Damage Inc. [DI]
Isle of Janthir
Arena net I mean come on, you send us in game mail telling us exactly what to do and when to do it by. You give us a whole week to do it in. And now I don’t wanna play wvw becuase I missed one reward.
Go back to pve
Why are you just sitting there dead. Either your team will Rez you or release.
If there was any type of punishment for these players it would certainly discourage these players from doing this. As it stand now siege trolls and hackers roam free without any thought of reprisal. This thread just goes to show Anet is afraid to ban players for abusing a system. If or when Anet decides to actually do something to these players then you might think twice about it. there can not be that many trolls or hackers going around at once in WvW that 1 Dev can take care of this.
The exhaustion system looks decent on paper, and there really hasn’t been any other viable solutions. If Arenanet does decide on something please test the system first. However my personal opinion on the exhaustion system is that trolls will still find a way to work around it and cause grief. There really is no other better system then a policing force. Maybe a system with dedicated players that Arenanet and servers have appointed that can handle these situations. Say 1 to 5 per server and each of the 3 servers has to agree upon the player being dealt with. Other then that Arenanet needs to spend alittle money and man up and take care of issues with their game.
I have a problem …
Well… I play for over a year. From the year I trying to do 100% of the map.
EVERY TIME WHEN I would enter the on WvW Black Tide, our territory is from 0-10%, while our opponent has from 80-100%, not to mention the Fissure of Woe who rarely when have any territory. Making it impossible to make the whole map. I would ask on behalf of myself and all the players Blacktide server, to be moved to the weaker enemies, because I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE 100% MAP !!!
what Deli posted shows that Blacktide even won a week back in July. If you are asking for a change, and then post false numbers, it isnt going to get you anywhere. The Millenium site specifally shows Blacktide winning matches over the past year. If this is really troubling you, then change servers.
See folks, even the game itself can’t contain all the tears we are collecting! Join today, we’re running out of merchant summons to sell all the loot we are collecting.
Just trying to be helpful, you can’t join a full server.
Lol, SoS is full so whats the reason for trying to recruit if you can’t fit anymore on the server?
At least we get to see the exact time it takes for anet to do something. One if the posts even say they said the same thing 3-4 months before that one. So 1 year later and I would bet it will be another year before they even consider what the new achievement numbers will be
Question 1: What happened to SoR?
Answer - Once season one came, Blackgate bought up all the guilds they could and simply outnumbered us to the point that there was a queue on every map almost 24/7. This destroyed the moral of the server and was the beginning of the downfall.As a result of season one the past leaders started to be a bit too arrogant often disowning their own community for not being as good as they were. This created a toxic environment for anybody who wanted to learn WvW. This more or less locked our numbers and the guilds as a whole had one of two options. Stop being arrogant or move to a new server with an existing WvW presence. So they moved…
Blaming others for internal problems is what was wrong with the server in the first place. Starting off on a new foot while still placing the blame elsewhere will not work. Start with a clean slate and leave the past in the past. SOR is still the same server as before…
Just saw one on IOJ doing the lions arch events. not t6 or lower but t4 isnt that far off.
Which ever server wins the first 2 to 3 weeks will take it just from bandwagoning knowing that players will get the rewards from that server.
Just wondering about all the recruitment posts for different guilds over the past few months. Are these all the same guild just changed the name, or different guilds for you?
Guys, please discuss matchup threads at www.gw2wvw.net
Someone referred to that site as a ‘cesspit’. I am inclined to agree with him.
Yes all the forum trolls and players that liked to write bad comments on the official forums that caused the official forums to get shut down migrated there. Now all the trolls just troll each other because they have no one else to troll anymore.
Been a few days since I was on gw2wvw.net and that BG/jq/SoR thread is definitly no where for any type of discussion. So much hate there.
Just gtfo of tier 1. Your life will be much better. Honestly if people wanted balance the guilds in bg and jq would take it upon themselves and move, but they dont. Bg blames JQ, JQ blames BG, but both are to blame. Guilds there and each guild that moves there that had a chance to get out and help the WvW community as a whole instead of just “helping their server.” And ya gw2wvw.net isnt anything sepcial.
edit: Just let jq destroy everything and end up like the titan alliance, where there isnt a choice but to equalize the servers. That would mean BG guilds can take the first steps,and help out other servers then it would put the next step in Jq’s hands.
Just two Orr maps and Frostgorge Sound. Use the site gw2nodes.com – players update it with node locations, choose your server and go! You can harvest them once per day per character and I usually end up with 30-40 ore per character. Occasionally I get them from salavaging but it isn’t a reliable source.
There is another map as well, southsun cove. I would use the map rhapsody suggested. It will have all the nodes locations so it’s as simple as running to that spot and there it is. Sometimes it takes about a day after reset for it to be updated with the right spots as they change after an update.
Funny thing is this has been around since launch, so good luck gettin it fixed.
What were the scores?
For 3x copper, silver, and gold ore once a day comes out to be around 9 silver. 800 gems average right now you can say 50g. Take you well over a year, close to 2 years before you see any type of profit from spending the gems instead of converting them to gold.
I have the exact same issue. I am able to log in, but not able to do anything at all. This only lasts 3-4mins before i’m dced.
Same issue for me. just started about 15mins ago, and now can not be in game for more then 2 mins before the game disconnects. Load screens are about twice as long as well.
Just going to say glad SoR added more EU guilds to combat our 10 mans in this timezone! Doors op?
Just have Tarkus stay up late if he isn’t already
It’s always nice when 1 guild manages to tick all the boxes for “things to complain about in Matchup threads” within 2 days <3
Should do a bingo thingy with that… /ponder
Found this one
Score not from tick.
SoR = 29%
JQ = 30%
BG = 34%So BG is the worst server to capture towers and play for PPT.
You are the best yak\sentry killers by far.
you guys give us no options. all you do is run into keep/tower and hide behind the ac’s
While all you do is PvF. Go do something useful on the field.
Well i have 1 quote, from the best commander eu
“Grab your balls and fight!” ~ Wrex
Why did you move from EU servers again?
Vizunah dont fight, they hide in their towers/keeps with 6000000000000000000 arrow carts
so going into a dead (time) zone on a NA server gives you fights? you probably get less now – I used to be a VoTF member when we moved to desolation. Vizunah still came out and wiped you many times when I was on desolation
sounds like your complaining about not getting fights alot, seems to me your move to NA is part of that reason.
I never really understood the logic of your move but each to thier own. but to come on here complaining about not getting fights is party your own fault and decision as a guild expecting a NA server to field a organised zerg at EU times
the longer you sit on a NA server at these dead zone times (when there are no organised forces outside of chatbox commanding), your members are getting bored and thier skills are not getting challenged and if you ever go back to the EU you will get smashed
i used to respect iron on desolation, but after seeing the attitude/logic on SoR and the trash you bring to the forums (That starscream idiot) its all gone
Probably thinking lets just do what vizunah does and play during a servers off peak hours. Cant beat just join em.
SoR has gone back into training.
It’s the weekend of course maps are queued. Oh no BG is leading euro time slot? It’s Sunday…..
So they supposedly turned away an EST guild because they already have insane NA q times and didn’t want them to be longer! How noble and unselfish of them! Cut me a break.
Not saying it was noble, just saying they did, regardless of the intentions.
Also, keep in mind that SoR has directed guilds to BG
Lol this is totally untrue, unless it were to ruin Blackgate.
This is probably true with the case of BT. Now they probably threw JQ’s name in there too, but yes they have turned em away. from what i have heard.
I don’t want to continue the 2v1 talks. But does anyone remember when BG last made it into T1 with SoR and JQ? It sucked. Now BG has traded spots with JQ, and JQ with SoR. We all know 2v1s happen, its how you handle the situation and set up to defend it and take the opportunities to reverse the 2v1 onto one of the other servers. This is how T1 has been. One of the best guides you can read I believe was written by Coron on the subject. Learn to counter it and be productive. As for SEA time, ya that sucks for SoR. It seems that population is more of a pvx type of players and dont show up every night. But thats just my observation I could be wrong.
Cue the lack knowing what you are talking about.
So I’ve actually been in WvW this week when it has ticked at that level but I apparently don’t know what I’m talking about. If you actually read the graph 3 times this week we have been between 30 and 80PPT which suffices for my purpose seeing as I didn’t say we were exactly at 50 PPT.
And other nights it’s ticking for over 400. That point swing just doesn’t magically happen. We know Wednesday night oce and sea didnt show up due to lag and let BG take everything. So with one night we know what happened and why the ppt was so low, I would judge the other 2 was something similar. Telling us what your ppt is when you dont come out and fight isn’t proving a thing. We all know what ya’ll are capable of.
L:astly I don’t think SoR needs a SEA or OCeanic guild. As of right now most nights they are pushing a 300+ PPT.
Only not. 3 times this week this week we have been around 50 PPT including last night.
Cue the trolls saying it was deliberate…….
Now its not most nights but before saying “only not” do alittle homework. It’s posted on the top of each page for a reason. You can see SoR ticks above 300 and once or twice a bit more. Now this is judging that lets say around 2 am server time would be a good time for Oceanic to be gettin up and going.
Cue the lack knowing what you are talking about.
Dunno how you only manage 10-30 ppt with a full map zerg running around JQ BL
In it for the fights and not caring about PPT.
Thats an easy card to pull when your loosing.
I had the pleasure of facing the SoR OCE and SEA guilds today. It was awesome to see them work as individual guilds on the same map, coordinating in some fights and hitting different objectives at other times. I would only whish that some of the SoR NA players and guilds would follow their example. It was a pleasure fighting you guys today!
Amusing considering most of the time you are on, you are zerging it hard with the entire BL.
Regardless, this matchup has been so close. It’s been great.
Yep we all run with Smokee, since he runs tag less it allows the whole map to know where he is and follow him….
It was just the one week! I swear!
lol. I wouldn’t count that as tier 2 either…….
From what i see is the only way BG/JQ can keep up with SOR is to double team the kitten out and still lose.
must suck not being SOR
SoR’s official double team poster. If they are getting 2v1 this guy will give you an up to the minute response of it.
Not even we just want a balanced match. For SoR it was all about we just do it for the fights. A little tip, the more you recruit the less you get to fight. Because our fairweathers don’t show up.
What is being done to fix skill lag coming from servers in WvW? Plenty of new mmo’s coming out this year, and this alone has stopped me from logging into gw2. If any info on what is being done to help this situation would help out the community greatly. And please not the generic arena net answer “We are working on it, you should see the fix in the future.”
Pro has always done there own thing. They roam around looking for fights. And not worried about any thing else going on on the map. Great guild and joker is one of a kind commanders. But commanding militia, they left that behind in icoa.
You put a limit on the aoe damage. The spell only does a certain amount of damage and gets divided by the number of players that get hit. Just one option that can be implemented for some spells. However we will never know how that will work due to limitations. I think the aoe cap is just one small concept that allows for balling up to work better instead more strike teams. Smaller maps would actually work more towards balling up. Only way would be to put a player limit on that map so it’s only 15 on 15 on 15. The zerg works so well because the maps are small enough for them to respond to everything in time. You would have to increase the map sizes so that the zerg has to split up to defend everything.
And if you like to zerg I’m sorry. I use the term zerg in its definition of outnumbering with weak and expendable units with no skill involved to defeat something. If that’s your meta then fine be it. It’s not mine and looking for a balance for 15-25 man groups. Arena net had stated many times in the past that they want to get away from it. But everything they do and have done makes it easier to group up everyone on the map into ball. The technical limitations on the server are just one if these flaws.
So you want to design wvw to get away from zerging but due to the technical limitations of your servers and the effect they have on aoe limitations you can’t? And yes 5 player cap on aoe means it is easier to group up to reduce damage and cc.
Volcanus, you seem to be forgetting that BG let JQ tick 500 ppt to pass SOR last week…
I don’t think I forgot something that never happened.
BG only knows how to cry or chest thump, its fine. Let them cry stacked when we’re only winning by 17k while they won by nearly 30k last week. One guild doesn’t make that big a difference. Theres been multiple instances where you guys have had top tick during EU, and chest thumped quite a bit, even this week. Please make up your minds.
Comparing 1st place to 3rd place last week and 1st place to second place this week is not the same. Try comparing yours against jq as they are in 3rd. Keep trying to skew the numbers in your favor. As for just BG against SoR, that would be near a 50k point swing. Kind of a big point swing. As for one guild, did you forget about Song? Or do they not count?
Edit: no disrespect for choo. Highly skilled guild but keep the numbers fair and don’t look past jq as a server. I think what we are seeing is fairweather players. They came out for SoR after the addition of iron and kiss, and they came out for us after playing jq and db.
I’m comparing the score difference between the two servers always kittening at each other. I’m don’t mean any offense to JQ if thats how its seen. I may have forgotten Song since I rarely do SEA, another mistake, so two guilds, even though we still normally tick lowest at SEA.
That 3rd makes a difference, they definitely can help whoever they want to win and luckily they play to fight whoever they want and not pick one side to hit, besides last week when they took there chance for 2nd. A 50k point swing is a big difference even from 2 guilds. However, It probably boils down to fairweathers. There is some hidden irony though. If SoR really is in it for the fights then turning away guilds is what should of been done. But it isn’t and that’s in the past. Who’s the next guild coming over and to what server.
I do think the guild Pro that Supposively just joined jq is from FA. But if they have the same numbers from when I was on FA they won’t make much of an impact in the score.
BG only knows how to cry or chest thump, its fine. Let them cry stacked when we’re only winning by 17k while they won by nearly 30k last week. One guild doesn’t make that big a difference. Theres been multiple instances where you guys have had top tick during EU, and chest thumped quite a bit, even this week. Please make up your minds.
Comparing 1st place to 3rd place last week and 1st place to second place this week is not the same. Try comparing yours against jq as they are in 3rd. Keep trying to skew the numbers in your favor. As for just BG against SoR, that would be near a 50k point swing. Kind of a big point swing. As for one guild, did you forget about Song? Or do they not count?
Edit: no disrespect for choo. Highly skilled guild but keep the numbers fair and don’t look past jq as a server. I think what we are seeing is fairweather players. They came out for SoR after the addition of iron and kiss, and they came out for us after playing jq and db.
(edited by Volcanus.2756)
So with the few European guilds coming over to NA, what guilds went from NA to Europe? I see Jayne from TC hopped over, I’ve always considered it, but always hesitant of finding an American guild over there as well as the language barrier. Can anyone enlighten me on these hesitations?
SOOO its sor fault that some days BG has huge numbers in EU and other days not so much, We on sor r not gonna ask r sea or oceanic guilds to play late and kill themselves over a game. Doing that only causes burn out and ppl getting bored and quiting the game
ANd it sucks that jQ doesnt have the eu coverage SOR and BG have but u cant blame either for that. You Cannot blame us if ppl dont look at jq as being an attractive fit for there guild for whatever reason. Most of the time guilds move to server they think they can have the most fun and have ppl to play with
It’s absolutely no ones fault but Kiss themselves for wanting to go to SoR. Same thing happened with SEA guilds going to BG, you can’t stop these guilds from going where they want to. Only thing is expect the forum warriors to be all over this and if SoR wins this week more of it. It sucks but I know BG had to deal with SoR forum warriors because we didn’t say no to the new guilds and send them to jq as well and that we swallow guilds. SoR is doing the exact same thing with Song and kiss. No ones fault but it will be the topic of any troll until the next guild gets recruited to t1 NA.
maybe we can create a SOR clothing line with and on the back it says BG is a r #1 fan
I’d buy one! But we at BG would have to create our own. What about on the back it would say “SoR’s bigger brother” just for the fact I think y’all take on the role of a little brother always copying us(trying to swallow up more guilds them us like yall could compete with bg on that) and competing like a little brother, getting beat up on repetitively and lying in wait til y’all were stronger and all of a sudden put the bigger brother in place.
We all know SoR has the population to compete in this time slot. So where’d they go? Probably the first time bg has ticked this high in the beginning of the week in euro time since the wonderful iron came over. So come out and fight.
More like, we all know BG has the population to compete in this time slot. So where were they before? They showed up in force last week, and are still showing in force.
I think we all know HB just came back and brought back some if the best commanders I’ve had the pleasure to run with.
We all know SoR has the population to compete in this time slot. So where’d they go? Probably the first time bg has ticked this high in the beginning of the week in euro time since the wonderful iron came over. So come out and fight.
FEAR have been endlessly accused of exploiting and there have been plenty of images and videos to show it.
Even if its this approved wider FOV system anet have approved, this guild is still pathetic for resorting to such tactics.
It’s morally exploiting and I for one would never do it on principle.
It’s also embarrassing on Anet’s behalf of allowing such a thing, hopefully they see this thread and the video of where AC’s can hit with this technology.
This aside I’m sure the fights this week will be good again…even if lame guilds resort to cheap tactics.
How is it an exploit if Anet approves of this app? It is not morally wrong either, to do that. FEAR is pathetic? I highly suggest NOC fight them head on. Let’s see who is more pathetic, shall we.
Wow responding to a valid criticism with a challenge to a fight. Thats some supr srs roleplaying there, that of a medieval brute.
after school, out in the schoolyard. You better be there. Ima gonna kick your kitten.
MERC is pretty much 24/7. Without them, BG would be nothing.
Probably their best purchase to date.
Same thing could be said for SoR… Without IRON they wouldn’t be able to win.
So recruiting a, at most, 25 man EU guild made us win? That tells us alot about the quality of your late SEA/EU players.
Tell me, how many
guildsservers have BG devoured again?
kathy k gives IRON a compliment and in some way you discredit what IRON has done for your server. Now this isn’t fact but how many wins did SOR have before IRON and after?
Hey would like to thank ATM guild for the fights earlier today, we didn’t have the numbers to compete with you but enjoyed suiciding into you :P. Also thanks to BT and RISE for the vale fight that kitten was crazy (good flanking on us). were still out fighting so hoping to get more great fights
. To the people saying we will pv’door that clearly isn’t the case we have been fighting groups of 20 to 30+ all day. Heres to more great fights
It’s the weekend….. NA can play during euro at this time.
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