Commander's don't need to show their commander icon outside of WvWvW
in Suggestions
Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736
in Suggestions
Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736
i honestly dont see why people cry over this, unless your jealous of 100G, i think people just need to get over it, it’s the same cries in LA by only .1% of the population each day, the rest are like big whoop..why do we care if some1 spent that much dosh?, “so you stare at your mini-map to let it annoy you?”….also i’d rather follow a commander on a karma train, then a nobody..and yes some people start karma trains in LA, so grow up and move on, or DONT look at your mini map anymore, it’s threads like this that should be trashed upon creation…expecially when alot more important stuff need attention.
Let me guess, you own a commander icon and wouldn’t know where to begin in WvW right? Worried your pseudo status icon will become invisible? I suggest you ‘get over it’ and start farming something else to make yourself look self important.
no commander title, not even close to the gold needed, i just dont let some1 elses icon/IN GAME MONEY/Out of Game Money, bother me and have seen how useful they can be when some 1 starts a karma train…why is it, when some1 has no problem with something, your kind AUTO assume we have it?…. WvW is easy, 12 chimps could zerg on there and play.. to begin in WvW=i call out, zerg grp starting meet here ping WP/PoI and tell them to also bring supplies, then i ask where every 1 wants to start, and go by majority vote, then we make out way to the attack, i put a ram at gate(etc), and i havent got a commander title….so again you just sound jealous and angry over nothing….and on top of that fail at your “attack” since i dont have the title, nor the cash. K, THNX, Bye.
/bump great idea, minus music, loved gw1 emotes and loved how proffessions ALL danced DIFFERENT.
Heya guys & ANet,
I just thought it would be really cool to give Tailors the ability to craft town clothes. They don’t have to be super fancy, but some of the base NPC clothing skins we see in town would be very awesome! Pretty much anything at this point so we can have some individuality options in town. I understand you want us to buy the pretties from the Gem Store, but I see nothing wrong with having base town clothes available via Tailors and the really cool accessories and costume sets on the Gem Store.
Maybe sell the designs from Karma vendors in the capital cities for the various races; following the themes for the races?
Just a few thoughts to try and improve an already AWESOME game!
give us a reason to wear them atleast..i hate how everything is “Lemmingnised” in this game…light/medium/heavy is the only thing besides race that defines us, even our town clothes atm=lemmingnised, if i could craft something different to wear, i would.
in Suggestions
Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736
Right, as I said the issue is with the waypoints no the leveling. I don’t care about leveling my character. I DO care that I have to go back and get all these different waypoints again just so I can do things like the Shatterer or even teleport around LA without it being an annoyance.
takes 5-15 mins to run around a town and get all WP’s/PoI(not including vistas): LA, Div, Cit, Hoel, Grove, Rata,…15 mins is for citadel if you dont know your way around.
L.A takes 9 mins(with most vistas+in town free speed boost from NPC)=i know cus 2 non mains ran around ALL L.A looking for all carving Pumpkins.
but if you’d like to craft something that unlock all WP’s themselves in that single town(not explorable), i dont see that as an issue if you already have a 100%’er…but map wide…NO!!
No. I do not want a Healer/Buffer Profession in this game. They make far too much of a big difference when grouped up.
2 bad Mes, Guardian, Ele, Engineer, Ranger all do that already
sorry to destroy the game for you.
So… it’s a human-only profession?
Honestly, people! Even if you insist we need a healer, is it that hard to come up with a secular healing profession?
On a more pragmatic level: Making this class will single-handedly make them a Must Have for all group content, forevermore – the one thing Arenanet specifically wanted to discourage when they chose to break the trinity. NOBODY will enter a dungeon without one. Of course, nobody will want to be the one to make one, either. Except people who will do so KNOWING it will guarantee they’ll be in demand. I was not around for the infamous Monk Strike of GW1, but the fact I’ve even heard of it says it left an impression on all who were around for it.
re-read/read properly, i INSISTED WE DONT..also it was “open to suggestion” nothing is set in stone(skill names etc)…on another note, if anet wanted to break the trinity, by all rights my mesmer 30 tough/25 vit/15 power should tank with the best(this is not the case), so leave the trinity out of it for now, thats a broken argument for another post.
that being said re-read, i already noted how many party healing classes we got, and how uneeded the healing class is, and the fact it can be DPS and Support and Heal means it has more then 1 variety, the monk strike=rit’s learned how good they could heal/prot and so did others(again another discussion).
now all being aired, i believe you didnt even read much b4 commenting.
Please keep this civil.
Seriously, Yumcha and Vander, you two have both made your points on where you stand. Get over it. Anet has seen the complaints and will react accordingly. If you want to complain and be hostile, take it to PM or anywhere else really.
i have never once been hostile, and am only on counter defence, take note who is re-quoting the same thing…NOT ME, so don’t target me buddy when all i have been is nice wording and civil, thank you.
in Suggestions
Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736
thats why u can lvl wvw+crafting, so u dont have to explore(just run to needed WP’s to do dungeons)…i’m re-doing this on 7 chatacters(with main at 100%), i just dont see this as viable, +it’s annoying enough with lower levels in mid level areas TBH.
Criticizing me of my skills would be a felony agains’t the forum rules. You would do well to be careful in that department.
The fact still remains. Stealthing is an exploit towards finishing moves. I suggest it be altered or simply disabled during a finishing kill, amongst other abilities that alter the performance of finishing your enemy.
I stated a simple fact, towards all players, you are not special, im sorry, but there’s to many way’s to counter the issued i’m reading, so it IS down to personal skill and timing, and with both, PRACTICE makes PERFECT,, this game isnt even 3 whole months old, not every1 is expected to have picked it up yet, but taking everything i say and ACTING like it’s a personal insult towards you, show’s everything about you and why your Complaining….and i will repeat there’s to many way’s to counter the issues i’m reading, so yes it has every thing to do with PLAYER skill (take note “player”, not yout name)
i just miss the proffession specific….so far, dye jobs only set classess apart.
also let us know how many there are (i.e:u unlocked 50/503 dies, etc.
So your accusing me of being arrogant and stupid.
I would so gladly defend my abilities of playing my current Profession, but that would be a waste of time as it arises more arguments leading thousands and thousands of words and boring texts. I’m sure you don’t want to see that.
And Please learn to type a fair argument before twisting my words. Use of abbreviations just tells me you couldn’t care less to put some effort in your defensive statements. Infact you probably didn’t even read my whole post. That’s quite an insult.
After all this is a forum. Not some private messaging system where you expect people to understand your abbreviations.
The fact still remains. Stealthing is an exploit towards finishing moves. I suggest it be altered or simply disabled during a finishing kill, amongst other abilities that alter the performance of the whole concept of finishing your enemy.
you assume the accusations, i did not twist your word’s.
i did read it all, but 95% of it’s been asked/answered, why go back there?
it’s a forum about the game we all use the abbreviations for, your right, i could not care less for people who think something is to O.P cus they have no skill or timing against stealth, mes vs thief=stealth battles, each with advantages over the other. but a timed player will mess you up, even when in your in stealth, Abilities buffing “FH!” are LOL/easy to counter.
also did you not accuse every1 of the same thing when i quoted you?..YES YOU DID and DID IT DIRECTLY, K?, Thanx, Bye*
(edited by VanderBeltLegacy.4736)
Time Warp, Decoy, “FH!”….oh no, I stomped some1 fast while Stealth on my mesmer…
seriously, with “Mass Invisibility”+any buffed class=Super Stomp…
i dont see the thief’s needing a nerf,, just cus there class make it look easy….
and 1 last time, K.B’s etc, can all hit you in stealth, and my guardian survived a thief doing “Stealth Finishers” with KB… so dont say theres no second chance.
Again (like a broken record), this is a stealth related issue across the board, not directly aimed at the Thief, however, they benefit from it the most due to being able to stealth every 3-5 seconds.
This does not nerf Thief, in any way.
This stops people from using Stealth to trivialize a Finish Them! move including what you used as an example.
Again (like a broken record), and 1 last time, K.B’s etc, can all hit you in stealth, nothing unbalanced and i REPEAT "my guardian survived a thief doing “Stealth Finishers” with KB… so dont say theres no second chance." <<because there is, also seen an engineer survive 1, and ranger and warrior, even survived on my mesmer(love that shadow step away into stealth)… necro, fighting them is “meh”, you just get sick of “life forces” advantages, but i dont cry for that to be nerfed, i FOUND a way around it.
3 seconds later after the KB he just re-invis’s up and stealth stomps you…
SCRATCHED C.D,, again this is a 1v1 circumstance, outside a 1v1: if an ally+u hasnt got you rallied, then your OWN fault, not a broken mechanic.
I agree that you should be able to COD something, but they should put a 15% fee on it to match the Trading Post. If the seller wishes to split the fee they just add 7.5% more to the COD requested.
Well that’s really the advantage of any direct trading, isn’t it? That you’re able to dodge the listing fees? Since you have to advertise and arrange the trade yourself for direct trades, I don’t think a fee is necessary.
acctually makes sense, advertise on facebook=free cost, advertise in the new paper/ebay etc., has fee’s..and great idea for people who wanna swap mini pets with 1 another.
seriously, click on some1, you see name/lvl/guild/title….why change that….what i would like to see, is my OWN title/be able to click on myself.
in Suggestions
Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736
i honestly dont see why people cry over this, unless your jealous of 100G, i think people just need to get over it, it’s the same cries in LA by only .1% of the population each day, the rest are like big whoop..why do we care if some1 spent that much dosh?, “so you stare at your mini-map to let it annoy you?”….also i’d rather follow a commander on a karma train, then a nobody..and yes some people start karma trains in LA, so grow up and move on, or DONT look at your mini map anymore, it’s threads like this that should be trashed upon creation…expecially when alot more important stuff need attention.
DoggieThere’s a lot of ways to fortify a finisher, why remove this one? Guardians can throw their troll bubble over people or use stability to finish people guaranteeing. You can still teleport away, hit or aoe thieves in stealth. You and your allies need to just pay attention better. Thief is also the most fragile class in the entire game and are 100% wide open during finisher. Most of the time people just aren’t smart enough to realized I’m doing a stealth finisher and are sitting there regening or rezzing player instead of swinging at me when they just saw me use stealth.
Sorry what? Did I you just say thiefs are 100% wide open during finishers? You do realize stealthing enables the thief to be invisible right?
Invisible. I fear not many of you even understand what this means. That’s quite depressing.
The sad fact is, when a thief stealths just to get a finish, the opponent loses it’s target IMMEDIATELY..
there still open to get spiked is wha he is STATING while in stealth, also big wow u meant to lose target, if you cant K.B timingly, or a buddy cant K.B when your in rally, im sorry but you deserve to die, i know i did, it made me learn to time K.B’s, they cant finish if interupted/back, my ally has me revived at this point….
again if your solo, any class will finish most, and 1v1, who cares if you get facerolled, thats the POINT to 1 vs 1 ….
“Invisible. I fear not many of you even understand what this means. That’s quite depressing.” <stating this when you couldn’t even read properly is depressing.
(edited by VanderBeltLegacy.4736)
i got it..lets add dwarves, male and female, so people can have there male looking midgets with breast (LotR=the dwarve comments on female dwarves having beards)
keep both worlds happy.
i also miss the Dwarves
Time Warp, Decoy, “FH!”….oh no, I stomped some1 fast while Stealth on my mesmer…
seriously, with “Mass Invisibility”+any buffed class=Super Stomp…
i dont see the thief’s needing a nerf,, just cus there class make it look easy….
and 1 last time, K.B’s etc, can all hit you in stealth, and my guardian survived a thief doing “Stealth Finishers” with KB… so dont say theres no second chance.
Again (like a broken record), this is a stealth related issue across the board, not directly aimed at the Thief, however, they benefit from it the most due to being able to stealth every 3-5 seconds.
This does not nerf Thief, in any way.
This stops people from using Stealth to trivialize a Finish Them! move including what you used as an example.
Again (like a broken record), and 1 last time, K.B’s etc, can all hit you in stealth, nothing unbalanced and i REPEAT "my guardian survived a thief doing “Stealth Finishers” with KB… so dont say theres no second chance." <<because there is, also seen an engineer survive 1, and ranger and warrior, even survived on my mesmer(love that shadow step away into stealth)… necro, fighting them is “meh”, you just get sick of “life forces” advantages, but i dont cry for that to be nerfed, i FOUND a way around it.
in Suggestions
Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736
There is a huge out cry for Elementalist. our forum is screaming with people asking to give Ele’s more damage because they are meant to be a Glass Cannon but a lot feel that they do not have the damage they should.
Also, can they add a way to change how a character looks after being created. Like recustomization.
what?? ele’s can damage higher then people know, if they buffed them more, i could 1 shot people in WvW with my trait cannon, has never been an ele who knows how to use earth/gw2=utility+earth.
I tried reading threw but couldnt find…REMOVE COST of REASSIGNING TRAITS, i could play with my attributes all i want in GW1, for no cost, to find a system that works for me,, now when im asked to play ele, im asked under 2 role’s…it sucks paying every time, people want me 2 play 1 over the i hide offline.
The only time I see it as unfair is if Im with an idiot that won’t revive and won’t attack the enemy Im attacking
i agree, then they finish it and still dont rez, or when your fighting and some1 lures 8+ enemies from behind thats NOT fair, but thats the community of this game sadly. theres a few who help, but many who just wanna see some1 rage, cus they failed something just b4.
Time Warp, Decoy, “FH!”….oh no, I stomped some1 fast while Stealth on my mesmer…
seriously, with “Mass Invisibility”+any buffed class=Super Stomp…
i dont see the thief’s needing a nerf,, just cus there class make it look easy….
and 1 last time, K.B’s etc, can all hit you in stealth, and my guardian survived a thief doing “Stealth Finishers” with KB… so dont say theres no second chance.
(edited by VanderBeltLegacy.4736)
now i could NOT beat the clock tower, BUT LOVED the challenge.
i dont want another debate/hate/love thread, we have enough of them about the CT.
heres a suggestion that might please both.(keep discussion about suggestions PLEASE?)
it was a great piece of art, good challenge SHOULD be kept for Halloween only, BUT, for the sake of peoples mental health(plus my own), Rescale like this:
the 90 seconds completion time should=Mad Kings Slippers+15 PToT-bags
(remove chest 1-3/make them harder to get to atleast),
91 sec’s-120 seconds=15 PToT bags, 121-150 seconds=5 PToT bags,
151+ secs=achievement alone,
this way it gives the “pro’s” the challenge they seek, but gives us “inbetweeners” something, and the “newbies” can still get the achievement,
most of the time it was split second “lag” that caused a fail at the start as i had no time to get away from the green water, which is another reason to remove the time limit, on deader hour’s, this was more playable until the first lightning strike, theres a little rock very capable of snagging rushing player’s, but no way to avoid it, unless you come from the slight angle from the small upper platform, but then the other platform with the rised middle “fin”, has a just as high chance to snag you aswell, which is where 60% players died everytime, i myself got as far as passing past the pink, jumping to tiny stone, to fail at the skinny medal beam that connect’s to the clock wall chunk, just before very last stairs(4 times), after 7 hours(first night) and 6 hours(tonight), i threw down the towel, i was at the point i was just gonna un-install the game(more due to connection speed),
for alot of us we dont care for the slipper’s, we care only for maxing that achievement(already maxed the others quick), and it is not a good feeling inside, when you feel like i do, because halloween happened to fall on a bad time in my State/Country our broadband is being slowed why they update everything, so the 90seconds is not a reachable goal for people in my situation(this is NOT your fault, no one can re-schedule an event because 1 state in 1 country is technically inclined),
i say dont change anything on the CT besides the time, there are MANY older players who’s eyes cant keep with that speed, theres people like me who have slow reacting depth perception+slowed internet, but theres many hardcore player’s that will still love the reward’s and love the fact you need to be as good as them/better to compete with there times)
and also even add a “best times” chart, like roller beetles had, and the top 10 from each server(or what ever) get a reward at the end of the festival(not a mini, i hate things that make mini’s like that), it to spices up the challenge for those claiming it was still “to easy”,
dont be Discouraged about adding challenge, just find “better ways” to implement them that wont turn 80% of the server into rage “lady’s of the night”, it’s just a personal suggestion and didnt wanna open up another CT thread that would have this community clashing swords more, i hope you do consider this, it’d make the content FUN for all/but add’s certain challenge for the “challenge junkies” and they can compete among 1 another.
love to hear thought’s from the community aswell as staff.
(P.S: Sorry for late post, halloween forum is closed, and i was “suspended” from forums, all of october)
also thought i seen a similar post and deleted my other thread(i was wrong)
maybe for future special event JP’s aswell.
I have added an attachment, because this did not make sense, written up on here.
EDIT: Adding the following for people having trouble reading
[b]"O.K let’s make a few things clear:
1.My wording/grammar/spelling/sentence structure are below average, but I believe it all makes sense.
2.Yes Guardian and Elementalist and Engineer can all party wide heal/heal very well, but A LOT of people don’t like this because, ele’s recharge on water skill’s 3 and 5 “take to long”(funny I don’t find that to be the case) and there healing range “sucks”(what really?, I thought it was nice and skill 1 spam helps melee’s), or the party start spamming you for not damaging, but cry when they die and need armor repairs, most have found with guardian, there best healing is with the “elite tome skill” other then that, they ‘feel’ forced into support+minor heals, or the party makes them “tank”(player decision fault, I know), and for some reason, quite a few engineers have not figured out how to properly play healing support, and the ones that have, only want guild run’s, that all being said, their all excellent healers/heal support’s.
3.I already agree with the people who say this game doesn’t need a “dedicated healer”, but I am aiming this “class” at the MANY pugs I have run dungeons with, who all cry the same thing “this game needs a dedicated healer”, because every armor piece they have is damaged or a couple broken pieces, and I laugh, because I have 1 damaged piece which is the result from 4 other player dying, now my main is Mesmer(the one I run most dungeons with), even then MOST of the time we don’t even have one of the 3 above classes and if we do, they certainly aint healing that run, yes we have wipes, I usually switch to staff use skill 2+evades to escape to regroup with my party, but theres about 3 party wipes top’s (just saying if we had 1 of the 3 above atleast support healing maybe we’d have 1 party wipe max?)
4.This isn’t just a dedicated healer, I put it in with the ranks of Mesmer in damage aspects of things.(I think)"[/b]
(edited by VanderBeltLegacy.4736)
GoM server last night, i helped some guy out, learn more about the game/showed him the asura gate’s to get to each start area, gave advice on crafting etc., helped him do 90% of charr starting(he was tired by now) and then gave him some free food for bonus exp. etc…why?, because no 1 even answered my Q’s when i first started, and was many times told “just go find out for yourself”, so i self learned…and i have to say, there nothing more fun then trying to out-survive each other on OP bosses, but have 1 another for an emergency, revive.
“When you fill a heart on your map, do you do it togheter or for yourself?
When you do an event, do you do it for the surrounding strangers or for yourself?
When you do WvWvW.. is it for the server, or the badges?”"
for yourself
for yourself(the more you have to do with success=Gold/Silver/Bronze event reward)
Server mainly, but i say both.
The best screening technique I’ve seen to get decent PUGs in a couple of MMOs now is to see if people can reply coherently to questions. The more members who can and will read a question in party chat and type a vaguely legible reply, the more likely you have people who will read instructions and respond to them in play.
We promptly killed him and then went out to get another player.
I’ve only been in one dungeon with guildmates so far, if someone leaves/DCs/etc. can you keep your progress so far and recruit someone new and get them in, or do you have to start over? Does someone have to stay in the dungeon to allow this?
if leader leaves=party Kick,,, u get nothing besides, “come tell us on forum’s so, we can ignore the post”…
same in story, AC is still my hardest story(yet to do arah, but did rest)
@Robert Hrouda;“To say the dungeons will be the SAME 6 months from now isn’t going to hold up either. We’re going to be doing lots of updates to dungeons, changing things that didn’t work out, and introducing new features as we find the time/tech to implement them. Our hope is that dungeons will stay nice and fresh for a long time”
i swear if the dungeons are not pug friendly in 6 months, i will delete the game,,i have yet to find a good guild, they all have the same “i done it already” attitude or “we dont farm that dungeon”,,, i do my best to avoid guild invites now
that said, Trash need better drop’s, trap doors, need to be dropped when trash spawn so people cant avoid it and do FAST FARM’s, there not fun and GL finding groups who wont skip trash…AC explorable:Howler King, need to fix the fire timing down the stairs or make the NPC “invulnerable” for the stairs(the 1’s that lead to the burrows), cus he dies every TIME, and it’s an annoying revive…
some of the pull in+KD+stuck last to long for some proffesion’s and they just get insta killed cus they cant do anything(expecially when K.D)(as a mesmer, staff skill 2=escape, so we got an advantage), and there no balance about them TBH.
some bosses=almost the same as a WvW gate but no “siege” weapons to speed up the DPS, and when u see a hit damage foe 12,375 healh and it barely moves the HP, u just say to yourself “for a game that over makes the point about a balance game, theres nothing balanced about there bosses”(same thing in most gw1 content)
100% world completion(did 99.5% of that solo), with toughness+vitality+power trait and up to date gear, it’s east, u can use so many deflect/reflect skill, let confusion stack(F2(3 clones up)+wand skill 3, stack conditions on and GS=deals nice damage.
@Jungle Quack.1368 “My guardian can take on much larger mobs than my mesmer with far less trouble.” read the description of gaurdian(“can wade in the most deadly of battle and come out last 1 standing” there passive regen helps ALOT+high armor class, not to mention the many self heals from spamming weapon attacks.
mesmers are PERFECT in PvE, there very handy in dungeons(im always last 1 standing/distracting, so foe cant regen)
moa is only decent in wvwvw 1on1(crap when zerg vs zerg=TW+MI=op on zergs), pvp it’s not much better, n can be handy for boss fights in PvE, ive survived moa many times, only bad players think it’s OP…oh n compared to the mesmer’s i seen not using MoA, MoA looks weak, there was a guru post of mesmers just destroying other classes like there playing with there food…i dont use moa in wvwvw
done AC+CM+TA+SE+CoF+HotW story mode with pug’s
done 1 explorable path in T.A and 1 in AC. with pug’s
only bad runs=2 where both times the leader had left(very 1st AC story attempt+CoE story today)
has always been random professions aswell, one run was 2 guardians+2 warriors+me(Mesmer) wich was my smoothest run to TA team was very good aswell, we communicated and even decided to pull “bomb” creatures to 1 side, evade, dps, n every1 did it….even wen people n i disagree, we choose to not let it effect the run, which IMO is GG’ing.
and since it’s mostly story, we have fun taking our time and learning.(unlike a certain guild:“ kitten Saleena skip vid’s we seen them already”
blind, invisi, burn, and dont take long, LMAO…as i said i have killed ALOT of thief’s, also help’s to kite bigger groups in WvWvW or when out numbered(use decoy 1st), plus 5 i never use TBH.
I built a Charr, figures I’d pick the one that didn’t have the animation I was looking for…
Another question, from what I’ve read some people rank damage output of the Mesmer at second to last after Necro. Is this due to class or player, and can Mesmer be competitive with damage output vs. other classes?
direct damage=poor compared to other classes, but confusion stack+condition stack+Shatter’s, matches the damage of other classes.
people saying mesmer is weak, only look at the number’s floating, not foe’s health.
single sword+torch+clone spam+shatter(F2), swap, great sword, push back, the whirling sword illussion, decoy
(repeat), killed ALOT of thief’s.
to be fair, many will have started new character’s, so i dont see this as an issue TBH.
This has consistently been a problem on Anvil Rock as well. I don’t mind not being able to run a dungeon temporarily, but I DO mind not being able to finish my personal storyline.
Exactly, maybe the same problem for me GoM server(and 3 others=Darkhaven, Ehmry Bay, Northen Shiverpeak server’s), apparently just agree’ing is classed as an infraction(pre-warning others), so i mentioned the servers i know it to be bugged on aswell for my repost.
Me as lvl 80:
Mes CoF/CoE story LFG
The world: …………
refined for me, lol…but yeah i know how u feel.
i did orr all by myself SP’s/WP’s/PoI’s/Vista’s, yes the spawn rate can seem rediculous, but clear, start SP challenge and pull to a patch u seen empty when spawn was there..every Skill Point’s has a blank spot where u can lure, communing SP’s, just clear fast n commune instantly, consume SP’s=grab and go, vistas=just run/evade, same as PoI’s n WP’s either run/evade or karma train it(if want karma, if i knew importance of karma i would of done trains
in Suggestions
Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736
not a bad idea, Mystic, but AI would be terrible.
look at what Phantasmal Disenchanter does(removes boons on foes+removes conditions on allies, which in most dungeons seemed to be spammed).
as for traits: Power/Vit/Toughness i’m alway’s last 1 standing and able to escape/distract foes until they return.
One token to rule them all.
Any character to find them.
One vendor to bring them all,
And in the forge bind them.The main problem we see with a universal token system, is that players will find the easiest dungeons they can do within the DR system’s influence range, and just do them over and over.
It would be like if people could use all their CoF tokens from the speed/exploit clears, and buy up Arah Dragon armor. Were that the case, the armor itself would have no real value behind it. When you look at a player and you see a full suit of dragon armor, you know that they did a certain thing to get that armor. With a universal token system, you lose that sense of knowledge of what another player has gone through to get what they have.Point taken, but still; there has to be a better way than to just say “go grind dungeon X until you’ve accumulated enough tokens”. Even with the different dungeon paths, it still restricts a player to only certain content to accomplish their goal.
no different to grinding UW/FoW in gw1 to get x amount of ecto’s/obsi shard’s, i mean shore i could farm TotpK but it was faster/easier to grind UW
or grinding GoA for gems, to trade for an armbrace to trade for a weapon.
so coming from GW1, I have to say this is very BLIZZARD attitude. of people “i want the armor/prestige, but don’t wanna do what others have had to do”.
(edited by VanderBeltLegacy.4736)
Torch #4 – Swap between burn and blind is needed.
It just makes way more sense to burn first and deal damage and then reappear near them and have them blinded. The way it is set up now minizes the potential of this skill, which I personally don’t see any reason for – unless it’s intended to underperform it’s full potential
blind=cant hit ur clones, invisible cant hit you, burn, i like it like that, also good allie support on melee, u can avoid, foe cant “hit”, then u can burn
skill 5, yeah i agree.
I think the Mesmer already is the weakest class and you ask for it to be nerfed down even more up the point we might ask ourselves why we are playing as Mesmer again other than the cool fact you can ’’clone’’ yourself.
we may lack direct damage, but out confusion stack+shatter’s+glamours(condition stack) all then more make up for it,, if cloning is the only thing u can do, please dont play mesmer.
confusion when down, is good, no different to some the other classes OP downed option, especially when adventuring alone.
Dungeons:(utility slots) Feed back and null field for damage and support, Phantasmal disenchanter for party support+clone.
elite is optional as people love it when i turn bosses into a Moa n make them squishy, people love time warp, some love hounds of balthazar(dmg).
i change my style’s to adapt so i play every weapon on a weekly basis.
Staff+Scepter/Pistol(or sword)
Staff+Great Sword
Great Sword+Scepter/Pistol(use skill 3 on scepter right after f2 to stack confusion)
if solo bring alot of clone spamming and use your shatter’s(F2 first).
Traits(lowest to highest)=power(domination)vitality(inspiration)toughness(Chaos)
Bonus in traits(roman numeral)=Domination:III,, Chaos:V + IV + X,, Inspiration:V+IV,,
(traits/bonus, you’ll end up making ur own combo)
progress:level 80, 100% world completion, only 2 dungeons left in story mode(CoE/Arah) and done 1 path in AC exp, done 1 path TA exp, 1 quest left to finish personal Story(wanna do CoF/CoE SM, before arah SM(Which is intrlinked with personal story)
(torch is also good 4 AoE burning/kiting)
(focus is good for party support)
(edited by VanderBeltLegacy.4736)
My mesmer is Awesome in PvE, i use there abilities/skill’s to the fullest, GS=nice damage+still @ range, staff=great swap over for clones and evade(skill 2), sword main hand=nice dps(and with torch) skill 5 is nice, why u let a clone take a beating, then burn, wand=confuse and block, pistol decent DPS+rupt, sword off hand to block even, focus=AoE cripple+support), not to mention there ever great utilities that are usable and i did 100% world completion 99% of the time alone, dungeons=were great support n im usually last 1 standing/escaping until we re-group, also staff skill 1=spread boons, skill4=more boons(chaos armor=handy), null field(cures conditions), feed back(so handy especially AC story+most dungeon bosses), dont forget the bonuses for every 10 traits in a specific “attribute”….the shatters=awesome(F2=confusion+dmg(use at high healh, F4 when melee to close and out of evade/block etc., F1=Finisher/lower health, F3=for the inbetween/when they block or “invulnerable”).
so mesmer aint bad, it just takes a touch of thought, i could say ele is bad/squishy, BUT, i know i just suck at ele, lol,
(edited by VanderBeltLegacy.4736)
made to end of CoE=kudu’s monster(had 25% health left), party leader leaves cus he didnt like not getting revived, dont get 2 finish story….in almost 2 the point this game can bash it up it’s own kitten /p>
happened 2 me at end of AC exp, so i didn’t get my last chest
With there being no agro tables it can be hard for everyone to know that they are about to get smashed. One of the things that could be a great help, since there is no “Tank”, is if they would give players some form of Crowd Control.
100% agree, it’d help im WvWvW aswell,, but, i think it was designed b’cuz invisibility.
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