I think the concern is that GMs may not have a way to verify that bell spamming was happening. They might check the player’s chat logs, see nothing, and assume you were abusing the report feature.
Wont buy gems until i have fun playing this game.
Not looking too good.
I have seen these tactics take place right before my eyes, Allods Online, a p2w game that made you grind until you gave up and bought gems..£10 for 1 item, £500+ for a combat mount which was 0.0000001% RNG of dropping.
Either way I am not enjoying the game and not liking the direction of the game.
I already feel as though i paid £49.99 for a beta.
At least Allods was completely transparent that they were p2w, and they didn’t charge you for the box. In retrospect, it’s kind of sad that I left a cheaply-made p2w Asian grindfest with more goodwill than it seems like I’ll be leaving what was supposed to be a AAA Western MMO with a solid IP behind it.
I don’t think the AOE nerfs were motivated solely, or even mainly to reduce farming. I have little doubt, however, that they plan to nerf Orr into the ground. I’m hoping they surprise me. Really. There is so much promising stuff in this game that I wish I could continue to fund. But their business model (and their deception regarding its true nature) isn’t something I can support any more.
For what it’s worth, I actually think your character looks way better in game than in the preview. It matches her “skin” tone better.Then again, I seem to be weird in that I dislike abyss in anything but accents.
It seems like none of the my major concerns with the game were addressed (e.g., the unreasonable cost for ascended gear, the lack of a lfg system, the flawed legendary system, and the most brutal and unrewarding RNG I have ever seen in a B2P title—or most F2P ones!) As a PVEer, it seems like you are actually making the game more frustrating, especially since you’ve said nothing to indicate that the promised ascended gear isn’t going to come in those RNG boxes.
I’m downloading The Secret World right now. I don’t know which game I’ll stick with in the end, but the sad thing is that before Lost Shores and the nightmarish ascended grind there wouldn’t have even been a question.
And please, enough with the “people will message me”, that rarely happens if they see you have auto-decline on and if it does, politely tell them that you are not interested, why are you so afraid of social interaction?
Because for the most part the messages are not polite messages like “Please duel.” They are insults: at best “care bear”, but often things that I won’t even try with the profanity filter here. If you consider that a form of social interaction that is acceptable and should just be shrugged off, then no, I don’t want to encourage it or your community.
I’ll reiterate: I’m all for making 1 vs. 1 available. Just not in the open world where it would be disruptive.
IF you wearing full Nightmare, I am almost positive it would dye the same all the way through, as opposed to the varying shades per armor piece.
Actually, Nightmare is kind of a special case. Most Sylvari-based armors have a gradient of colors. A ton of greens show up as green tinged with brown or red, and vice-versa. It’s supposed to look organic and plant-like. If you want spiky and metal and intimidating, use something else.
But yeah, for the most part, different armor sets just dye darker and lighter than others. Either use a full set or use black instead of abyss on some pices to get a uniform color.
Seriously?! O_o
What kind of educational system do you have? Because that sounds pretty horrible.
I understand that you don’t know how to utilize metric mesurements unless you want to become scientist or that you are not forced to be fluent in at least two languages.
But understanding time systems and standardization of time is simple geography. That is something you learn in elementary school and my geography lessons were pretty bad for german standards.
You also have diffrent time zones in your country, so isn’t that something pretty important you should learn?I really apologize if this sounds offending or anything, it isn’t meant that way, but I am seriously baffled by this.
We’re taught that time zones exist and why they’re necessary, obviously. And we’re taught how to convert between our internal time zones. However, this is generally in the form of “Add 3 hours to Pacific time to get Eastern time.” GMT need not factor in at all. (It certainly didn’t in my education, and I did VERY well on standardized tests, so my education can’t have completely sucked by American standards.)
The stereotypes about Americans sucking at geography really are true, for the most part. Since the federal requirements are extremely lax, students doing well in that subject doesn’t contribute to district funding at all, which in turn means not much time is allotted for it
And yeah living in the USmakes it easier for you to understand what PST is. CET would be as foreign to you as PST is to us. That is why we have a time standard in the first place and that is GMT, so there is no reason not to use it.
For what it’s worth, GMT is as foreign to the majority of Americans as CET. It’s rarely taught in public schools. Really, the US is about the same size as the whole EU, so far fewer Americans are directly involved in international business and travel.
I never played Factions. I don’t know what a siege turtle did. However, the name alone tells me it was clearly the coolest thing ever.
I just realized why i’d rather not level an alt at the moment: It’s because (aside from entailing more expenses for the equipments), I would generate a whole lot of gold from farming with a maxed level character instead. I find leveling an alt wasted time and money since I am in need of some gold right now.
Yeah. Some days I’d really prefer leveling my alts to continual farming or dungeon running on my 80s just for a change of pace, but the reality is that this game just doesn’t give you the luxury. Since most stuff has to be acquired through the TP rather than drops, if you don’t maximize your gold you just fall further and further behind.
“But people spam me!” First of all, this almost never happens to begin with. If it’s REALLY that big of an issue though and you REALLY thought REALLY hard for a second or two, you’d know a simple “ignore duel requests” function would be a full fix.
That’s what I’m saying though: it isn’t. WoW had a feature to deny requests.
Every time I passed the Orgrimmar gate-yes, every single time, at least before flying mounts were enabled-I would have two or three people spam me with a poorly-spelled variation of “Why do you have dueling blocked?!” If I didn’t answer, I would sometimes be insulted. On the rare occasions I did, it was often followed by more insults or sometimes “OMG PLZ DUEL ME” spam.
Now, it’s possible that I just played on really bad servers for that, but it did happen on more than one server. I’ll concede that GW2 doesn’t really have the same kind of chokepoint, so it might not be as bad. But then again, if the area outside the bank in Lion’s Arch became people’s chosen dueling spot… * shudders *
Also, since a large number of people dueling in one spot affects performance, it really would affect people who didn’t duel. (If they restricted it to certain spots it would be less of an issue.)
(edited by Urthona.3198)
Unless you do a ton of research and keep up with current trading post prices, none of them. Even then, your profits won’t be much larger than just selling the raw materials.
The main benefits of crafting are the experience gain and the ability to crafty a legendary.
Then just have a block duel requests function similar to block function in general?
Because then you get this problem:
No they haven’t, and I hope they never do. I had my fill of people pm’ing me “Hey dood, why dont u accept duls?” (yes, typed just like that!) from other MMO’s.
If you block duel requests, the same people who spam those will spam you with complaints that you block duel requests. I support some sort of 1v1 feature, but it should be done through the PVP lobby.
Also, the word is “probably”.
“Prolly” is also an acceptable, if slang, abbreviation. But it is spelled “prolly.” /pedantry
Anyway, very few MMOs actually disclose their population numbers, so the lack of them in GW2 really shouldn’t surprise you.
Please. For the love of Grenth. NO BAGPIPES.
I would like to see more musical instruments, though. Just not bagpipes.
Gender =/= Sex. The Sylvari have no sex, but they do have genders as gender is a cultural construct.
I would argue that they have sexes as well, since they have bodies that biologically differ. They can’t reproduce, but it’s been stated that they otherwise have all the appropriate parts. Because apparently this:
“So they can wear the game’s shared, but gendered, armor”, combined with “Marketing told us that players wouldn’t relate to a species of androgynous neuters”.
Which makes me sad.
There are 166. It is possible to complete the achievement. Make sure you have all the jumping puzzles discovered as well as the “Aurora’s Remains” area in southwestern Brisban Wildlands.
Warforged say hi.
But I’d definitely be interested in playing a “robot” if for some reason they were released before the more obvious candidates (like Tengu.) I was always partial to steampunk.
I agree 100% with the OP. I’m fine for the insane ecto cost for the cosmetic beta version. That’s just cosmetic. I’m even fine with the high amount of mats required for the books and quivers, since their point is to be a faster but more expensive alternative to actually grinding for the dungeon tokens.
However, requiring that many ectos for the “dungeon grind” version just is pretty extreme. It would be pretty extreme in a game that hadn’t advertised, “You won’t have to grind for stats.” I’ve been playing pretty much daily since launch using only Black Lion kits for rares, and I haven’t found a total of 250 ectos over that entire period of time.
I agree that we should be able to buy a “Gift of Infusion” with dungeon tokens in place of the ectos in order to infuse the capacitor. Make it cost another 1000, for all I care. It’ll still be more obtainable for a lot of people who prefer actually running the dungeons to playing the TP.
The skin, yes. The stats and/or upgrades, no.
well never used a spy kit myself so miht be wrong woouldnt you brak the stealth as soon as you begin to harvet the node? ie giving the boss a target (you) to hit, so you be lucky then to get more than 1 or 2 swings on it befre you dead if you tried then
Nope, interacting with something won’t break stealth.. Spy kits would be useless otherwise. (Attacking and moving will break it.)
That said, it’s usually easiest just to kite the thing down the ramp if it’s in aggro range. Why deal with the loading screen?
Yeah, “noob” and “newbie” have completely different connotations to me. “Noob” is an insult or self-deprecating term, while “newbie” is polite and neutral.
Also, given that “FTW” and “great” function as two different parts of speech, it’s kind of difficult for me to grasp how they’re supposed to be equivalent. “GW2 FTW” versus “GW2 is great”, perhaps? But even those don’t necessarily have the same connotation. It’s very unlikely that the latter is sarcastic, for example, but depending on context, the former easily could be.
I still have no idea why the walking weed wanted to purify Orr first. If Zhaitan is the source of undead, then killing him should have been the top priority. I mean, what if all purifying Orr did was just alert Zhaitan that the place is cleansed? He could have just gone underground and started the whole corruption process all over again. My Charr even told Rytlock (in one of those voiced ‘cutscenes’) that killing Zhaitan is the only way to stop the flow of undead. Pretty sure that’s what every other race, aside from maybe Sylvari, will say.
I’d say it was done entirely for the purposes of narrative structure. Which is more dramatic?:
1. Defeating an elder dragon (issues with the actual implementation of that fight notwithstanding)
2. Wading around in kiddie pool while a walking twig performs some ritual
I think most people (again, ignoring issues with the actual implementation of the Zhaitan battle) would agree that the dragon fight sounds more exciting. It’s what the plot has been working towards for 80 levels, after all. Having to go back to Orr to quest after running Arah and completing that goal would only have served to make the ending even more anticlimactic.
So yeah, the order might not have been logical, but it made for a better story. Obviously, it would have been nice if they had given some kind of reason why Orr had to be cleansed first. Even just a simple line like, “This ritual will weaken Zhaitan to the point we can defeat him.”
Making it tradeable would singlehandedly destroy the prestige of the gear. You don’t want supply and demand control the value of these prestigious items, but the actual invested player time and to a degree skill to attain them. It may be a harsh truth, but not everybody who wants ascended gear deserves it.
I agree though, that superfluous items should be able to be converted into something that doesn’t affect the economy or prestige of it, while still being of use to the player. Guaranteed Mystic Forge recipes to turn spare ascended gear items into soulbound ascended gear or weapons you actually can use. If they can pull it off, they could also make those new items account bound and soulbound on equip. There’s many ways to make use of excess loot without cheapening it’s value by selling it.
Legendaries are tradeable, and you’re arguing that some piece of jewelry that takes a maximum of ten days to get and that no one can even see shouldn’t be? While I prefer the model where gear is soulbound, the current setup seems kind of silly. And since the devs have repeatedly indicated that they aren’t going to change legendaries anytime soon, well, they might as well go whole hog and make no drops account bound.
(edited by Urthona.3198)
I don’t mind the dungeon grind. to be honest. Dungeons are my favorite MMO activity. I might as well be rewarded.
My problem is that you can’t actually get the gear by running the dungeons! There’s no way a typical dungeon runner is going to come by 250 ectos in a reasonable time while playing normally, and definitely not in the time it takes to grind out the tokens for the backpiece.
The mat requirements should be reduced to a level where they are, in fact, possible to acquire within that time frame, or the ingredients should be changed to items purchasable with fractal tokens (e.g., require 2 gifts of ascension instead of 250 ectos, or a new Gift of Infusion or whatever.)
(edited by Urthona.3198)
It’s not as if you’ll ever be one big happy guild again anyway. While these guys obviously weren’t the most ethical people, it says something that a number of members sided with them instead of the rest of the leadership.
In the end, someone was going to have to create a new guild anyway, and it looks like the choice has been made for you. Time for a fresh start. Anyone worth playing with will follow you to it. Hopefully you now understand the ramifications of having full admin privileges for all leaders, because you’ll find that this kind of thing happens all the time.
Deleting the old guild (if you still can) just seems pointless to me. Why do it, other than revenge? They worked toward earning that influence too, after all, and deleting it just hurts them without any gain for you. I’d probably take the moral high ground, because if you’re telling the truth it’s all you have left.
(edited by Urthona.3198)
Actually, come to think of it, the light Arah armor has a resemblance. Dang, I can’t unsee Skeletor now.
Was it the Shadow Armor hood? Or maybe the Karma Exotics ? Heavy armor doesn’t really have cloth hoods at all, so…
(edited by Urthona.3198)
After getting 50 kills and exactly one badge yesterday, I’ve given up on getting my gift of Battle from anything but JPs. Unfortunately, one server in my tier constantly camps the JPs, including the ones in all the borderlands. Seriously, if they had half the people camping the JPs actually capturing objectives…
Anyway, from what it sounds like on the forums, my tier is an anomaly. I refuse to transfer to the server in my tier that camps them, just on principle, but I am willing to transfer to a different server for a week or two to finish up my gift. Anyone have any recommendations? I don’t care about actual ranking, I just want to get in, do the JPs, and get out.
I depends on why you liked death knight, really. If you liked debuffs and dots, then guardian can’t hold a candle to necromancer in terms of that. If you liked the survivability, then both classes are good for that, but guardian probably comes by it more easily. If you want to be melee specifically, then guardian is more geared toward that. And for the necromancer aesthetic, well, I hope that one’s obvious…
Now, in terms of balance, guardian is better off in PVP right now. They’re both good in PVE.
I play this game specifically because it does not have mana bars (for most classes.) If I wanted a mana bar, i would have played one of those classes. I hope they keep it that way, because it’s one of the few things keeping me here at this point.
That’s the helmet from the primeval armor skin. (In fact, it appears that most of his gear is using primeval skins.) You have to buy it as part of the set from the gem store.
(edited by Urthona.3198)
Yeah, I’ll admit that I felt a little weird doing that quest. Not as uncomfortable as some parts of SWTOR, granted, but at least there the effect was hopefully intended. However, I’m also a rhetoric student, so I’m probably WAY more sensitive to this kind of thing than the majority of players.
I honestly don’t believe that there was any kind of intentional political agenda behind the Ebonhawke quest. I don’t think it’s disturbing enough to warrant removal even for the people who do think about the quest more deeply than was likely intended. It’s just a case where the writers didn’t think something through.
The problem is that one-handed weapons are balanced to have less stats than two-handed weapons. Either they’d be encouraging players to gimp themselves in terms of stats (which would be basically just a trap that no one who knew better would use anyway) or they’d have to somehow double the stats for a mainhand only when an offhand wasn’t equipped.
The latter might not even be possible without reprogramming the entire system.
So if three jerks cooperate then they can ruin two other people’s play session? voting is not the answer.
It’s a whole lot better than two jerks being able to ruin your day, or one jerk who the system won’t let you kick. I have played games where vote kicking wasn’t allowed or was bugged, and yes, there really were people who would afk to prevent you from progessing through mechanics that needed a full party just to troll. There were also bots who would just auto-follow and reap the rewards.
Absolutely any system is going to have issues, but a majority vote is probably the lesser of these evils.
I agree that heavy armor is better off in terms of variety than medium, but it would still be nice to have some options that were more “paladin” than “barbarian.” Right now most stuff is tattered or has skulls hanging off of it, which looks really strange on a guardian. It’s worse on non-humans, as humans at least get their cultural armor.
All skills that specify “when you use a healing skill” apply to the active use of your #6 skill, and only the active use of your number 6 skill. It does not apply to passive regen caused by a healing signet or guardian virtue. It does not apply to direct heals or regeneration applied by abilities other than your #6 skill.
This does mean that engineers using the healing kit are limited only by the rune’s internal cooldown, as they can spam 6 to their heart’s content.
I have had this happen to a guild in several games. In 2-3 of them, the items were restored. In one case, the player received a temp ban, even though there wasn’t anything specific in that game’s ToS that allowed it. In other cases, we were simply told to be careful who to trust and no further action was taken. It depends a lot on the game’s policy and possibly on the particular GM.
Personally, I’d hope GW2 falls on the end of the spectrum that punishes these things, since the overall game isn’t a FFA sandbox that encourages predatory behavior. (If it was, then yeah, I’d say the guild should just have to suck it up.)
I’m not particularly attached to Traehearne, but I think having him become evil is just adding a painful cliche on top of all the other issues with the character. Having an important NPC become evil just because you need a new boss happens so frequently in MMOs that it really is more cliche than the “unambiguous good guy” at this point.
There are ways to push him into the background or kill him off that don’t necessarily involve turning him into the endboss of the new Fort Trinity dungeon. They probably will if the game lasts long enough, but it’s not exactly the most innovative option.
You press the appropriate key for the skill once to trigger the first effect. You press it again for the second effect.
In other words, staff 2 launches the orb of light. Pay attention to its path, and press 2 again when the orb reaches the spot you want it to explode at, and it will detonate. Bear in mind that the orb still damages foes it passes directly though and that detonating the orb gives the skill a longer cooldown, so in some situations it can be higher DPS not to detonate it.
Similarly, press 5 to put up your shield of absorbtion, and press 5 again when you want to detonate it. Remember, you can only detonate while it’s up, and it only lasts a few seconds.
(edited by Urthona.3198)
The Dredge also seem to have a very advanced civilization (not just mindlessly digging or piggybacking off of salvaged Dwarven tech), referencing a Collective and suggesting they have a very consensus-based or democratic way of doing things, maybe?
Any thoughts?
Umm, maybe my sarcasm meter is broken, but…did you seriously miss all the references to Soviet Russia with the dredge? Real life naked mole rats are eusocial, so it kind of makes sense. At least as much sense as a sapient race of communist moles can make.
You’re forgetting other races. Skritt, Ettins, Dredge, Grawl, Harpy, Centaur, Dwarves, Ghosts, Risen, Kodan, Krait, Largos, Ogres, Tengu…… DANG there’s a lot of sapient races…
Most of those I’d assume not be very tasty, except maybe tengu and centaur
Bear is actually pretty good, unless you dislike the flavor of wild game in general. I’m sure Kodan would taste fine. It would be getting the meat that would be the problem!
The texture of sylvari seems more wood-like than fruit-like in a lot of cases. I’m going to go out on a limb (har har) and say that they would be mostly inedible, unless perhaps they were heavily processed, like cinnamon.
I’d rather try Tengu. Should taste like chicken, right?
Personally I don’t think there’s anything wrong with nudity if it’s handled maturely, tastefully and makes sense in whatever context it’s in.
This. Honestly, it doesn’t have to be mature, just logical and consistent with the tone. Nudity works in The Witcher 2 because it’s an adult game overall. Nudity (and, dare I say, ridiculously over-the-top sexism) work in Age of Conan because it’s based on pulp fiction. Nudity in pornographic fan art of children’s animation is uncomfortable for most people not because it’s pornographic, but because it’s based on children’s animation.
Guild Wars 2, on the other hand, is a game with pop guns and manatee people and unironic quests where you help people garden. Situations where nudity made sense wouldn’t mesh at all with the tone. It would just come off as absurd or uncomfortable. It would be possible to pull it off in a “gritty reboot” sequel, but as we have learned all too well in recent years, gritty reboots usually just end up being absurd as well.
Alt + drag
You’ll then have the option to select how many of the item you want to split off into the new stack.
You guys realize you can just level an alt to 30, join the order whose armor you want, transmute the skins to a white, and transfer it through the bank, right? Yeah, you have to buy the fine transmutation stones, but you already said you’d be willing to pay.
I feel the same way as the OP. I envy those who don’t. Honestly. I want to like this game so much. It’s just that at the end of the day, I play RPGs because I like the feeling of accomplishment. Right now, I can play an entire weekend and feel no closer to my in-game goals.
I understand they don’t want a gear grind here, I absolutely get it. I like that fact. I like to come here for no gear grind, and I like to go to WoW for gear grind. I like both styles.
Have you checked the mats for the infused backpiece? The bare-bones “cheap” one bought partially with tokens, not the fancy beta upgrade with the cosmetic effects or expensive one crafted outright. We’re talking about the cheapest method to get non-cosmetic gear required to progress. 250 ectos. I have been playing daily since launch, salvaging everything, and I have about half that. Sure, you can buy them rather than rely on RNG, but since that’s dependent on other players, the price just keeps going up faster than I can make the gold. At least the WoW grind has a clear benchmark that doesn’t move.
And you know what the worst part is? I really want to use those ectos for my legendary. I have to AVOID progressing in order to work towards the best weapons in the game. That just seems so incredibly backwards.
(edited by Urthona.3198)
I think we should have at least 3 legendary choices for each weapons, really.
Cute one.
Cool one.
Bad kitten one.
I think the categories should be more along the lines of “funny”, “good”, and “evil”, but I agree. I like “joke” legendaries like Quip and the Moot, but none of the weapons I use most often have funny skins.
I’m sorry but no. “Fun” is just a buzzword used in this case to justify poor content design. If you can’t justify what’s enjoyable then you’ve lost the argument right off the bat.
Just because they aren’t the most innovative bosses ever (which they’re not) doesn’t make them objectively not enjoyable for anyone. Just because Michael Bay movies are objectively bad (and oh, they are) doesn’t make them not entertaining. Sometimes I’m okay with mindlessly watching explosions or autoattacking a cool-looking boss for an hour. It may not be intellectually stimulating, but that’s exactly what makes it relaxing.