Showing Posts For Verene.1480:

QoL Guild Improvement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Verene.1480


Yep, I’m definitely a big fan of this suggestion. Or better, since guild messages can be pretty lengthy, let us create a truncated message that’ll be shown in a member’s chat log when they log in.

I imagine many people never look at the message in the guild pane, so something like this would be great.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Verene.1480


The trait system…no, I don’t like it. Not at all. Some of the traits having been changed from what they were originally when the new system was released was a start, but there are still core problems with the system – the big ones being that level 30 is far too late in the game to start unlocking traits, many of the unlocks are tied to content that is far too high of a level for the trait itself, and it completely kills the idea of experimenting with builds (since you cannot even get grandmasters until level 80).

I’m just going to go ahead and link to what I wrote about traits back in April as the vast majority of it is still relevant, despite the most offensive Adept traits having been changed (they’re all pretty unreasonable still, but they’re at least not quite AS bad).

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

LS2 Ep 3, Rytlock > Foefire

in Lore

Posted by: Verene.1480


So, talking about charr being genocidal.

The Searing was a terrible event, yes. However.

Have certain people forgotten what Adelbern did to the land? He, in one fell swoop, not only killed off every charr in Ascalon, but every HUMAN as well. He committed genocide against his own race! And that was the actions of one single person, by his own hand, as opposed to a race that was essentially enslaved by their priests. Adelbern did that of his own free will. Most of the charr of that time, I’m willing to bet were operating under a threat of “do this or we kill you”.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Can we just stop ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Verene.1480



There has been one waypoint destroyed.



ONE single waypoint.

There are perhaps a dozen waypoints across the entire game so far that have vines growing near them or are tangled in them. All of which have other waypoints very close by so their loss won’t be that big of a deal, as far as getting around is concerned.

It isn’t that big of a deal.

I guess you have never heard the expression: The customer is always right.

Don’t make me laugh.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

WvW Tourney and Customer Support

in WvW

Posted by: Verene.1480


Do you really think flooding support with tickets about a known issue is going to get it fixed faster? It won’t. It’ll just waste more time for everyone because then they’ll have to sort through tons of tickets about something they already know is bugged. It’s like when people support multiple tickets for the same thing. You’re just wasting everyone’s time in doing so.

Also, being as the tickets cannot even be spent yet, I’m not sure why people think they should get compensation, as you are literally losing NOTHING by not having the chest yet other than the ability to ping your tickets in chat.

Been on JQ since before launch, finished the meta in the first couple weeks, panel shows we placed second (when we were first), no chest. My fiance (also on JQ since before launch) finished the meta last week, achievement panel also shows second, also no chest. Neither of us did the season 1 meta. I was online last night when WvW reset rolled over, he was not. Both of us switched characters, switched maps, went into EB, went into Borderlands, went into EOTM, logged out to desktop entirely, nothing.

So it’s not even a clear case of “people who did it early didn’t get it”. It sounds like there’s some sort of complicated mess somewhere in the code preventing these from being properly rewarded.

Realistically, it’s not a huge deal to me. It’ll get fixed. If I don’t get my chest before Tuesday, well, that’s just more time for me to decide which skin that I’ll never use I want.

Also I read in this thread that the problem might be fixed on the 1st of July which would be AFTER the merchant for ticket exchange has been removed.

…that was someone trolling.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Your Top 3 Favorite Mesmer Skills. Why?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Verene.1480


3. Blurred Frenzy.
I love that I can use it to dish out heavy damage. I love that I can use it in a tight spot to evade damage. It’s just a great skill in general.

2. Signet of the Ether.
I play a phantasm mesmer, so I keep my illusions up and going. Healing 1000+ every few seconds? Yes please.

3. Feedback
Reflect I don’t have to worry about trying to place just right (like Wall of Reflection) that will reflect things that try and go through it from both directions.

I am also a huge fan of Blink and Temporal Curtain, but those three I like better

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

PLEASE let us vendor Gauntlet Tickets.....

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


Yes, please, let us sell/trade/turn in the tickets for something else.

I was glad I kept my tickets from last year, as it meant I didn’t need to do any farming to do the gauntlet this time around. However, right now I have a lot of tickets that I don’t really have any use for. Sure, I could use them to farm chances but…frankly the drop chance on those is so broken I don’t find it worth the time spent on doing so.

Please let me do something else with these things.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Picking festival rewards, no problem LOL

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


Dolyak tonic! The panda mini is cute but I like the tonic better. I don’t like the sovereign weapons at all, personally. They’re way too big and bulky.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Gift of Sprockets

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


I always use the home instance in the Grove, it’s so tiny that everything is right there.

I know for me at the vendor, I don’t see the nodes that I already own.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Chaos of Lyssa. Is it bugged? Yes or No?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


They don’t expect us to play 2.5k gold for it. That’s the rare few lucky people who’ve gotten it as a drop and listed it on the trading post for that amount that expect others to pay that amount.

That said, there’s got to be something wrong with the drop rate for it. I’m certain part of it is that fewer people are doing the gauntlet than were last year, but surely by now they’ve had time to note the discrepancy and make adjustments?

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


That’s what I used for my mesmer when I finally won. The traits are messy, I know, but it worked :P

The Deceptive Evasion trait + Signet of the Ether proved to be a lifesaver for me – as long as I had vigor to dodge (and even though Liadri’s invulnerable during the first phase you can still crit on her, so vigor is plentiful), I was able to regen a good amount of health every few seconds. Blink is there to save you when you run out of vigor at a poor time (or when you’re crippled in the middle of a bunch of visions…). Mistfire Wolf simply because it’d let me get an extra burst of damage right off the start in phase 2. Feedback is good to get a reprieve from Liadri’s autoattack in the first phase (and traiting it so it blinds can also get visions off your back momentarily), as well as reflecting her attack in the second phase.

I didn’t actually switch to my sword/focus at any point in the fight – I ran in circles like a headless chicken turning around every so often to fling illusions at her. Runes are the ones they are because that’s the armor set I generally use for things like doing Tequatl.

I’m sure there was probably an easier way of doing it, but that’s what I killed Liadri with. Didn’t even attempt the 8 orb achievement :P

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

What should i take? xD

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


I bought the dolyak tonic. Because baby dolyaks are ADORABLE.

Almost everything I have from last year; the few I don’t have I don’t want (zephyrite helm and gas mask). I’ve been using my tokens after the dolyak tonic for tomes of knowledge and t6 mats.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

The Concealing Dark?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


Well, you do use Orbs of Blazing Light to make Liadri defeatable…

I would love “The Concealing Dark” as a title though. But I like The Blazing Light. The title is the main reason I did gauntlet.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


It wouldn’t be so hard if there were no bugs like:
- My character clearly being outside of the AoE but still getting hit.
- A shadow exploding on the other side of the ring and killing me.

I guess they’ll fix the bugs for next year.

Those were problems I also had. I’d be clearly outside of the AOE yet still get hit by Shadowfall on occasion. I also found that the visions have a highly inconsistent blast radius – sometimes they’d let me walk right next to them and not explode, other times they would explode and kill me from about 300 range away.

I also had a weird thing happen a couple times in phase two, where all of my skills would go on constant one-second cooldowns (similar to being dazed) and I also could not move while they were doing that. The first time it happened, it lasted for about 5 seconds, which was enough to get me stuck in an AOE field and killed; the second time it lasted for about 2 seconds so it wore off fast enough for me to be able to move out of the way. Even my stunbreakers wouldn’t work when that happened. I have no idea what caused this to happen – as far as I know Liadri doesn’t do any daze/stun attacks, there were no Rifts in the arena when that was happening (and they just yank you anyway), and only one of my friends that had beaten Liadri had ever seen or heard of that happening before.

It was weird. It also killed me when she was down to a tiny sliver of health the first time it happened. The second time, when I was able to recover, was when I finally defeated her.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


I know I definitely made use of my clones to blow her visions during phase two when things were getting dicey.

<3 my mesmer. She’s my main and while I tried thief and necro, it was mesmer that I killed Liadri with. It took a lot of tries, but kitten did I feel proud of myself for winning that fight

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Anet, stop it!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


How is it a sales ploy, exactly? They’re account-bound items that can only be obtained with account-bound currency. It’s not like you can convert gems to gold to buy the items.

Also, it logically follows that if they were to release the content again, the rewards would also be available.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

The Blazing Light Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


I did it! It took me a while, but I finally did it!

Being as I did not really do the gauntlet at all last year so I just started from tier one a couple days ago, I’m happy. I feel very accomplished right now.



Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Anet, stop it!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


Maybe if the rewards that returned that were anything that required any real effort, you’d have a point. This is more like a team had a shirt available for their players if they were around during a certain (short) time period, and deciding later to give new players the shirt.

Also, your example fails twice – as every year, the Seahawks will play other NFL teams (replaying the content) and have the same chance at getting that ring (a second chance at rewards). So essentially giving new players a second chance to get something they may have missed is EXACTLY like a team winning the Super Bowl and the next year playing to try and do so again.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

(edited by Verene.1480)

Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


I took my first stabs at Liadri today. I never really did gauntlet last year, stopping at Suriel. So far the biggest troubles I’m having with her is that sometimes I have a very hard time seeing where the Visions are (they can blend surprisingly well against the floor at times), and despite the dome being removed my camera still sticks on that low wall frequently.

I’m using my mesmer; I started off on my necro but decided to go mesmer since that’s the profession I know best. I can consistently get her to phase two about 75% of the time, and from there to about half health before I die. What tends to happen there is I’ve run out of vigor as my condi removal is on cooldown, and the visions blow me up

Still, I’m going to kill her. I’ve got time to work on it, and I’ve got the patterns down pretty well. I’m also saving myself from frustration by stopping once I start getting annoyed at her. It’s just a game, no point to doing something that’s irritating me. It’ll still be there tomorrow.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Anet, stop it!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


Hi. Day one player here. Pre-day one player, in fact, as I played since BWE1 and camped the login for headstart since they hinted they would put the servers up early (they did).

I don’t care about newer players getting a chance at things I was able to get last year. It makes absolutely no difference to me whatsoever. I still have the things I got from doing meta-achievements in that time (which is by no means difficult…IF you are able to play the game or even have it at that point). Being as they were all rewards for completing LS things, and those were all temporary…yeah, it’s totally fine that people who may have missed them for whatever reason get a second chance at gaining them. And there are still plenty of previous items that are either not available or such rare drops that they may as well be considered unavailable.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Rewards are buffed

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


Even if people just zerg the bosses and take forever at it, they’re going to get a champ bag for each. That’s not bad. Regular loot would be nice, but with t6 mats being available for tokens, and with the number of tokens increased, it’s a fair tradeoff.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Anet, stop it!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


“I was able to play the game during a certain two week period” does not equal prestige. It just means you were able to play the game during that certain period of time.

I’ve absolutely no problem with people getting a crack at previous LS rewards (and I have all but one or two). Someone getting something that I had a year ago doesn’t make mine any lesser. And no, I would not show something that I think is ugly just because it’s super-rare or whatever – that’s why I don’t have the zephyrite helm.

They’re cosmetic items. Get over it.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Queen's Gauntlet bugged?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


It’s not bugged. Subject 7 was changed since last year.

Personally I found the meat for Chomper/Strugar too hard to see on the ground so I just didn’t bother with it (I don’t care about those achievements) and killed them both straight-out with no problems.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Add Aspect Arena to daily rotation PLEASE

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


Aspect Arena was my favorite mini-game, so I was kind of annoyed that it didn’t get added into the activity rotation. Please add it! It and Sanctum Sprint are the only ones I like at all, so I’d like to be able to play AA more than once a year.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Recipe: Chaos of Lyssa drop rate

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


This is what it looks like, Drax:

It’s gorgeous, and it’s the first backpiece that’s been added since the Fervid Censer that I really love and need to have.

So the drop rate for it is extremely frustrating, especially considering how common the recipes for Dwayna and Grenth are, and how (relatively) easy Balthazar is to obtain.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Liadri - No actual (rewarding) challenge

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


Repeat after me:

“Just because I think something is easy, does not make it actually objectively easy.”

People who’ve beaten Liadri in a couple of tries, I can guarantee 99% of them beat her last year. Which means you know the fight. You know what to do. Once you do something once, you can always do it again with fewer difficulties because you are familiar with it.

Not to mention, it’s been nearly a year since this stuff was available last year. New armor and weapons became available since then, so people can have higher stats. New skills and traits have been added; skills and traits have changed since then. And, most importantly, you’ve had a year to play since then and further hone your skills.

Everything gets easier over time, and there will never be something that everyone finds to be challenging. The difficulty level of a thing will always be relative, and difficulty is inversely related to experience.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Recipe: Chaos of Lyssa drop rate

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


Buy orders for it – for a recipe – are up to 1300g right now. That says enough about the drop rate, I think.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Boom-Boom Baines, poor design?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


The problems are not with the design. If you’re zerging these bosses, you’re doing it wrong – you can kill them with a half-dozen people. That’s causing Baines to scale up way too high. And if people are ignoring the turret…well, there’s not much you can do but point it out in chat every time it pops or go kill it yourself.

The boss mechanics are fine. People just aren’t playing smart.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Bazaar boxes and festival tokens

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


Probably just the law of averages. I opened about 80 boxes yesterday and got…some number of tokens? I don’t recall how many I got out of them as I had some already.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

An evaluation of Boss Blitz and how to fix it

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


Having the boss health bars present in the event UI would also be helpful. It would make it a lot easier to coordinate kills.

I also, as I mentioned in another thread, do believe that giving the vets loot would assist in getting gold rewards on boss blitz. The problem I see happen when people split initially is, once they kill their boss, they run to another one which scales that one up. If the vets in an area dropped loot, they’d be more likely to stay in that area and kill vets for goodies instead of zerging to another boss and screwing things up.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

[Feedback Thread] New Crown Pavilion First Impression [merged]

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


I don’t have a problem with the new boss mechanics (though that trample ability is incredibly obnoxious). I don’t have a problem with needing to split to get good rewards. I do have a problem with there being no loot until you kill all six bosses. And I do have a problem with achievements (kill 50 of insert enemy type here) that fly against the face of the main event (kill bosses in 6 minutes!), and don’t reward you with anything for doing so.

The game economy is already broken. Part of why it’s broken is because certain items (such as t6 mats) are difficult to farm and obtain, and so the only real methods of getting them reliably is to either champ train (since champ boxes drop t6 mats at a decent rate), or farm gold and buy them on the TP. If you look at spidy during the Pavilion last year, prices on everything dropped, because they were more readily available than they had been previously. The loot was nearly always things that people were going to sell on the trading post (seriously, who’s going to merch a t6 mat?), which is an inherent if small gold sink, and which does not directly introduce more gold to the game. What broke the economy and got us to the state we’re in now is the massive amounts of gold that were added in through champ boxes once champ train farming took off.

I also feel like having the vets drop loot would also assist in getting gold rewards on boss kills. Everyone splits up, kills their boss, and then stays there to kill the vets and get loot instead of rushing to another boss that hasn’t yet died and scaling it up.

To be fair, I keep saying they drop nothing. I have actually gotten a few drops off vets last night, other than tokens and tickets. But it’s incredibly rare – I got an entire two heavy loot bags and a single green off of 30 vet kills. I can understand them wanting to nerf the loot drops a bit from last year (as much as I loved it last year), but this just feels…not right.

I also am annoyed because first time through Pavilion yesterday I crashed, logged back in (same map and everything), killed the last boss standing, and got zero rewards for it. That was certainly nice.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Any fix for sigil aspect arena exploit?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


Yeah, the patch in a couple minutes is going to fix that.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

[Feedback Thread] New Crown Pavilion First Impression [merged]

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


Maybe you don’t grasp that the people who made Wildstar are the same people that made (and are breaking) Guild Wars. NC Soft makes great games then spends a few years turning good work into total crap.

After I drop Guild Wars 2 I will make it a point to avoid games with an Arena Net or NC Soft tag attached to it…. I just can’t take these guys anymore after Guild Wars, Aion and now Guild Wars 2…

Except that GW2 and WildStar were NOT made by the same people…GW2 was made by ArenaNet, WildStar by Carbine. They are published by NCSoft, not developed by NCSoft. Huge difference there.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Animal Cruelty, gasp horror!

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


Clearly you’ve never done a guild rukitten

his is basically the same thing but far more forgiving if you hit a trap.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Found belongings merchant, missing? Trash?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


I don’t believe so. They only said about a merchant for blade shards, and it was made clear before Battle for LA ended that that would be the last chance to turn those in, if I remember correctly.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Gauntlet chance (item) results?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


I know the recipe for the Chaos of Lyssa backpiece is supposed to be a very rare drop from it.

Which means chances are likely no one will ever see it.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Sclerite Karka Shell

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


1600 tokens isn’t a whole lot to get, really – you’ll get it pretty fast if you do the story instance in LA and doing events in Labyrinthine Cliffs, and you’ll get that many for completing the meta achievement.

I got just over a stack very fast.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Missing skins!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Verene.1480


As for the precursor skins – they’re named something differently as skins, as they share skins with other weapons. Do you have the skins for Verdant Longbow and Feathers of Dwayna unlocked? You should have them under that, not under Leaf of Kudzu or the Lover, as they are the same, and if you look at the precursors on trading post it will also list what their skin is named.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

(edited by Verene.1480)

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Verene.1480


Hello! I understand there’s a bunch of tickets to go through right now; I filed mine on the 16th and have not had a response since the initial one saying that it was going to be escalated.

Ticket number is 546320, was filed 4/16 about costume refunds.


Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Is Ascended Gear worth it? (vs exotic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Verene.1480


Not especially. If you want to do high-level fractals, then yeah, you’ll need it, but for the most part, not required. The boost is pretty minimal at best, realistically.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

The new trait system: Good or Bad for GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Verene.1480


I’m curious that you find 70-80 the hardest/grindiest to level, because I find from 65 up the easiest and fastest leveling in the game. 40-60 is the part I always hate the most. There’s so much content geared for the last 10-15 levels, though. I’ve leveled 9 characters to 80 now, for the record.

Anyway, it does not make the final levels worth more or anything of the sort. It just makes it impossible to have anything remotely resembling decent traits at low levels, unless you’re incredibly lucky in how the unlocks fall on your profession. And realistically, it doesn’t make the last few levels less of a grind either, because most of the lower-leveled trait unlocks are very grindy. I’ve done two full world completions now. Map completions are horrible, and not something I’m looking forward to ever touching again for a long time. High level map completions for a single trait is the very definition of grind.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Tourney achiev too steep 4 hardcore casuals

in WvW

Posted by: Verene.1480


You have until the end of May, so you actually have tons of time. I’m a pretty casual WvW player (as in, I stick to EOTM pretty much exclusively) and I finished the meta in about a week and a half.

Also if you haven’t done the jump puzzle achievements yet, get on that. The borderlands one is easy (and you only have to do it once); Obsidian Sanctum is less so but you can find mesmers portalling people in there fairly regularly.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Our Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Verene.1480


I feel like truly passionate fans of a thing are not those who just worship it blindly (or bash on it blindly), but rather are the kind of people who can sit back, look at a thing objectively, recognize the negative aspects, and give good constructive criticism on it. I love GW2, but I do recognize that there are issues with it, and while I prefer it over any other MMO (I don’t really like MMOs in general), it isn’t perfect.

I tend to avoid the forums because they do get very toxic, but that is simply something that comes from the medium we’re communicating in. With a forum, you can just come on and basically say whatever you want. No need to edit, no need to think over what you’re saying, no (real) need to try and fit a specific length. If what you post is too much, it’ll be moderated.

This then results in a lot of unnecessary (and likely unintended) hostility, because people are posting what’s on their mind right this second without thinking it over a second time before posting it. I don’t post often on the forums, but I blog about the game, and when something has me really annoyed about it, I write it down. Then I let it sit, and go back and reread it a half hour later. By then the initial anger has dissipated, and I can edit it to something that’s still critical, but logically so, instead of relying solely on emotion.

I’m not saying that being emotional about a thing is bad – far from. You SHOULD have emotional thoughts about something you greatly enjoy. But sometimes I feel that posts on here could have been better served by the poster waiting until they were a bit calmer, or simply sitting on it for a few minutes, because frequently I see valid points and good criticism hidden in a post full of rage that just makes it hard to really get to the actual point.

I know there are trolls, and people who will jump on anything they can to bash it. But for the most part, I think a lot of the issues on the forums (with regards to it being a toxic environment) are because people are passionate to the point that they post blindly. The game’s community as a whole is great; we just get too over the top sometimes.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Leveling is the worst it's been

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Verene.1480


I made a new character (a thief) on Tuesday after the patch. I’m not finding leveling any harder than before…it’s just annoying how weak I feel not having traits like I’m used to.

Traits though. The new trait unlock system is a mess, or at the very least the adept traits are. Master and grandmaster are for the most part okay, but adept ones are all out of whack. I also greatly dislike how you can’t even look at the trait panel until level 30 now (so no planning out what you might need to do to unlock things), or the fact that your chances of having any adept traits unlocked at level 36 are very, very slim. I’m of the opinion that adepts should be unlockable between 20-40 so by the time you do have the points to spend on them you already have a variety available to pick from, so that you can actually, you know, start experimenting around and coming up with things you like. I also think that 30 is way too late to start getting traits, and that if it had to be adjusted at all, it should have been to level 20, at the highest.

The new system was something that had a lot of potential but it feels like the ball was really dropped and the adept unlocks in general were just dartboarded. It’s something that’ll be annoying to those of us who’ve been playing the game for a long time and know it well, but it’s something I also see potentially putting off new players and causing real harm to the game itself.

I’ve actually written about it in detail: (has the requirements for every single trait unlock, level of the content, and links to all of the content on wiki. This took hours >.>)

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Monthly gave no laurels

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Verene.1480


Did you finish it before the 15th as well?

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Daily reset bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Verene.1480


Yesterday when I logged in after reset, my dailies were at 2/5, I was able to complete the rest and get credit (though thinking about it I do not believe I got a laurel?). Today I logged in and my dailies show 5/5, with ones that I had completed yesterday showing as finished. No rewards, monthly completionist is accurate as of finishing my dailies yesterday. The new build did not fix anything, nor did finishing one of the incomplete dailies do anything.

Both times when I logged in I was in Gendarran Fields, which I do not believe is a megaserver map yet, but honestly who knows – they seem to be triggering them and then mentioning it long after the fact.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

So with champ bag changes. . .

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Verene.1480


There are plenty of other ways of making money. I usually do gathering runs, myself, while hitting any events I may come across on the way. It’s very consistent as you will nearly always know exactly how much money you’ll earn by the time you finish a specific area.

The gold reward from bags (as in, the actual silver you get opening them) is the only thing getting reduced. The mats you get from salvaging greens and the fine mats that come out of them are the real money you get from champ bags, anyway.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

Battle for Lion's Arch Open Issues and Tips

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Verene.1480


There’s a guild challenge in which you have to kill 3 bosses within the same time window that works perfectly to split up the ‘zerg from one to the other’ tactic. It makes coordination very important and creates a much more interesting fight.

I was really hoping that was the case with the knights but it’s not. I’ve tried suggesting in map chat that we split up and take them all down at once but unfortunately mine is a tiny voice in a storm of “BLUE>GREEN>RED!!!”.

See An overflow actually tried this. I swear the overflow was full and everyone came to participate and the groups were split evenly but there was just not enough damage going on per Knight.

The scaling on the knights is horrible. The only time I’ve come close to 6 minutes was the blue green red zerg and we were off by 1 minute.

See, the easiest time I’ve had with this was Tuesday morning, the first time the Knights spawned after the patch. None of us really knew what we were doing (since, you know, no one had done it yet), but everyone on the map split more or less evenly between the three knights. Other than a wandering group of Twisted Menders healing the blue knight, we got them all down very quickly (the menders were all that kept us from getting the 6 minute achievement) and with few problems. It was great.

Every time I’ve done it since, with people zerging from one to the next and so on? It’s taken so much longer to kill them, and I’ve seen quite a few failures with that method as well.

In Tune and No More Tricks I’m not even bothering with; I main a mesmer who is set up for phantasms and I’m not going to not use my skills simply for five achievement points, and despite the fact that the holo event is set up so that it actively punishes people for zerging one to the next, it still happens constantly which makes In Tune incredibly difficult.

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Verene.1480


Just wanted to state the obvious real quick: We need to be able to do something with ascended gear that we get rewarded but dont need; ie we should be able to sell them, or salvage them, or trade them in for something of value. Any of the above options or all three if you want to be awesome.

Also we should be able to buy weapons and armor with tokens just like we can with accessories. Im not sure why this wasnt implemented on day one. If its against company policy can you explain why?


I’d like to say i completely agree with this. Forgot all about it when considering problems with fractals.

Yeah, something with this would be great. I don’t do fractals frequently enough to run into problems with rings taking over – I’m usually able to home them on an 80 of mine – but I have guildies that have entire bank tabs and storage characters dedicated to ascended rings.

On top of that, we have a lot of people who haven’t done fractals that much and haven’t had the chance to even get rings or relics to buy them with. I’ve a few that I can’t use on any character, which I’d love to give to my fiance, for example. But they’re account-bound, so my only options are to have them take up space, vendor them for a couple silver, or right-click > destroy.

Please, please, please give us something to do with these items. Let us salvage them. Let us give them to others who might need or want them. Let us sell them on the trading post (they probably wouldn’t be worth much anyway, but it’d be something). Let us trade them in for fractal weapons, or towards ascended armor/weapons. Let us do SOMETHING with them other than have them collect digital dust if we don’t need them!

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

(edited by Verene.1480)

Collaborative Development: Commander System

in CDI

Posted by: Verene.1480




Account bound.

In PvE, at the very least, there is absolutely no good reason why it should not be account-bound. My commander tag is primarily for PvE use, leading guild events and the like (I do not use it in WvW because of how abusive players can be). This locks me to my mesmer, though I have 7 other level 80s that are fully geared up. Sometimes I’d like to play other characters, but I am unable to do so because it’s mesmer that has the commander tag.

Just. Please. Account-bound commander tags.

Most of the other suggestions are good ones; the ones I particularly like are the ability to set different colors (this is something that could be useful in both WvW and PvE), as well as more squad-control abilities (being able to invite people to squad, kick people, etc).

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree