


A condition build works wonders on Boom-Boom, one condition Necro can nullify the healing. She will die this way, but people still need to kill the turret. Zerg mentality not your friend.

Journey to 100% Map

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


So, if I do the cities first, I will be at 11%?

Also, since the XP needed to level is non linear, it matters what level you start with. So is it 11% if you don’t have a level 20 scroll to use first? Not everyone does.

Yea, the cities will always be 11% world completion no matter what level you are. Your statement is nonsensical.

Journey to 100% Map

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


I’m confused. What information does this post impart? I’m not being snarky, I just don’t understand what you are telling us. How many hours to Level 80? How much of the map you need to do to get 100%? (That’s kind of obvious.) What percent you will be at at certain maps? (That would depend on the order maps are completed, I would assume.)

I wanted to see what % of the world completion content was in each level range. 30% of the content from level 1 to 25 zones. Another 30% between 25 and 60. 23% of the world is 60 to 80. 11% is the cities, and the rest in wvw, about 6-7%.
It’s interesting to me to know that 30% of the world completion content is sub level 25.
11% the cities and 6-7% wvw.

Journey to 100% Map

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


20 levels may only be 10,900 XP, but that’s like getting a whole zone or more for free at the start. Most people get 20 levels or so buy doing a starter zone and maybe a partial of the next zone.

And where is the cut off? Can someone also post, “I leveled by map completion only. Except I used a 20 level scroll and then crafted for 20 more levels. But the rest I did with area completion and here are my numbers.” That’s just as valid as what you did.

That is why the post is titled Journey to 100% Map. I wasn’t really interested in the leveling part. It was more about getting useful data to tell me what percentage of the world was in each area. That whole zone for free at the start doesn’t really matter and your slippery slope argument is pointless, and I showed that I hit level 80 in fireheart no matter if I used the scroll or not.

Lootless mobs bypass Magic Find.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


the last Pavilion before this one played havoc on our economy.

Not sure why people keep propagating this myth.

30gold an hour farming dead eye? Drop after drop from farming mobs that turned into a watchknight that dropped more loot?

Lootless mobs bypass Magic Find.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Because the Chinese people just started with a fresh economy and the last Pavilion before this one played havoc on our economy.

Journey to 100% Map

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


“My most recent character I did an experiment leveling just through map completion
I used a level 20 scroll and then went to zone completion”.

Then you didn’t do what you set out to do since you gained 20 levels with the scroll first.

There is only 10900 experience from 1-20. Here is the adjusted numbers if you didn’t use an XP scroll.
Level 21, Five 1-15 zones, 18%
Level 40, Four 15-25 zones, 30%
Level 45, Gendarran, 34%
Level 50, Lornar’s Pass, 39%
Level 54, Field’s of Ruin, 42%
Level 57, Harathi Hinterlands, 45%
Level 60, Blazeridge Steppes, 47%
Level 64, Dredgehaunt Cliffs, 51%
Level 67, Bloodtide Coast, 54%
Level 70, Iron Marches, 56%
Level 73, Timberline Falls, 59%
Level 77, Sparkfly Fen, 62%
Level 80, Fireheart Rise, 65% map completion
Mount Maelstrom, 69%
Straits of Devastation, 73%
Frostgorge Sound, 76%
Malchor’s Leep, 79%
Cursed Shore, 82%
6 Cities, 93%
WVW, 100%

Journey to 100% Map

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


My most recent character I did an experiment leveling just through map completion.
I used a level 20 scroll and then went to zone completion.
Level 34, Five 1-15 zones, 18%
Level 46, Four 15-25 zones, 30%
Level 50, Gendarran, 34%
Level 54, Lornar’s Pass, 39%
Level 57, Field’s of Ruin, 42%
Level 60, Harathi Hinterlands, 45%
Level 63, Blazeridge Steppes, 47%
Level 66, Dredgehaunt Cliffs, 51%
Level 69, Bloodtide Coast, 54%
Level 72, Iron Marches, 56%
Level 75, Timberline Falls, 59%
Level 78, Sparkfly Fen, 62%
Level 80, Fireheart Rise, 65% map completion at 60 hours of Gameplay
Mount Maelstrom, 69%
Straits of Devastation, 73%
Frostgorge Sound, 76%
Malchor’s Leep, 79%
Cursed Shore, 82%
6 Cities, 93%
WVW, 100%

Leveling help am I doing something wrong?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


My most recent character I did an experiment leveling just through map

I used a level 20 scroll and then went to zone completion.
Level 34, Five 1-15 zones, 18%
Level 46, Four 15-25 zones, 30%
Level 50, Gendarran, 34%
Level 54, Lornar’s Pass, 39%
Level 57, Field’s of Ruin, 42%
Level 60, Harathi Hinterlands, 45%
Level 63, Blazeridge Steppes, 47%
Level 66, Dredgehaunt Cliffs, 51%
Level 69, Bloodtide Coast, 54%
Level 72, Iron Marches, 56%
Level 75, Timberline Falls, 59%
Level 78, Sparkfly Fen, 62%
Level 80, Fireheart Rise, 65% map completion
Mount Maelstrom, 69%
Straits of Devastation, 73%
Frostgorge Sound, 76%
Malchor’s Leep, 79%
Cursed Shore, 82%
6 Cities, 93%
WVW, 100%

Should I stop playing?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Milled over this question for a few days mainly because I grew up with recurring minor carpal tunnel in the left wrist. I always fought though it even with a brace. In my 40s now. End result the carpal is gone now for about a decade but my left thumb has been permanatly numbed due to nerve damage, my left index and middle finger took 3 years returning from numb to normal. Turns all out that’s really annoying even though I’m right handed.

You, Torvarren, have 15x(ish) worse then what I had and I’m damaged for life. You can lose feeling and mobility in your entire left arm, and that would not be fun. I just have a useless thumb to watch out for and not everything attached to it.

Maybe look into Voice command software, see if that could work. If not read a book and rest, the ‘Otherworld’ series by Tad Williams is quite interesting.

I thank you much for your input. Nice to hear from someone that had something similar. It has taken 6 months to get my doctor to order tests for my hand. Refraining from arm use seems the best option at this time.
Again, thanks for your input.

Fractals Instabilities tips

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


We use the easy ones 31 and above to advance,. It only works as long as you have someone who can already play higher than your current level. Level 49 isn’t that bad if you have the AR. We tend to do that one over and over right now.

Should I stop playing?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


I am definitely not a troll. I wanted to see what other people thought of this. It’s mixed feelings of not being able to do things with the people that I have played with for so long.

Should I stop playing?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


I have severe Carpal Tunnel and Cubital Tunnel in my left arm. The doctors asked me to stop any activity that aggravates the injury. When playing it’s like being stabbed in the wrist while barely being able to feel my hand. I am already at the stage that I can’t feel hot or cold in the left hand.
Any thoughts? Didn’t know if this was appropriate for the forums. I would just like some input.

Getting the Most: Celestial VS Other

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Shoulders, Hand and Feet are Equal with the same stats.
To bring the other pieces of gear in Line with those 3 pieces of celestial gear:
2H Weapon, Amulet, Ring +2 to all stats
Accessory, Chest, 1H Weapon, Legs, Head +1 to all stats
A net gain of +10 to all stats would make all the celestial gear closer to equal in it’s usefulness.

Getting the Most: Celestial VS Other

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Gear that Celestial Stats are least detrimental to the primary stats.

1.4003 40% more stats across 7 Stats With Celestial
1.6665 66.7% more Stats to a primary set of 3 stats with Noncelestial.

1.4003 40% more stats across 7 Stats
1.6665 66.7% more Stats to a primary set of 3 stats

1.4003 40% more stats across 7 Stats
1.6665 66.7% more Stats to a primary set of 3 stats

2H Weapon
1.3663 36.6% more stats across 7 Stats
1.7079 70.8% more Stats to a primary set of 3 stats

1.3603 36% more stats across 7 Stats
1.7154 71.5% more Stats to a primary set of 3 stats

1.3565 35.6% more stats across 7 Stats
1.7200 72% more Stats to a primary set of 3 stats

1H Waapon
1.3509 35% more stats across 7 Stats
1.7273 72.7% more Stats to a primary set of 3 stats

1.3508 35% more stats across 7 Stats
1.7273 72.7% more Stats to a primary set of 3 stats

1.3478 34% more stats across 7 Stats
1.7311 73.1% more Stats to a primary set of 3 stats

1.3474 34.7% more stats across 7 Stats
1.7320 73.2% more Stats to a primary set of 3 stats

1.3390 33.9% more stats across 7 Stats
1.7423 74.2% more Stats to a primary set of 3 stats

1.3333 33.3% more stats across 7 Stats
1.7500 75% more Stats to a primary set of 3 stats

(edited by Torvarren.6295)

Removing Personal Story

in Living World

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Personal story is entirely optional. It’s just another way to get some experience. No one is forcing anyone to do personal story.

Please, no ''serialized'' raid anymore...

in Living World

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


You didn’t have to kill all of the golems at the same time. They all just had to die.

We killed the puppet...

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


During the story they said that in that chamber she was completely cut off from the outside world, and that whatever was in there with her was with her before she went in.
It also says that it unlocked a hidden part of a psyche buried in her mind.

How many more awful "releases"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Don’t complain about what fails to hold your attention without making suggestions to things that might hold your attention.

Legendary stats

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Legendaries will get buffed to ascended stats when ascended comes out.

sashimono: NO, Aspect: NO, cape: YES !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


They told us no during the beta. They had capes in the game and they said that they didn’t like the physics of the cape.

Seers, spectral essence and minipets

in Lore

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Originally in GW1 you had to do 1 run for each piece of armor you wanted infused. Five runs for a full set. Well anyways, the seers are dead now. We do have their cousins though.

Trading post profit math is off.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


LOL This again.

With this statement, none of the rest of what you type should be taken seriously, but I digress and shall entertain your words.

There is no bug here. This is a bug subforum.
Also, there’s a subforum specifically for TP, and you can find this discussion over and over there, yet the TP is as it is for good reason.

This would either be a bug from a programmer’s stand point, a mathematical error, or they added the 5% listing fee after the projected profit was already programmed and then forgot to include it.

You may take your offer out because you got undercut, and reprice it. You would be paying 5% + 5% of fees. Should the game do that math for you too, and cut the projected profit by 20% for you, so you see how much you’re going to be earning after the second offer? How many reoffers should it remember? For how long?
All this is talking for the pleasure of trolling.

This scenario is completely ludicrous. We are not asking for any thing like what you are describing here, and obviously that math does not equal 20% anyways.
Posted item for 1 gold, 5 silver down, removed, reposted at 80 silver, 4 silver down, item sold, another 8 silver gone, 5+4+8=17/80=21.25% and not your miscalculated 20%.

The moment you place your offer, that 5% is gone from your pocket, and there’s no good reason to make the game reflect that somehow. We all know that 5% is there. Knowing how much you’re going to collect is the relevant data, since the game is not really going to follow what’s the REAL PROFIT you’re going to make out of the market. It has no manner of knowing how you got the item, or how many times you have offered at what prices.
IF you want to play the market and get more accurate info, fee cut included, pick up a calculator. Leave the TP as it is.

This is more statements that have no bearing on anything. The true profit is in the math, it can be calculated and never disputed. This isn’t about our laziness to do the math. I clearly show that I can do the math. The point here is that the people controlling an economy should know how to do the math, and realize that what they are giving us is wrong information. If you were in a business setting and your constant projection of profit was off by 1/17 more than what it should be, you would fired and the business would be in major trouble.

Trading post profit math is off.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


I noticed this too, and I made a post about it awhile ago. I remember discussing this with my guildies as well, but nothing was ever done or said about it.

Makes me feel better that other people can do math.

Trading post profit math is off.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Total Money 20 silver split between 2 players

1000 starting money
100 buys item
900 money left

1000 starting money
100 price=1 silver
5 paid by player
995 money after post
90 copper collected
1085 Money left

End Money 19 Silver 85 Copper

A deficit of 15 copper per 1 silver trade. This falls in line with the 5% listing fee + 10% tax on item sold, but the Projected profit would say 90c. You may get 90c upon collecting, but doing the math the profit would be 85c.

Your profit is the listed projected profit minus the listing fee.


(edited by Torvarren.6295)

Condition removal in WvW.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Conditions in wvw are why Sigil of Generosity is so expensive.