Nothing new with thieves, op burst damage which will never be addressed, but make sure to nerf grenades again ANet.
Been using a full set of celestial jewellery to compliment my knights armor with divinity runes. I have a bit less crit % and crit dmg %, but I have a decent amount of everything else. I run mainly a toughness stat build (1850) in WvWvW and do quite well against anyone(running 30/0/10/30 grenade/eg/elixirs). As for PvE wise, I can swap my armor over to pure berserkers and still really well.
The only drawback to celestial stats is that you’re not maxing out anything with the exception of crit% dmg. So it works out well if you don’t run a too specialized build. I tend to have regeneration going with super elixir, so I like the +healing. It’s not Clerics, but I find Clerics really gimps your damage output.
Lots of good and bad suggestions.
It’s obvious, turrets need work. That is something I think a lot of us can agree on. In their current iteration, they are only good when there is a single target to deal with. Outside of 1v1 or a single PvX target, they fail significantly more. Their traits also need work.
Flamer – Obviously it could use some re-work.
Elixir – This weapon is pretty good but some slight tweaking to skills would make it function as people would hope it would. IE: Elixir F travelling faster and more bouncing. Fumigate improved, Acid Bomb (aoe circle, aftereffect?, etc), Super Elixir (possibly change it to a water field?)
Grenades – improved delivery speed would be the only thing I’d like.
Tool Belt – tweaks to skills
Bombs – shorter fuses etc, improved aoe, because as pointed out, they are pretty easy to avoid entirely.
Toolbelt skills – There is room for improvement.
Elixirs – There is room for improvement. Less RNG for one. Elixir X could use an entire overhaul. It’s literally a copy-paste of 2 other elite skills. Alchemists would like to be unique. This is an opportunity to do so.
Mortar – exceptional range should be the strength of this elite. It could use some work on the skills, and when traited, should be highly desirable. I could care less what other classes say about range. The mortar when traited shouldn’t be the same range as grenades traited. Lets make it useful, otherwise, we’ll just keep sticking to supply drop since it’s the only good elite.
It’s a great skill on the EG. I love it for blast finishing considering it’s a relatively short cooldown. Otherwise it does have a nice jump back effect. I tend to use it on snared, rooted, or downed opponents as the damage on it is quite good.
Elixir X being useful would be a good change. Garbage RNG of other classes elite skills.
Skill lag in WvWvW is my biggest pet peeve. There’s literally nothing you can do once it starts.
That South Camp fight against FEAR, KISS and HL was intense, just uploaded the fight. Was one of the most memorable fights I have in this game so far.
*off to vacation now ;-)
And if you want to watch it from our POV:
Ha ha ha, still in processing yet already someone given it a thumbs down
It was a pretty epic battle, thanks for posting up the video.
Thanks for the Dev response.
There should be an icon to toggle whether people want to see their equipped backpack or their kits when toggling between them.
Also, in the future, it would be nice to custom kit looks etc.
The RNG aspect to the class is the worst part of it.
Elixir H (random buff and toss buff)
Elixir S ( random toss buff)
Elixir B (random toss buff)
Elixir U (random buff, random toss buff)
Elixir X (random buff) – my pet peeve is that Elixir X is nothing more than a rehash of rampage/tornado, which aren’t that useful. Supply Drop > Elixir X > Mortar. Pretty much no reason to use Elixir X or Mortar, when Supply Drop is simply that much more useful.
(edited by WIGZ.8245)
RNG garbage Elite skill. Not even worth using underwater or on land.
They need to buff the range buff to Mortar to be much longer than it currently is. Sorry but 1500 range is terrible for something that can be achieved with Grenades. It’s an Elite Skill that should be buffed and when traited, should be even better.
Likewise, Elixir X needs to be changed completely. It’s pretty much worthless outside of novelty usage.
I’m eating my popcorn, it’s pretty tasty. Keep the lulz coming.
<insert 2v1, zerg vs zerg, GvG, serverzerg, arrow carts>
SoR Hills wasn’t even a fight. The sheer amount of bodies on all sides made it completely unmanageable. Serverzergs voltron up!
Ground AoE targeting on, learn to predict enemy movement. Win.
It’s the one class that can simply hit a button and run away. Best escape mechanism in the game: stealth. They can reset the fight at any time.
I find the best approach has been mentioned already, high toughness and good survivability via multiple heals.
Personally, I have no issue with them per say unless they are jumping me while fighting someone else… which is pretty much the only thing thieves are good at.
Otherwise, I’m spec’d pistol/pistol+ knights gear(divinity runes)+ celestial jewelry(ascended), and 30/0/10/30/0. Grenade, Elixir gun, Elixir H(I have elixir masteries – 20% cd redux, 20% duration buff, and removes conditions when using/tossing elixir), Elixir B, and Supply Drop. With Super Elixir being used pretty much asap, I can out heal 95% of the damage output they can do. If they come into my circle of pain + healing, they suffer my usual glue gun, acidic elixir, elixir F, barrage, ice grenade, shrapnel. There’s plenty more abilities to spam, that all apply conditions, forcing the thief to spend more time stealthing up to remove conditions than actually doing any damage. Count the number of times he stealths (3+, and he’ll usually be out of initiative and run away or be dead).
Key to beating them is already knowing their class strengths, initiative, and weapon setup. D/D will try to burst you down + boon steal, D/P will dps, stealth + rinse repeat (their damage isn’t very good), S/D will stun you and dps you, Short Bow will does cluster and cripple + evade backwards, Pistol/Pistol will most likely just repeater(high dps). Those with good range will be the harder thieves to deal with since their high mobility counters a lot of engineer strengths(range being one of them).
No reason to use it anymore. ANet nerfed something that didn’t need to be nerfed.
Would’ve preferred a new matchup, this fight is getting dull as the weeks go by.
I’ve been having the same issue with the most recent builds where I succumb to massive FPS lag regardless of situation, then all of a sudden, the client catches up. This happens everywhere, Lion’s Arch, WvWvW… In WvWvW, the problem becomes exponentially worse where if there’s a large battle, it becomes a slideshow of 1 or 2 fps. Pretty much unplayable.
Been a great start to the week, besides the lag I’m experiencing from a recent build. As for the score, could care less. If people on DB are kitten, then maybe they should transfer back to JQ. Match up wise, I was hoping for FA, since it’s my home server. Just felt like it’d be fun to kill some old friends. TK’ing at it’s finest.
Is it weird that, when I got GW2 about a month ago, I leveled a warrior to 80… then dropped it because my Engineer felt more fun, useful, and effective?
Maybe I just didn’t play greatsword warrior correctly… but either way I’ll be sticking with the class that can make it rain turrets and health kits while I frolic about with a gun that shoots hypodermic needles.
I likewise also played a warrior to 80 after launch, leveled him up, got a legendary… then realized how underwhelming the whole class is.
DPS = Greatsword (20/20/0/0/30)
WvW = (0/0/20/30/10, put 10 wherever else you want).
Tank? No reason to since there’s no holy trinity setup.
(Banners are like turrets, useless outside of PvE, Stances are mediocre)
Meanwhile, on Engie, I could buff my teammates, remove conditions, heal them, meanwhile also doing good damage from any number of setups. It felt more fun playing my engie… sure I’m not getting stupid broken 30k+ 100 blade dps #’s… but at least it felt like I had to try in order to kill something.
Problem is with the kit and it’s short range/low damage per auto-attack and tagging of players. Second problem is that fact that bags from bodies are not auto-looted to your inventory. The second is the more pressing issue which affects everyone, the first is that engineers with flamethrowers just can’t tag anything really.
Been a good week, despite the exact same matchup taking place, but that’s probably because it’s significantly more difficult for the top tiers to shuffle opponents around. BT as a guild would like nothing more than to face TC & FA, just for old times sake. We are enjoying our new home on BG, nearly everyone has transfered, and we’re going to be running full force tonight after reset.
Ranking up isn’t an issue. It’s that it’s per character. That is what is broken with the WXP and WvWvW ranking system. It should be entirely Account based.
Don’t really care what happens, Wagonbrand or kitten Coast, either way. Both can field comparable numbers to BG/JQ/SoR. TC and SoR have something in common, server wide blobs per map. Makes WvW look bad when that kind of approach to it is not only necessary but required.
Dat PPT… So boring.
BT is bored already?
Thats not what he said at all……The server wide zerg blob approach to PPT is boring.
We have been having fun.
Perhaps they are forming a blob in response to the borderland crashing blobs that BT and RISE have been running lately. SOR NA usually has several groups going on a single map during NA prime and only form up to counter a blob….
Blob forms, other side forms counter blob, first blob breaks apart after losing. It’s pretty much how it worked this week. Break up or get bigger. The Blob hungers, hide the steaks.
So here are a few things I’d like to see more of with the engineer
1. Bringing other elites up to a usable level.
2. Builds that are viable in all areas compared to other builds we have that include gadgets and turrets
3. It being viable to stay in a kit. Right now many multi kit builds will switch to them to take advanatge of a few skills, then switch out. I hardly see anyone stay in one and auto attack with it. Flamethrower, Elixer Gun, Toolkit are 3 that I’d love to see them be more viable to sticking in one.
4. Better WvW presence. Right now our WvW presence isn’t nearly as fun or interesting as the rest. We rely on others a lot it seems like. Our current viable builds always have tookit and grenades and we can easily be downed when focused.
5. Mortar being more viable. I really want to use this, specially in WvW, but it dies way too quickly, doesn’t do enough damage, doesn’t have nearly enough range as it should, and you can’t fire close to you.
The meta seems to always include elixirs (which I find the most boring/unsatisfying utilities in the game). They are good, no denying that, but they aren’t that awesome to use. I feel more like a drunk rather than an engineer
Elites: Most definately need some work. Trait to be fixed.
Supply Drop – most supplies, otherwise this is the only working elite at the moment.
Elixir X – Pretty much useless. The inability to do anything while in Rampage or Tornado will get you killed. This ability feels terrible also because it’s just a rip off of
Elementalist’s Tornado and Warrior’s Rampage. Please create something unique so that Alchemists can feel like Elixir X is useful and worth taking, traiting into.
Mortar – Useless as it stands. Abilities are lackluster. Bugged. Trait doesn’t help it.
Range on it is terrible. I feel this ability could stand to gain quite a bit and be useful
for WvWvW and PvX where an engie(s) can setup and actually be effective as a
mortar crew. It should be portable like a weapon kit drop etc rather than simply
Build that are viable.
Most definitely. I’d like to see improvements to our mid-range kits, turrets, gadgets,
and the traits associated with them. As it stands, these kits are underused and
limited in that respect to a few abilities. It’s important to bring them up to par to
the others, not for them to nerf functioning kits.
See #2. Multi-kit to use only a few key abilities. Kit specialization could be improved
such that someone focusing Gadgets or Turrets would be noticeable, fun, and worthwhile.
Yep, survivability is an issue unless you use Elixir S or trait into it etc. As it stands, Grenades, Bombs, and Gadgets see the most usage and little to nothing with regard to
Flamer, Elixir kits. Traits need to be moved around to improve kit efficiencies and usefulness.
See above for what I said about Mortars. As for Elixirs, I like them a lot. They are useful, easy to use, and need little to no improvements or trait modifications. The exceptions would be:
Elixir X: See above, the elixir should be reworked to something unique to Engineers.
Elixir H: Needs a little boost to be comparable to Med Kit or Healing Turret. Perhaps limit the buff to regen/protection. Toss to buff, add water field.
Elixir C: no improvement required.
Elixir S: no improvement required. It recently got nerfed/balanced. That’s fine. Change the Toss elixir to only provide Stability rather than either Stability or Stealth.
Elixir R: add vigor buff (slight improvement) to drinking.
Elixir U: This elixir irritates me as I find it’s usefulness is so limited. Perhaps have it changed to provide the stealth buffs. Drink to stealth, Toss to stealth field/smoke field.
Just my 2 cents.
Don’t really care what happens, Wagonbrand or kitten Coast, either way. Both can field comparable numbers to BG/JQ/SoR. TC and SoR have something in common, server wide blobs per map. Makes WvW look bad when that kind of approach to it is not only necessary but required.
Dat PPT… So boring.
Queue blobs are common on T1 and T2 servers. The numbers game and downed state reinforce the need to blob up. Press 1 over and over and over… Little to nothing proven in the process. Every server does it, just the scale at which it is can be pretty intimidating.
I’d like to see Arrow Carts to their original state. Could care less about anything else that’s happened. That change alone has made WvWvW more about flash building AC’s and holding ground than actually fighting.
Good fights all around this weekend. As for the new matchup, not new, just the same old same old for some…. Disappointing but maybe one day ANet will figure out that what keeps people around is WvWvW and not PvE content that gets beat easily in 30 mins post patch.
Already posted my opinion on these fights via reddit. The rules themselves just help everybody else meanwhile the non-elite usage fights were so close that you could’ve won them with it’s availability. Not a fan of glass cannon crap either. Which is basically 90% of thieves…
It’d be a miracle if engineers were ever buffed or had their abilities and kits fixed.
I run a p/p + grenade/elixir build. Good range aoe and lots of cc. Very effective if zergs clump up. The only issue is skill lag, it becomes terribly apparent during big fights, wish our kitten didn’t have cast times etc.
Running Szyzgy, Karka Shell, and Solaria ring, so far, so good. I feel the celestial stats work very well with engineer. I mostly WvWvW/PvE, using knights + celestial stats where I can. I compared my current stats vs full celestial ascended.
Try it to compare stats etc. I run a grenadier/elixir build, so all the stats help heavily since I can dish out quite a bit of damage + conditions and also have regeneration going etc
If Anet disabled the use of all siege this week, who knows. Could be some fun fights!
Unfortunately no, huge zergs with massive lag is no fun.
Sadly, this last week of the old (original) format WvW is broken and thus tarnished in the record books for posterity.
This week was shaping up so nicely too. We can’t place siege. We can’t fire our “1” skill in a fight. Utter disappointment ANet.
Best week ever with the siege problem. People will actually fight instead of sitting behind arrow carts. I absolutely hate AC’s, worst part of WvWvW.
As for not firing ‘1’ skill, try playing a class where every ability has cast time… grenade engie is pretty much unplayable when skill lag is at it’s worst, which is when zerg’s collide.
Good fights last night in BGbl. Looking forward to more!
BG. DB or FA if you want to stick around Tier 2. Tier 1 wise, BT made BG their new home and it’s been good thus far. JQQ and SoR zergs everywhere, more fights, more fun.
What is going on here? What do you mean I need 15 characters?
Pretty much a stealth loving full-berserker thief that can only really do what you posted and nothing else. Worthless everywhere else in the game. No idea what can be done since stealth = can’t be jumped/targetted ahead of time, they just appear when necessary. Too bad the entirety of the 1v1 type community still thinks this is somehow ok…
I pretty much gave up on Toughness/Armor being a complete counter to Berserker stats.
1. Fix skill lag when using throwing grenades/elixirs. More often than not, if there’s any kind of casting involved, lag will affect your ability usage. I play a lot of WvWvW as a grenade engie, and this is my #1 problem for engies. A lot of classes don’t have issues simply because they are not casting spells etc, they’re all insta-cast abilities… You’re pretty much useless trying to fire off abilities that are all cast time when they shouldn’t be.
2. Turrets HP is worthless. Turrets in general are useless. They need to be buffed to survive to be effective.
3. Fix Pistol and Rifle animations and damage. Also, there shouldn’t be any self knockback etc.
It is pretty funny how little oil is used. It’s blown up pretty much every time anybody pushes a gate, same as the cannons, though cannons can actually seriously threaten invaders… unlike the oil, which is used like maybe once a week?
Can we have developers that actually play WvWvW? It just feels like a slap in the face every time there is something added. Please see player responses to Arrow Carts.
Wagonband or not, still good fights last night in TCBL. The skill lag proved that numbers were very high. More often than not, FA forces simply jumped in on fights between TC and DB zerg forces.
Lag? Yeah, TC and DB must be fighting, oh look, they’re right below us! SURPRISE!
About time badges were useful for something. Oh wait, they wouldn’t know anything about WvW anyways, spending 95% of their time in fotm.
That ppt while ppl work or sleep:
No auto-loot. 15 character message.
I just wanted to add that, as a european who’s been playing on Fort Aspenwood since launch, lag is not an issue. No more than it is for NA players, at least.
Proof that we need more EU players!
Fort Aspenwood has been my home server since launch. We haven’t given up. If you hate that, this is the place to be. We’re in it for the long haul.
Bane says to transfer.
That is a beautiful looking map setup right there. Very rare to see the BLs all look like that.
Arrow carts anybody? Pretty much the single worst change to WvWvW
I’ve definitely played less WvW since the AC patch. Their range and damage are ridiculous now. It’s also made it a lot more difficult to push objectives with rams due to AC’s being able to reach and damage rams while being invulnerable to enemy fire etc.
1. We have 2 borderlands, Eternal Battlegrounds and then one that is recycled 3 times. Can we get 3 unique borderlands? It would also be nice to see some underground dungeon borderland or labyrinth similar in concept to EB in the future. You keep releasing new dungeons and pve content… Can we get new WvW content?
2. Randomize each week which server will be which color instead of first always being green, second blue etc.
3. We need a way to auto loot during WvW. Being a warrior, I can’t even begin to give an estimate of all the bags I have lost and in all honesty it is a pain. Please allow us to auto loot by just walking over the loot bag in WvW. When I am in a zerg battle I am hitting my normal attack keys and spamming F at the same time.
4. You promised us a way to get ascended items in WvW back in November. Please make it so we can spend our badges on ascended items and please do not introduce ANOTHER currency. Also can we get an ascended back slot like the fractuals one. Not even the current laurel vendors offer an ascended back slot.
5. The WvW rank system is terrible and boring. Many other mmos have pulled this off correctly and successfully. The current system is bland and doesn’t allow for further character development in WvW. I can site those other mmos for you for examples if needed. Yes some have also done it poorly or made veteran players too powerful. We need a way to feel like we are progressing and not go “oh look I dinged again.. what gimmick ability can I put that point into”.
6. Some classes still need a lot of help in WvW. I won’t go into details as I believe Anet is already aware of this.
7. Thin out the pve mods in pvp. Nothing is more frustrating than attacking a thief right as they stealth and instead hitting a freakin gold moa and now I have a thief AND moa on me. Or having someone rally because they killed a pve mob.
8. Add more WvW daily quests so we don’t have to leave wvw to finish them.
9. Can we get more armor and weapon skins that are equivalent to what we see for the dungeon vendors and fractuals.
10. Arrow carts should not be able to damage siege. With yesterday’s patch, an arrow cart can take down a ram before the door is even close to 50% now. I think you went overboard on arrow carts but I will wait and see on this.
11. Make some incentive for winning the week in wvw. Like a gold chest for those who have logged over 20 hours in wvw for the week and their server got first place. Silver chest for 2nd etc..
12. Name plates are too long in wvw. Instead of Fort Aspenwood Squire, Can it just say FA Squire.
13. A more robust commander tab with more options
14. Guild commanders that only show up to other guildies on the map. Our guild sometimes wants to remain small in wvw and it helps to follow your guild commander but then you end up with a lot of pugs on your tail.
All of the above. Make auto-loot in WvW. It’s kitten the way it stands. Add raid/squad group windows. Guild Commander tags. Remove the arrow cart buff.
lol, people asking that ‘downed state’ abilities be nerfed…
If they’re downed, you’ve won. The fact that they can crawl back to a friendly area to be rez’d isn’t overpowered.
Looks to be a troll thread.