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Every content in this game so far can be pugged given enough time , i know since i never relied in a guild to achieve my objectives. The only content so far that can’t be pugged is TT and it’s only because the rewards/coordination ratio is kittenty to be honest. The new Tequatl couldn’t be pugged either , LFG wasn’t needed because dungeons couldn’t be pugged, FOTM 50 …
If i knew i would need a dedicated healer class to clear content in HOT i would never had boughted the expansion. Triple Trouble is a fine exemple of a hard challenge and there is no need to have dedicated healer and zerk is not optimal either, devs just went the easy wasy and that makes me regret i purchased the expansion. I moved from my last game to GW2 exactly because i was tired to wait for hours for healers. Can i please have my money back ?
Bloom gain should be awarded by the sucess of the map like it was when we had to evacuate citizens from Lion Arch ( , it wasn’t perfect but it was way better than this system .
Since the patch hit a few minutes ago, all of my API keys are returning the following from /v2/account, /v2/characters, etc.:
After todays patch this problem started again, at least for me.
Do you make money by playing WvW only?
Sure , selling ectos , upgrading/crafting some mats from salvage and from loot bags and selling other mats directly.
When this thread started i had 50+/- gold and 0 mats , Dusk prince was +/-900 gold , 9 months later i already have a Twilight ( bought Dusk for 1300g ) and have already 100g and some mats , going for Sunrise this time. All of this just farming dungeons , cursed shore, upgrading mats and selling good drops instead of unlocking skins.
Was it a chore ? Some days yeah , but still had fun trying to get better at dungeons paths and learning new dungeons to increase income. These days i don’t do dungeons anymore , spending my days in WvW and still making good money each day.
Not trying to make a point here , just sharing another side to this story.
Hi guys ,
Just wanted to know if it’s just me or someone else has been having missfires on symbol of wrath ? If i don’t wait for the animation to end before i press another skill , sow goes on cooldown but the symbol is not created .
Well, isn’t it the same result either way?
If you look at all other forms of content in the game, all of them suffer from diminishing returns in some way or another. World bosses can only be done once per day per character for the chest, and once per account for the bonus. Dungeons can only be completed once per day for the full reward and after that suffer from diminishing returns. Fractals can only be completed once per day per level bracket for the full rewards. Even normal farming runs suffer from diminishing returns if you farm a place for too long.
The only content that does not suffer from these diminishing returns is champ farming, which is why champ trains are the most efficient method for acquiring income. My suggestions for the champ train changes were made with the idea of bringing them in line with the rest of the game, and make it so that players can choose what they want to do rather than feeling compelled to do something simply because it is more efficient than the alternatives. As it is right now, however, champ trains are unbalanced and significantly more rewarding than most other forms of game content, especially with respect to the challenge involved.
So why don’t you ask to kill the EOTM train as well ? Or the FG ? Also , you assume that people that do the train don’t do any of the other activities , when that is not true.
I do all the activities you mentioned and the train ( not the QD , but the FG and EOTM ). If they remove the train do you think that i and others will repeat the same activiy already done before ? We will simply log out and go do something else , and that is not what ANET wants( i think…)
Agree with OP; too many times new players are being yelled at when they just are doing what they suppose to to..roam and kill mobs, explore etc…
Too many experienced players think they OWN this land…well..surprise do NOT!
As for new players…if you are with an unexperienced group and feel the need to take on a champ anywhere anytime…just DO it… the experience you get is valuable for your playingShould you be harrassed by other players about it..tell them to bug off in a friendly way and if they continue…just block them and/or report
Let’s be honest here , new players don’t kill the champs , train griefers do , what happens to new players is what OP described
One of my favorite experiences during the beta of GW2 was stumbling upon the Troll’s stone, picking it up and feeling confused as i got absolutely destroyed by the Champion Cave Troll.
Why do this lvl 80’s kill them ? So they can print-screen map chat and ask for nerfs because they don’t want people to get rewarded for something that they don’t want to do themselves because they consider it to be a boring activity.
Actually, what I’m trying to say is that I don’t really understand the logic of the reward system. Why do games reward repetitive, boring content, rather than rewarding fun, challenging content? It’s almost as if the devs are trying to say that they don’t want us to have fun and that they want us to grind if we want rewards. I’m not saying I don’t want others to be rewarded, but I want people to be rewarded for having fun because that’s what a game should be all about.
Is that a bad thing? Unless, of course, people find grinding the exact same champs, along the exact same path over and over and over again fun…
What’s boring to you might be fun for others , instead of asking to nerf an activity that you consider boring, ask the dev’s to increase the reward of what you think is fun and challenging.
repetitive griefing of targeted specific players
Ah, yes. This is an interesting claim indeed. Can griefing the griefers be considered griefing? Have they deserved it? Isn’t it better to grief two guys before they can grief the entire Map? Is it just of me?
So many questions, so few answers.
The champ train is toxic, and something should be done about. This chat isn’t what new players should have to see.
No, that is quite a clear claim, not interesting at all. Yes, it can. And google “vigilantism” if you find any time in between your griefing endeavours.
And properly-targetted vigilante activities in-game, just as in real life, dramatically improve the quality of the world for everyone who isn’t a scumbag.
And who defines what is/isn’t acceptable ? You ?
I think champ trains as a whole need to be killed off. To me, it’s far too rewarding for content that is so easy (and boring) to complete. The way I see it, ANet needs to rebalanced player rewards so that more difficult content becomes more rewarding, while easier content is less rewarding. It’s the only thing that makes any sense. O_o
I’d say they need to limit it so that champs only drop their loot bags once a day per character. That way killing a champ will still be rewarding if you happen to encounter one in an event, but farming them continuously will no longer be feasible. They could also implement a system where completing an event for the first time in a day yields greater rewards, but repeating that same event multiple times in a day yields less rewards with each subsequent completion. That way, you also can’t just use the trains for endless karma or exp farming.
Since this thread appears every week let me just copy/paste from the other threads the tl/dr of what you are saying
tl:dr – “You get something I want by doing something I don’t feel like doing and yet you get rewarded for it. I don’t want you to get rewarded by doing something I don’t feel like doing myself.”
well, if you think that behaviour makes you any better than those two, you are wrong.
Just playing the way I want, mate.
And yet , you don’t want other people to play how they want
tl:dr – “You get something I want by doing something I don’t feel like doing and yet you get rewarded for it. I don’t want you to get rewarded by doing something I don’t feel like doing myself.”
Well at least I had studying and an exam today/yesteday to help pass the time before the patch is released.
Those priorities
The Tequatl groups that have numbers but fail, fail because people defending the turrets scale up the nearby mobs to the point where the turrets are un defendable.
In other words, good luck. You aren’t going to get help and you might get yelled at with your plan.
In Deso he goes down every spawn , the problem isn’t that , the problem is everyone over extends the dps fase and when mobs reach the turrets the defense group isn’t there , it’s that brief period of time that makes the flawless defense achievment fail , because you can’t let a single turret get destroyed in the encounter.
Hi guys ,
So i’m trying to get this achievment , last one missing , but these days people don’t mind loosing one or 2 turrets for a brief period of time and also keep fighting mobs too close to them.
I have been trying to come up with a build so i can keep those mobs from the turrets for as long as possible, so my idea is to have a bunch of chills , cripples and fear and also to increase their duration. I have a well of darkness also for those situations where the mobs are already ganking the turret.
This is what i have come up with for now, but would really like to get your input on fine tuning or completely revamp that build in order to increase my chances of success.
A player shouldn’t be penalized or feel that way just because they weren’t online at a certain time.
coughLiving Storycough
coughFixed Boss Schedulecough
And I have seen not only those giving feedback that are displeased, but those that are excited and eagerly anticipating the changes to come. My question stands. =)
Why do you keep generalizing the question is beyond me , can you you point me to the thread were people are excited and eagerly anticipating the waypoint changes or any of the changes to those specific points i mentioned ?
I gave my opinion, and yes, this is the way I respond. =)
Let me just tuck my tinfoil hat away brb
Do you always answer questions with another question?
I thought it was a rethorical question, sorry for misinterpretation. I don’t want precedence/preference , i just gave my opinion on the changes and how it affects my gameplay experience , you say that the changes may favour other people but , until now, i only have seen bad inputs on those subjects.
I’m not bashing the entire content/changes, as most of them i found quite positive and exciting, I’m just adressing these topics that are most gamebreaking to me.
I feel your statements may be exaggerated, as far as the economy and other topics go. I suggest we wait and see what happens. What may become less convenient for you, may become a lot more convenient for another. Who, then, has precedence?
Do you always answer like you work for customer service ?
“…Grown men don’t play games ”
DISCLAIMER : English is not my natural language , and Wall of Text inside the spoiler tags .
As a single father with shared custody , my life is already full of schedules(work/kid’s school drop and pickup/bathes/dinner/playtime/ putting my kid to bed | drive him to the his mother’s home) ,wich means i can never predict at what time will i be able to play, most days i can only play for 2 hours tops(non peak hours).
The reason i quitted my previous game (Aion) and joined GW2 was just that , i knew that i could log in whenever i had a chance and still do most of the content.
In Aion if you wanted your PVP gear (necessary since it is a open pvp world), you had to login at specific times to be able to compete in a PVP dungeon (sort of) that was only open 3 times a day. Of those 3 times, most of the days i was only able to enter one (if lucky in getting group with healer and finding opponents).
In reality most of the times i lost the match and only get a bunch of irrelevant points or didn’t even got in. And the gap between me and most of the people was always getting bigger (not fun to be one shotted in open world pvp).
And then GW2 appeared with your dynamic events and living world and the absence of trinity and i just drooled , it was the solution to all of my gaming problems.
In those 2 hours, normally late at nigth, i was able to setup gw2stuff overlay, join the world bosses bandwagon( complete over 90% of them) ,micro managing the events myself, do 4 or 5 champ train rotations(gets boring really fast) and a path or two in some dungeon. And i was happy with that, i didn’t felt like i was falling behind. Two days ago i even managed to kill great jungle wurm boss with just two more players , and get the achievement of not letting any husk get eaten, gz to myself.
Sometimes if i had some spare time after diner i would sit my 4 year old on my lap and in +/- 30 minutes (if all the events alligned) we had a great time jumping around killing the ice dragon(Jormag), the glass dragon(Shatterer) and the leafs dragon( Behe). How many of those events will we be able to enjoy after the 15th in that amount of time?
I don’t do Tequatl or Triple Wurm for obvious reasons but i was ok with that , some people needed/asked for tougher challenges, and you catered them , gratz to you for listening to your players.
Now, with this fixed schedule, you completely destroy top dynamic events(no pre events to spawn shatterer or jormag as an example of a break in immersion) and heavily timegate the rest, barring all players like me (minority or not we’re still a bunch) from most of what the game has to offer in terms of profitable world content, and giving nothing in return.
What will be the players incentive to go through the hassle of unlocking COF wasting precious time waypointing a bunch of times through the map and probably having to “walk” a lot, not to mention the loading screens and the additional time needed to kill all the mobs that are needed for the event to succeed that the “berserker nerf” will cause , just to earn 1 gold when we can jump in any path of AC and get 1,5 gold ?
What will be the incentive for farmers to gather and supply the market when there is no garantee that the nodes are on the same place that they gathered 2 minutes ago with a different char ?
What will be the incentive for people to craft ascended gear when all the basic supplies skyrocket and ascended materials(bloodstone,dragonite,etc…) daily income drops because of the fixed schedule and champ loot nerf ?
I know that some decisions were based on technical limitations, but this is slowly transforming the game from fun to a second job.
In regard of megaserver my suggestions are :
(I won’t say to get rid of the schedule because i know that it won’t happen)
- Waypoints – Unlike what most people are saying, to get free waypoints in same map , i suggest to get only the first waypoint in the map for free, if you’re only checking on a event/dungeon you pay nothing, if you decide to stay in that map and jump around you pay the fee.
- Schedule – I don’t really have a suggestion to fix it (in case you think that it needs to be fixed) but please review those timers , they are too spread apart .
And no, i will not threaten to leave, but GW2 will be a lot less fun for me after the 15th.
I look forward to being proven wrong.
You’re wrong , i found her , she’s next to Peter
I’ll add my two biggest sugestions :
- FOV slider – I get really jealous when whatching GW2 videos like this on 2560×1440 or 2560×1600 monitors and then when i use flashing blades on my guardian on LA Knight the only thing i see is a kneecap
- Spectator mode in dungeons – So we can teach new guildies/people/friends how to do certain dungeons paths live