Showing Posts For Tyrestian.8602:

So, no more blasts on evasive arcana [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


Yes. This was a crippling blow to the last bastion of PVE Staff Elementalists. If you were going to do this then you guys should have offered some VIABLE alternatives for PVE Staff play. I am so tired of the PVP in this game determining everything!

EDIT: ALSO, -TWO- people working on profession balance is completely unacceptable. Even if these two are robots and work 24/7 they wouldn’t be enough to cover the huge about of skills/traits/profession/playstyles. It totally makes sense why Elementalists (staff in particular) have been garbage since release. It’s why my girlfriend (I bought the game to play with her) completely quit the game.

You’ll never get her back if you don’t do something to fix Elementalists and tune them to something more akin to the BWEs. Every patch it’s nerf or “bug fix” that results in a nerf. Hire some more people to cover one of the most major aspects of the game!

(edited by Tyrestian.8602)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


Well I know what I’m doing with a lemon when ANet makes them TP-able.

Exit Portal lasts 10 sec, not 20 that tooltip says?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


Here’s hoping the bug is the duration being 10 sec and not the tooltip incorrectly reporting 20 seconds….

SIgnet of Inspiration?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


The only thing it’s good for now is sPVP in a Boon build, where the spreading function is amazing when used properly, and you’re usually in combat so the random boons are rolling often.

On what armor black looks black?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


Not sure why this is a Mesmer-specific question…but in general most light armors look black as black when dyed with either Midnight Fire or Midnight Ice.

They are the darkest colors in the game, though they have a respective red/blue tinge to them, it’s hardly noticeable on most armors. Abyss is the darkest “true black” dye, though it is by no means the darkest.

Compounding Power Trait in the Illusions Line

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


Considering that each shatter sets your Illusions individually, I would believe the first clone to pop shatters with +9%, the second with +6% and the third with +3%, unless you pull out two more Illusions in the time your others are going in to Shatter (Once you hit shatter you are able to immediately start making more Illusions, even if your old ones haven’t actually popped yet) to maintain the missing % bonuses.

This is just conjecture of how I would assume it works, though. It would be hard to test this.

Gsword + Sigil of Rage! kitten FUN! Shatter BURST!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


I can’t think that Sigil of Rage is anything but a gimmick. At its BEST (and that is nigh impossible to do like clockwork every 45 seconds, a chance upon a chance to work? What?) it is 3 seconds of Quickness every FORTY FIVE SECONDS.

It basically boils down to: Can you do more in 3 seconds with Quickness than you can in the remaining forty two seconds with another sigil?

The math is against you on this one. It’s really neat and flashy when it works and probably makes for a killer burst kill. But how often does that really happen in a fast paced PVP setting? Likely only enough to highlight specific kills in a montage PVP video….

Next gw2 Expansion Class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


I would love Hylek or Skritt, but I’ve been told that according to GW lore, Skritt and Hylek are too ‘primitive’ and are ‘lesser races’ not capable of higher cognitive thought, and thus not candidates for player characters.

Kodan, on the other hand, would make sense and are also armored bears which makes them automatically 100% kitten.

Of Portals and Pouncing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


If Mesmer portals are being abused to completely bypass a Keep/Tower from the OUTSIDE (will explain in a second), then that issue needs addressing.

I have, however, gotten a team into a tower through gates by hiding after the tower fell to the enemy, then sticking around until they thinned out their defenses, and dropping a portal inside first, then going to the outside and bringing people in.

That’s really just them being sloppy about not making sure their tower is secure IMO. However, warping through from the outside and taking the location through any means other than bringing down a gate or wall seems to trivialize the assault and seige mechanics central to WvW play, which doesn’t sound like what ANet is sanctioning in that post.

I feel he’s merely saying that there isn’t a problem with Mesmers using portals in zerg vs. zerg tactics to warp a large amount of people into the heart of a force to disperse their enemy. Both sides can do this, and aside from rendering issues (which I believe would be felt by both sides), I can stand behind ANet’s sanctioning of it.

No mounts - I simply don't understand...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


I can’t believe this discussion is still going on.

You do not need mounts. You do not need mounts. You do not need mounts.

Three points are all you need.

-Most classes have a speed buff of some kind.

-Waypoints are placed all over the map, and the game is balanced to make the cost to use them not completely outrageous.

-Guild Wars 2 encourages exploration. Running around and into something. The entire leveling progression is balanced around this mechanic. This is also the case in WvW. Dying means something. If you’re out alone you are vulnerable. It encourages you to stay in groups so you can be revived from being downed/killed. Mounts would just see massive assaults on far reaching corners of the map and it would be impossible for one side to maintain momentum because of how scattered people are.

Stop treating this game from a WoW-esque standpoint already. I played WoW since vanilla release, and I find Guild Wars 2 to be the most refreshing take on an MMO to date (Played Ultima Online, EQ1, FFIX as well.)

Of Portals and Pouncing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


An easy fix would be to simply give the defending Lord NPCs a power scale or buff that makes it harder/impossible to down them while the keep/tower/etc remains “intact”, and the buff simply fades when a wall or gate is destroyed. This would allow Theives/Mesmers/Elems to get up onto the walls and deal with the wall defenders during an assault, but wouldn’t allow them to single handedly bypass defenses and capture the location outright.

Of Portals and Pouncing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


Hi. 80 Mesmer here on GoM. I read the linked material….but I guess I’m not understanding.

The links refer to all the problems with a massive amount of people getting invisible/not rendered quick enough when sent through a portal into an enemy zerg. I don’t see anyone talking about using portal to bypass a keep with a standing gate/wall, which seems to be what you are claiming takes place.

Could you link a video or post that specifies how and when people are using the portal skill to traverse from the attacking side of a gate/keep to the defending side?

As a side note, I am totally all for Theives being able to shadowstep up to defenders/walls, so long as Elementalists and Mesmers can use their Blinks to do the same (as it was in the BWEs). It would make people actively defend against threats versus zerging a keep, dropping a ridiculous amount of upgrades and then the defenders leaving it alone to zerg another location, which is what seems to happen on WvW when one team has a huge amount of map control.

So, will Mesmers ever get

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


Because our class picture (everyone knows it, the girl with the awesome fan!) has one, and She. Looks. kitten.

Will Mesmers ever get a sweet looking fan for anything? A special model for a Focus, perhaps? Is someone going to blow my mind wrack and tell me there’s already a fan model in game?

I want to have a fan.

Do you?

Post Your Build Thread

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


Keep in mind that with a condition build, I’m fairly sure that anything that increases Condition damage (or things like +Bleed duration, etc) only affect conditions/bleeds that -YOU- apply. I do not believe, regrettably, that Sharper Image bleeds from your Illusions are affected by +duration at all. If someone will refute this with hard data I’d be a very happy Mesmer. Until then, I’ll be avoiding Krait/Centaur/Afflicted runes.

Dat greatsword change.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


I have to also express my elation. I fell in love with the Greatsword kit early on with my Mesmer (aside from the fact that it’s a really neat to see a caster using a huge sword, channeling energy through it and everything), but the constant downtalk of its viability and the crap it got for its bad damage and #3 was sucky.

After the patch I noticed while doing a skill challenge that my Spatial Surge was going really quickly. I thought I was under haste effect or something! Also, the cut of the “post-damage downtime animation” on Mind Stab is awesome! Here here for “Improved Responsiveness”! This fixed every problem I had with the GS!

A quality of life buff for Shatter (ignoring the other obvious problems).

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


Would a good idea (among the tons proposed to fix our clunky/mixed signals shatter mechanic), be to give illusions invulnerability after triggering a shatter?

To be specific, nothing is more frustrating than lining up 3 instant illusions blowing CD’s only to see them get AoE killed before they reach the target for a shatter, or the target dying before they can get into range.

Since some illusions have QUITE THE DISTANCE to run, depending on where you summoned them, to get into shatter range, would it not be a good idea to either give them Invulnerability while in this “do-nothing-running-into-range” state, or perhaps eliminate the distance factor altogether by having shatters “blink” or “warp” to their targets on a shatter pop?

Shatter has its problems, but I think the biggest annoyance is how long my clones who aren’t actively engaged in melee (i.e. most of them) spend running to a target, making me wait 3-4 seconds AFTER hitting a shatter to actually start summoning more illusions.

Let’s not turn this into another Shatter needs X, Y, Z fixes thread, but just focus on this idea specifically. Thanks!