Showing Posts For Voltar.8574:

Why Can't I Hold all these Buttons!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Voltar.8574


So is there something to do with the hundreds of buttons I’m going to have left over after this event? I’ve found nothing to do with them so far.

Why insist on Super Adventure Box?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voltar.8574


SAB prevented my future baldness!
World 2 is currently preparing itself to become my KITTEN.
The skins are just a trading post minigame.


Likely False Email (PSA?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voltar.8574


I was looking through my spam folder on my email and received an email That said it was from ArenaNet with the subject line: Guild Wars 2 Account Be Shut Down Inform which screams, “Don’t open me!”

Even though that’s a pretty terrible attempt at English, I could see how some might (especially if they’re not native English speakers) not realize it.

Anyone else want a dervish..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voltar.8574


One direction (for balance sake of not adding another profession) would be adding scythe and/or a traitline of “flash boons”, auras etc. to an existing classes. This would be a way to add new build opportunities to existing classes and also incorporate some of the feeling of the dual-class system from GW that some people miss.

(edited by Voltar.8574)

Ranger Changes on July 23, 2013

in Ranger

Posted by: Voltar.8574


I forsee WvW full of CotW wolves running around. I bet a lot more people are going to learn about that Easter Egg.

Gilded and magical infusion after the change.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Voltar.8574


You know, once the mechanic is in for legendaries to have easily-adjustable stats, I’d think they might include that system in these types of changes.

Ranger in Fractals @48

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Voltar.8574


The main problem as melee with pets is probably the uselessness of f1/f3. Maybe making f3 more of a GTFO-and-stay-away-from-aggro button then it would be less of a consistent problem.

The Fall of Abbadon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Voltar.8574


I doubt Evon’s interest in the past isn’t entirely…religious.

What? You mean IS entirely, right?

…or it’s entirely religious. New Charr cult! Those always go well.

Retaliation is TOO OP

in PvP

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Well the cat kinda deserved it. He’s clearly doing a frenzy/volley on a guardian. Silly cat.

Thaumanova Reactor Explosion

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Well, I’ve developed a general mistrust for ArenaNet characters presented as the white-knight or pedestal good guy.

They always wind up as zerk morons with daddy issues, tyranical human-sacrifice cults, undead titan-spewing overlords and so on.

Thaumanova is in-game now and can afford to be a LS update first so people know what they’re getting.


The Fall of Abbadon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Voltar.8574


… ringing up from the depths… “This well won’t end!”

Took me a sec to realize that placement of ‘well’ was on purpose: nice.
I don’t think it was fair to put Thaumanova against Abaddon for kittens’ sakes. The ungodding of a god is too hard to pass up for anyone at least moderately interested in the lore and/or nostalgic for a direct tie-in with GW1 (and amiable to doing group content).

…maybe actually getting to check out the transformation of Margonites from regular folk to their glowier selves.

As for Thaumanova (as Necrid pointed out), it’s already in the game. Have it go ape-nuts in the LS and give people a reason to want more of it.

(edited by Voltar.8574)

Do the freq LS updates keep you playing?

in Living World

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Yeah. I was playing every day and doing some stuff in other games periodically. Now I’m pretty much just playing GW2. Since we’re just discussing the LS as opposed to the entire patch content (which is actually pretty exciting but the one-at-a-time-though-biweekly rate actually decreases the impact IMO).

I’m logging in for the mechanics and have paid progressively less attention to the story part of it. I’ve been pretty impatient with people on other forums ( comment sections in particular) because of their complaint with the temporary nature of the LS:

I refuse to log in because this content is temporary and I don’t want to play something that I can’t play again later.

Which is just a pig-headed reason but might show more of a flaw in communicating thoughts than reason behind it. The thing about the temporary nature (and this does tie into the rate or ‘cadence’ as they call it…making me cringe) is that you can’t really tell a story with any depth for it to be so ‘hot-joinable’. Drop into any episode of Lost (See footnote) in season 3 without having seen the show before and tell me what’s going on.

My dislike of their use of the term cadence to descibe the pace is it’s musical definition describing an ending. This for instance is a cadence.

  • I use Lost not as an example of depth but of serial story-telling. This footnote could also be used as a tl;dr.

(edited by Voltar.8574)

Please make more content like this!

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Well, there’s definitely a lot in this one I like. There were a lot in the last ones I liked too.

Thanks for not putting in those click-button-receive-reward achievements. Those make the whole game look bad and my intelligence feel insulted.

Infinte Tools.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voltar.8574


People have found evidence of an axe already in the code of the game….plus I’ve heard enough, “…really wish I bought a second pick/sickle…” enough to imagine them coming out with new ones periodically.

Significant PvP Match Soon!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voltar.8574


I put this in general chat because I think it’s a good idea for everyone to be as aware as possible and it supports the game as a whole when players as a whole check out what’s going on.

There’s a PvP match going on here in English and it would probably be nice for people to check it out. (7pm CEST, 10am PDT)

Should I even try this dungeon?

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Pug’d it on the second try. I almost wonder if the same people that complain about having to coordinate are the people that complain about no tank/healer/dps. Sounds like a barrier for some people to learn.

Tears of Itlaocol

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Is this bugged on all servers? On SoR it’s stuck with only the first pattern showing and one torch lit. Tried to do the second pattern from a youtube video but it didn’t light the next torch or change the display.

If there’s a server with it working, let me know!

Too many achievers not enough players.

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Voltar.8574


/m LfG for AR – not going for achievements. /join

Boy that was tough.

AR achievements make me want to stop playing

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Voltar.8574


You should wait until after the event is over and see if there’s not enough time. People bellyaching that it took them a concerted day to finish 2 weeks of content doesn’t impress anyone. Don’t complain, just do it. What I hate is running around LA clicking on stupid things 200 times. Thank Anet for making achievements something to achieve…or not.

Double Whammy: Devs Trolling?

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Voltar.8574


You missed another complaint I had:
Clicking on things in town is a poor excuse for an ‘activity’. This ‘activity’ is already in the game and is called ‘checking the vendors’.
This living story step is pretty much the best one they’ve put out so far.

I have noticed this trend of doing the opposite of what people like:

- People like the Beyond content in GW1: Fixed, good rewards, varied and fun enemies, permanent so you can do it at your own pace. You can have an accident or personal problems, and it won’t matter, you can come back when you can, and do it at your own pace.
What does ANet do for GW2? Living story, which is the opposite. Too random or too bad rewards, repetitive enemies with gimmicky behaviors, and with an expiration date, so you either do it now, or never. Let’s make sure you can’t feel relaxed and have fun.

- People like the hat maker and the costume tailor and costume unlocks? What does ANet do?
Single items. The more you get, the more storage you need. You have to pay every time you want the item. If you lose them for whatever reason, you have to buy them again, if they never come back to the store, you lost them forever. If you make new character and want them to use those items too, you’ll have to juggle them between characters in the bank, unless you bought several in advance.

- They get really positive feedback from Mission replays and story books.
You can’t replay personal storyline, even without rewards. And they do not try to make anything like the books again.

Welcome to a new game.

- Then, they take a good step here and there, like the F&F dungeon
And they go back to the stuff people hate.

What do people hate? Playing the game? I love playing the game and I like when there’s content in the game to play.

Are they testing stuff to see what hoops can they make us go through? Because when they do those things I feel like a Guinea pig.

If you find a good recipe, why not using it?

At what point does a game cease to be a game? This is embarassing. There’s plenty of things in life you can click on and receive a reward. Those things aren’t games. I have no patience for people bellyaching now that they’re starting to pull off these achievements well.

(edited by Voltar.8574)

Aether dungeon needs radical nerfing

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Nope, pug’d it fine.

…I am not a fantastic player, I am not in a guild full of pros. My first PUG got tired of trying to get past Frizz. Other times we have passed him. eventually. No one at all in allt he PUGs and people I know stand any kind of chance in getting past Mai…

This reminds me of the time that dodging was added to the daily and people complained that now they had to dodge, or that they had to not dodge prematurely or asked how do you dodge?

Not being able to do it on the first run is no reason to nerf it.

(edited by Voltar.8574)

Longbow Aftercast

in Ranger

Posted by: Voltar.8574


I guess I didn’t find it because most people already know…
What’s the definition of aftercast? Is it animation length only or a minute rate of fire change?

New Leash Range

in Ranger

Posted by: Voltar.8574


I agree to some point. I like the idea of leashing them but it needs to be tweaked back a little. I was doing one of the minidungeons yesterday and there was a moment that I was at 1500 and he wouldn’t aggro what I was shooting.

Reinstate shortbow range, inc. longbow range

in Ranger

Posted by: Voltar.8574


What would be nice is if the trait to increase longbow/harpoon range was either LB/SB range or all 3. That’s another reason for more builds to consider master marksmanship traits.

Your favourite thing about Dragon Bash?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Voltar.8574


I’ll start by saying I hate the ‘click-on-stuff’ joke achievements…
but the cutscene with Dalaqua and Logan…there’s my Arenanet. That was friggin GREAT; something between Dragnet and a pulp fiction novel.

(edited by Voltar.8574)

New Racial Skins and Vitalizing Crafting.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Wow, not a single response on this?

A Way to Make Vamp Content More Enjoyable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voltar.8574


I’m not suggesting getting rid of it but if it’s an achievement, it would become more fun if you actually had to achieve it. If people truly find it fun to do then remove the achievement and people can still do it. If you’re going to call it an achievement then I think you really need to achieve it. If you wouldn’t receive the same enjoyment from clicking on the same 20 items several times without the achievement then what kind of game are you advocating?

This mechanic exists all over the place in the game already and it’s called ‘merchants’.

…and don’t get me started on the negative affect of the compromise that started hearts. At least those have a context beyond the ‘slot machine you can’t lose.’

New Racial Skins and Vitalizing Crafting.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voltar.8574


So afaik, the primary reason we haven’t already seen new armor skins in the game is that creating a single set/piece of (let’s say for sake of discussion) heavy armor is because we’d need to design male and female for silvari/humans/norn/asura/charr with all the clipping and set combination issues that go along with that.

How about making one or a few pieces at a time in the form of a recipe that is some tough reward in the living story (a MacGuffin I would be excited to chase). The recipes could utilize special drops (ala godskull) from a set type of world boss or champion (i.e., ettin champs drop a certain item for a norn chestpiece). This would instantly make taking out champs infinitely more desirable for people (unlike myself) who don’t find taking out a champion to be its own reward.

Understandably there’s an ever-increasing variety of stats so let’s make these items a new type of crafted item (skins…they exist in the game but not yet as crafting recipes). I don’t know how complicated adding a skin category to crafting disciplines would be but it’s essentially mixing together mechanics that already exist to get something greater than the sum of its parts.

A Way to Make Vamp Content More Enjoyable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voltar.8574


I hate to start off on a negative note but my heart sank when I saw the ‘click on several dozen things’ activities make its appearance again yesterday. I can appreciate the need to add activities to keep things going while you’re busy working on the extraordinarily awesome thing that we don’t know about yet. I have a suggestion on how to implement this particular vamp activity in a way that doesn’t detract from the game.

What about putting these things at the end of jumping puzzles, zone bosses, minidungeons and even dungeons/fractals? This would encourage people to play the game with a temporary bonus to pre-existing events/activities and all but the dungeons exist at a 1-15 level of gameplay.

Maybe I’m in the minority but activities to click on: pumpkins, snowmen, signs and piñatas are clearly the same activity. Completing this achievement doesn’t feel like an achievement at all and there’s plenty of good content already in game you could incorporate. I don’t want the commentary that this game is, “pull lever, receive reward,” to be true and it’s not a fun mechanic by itself.

[SUGGESTION] Saved Builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voltar.8574


I don’t know how to +1 this enough. A lot of my PvE builds are garbage (or at least too niche) in WvW (especially on my main).

On a practical note for Anet, this will extend gameplay by encouraging a variety of gear sets.

Fix the Guild Wars 2 (Un)Holy Trinity!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voltar.8574


I have yet to meet any PUG that pays ANY attention to combo fields. Everyone just spams their way through dungeons and Fractals, and it works fine. When I place a combo field, my party is mostly busy firing at the boss, and dodging red circles. Do you think that at any point they stop to line themselves up with my combo field? No one cares.

I don’t know how true that really is or if you just hadn’t noticed or are playing in groups so field-heavy that it becomes too complicated for anyone to follow. Generally in pugs you don’t know everyone’s build until you’ve played together a bit. You’re going to have derpers kitten in pugs (cue the zerker warriors in full CoF who think the whole game is all about full dps) but that’s mostly noticeable when things aren’t working out so well. I never have it so easy in a group than when a thief or necro’s dropping poison puddles all over the place for the AoE weakness. Light fields, chill spam and OMG I love the arcane armor when a mesmer’s around. All good stuff that somehow makes the difference between a rage-quit group and a group where you realize nobody’s died and only a couple people went down.

…I am also very disappointed in the direction “support” functions are implemented. I like helping out in groups. But, because I never got any loot worth much when I used my heals or other support talents, I stopped doing it.

When in a large group fighting a world boss, I think support should be equal attention for loot drops as the dps/direct damage does…

World bosses are clearly garbage atm. I run a full cleric meditation build in fractals and it works great. I get the same feeling I got on my boon prot monk in GW1 but with a lot more CC which makes it fun. Pure builds don’t work so well but if you think in terms of ‘dps with support/CC’ or ‘support with CC’ like I do on my ranger and guardian respectively it’s effetive and fun…and I have no issues with loot. You just can’t ‘be the healer’ and do nothing but…well, you can but it’s not going to work and you don’t have to in order to get the same feeling.

…Um no. Control is useless because bosses are 90% immune to control effects…

90% of the boss fights in dungeons aren’t the hardest part of the dungeon, either.

(edited by Voltar.8574)

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Yeah, the more people keep buying these things, the more they’ll keep selling them and gating skins behind them. I remember back in the day when skill was supposed to be important in this game. I haven’t bought the Perfect World boxes since Halloween.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Voltar.8574


The drop rate is .4% on the wiki drop rate.
you need 4000 chests to get a 100% chance to get one weapon with the common coffers.

I have no clue what the drop rate of Rich Coffer, but if I had to guess from what others are saying it’s close to 1 out of a 100.

If only statistics worked that way.

Bad design decisions IMO: The hologram boxes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Affirmative. I’m pretty disappointed overall with this event. They dolled up LA real nice but I don’t get how clicking on things in town can be justified as an achievement. The ‘camp a node’ mechanic is pretty antithetical to the game’s intended design and the expectation that people will want to get 100,000 candies is mind-blowing.

Don’t even get me started on the Perfect World boxes gating skins (which to be fair are great skins…which makes it even worse). Couldn’t we put the ‘click on me’ achievement stuff at the end of jumping puzzles and dungeons and things that would actually connotate an achievement? Couldn’t we make the effigies a large group event as was suggested a few posts up?

I haven’t had the chance to check out dragonball yet so maybe there’s some redeeming quality to the event.

Dragon Effigies

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Voltar.8574


So do they occur in all zones? They’re not on the map and the only one I’ve found is outside LA in Gendarran Fields being camped by players complaining that camping it isn’t fun…to each their own I guess.

I’d rather run around and find them in the world but I’m having no luck. Is there some strategy for finding them beyond camping the one obvious location? I agree that isn’t fun but I’d rather solve the problem myself rather than fall into kitten MMO-player mode.

Update: I saw one in Kessex Hills now which is being camped by 1 player. I see them now on the map but they’re so few and far-between that they get popped before I can get there. 100,000 is an astronomically big number under these conditions.

(edited by Voltar.8574)

The Ranger long bow...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voltar.8574


With the exception of that crazy-op auto-attack-double-the-range of anything else in the game move, that’s pretty much a shortbow, speargun and axe hybrid. No matter how much I love people trying to buff my 3-5k unbuffed sustained dps, I think you just need to try a different gearset with lb or a different weapon for your purpose. Maybe try a chill/poison build.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Something…arbitrarily shooting off skills and inability to autorun in a straight line. Alcohol seems to be a placeholder in the game atm.

NPC Ranger in GW1 Mesmer Armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Low-hanging fruit to make crafting interesting…

My only significant complaints with the game are the lack of armor skins and minimal functionality of crafting. Well, the Perfect World boxes feel completely out of place and exploitative but hopefully they’ll make skins available by a more reasonable and “Anet-like” method.

What's wrong and how it can be fixed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voltar.8574


/shrug I just follow whatever’s interesting atm. I have 8 80s all with at least one set of exotics and about 8-10 ascended pieces strewn throughout them. I don’t WP to events and I still follow NPCs around to see what happens behind the scenes and if they say something funny.

A friend and I have been doing fractal dailies (not even really bothering to level past 11 yet so we’re only doing 1 set a day) and we’ve found that mentioning, ‘friendly’ or ‘nub’ in the GW2LfG description gets us fun groups that work together and use less cheap mechanics. I just did Arah p4 tonight with a group who hadn’t done it before (one guy made it to Dwayna but his group rage-quit) and it was fun as hell.

I make my own projects (several 80 alts means easy truffle farming without feeling like farming) and never focusing one project down means that nothing feels like grinding.

Maybe it’s just break time for you. I played the first GW since beta weekends and often took months off at a time. I haven’t gotten to that point here but if it does I can go play ESO or WS or w/e is coming out next a little without having to play catchup in my main game when something catches my attention.

Ascended Cleric Backslot?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Doh, too bad it was tied to that visual…didn’t realize you could ascend that or I’d have thought about it. It’s for my guardian so I’ll probably just go with soldier stats on the fractal doodad. Thanks for the reply.

Had to drop a ty to Anet for this

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Back in the first few months of the first game, some friends and I found the nice combo of blue and purple dye and called it ‘blurple’. I completely lost my ‘kitten’ last night when I looted a dye in GW2 called Blurple. Obviously it’s not too abstract a word to develop but it really made my night. Thanks.

Ascended Cleric Backslot?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Quick question, any news on the addition of any healing stats for ascended back slots being added yet? Searching gave me no results but wondering if there’s grapevine noise I missed.

Uncontested Temple Of Grenth

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Sanctum of Rall, trying to get people for the temple @ 8:35pm pdt 5/22

Braham and Rox - I like one of them...

in Living World

Posted by: Voltar.8574


I dunno. I kinda just want to backhand Braham and tell him to pull it together. I don’t think I could reach that high though.

I hate these Periscopes!

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Whereas I’m not a big fan of the periscope events, I’m also pretty tired of the game getting easier and kinda wish a lot of the danger and anxiety that was in the game in beta would return.

I won’t miss them when their gone.

(edited by Voltar.8574)

Tired of random update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voltar.8574


‘Every single day’ doesn’t mean what it used to I guess.

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voltar.8574


The two hours of pve content done; they probably shouldn’t push the living story as the flagship content if that was a ramping up of the last 2 months.

Can't login now, is it off?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voltar.8574


SoR is back up now.

unable to login? anyone els getting this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voltar.8574


ok, Seeing this now, makes me happy that its not my fault.

You weren’t my first suspect.

I’m used to Anet nerfing things to try and get players to buy more from the gem store, but this is just a step too far.

Considering that’s not accessible either, I’m not sure how that even begins to make sense.

(edited by Voltar.8574)

unable to login? anyone els getting this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Seems universal.